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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1899, p. 4

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WALL C@AI'ING. ý"J Alabastine makes a coat. - ng as firm as the wall > itself. It bardons witli ago, and is healthful and heantif ni. Ili also a. - disinfectant and swet. ens rooms. 'o. Alabastine should ho /4 used on every part of a building, to ho whitened, "tinted, painted, varnlsh- ed, fillod, grainod or paporod, from fioor to roof, outside and la; it is used under paint, varnish and paper, but makes a betterfinish alone for walls. e Siuteon Fashionablo Tints and Wbite.' FOR SALE BY RCd. WortLb. Use iRamsay's Unicora Mixed Paint. It's the best. Phonoe 66., Opposite Ont- ario Bank, Bowmanville. No trouble to show goods. Choice Window Plants for sale. j I BoWMANVILLE, . TR B L O K OUR ST Visit it when and as often, as you want millinery. WVe are pleased to serve von at ail times., We keep the î,Estri _-ail the n--ew styles, pateis siae etc. Our prices aire iow, our. trirmrng can't be beat arouund i .. Make our, Bonnets, atlion Feathers, etc., your own. Our, goods and styles please and our prices seill 4rS.0 Dingman, BOWMANVILLE. Fashionable Milliner. a auu~u.,u~u~ au-UUU aUmBU a MR 0 ta :. ,,,,,, * * * * * . zhe nIu tu~x BOWMANVILLE. APIRIL 19, 1899. CON SERVATIVES AND TIlIE E TE. When so inuch bias been said by the Opposition in criticîsm of the necessary delay which lias occurred in calling Parliamnent together it is odd that there is so littie apparent desire on the Left of Mr. Speaker to get down to business 110W tlat the session lias started. The fourth woek bas boon entered upon and even allowing for the Easter holidays the dobate on the Address bas been drawn ont to an inordinate length. Evorything' that can possibly ho said has been placed before the country, not only once, but haif a dozen times,- and dipsed of hy the supporters of the Georament than it 15 quietly droppod, and a new lUno taken up. Ihis is most noticoahie la the discus- sion on the Yukon administration last week, Sir Hibbert Tupper's reckless harangue was promptlxr ànswered la minutost detail by the Minister of the Interior; Mr. Borden, Halifax, followod tho Ministor with n entinelv new set of allouations. lion. Mn. Prior added thereto, both claiming that the infor- mation upc n which they were based had onlv just come to hanct, although they have hoon diligentlv searching for it for months. Then Dr. Montagne, one of the most experionced parliamentarians in the Opposition ranks, specificallv i.-norod Sir liibhert's original indiot- ment, doclaing that if it was not de- finito, the charges of Messrs. Bordon Prior were, and when Mr. Montagne got'through, the Opposition practicativ dropped the Yukon altogether and very uitile more bhas been heard ofil Aften diroppîingtheYkoî,wbich', in- dèeýfinite as ik was, pnovided somo ,ýsort of a raillying -point aroiun1d which to talk. Opposition speakTerý loundcred round .înap~ icosstto way i thie sea of cuýrren1t pliis it thîer com- pass or ruddler. one honor.»,,1e 11II)mer occupied a couple of houirs lu p1esasant generalities on "Dead Issues," an otlher recpeated what previous speakers had saId about "Broken Promises," wbiio a thîrd sought to choor the drooping spirits of bis colleagues by the sapient tbough not very original observation tbat the presont Govrament had been "carried into power by a lucky wave," that, "thoy have been kept in pawer titi now by a incky wave," (though hoe did not mention whether or flot it was the samé old wavo) and that "it was lucky for themn that it was so, " whero- upon the Opposition cheored loudly,and wore apparently quito, satisfiqd with the oxplanations. Seriousiy tbough, it is surelv about tîme that th. Opposition got down to business, and lot up upon CA-SR GROCZIRS. * as they have shown frseveral pa.* that therie is nothing new t e e N*um e e.E ENSE e * ,m * m~ il aNE . . i. u ~. S u u N * N E u~ * ~u Have j ast received the folhowing New Goods for the holiday ti ade: sm.all Sm.oked IHa= and Brea.ldatt Bacon from Foarmaai, Banana; Xaple Syrup' an.d. aple Sugar just i. Goods deivered promptly. HEAL BROS. Tp.iî nhr-nt- 57 RIOï1WIANVIL.TJ * E u u * *u N N E 5 uE * EN u N u. * uE u u * E E E * u~ u:.:u * M * N M E~ * ~u N ~ * u. u :mem: . m~ * ;u M M E N ':, *.e*e@S@@*S@***SO@***e 4 5* --Eus. PROF. WRONG'S LECTURE. The iast of the series of the Univer- sity Extension lecture course was gîven la the Assembly Room of the High School Wednesday night when Mr. G. McK. Wrong, M. A., Professor lanllist ory and Ethnoiogy in Toronto Univer- sity, iectured on "Oliver Cromwell" The chair was occupied by Mr. J. C. Vaustone who called on Mn. A^.E. Mc- Laughlin to open the meeting with a solo. The 111gb School quartette- Misses Tamblyn and King and Messrs. Frost and Clarke-sang two soiections very niceiy aften whicb Prof. Wrong was introduced to the audience. The unassuming, gentiemanlv manner of the speaker and the concise and impar- tial way ln which ho treated the man, wbsi in bis time was one of England 's strongest charactens, won for hlm the interest wýas7 manifested thnoughout and howeven widely men may dîffer ia thoir~ opinionI of Cromwell, Prof. Wrong deait faily with both sides of this strong man's characten as weil as giv- aiga veryt intelligent roview of the afairsof the state at this important period. Mn. C. E.Bown contributed a vocal solo and Miss Mande Fairbairn two violin solos that were much eniovy- ed. The thanke of the audience was expressed to the lecturer lu a miotion moved by Mn.D. B. Simpson and sec- onded by Mn.W. B. Couch, and to the musicians mov7ed b v Exý-Mayor W. F. Allen, seconded by Mn, C. M. Cawker. The lectures duing the past wînter have been weli attended and hiave proved interesting and instructive to the large audiences. May noxt year bie oquallv successful. HAVE You CAT AnRH?-Then get Cat- arrhozone, which is neither a wash, sniff ior ointment, but odorous gas, wbich is -carried by air dîroctly to thie diseased parts. It penotrates wherover air can go, and nover fails to cure. Have von siight, syinptoms of; consunmption? Then try Catarrhozone. Ontfit $1.00. Sampie bottie and inhaler, 10c. For sale by ail druggists. Manufactured by N.C. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. Send 10 cents for simple. ruAIV HS Triumpbs over the Worst Forms of KIDNEY.. DISEASE The wonderful success of Dîi. Chase's Kit!- ney-Liver Pis adds to the fame of the great doctor whose naine is familiar in aimait every home as the authar of the world famous Recipe Book. Scores andi thousands of grateful men and women have been rescued from the misries and dangers of kidney disease b>' ibis greatest of ail kiduey cures. Mr. D. C. Simmons, Mabee, Ont., wriies : "My kidneys andi back were so bati 1 was unable in work or sleep. My urine hati sedi- ment like brick dusi. I wa.s compelled to get up four or five Simca duriug tbe nigbt. 1 saw Dr. Chases Kidney-Liver Pilla advertiied and concluded to give ibem a trial. 1 have oni>' useti one box and amn compleiely cured. I was a great sufferer for iS years. but my kidneys do n.tothier me naw. I enjoy good resi and sleep and consider Dr. Chases Kidney-Liver Pis a boon to suffering buananity." Dr. Chases Kidney-Liver Pis, one pili a dose, 25e. a box, rt ait deaiers, or Edmansan, Bates & Ca., Toronto. a watcni andi is flot flore to-ulay and gone to-morrow. Every thing in the store will ho made interesting to you. For instance, 17 Jewellers gold filled watch- es 20 years gnarantee, sold at the price usually asked for nickle ones and a best and every day chainr thrown in and thev will ho to every one while the-v last at the same reduced prico. The above sacrifice will also encourage you to get your repairs done before the Christ- mas trade begins. Rickard's is the spot to deal and you have proved it. TOWN COUNCIL. The report of the last meeting of the Town Council appears on an inside page. Following are the accounts passed and ordered to be paîd at the April session: Town Clerk for Indigents....$25 0 JB.Martvn, Supplies............. 5.60 Couch,Johlnston & Cryderman, do... .40 M.A.James, Printing and Advtg. .23.75 Toronto General Hospital ...;..... 16.00 A.. Taylor, Shovellirg . 2.*50 T. Legg. Shovelling Su OW...,...2.00 T. McCllough, Shov.elling snow. ..6.00 Town Clerk, Registrv fees ........ 3,50 Town Clerk, Stainps, etc ...........M0 Electric Light Co ............... 1.69 )Ic(lellan & Co,, wood and coal .. . 65. 19 1MNcCellan & Co.,lumber......... 9.89 J as. 1MorrtsonSplies Fire Dx.t. .9100 mecCllan & Co,u cedar oWs ...34.,50 Geo. Wllcoi, Labor...............i. 50 W. llambiy, Labor ................ 63 Jos. Fletcher, Labor ............. 8.50 Thos. Lvie, Teamlng............ 720 W. Eastwood, Labor............1L25 Bacr & Co., Souch's Bridge...275.00 Baer & Co.,'pie driving, cemetery69.00 J.. inghe Expenses to Toronto7.50 $878.10 HI1DDEN FOES. Spanish bushwhackers, ini the Cuban ,çar, covered theniselves with palaietto Before sending to the Old Country for your friends consuit M. A. James, steamshîp ticket agent. "Our Boys", a comedy, will ho _giyen by the Willing Workers of St. J ohn's church, under the direction of Mr. T. E. B. Henry, ln the town hall, on Wed- nesday, May 3rd. The Zood of the pudding is in the eating not in chewing the string. The proof of the quality of the Gondron is in the riding-; therefore ride a Gendron. F. C. PETHICK Agent. Second-hand wheels for sale cheap. Mr. James G. Jardine, member of the Canadian Board of Commissioners to the Paris Exposition, gave ns a cai Thursday. Hie wns in town interview- ing the manufacturers in referonce to sending exhibits to the Expositions in Paris in 1900 and Glasgow in 1901. The D. O & P. Co., with their usual on- terprise. are sending an exhibit and the Rubber Co. wili probably ho repre- sented also. Mr. Robt. Beith, M. P.,' of this town, was one of the most successful exhibit- ors at Toronto's Big Spring Horse Show, winning first prizes with Squire Rickell, 2yr old Cordelia, first on Jessica in harness for high stepper, sweep- stakes for best Hackney bred mare and the English AsmiDciation's gold modal for besi llackney mare bred ia Canada. Mr. Beîth also won second prîze on best carniage team over 15.2 and Srd on Four-in-hand. Mr. Beith made two good sales at fancv prices, selling Oliv- er and Roland to Mr. R. T. Reid for the Governor of Newfoundland and Dobbin and Mayflower to Mr. H. ilorseman, Toronto. Mr. D. B. Simpson was a winnor on bis bay filly, May O. Coin- petition was keen in most of the classes. To the interest of the people. T. N. Rickard promised vou at the boginniag of this year to givo you practical proof of bis approciation of the liberai patron- age that has been given hlm since ho bas boon in business in Bo e-manville; therefore until October lst 1899, ho will put la genuine Elg-in and Waltham mainspring's for forty (40) cents. Tura and put ini Elgin and Waltham Balance staff's for one'dollar and a quarter (15)and dleani your watch at the time of putting in staff free of charge. Re- membor ha knows what ho is about on 50 juches wide, reg. 28c, our price 20c a yard. Do. 70 inches wide, reg 50c, our price 40c a yard. Bleached Linen 6~2 juches wide, reg. 70c, our price 50c a yard. Our Napkins are sold right because they are bought right, prices range from 85e to $3 a dozen. See our $1.50 and $2. Napkins. Our Ladies' Shirt Waists are ail in and we are show- inZ some nice varieties in Mluslin and Ginghamns. We carry a lice range of Ladies' Tics, with stock C-ollars in corded and plain silk. Our Ladies' White Wear to hand and our Ladies' White Skirts are a revelation at the prices they are marked. Dress Goods. We flave had to repeat ou several hunes of bladý.1nd plaini cloths. Our 50c plain cloth is worth 70c a ýyard1. Just bought a'line of Dress Goods madê to selI at 45c a yard, while they last we sell them at one price 25e a, yd. Those 4 ply Linen Collars we are selliug, 2 for 25c are going f ast. Sec our Meu's Colored Shirts, a good range of fine checkecl shirts at 50c -and 75c each. Groceries. . * *Pure Maple Syrup, and Maple Sugar. 4 Crwn California Raisins 10c pe~r Xib. 14 Bars Gypsy Soap for 25c. Sun Lamp Chimucys, any size, fuînt glass, 5c cach. Oul Cake, 12ý lbs for 25c. Linseed Meal 8 lbs. for 25c. Wc have the improved Double Lever and Roller Bearing Queen Churu in three (3) sizes. This is undoubt- edly the best churu on the market. Caîl and sec it. lu Seed Potatoes, we have Rennie's Rose of the North, Early Vermout, and Crown Jewel. .Dou't buy your Field or Garden Seeds until you in- spect our stock. The largest, best and most varicd in Iseiinice aon e ecio , idpicsrilt by the Ameri Cam sol- W a h îgetmri îc o oli diers. Diseases as i_______the_______arke______fr_____i cash. A~I4~L~Y ~ wh.ackerls rifle. oftkn iark n- h in d fainiliar à, 4disg-mises. ýA Coalmon cld"'lsuc, as you have "thrown off" score of tmca, imay 110w ~Atheunuconunon cola wlick yon cannot throw off. Then you have taken the flrst steps la a path tlaat enads in con- T'egreat protection aýainst that kiddea froe, disease, is Dr. Pierre às Golden Medical Discovery. It protects the vulnierable. pnts, the stomachI, lngs, liver and4 blood. .Whe ieblood 15 ln a laealthy condition, diseas germs annot find amypermanent atiarong tlhe life is ,Soundi and strong also. Dr. Pierc's Goldena Medicai Dis- covery le not only th1e best medicine for impure blood, weak flottes, wjeaklu mgs and weak stomnach, but is a strictly tenmp r- ance preparation. No alcohnlI or whisky iu i. No syrup or sagar eitber. Stfli 15 retains its curative powers perfectly in any climate. Dr. Pierce invites you to cunsel with hlm by letter free of aIl cost. He lias treaied and careti thousauds of cases, many off thenu duiities5 just îaae yours. 1'tcosts you nothiug to lay your case before him. Write to- day. Address Ii. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Charles A. Moore, of M~yeslaOe, Mason Co. W. Va.,,writes: "t had been affllted wiil leg trouble for two years. 1I iesi a2l the surroind- 111% physicians but thcy did mne no good. After a lonig peried I bought voar 'Golden Medieal Dis- coycry,' ad ater talling four bottes 1 was en- tirely cured. 1Inew feel stronger Uhas I evea- did."ý Constipation, the caus~e e oS many dis- cases, is quickly eured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. lit- regulate agd streugthen thre stomacli, !£ver and bowels. Acceeu no subaýtiftl-, cheap, NoiiMÀm S. B. JAMES, Bowmianvilie. Carniages for, Sale Second hand Top Family Phaeton; iEnd Spring Buggy. iDexter %Queen. 1 Nearly new HainesCat 1 =ealynew Brantford car, C t frn. Âp7te Jolix PERcr, Bwa, .1 ! Two More Big Specials in ShoOS, Those sensible people who took advantage of the bie reduci(tion l in shoe prices- hast week, to fit ühemselves out in spring foot wear, can testify to the immense success of our special sale in Boots and Shoes. We are quite satisfied that we hold the confidence of the public in regard to the reliabil- ity of our shoes, and ou.r guarantee going with every pair of shoes, that should they rip, break or spring, or otherwise give out, except in the course of ordin-. ary wear, we repair them free, has been fully tested and found to be as good as our word. For this week we have two more té-ade-producing specials. About 85 pairs of Misses' Oxford Shoos, sizes il, 12, 13, 19,2. In Dongola Kidglove grain,and India Kid'Leathers-, hand turned and r-Vç1TcrIIM(l!?Tl! a TETY1 e rn s les, riïi wV ý -, y J OV .&L h /~ J, N LL. and narrow toos, tan, ox-blood and black, regularly sold at $1, $1.25e SPECIAL THIS WEEK 75 OTS. Boys' Tan Caif Iaced boots, sizes 1 to 5, pointed and round toos, liglit and dark colors,heavy and medium weight, reg. priée $ 1.25 and $1.50 SPECIAL AT $1.00. John McMurtry, 'aj Now is the time for Room Paper. A lady said to mue last week, "I sent awaY -for paper for my hall but after seeing- what you have andi your prices, 1 arn very sorry" Don't ho misled. Don't buy from samples. Inspect my patterns, get my prices, and know what you are getting. Satisfaction is the word. Window Shados. No culîs, and no0 trash. ail good stock and good value. Curtain Polos very cheap. Pictures, Picture Frames and Room JOHN H[ELLYAR, Sole Local Agent., WEST* END * HOUSE, BOWMANVILI.LE. Cash and One Price. Our stock of bouse furnishings has neyer been as complete as it is at present. The quantities we are scl. inug denote the values we are offering in Lace Curtains, Art Musline, Roller Bliuds, Draperies, Floor Oil-cloth, &c. LACE CURT AJ . . . . . .. Jùist fancy a pair of Curtains, taped, 2il yards ho nj, for 20c. 3 yards long, wide curtain, taped, 50c. 3 ya, long, 50 inches wide, taped, 75c. 3-1 yards long, 60 inch. wide, taped, $1. Our $1.25, $1.50, $1 75, $2, $2.25, $2.50, and $3 lunes are fine aid good value. ROLLER BLINDS. A flue lot 2 yards long and 36 inches wd, cemor green shades with guaranteed springs and edges that wih not ravel, reg. 50c to 60e each, our price 35c, or 3 for $1, CURTAIN POLES . . ., . ... Woodeî Poles,hiuhhy polished,in Ash,Waluut, Ebony, or Cherry, with wooden rings and brackets complete, 25c. REMEMBER we give y ou curtain pins free with each pole, Our stock of Mushins i.s in splendid shape foý- doiîg a big spring business. White Muslin in coin spot and self flowered from 10e to 20c a yard. Colored Art Miusîs in blues, pinks, yellows, aid greens at 5e, 7c, 10e, 12ec a yd. A SPECIAL CLOTH . .s.,...., Wide, in blue, gold, aid pink flowers with open satin', bordered stripes worth 15e a yard, our price 10e a yard. Qinsel Draperies, Chenille Curtains, Chenille Table Covers, in ahi quahities. TABLE LINENS AND NAPINS. .. .. ... We have a good choice of Table Linens on haîd aid wiah tfte. eurirmiq Tzbftht.r, M H- YéRiz-1-es fir7ftrT -r .-r mL mL 9 m i a 1 deadiv as rhe blil- 1 e 1 r-esigeet ee EtH 13rement. The kindjýest 1 ;Odg-eme*t. Wileiq ýiîe etemeeh is C..à 1 -r 1 --r i 1 1 elutiutel.Lu Uë LýV yy y 1

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