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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1899, p. 7

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Of Boots and Shoes We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six. weeks and have lots té dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-elass goods at very small Dnrices. My Spring stock is ill-most of it-and we find our shelves crowdetL. We want -more room and ar e bounci to have il, if law prices have any- thing to do with t Oux carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,coloredand black ai 0]VAO. Men's Caif anid Cordovan BIms, se'wed and rivitted, from $140 .$2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25c, 50c, 15c, worth 50e, 75e, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in prices. We viii tel you what the stock is in each'and every pair. The reason vo do that is bocause we know, Latest Spring styles nov in stock in every lino. The public is invitod to inspeet. our stock ; no trouble- to show- - -' -- ' v 0i itwth ~TukBags, thl, Shavi Stra-ps, fance> and plain:- Dresbing, the very best that can be 1,ought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruill the -boots it is appli. ed to. Repaiiing done in ail its branches in first-class style. Fine work iado to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my customers for past favors and hoping for a continuance of the i.ame. Beaver Block. Bowmanvllle. H AVING taken ovel the Grain and Coal Bu siness in Bownianville, lately carried on by Messrs. Lockhart Bros, I arn prepared to pay the IIIGIIEST PRICE for al -kinds of Grain and Seeds, ànd will1 endeavor to conduet business on business principles. Coal will be delivered to ail parts of the town at the * lwest possible price for CASH. Coal, Flour, &c., will be delivered to ail parts of the J. ar Ve ,th.a BO-WMANViLLE. ElFARM FENCE -~ Should turn ail kinds of live stock and eveni tram)s; shoulMOe. padand contract 8mcrdinIgto the weatherso ai alwaystobe-... tih;shouid tand ail>storms--even fire andt last tndeilnltely. 7The OIe pigPage, ww - Is IvIrtue fa attested by the fact that there la more of I in use than al other makes combxnied. pzIlot 1 lower than evcr'ths yeae. THlE P4CE WRE FENOE Go., . cp -- JILJLL rIiLJI Women anid ,%Erlcultur. The Couatosm of Warwlok li abont t. ,nanti au intsrstlng experiment, and ome $bat tg likoty. If Il inoots wtth, mucoomo, t0 hiava an approolativ* effoct upon agri.- OGiItI.iir In "mgiand. Lady Ww Idok i la thât It would beuseifiM * t frtn sotle me.ts of w04n inl different parts QI t]» Couintty fer the cnulvatI.ux @t the lb d, aîndtbus suable Mhom to Add teth. incomes by the sale et fruit, ilow@rs,j pradm. 09 1for gared and rn POMItm7 *6 mon» of> et Wroibood cau lie abtaneà la~ tjl wr.e bit In ON. progen abat* et 1h.n oompettio t.c mooae falla *lefty Il a.ndo ullamtp wvybos Tiiose w.w.o1, thrfrWhob. 2 t *niba1k sort. tzEflt thè~mze1,ou for lb. work. Tb» mtlwhieh L84Y 'Warwick hopes M* *peu n la Gober tu onneotlon wilhx fle4diiR College wil b. au IltuTtlion vh.x., suioci qualIjftcations may b. eh>- tined. It wil» bo fouadod for the definît* purpoe of enabling women over 1h. &go of 16 to ebtain a thorough. training (theoaelcai andi practical), kn tlb. Ilghtir bramnches of ngriculture, viz: Flovrer abua fruit growliag. and paoklng ter market, eupacilly busth fruit, loinatos, znumh- morne, etc., bas and poultry heaplng, *nd dai"y work. The couneil ci Reading Cologe hmve cmsatd ia psovl4u the cecossary courg. of Instruction, nnd to redognize zhe Connteis of Warwlck'É D'octors now agrce that, ,consumiption is curable. Three things, if taken to- 'gether, will cure nearly every case. in the first stages; the majority of cases more ad- vanced; and a fcw of those Ifar advanced. SThe first is, frcsh air; the se- ~cond, proper food; the third, tScott's ~EMulsion of cod-liver *i wit'l hypophosphites. Te bc curcd, you mnust flot lose in weight, and, if thin, you must gain. Nothing equals Scot>. Enmu1sion to kcpyou in good. flesh. A powerfui non-irritant and healing preparation that compieteiy destrays ail inseets or vermen peculiar to sheep and eattie. It is irnmediate in affect without anv irritating remuit and is an effective healer of ail skin troubles, such as sores. bouls, gangrene, sheer cuts. ringworrns and scabs. Mr. E. A. Brodie, a promi- iient stock raiser of Betliesda, Ont., says: "I used it with great success in castrat- ing lambs, the wash heaiing the wounds rapidlv and keeping the maggots away. 1 consider it the mostefeta wash in the market and heartiiy recommend it to farmers generally. If your dealer cannot supply you, do Dlot be put off with an inferior Dip, write us direct fer it, we invite correspondence. STSTTYLLpu£i OiT. CONDUCTOR CARRIESTrAPE MEASURE Ont M.thed of »eaiiug Wflh th. Hgal rare Que.stion. Aoumious oustomn or the ralway officiais ln hidi. has rco.ntly been adopt- i by theB àvarlan steamboat linos on the poar Munich. Now the on- duolor doeus mtag sir the pants, "How *14 is you. cId?" but h. impi>'lakes out hiemeacm u iakem th. .hid stand up and tabouhi#bois het. Amy cblid under twa faut hxghl gous freü. and thome botween lwo fot and tIbm., 2w; six inohes pa>'baif-fare.. Inidia and 0671Q31 thlsIt lthebmoui> Passible va>' ta £et an aqultablo settilinent or the questian, for, wih. W.-y ig ntive« h gI lmomst an Impolbillily to judge o ai aieaby thuir 1aPPewAraea 66"TIS LOVE THAVýT-IZE3 TUEIV WORLD GO ROUND." Some people think money is a greater Power than love. 011! Whet a Istak-e 1 S-e -howflie great money kings are con- trolled bylie littie boy Ctpid! Ses hoô the great soldiers and nmen of power are twisted arouind his luttle fingers 1 A wonani's inost precious possession lu the capacity for awskening pure andi noble love. More poteut £han wit or intellect is tie womianly cspacity for happy wifeiood and motienhood. A voinan wio is weak or diseased in lie speciai orgauism of lier sex is depriveti of the power and prestige which naturally beiong 10 her., Sncb troubles are not a icfeminfine rganisrn is insuretib proper care sud lie sits affordeti by en- lighteneti medical science., Dr. Piercc'e Favorite Prescription cures ail weakn esses and diseases of woma's specisi organism. For ncarly 30 ycsrs Dr. Pierce bas becu chef consulting pbyslcisn 10 tbe Inva- lids' Hotel and Surgicai Institute, of JBufiaio, N. Y. No other physician has had a more extensive practîce or greater success lu lie trealment of women's dis- eases. No other suci perfect and scien- tific rcmcdy for tiese ailments bas eyer becu deviseti. Il has restored healti, streugi sud wonîanly power 10 tens of thousautis of womcu. Auy woman cousultiuz Dr., Pierce, el- ther persoually or iby letter, wlll receive, free of charge, tie professional ativice of a skilled specialist. No uiere nurse, iow- ever excellent sic miay bc, bas tie knowl- etige or skill 10 perecribe remediesý for complicated, diseases, aud no sensible woman viii risk herlilfe viti 50 uusafe, a guide. "'Since my lest chilti vas born, thirtecu, years ago, 1I md -suffereti fron i terine trouble, " writes Mrs. Paul Devraine, cf Jellico, Campbell Co, Tenu. "I >cou- suiteti severai doctors, aud took unuch inedicine, but failed tb find any relief. 1 had very bad health for twelve years. Bvcry month I was lu bed a week before thc monthly -perioti and a veek after, aud -wien I vas ioping 10 b. btter was in beti again. I vas obligcd 10 kecp lh. bcd four montis lest summen. I blos tventy-six pounds lu four montis. I vas cougiing so inuch I thougil I vas in consumption. I vnote you a ictter, it- tiug in my bed. 1 vas suffcring scvcrely frorn pain lu my back, beariug tiowu pains in vomb, chilis sud cold sweats. You vere so klud iu giviug me good ad- vice 10 take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription, sud his 1'Golden Medical Dis- covery 'for my c >gi I commenced lie mneilins iesamne dy. 1 also used lie Fountain Syringe, as you advised, until cureti. Nov I fuel lie benefit of ail. Tic lirst moti I did il have any chilîs, ai tic pain vas less severe. " Afler 1 took four botties of the 'Golden Medical .Discovery'1 my bad cougiing stopped Af 1er taking'six bot- ties of your 'Favorite Prescription' lie periods became regular, anti vere passeti -without pain. Nov I =u fleshy, more so than ever before. AU my neigibors are surprisedt 10sec me lu suci gooti heath aiter iaving seen me so 10." ."I1 voult ike toadadt my testimouy lu tic great benefit dieriveti front usiug Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescripion" illes Mis. H. Mason. If StrkervleWvom-I kgCo., KY I comnmeuced using it about three months before confinement. With my former confinement I suffered greatly ile this vas comparat ively'easy, cwing, I feel confident, to the use of the. 'Favorite Prescription.' I gladly rec- lommend il to ail prospective. mothers." Womeu via 'çould understsnd their own powers and possibilities shoulti rend Dr. Pierce's thousand -page iiiustrated 'book, "The People's Conimon 'Sense Medicai Adviser." Il is the. unost inter- emting and enliglitening book of thee klnd -ever publimsud. A paper-bound copy will 'be sent absolutely fre. toa any one sending 31 one-cent stýamps tao pay the cost ai leustoms and maihug oùnsý. Cloth-bound cop - 50 stamps. World's Dispeusaxy Medcai Agsoesation, Buffalo, N. Y. Tïse Secret of Sueoeu&. Ihava mldom nown a ~MSees' mrhklmp instance ut tmhe rt of *uccoiug hbau l th. Caeu.of!éslad vho vau acting as sienk andi gonenal hallier la a stare viiesu me Spanish tmate vas don@. He noticeti thal viienthe Spanili cunsigumont of gootis arrivedthelb senior pantner alvaya got the lettors and vas kepû for tvaos tbreanigbtis iab3,m aecing goaas sud answvong the corraupoudenpce. Tii. meuler vas the. oui>'Mauathe b. Liuse Who knev Spznluli, andi ail Ibis extra vom eru14a n him. The young !llov began 10 leara spaulmb. andi a!tan soin. nsouths aston. ished the Fsinior eue day by sayîng, m«iy u the lavaoi oft hat 4.anigh coflslgrâmmit, air, anti I . iii attend te The senior, loobati up. "Do yau kuow idpanisb?" "Whau d14 you learn. lb?" I"JusI rocenil>." êC¶w'0l, Young man, YOU antonisia me, You are the oui>' clarkr that bausben lit ahi.uto. fr ~ yeru hlias b.d the grit anti gumption ta do abythlng axtra. Thora, if yQo oaa vanfoi me yaU us bave ilalvays.', Itl luneedieus tl ay>'ha d41411 and paved t1e wa>' for his future sucoem. Melm eainulug Spanimh vas the extra vininuinchln luiIfa's racQ. It vas hé proof Ibat he couid jump hlgber hhai IMe auriaibys latthe store. A, CARI). We, the uniders!g-ned1, do heneby age ta refunti the moniey on a twenty five cent bottie of Dr. Wils'. Enr'ish Pis, f lfter using t1iree-fourths of contents of bottle, thoy do not relieve constipa- tion antiheadacie. We also guarantee four bottles viii pemmnently cure, lie most obstinate case of constipation. Sat- isfaction or no pay when iWîlls'.P i ls are used. Stott & Jury, ciernist, Bovinanville, J. Hhligginbothiai & Son, chernist, Bow- manville. -2-4w SICYCLEFOR SALE.-Will b. muid chspNoummÂsS.IB. jAmB5, Bowmasîville. {WJ1ERE TIEYDIFFERj PI.-- SOME POINTS ON THE HOUSEKEEPER AN~D THE HOMEMAKER. Irhe ]Fex-mer Sometliies Saerifices Peace of Mind to What She Calls "Niceness" - Tie Latter Tries to Siake Thoise Aronnd 51er Hlappy. The Good Heusekecper matie n moruing cail. Il was upon n bride, a cbarrning ïirl who bai met a week or two before thuit day promiseti to "love, benor anti Dbey," and thjun gone to th. pretty home that was ail ready andi walting for ils mis- tress. The big doors betweun th. parr andi cuzy dining rouin were ail lisrown wide oeun, and front where the Good House- keepen sat she could seteele table al epnesd for luncheon with a snowy cloh, glitten- Ing glass and silver. ]No-bompany.was ex- pceeti-places were only laid for lwo. Bi u tis te Goti Housukeeper'e mind liat was nu excuse-no excuse for a new un- iatindured cloh cevening lie mahogany. How could she tullai a distance tisai lie geaeming damask bati neyer been inun- derud? Why, tise Good Housekeeper eau tell lu a minute just froini"lise st",cf a' cloti whetlîen il is frusi froin the shop or freeh fîom -tise laund.ry. Tise aunount of linen liaI liaI panticu- Ian bride bati receit-et as part of a weddlng dowen hati been tise tlu0of anti the envy of ber feutininu fniende. Whule the Good Housukeeper vailed for tise littie bride ho came down la lie parlor she matie up ber mmnd lu one tiing, anti that wae that lte littie bride woulti neyer bu a gooti bonsekeeper. 1 know Ibis be- cause sise bld nie so. "Wisy,ý my dea, " saiti the Gooti Hanse- kepen, "isousekuepere are boru anti nol matie. No woman viii a nic. idea o! iousekeeping vouidti hink of spneading ber table wilh unlaunieneti linon, wilh ail lise cruases anti wrinkles tisaI came wih iti from tise shop. I expeclt ome day lu, finti unhenimuti naphins on thut girIl' dinnun table,?' anti the Cloti Housekeuper shiver- eti ai lie Ihoughl.- As for mysuif, I qiuit. agree witb the Gooti Honsekeeper, tint, iike pools, "housekee.peza are boru anti nul mati, but lsn'l lise saute thlng tmue o! boume- makers? aspd there le sorneliing ut a dif- fenence beiveen tbe Ivo. Nov, thor a a> bave beon unlaunderut i lnon on tbe 11111e bnlie's table, andi just a speck of duel on tise pulisiseý flor, but 1 reaily titi ual no- tice lisuse lisings tiseday 1 vîsileti ber, I vas su ciarnieti with the cordial manuen of tli ttle rtide, ber easa in conversation anti sincere Interest lu ber guesîs. Sa obarmeti waM I with il .ailiatI Iquit. matie up wy mmnd that lb.e11111. bride vas just one o! tise. omen born la b. the bappy wife of a happy busbanti, andtea mako hie homxe one o! lias. deligblfui places lu wiich bis friendse voulti lova la fihieti me vltl4 doubt anti fears regardiug the. futur. o! t heoutile briti's preti>' home, for, of course, nioenees anti tainlînees are ooeàesentiellaoa delighlfui borne. 1 arn, boweVer. lnyiýg ta finti soin. roasonable excuse for that uniaunderedt iough beau- liful linn, .Andi Ibis le lie conclusion I have renacic' . The de . ~,ti.ld lb. maidto la Ik. frein lbe lineti closel one of thee mal ciothe withb eîpetitcised border, andt heso chanced lu b. the ver>' unes thal mad -al been laundereti; Ithal wbeu se.faundthelb lunacheon tabl e preadtiih thIis e, iti nt scoiti an i hsist upon ls big>remov-ý ed, but ralier smiled pieasantiy anti nover lei her husbapti guets Ihat ail vas flot table. Mon, >'oa kuov, are slow te note suth dtetail, sud il lu tie voînan Ibat le a bem ito=emýsleer vho vil1 watt until fore ccrrecti h i mae s ervant& or frstlng about hcusokeplug tietai. Ever>' vonan, ougisi ho untienetanti snd bo imlslress ca .thle -mica 111110 detalls ai hon ekepiug, but seackimsmness.anti spot- lusonues are not ail tiare la, abou t borna- making. Iu lie bout kopl, tlb. brIglilesl aud happiest homes hthere la ortiesvitisou# I kuov you h9v8 bearci the 1cr>' af th. .couomical boumokeeper vio, vbea dlean- lug up hon clasets in th. sprnilxe, cati- edth lachiltiren and gava Ihemi ail lhe mudicine boflla lb. baIllea beauos., aia 2ait, oe h aed ta sea Ihings go la vaste. 1 cannot as>' liaI IbIs lu "a trua sbton'," but l liiutrat u pnl, &a tliai 1» thone lu sncb a tlng posïihrlo as overdolug eau- omny ilu hougholti matons. Coinforla amretolexravagances. The varnan who pays *7.5 far a vase, b ey dishew are neeri>' al -ensckmd, mn i e aex- travagfant, but the wornan Who pays U50 for disbes ta reaishe cracked es and $5 for a prebly vasa la à bunob a! roses qln h. oentar o! lier table, ln uol ex- travagant. Matons relaling ta hougohoit ocouomy are Io mueh andt oa intel>' discusseti. The, v omian via le naturaliy a harnomaker xakes ail'o! ion uitIle plans anti carnies theinout vithout vonryiug lthe ohier maembors oa ieonfail>'hbonl thein. Sis bas leaor rtrmobservation Obat il lao poss ible ta eut dovsi ber*ansd lhere thb, housekeopiug expouses, but &ho dae m ot' su>' aItaci eneallinie liaI sgounuch calte ar pi. inusit lbc sal-on la'future. 5h. gin- pi>' leavea cake anti pie frein the menu just as oaam asIlpleases her la do ce, anti tub- stitutoe, if sie loIASmas, apple sauce. Nov, apple saucç liqgoati.bul ana dons pal enja>' l bal! go Muok if o* on. inovu l10is mervet because il luccbaapar Ihan manie oah- or things. Tiare are a fow uecrebu that avan>' houoewllqo muet k.ep-even froin ber "lord ant imaster," anti ana o! th. imail important oai al Ibhose tg just liow she manages bhrn mal sconarnlos. A mani Imaybe parfectl> willng to reekon te a oanlnlubusiness mnalIens, but ho -doos nel want la lu houseboit matonrs. FI«prefers ta eav louelà% oe e ron et is fanîl>. Tho -vanian whoIn l a succoessful homo-' mter ltuow,4 by insh3tncl-fon h uc(ess- fui hoineinaken, you kmow, im boni, not matie-lhsh liane ara certaini burdaus tial ah. must bear alane, ant mia vouiti hard- 1>' share thein if OOcaoît.. She rather takes priteiiil hiting tramà ail eyes bier lit- lia wüomie-3, and it Io ber dlilghl la keop etherms miliug vheu she do.a ual feeI a bit hIe Il hermsel!. 10inlu. sof tcouisocous- mes. a! viçorn-, don'l You kmev. liiila a a home beroine. Tho. aId (ashionoti vamanina>' hyave been a van>' gooti bousekeeper, but lb. miodern worna l âanauexcellent hainsmnak- ar. She le mu biglit andi chexfu, andi ho tg learulnag la bu s bit of a philosopher in bashi uttes-Margarsl Hanallu n St.Loi Reipublic. Arîlflillbout oi ail kîndu lu taisiaging te bock bindings. Il motami>' orseku lthe lenîher but the. pasi.. A larg, boia vater piaced inl a roam contalning booka viIlMoisten thm air snumcl.nily te pxevos me i-, Iis et the lahr. AVege table Prep arationforAs-ý si-milating iliefood andl~ua lm.iR theS5 tnaçiis andiBowels or uess andRest .Contalé s n eihe OpuurdMorphine for H1alra. 'NOT NÂR C O TIC. THATTHE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OR- IS ON THE X'y TUa AYN.w% là W &eteIa'$eis-OF EVEEY ~ j BOTTLE 0F' Apret Remedy for Consia tionSeour Stomach,Diarrhoca, WornsonvulsonsTmvrisk.. ' ness and Loss 0F SLEEE Tac SiieSgauci !WEWT YORIIÇ.Cattoni, a lepnt u n u ee-sire bothies 011y. I , X49JTCOPYCF WRAPPER. Goal, G-rail, Wgood, ~ê E 4] * - 1~III1 lOP etc§,)to la :oti îold la bulk. Dol allewayone te oeii yen, anyiising tii, on the pies on promise tisatitI 18e j uil as gond 11 and '"wili asower every Par- pose." &r Seotht y ou gel ----ORIA over>' Until further :Lntice SPOT CASH vili buy fresh mined, well screoned Coal at the folowing pnies : Scranton Ooai, ail sizes, "'at harbor 84.75 per ton ; delivered to any part of town $5.25. Having hantiedti Iis Coal for j24 eu-o soculive years anti almost ail other kintis at tintes vo eau rocommenti it as boti best anti choapest. Our sheti eapacily being-, suffiieot for th7e supplv of thus section the publie eau depenti on aiways gotting dlean, dry- coal.,' As in thie past vo are propareti to pay the very iigiust market prîco for ail kinds of. GRAIN AND SEEDS delivered at our stonehouses corner King anti George Ste., or at Port Danlington. iALT-eoarso, fine anti dair7, in bags anti barreis, aiso Retsof Rock Sait 'for cattle anti honses always on haýn iLmber, Iath. Shingo.lo ol in-.n-.4- I i i i le to order. nspecîioi in-vited faction guaranteed. MCGLELA & Cuj IVILLE. and made and satiM3f BoWMÀNý *,.......* ------------ *** Grat Bcis Are Now Attracting Public Attention, But the most Important bill is the DOLLAR BILL. For this-bu vow are now prepared to give the public better value than ever bofore. .For Orderod Clothing we carry a tasty and up-to-date Hne of Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, at prices just exactly oven with quaiity. We have just received a nov àhIpment of Dress Gooda, Prints, Ladies' Blouses, and Straw Goods for every day and S-unday vear, and the prices viilsoul thein. ln Groceries we carry only the best goods and, viii always be found with a full assortment of ail uines in public demand-all priced bargain- ishly. We aiso carry Crockery, Machine Ou1, Paint Oil, Paints,'Axle Grease, Fonce Wire, Nails, Binder Twino, Field and: Garden Seeds, and, Paten&. MeWdieines in full Afino.. We don'taïk you to beliove, but ask you to investigate. 1HIAMPTON. The Caut.p. 4mkinm-What bas aauftA lb. oba" lu ItzJo s elu'oapp.wa»» of ai 4aa e votatu h k Il%* 01%0 ow te Momiap Grlnlhaw-Ho leab %.o1v, aUd bau muade the dtoaovuwy that ho va5't boM on*&> ah UO*.Pk FlORtOVEU IÈ 'iTE, TARS. Mr.Wiisiowï'5sSoothingSyrup las been uFsed by millions of mothers for tbei chlldren w-hule teethiiig. if disturbed ai ni ghi and broki io your rest by a sick chiid pufferilng and e yin~ wih hepan o ttt teeth end t o Syrup get botleof rm. Win3loivs' Sooting yu frCliîlii Teething. It will relieve the poor tttie ufferer at once. Depeidupon toir, there in no xi.nke about it. It cures Diarrbea reguIates themioeach and bowelà ecures Wind Colle, otens the gurnu, reduice3inlarnatlon, mi.9ýe8tone and energy to the wiole 5ystema. Mrmvii8low§7Sootbing Syrup fer children tuetbing ie plessant to the taste and iste he pre- sicriptioni of one of the oildest anti besi female ph sicians and narses iu the Ujnited States ~~e25u a bti.SOld b...aild gltthro'.gh- out the worid. Be sure Und mfik for Mrs. W wm- sLowe' Southtng SyruP M tOh. End of Rs eToms. W. ail liko te put aside a surplus et profil .t the. end of a teriof labor. hs means w. are galning. But if va nmake a fair iîving anti ineet ouiexpenses, villa nothing .1tiihe en «aIthe. year for au- plus, we can hardiy ay that tlies are hard. We have iiad ouU supplies5-all that we necedt-anti ouI>' viion w. 1.1 in thenm andi rý'lly Sufaer can vwuaMy vith reason that timies arQ bard. But v. hope, nevertiieless, that every one of oui folks viilb. secureiýn a nico surplus the. end the tiyer.-Farni Tourn,%L Mns. Timkins vas talnig ber mon te sohool for the. lirst tîme, and after imnprs- îàg the . eioinlmster viit thenecessity of hie havIng a thoroughly gooti aducas lion, fllhed np by fasying, s"And 1 s» hoe learne Latin."' 1"But, mny dear rnadam, " ait the. school- inaster, "Latin le a dead langua','- ,Alï rîght, mid MrF. Tiunkins. H' want Il. Ko'. guis' l0 b. au untie. -vil Frank. A. e(ole, -1 -t il 1 the me- feik i i 1 iý r -ir-- --ir- 1 IV 11 1 -L 1 1

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