z: -soe Gb- Furniture Dealer____- A ND - ___Funeral Director . - BOWIVANYILLE ~ORONO. r f 'NTfý 4?g 4eg %If, 4NI&- 4 I. W 4Y. 4W4), NY-'t-P 'N4W W4M. et4-M RaiWily 4W-W 0 J. IGGINOTHAM & 4", BoMNV4 Agets -81- >41lb 4ýlle -e0k'lý -eÏle -mlkýe-*Il tbey kuow enougb about this question ta gel as mach mouay or wbimkey or what tbey may coasider au equivaleut for Iheir mark ou papar ? Womau bas proved that sha cau provîde net only for harsielf, but for bar loved anas in case af an amergancy, while mny amin sinks se low thal the covarlng provided him je oiten by the womau ha caste bIs vote againat. Yea, if ha hsd ta dapand upon bis owu exertians wa fear ha, like Adamn, fer shama would bave ta saak the shlter of soeafrieudly bidine place. 'Anathar reason why woman sbould vote is,tthere are bundradesud thousands af dollars' worth ai praparty owuad sud controllad by wsomen. upon wbicb tbey eau neyer ceet a vote. We tell you il makas us wrathy la bave tbe taxas ibmust on us sud wa ne vole lu the mattar, while mauy men (we ail kuow this cases) who vole, do ual own anytbing, aven thair IbraIe are conlrollad sud m..tarad by narcotice and liquor. Thera are the men usnshly who are ready ta dcèra h1 womauw do mot _know enab evoa WOMAN'S FRANCHISE. We think ourseivea happy that the time has arrived when we are permitted to freely express nome af the thoughts that have beau suppress8d for montlhs, yea Yeats, with reggrd to the ail import- ant question: "Woman-'s suffenge or franchise." Wa do flot wiah you ta infer from aour remarks that we conoider ail men bias bigots, and ail women pure and uprigbt. We are convinord that there are many men who are as npright and honest ini their convictions as il in possible, while there are many women, wbo are, we griava ta admit, as vile andi as unprincipitd ais ignorance aud prejudica cau make them. What we wish le ta look at Ibis questlo.n fromn a general standpoint. Wby women should vote ?-Because womau like men wera creatad in the Divine Image-therefare she is a fitting helpmate and companlon for man, stand- ing on an equal footing naturaliy, endowed wth the saie mental capacity, as it bas beau damasstratad again and agaiu. Look into our Young People's Soclatias, aur Christian Endlaavors, our Epworth Leagues, aur Sunday Schools aud churches, and yon will fiud thv most indefatigable, activa, enargeti ansd painataking, are flot as a mIle aur young ruen, but in naarly every casa, Our Young woman., If we look luto aur public schools and samînarias, In fact evary avenue that bas been opened to woman, we find she bas provad beyoud a doubt, that ahe is aqual to and cau hold bier own wltb ber bmaober masn on the intellectuai platforim every lime. This being so she certainly bas a privilage givan ber by ber creator. We dlaim'man bas no right to deprive ber of belping ta make the laws that touch ber an avery side wîthout oh. taining ber practical consent. We bear il everywhara argnad, women are ual competeul to vote- tbey lack in j udgment, tbay are too aasily influenced, snd do not make a study of tbe political question. We ssk, wby should se while tbings are as they are I Giva ber a cbance, and abhi, as in other things, will prove that accepting tbe respanslbilîý ty ahe will show lier capablity. Again we ask, do ual tbe wives and daughters of aur landi display as mach judgmant aud discretion as aur Indiaus, Quebacars and comman treet tramnas. who rava rula, they would arise sud prove Ibein- salves equal ta thesa dutîes, sbawing by precapt aud example Ibat men and womau are true helpinatas sud comapan. ions at home sud sbroad, lu the polîtîcal field sud lsawhare, unitadly supprassing and crushlug ouI the avils, unitadly briuging in sud upboldiug tbe good, always using tbeir unlted powers for the good o nainusd the gîory ai God. À RàI1EPAYER, Bowmanville, April 141h, 1899. llonest Advice Free to Men. Tbe CANADIAN STATESMAN is request- ed ta publisb the fllawing: Ail men wbo are nervous and debilitated or who are suffering frein any of the varions troubles resuiting from averwork,excess or youtbfui errars, are aware that masl medicai firms advertising- ta cure these conditions cannat ha reiied upon. Mr. Grahamn, a resident of Landan, Ont., living at 4871, Rcbmond St., wss for a long limi-e a suferertram above troubles -aud afber trying -w -vain - manv yadver- af the prasent age, the destroyers of berI home sud ber ýpeaca. Xes tightiug ta daath, neyer ceaaiug iu tha canfliet 1111 ail avils are laid low and buriad ao deep- ly that noue oi the coming gencratiaus will evar care ta resurreet or give Ibain an Easter rnarning. YeB, while mnan clings ta and bugs bis party sud as a raIe is sjeîdom willing ta admit thal any gond ebn au. corne out af Nazareth sud votes straigbt party, wa helieve the average intelligent womau will vote for tbe aafety of ber cbild, ber vary lave giviag ber a clearar sud keenar insight luto tbings ber busbaud's cooler intellect may not grasp. llow cau a mian eaeped in iniqulty, raakiug wlIb tobacco sud soakeâ wilh biquor, cast a dlean vote ? As well axpeet a serpent ta leava a dlean Irail. No matter what sucb men promise thay will do, thay canuot cast dlean votes; thoir very hîkiug aof these thinga will preveut ibair ouppreBsiug lhem. There are bundrede ai men wba stupify theinselves with narcalles sud liquor and Ibese are allen tbe meu uho tuon an Ibir sisters with 'Wbat do wornen knaw about these Ihinge any- way? In their-hearts tbay fear If wa get aur praotîcal say their pet gins will ba illagalized, for tho e n uwbo will niake the laws then wlll ha dlean mean or aise waman witb ber clear brain will logislate. Wben shall we bave Prohibition ? When shahl the libertine be punisbad as ha richiy daserves. Whan will avils ai al kinds ha suppressad aud it made as easy as it eau ha ro do right aud as 'bard as possible ta do wrang ? Wben those iwbow God bas joined fogetber, aven the ballot canat cast asunder. Wi) helievo the pailtie.al fields masfor ail trua men and womeu. Waman bas provad she oa'uralgu and mile. Look at the rny queens ail ovar aur ]and who wlsely contrai and ardar thair own Iiousebalds. Behold the nations af the world under tbe sway af women, especîally that af Victoria af Englaud, aur own Graciaus Soveriegu, wlsose raigu bas beau tbe moet prosperous oua the warld bas ever known, aud star more Iban sixty years Ibera is not a discordant note wben the sang breaks forth "Gad Save aur Graciaus Queeu " The nation is nettilrad af woma's rula yat aud they petitian heaven ta spara aur Quaau. We bave net a doubt if the privileze devolved n rn ranv nonOurwûmen te with trimming to match. Ladies' Print and Ginzhamü Blouses, the nicest lot we have ever shown, from 5Oc to $1.50. Ladies' Print Wrappers, well made, wide skirts. good fitting, 85c, $1.00, $1.25. A special lot of Linen Towels, different kinds, worth 1l7c each, 110w 12-lc each, will only last a few days, as the quantity is limited. Jewelry EDep«artment., We meet ail competition. Don't be deceived by a few apparently low quotations, it means nothing. T F johnny- ['il cama hameaun the run, for A GENTS WAýN* ED.-For cilles, 1 like going Ihere 1 for bis 11 tonis andcuitoory Districts. Fre buns aud cakes arejust fine. sample case and xelusive territory. Thosa e6snsng a good dieu it shouid write at once. A fli stock fCanfectionery is alivays Wbv vr60sisudrclaOur ~.tel onLandby Govenment Dspeetor. Agents suppiiedi A txLutre Iwithcopy of certillcate, We aso hande the Clakes Old Stand, Bowmanvîlle. Write for particulars. PELHAM NUR.SERIY Ca, TootOnt wehile warmbaths wih CUTICceA SOAPadgeaOeOanoint ings with doTICURA (ointmeut>, greatest of emnollient okin cures, leanse the si ndi scalp oterusts and scales, alay itching, bsrnng, and infiasmoation, saoota o=i hucai, tiss cosoplting th cure.- Soldthrou-bout the werd. POTTES D.ANDoC. dORP., Soie i'rop.,1otDn. Lte -low 50 cure Eczeoa",free. BABY'S SKIN . sul isu Là 5AZtOu glected Hundreds have proved Griffiths' Lead, Vils, Turpeiltine. Cali and get a Menthol Liniment ta ha the quickestcoocrd and su rost cure for colds. Appl.y il freeiv orcad ta the chest night and mornintg. and take a few draps on sugar. It îs pleasant l 10 take, dlean ta appîy and wilI cure a caid in a single nighl. Ail drugists, 25 ceLles. I BOWMAN'VILLE,. West End Hardware Store5- BOWMANVI LLE. Our NewlInv Ëicesî Show us to be receiving another lot of high grade "lPhotogene" Coal Oul also Prime White Canadian 0OÙ. We have received a shipment of special value in Brooms, ordered before the recent advance. 2 Cases of i3oots and Shoes containing some choice hunes in fine goods. Several cases of Dry Goods containing staple'line,3, also some npew Sweaters, new Blouses, new Kid Gloves. See our Men's Suits at $3.25, Fawn ilalifax at $4.50, lleavy Tweed at $3.90, Navy WooI Serge at $4.50, Big range of Boys' Pants 15e up to $1. M.en'Pants, an im- mense lot and the best value in town, very choice lines $1. Do. hined $1.25. In Black and Colored Worsted. Suits, we are always in the lead and this season we are showing better value and bigger choice than ever. Gàents' Our Ordered Clothing Dept. is very busy, we have more orders than for several years at this season. Leave your order as early as possible to avoid delay. Our flats, Ties, Collars, Shirts, Sox, and Sweaters, Underwear and' Gents' Furnishings generally are selling at prices to please. New Dry oods, Fancy Straw ilats for Latdies and Children, new in, 1 -r LIL LLI L. 1