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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1899, p. 2

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v , .~-r.4 ~ The Calladiail Statesnrn An EighiPr ge, Forty-Esght Columnu ?Nemespaper, ta publiased EVER-'Y WEDNESDAY -MOIiNING, AT luE OFFICE, 26 STATESNAN BLOCK,, KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONT., 113Y7 Subserîptionuti51 per annuin, or $1.00 if paid stricily iu edvancce. ADVERTISING RATES Trausicet Adi eriisiîsg. Titi Centis per Lisse first hns'srti n; Five Cents per Lino ecdi si) Moquent Insertion. CONTRACI RATES, rîTMES INSEMiîTE1. sîza crADvEERISEMEsT -- 1lt ie imiLheGtls 1 î OsCmme----------.-Si)00 W)-4 0 .100l 1ýlf Co [umu......... 13 oC 2(; do 60 y 'arte- iColun......8 OCnit 26 40 Lightli Coluin...-------5 e00 ie i6 20 Twessty -Ove Lins-ý...4 5o 9 12 is Twcnty Limes8 ......... 4 C0 6 8 54 ilifisen Li is......t5 5 7 50 12 Teis Lînes-------25 4 50 505 Ftve LiDee........ .1 2a5 53501 i 10 The alseve are entract rates, asnd splly on.ý te regotar business advertisers. CIssse-feoSentmicladvertisements misaiI ,à eS n I t 15er ui.'t oee 'eloek coi Stin da -thîs mle i. w-t Ucstsiely enferreS. Prsi-had-iertiaseents aenig ncwvs itei isaliste ech tsorrion. ,Births, 2,;Marrs -,cind Peefls, 50c. Displssyed site ri i-sr1, ae mesusred by mcale of se' ii lin,ar dochae!. S Orders tir daesiitii dvesisernents me- he in n rVs .sig, otites e--,ýiétiisublisIrer lciii n, lie respoisrible. Nocpsaier will ne stoppeS uîtit ail arrcarage are paiSd, ocept at th ionîeo f Ilie putli she-., Post ooflie nottce te discontinue e ssci suffi lesi, Denc regîsiar rates are charm4s1dnSri,ý ~fr--Apri and MRy anS Octoe-e, Novenlut- ,sDc iemerbr for- dîsel-î'y advertisii'g cet coi traeten for by tlie yc-sr, Butsiness noticets telocal or ucws cslismns firn Inssertiton 10 cetnts pert Iit Nosîpareil; 5 cents p lie eslssbsqc nerin Netteeýsotf rîte i'jssOf anY kind ai wlîcie ais admissio e e i l. g-~ed or a collection is taken must bcpaSdfoc AI! eosumuieaticns sould lie addresseS, M. A. JAMES,. A eold la danger- ~ ~ get ftee Saet cf yen. '. A fcw doses cf îcY C ol S Cure nili -~ ~ f breal,, p au yfoi of Coed luaiafe'v k/ ~ heurs sud prevent grippe, diphulieria shesld blie very home ccd rvcry vest ~ k ~ peekel. hTta Icibter s.. ~ a life insur- i -~ ande policy. - ISIUNYON. At cl Srjatis, 5e.a l. Cuide to Resush se"t' i--i .,iteefre. 15V5 Are' llte 3OMsMANVILLE. APRIL. 12, 1899. TIIE IiifT SORT. According f0 the officiais cifsmcre han eue balainluWinniipeg, a large rm lier cf flic newly arrivcd Doukis- îelIs sbave nlready cpened accunuts aud nany have caslied- drafts for consider- ible surns, brouglit vith tliem fremn tassia. A nicturesque littie story is ,oin.g tise r ounds oiflihe Western pres3 o thie etecet that qi-ite a crowd I inter- stved passera bî' coliecciîlou Min st, .eother day te w'atcb f lîouliflice -uufisîcd windlows cf a lcading bani 'L smalh Party ci frc îasd independenit D)oulioliors cODting over quite inu- ouceive-oSI ou a iarge seut just itî'ide se siudow, a pile of bankill us aud nolîduoi. Tic linni aoovu claiisstsi ave casised thirfy drafts lu eue day. ['hose arc tise "Paupers" forsootis, ci vhich we heard se mach nef long Cge CANADA'S BDIG THALlE. The trade and navigation returns for -Bowan,,lleOnt he last fiscal voar have been presented PUBLISHR'S 7~OICE. o the Iouse cf Comimons. f bis bulkv Tnx PAESMA~ i maied olume contains a mass of] figures, 'eual bewilderingiluvarietv aid detail The to its subscribers until a definite ordcî -gregýate trade of- Canada was $K4, to discontinue is received and a]'9576 fwbc',6412,8,w arrers re aidiiiful, Sbseiptci xports anïd $140,323,053 imports. The $1.00 per annumâ.Ifailu dvc increase lu the agg"r(egate trade o ver $10 pr flllUl.the previo us ear was $47,306,000. 'J'li dIUtY increased from $19,891,000 lu 1897 ~IARRIAGE LICENSES,--M. to $22,157,000 lu 18981in spite cf substan mLt JAmEs, Tsuer of Marriage Licecnse', Residenee: centre Street. tial reductionin the tariff. The dtrade with Great Britain was nearly $21,000, .E.M AUHI,000 greateradwtthUnedSts 1Barrîster, Solitor and Cenveyareer. One-adwt h ntdSae Dlcakbv 11ock, King Street, iiewmautvile 818,300,000 more, while the trad- xith Tstee fte an ai reasenable rates. 48lyr, 0Great Britaiu exeeded that with the - ULnited States byv 813,000,0o0. It is 81O15 OO.OO O LENT) in mot re1tiugto note, toc, that wLile thiere gag.ce urt t nde,i-e aes eirtcret h, as been anannual1 average iexcess 16 -iCLtn ,rî octî,una,,î.nsinico Confederaticu, cf imports over experts, $15,d51,,000,ast year the exces OR. .1. C. MI'rCuELL, cf exports over imports -%as nearly m rj FM13ERIOPCOL1,EGEOCFPHY SICIANS 12-1,000,000, Canada 's experts to Great ~? and Surgeons, Ontirio,Coroner, etc, Bîtiicrseteeucsinft Ilesidence. -Eni,Isi~klen. 74 rti neadtem dosinfc _________________________ the ecess o'-er the prex ions xeâr is Sgreater than the whole exportation oÀ , cf tdie United States. Gentlemen 's'ClotIîes made 10 Oder.A, eohrcutis u rd -t ________________France lu.cres seri over fcrty per 'cent For sale by STOTT k JURY, Bowianviile. cil in reforonce te werk wbicb may ho rcquirod te ho doue on flic tewn lino. Tho Reeve was autborîsed te grant or- dors ounflie Treasures as fllows:-J. Oko, shccp damages, 8.1; W. Montgom- cry,damagesby tmavel over bis iand,$15; C. Mountjoy, cedar posts, s20; D. Deac- on estato balance on cedar centract, $97.50, Indig-ents-J.Camnplieil 8,Janet Wilson $5, Mrs. Stapies $5, Mrs. Sproule $2. Mrs. Hloidge $4, Mrs. Lune $3, T. Wilcox $2, Jeunie Maneil $4. Patîs- mnasters and othe officers nef baviug taken the deciarations cf office are re- qucsted ta de se witbout deiay. Meeting adjourned te Suturday April 29tb ut 10 e'clock. IL ELLIOTT. Jr. Township Clerk. 12 O COINING A WORD. and there vere aise, increases in New- foundiand and, South. America, and sligbtly decrenses with Germany, the West Indies, China and Japan. It is aise worth nctiug that cvery division cf experts incrcnsed exccpt lumber and other prcducts cf the forest. The pro- duets cf the mines and fisheries,nnimais and their produce.ngricuitnrai produets mauunfactured goodls,buliu and coin-- ail showcd advanccs. The greatest incroase, and this fact is cf paramount importance, was lu tuie exportation of grain wbicb alm'ost doublèd, being 883, 788,000 lu 1898 as against $17,482,000 iu 1897, -vbhfat advanced from $9,265,00 te 821,933,000 and cf the 820,960,000 wbieh<Greaf. Britain impcrted $16,47î, 000 was fromn Canada, flcur aud meal advanccd frcm 82,201,000 te $66, 016,000 nnd cats from $1,835,000 te $3, 320,000. Aitogether the details cf Can- ada's trade in 1898 fully bear eut the claims cf progress and pro)sperif y wbich were made lu advance, and are intense- ly significant cf the tremeudens impetus that bas been zlven te the business cf the Country by the new mnethods intro- dnced and prosccuted Dy' the present Liberal administration. CONSERVATIVE TROUBIES. The re-erganization cf the Conserva- tive uarty wbich was under taken sa short time ago witb snch a fiourish cf trumpets by Sir Ch'arles Tupper, dees net appear te bc making- much head- way. In bis speech ou the Address tihe other day the veteran leader impres- siveiy warned the Goverument that lie would pcrsonully stump Quebece in op. position te the proposed SeDaterof ýrm; witbin two days the Goverameut candi- date lu Levis was returned lu the bye- election by acclamation, and yet Quebece is the Province wbcre the re-organiza flou is supposed te lbe furtbest advanc- oed,and Levis is a ccnstitutueucy that bas been as oftcu rcprcscnted bv the Conservaives as by Liberals aud was oniy carried by fhelaito Dr. Gnay at the iast Geucral election by a xery moderate majoritv. Now it is anncnncod,ýthat the prcpcsed Doni nien Convention whicb was te be hcld here by the party.during the preseuf session is te be postponed te a more couveniont season. For the maniy leaders and would be leaderq cf the pnrfy realize that sucb a gathering wonld oniy emphasize the wocful lack cf barmoux' witbiu their ranks, the chaos that Exists lu tihe matter cf a peiicy, aud the radical differences cf ppinicn that prevail as te wbo shcnld bce leaders. J)AiLLàGTON COUiNCiL. Town Hall, Hampton, Marcb 25,1899 Regular monthy meeting, memibers al present. Itenve Courtice presiditig. Min- utes cf lasi s'meeting read auid cenfirmcd. Communications w ,ere receivedifroia J. Lander and A. Lawrie decliuiing- office of patbmaster, Lieut. - Col. Hughes thanking Council for receut grant to nssist lu purcbasing helmets for 46th Batt , filed. A petiticu wasî received signed by J. Nesbitt and 42 ethers ask- ing renînneration te W. Montgomery on account cf damages by traffie, over bis fields.. Grantcd. A- couiits were re- ceived froin ParIe, Davis & Co., P. FI. Bryce anud J. Gale, referrel te Board cf Henlth. Councillor i'tseoe wns nuthor- ized te dispose cf serne standing timber iu lOtb concession, Ccunciilor Cleinens wns autborized te procure necessary pilauJan scantiing. E. Rie npplied te have rond opencd between 9th aud lOth con. Laid over te next meeting. Mrs1 Rogers reqinested permission tffi trim some shade trees. Granted. R. Stacey applieci te baul a portion of rend work from parties livino' scuth cf bis place doue on bis bont. lkeferred te pathmas- tors couiceru cd. C. WiJliams reperted a defective siniceway on concession lino. Ref"rrcd te Councilior Brown. If was resoived that it was not expedieut at present tei mako the alteration lu the boundaries cf sehool sectionNo.i10as ap- piied fer bs- Section 18. Couiieor Brown gave notice that he wcuid bring lu a By-iaw ut the niext mneeting te in- creuse the equiiied grants cf sebools. G. Stepliens' daim was laid over tii] next meeting for consideration, Coun cilior Brown intrcduced Bv-law 560 to amenid 540 establishing the boundaries cf sehool section which was rend three times qandp -dRTh uB-law apponnint. placed me in a grisf.mili. Fxom bore I wonfte fIte Ontario Bank, Bowmanviile, te bo drawn by au houesf farmer. lie placod me lu the missiouary box aud I was dolig-hfed te thini fliat I wonld ho cf somo true worth. Ai fer somo change however, I was mucli disappointcd te fiud usyscîf lu a grog sliop. Neyer ut rest I pass from baud te baud aud wbeu a few more have biaudled me I shahl be sent te the vanît aiong witb many others aud burued, for there fhey have "ýmoney te buru." This areused our beoeaud turning bis curiy bead about the piliow lie ut fer- cd a wish lie miglit grasp aud save at leasf a baud full. Witb this wisb upon bis îips he drcams cf the blackened cinders abeve tho high vanit arranging themselves lut o mauy a wind swung proverli. "Dollars go up in smoke." "lu alf hy getting get uuderstuuding. " "Knowledge is power." "Wbatsoevcr lie fhY lot icuru tberewith te lie content." UnR1Ls-TAL. A STATESMAN correspondent writes: "Wben writing under your condition cf eufarced brevity, if doos net admit of eue distinguishiug "therself" from n literary standpeint. " He cvidentiy wrote tlterself as a suggcsted mctbod cf cx- pressing- a persoîî for wbich the Engiisb lauguage lacks n word. !Te continues "! neyer ivrite thteînse1ves as it would lie written bore witbcut thiukiug cf the discussion on fhlc mciof a proper word te replace it, svhichi somne time age ap- peared lu TuE STATESISAN, I think from your peu. Af that time 1 split up t/te/r- selves aud th emselves aud coucluded tluai, ,,,-sesÊ was ', agusî forai su, easiiy derived and cuphouleus. I bave often thouglit cf writing te yen about it burt bave ouly uow' got af if. Possibiy yen could pass the suggestion along and get the new formn put in the next Dictionary. " If any pbioiogist objeets te tbis uewiy coined personal pronoun, wo shall be giad te record "ther" objec- tion. ______ A FARXER'SON AT 14. Seven years with tlheir plunîp Cbrist- înas stoekings, their scorching summer davs bave quiefh' roiled away sinco iast wo saw our lnsty yenth. '1be géncul influence cf oarly mcmn, the vigorous frolies about flic grnssy meadow, flic continuons dnliiug of a icen appetite on eicken pie and scald crean, bave mntually. developed a strong, liearfy constitution. Long stoclings bave di3- nppearcd, eflier garments have licou exteuded whiie au air cf snperiority glimmers ever bis countenanco sucb ns foreteils a coming- man wbo wiili assist lu wielding tflicsceptre cf Prend Can- ada's dcstiny. Ris sebool days arceflioso cf the ordinry boy. Ho is net n st ranger ttei yard cf wiiiow, nor is lie the Most brillianuf lubis class thoiigli hee bas ac- qnired a lasting desiie for wlîolesome literaturo. Snturdny is the red letter day. What withhide-and-sekinlutihe pea-straw, crcss-fag- around the barley stack, this day is looked ferward te witli fend anticipation, How diversely are bis nefivities engagod ! Now lic is erraud bey,hcre ic faites a man 's wor', te daynie carnies flic atterucon lunch, or finds himself fishiug lu the cbattcriug brook auJ splasbiug lun the drcnmy pool. Loch ;a hlm piouglïing tbrough flic deep snow bank ! Foliow him te the stcep hli by the saw miil and watcb him descend.-Ail aboard ! Foot up Dnsh away! Whir-r-r r! Bump, lump! Slow, neset. Ha ! Ha !'Ha !' Queen's Birthday wiil seon be celé- brnted, fnll cf bis couutry's glcsy lho wisbes for a fiag aud though bis pocket wiil net provide hlm eue, rare genins beuds is artfual aid. Seon we fiud biin with scissors lu baud ,cutting a dlean, smooth page from bis scribbliug booki. Thon with steady baud, red aud bine pencil, lie outilues flic Unleujiack, lie- ing careful te give toeaech> colour ifs proper width and relative position. Success attains bis efforts anu fioating lu flic breeze behioid flicemblisuwhicb typifles the miglit cf Engiaud and is nof oniy iusplring ini tseif'but venerahle lu ifs association. The following Safurdny potatees are te lie plant cd on the neigli. borng farm. Ned's ton fingers are lu demand but how dry and disagrecabie thcy become, and witli what wry facts lie endenvours te mub off flic earthy paste. Tb&'stars shine ever the littie man as hoe trndges homeward feeling lis pockof every few minutes for snrcty that bis dollar bill is saf e. Weudin.-bis way Up te the litile garrot lie pulls fhe laf cl string lu after hlmi, wlien tirod eye-lids steai dowu over weary black eyes aud sweet sieep supplies rest and comfort. Haif unconscicus at' moru's arrivai hoe dreamis cf bis dollar bill. If happe'us te lie cf Dominion stamp, se aff or recoguizing the Governor Gencral1 and Lady, fhe flouse cf Commons, the seventy fivo indications of ifs vaine ho becomes inquisitive cansîng flic bill te relate ifs oxperience "My 111e bas been varied, I have served uearlv 1 te emmtmiette wiit Uarwritht(gotif- i - - '-Tacoma iis, e t a v-emv menq. '.ai, ci Làl1v--I-- loose livva, Su days mucli flic sme as any other day lu the weei, cars munu ing stores oened, tlie fheatres open auJ botter paf ronfied than lu the weei People go te church.inl the merning aud good congrogations but, lu fthe ovoning eulv a few. lu oeechurch oeeSuuday wo count cd-euly 5, another timo 12, iciluding clergy~man and ergauist. -We made the inqulry, '"How is if that we sec se many people burying some- where aud yet se fewut cburch"? The roply wus, "Going te the theatre aud oflier amusements", Our opinion cf Toron tels mucli higlier and 1 do nef thini there is unother cit.y on flic continent te lie comparod with it for' mrality. If is nef sale te go eut cf an evoning bore witli any valuables, thoro are se many "IRold nps." Aimost ovorv evcniug eue taies place, as yen -will sec by flic newspapcrs. Wc iutend leavlng heme about April 13tli for Vancouver aud Winnipeg, iîoping te arrive lu Bewmanvîlle about flic first cf May lu mucli botter benîlih than we leit if. M. E, GooDWIN. Tacoma, Washington, March 131h, 1899. THE LITE MR. B. ASIITON. One by oee l ci settiers of Daming- ton are passing away. On MardhIlst, Benjamin Ashton passed te bis reward ai ter a short iliuess frcm la grippe. Ho and bis wife liad lbit fhem own home ut Hampten for a vîsit with their son aud daugliter uat t he old bomestead near Newcastle wbere lie was talion sic]: aud Jied. Mr. Ashiton was a verylundustrions man auJdliy pcrsQverance auJ econemy bail amassed a comforfable living, gave bis family a gcod edlucation aud wliou clJ uge crept ou was euabled te speisd bis dchining- duvs lu resf aud comiort. Ho was siever -iap- pier than wlien engaged lu gardening or seme similar ivorle aud bis fine gar- Jeu aud thse cîsoice fruit lie, grew fs-cm year te year %vere the resuits cf caeli aud indicions umanagement. Vccensed was hem uat Aifardiswomthy, Devon, Englànd, lu Septernber 1830, and svas a son oi Johu anJ Aune Waltes-s Ashton. Iu 1816 lie wns converfed auJ joiîied flic Weslcyan Msetiý odist clinrch lieing sup- ersutendent ci the Salibacli Sclieol for feu yeams. Iu 18,56 lie came te Canada and four years later was miairied te Elizabeth Langmaid, daughter cf fie late Joseph Lau gmnîd, Darliigt on, anîd resided ounflic olJ Colemans Estate for fourteen year-s, ai presefcccupoied by by Mm. W. J. Langmaid. Zcic. î 1le then moved to bis farmi east cf Ashfou's Corners aud iived there three years wbeulie pnreliased a larm ion tflike shore rucar Newcastle where lie lived until 1891. At the end cf fuis lime lie retired ircis business and moecd te Hlampton whcre bis hoofue was ut tise fime cf bis deat. l.H was a member of flic New-castle and Orono Quarterly Board for filteen yeurs auJ loh:g-seat lut erestit sfOcwonIr ci tise Metisodisqt clinreli. le Ica% os a widow and four children te mournu flioss of a lkind liusliasd auJ father. Tise f wo oldosi scissure muîried and live ut Agassiz, B. C., Richsarid L. on a iarm aud J. J., fechiug sc-liol ; Weslev C. aud Miss Cehena A. live on fh l oismestead on the Laize shore. Deesed was a stroug Censeivutive and was wcli posted inîlie aflairs cf the country, lieing a careisti monder of flic Mail aud Empire. CATARRH CURE ... paris by the ImprovcdBlbower. Sheais the ulcers, dean ithe air passages, stops dropping.. in tise ~ iliroai and permnanantly cures Catarrh and tiay Fcver. nBower free. Ail dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase ,Fedicine Ce.. Toronto and Buffalo. WASILNGT'ON LETTER. Knewing "ouir eaders wculd ho lu- terested i. a letter received from Mrs. W. R. Goodwin wlio with hem husliand lias b lu aisg 'a tory ernn mo eau citios we give the foleowing oxtruets: EDTRSTATESMAN,-I see doath and Wc are nuw visiting iu the State cf Washington and just at present in Tucoma, a mederafe sized city. The climate liere is vemy damp duriug flic wiutcrmomnfls, flic temperature vcry mild. The sceucm 'v amound Ta- coma is bold, romandie auJ grand. Prom my brother 's resîdeuce we have a ver y cliurming slwow iflice moun tain, Olinspie (Oregon) auJ fle icliloiwyA, snow-capped cascades, range affer range cf jagged peaks, then the doues of Adams, Honu) anJ fortmoîs like Baiers standing- lu lolJ relief agaiust flic sly. Mauy tcurisfs ciimb MoLnut Tacoma, with some difflcuif «y, liey must lie wcll snpplicdiiflp iensfecisý, boot caiks, snew giasses, veils, tape for a lile lune, bhinuets -aud provisions. Tliey slccp li a ecess ciflice crafes, fthaliein- flic wammest spot. Yen are cuvelopet inl stcam us if frein a huudred boîling pots. There ai-e a seies ci rugged anJ inaccessible -peaks with cccasionniiy a sîcuderpinncle oufiined luke a spire agaiust flic ski'. Near (bis spot are flic Marada Pulls, a sheet cf dazziing foam planging from a heiglit cf 150 leet te flic recky lied belon'. At ifs foot a porpetuni ainbew pinys on flic cioud of spray fliaf is censtanthy risiug - In flicrrfts cf flic rock arecocuntless tuf ts et brilliaut Alpine fiewers, bine- buls, campanulas (a vivid bine) golden- mcd, perfect spýl-e long petai audJ baf compiete, yet'batt f rec luches higli. There arc many filds cf lic4ded grass nef a stem ovor au insch long. This is flic homeof the whit e wiuged grouse, marimots, slieep aud goats. Tîsere are hnndreds of acres cf sieping grassy lawns, enameled with flowers and studded with clusters cf dark overgreen trees. This is a hovely country for fiowers, roses biooming "ouf cf doors up te Christmas aud now the spring floers are ouf lu ahi thoir glery, the grass green ail winter. We bad a few days skating, the tom- porature wenf dowu te twc abeve zeoe then cenftiiuaily raiing for a monfli, R ich TeBs R ed Spring etr B Iood. q isies The Blood fa flie very essence cf lhIe. As if courses flimougli flicsystiem if carnies with fi, if pure and mi ch, nutirition te every cli in tise body. If impure, if apreads diseuse. If thin aud watery, if fails ta neurieli, hence we have weakncss, debil. ity and decuy. If ia the wouderfui power B.B.B. bas in purifying impure blood, making tim, wýatcry lilood mi ch anJ mcd, ihat is ut flie bottom cff is murvelieus success in curing diseuse. Those who 'are pale, -tim, wcak, troubied with lilotchea, pfmples or erup- tiens cf amy kind aleeuld taie B. B. Ë3. If maies flic pale check reay, flic sii clear and smoofli, and infuses uew energy, ie weu]e, worn, mun down, shattered constitutions. Skin ' "I bcg to afate I have used Clear. Burdock Blood Bitters for im.. pure lilood, iimples on the face, &c., and denivcd great lieudit fmom it. .My s' 1. is ilow vcry cicar and free irons ail euptions. I only used four houles of flic B. B. B. aud cati sirongily ecommenu4 fi te amy persan suffering from impuritife in flic biood or eruptions cf (lie skin." MRs. G. B. HELMORE, Spences Bridge, B.C. Every "I basete aken B.B, every Sprîng. aprsesg uew-for -somq yenrs, to purify my blood and 'ieep my system in good orSon, and cen lioncstly sax' thai I do net inew cf ifs equai anywheme." *Mas. AGGIE BARNES, A IHAILTON ILADY Finds Laxa-Liver Pis a perfect c ure c k ttt . Fully ninety per cent, cf the women of this country suifer freru siek headache. Liver discrder andi constipation are at the bcttcm cf the trouble. Laxa-Liver Pis cure thec headache by correctlng the cause. And they do their work' easily and perfectly without any grîpe, pain or sickening. But the Hamilton ladywe referred to- iler rame is Mrs. John Tomiuson. Rler address is 107 Steven St. North. This is what she says i " Being troubled with severe head-ý aches, I was advised jsy a friend te try Laxa-L-ver Pis. 1 only, required toQ use haif a bottie when thec headache vanished andi I have net keen troubled wlth if sine," Laxa-Liver Puis 25c., ýa1 druggists. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is the simplest, safesf, ouiclrest cure for al conghs and colds of chil'dren or aduits. Priee 25e. D, BURKE SIMPSON, B ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS, BLOCK, up-stairs, King'Street, Bowman ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank-. Pr4vate moes' loaned at bowest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. O FFlCE IN _WEST DURHAM NEW9 Block, where himself or bis assistant wii be found from 8a. m. to p. m. Night calls at residence, directly opposite Drill Shed. Cails bp telegraph or telephone wiil receîve prompt at tention. 171 - yr. DENTI-STRY'£7 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S. Graduate of the Royal Cellege of :Dental Sur - geons, Ontario OFFICE.-Opposit, Expiress Offie. VITALIZED AIR J.M. BRIMACOMBE DEXTIST. Office.-Rear of Messrs. Higgin. botham & Son'sDruýg Store, (Down stairs), BOWMIAN VILLE. Japanese Catarrh Cure, ha8 succosefully copen iwt th Is Most danferou-3 disease. and cussed o stay CUs-ed. Miss A. Rnott, of fleach'ville, Ont.. writes- "If we had only known cf lapanese Catars-h ('tire,'-.îrs a g c, sn father wenld liav libcon sav eà frornspcndinglion. dreds of dollars, and I would have been irçe froin the constant pain and annoy. ance of this meet disgusting diseese. 1 have had catarrh for, yeas-s. My head was stuffed up se tîsat 1 couiC fnot breathe thmough my rostrils. My breath was very impure. 1 had almost a constant pain te my hieSd and ove, "yeye.. N-thing I1'-oul,1 s-gave m eu'I permanent relief, until using Japanede Catarrh Cure. From the very first it gave me relief, and in a short time had removed the accumulation se that 1 could brealhe freely fhrongh the nostrils. The pain lcf t my hme, anS eycs. Its effectuspon mybrcatb wastrut wonderfal, purifysng and removing evcry v(j tige ef the unpleasant odor, and during U_,. paît year since using tlits remedy have flot teit thle ast aigu of niy former trouble. I cen bighly recommend it, and know cf several others Su our neigliborliood whom itbas eured." SolS by ail druggists. 50 cents. Six boxes, witli cure guaranteed, for $250. A troc sain- pie sent te aniy address. Enclose 5 cent stamp. Address, The Grifitks &<Maeeph-rsun Ce., 121 Chureli Street, Tormat.w -r -l -T i-

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