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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1899, p. 9

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ANSWRSIR iCHIRES@ LNELOQUENT AND MOST EFFECTIVE REPLY. .i One of the Best Speeches of His Life the Premier Makçes a Complete Reply to the Opposition Leader -S ir Charles' Extravagant and Inconsistent Utter- ances Severely Deait With-The Varîous Depart- mrent±ýs of the Government Defended and Com- merided-Mr. Mulock's Reforms Euloçized-Many, Points, Made at the.c Expense ofSr Charles aridHisi (Soccial Despatch toe Gh"<loe.)e' *rtN'a, rch 21.-The speech mafia avery public mon jealoos for his repu- Fte-(day by Sir Wilfrid Laurier was one faf ion andi influence. If was noticeohie u! tie eýst, if oct the vary bort,,ho bas thal wbile Sir Wilfrid Laurier speke even d, loe n Paliament. If n'as almosf every seat ln the flouse was oc- eoeî luzmino os, dlean, aggressiva, copiofi, that the gallenios wera crewd- Rnue ml'Med bv flashes cf humer andi ed anrd that ne memibor left tbe Cham- satireý that reusefi the fréquent an- jber during bis speech, wbile Mr. Festen fhueilosm cf b-is fniends andi hroogh tha doring mort o! the fimo ho had the -flush o!fne te the faces eXf his oip- fleer spcke te baif-fihlefi gallenies, andi ipon(ents. The tnuth la that aven rince net bai! o! the Conservativa mcm- tbe Liboralý, Govororuenft tcek fflCe bers were lath-ir plnces. The speech tbcy have ben defamed, mirrepresent- o! thme Prime Minister bafi a disfioctly cd, peltofi with. abusa andi ridiculeý, andi dopressing affect upon the Opposition. suhjected geno-raily to sucb fneatmeof Sir Wilfrid Laurier. aswas nover befene deait 0e.ut te e When the Premier rosa f0 reply te tbc Caadta Gvanaent. 'Sir Wilfrid speech cf Sir Chai-les -Tuppon ha was Laurier sbcwed te-day that ho coulfi grebed wilh tremendous applaure frear carry the war loto the ranma of the the Ministenial bencbeej, andi if was Opposition, andi that he was well able somre time hefore quoiet was sufficiont- te défendi hie Administration agaiost ly restorefi for Sir Wilfmiid te spenk. the biostar, audacîty and ruinrepreson- He raid :Tbougb lfe la short, Mn. tation e! Sir Charles Tupper andi SPeaker, andi bime precîeur, fhcugb Ibis bIsarocats.It artiua- % a session, from uonaveidable causer, bas been callefi af this scmewhat labo son- the ue ad dy cflim Topmenson, bbougb thora wns avery Induce- partisans wns checlied, andi to-day nient te the bon, gentleman wbo icafis time task war done mort affoctualiy hy bbc Oppositicon te comte te bbhe peint andi the Prime Minister. It Was a laccelenate se fan as ha cold the busi- ness ýfor wbich Paniioment bas been Éttondy, maoiy speech, a speech perfect SUMMcned, yet ho fcok nef lors thon In Ifs plan andi statesmanliko bn Its the bort Pnrt o! five ho-uns in offen- ponpcse. Ho deait fnankiy andi cour- ing hbs comments te the Heure on bbe ageousiy wif h the question of prohihi- speech o! bis Excellency at its open- ing. ,in this, however, the bon. gen- tien Haeruposiefibbc mpotan e bian -was within bis rlghts. Ho was o! penny Impérial portage, and twc- ivithin bis nighbs, even If preuix andi di!- cent domerbîr postage. Ho praisefi Mn. fuse. Thero la no noie cf Ibis flouse, Molock for bis exbmnordinary réduction o law o! man, te prýevent redondancy qf he éfiitin he ostfrce epat-and Prolixiby. Hu-man nature con oaly qf Ie dfict i th PotalireDopnt-soffer in silence; but If Il ho fr00 Ibat ment Ho - utfi&h -xtnJ,î tue- -a--may'rus ceie corne fime when avery lterccicnial Itailway 10 Montreai. Ha moni bas te accouaI for t'very vain, 1deouncefi the Opposition andi the Son- 1dle andi ussiers Word epokon hy hlm, I pitv bbe fais, cf the bon. gentlemn. aIe for the killng of the Yuikon railwnay Theo boa, gentleman spoîto at greaf cool-oct andi the consequont great sac- lengbb I do ot mean te ýsay thoýt ho rilice of Canaflian brade. He floalb at saifi mach. On the contrary, and in w1ththequetio oftheSentese saying I Place mysoîf la time Judg- lentb bb th quston f te ouaement e! every memben o! this Heure, eiî wibe epposiog the abolition e! tha-t that ln that deloge of words thora were Chamnbon andi fepnecating rash rousti- more adjectives Iban ideas, mono scoîfi- tuitional changes, declanofi that theo ing thon argument ;and If I wero 10 Sen1fýwust e mde'aneffctve ndchanactenize the speech of tbe hon. Sonae met e mde a efectve nfigentleman, I think I wculd oct ha foc responnsiel part o! bbc macbînery o! revoie lai saying If was -notbing but government, Ho made aneioquenk de-- ýtha, vaporing e!- a---uch-fiisappcinîod anec o!, tiie articon of the British crm- mon, reeking wide andi far ln eider, If ru~sbuerebuoctîa~-'y a-j.rel'-c'~iypo,sible, te .9ilf a, weak ponin b he. li7aiang and de "athLt . ~etnh~no by oni ea in n yonle fielfi, wbc was voilanýt, no douhî, thaenet e! the Canadîn people, but hili, anfi wbe rushed about strik- andi not founfiefin lahe more spirit of îng rigbt andi laft, buf dcing ne ba-m re1liation aantheb Unitedi States. te anyhofiy but biarsaîf Sir, nctwitb, - But horawer ne oble setencs bstanding MY ben. frienfi'a effort te ha Eut !'t'e ronoblr setencs Invideurs, I May hoe Permnittefi te Pay bim lits sriýeacb thian theise la which ho fie- a compliment. Thora ara many lllngs clarefi thaf flic boifamy o! a german- te admire 1ini I admire bis Juveablo e4ar oui nee atcht s Govoma- aider, I admire bis valon, bal I Cannet rift, nd hatanyredstrbuton illadmira hie logic, discretien or Judg- aimntandthn an reistibuionbihment, Anfi, thoerefone, as bts weîds thatsimuld o bough den rhuidwore nef the outorne e! round judg- give foain play te Libénais andi shouifi ment, tbey canoot'ho more effective, - tI wifhmold foin play fror Conserva- bore tban they were ia West Huron. tives.Ans wened fis Own Speech. The remir wa cheredlongand As my hon. frienfi went on ho -stultl- ThoPreierwascberediong afifiafi hbimoal! iost <cmpleteiy. Wh2n loudly oea andi over again, and rat ha mafi a Opoint, on bbougbb ho nmade down amnif an unusuai anfi remark- one, ha Most effectiveîy desr'yed lt able demonstratien among the support- in 11Is efforts te niake aniother. Thus ho raid agaîn andi agadn that the pros- ers of the Adiiasbratbon. Ne one wiil periîy we anicycci, or wera anjoying, deoy that Smn Charles Tupper spoke Was due te the fnnlff e! the loto Ad- last nigbt vibb a gooi fieni cf pimyrîcal ruinistrabon, the goofi olfi Conservative vigor, but bis spee, ch was nambiing andi Party, er, a.s bon, gentlemýen Ilme te terru 11, the National Policy. 'y@t, de- ineffcctive, andfin cemponiso with the lspite Ibis, ha blomefi os mort vebe- speech mode by bbc Prime Minîstor te- 1uni eas ebainfdsryf day n'as certaînîly a poeir performance. that policy altogether. T'hon, aflen qusto, elc i_ burme djrryd b .P loei the vsnïy opeef w -i is usua-l 'azi1itY, but wibh . u u-ob sacsiaî,i mortd lîtefine or ign ani afieref teot say '- for ilav1ng kept somathing pricoo ib a become thme corse cf -eut e! lf Hof tefi us timaf panilamenbr dicsso , Caad, th-re iafi heei fiapression froru 1877 te 1870 , but lafpnesperity bsd heen ne- thaf Ln file wearybng o! iremtbens on - 0t1ref; neft, bowever, by nat oral causer, bofit Ids and f'be pn,-cing o! 'liO ut byý tire action aondbb thelc OYO! the volumres o!'asaf witb long, bicay e-,an Cenisa-va,-tive Administration, tieïevaiit extracta f rom speeches and wblcbbd coma lOoffice. And thon L lipiasfno nwsaer. anla b sa.e tfLiae hafi been daepres-1 men, offlt o -rUc topu do,-nihsen !P thle feobgppriefi fi-cmn 1898 mentougf t unte e pt dwn ill, te1R96, andi then prerpenlfty hafiýý been ~ rafeean l hol h baudne by 'Dtrd-u y nRatur-aJ.%UF-Ee, g nett he bcPOIICY adoDled by the Gev- arnmneaf-fengttling wha.t h asd sali the moment before, limaI lia end tem prailoos depression was en'bng te lime pohîcy o! haÂAdmibnisrtion; andi 00 on le lima end o!f lime ciapf an, non' blewlog hol and ceifi, dry andi damnp, b imathvain effort le malte a point against bis opi- Pononts somahon' and,. roman-bora. Noir, MY bon, friand devotefi limabasf part o!flime aflennoon tb prove, not limaIlima country n'as presperous, but limaI If Il n'as prospeneus lime fact n'as due te limaPolbcy of lime labo AfiminIstraflon. Thme hon. gentlenman co-olf nef dany Ibat thene n'as -. prospen- lly, ' anfi, le de hlm justice, liat leabahotlime enly limng ho difi nef deny. But wihIe afilbing limat tiecdountry n'as piosîîemos-morc pro-OS penous perbape fiman il imaf evar been bis aiminstration. My bon. fnienfi Is bng andi ha bas fergettan nothing. Cer- tInly ha bas nob fongollen bis own speeches, iecause lime speech e! yeston- day I bava bearfi le my certain ktnon- hefigo Ibrea on four, if net f1va, tfîmes ni- ready, aven te lime quotalion freru Mn. Davidi A. Wells. Pnosperlty a FadI. Bol,csi, n'iat Is-lime use of dIscuerbîmg ail bluet? Wl la lic heuse o! lrying 10 shon' the cause o! pnorpcity? Thme pros- panlty e br, W- cao da mea ahane .!Ia il venri Tf limh,- on, gen- tean -eai-. office ha,,n'eu1fid aIm lima n'beao! il. Whelier thme policy n'as inaugorafea ane t Ima on af on- oliman, corbaioly lime pelicy n'hicb ex- Iste tuý-ay mort hoield Inlisonn e uar- une tb account for IL. But, In any case, liese are Issues tiat have hean porisefi Opon, lime people prononefi uon thoru ho 1896, ondi Il la simply Ilijogan'aylim lime cf serions mon le talk about surim questions at 50cm lenglim as bbc bon. gentleman difi yesterdajs. 1 do n01 dircurs tliirpoint n'ilim lima on. gentleman, bol I acrept aI once the challenge ha timnw on'finyerlanday. Ha fieflefi us, ln alentenian boaes, 1n any w'ay te ýamy n'at n'o hafi done for lime thera wene în'o reaIles agalpst Doplairenl oan. ha admînlstenefite hlm, lime treaity nthBelgiim andi fie dynbgrue neollmlr a lreatY 'âhbGermn. ýSe long as limea ween revenue anfi exponse.' Thme bon.] trealias n'are thora"ime-hn. gantle- gentleman n'as oct in favýor o! penny mgo coalfi nef ot , a iln g, ferrlima rea-u portage,; ha Is net non'; hecause ha son limat any pee-netimat n'a gave j aya n'a have net lime fonanclal slrenglh loe m mtihe land soil alechave te f0 carry Il ýhroogh. Bob lot hlm por- ho giron 'le oîlbr ai Genmany*,scs lis seul 1n patfience, Thme refern andi ,- lhbciihGat I n's reafiy andi' bas been ondonaten; tI la sbjecbte anxlcm os egiVe aprfeno thie bis crIîldbsm. To-day tlimeaIs aimosf goofis af cmanîocf the metimon- quiliim ; thlie defil n'as lorss limon landi.aie n'as ef4t leror neady le 1$50.000 10sf year. Timougm limarevenue ox'tenfi liemor er oulon t Bglu rn- o o as heon dorreomef by one-bird, stbll Gerimany-tcet e iIc eatbos.VWll, the defcfldb Iis ycon n'lii ho such biat siu, rife cama ' I e. nofi, asha e ira vii e eable ogiva b lime peoplenoOt soi-fi yestcrday r ld ou-n'pr-'nbice oly pennuy postage, but fiomeslbc post- ilanfis" aI le jo 1iinl four months age as n'ail acI eatiînflers co,tandi con 'Proiei- - Iit'albs a-n't ofeocl0e-halflier-m lian tlimei- bei- hanfi coud c .. oîm eu f frcit bnlime olihtis. Theahon. go nîle- la ber, Tien CL , -eo' ie mon stated yestoîdoy limaI ho tuocirex- bimndr imt r ." n i-e foor o! ceplien t10 a statcment I mafia la Mont- tis fousa atl, 'a bot dieal limaI n',-ehafi given penny postage Our pchicy, a n,î hs- ic.h ha perisl- e eampire. fie 0kexception le efi lni aput b x y that Uicaeo- the>'od"na"I ne thn ie ex- bis tenacity, I fie net ltoiw tfigt I do 1afiptefi; timat was tlie pOlhcy we Caýr- neot admire limaI sublimneeellatirn e! rIef eut; andi !sb la lreosil,? You bis n-il-h mater hlm me limaen'bele l-Wo'tlie figures ; 1 neefi, oct gIv hen n'orld limneugm bis en'n persooaliby. I ýte týhe Heoure. Lesto 23 per centZ' 0 n'lli aay -mono. I h-ave nQ esaltation 10 lime electrbealatnncf trer cfI7 say limaI ha 8îad done soeagofi sO- bovine a proimbtcry ian'i Ibi oný vIce for bIs Party, nny, fer bis ceun-' tny. Shoulfi thme pryudnsc lýy, n'ben ho w-os dolng lime timnking Of durnrbonces mnalte bimaf p,-olbcY Ise anybedy elsa tian bimiecf ; tliaI be h ould tlie Gevennen ofr 5c m wn'hbe n'nr erving onder othan pao.» cumeltancen Iîderc gpnillIch y pie. But I mu-st aise say that I gnon' Ian'? T hat Lq lime irl(-heru nex hefo sorecfing of bbheiistery ef Canada, uý; antd I do oct besibabe te sgy,n animnd ateone lits ihtony, and 1I in'w Spakr, rpeak'lng hren'lblima a ýu-- limaI n'eneven ha bas been left 10 do funlynhuc iofifou ypsibn hlm cn'n tblaklng andi carry out1,bis and., as I h ope. 't iacofdnec ovin plans ime hafi been an arci-ln- my party bhinfim-(hes)la dorer. (Cieers.) My lhon, frienfi nas lime voire cf bcrîorb hc hbas; sraiethîng mn Nova Sella at, tfinie heen pronounced il] foyr e!pnimbChf ha n'as oonving undor Sir William' Ilemot 50db an t n'lnontlieGve- Jom îoe f I romnernimen i mbut mîfb nrfuîg apcmbtr n'ban tlme lIme damne 1h01 SirWilam n- ruon. (H7nbar) eover, Jainatne -asremoyefi l e iemncim Ibine nver v-as aii nvrh epoccc a ani lime bon". getlc ueoba i lima firec- lima lime bcpth i"b a aen hla tien oý !>Isewn artv ho calbr Lis .'~ ~ S. toîuuce. ie mia ive -nover dOtition ceînbn fpu mm or hfibejpolylui 1 imachraeyar io ene7"L;nt înbreocimg apr7,>hl eCulfi u0e111th 1 urefforts wena I een Irn my plae I wcld ae bmn Party ibmn l, c ofeirto, ni j ~a at îa ___________________________________Il_________________________ fthe X~ii t at zt. Wu?' at tîi,,,t., uewon m s;oeort c wra e r u s ay m t my h n ra nd wa'fun o! time eLecopa e rcrifi lmî ee Jyestrday ho an-oîd nt ck e le go 'on lmtfh' cftîs fo se I ad.eor-le"n on a d nl Oii ibu. vo o pesoi hfre lm leic plisefi hy Orpre! nync, fi f hiuS me O! coure I dopostaimelimaI fys,- ocy pTcwom owv thddf oo ojîiyemflm vl yersentayma <tr iooene !25w gave Il by legSitiv augabety, non n'as dividefi. Sm on adngd taeTIfe eimn I a.1o tie cnt gve l GealBrlan mai aen hy admlnisr«tîvaauthor tyWe aI lime hel andi ,pdoiWhobroie,'air o upo rItuto ie uo.gnfemNc, fiu'îg imesi mnts rbsquntte afine bc egrb ea.otimorily, and my lbon. fnieni sapplif lm wn; ilnemoimon fer oraIDoun. Mr lime mtreiM e Agu, e,h9, Icnahdwbdac iaministnabive noîhon- J1bloning sw'eliod bt ral.hPonei rigngeîemnwiobs io on oui cetrade wlmGat i BlP n ons y hy . j Ity.EBu mnat wm Sifdo n'as te mre1J laugmb:aranfn cieas I Tho hnla t1-hiesîexres ir pnmmispk sorn col OThat ibavcbesyda Q" ru, bcietlat exso-nsaewImere yafi ra1cae bock afber a n'hie te resoe a st yoar as teiiows :-u-Tb questIon som eime- artel bno totfitimfindoco those whn hafi the autlWnlyteleciohi !bsarty, andi limeey , iîbct iiîcievlelielm th~ ncrrsehadu,~Uybuî l ten entAcm on% nandite do tlimartcband w-as lie anmenesut as in Nova Sg.b&a. ieUetno! P pnbibitory leu- ? T a- butl, raye ohpt9 va, uailn y Jla rson ,an. dciru lm0,cmedu iti, n w lree imoob ost oyefi itlunf swcn deend 'leaF' eny :cen- cormeoc!G panr oar.camîrrt Aho-nntefor myroiWbonfr lme Poelnnite-pu vt If in lime posi on wiMce il la nro'. sdeabe Y'hO p bc avnanof t'lima ted, banuse 0 fhînt case limael'arýt sxGenernal (ers)Thme hon. adS goolle r tonýîrL-ývn , o?1 e! ncitsagoI asafi imeFins MiThee bbc mentb o! 3 uly rd thlie mronhtimo!bonfrianOd lia ostare!-oniabWbcsncoh o! my bonfiand lucre v bt imemvulbenidna mjny Joiy Mus ortne o idfinhoUn ca--h, lif i mecn.edit foier, tn ý-,HkrIIs on tiin, howveq n, wMlcbi o nivMeer il w-cul hva bo bc a major gregaf e amouof, bebaeUsa icpreferno Hea 1 Iagi-ca bial Mn.%Heniko go 'bhm. I dan agro niî hm ty o! ilmavot1e s casr n a jerbfy o! n'as net in -operamüla im e mnto! i Hfeabn Irenla lte alil rire In limaI- O btho raid o!flMe nmoyenand sec- ' l a lfaivobes on lima lsI. o!course 1 Joy, 1899.Bu-t nbclhon, gmenmnrespect, andfte ltim 1n te pnoedamef flm a afifif henrs My bomn. rnfd ii ne gelan ansn'r, Md ifd nef a- ouglit to knon' ha _ton. and if IneoJil bs eon umy fi-bond bbe c Pstmasle'- ifor onfe fioning bsnhl pehna ota nne.Bm aalm mi te ftalk lanftme n'ay hp orsiTea Inuld emea bmelandfi ie coco ênws n 1ýehntca hnet ilk cî1. Eind sema more nînusUbAemethoul of p,'-,pm, y yï -h. --" foI ni eoosan I v1mulmagnlma .hac emoaar.iv" imowing my .;"igneronceý"ýÎý. ,7Ha knon's 1h01 lime prefene-ýnce aila peratlIn!in lime ment cf Julv.18, l 'ho p- oralbon freru Ui 03d o!Apuil, 1897; truc il irlime preduac nas 0 imothn to Greao îaf u-b 1n It Wï,e miro Icountry. That proposition hie put iu shared by the oter ntins wlich had every shape possible.,fHe affirmed it, the benefit of the trceaýty, b)ut i, was reaflirmed I , reaffirmed It once more, there ail the ramp, andJ, accordling to, tortured it into almost as many shapes the statement ruade, by the hon. g,n1tle- as there are amongst the gerryman- man, the then refernceý during thj dered constîtuencies of Ontario. Stili last six monthls o, 1S9ý inereasod our1,- the effect was the ramie, to declare that trade with reBritain by 6 percet. wc. had done nothing at ail for the the goods sold b, ret Britain to country, but that the whole credit of Canada. Now, si,-, thiat las omel-tlng. Canadas- present-losition- was due-to- 1-grant It -l e f,-l h i la it a the lion. gentleman and his policy. much asT oilkemeiproay dt wiii neyer rnanch thfigurey icp The Challenge Accaptefi. wouîdIlîke to se. Bu1eknwhW Well, sir, If lhe had been content ho difficuit It J5 to cýaga te chnnels putlit qestons t Inulg I lis ileof trade, how dIfdcltit j-s tobring pbs qlýustiot-venua a bi ida aPeople to go iîtoI e prain.Sir, buat hI e -d neoitthve nchle S--EuY -t ail--avents, 1î sI ta adoor has buthe ddd t Itth chllngp, in been opened and tit tr-ade at this me- language to whlcb we have net been ac- ment is flowing itoit. The bon. gen- custorued In this flouse. Speaking of tiemnan miîmzeajb efforts whlrch we the Administration, hae sahd wo had ruade in thàýat ltilr. owmet dcne notbing whatever, and that in qulote to hlm n lcthlrtywim er-o e-, erytilng. We had done wehad shewn haps lhe wilI eol a aube,-th, utter and complote incapacity. Weil, au-thority of a mýn- wh bav done a sir, 1 wiil be more courteous te the mucb for pieeen la rade aý-s ]my 7hon. bon, gentleman. I accept bis challenge, hrend hiriýUseif l .tmequoa olnil but I wiil be more courteous te hlm Ifoward Vincet. -OnlthIllelt of 2Aug- than he was to me. I wlll not charge ust ClnlIoadVin]retwledto hlmo with latter and complote incapacIty. rue from the H1o"uýrýcf Cmm5 I wlll say, on the contrary, that the bon, gentleman is -an extraordinary IoadVnetsTeegram. man, a most marveilous man, a-most "Premier of Coaa taa nt unique man-for conceit, for vigorous cd Empire Trad Leaueimohe talkiug, for waviog bis, oratoriral lanid, Austral"ia, fca Ini ad rvzord, for pnlverizing bis epponents. Oceanieca fetoaevsue rae that the hon, gentleman nover had bis Brita'n îin Cao7,1d1 ad od eciual sinre the days of ancleot Pistol, dentlyepessieudîggai and I do net believe that even Pistol tude ofcf th i'hraeo o- himielf would do btter than bold sec- day and Ir e otheir broth- o.nd place te hlm. But it is evident the ers tbrough-; vast Dom_,linion hon, gentleman doos not lookr at things for their patI ilalInugra from the corumon- level cf ordinary thon cf preferd hten rt mortals hob does not loch at things ish kith and i's, thle firat 1min- froru the level of simple ronrton, but ute cf freedo es train ing tet from the mighty altitude to vrh h les. May thi'ýýCr ta trade growv b-a-s upraised bis gigantic *but childish ard grow fntO o plete commercial vanity. Froru that altitude hoe once1 federation cf i peoples and pos- proclaîmed to the worid thathle had r ersione the (uo orld over, to the mode Canada. 'Wfhy, there are mon on lh< 0cr cf or Soveei, l thle glory of the thý1 other sideo0f the lieuse wiho believ- 1 1lalirýh nam-e, ailie increasin'g wel- cd that Sir John Macdonald tare cf ailunrtin andu Greater Bni- had something to _do witb tain."1 making Canada, wbo helieved I ilily ad. oe Wodnbthis con-' that George Brown also ccntributed is ncin n fl odwhich perbaps saae, who believed that' George lie sbould have rcmoembeYred more of-' Ltienne Cartier vvas alec instrumental ton dur ing is i rer The door la in thls great work. But the hon. gen- open. Does ~it fllow hot everything tieman dismisses them ail1 witb the bas heen do-nc ? No. ,ian rom It. There wave cf bis hand. and from the altitude sf111 romains a geadceal te ho donc. ho has assumed hoe says. "I ruade Cao- Bait the mistaka mode ,1ýýby my hon.1 ada." And froru the samne altitude hoie friend bas been that h wanted te do! ,sas, Thee gnteme ontheothroverytbing at th~cam time. Sir, ln side ara incapable," and there Is as tmt ter, stim, yn us mvesl much troth in the one stafement as in ý s aetit1Pý nvool the other; people smile af oe as they and victcny 1,u51eat tje ,ind. raie at the other. I amu oct In the ImealenyPsg. habit-I think I can cdaima that, at ail avents, If notblng aise-cf biowing my Now, air, thor( e noî--to w own trumpet or of sounding my ow bave done :wý,e biive eýtabisedpen praires. Though 1 do net admit my pos'tagetrug th Bris Emre rtttr înrapacity, yet I proclaim the 1 need nef tell yqr hewgrea a rforr calnacity -o! the- hon, gentleman -more this 15is basniadathe ,en,-pîrhmr thon leho irsoîf prociainis l In lon0e compqacttha f a.Thls Re fhlng, anîd that is raying a greatdei moon, ltaio arI> th. bt vevh 1 ha'. e Sin:ri',th te r.T!l , d to the Crow, qas trustees tthL1e peo ,te wr eoeSti rfr a -as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~HL adiita-r f h far ctiphhttV uchi: fi has brougbht J and bide mysel! for veny vexation amîd shame. 'Wbere Sir Charles Bionderef1. I accopt the challenge o!flime hon. gentlenian. Hie arm s ste say wbot we have donc for bbc gmod of Ihecontriy. I wilil ry to 1el1 hlm. lanlime foing 50 I rimail be obii-ge o teltheibbcbindens thof ho bas mafie-wçell, noc, not cil tbc blun- dors ha bas muade, bot only serue o! themo, fer if I were te undertake 10 tel ail the blundens mode hy my bon. fîbond In is officiail lfe I aboifi hcocbliged to spoak aI least as long as hoe spoke, wiich, Gofi forbifi, I do net intemîfite do. -Whcn the bon, gentleman came bock frein Englonfi te tako change cf bis paîty, whmch bafi not heen led as if shoolfi bave been led, accordiîîg 10 bis opliion-when hoe came bock bo leafi bis party te vlcteny, orsime hopefi, andi give tiem new lb! e, limoeenos a question thaf hafi been long befere lime countny, a rnost dangerour quetion, whicim had hnought Ibis contry aîmnost le time vory Ibîces o! civil strife. in lime measurme lho propo-soi, donnelvofi Ln violence, limone was enougb te vax, te ir- ritate andi b mafiden the maoreity, but thora war net cnougb 10 give ony sub- stantiai nid telime mnnlty. And Ibis la lima gentleman wb0 tel us thaf -w' have ahownOr incopaciby. W - eoi wîim limat question. We remnovofi it froru lie Federal arena te lime Provin- cîilgrena, wiere If belonge, andi wbcre if shoulfi baive been lefI, limoeete ha dagif itbhytbe ellen)f-theiPre-- concessli. I wiil net sho ibre lime ciaracten o limhe hon. gnlmnsblon- deih Ib is casa. I Is tlimone before bis eyes. IHo ýsees it nighim anfi day, and regrets Il igmt und day. refenenfiai Trafic. Timeno was anobimer question In lime eattiemont cf wbich bbc bon, gentle- man fnIefi bis banfi wien In office la Otawa, tosieho afitried l InLcnfln-a quaestion tb whImcbha eerefi yesterda>Fy, toaideetabllrimngtac thbn ie ie . But ho,, i c .e-.Thme lioniget 1ý lmn asIl1- n1ly oes fouît to finfi ntim lb, ý.anfimî1tatIsirthat we difi If, nianhaci nol a c omplish ilb bhimself. 1! ha liafi fioilnp i i imseit hoe woulfl have pooncf il yesferday in voîy diffement lnnguago fnom th'e languaa' vhei c b ed;efiehawould nol bave mnimlnizef itIl aslime di, non bave attcmnptefl lerid, cl . Whsin, if lie haf doniiIl, 1 ,'am iimaginie bbc pulann o! victony lilh, oudhave sang on tbe floor cf timîs Ilcmse n favriof bbc hion, gentlema,ýn bînrIelf, andi perbaps o! his colloagues ae.The lbon, gentle- mran raye liaI etnmysoîf 0cr imy bion. frlenfilia the rGeerîare Ortitiefi f0 any,,-di for lb. I daImi ne credit for I f-,al Pdl lima c reflit la due l My lbon. fmiepluime:1-l'estmaslcn- Genoral. h, p gnlmnsf atefi yesîenday that , 1mon -1 nb ngaf refusefi ý-1te e amlIa b fyeru c penny postaýge. Thaf I qup!te hue c difi refusa te dec ýI scnfci It a ptl rîrongen aisa bima ooeirvm limes. On. diffc -cnt toccasýionls nn My vIei l intmganiIre [0i ehv anybiing tefie w-it penniy pos-a,i and 1 will give yôu ontime reason. Il was, iel thlI wT O tile tI, ffýj Irm limaI, as th,,recm i l]lishow'. Bol wev, bafi net 1benlog0bIn tüuasofidiei te kno\v w1 -wirWWenewe :hafIidnot heen long e ingb 10le sfiil l know whaf ýwe couiliaocomplisb la e forminz limePeeIc oateb flif i ntne Weewosedin Uthe malterLofinnceanfi unlil I coui be Couqilc Ca-ei la tbhatsui reorm fi-endrthenba oi Ieclf a-, inîlstral tc-) T,-<mtprmnI pL-stge, . B in, au .b da cae-1 en onden me innitaonc m hn 0!$8100. aete lesCI thonl giving m 0" ~ ~ ~ YJ OUOU 'Lfllast credif for the wain iwhienhhi,-_Opinionsnf Prchibitionistso givig mycwn pinin, bs ben ,myarce cf my lhon. friend rouPrince( humble self. I (M~~ý_\r. John I1I. ell) and mv bon. rien hntehn etoa ýL Mn. -leniniker IIaton's Tastimcny. fre0m Mcntmagny (Mr.PlýirreL.Mar-, aboui it the p oint Isii a1n poo But, sir, the bon,. gentleman <P- tîZnenu). The tribute lha pald to theru a n'il gave yviw veny' fra niy A, ChrlsTupe' Wassveryw ltht well de.served, My hon, fren-,5 fremful TiidTheivni 1<' Mr enie eao astevery Prince showed thaïf he walready an nme nt ndavre t pprsaprehtl < inst man te acknowiïledgte the great old band in 1ahaeoaydbae ndiwI sol h iha ao-t !n creýdit -wbich il, du1e te ruyfriend the tathowil anet only a ver:y vl-voteýra on the liFt iniifis fv Posfastr-Geeî'lîintI&s ccsinte1,e) anaof his paty, when ith-,ot -s ak8enj, se And i bis iemei, 'wbcb lavery [)libt a valuablAeacesn Prla otatrrd, eerlgnmî, ei ofI neme et hersl o ul s k th1ingc ybn ref rr ot-0 rhbtogv hi il5 neebee emn. vew 'ricb coreson sif thhe xpessd bom cerainceresondncewhch as x- Sympathy for the Prhbfins 1 friend from ast Dutrhamn. ThII" v cagdthatsum elt ime lbe per-1 jmifted te refresh ibis memiory. On the' But, baving said Ihatimuch, the lead- D.Pt" na neve uiae 23r'd cf July lasf Mr. Henniker Heaton er cf the Opposition hecamne himiself hn The ToronoGl obe spek a fo dîd me the honor of rt' f0 ruae, and again when ha reached tbe piebiscite. lows :"IesaIid thai in IP olnl after speaking geénerally cf the penny No, I am le errer ; here lie abandon"'d te vote polied frpoiiinwsn postage, lie went on te say :-"The ne- the scolding tonte and adopîed the comi agnn-g ewarn dmn gotiathons,-the ,tdiscussiGns_-tha anrgu- -parssionate-tone,-an-fished a-tean on-the the onarctreDtot;a rehlibiteny , l-a moents on either side were long and besoins o! tbose probibitionîsts Who This le ho acordance witb r. Poý 'earisome; the Officiai inertla was fln- have heen iocking for legisiation from uttolraees durnig teca ag. aily overcome in a surprising xvay, andi this Government. HIe tolfi tbem bow 1tote ha ffet I ta ail bsania a- the v?,tory ila won. It la the opinion cdîrratisfied they were, andi wbat rnrn cnt c te lcrs cf th l n 1,ho n oftos possarsîing any acquaintance tbey bafi for becbg dissatisfted. ilemr elr hrsle e i with the history of this affalr thot te toIl6 hm econ e in-îtIbfhotenhfrfaûtbbtoyla thiavicorythe courage, theenrg, ight give ýtbem pi rohibition legislatienhoefrd. "oibtnleîl the otemntethe moral stamoita, i-"lcorne cte m, pnet Iat I may give YoO eiu adD.Pte btt ,'o and mtbut net leat, thae rnk-prohibit*inlimlaton, but thal Yeu anfigr ro ffaliuo'tw l r I nease! M. Muock argely contrib;ut- 1Iraoy condol lege-he onthowenUresr upen hIY thegeericam cd. f icntfrepoýrt mucb te bis,' r-0- o! the par ty o n 'the otb, r mde,,hwillimadtecnquce t a bagesbofpermit rua te shmf is not givayupoiiin"Ti,0 usatn aeiyc h nei,- fernilnotficatofo!the remîut." 'To ithe position tknb m o ninitecemnt wudh nqL e thlis late IansweVred as follows te Mr-.jyeriterday tecosolF,)e tepoibtoil. h noreetcfapoiifr r orefi71by your (,favror f the 23rd cof Jldifiotgv heln neanilci r.J .foerrn rtary cýnialv f b -niIvrygty appreciate it .for te 'i ona i.ti of heiteGv-Cnda Tmeac Lauri recgniionozhch t cnves t mf~ f Iomein-at wr Iatle i. î.ot ,)avn."- oottlk 'wc h suces hih ascrcwneIïd is lar't cf- JSir, the hngn-. o\toafl 1V. iliamPat1', s'd:1I fon ws lmot unxpete. eriu,11t Ide, ho,%E-, tbaLwe had be drv-net tblnk b Gvreeth ei n- meF te a(dd utothatwhteenmâY lng the psibtonrs, ttb wo hafi oct art a p ',hh1r1: iw11nor7te ci1u-% ho- the, mnirt r o! Mn. Mulockin titis laIe been cannyinlg ot'our pledg t be.stanýces th- antýi mjoiy;n ue doveclopruent o! I-mpeniai ounity, haie Mn. Davin-1Hear, bean. (Laugbten.) and the cir ng ý,sograthtI woild hathe firsf te ami haf the wul'e'ade noneitl credîit cf lb primnnily heiongs te yoo." Neithen Side Piedged. wThd e ae someinfho opinins1whl" Sir, these are the sentiments wbich The Pr'ime Miolrfer-I reregnize thaf 1 daim are ont1fledte Ionîe respect vere eotortoined wlth reference te this ecýho. Il is a veny naturol cne te what I knomw that there arel,- me1peop) question on Ibis ride of tbe Heure. We bas been raid.- The bon. gentleman i J who 1- lieve tlhat . w ne tith~adn ail, hatve donc somofhing la this respect, qoite nsfray, however. The Govero- [ Iis, thene shoulfi be pohbîor 1w anfi nowîfstanlngailtecamrnent have broken no plefige te the pro- ,btoe btqete chv ae the hion, gentleman wants te robse ibitionists, because the prehbii on greond, alni i awl non againer Ibis great neform, the Conad- însste hesnvrmd n on, gentlemn yser'ydiint1 ln Ia poplo null enors If, noct only ha- demanfi. Wbat la the birtery cf th(,e1te cicze if. If l ceu e lmstil cause il le a motter cf domestic policy, plebiscite ? The blet ory cf toot m'otter te del se, boftITd ubt i ewiee but aIre hecause lb bas a wider range ha :-We did nct moime a pîedge 10thogxet rhbtensso rhbt for ood hononyting bic basbit - ohibitîonists, as a clore, as a body, asis a Goveremrent moor nythia elst erto hean acbieved hy the Conadion an association. We made n pîedge te than more barnen rmab Gcverament. (Cheers) the Libefoal party. We mode a plefige Senabe Fbe!ormr. Liherai Achievemenfs, 1111893, at the lime cf the, convention NoT-, r. peaer th lin. ente-w iich was held In the City c! ODttawa. The hon, gentleman csendy io NewMn.Speaerthehon.geole-That convention, which was a mort srpoke at length upoi the onate!anf mon iiwonbs te know whot more bave auccessful cne, as cvenyod no because bha Id i nefsec ,,the rfeim vedonc. Well, if weuld take me tfo0 determined wbot shoulfib, hoebcpoîîcy te oat roise n'h serbfo long te roview in detail evenying we the Lib'eral Party. Il 'asaîîenIddby the bbroee ho aw h tnatoisa bav dno. 1 murt ho brief, for I do not men frei ail parla cf Lbe Dominion seman sini;ster motive nd act-lIin on - t ofiIllow bcd 1exaiples4. PBut 1I -men cf allases al cefils ho kpt o! thg overnment. Li ma îe sum.lruarily wba t we hav',e doue anfireligions, hy Lib)Eraîr J o!f vr l epbs oii ec gl for bbc peeple cf Cnaa.F!irst lot Iahd O f if was attendefi rhorac hi neo iitr o cou-rse 10 inthis oission. (lIb, her)T ni elthe tbco. genîteman we have-re-cIrLibrh-s vh, eOre probibitbomriste, as I formfi bc ari, afi e hve efom- ws b Lieras woGnersoctproI', ojly rsn hy e iln1i notincuef o5 tihe rajoity hotb cftbbc pi-odore -ý,A plîca) prt;iin teltca heiroeis s aweke wr, acau atrf edi e asuha a to IIopnono ob rtibjee- , spd l ý, jthi ig rwe ,ad l eptitin thaIm or, 'Iai)in o etsr hlm- gabbenîn getth Liima p rto de-tor- 1 taonj, ttno n[ i hve webc ien,1 sf. H'lo in oepk ! o ge ine wbanýt ehe Id I hte- ifc hoti oLsIi tI ieuset c pc, ne (, novr wes riioaas y (ho panrtewibcb Ihey hlneI. îî enate rulimmittofite tlimeSnaei lest ye Il vieugh n mode cordage ixas ýuIbe natu-rel that timheimioh itin Cer. ioSnt acesluC fe.(iileor, boar.) We bave zestobiish- lIbISuboho tlondefi the coovenlion e! paof o! Is contr ;i I pr,,t e!,f cd aom, esystcm e! celfi sterage 1893 seliro thioinbon e-nîlearcîs te institutions o!conceunny.Whc fo tim 1 tmnspemtation cf ponrimable convice limein frienufs nime difi oct Siare If appreves o apoves anfi,ý-,IF-,i Iii eof, a l bitlnewhhv rn eImoînviens limaItbey cughf, as o duly railier inclînefi tt ink it nl di>Y deri-cdte limeýP eople e! Canada meet te thein Party- andi toeielcountryv, prove-at aal vents I for o j-a Cà singýuln Seric7ýe. Thme trafic nVilimGreat tle make prohibition one o! bbc pian.ks n'ys freal itn'tmbe rpc iBiîtin larI yaln eggs aione reacimefi 1limte Platform Of tbe party. On lime wl-ich It Is dîme. Imyfifrf0' almeel bbc sum et $2,000,000, andfItlbis other bond, If n'as qulte nalunal limat Sonate, andf the Snate mayjfilife tende efi lInI'm'rcecnIal Roilnay le rimeidisenatbbcattempf b Place ony f0 preceod in tlis moter hy nyevTi lime great contre ofIrodo la thie great rorh plank In lime Plotfoîni o! bbe Party. lien ary îîueth ds. On ima colna Cirty cf Mentreni. I fie net inen yef Tiieen'as a. discussion. Tbe pli-mlSonate itsel! xvilii o b of't,0~ wholimcr n'econ Say we havoefiene it bitilsmts iretreseonl'.fte us that in- lime n'on o! Confednalmu otto4 peri-mnncnfly ornoct, but tîimeo s lie lemo" c 'seeo b raetstroy lime wrm 1 <, o! efdrtin n ottemiýpt, Ibere Is lime Policy, o nfi the cu.o ' mo' nitmî eogllo.fuionf bar soifi bo ,teperifec, t Sont iibreo ccse 1 estnuggie n'llh Il at once bymkigîcuehunlilîtis-moS- prombii 0hapvoetlelim prfy fe- toamog imenoar eseniaîyonr Il b-aýinfl bye. Whtiniltipssa pos h iiugima ie eoplewcn ht imrfe-hi.iobgntleman molf dos e arnimtmrtime Inîcicolon- andfi iotif themo polle tlmîuevsb lai ~ t iiih'y e e ie n 10the fieldis hianie on~~~~ ( co",l im ratC -ye Moral, opperîuniîy teone,-onco upInn imeIidybio b enl aihenrec Of . r q1,question limoy wuf mhîcly~ frlm rtcine iemunnl.l bhaîî ours.iThon, 1r ,wi ha v e J, 2ina ubfiwraf im eutna aynbnlm onr-tueo om a molmtra0r!r.W oo h ia rshte 's nnfurianiOainnol olm ciseo ad taief te- lie andin oniirRal-looilfitm Ie iaboî b wlehlie s on ceooef. fiaî.ber.I du w aya iefit-ton ! Ieirfregim roe, anl glcigfi trol liaI f i caîe ol ean10 peat fiarspetfuiy an,,1inlase elu w or ivomulim1 ooofc b '1lihvh poicb ia bfy go 'li iehn o labneafifarajoctieý n ona seioihs nlnilf geneî.Ifnidigayhn !tekni NeitimoslTerbleberan dratageohhîbonani bmoowiedii e hl - 1m lmt Snah cntiot N at la l- stabe mnnshp. Tie ion gcntomao heulhihoOuieui lima hue real amor dtesnt ir s ey crdinof foP1,1fii 1cffc bcoîf neointre ! rcic 0 lmn onîis Il., lim facee!ah iis holbas lime uf'ia- probihbien,1, thon i hese nbedîi net ihe ogenle- nradagai lima "Iff y eaeke orb pct.H iv nit nelisnednfmi i-v u lnnseslteý,t1, nt only os o!i bbc- bîisr-yo, and.Wh, ' 'n osl orh ucese Im l anbcfeonboa roesfiy a ma Caaa nar s'tih, gentemanIn aieetou lýimepatof lies im b- "wbn',neo nfîef e ie f11 cd ene ! ios emold! afifimfi ioeinlaprolhibition bimial ifibo lvoice ! Tmeimougenîrnanspea erype bisy tor tee.I d e ea edprct pemblbo by ienoof ae 1stoio;w'nong,,' anf 11lIvr lae-pin)0why - ahi; I boi i hm a moetago r11lIbimae Ianfi n'a n'ouid ia.,0 on ! oft ridna cdn 5c exýampile eisen'imaî- ar mn Iigal hmwllb fi qc~ln alierak o im.1ny o! any simîn-A ïproposition, fe ald.. ~ Lae.r5 ~ TbM &u th àè cD Unowirer e a aa±l . repottav~ - 1 -L 1 ý-r rli,

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