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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1899, p. 10

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-k -~------------- -- -~ be (lcrlt'f Opnio htireen tht? Imo chafber lire honc1)e a joýint cttlnit to sttietic ueston.Sir, if there le any faulit te be fcunîýîd mlth 1h18 e- forrn re have pre)Osed il Le penliaps that It Le neýtrail enongh, that il dots no1t go far enough, but ire have adop i'! i- or theea c on of creat- îrng tht least possible disturbance ln tht ýno, tiitnl1ons <cf ouir covuty. I love these intttes; ', de net mnt 10 dlsturb vhem unlece !îi lutelg ecessary, and s log as Irlhave a1eatIn thîs C1am r hes Intittios iii net b. Icucheci min y cosen, excejjt mien ahsolueiy ncecsag iiaI then only ta giv th naesaryrefrmand ne mort. (Chcerj Butiet me galu draw at- tention tï th sttemnt)f the hon. getea1inrt sncb a mfrin dees not etit ir Cntotin cun1try. Well, I, shahhav g'rat1-eaure ilu qnting tht anbrt fa genthnn irse opinions 1 mnt sa ý o ce a-ays chai e, but me on questions cffact is generaily accrae.I nfcr t tý- fheopinion, of fIlm JohnBournot hatgentieman pub- lised peer I l-'commencement ef îxi ger, nd1 Ivite tie atlen- "Th seondcm opuai hamber Is tht moa peenfl. il lecrdor second essmbles avethticiialof moec votesand axatin. T e State cof tht' stance 0fa legisînive b ol in a- not ifei in leglerive InîJotance t tic In 1o~,and pes- sse epeC'cia fnrlsthe ap- provl or nejf tin cfImprtant trate, n[et njyeiby any cimilar bodyLii ia o'-i lTatie Spanicli Co teýs, hmeer etier Ronce may taietic nititiveLa al cases of legie- labonlutheNtheriancis bhe upper Hlouse cnno ,amend the bills 0f lie oirerbranc,;but muet accept or re- ject tiem iin thiretly. The Prit- 1 ci hou o f Lords carnt Initiale or amen a mney ih ;neiter an tht Canaian enat nonbbc pper Rieuses cfPany cf tt 111 h deenecl, Tht uSenate f e Uil Sttohoir- eývrc ra aefim l lb canuet ori- giniale arveuo enybill. The uppr Roe i htPuse ,andtag caann nenitibudet A iCas lu Pint, bdii 3 on Umc nt or bbc e ther dis- y~~~a. TIsil'a ueful recedent, t~tg ijs brrmei fnom ic yse senVe th-Ronce r Heuses then neot iîg, a quasi-respionsible Govem-nent AiîIbthSis lv.tht mlei-n whlhtht hon. genlean (i 1us hadfl eyer cid 1 n iy couniiry. fim.a atmoldtht hon gntemn esi, f I1ha mad euc a attemet ?Whrat flode f loA e wcnl he ave eune upe .m, gnor- abstan fro maing, Tc brn, gentle- manateed etrda aie tat he pro- poeite stumie th'Hi Province cf Que- hciri company mii y hon. frlcnd irw n Isc1efr me, againat cur pro- -- ai te nferrni lie Senate. eand te ap- te Éhýtht epebie lapon tht lan- gýe 0f film Gýeorge EticnCatier. 1 h feiealbecCenfederallen de- - a lasti-as acnurately.I htlievc, as U.gentleman; I do net believe 'Sir Gog Cartier said veny mucli bbc uestion cf tht Scuale. Put %ves as another geema,-,n as great as Cair, wiose usietlbas been groir- i'ng evrsic ilsdcath-Mn. Demon- mwie spolie upen ,,tint qUestion. I place my~cf agi Inthle Jufigmeut of the Houe ibenI sy tint cf ail tht spèlsihat ar made ou tin,ýt occa- cie t mst statesmanlie, '13e most fan-rean n uIts appreciation cf tht futur, mas tht peech of Dr. Dorien; anfi m, Driendepittethe letter mat mouif he bc vils of an irre- spenibleSenat. S, if ltehon, gen- tlma geste bbc Pr'iovince cf Quebto ere eappea ett peupon ' igageof crtir, denet be- Ththor. gntlemaii npasscd fnem tint t keirgelmin ou pan of redistrl- ition miii be. Dr. Landýýcerki-That dots noît mali. vdfnEnce. fimWlrdLaurieýr-No, that dots flot mat ln ifference, Ha, condemnis t in avanc,àcuse ta hum, I regret to Bay' afi !te h'icsparty, tic mord redis- trbuio eans gerymander. There te n sinisteýr Import lu the vcry Word. -.Y --uijeierai ne y ny pocess 'ils seul lu patience. lije cefiie mantefi te play mti lccded flic,. o cr effort ha 10 unionfi the fli..ÇCeei-.) Who loadefi thtefic., Irc metole nci? Wbe oleafefi tht dine oIh i infamons franchise cnt ? Who ladýeî fi i dce miiticthestili more la- fameus rediutllon bil ? Who cary- 'I ht reynceetOntari nitbenua- ce e ipis defermltg, monu- mens 0 shpeicedeformilg te the 0e,1nf '-fen,-reater*deforrnity to erg onnc f rie-ht and justice? tht ehon. genhlmnuý,& siefime ges= daymiee ms cur constlutlonal wer Lte pas bbcant vmc proposed.I - th' e>,.Iqg.ituiuiai -u -iu ,i ri a aato ny wthetuias- bi 1- . - useet omnoons 1 nfeeveny moue- 1 te -mm \e 'jutstice Lnte bbse mmc have Itfiie,(e ar, h1eer.) W. de -~~~~~t pooaemcrdgleIncrease th.e abrcf m1mbrs 0f lic RFonce, but s cu nii afi urpse o unde tie -aI mue-,tht smpreIa njustIce, mi mas dnc ne-aie iclihemlet et peepi7e lun8820(Ceans.) lot me ta htio. enhina tint I shouid Oe -saeI 0f lesuf f ac er. te cle'in týie phitri-dan by himsetî tifi ic fienfs. W do ne at auy edef file; al m mau leh ive in peg fr tcîn s m asnefor un. hCa4~ t ic eepebututver iv c mehodeas ena e etef o byl siiectble? I100k n oppertnnL'ily 1<ep t asnnca.nd i peidMy- have thl-e fgure-s ceieaiIan efur folb 1exe t ichon. gen.tie- beunid te ayand I ceg ho tht on1 gn-nie mu'cillepcteday t. ïPut tliman ilb grent sati sfaction, 'îiai lteu iyl he cannot, theugi lie may tmgy inenntinI have fullg conflirm!se ie l equlvecale eud quibble and petti- figures of Sur Sandfofrd Fleming. This fog upon ticsue et.The bon, en- lo net a lie tomaie prenounemffents leman miii notdnytint h.oiras once or le give anytblng amay, but I cam glad ln Washington negel-oiating a, treaty ; te be able to say niat before long 1 heo iras oncýe lu Washington hope te ha ln a Position ho maie an an- ho, solve the question of the Atlantic neunicemeul 1tihe n. gentlemen and SierIes, andi i. offeref te setle tht to te Huse ri his ubjct.Point on lia basis of wirbat h. callefi b ti Hose n Iis ubjctunrestnicbcd ecIppecilg. I do not ment The Washington Negotiatlong. te take ang dvna o f ihbon. gen- hieman. Thelienon tlemniîiii te1li But t1ie hon, gentleman devobtd thetme tat hLe did-net i, m1ak an ffer ocf grenIer part of bis speech te tic nego- unrestrict,ï ed rîprocilg, but i"ho ni'rda tiations mmihtock place aI 'Wasiiing- annrsite offor of renipreclty. Tic ton. IHe devotefi ne leffs han terce heu, gentleman ilii net deny that ho heurs, I thini, te tint subjecl, and! made an uinreetrictefi e ffer of reciproci- wiatever he snid, whatever conclusions tg. ha came te, 1 ain get ah a loss te un- Silm Char-les Tupper-! say thîs, Mr. deneband, cxcept e onentpoint, and tint Speaker, te 1h. hon, gentleman, If lie mas tint mien-me adjeurned me shenid 1 miii permit me 10, maie the observe- net have adjourned, but shouici have lion:* An offer of nnrcslnicled reclproi'l-l breken off tic negetie tiens cîbogelhar. ilv and an unrestrîclediofrc ei 1 shah coreit that prsenlly. But jet 1 procity are hmo thinge as dsîia me ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a feli i o etea slepo enie-ht and day. (Irouicai Govermnint ceeded :-Upen liaI question he tbld us, cer.)Tttrmumstit reri- and claimefi great credit for 11, liaI ha procitg covers irbat t clates, bu t an1 1 haà ntended le have a c m aign lu offer of mcip ocity th t as nt e- the Province of'Quebet t b"oesîrIcted Iis as dIffeent from it as nîgit tli'iPeople ln tint Province lebrtfrein day. sitution beausehe elleefThte serima Minlter-Wa have t now. lis cmîon bausde, biI 1v1<demruAns crf rcpolgcovers miel Il "liaI f tic ruc whcndIto e ting ii, _ i'df litn i ci tha I th tucconitonof h i ýpreclty wmhun eitieRtnlprocily mare properly represenlad ho the POepinLumannfactured Dproduîcta, eciprenlbgl of tint Province, tic condition ef public In agrinnîhumal produnîs, necipnecity lu Opinion wonifd be different le -mat It ls i îlning produnts ancdlu i e products te-dIay." Andi Ibis 1 hean re-ccheed by o f tic faIm, That was minI mas ientc my frienfis frein Montmorency (Mr., bg nnrcsbrlcled recIprocitg, '97~hat did Casgraiu) and Peauhamuols (Mn, Ber- an nnreslnlcled offer of reciprocily geron) * Wbat have lies. ion. gactia- mean ? Dld il Include pi-educts-cf lie men been deing ? Have net tbey been farm T If t dld lb mas nol rcstrlnled. doine- thelr level b"ett 1 pnoperiy mc- Dld It Include preducts of lie mine ? Prescrnt tht condition cf thIngs tb If It did 1h n'as net restrictefi. Phd Il thbi people of Queben ? And mny frieude Include produnts of tht sca 7 If It dil frein Sierbrooke (Mm. Ives) and Il mas net restrlcteci. Dîi il Incini Compton (Mr. Pope) and Jacques Car- inanufachurefi producîs ? If I l ddIt mas lier (Mr. Mni)-have they net been net nestricted, Il iras tircedleduin and preperlg rapresenting te ticcatcf at- tireedIledet, or six of ona andi haîf a feirs e lite people of Queeco ? Put dozen cf thce tier. (Hear, icar.) I thiehon, gentleman telle ns tint he e- Waut te lknowrva'hen ha made hie off an .Jî'ined from caryingen Ihieý campaîgu, cf unreslricted reciiîrocilv te thetAm- p I miusl be thankful te unm, ne-t for mmnt enican anthoilies miel ha dld menan. he bas donc, but for his god iLtenlions. Dia lie mean ho have t cccepted or Thon ho complnincd cf tht not? Ht mouid not ceg tint h.o eu lengli cf tesibling. True, Iheme Ilte odecelve; h. mould nol eeg tin,-t ha mer. adjoumuments durIng thie meant 10 have t efusefi, Rt couifi ittings, but- tht cGommission have offenad il only te have It acceptefI, sat frem tht latter part of Angusttt1, a and fI H had been accepted, thieme- uîtIle beyeud th i nfdie cf Februar- unit m-110 bave been înelitdicî leI us sny six mentis. Is tatveyproclly. But, tir,, thelien, gentlema,,n cxtreordinary ln vicir cf tiuitt ofdîds as dLd on another occaeion, lie -commission upon wIrbch h on, Tbey Called It UureslrIcted RecIprmecltg. gentleman set hlmself ? 1H.cld ne gý-,es- terdag-be could net fore-et te tel!ns But befoee I pets te thatI-Li u5 thal he mad been silting vnmliMm. te hlm one cf bis ocm organe, te chi, Chamberlain ln Washingtort o te et htt I do hlm no Injustice. H.a e tic question cf tie North Allanîlt i ric êl tindtisteod by bIs eis. lHt cags e b ct for tirwentsParty ho have Madle au 0113î, I thlnli he sel for more than treof unrestri'cted reciprecib, Tiret ycars mentis; and lie lmd cnly n ujetlater h. ment te aintn aan :n53s1tta'o monil. We ad eu'o ana on tie 101h of Apnýil,1891, hie tirelve subJacîs t ci îi rebdaiet and mostrsetbeognc the Atlantic SieIefon one, tht Berlue- the Conservatlve pnrty, Tie MentrealI Sec fishemie fer another, tice Alaska Gazette. made lbtfhemie-statemientl: bounda er foi ntier, the bo-ndln "Indced Mr. Plaine fietly obe ted1 Ilege fer anethar, tht reclpnocltg ques- tihe ppeintment of ac formal commris- tien for enother, t allen labor hem silon until ho learned uipon mhat basIs for acoher, thie lland inter isieries tht Cenadians preposed ho treat, and Il for enother, andi tmo or hhree mont wms o assure tic Amnerican Secetnrv irhifb I forget et Ibis moment. Havine-'of State iaI thie Canadien Govemunment te delibarate npon ail these subjet-ce Is wIlhing te dIscuse lie question on thie mithin six meontis, lb seirns te me that bmadest Unes, aven op the basis ef me liad not ang tee muni lime. Put u nrestricted recIpmocitg, that SiLm tidt le not ail; ae mere mucb delaged Chemin-s Tuppar etumnefi te Wcsling- by varieus circuinstances; fer Instance. ton a'lth film John Tlicmpson and tht tht untImeiy sIclinesS and dccli 0f Mr, Hon. Mr. Poster," Dingleg. Nom, sir, I arn bound te ceg Tierefore 1 do the hon, gentleman ne cf Mr. Diugley tint- he iras a man not Injustice., Remis Is thie organ of hie ar mel koira lu Ibis country. He mas Party settîne- foth bis own attItlude. knomu for on.thune-, for being a pro- But. sur, tht hon, gentleman dldtin tcctlonist luke my lien. friend; lie mas! as h.olias donc moretlina once, anid îas not c freetrtader as mv hon. ficnd ho did lest veer ihan lie found hie linoirs, but ho mas e pretectlonist, as' party mculd net feilic ihm, h. triefi ardent a protcctionlst as my hon. frLcnd te equlvocahe andi petlfeg -in order te hinsaif. Ht mac na man of strone- con- eet ont cf thie boinlwhllcih.oplaced victlens, and mg colcagues and myseif himseif. We remember mhat heeli 'hO kmcw himm cwli are but 'place hast gear on tht Yukon question. doine- tiat Justice te bis mcm- Wben cur contracl mas made inemu ory irbici he deserves mien' lie.hou, gentleman rushtd le tie office me eegthiat a fainar man neyer livcd, cf a fiendlg nearspapem te publsh an He mas c man of slreng convictions, ai- Interview and te enderse the contrect. mage readg te argue but aimnys ready He mented te guide pub7lic te ha convluced. Fer my part, I1 do- oplilnidu, H. mas mevîiovd byi plore mect sincceeg bis unblmcily desthh. na i'rmoiva. ,ut ie 1 ,1 cm sure tbah hafi he reriu .,cd -ýa in-M ae n 11ie floor eo ilf outh ber of lie commission h. wculd havýe diano)fni bsprybitn l o been able ho selve bg his eutherity mîihi1 besîde iihln. Wyh a aaed Unp- ils Party mang of tie diffiulies we on th-3t£àcrgSc)-r of Ibis Roceb5mm had 10 centepd mwiti. Ht mas. replanta bers' etir-, ' n -,qpai-lg. and In our Pre- bv anotier 'emIneî,t gentleman, Mn. senne. Tht e honi. imiember for Enst Y ork Pagne; but unforbunately fer thetlime (Mr. Macican), v-mn e.ail regret not our negotiahione mere delayed. te set Iu bis cen t t- -daýy, bu t I cm elad Ti -at or' emcel. te hear hb'. mu b.esent by-and-bge, The ateLor Herchel. imply bock hlm i lia tirened foi-c- Tien tiare iras the unfertunate andi .d hlm te taite another attitude. Tien the meet deplorable deati et Lord Hem- there mas tie hon. genthemnaaî fi-cm celal. My ' lion, friand spolie loquant- Weat Yenk (Mr. Wallece),, mie slappced ly yestcmday cf Lord Hescheil; h. coula hlm on tic otiher cheek ad fencef irl not have saifi enougi cf hlm. Ha mas te tait anoblier attitude. Thon lient ..,--,-îiy a gi-cal Judgc, haoiras not only iras anclier member fnom 'York (Mr. " greel shatesman, ha iras net enly Pocher), miticut aeg qualification eh a claver dîplomnat, but lie mes as true cil-1. mhe sim-p.iy Ignorcd hlm altogetier, a friand of Canada as ever cressed thlia en thcy drageefi hm freinthie ie-h Atlantic. (Cheers,) I mas grleved mien- position ho assumai'.:andi as they would I sawIn lusoma Canadieýn nemepepeme net folloir mitrehole ld, liefcllowed lcst fali tht ebtenient liat Lord 11cr- mher. thay breuglit hlm. (La.ugh.ltem schell iras trylce- te sottie some of tht and cheens.). questions et Issue bg a sacrifice of Can- adien Intareste. Sur, liera neyer mas A Recliless Statement. ca more taise statemnAnt mad. Lu the -The lion, genitleman aIse sald liraI -e press, and I boe the Caniadien naa't- lad been ah Wýashlngton as humble sUP- papers miii et once endeavor te e- pliants et lb. feet et the Amn- pair tht cvii ihici tieg have dont Lu erican peeple. Humble suppliants tuls respeandfite procaim, as I have at thi etdof tht Amnerican Pa-o c ie-t te do, speakîng frein linomhedge pr 1film, If ever tient iras a of Lord Hcrsciell, that h. lieue-ht ofI man irbe ias au humble suppliant, mihconviction andidavollon, Ho-w- ever, ail thase cîncumebances led ne te the periof i ii-ie neanhefi et lest, andi mmlci tht publilebueis. No ir cmtic heu, gentlemnuassumes lthmmi cil these ueoiations me have been bee-- e-me- for reclprocity, he assumes that ia ail tiese negollahiens Ihat 1001< place et Qncbec ant InL Washington me mare net dealue- avth thea. erlue- Se question, lia me e ment tdealine- mIth thie Atlanbic Sieries question, and wLlh tht obher questions, bat h laImre meetsteliue- tfe tt ftheeAmeni-- cens, lu order ho chtain corne trafic con- cessions. L'.I, me hll tee hou, gentle-' man tint lu thîs malter, as Inacli othenrs, cand eSpacilllg rlu hils Oue, li- îLfa 0' tllogeer înZ m -ihalitu.-,- hava ne ieht te s9peait c fi ibttloi-mplacin thebiacommisem:3on. nr evmertjjere wasa amjan wnt> u±Sgc-,ýuC and humniliated Canada at Washington, It was the hon, gentleman -whe had the audacIty to miake suc- a charge agalnst us. D.oes the hon. gentleman helleve that we do flot know hie hic- tory, and i tlat we have lived îaIl thece yeare wlthout knowing what he was dong?7 Let me recail to the mInd of the hon, gentleman what to.k place in these very negotiatiens wlth reference to which The Montreal Gazette bas re- ferred. Mr. Speaker, once upon a tlme there was a general election In Can-1 ad,;<,it was In the. year 1891. The hon. genleman was not; a mnember Df Par- liament then; he was in England;h wea theii. gii misenrfor Can- ada;- he waLs th-e rpecn otv f the Canadian 1peopie, rinOffoepar'ty, buat of aIl parties. 111. duty was to stay In con1traryý, th1,at theP -!votearngmt of 1ric s-polie mas bu lt a Ymodif-ica- tien of yeur proos1, ad in ne cense han. coriginal s-cggestcoï7from tih. Gev- çrnment of th Ui iedStte. ith thus expianatien il opl'y rea e r me te say that genIem. nrpesnlgthc Dominion cf Cana ,jan preolng te discues thcce rc ire-latciens ef the tire countries ma1yý be assured of a courteouis and cor-yýU receptIon In ;War]hlngbon, by ttGocvernmeut of the. ULniteciStte. AteIe HumbiLle. Mr. Plaie weld ccclv. the hon. gentleman, vnd ouýd .recelve hlm cor-' Idially andci certecnsuuy, but there was a question cf fact te) e settclcd betireen them. - Mr. PlaI-ýin a ,InBsemany wired that tht iitiatilve dld net corne frem hlm, and he mant- ed tin t f act a,--neiwIedged be- fore the ion wtl~a as recelvefi. Thtfololnday ltic hon, gtentlemnan asltofie uf)Ë'V1r. linand lhe recrdshimelfthtintierview vwhlch tooli lacei te~te Sir John Mac- denald. 11e flrat maiscrne prepara- tory remrkcFor isache met soine lf tic grandee....s cf the !and ln Mr. Bian' fIcel tGr Anybas- sador was terfor iitac;the Dan- lsh Ambas),ýýcdor irastierelso; lie bad te Walt cretmbut after he had wraitedntilissegreat persngs had mithdrawN he vasadmttted, and this te what he sald tk place. Here is Sir Chaîlelsý' aCcolnt cf il "11told Mr. Plaine that I Lc1;;ied1 n btcentset, te recegnize thi' ac c, racy ;f the state- ment contained Ir, la hilttr te irm Ju- Pian Pauiefkite, IchI ha seen, ln refemencete the nliitof the nage- tiatiens regarding reirea rade ar- rangements lietwqeýn 1he two ceountrinýs." H1e had te eýat humlpe and wien he had eatco. Lt bhe was b0eard. This la the man mie tells us we are, suppliants at the feýet of the Uilted States ; the man mie was fercef"te admit thet In ordar te carry (on l ie Iggotiations lie had ta correct stte t tit couid net be mnaintainedý,.. Peint (of Ds~r et Noirw, srr te comcle takte the nego- hialions. As 1 said, ýhhe negotiatiois- dld net tak plaec omv!thie questien cf reciproclty more thali uo any other question. They tool plceon, ail Uic subjects, and finaily, 'as lîmeil uemu-V, we could net are pontht qesio cf the, bouidary blwe lsaand Caniada. Mr meti i closed on thus cýUbîecL, anI annotspei,; -but thare bas been 'astat-ee-imaeoffinially; by tht erlgOffice, cmlgfrem tht commission itsif, which lis given t10 the public 1tht-reacos0i hyvl.ire ýcoulci. notet. Tht ,Amierjia-omi' in ers c d ot ant te 'av e 'an u"mpîre. They manted tiret omiso eon Ont side land tiret On tht ltheýr side. Ta titis -me c -ud (nt are because SucPI an arranigement vweud net gv us a definite stte ret fthtesin They alco manted tt iCt.tsettie- mente% In questinmeefeund te be iln Canadian te rltery ts hoi tili re- main part n)f theýir cpntrrtr.We coulfi net iagrae te that.ý Sir Chenet T-Yupper-Herhear. Tht Prime Miister--i am aglad te steE tha.t In Ibis et lest e hve tht ap- probation cf tht hon, gentlemcnan., Tht h'on, gentleman tells us that as soon as tht Americakn corlîml.sioners teeli thet position ir,,,e soî have mtfused te adJonrn, ire chould havebroken off the negotiablons. HIfelcId us that thc Canadian cormlseneinýrs shoulId have coma bacli te attend te eewi situa.- tien tins created. TtCanadian coi- nhlssloners-Mm. S, (-r, why did hêd net speali aise of the Brillai COMMIS- slcnem ? If tht Cna4(ancommission- ers shculd bave comie bnic, what mas tht British comm!,ýsclener t,, do, I mant te kneir? The hepngptemn anted ne 'ta break off tht x2eotIations in a' pet, and Incur ail tht ce..nseq-uances Of sncb a, break. W. iVougt Ltmore irise, mort d!igniled ni ore ln the Intercale cf Caýnad_,a te gvete thte im- perlai Goverum1ýentaadhtAnme ,rica Guverninent te poîiunt c avn soma generou-s 'il ci Ii qetin with a: vicir of aiiln aji,.,torne settie- nient. Is thr an ;here but tic hion. gentleman irbo ulbam us fer tiat ? The hon. gnlmnspolie cf the rapprochemîiien t b een thlt tire na- tioe, and appreved of Il. What iroulfi have beceme 0fci tatI rapprochement If, aI tht vemy outeet, bucansbe me could pot agreýe on 's question luîe the oneta whlch 1 have referrei, vire had folloed the course proposed by bbce hon, gentle- man becauce tht prop,,ositions cf tht American commissieners*irere net ac- ceptable? W. thonghýt they were net acceptable, and w'. dld pet accept thein, but blane e didet cýaccept them iwe thonglit Lt tht part e; thonorable men and of true Pritisi cubjents te give a last oppcrtunItg 1a have these questions settled amicably, and 1 believe tht ma- jority of tht Canad,'in people wmli sup- port us In thie ta In ethe(r matters. Tht hon, gentleman seid, "Yý,ou should have ceme hacli and initiattd3 a policy of re- Sir Charces Tupper.-Neý. The Prime Minister-I[ beg lie bon. gentleman's pardon. Than. gentle- man said : "Do net hv a polley of rtallatlon ln naie, 1b7ut hve t ln faet 211 the sae" tM,, heý pher day, In a speech he( ellvered In the country, and more or lIe s repeated yes- terday, that we eoli have a pellcy of retallation ln 'lbe. Yuikon ; because Canadian minera In theý United States have net ail the. rlgh.tFi wl Mh are given ti Amerinan miners, that w.e houlci have the came pollcy In, Canada for Amnerinan miners. Sir Charles Tuppr-N1o, the hon. gen- tlernian lias misunder.ïst(,cod me. On the centrary, I stated that in ith-e Yukon the Unitedi States had gliven Ca-n-adian sub-1 jents on the Amerî-ianside c f the boundary the same piiigsthet we give te Airericans,ad they dIld that by an act of Cengrets pa ssnce the meceting cf this Hne atyear. qlh& -Prime Mnse-yhon. friend dotes fot do hlmse'îf jsice; h. makes have enlg tus te sag te4o glien. i ei 'bbcremarlis et the Preir h. bcid ferenceb tht ectors, enaMm. ir -chenia tlhnat 3w Ibi 1veýr -miagb'LImte peiicy vmb;nihs ',lefiUp tht records oftttic bouse cf quoýtef froin tich ov S cotiade ie siail be folloîvefi bg lhLs Govemumrenit Lords, and had founfi that tint body thie charge t tht e-il hon. BaLronet il shah nel have efrenne le eng pol- lied -net donte ngîhîne- morethtin te broue-bt tic peo.pie of rîbat P1ro'vý,.inL- Icg foilo-i.ed bg tieLUitediStates. Tiche lfidIn check ieglslabioan ulil snobhoteConfederation miteutivin -in a InspIratien cf our pollcg shaîl b. thclime as tht mill cf lie people mas chance te pronounxce upon hieques3tion. ceusideratlon cf, bbe hast inleresîs cf kmcm, and tien bcdd liowed il tei Banefit 10 Am-ericains, lie Dominion, andi sial ba denlved pass If t mas clear thet tht public de-- ih on. ebrHmlo mithIl Canada, and net frein oulsifia ot n.auded Lt. It mas tie saine La Canada. Tieirfr ntHmlo Canada. There mas ne instance on record iret d changefi thet tht Lib)eralî partg mes Tic NewiraE na.h e upper bouse bailendeavomcd te ln- nmasqueredie- frei n eeynd cf tie coun- Nom, sir, 1 have nothing mnie.te do terfe wtth popular mil. Tht dis- tmgltcothathr lunbtce-aioof tic Cen- et pmescnh. 1 have doue; but before i cussion ln tht press, on the t nforrn sratv artg, a ci-ange bahîluetIen I close I must express nîg gratitude andfi l thle Sanate on tht Yukon bllniontht part efthticlion., entemen, Tht te liceimcn. gentleman liat lu thus lasý'tchearly siowafi lIaI bbc Senate's action baeon in tcentitlto euf e speech mhinh lh a s deliveref i he: ms te(sulted frein thein belief tint il mas bLedeimliu h consent cf the' siown hîiscîf once nimo, and penliaps cmensura not conducive tte iintaeet PevcsorheSntma ntn moethan ever, as hae is-renîhess, cx- of Ithe public. Tic Gevern t hmd' on nediiý1 nto scn trave-eut, unureliabie, ever readg te Iafivancefi, a selieme tom Senunte mformi tention hie quetcd(l Bystenden as an pander te passion anér prejudine, evera ddpoposed te-go te Englanfi 1te-et il iacubrt. a sb drn in ready te e-amble awa thie mosa c sanictiened. Ht protestefinainsi their Isecond hamer onstteulef, ar'd mcd Intarasts cf this countrg for thie goîne- le Ene-lanfi on evenr possible ex- secod aboeracntted lemanier-, chance cf c partg efivantage. As to us, fi se, andi on this occasion perlmcuhai-ly acîcristIncftc C ade Bnl. mie have noir baca in office less tliidiitueire ws niepossible excuse t.g to(fvruetheapplause) a Gemang tire. gears, upon our record, suci as il lite higehst tribunal until tie people, bg Normng anfi.oter ceunînles, Swiier- m, I cîdînim e Celi appeal a iii sou-c'j ltIn ballots, hafi given expression teladpriuryterth oa- degret of conlidancetnet Onig te tht î their opinion, Iu bis opinionthie Pro- lui aticteui, e îuetbed cf np- imnpartIal judgent of iistomy but le rvînial Parlianient irouifihabclboter tcsitrsto.meloinirpoee bic faim veri~îct of mecn om living. 1I empleged fi i-titine-tic btirdeii5 cf lu Canada. Mention bafi been mafia do net laim tint me have becu freethle people than ia phagine- doukag en- by lion, gentlemen of the- bouse cf froiu imperfection or îidrnllg, but I e-hune te tie Geverument et Ottawa. Rt Lords, butlibe held tint wileiheire do clamai thet me have doue corne lat- e-ave figuras shoîmue- tint lt aga-ra- mas conîtrliane as ne conmparl- lue- service te Ibis countr-y-service gaIs cf legislators for tic Dominion son balmeen tatbeýdg and the fennie. wh-hi mli live la the hennIs and minis iras 746, fer tee man, andi consequeut- If thie ieuse of Lords bionkefi legis- 0f tht people, andfimIn i ml sîlîl bent lg toc expansive, he seifi, for n country latlon c suflf)ilnt nuinier of uewmamini- fruit c long tima after tht lest ot US a iti 8se mnil a population. For binscîf bers ceuifi be appelitefi te nomova riq bas hein dem lu his erave, fSim, I dlaIm ho mas net pnearcd te sag tint deadioci. Caneada hnd' ne suci safa tue ý,, and'I T dem It mihi cere de- sein. measurea ci refem In l regard te guard; onlgunuder thie most extraorditi gre etfconfidence. We havea closed au tie nomination of Senelors mie-ht net erg circumîstances, affecline- Imperi&,, ena painful andi dangerous lu tic hic- bc afivanlageous, but rot alone- lIe les policg, for Instance, ceuli SeatnIrs be tory of our country; me have healeit propesefi by bic Attorney- Gnmahlu n defdfi mre a deaioni occur-'d, andi coeime bumulue- sores mui were fast is (lima sreaier's) 'Opinion the" Senaters tien hie numben cf appoinîments wVir calme- inte the verg bearts -etfohm pe- siculf be electefi frem ceýnstitutefi elec- limitefi ho six. Speakine- cf the Yukel, pie; me bave breugimi am nd alOternidistricts o-f lic Provinces. Mn. bill, lhe seif i teene cfthah cc pence micre discord md lona egnf Censcalien cinreef taI liaLibenni tract mas speTiareas net tirn mc have recencilefi men lngeslrane-ed pnrtg mad ilu9a1lils histong lu Canada fo er icGovmiatt uii Itcc iv bitter strife; me have tane-it thein te been ýtht pnmty of Inconsistencg, andi tien le ticheope ninihr i have confidence in themselves and eue liat mas tita case mi Il let-ýday. Te Scuala boma e ticviliet thtpeo- anolier, and, aboyeanl hine-, e, have supporîtelits heoivoulfi, ha saii, i-ed tic pie. Tbey lied sm bill i, tane-it tien te have faili, endi an abifi- leller la mmic, aflar the ehaniion, et andi as n nasult mlincfdlas m ýe lue- faili, lu theienstitutionusund"r 1891, uîjmn. Efimard Plaie gava hie nen- flnin them ma mb ic oce eeoe whIch me bave tic honer 1e liva. This dons ifom wlthdrawiug fron tepnrtg, memcianîslunSetîl, SanFrancSe funhher I daim, ave have closefi ont arsa nd tint gentlremnakucrthie LiheralS anf Sacmamant, afiml hi ccfr andi have opanefi aneliar lu lic hietery betti' han lie (bic speaker) did. cf Amenican tnnu-spemtnthilion cmais tif lie trafic relations of tbe empire. ,Hon, Mn. Rocs-Yen meýe n e ef us mi cieulfi haveeot tc m1ei- Wc -hava removefi frein ourhimis lie tien. (Goeanument applaus,) anuls of Canada,.Ilirasm "rofe siaciles whicb ment lmpedim"uls te Mn, Cerscnnilen-It bas beaenîfil, andi remarli, tee, that li vmgmc o freen trafic mithin tic bî'oad demains et raid Imuig, liaI thicgrenteel and beat lied proested aneainsI fia e-anI eo our empire, andi tic polhcg a-e have tins ofmin chcange themr opinions, but fois the lande for tic -Yukon nla'g i, Inîneducefi me sinlpursue a'rith cqrt neyer, (Opposition eppiauca.) 1elien luhem day ghven inViions itac-s and confidenceandc'!mth udtrt-ad bic letter, 'and aet er cemmeuîn 1.lalandi, millions Ilu mnyan ig haste. andi miti an ever-vigîlant cgc, upen Il relteratd hie objetions fe moncp)olm., te tic C. P. R. Mn.1ram anfi determnnnon andi couragce Lte iiou'e tht proposaI, -bit chief of wmmmi mes bien spolie offSim Macieuzie Pom'11,R andi hoeut ah tie proper hume anfi the tint tic mandate of tht people befi nol difi net desire, lie saifi, tin t -any- tilue-i proper seanon. (Loud acnd long con- beau sougil. Iu conclusion, he movef iei migit cag choulfi biscesîue as Iinnedappinuse.)thît tthe fliowIne mords bha afifief ho hine- disrespectful of tinýtgenlmn tie amendanent et Mr. Whitney' ex- But ho-day ion,.etlmnopposite an,- 'T ~~pressing eppreciaticu If tic action e0f Censarvatives Ibree-blout tic ccountry tbe Senete cencennine- lie Drminouinitre sagine- tint hie -,s thie daima Rnllmay and 'Yukon bills, "andf tt lustam manm e icupper Ciamb n in ofteSenate by irbîci tice tt li-e hei. et hase ci- tich c- bew inte me a'o m asisedParo-îne-hh inces anfilte Dominion cf Canada, as kliit b huandfi cemnplehîne- is po'- li eshebhlciýef bg the British Nor-th Amer- ilical aasntin If itht Conscrite- tu at myhojJtrbe ia e leaders couifi net theinseivue Favrs bn! hlm i en lhe mas theýirspee BMr.MENIIirred In ut, thmes hieftan, hom enuif tegadi tint tie MmGamn oncmnei u al tntpeople et Canada repose L-musb 1in hlm bcd been stafId bg reiesspeýakers ri- -today ? In coniclusion" , h eaptit Sonate Reforim Resolution Car- e-andine- lie greaness oet the British cdle- betost ttSnt n Empire and lttacfýt lie BrUitan sIls prescrit coustituhticu,andi asiefi If mistreet cf theceas. He difi bjnctc -Canada's pegee ,nfi pmospenlty irce riedin he egiiatre. hemever, te tht corollamg tint lte te lie moninec cul iv ber own people, on Rloua. cf Lords lied a engeo1 do just anfi proper lines, on If lbar dea.tlny ______ mih.puttine- lie motiercocuntry LnIo -aecte* b.e bsîmuctefi by an upper tint prend position. H. esteemefi thc Chamber actuatefi by partisan me- OPOSTIN HIT RO ND motlenland lu respect cf he Institu- live.1 OPPOSITON SIIFT GRO ND tios, andapprecatedlie eprivileges ta 'sMme. wiriciCenedian e jogefi as British ct- OtaasMmee Izeas, Put Ihare mas ac neaerrandi Mr, Powell (Ottama) sali hie adeir dearer landi ihici demnedfiricnafi- mIlci bcd been expresýsefi on tie Gev- Mr. Grahmamn eoflBrockyile Advt- inirtiln, ltin adoration, an d, if erument side meeaublanly et variance ctes thse Abolition eof tire luper nacecsany,, hitir lite-tint landimas a'tih peccfurWfndLair Chamer. anad. (iniseria aplýau--.)Mret Mealmeal, wmer aln hie Preaimir self > Whbit Cnad aia. Mlîseial appice. Mm.d tie Senete mcc cil niglit, but liat on Whln vg lied rgutîei thatn _>iclu h-adthbaoccasion oeta edeioci tieetsieulfi Mar-chandiet Quebec te ireduce lm le be a joint vote cf-betli bouses, andi the Panliamnu Buildings, Merci 21. pnss a eseution in lamer of Sýaee majnnýItg sicuif premnil. Mr. Graham Thie Le-islatu-e te-nIe-bt by a major- refenm,lbut lthe frne cf liis arge- anu f fe lia aolitnet ablan-th lty ot clemcn passef lhe eslution ment mas dettioged bg tbe sulisequent Senalea te havce ajoint vota. Since admission et the Opposition leader tintCcfdaln ie ent mdirm irbici mas momefi lest mccli by Heu. Mn. Marchand haf ceusenlafitho mIro,- Cnpeain h eaehdtr Mm,. Hardy la femor ot Senale eformn duc. anfi pas" sncb n raselulien. iead ont 47 puiblic bis Inîroducefi nuder a The division 100k place, nt upon Mn. lie Queben Premier put suci aj i-ose-e billsenvatlvgoein mntanf-ib1 ubie- luln tino-ne-, tihecifi ci-g et Freýiucibll rneb L n'dna îahMn V!hitncgy's amenfiment epesîeap- (domnnatien meulfi hava beau aled.lsrg. FRe cilefi ie-as ,aneidcetn ofcltin ttht Senate s actIon lan me- OuI ofthe Censenvative gripsacîce tc SenaLe m, as rnet n partIsan bofi-e jactine- ihe Yukna nfiDruiamonfi mouflfihavpe coma ticeonid, meti-enten codan for he meomn ide enete ainr CoLý,tybill, bt upn afurherargumente tha ntaane mas la danger cetfrheeorofhSna l Ceuny bis, ul pona fuîhe frm tî enro-aimets f Qubac Bgtht- changes made in 1854 in lie censti- amnfiment movafi mv Mr. Carecallen is action, bicrafone, Premi er Marciandiut of ettht Lagisielime,_Chuncil, tbis aflemnoon deenecaline- eug change itafi i-pivefi flicOpostî leader cf îherahg Il mas proyidefi tint.Ihe main- ln the constitution of the peChm acrtat lie weulfi otettwisebave bers siculd ble electefi every heu genra ber. Whch- mie-ht disturb tie equilib- rmmccl. Mn. Ganscellen bcd aleed iaIantihechaneve tic h ice cf lita riuin belmeen tht Dominion andithie tie members cuppontlne- tic GovIeru- andg. e ac h lfedace oma is Provinces establishefi et Centfeenîion. ment conîfi net gime independent votes,boySemh npndc wsi- Comparinge- t ireiendints, lb milh becauce, tiey citier md e-ct favo ,re play cd thal tht Legishetlva Counicil re- lie ceeu tint litre mas c decidefi change frein tht Goycnment or wme 1 1la cx- fus"cd te pessupplg nnlcsc Ihe cysteni of base on tic part cf'tic Opposition. pentatien ot tavors. Mn. Grainai lu- tif holine- migratorg sassions tif Paruea- Mr. Whitutg'c proposition, inkine- tht dignentlig epellefi tie aliegalien, endi mentos Tothc nmibationcof Houe, te vole approva cf lie Stadte, lhe cielienea thelb. on, e-entle- Sntr ,ý , a enms scaccly desarmefi le be treatefi serious- man te maike a speciflo change ixineful, anti h1-j'7conv enlefi tht uppan lv, 'but tht Conservalives had et icastlnl regard te any membcr tp-Chember Into c mi-ere echo of Conserva- some basic cf argument mien tlieg pontine- tht Geverumeult. RH IeMeetis i entr dbc tonchefi tht question et bic constitubiouni'old tien be prornptlg grantefi a coin- termend match-doge, but tiag mnd been et thelSenae. Mm. Cnrsnallen's emenfi- amble.etfluvestigation, mi h.It mas dumb fiees a'ienevcn pernicieus Con- cermetImo egIc-siation lied bacuproposefi. ment iras defeetefi bg c vote cf 48 te 87, vcry liklclvtint Mn. Carscehlen did net TIie Scnntems cimpiy canniaf o-ut the andi lie ameudment ofis leader n'as ment, Mm, Graham ridiculefi thtides, bebests or thein Censervallve -maclt. declamefi lest on tht samie division. Tue tintthle eforin oethle Senat. wa Tht- reolublom scarcelg ment fer econugh, canas vote eversefi precumefi lie pesaý- Prmmted mv tht dfto f burglcnions for h1m, but whmle ut mesrnet nIIl ie aea et the resohution ad tht adoption motives cheishefi iv tic Lbrais, as Wantefi, 1h mes lie bcds he couli e-et, of a motion orderine- tiat an eddress be sue-geshefi by Mm. Cercnlen, andi iteand therefore lie moulfisupot 11HeR preparefi andi piesentefi te hem Majcstg callefi te mImd tbhei-ids ou thetrtaenrg cmpportcd the motion net bt-ceuse h. embcdgiag lie viesetftht Legiaia- irbic d been carriefi on under tic Ilcldefi cny servilegale-lnce to he fume, lat Gomermient. Tu tuls connention is Geverninent, but because itlmas ýnte Statlube Lawr Amendments, ulterefi an Indignent protet ag eainst tht be-st Inleresîs ef tht conintmy. Hon. Mm. Hardy lurtroducefi a bill te continuai heundine- et Hon. J . I Mn. rLuas maintainefi thinticonlyr amend tic statubei l, aaýi;. Ticbill amende TarIe, andi cinhiceafihhet ion, get- jpurpose ef tht resolutien mes te bouch, er the maabfihooit.lii , nu'an , 9 l1causerste show oelle uia l.Du.m.iipu Licenais. jr ase by requlrlng 1 Irn e 5iear te ect a'hich ie hebd cemmIllefi sii.e e lt a,--r ec nt for tih eve thedIferet 7acs o resienc duigjounefi tie Libemel pamtg. Mr. Gi-am ment te ceai te oblain a declealion tie tinte mentie pi-evions te registre- dîi not ccc hem Mr. Canscailen coulfi froin the LegIlalure on c question tien. The district Jufige Is cahhef ho deoteti se tlinvole for bbc Allen- cutside ils jurisdiction. act on the rcmision ot the votora ilet ln ny-Generel's esolublon, because dur- Clesing e-Iarls. the istict whre her Isno tipen- ilue c ire t 23 minutas of hus speech lha dinrv Magisîrnie, cufitht bilifelares hmd arguefi agnmnat decentrajlization ln Mr. Fey cenhandefi liaItlicqusto liaIt the Goerninent shail hae omr tbe Dominion. Tht Senate to-day mad mas net one for discussion in 1lie Local to appoint more lien one localMaster more power than fim Charles Tuppcn orboslem brsauhbeblr la a counîy or union of ceunlies. Tu f iLm WIlfrid Laurier. Il hafi pomen îtenî plogtd bobkine- afler maltera con- 'VICce, 'Ne ttleught that ene-third1 s too mucîih, andi have negotlated to, Lain a *eutinFnd 1 thlnk we ilI uccefi. -li on. gentlemnay ted tat Iha bre, perhlapt lot piubuit nero tiiidas te 1te ýiresIn Th 1e etina o f cest nesflt cfs'e.Net th,-at 1 ,lit any sprgmnttSrSa- d Flmn nthaýtqusinbtdd h gngntlemn- epen t mcIie , with the anf lthut eriinalonthe figures anymai, -ever eijn or re- tered this word as a repreach towards ourceives 1 Sir, If unrestricteci renîipro- clty was a crime. the flrst crina<l was tehon, gentleman himseif. If ther. irsmeUlt li t, he is entItled frtc ail te the credit. because h. e h me-n, the rnly Cnaia o far a3 il uiw, irbo î i.,ngotiations with th.] ameCicansactuallyofferedte barter1 aLway cf (ýrtaiun ivilege' on the basis cf1 unresticted rocipr city.1 Sir Cb.iarles upye- beg to make te the ho gentlernaiis statement a posi- tive and emphatlc dental. The Prime Mlnîter-Mr. Speaker, I of thie turther tact ruat 1 agreed ru a private conference, as explalned ln my minute, 1 confess that t mas a sur- prise te mýe iren severai ireeks lat 'r, dnrlng thtP Canadian canvass, Sir John Maýicdq-naldý and Sir Charles Tupper both htte ,bfere pubtie assemblages that an informeal dscsso fa recipNreci- ty treaýty wcenl-d talt place, at Wash- lngton after the 4th of Mardi by the intatv f the Secretary of State. I deýtail theýse factS becanse 1 deem t r.mportant, sInce the matter has been for seme mweelis open'te public remarli, te, have Ih eettled liaI the conference Our Tukon rallway bl ,-11ldbeen passed lest year- Sonne hon. mcr- h o The Prlime MinLitr--The recuilt wouid have been d rn.But, sir, that biull mas dfaeand tht greatest crme rd ot he tate te ay, and myi irords li bencome truer and truer as Une gees on, the greateat cim-e that mas ever cmite gie anadian Intereptà iras the rejection cf ia i bill, The hon, gen-tlemian aiseksporiecfre- taliation In fact, net In iname, upený aprue. Wood. pin. loge eInd nicke. I1 bate, on the Senate resolutlen, deslred te wlthdraw bis observations made on Thursday night la3t, te the effect that the Attorney-General had undnly pressed the continuation of tht debate on that occasion. He had sInce learned that te iniab,,,1le ie c f tht euose, irlien any getpublic mieasuriie iras underdiccusieniraste coninua tht. deat ntil miýi'lnght at lea'cýt. ïHe hpdthtexlnaio ouid he rc- (;eîlve in 0the came klindly eirtas il was 7eaned -H lriieilyreviwed is remar"-is cf Thursday -night last. and, contlnuling, hae cald that as a resuit of ust body, te deprive t of Its poirer to do evil and te preserve its pow er te cde good. The Senate dld net create the ProvInces., but the Provinces created theSenate. WudIt be argued, there- fore, for a moen btat the creatlng bedi-es had rnetlthe power te effect re- fer vhe-n 'the senmaeias eut of bar- monywlthCanaiansentment 51 Charls Tuper ras rpresntedassy lig, "Iet tht mat' ter be rferd e h perle. Th ,qustinhadbeen refer- red te tht puople, and theýy VOted On it a-, tho la et o.Su-r Charles Tnp- par wa net 4/ ayea llrfor a re- Speakran Z1,s bý,y!ng heresolutionisrsp pSenate of Canada adptaf Ho)use thlig day, an paylg arnendmeDinta mybemdet ish North ,merna ac as Ilic ciame 1lbO aPfTect, adta be tansmirît(-ted e ieExe GovenorGenraifor the pLv presentat1in te ber Majesty, am copy thereof be sen-1t t e h of StAte fr Canaa. This iras aIse declared co, the calme dvsoand tht IL journed. l ý n -1 ri- 4 u

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