TEIRMS :-$1.50 PER ANNum. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD APTERWARDS.M..JAEEtradPopio. NEw SERLIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 ý1899. VOUEXLV. No. 17. COUCIl, JOHN STON & CRYDERMAN have neyer shown as fine a stock of Carpets and Curtains as they do now, every yard of their Carpets being bouglit direct f rom the best mak ers both in England and Canada. They have Union Carpets from 20e, up to 50e. TWO ply wool Carpets 65e, 75c,1 andi 85c, for very best. Three piy Carpets 90e and $i.0O for the extra heavy. Tapestry Carpets fromn 35e to 75c. Brussels Carpets from 85e to $1.25, for Crossley's best. Ax- minster Carpets for $1.15.' Crossley's'best quality Velvet Pile $1.25. No house in Canarda selis the sfamequantities of Carpet for less money. An immense variety..in ail qualities and in the newest -designs just received direct 'Lrom England. No.better value anywhere. Couch, Johnscton &Ûryderinan. ~ ' ~. ~, ~' ,m~ .~. ~ sua sua sua sua ~asua ~aun'asas ~ua Dom You WnuI A PalorSIt We are elearing out our presentstock to-1 make room for our spring- goods, look at these prices and see the bargains we are off ering. 1 Pug Suite, Plusli Bauded, $80, reduceci te 860.00. 1 Si1k Suite, Plush Biinded, $65, reduced te $50.00. 1. Slk Suite, Plush Bancled, 855, reduced te $40.00. 1 Silk Suite, in Walnut, $48, reduced te $35.00. 2 Tap'trySuite,Oak,Walflut,824, reduced te $16,50 These suites wil not last long at these prices and you should not miss this opportunity of securing a good suite at a small price. 1. D. WILLIAVS & SON. BowmANviLLE,. Undertaking always receives prompt and personai attention. o o o o o o o W.ake Up fiat orevo hol? Payîrg iPedlars for Eras Watches, such au amount et monoy. 'Wheu yeu eau purchase at Pick- ard's, reliable watches for far loss. This year ie lias reduced the prices again for yeur benefit. And while is presenit stock lasts you eau obtain a geed Watch for almost nethîng. Look out and get eue for the wbolesale prices are advancing. Manufacturers claim te hav e been lesiug mnuy, and witli improved timos, tlicy are bouud te make something, se it is te your own ln- toreat te see that yeu take advaut- age et Piekard's preseut prices. Grocers' due bis talon as cash. T. N. RICRARD, ENFIELD. Vîsitors:, Mr. Johin Parisî, Uxîrîdgce; Miss M. Pascoe,Seliua; Mr. C.Selliy and Mr. Nichais, Ceurtice; Miss MablciMc- Cuilocli at Manchiester; Mr. Fred Hurt- but at Port ,Perry ... . Mr. S. Brav at- tended the herse show ut Toronto... Fait wlieat is seliadly kilied that many are piowing it up., -NE WCASTLE. Receut visitors: Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell, Weslevvilie, ut Mr. Wm.Jack- son's; Mr. A. Cotton, Manager Alberta Ruilwuv and Ceai Co.,Lethbridge,Alta, N.' W. T., ut Mr. W. Hutcbinsou's;Mrs.ý M. IA aciard returnod te Oshawa; Miss Haines,Ciarkewithlier cousin Miss Al- lie Middleton. Ir. Wethereli,Pickering, guest et Mr.Joehn Law. ... Messrs.T.El- lison and B.Moise have thicocetract for papering aud painting the Town Hall. ...Miss Florence Taylor and Messrs. Malcolm and Stanlev Lgiow have pur- chased new bicyles .... Mrs. J. Awde and childrcu returned home te Marsli. ailtbwn), alter 7 mentIs' visit willi lier parents Mr. and Mrs.H. Middleteu, MAFLE GROVE. Miss Mamie Muuday eutertaiucd a number et bher yeuug frieuds Friçlay cvoning,.. -. Miss. Addie Colo is visîtîng frionds lu Hampton ...Mrs. Samuel Barker, Oshawa, linsbecu visiting at Mr. Geo, Power's.. . . Messrs. Will and Norman Gay, Oshawa, speut Sunday ut home... Mr. J. fi. Little, Toronto, vîsited at Mr. Wm. Fethick's ovor Suin- day.,.. .in reorting the S. S. officers Iast week we omittod te mention the Librarian, Mr., M. Munday and assist- ant ilirarîan, Mr, E. W. Foiey,..-,. Our S. S. anniversary will lie Ield June 18 and 19.'-.. . Mr. J. Wood is the first te report a swarm et becs whîcb arrived last woeel. Sein apregrossiug rapidiy and over:y eue is rcjeicing that gladsome Spriugl-, tbougb tardv, la noebre.... May 7at B' Letliesdu the tourtli quarter- by mneeting etf TyroeoCircuit wililibe ueid. 1Business et importance 'oi lieb tranýsaý-üctd Ionda.y foilowing ...Mr. W. J. t)avey.ý,Whiuliy,visited bis brother RihrTlursday .... .Another onjoy- alibl i. e lew iht nas speut ut the Loag 'ie, Fridfay led liy Mr. W. Pommer Ever , young person lu Tyrone and vic. 1iS 11 ainvted te attend next Friday ivinau8eock. Subjet: I"How Chrhi m'-euofetCommon livcsY,.. Mr: 1 Moýnnîu g, -toucher, Ro!lainid. pnu irm et the Rolid Žes Suýe e an iother et our Tyrone 'be3s5. ... waLad two vorv thoughttnl,timeily solid ',sermions froni Reva. Adam,'s and Suel on S.ilbath. Our junior paster made a succestul pass et bis roceut miisterial exans .. .. Mrs.AgueýHarris lias takenî up residciîce in lber home again. alter speuding tIc wintcr with dhlidren l Detioit aud Toronto junc- tien..,.Witl serrew we note ne im- prevcmreut lu Mr, E W. fiawkcy. COURT 10E. Miss Violet Osborne, towu,' bas licou visiting lier aunt, Mrs. Elien Osborne.. . ,Mr,. Stanley Davis, Pickering, visited triends hore rccentiy. . . Mr.C. W. Lent, "Mr. B. J. Gay, Mr,« S Broks and wite and Mrs. J. M. Rolierta visited Toronto bast week, ... Mrs. Jane Miller lias re- turned frein vîsiting trieuds lu Port Ferry and Oshawa ...Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Pundie, Solina, wore guesta et Mr. Simon Penfound Sunday ....- Miss Edith Pnndlc intenda visiting trieuds lu Toronto ...A coat et paint lias greatly improved thc appearance et the D. U. Cheese tactorv On May lat tIe factery wibl transfeÏ or mobutter-malin g te commence tIe soason's cheese busi- ness. The factory bas mun contiuousiy for 12 meutha for tle first time lu its history. Mr. Hiarvey Reynolds, Solina, bte graduate trom the Guelphi dairy sebool, lias licou engaged as assistant cheese and butter maker with Mr. J. W. Fotheringbamn for this scason.... Mr. Alex. Cumpblli who lias beld the position et foreman lu the butter tactery bore this winter gees te take charge et a cheese tactory lu Perrytowu. fils many triends bore wisb bim success.... Mr. Jesse Truli, watcbman for the newly tormed, shootîngsyndicate, lias canglit a number et sports 'who lave vioiated the game iaw by slooting dueka eut et season. The mem bers et the syndicate buuting club are : S. S. OUR BOYS. Wednesday evening, May 3rd, the Willing Workers of St. J ohn's churcli will present this convulsinglY funny Comedy iu the Town Hall, under the management et Mr. T. E. B. Henry. Toronto papers speak in highest praise of this play as prociuced by the Cum- mings Stock Co. at the IPrincess Theatre this sOason, were it drew crowded bouses for a weok. Neoe who eau appreciate a really goed play should tail te attend and enjoy a heartv laugli. There is net a word frein start te finish that will dispicase the miost tastidieus, we are assured, while tue bluest man in town wilI langh. tili lie is tired. If yeu don't believe it go and sece it, and your sins or sorrows will net hurden veu for eue evcniug at lcast. Beautifuliy dressed' and arranged, the treat of the season. Preceeds fer the benefit et the Willing Workers. Music by Merrisen's Orcuiestra and ethers. Admission 25ts-ail parts et the hall. iReserve seats witlieut extra charge. Plan at Big 20 as usual. Dcors open at 7.30, Curtain riscs at 8 o'cleck. Sec programs. ______ ÂRMY AIN1YERSARY. The l5th anniversarv gatherings ef the advent et the Salvation Army te Bowmanville were lield lu the Bari acks Sunday and Monday. Brigadier Mrs. iRead, Wemen's Social Secretary, cou- ducted these services. Sundav atter- neen Pcv, J. H. Barnett introduccd Mrs. Read who gave an excellent aat- dress on "Humanity's Driftwood." Lpiv- îng aise some iuteresting statisties eof whnt the Army is doing. Suuday evcunig she gave an alete scourse te young men taking as lier text, 'Is the yeung' man Ahsolom saf ?" Menday evcniing Mrs. Read gave the anniver- sary addresB to a large audience. A number et other representatives aise qpeke briefly including Mether Stanten whio was the first Arrmy convert in Bow- mauville and is stili a blood and ire salvationist. Mr. Thos. Hear gave a clieering address en behaît of the re- cruits; Mr J. K. Galbraith on behalf et tlie Corps; Mrs Baruett for the trieuds; Adjutant and Mrs. Mark Ayre fer tlie officers. h Is a long tiie since sucli large and eutliusiastic crowds visited the barracks as ýattended these gatlierings, and wc congratulate Ensigu and Mrs. Joncs on ths success et their efforts. The "Easiest Lite te Live" was ably and satistacterily deait withi by- Rev J. J. Re intlie Metliodist churcli Sundar even1ng. T!,e choir was nssisted biv 7,Mr. solo -"Ave Miarie" whicb highlypcad the, large ceugregation prescut. The aunual churcli parade in celebra- tien of the 40tli anuiversary et Oddtel- lowship in America,itook place Sunday atterneon wlin Florence Nighitin gale Lodge, No. 66, 100.F., attended div- ine service in the Mcthodist cliurch. Rev. Bro. J. J. Rne preachied a splendid se- cicty sermon trom the words '*Am iI imv brother's keeper "? If the teachings were iivcd by ail miembers it would mnake a radical change in the lives et many. The choir et the .church furnislied choice music and were ably assisted by Mrs.H. S. Brummell et New York, wlio sang, the soie 'Giory te thce My God this Niglit" grcatl 'y pleasing the audience. The floral decorations were ie_ Pretty Af 1er returning te the ledge roemi the usual votes eft tlanks te the rninister, churcli officiais anld choir for their ser- vices were passed. The annuai Au Home wiil lie leld this Wednesday eveniug te whicli ail members are iuvited. Thieviug seems te lie the general oc- cupation of a certain class ef people in or near this town judging fromn the events et the past few menths. Some- timie during Aaturdav nîglit the cellar et Mr. W. G. Glover was entered and a generous suDppy et provisions taken. Sunday atternoon the home et Mr. W. R.Knig-htiake shore, was entered while the famiiy were awav and a gold cliain and other articles steleii and Sundav night Norway Cottage tlie resîdence et Mr. C.M. Cawker Libcrly St. north was broken into while the family were at chureli. Atter ransacking thi2 drawers ln ail the bedrooms they left, earrying away aIl the money and small nrticles ef jewelry they could flnd aise a ;pair et boots. Mr. Cawker's boss as far q c3 au be estimated wililie about $40. No trace ef the burgiars lias been discovered. Whie a number of trampýs were seen on LICENSSESGIIANTED. The West Durham License Board met Friciav te cousider applications tor lieuses for the eusuiugIlicense year. The Board i compeseci ef the Inspecter, Mr. R. Kuox,Orono; Mr.Henrv Middle- ton, chairmnan, Newcastle, Mr. Robert Phulp. Cadmus, and Mr. Peter Wcrry, Tyrene. A petition was presented from 191. ratepayers in Darlington asking that a licenseý be net reuoweîd te George Bone, Hlampton, on the grounds that selling intexîicatinZ liquors is net necossary, that if coutîuued il means ruinatien te many men, that the swearing and oliscene bauguage that la uscd outside the liotel is demoraiizing te the youth., A very large deputation ef citizens ef Hampton and residents et Darliugton was preseut te back up tlie prayer et the, petitioners. 11ev. H, Thomas ad- dressed the B3oard at length advancing many strong roasens why liceuse slieuld net lie grauted. Mr. E. Hastings said tlcy l'ad ne ueed for an hotel uew. H1e liad seeu more druukenoss since Boue lias kept this liotel than ever liefore ln the 32 .years lielias livcd la Hampton. Ample provision lias been made for the travelling public-mau and bat. Mr. Thos. Baker, County Councillor, corroborated what liad ben said and testiflcd that lie had seon more drunkc men lu the village since Bone came thore than alIl is lite before. He was ottelainlulowmauville and Oshawa and iately liad seeu more druuk men ln Hampton, two te eue, than lu cither towu. Messrs. W. Werry, Soina, Cophas J obus, W. Lyncb,and M. B. Cryderman also addressed the~ Board. Mr. Boue followod with a tew words and said . Wly don't theso people ou- terce the iaw? If I bave soid liquor on Suuday and violated the iaw why have tliey net lad me up ? He then banded lu the fellewiung petitien te the Liceuse Board: GENTLEmN,-We, the ýundersig-nqd business meu and others ef the village et Hampton, lieiug intermed that -peti- tiens have becu circnlated in the Town- slip ot Darlington, praying that thc liotel license te George Boue be net re- uewed for tIecocming license year, beg te state that we beliove if the liceuse te, Mr. Bone is net renewed that it wiil be a great bass te Ilie business men et the village et Hampton and wiii lie a great inceunveniene ,te peo plo who have busi- ness te trausact in the village, We tlicrctoi., would e-sk that Mr. Benef'sq Jess. E, Co!e. A. strong petition was aise prcsented against more than eue license being zranted lu Orono, signed liY Reva, W. H. Adams, J. A. ideKeen, R. Moment and 70 others. A petitioîw fi m, Thos. Boswei,Te)ron- te, n'as presenteCý ceutaining names ef 72 eut 110 ratepayers et Pelliug Sub- division No. 2, Soutl Ward, Bowrnan- ville, asking that a license lic grauted the uew station lietel. No ceunter petition n'as prcscnted, se that the Board lad ne alternative but te grant the license. The licenses grunted arc: Bowman- ville: John Durci, Rbubon Bennett & Sons, Thomas Boswell. Newcastle: Frank Bennett, Clarke: Orono, John S. Greeuwood, John S. Day; Kendal, Peter Blue; Darliug'ton.: D. N. King, Burkleton; Cartwright: Frauk E.,fiaw- ken. Blackstock. Application for License te Gee. Boue, Hampton, refus- cd and au extension grauted et thre montha. The annual herse show whichlias just been hlin l Toronto is ef tar more than local intcrest, for the breeding et herses eau ho made a source et great weaith te the Dominion, lu previeus years the show lias largcby depeuded for public laver and patronage upon extraneous attractions, sncb as military displays and other spcctacuiar trim- mings, This year however the function n'asia herse show. pure and simple,aud, the tact that the public patronage ivas as largo as ever is exceedingiy satis- factory. It la vet more gratitying te note that, thc exhilita were more num- ereus than ever, and the quaiity more than up te the standard. It romains with Canadiaus themscives te got ont oet the business the nev' ythat is in it for theinteilig eut and progressive breeder and shipper. ýjweie aa prcan iowaniie .Werry, A. J. Oke, Ed. Wade, S. G.1I that tli'&'cnprits bceng te thc tewn. ~Jeweer aa uplcia, nomanvie dJohn C Trull, G. F. Courtice,j fS ~w'~ ý 0 ïd» ý"S) l \Ye \-l 411 1 il 1J Nu A