8,decreased, M11oney la casier, trade is, up as. follows: Thse buyer or buyers' THE ART PcIESERVAT1VE. tremendous] y imprOved, prospenîty ex- commission; freight on bogs novv paid Works for the development of the factories; the amont the tarmer loses in esaiIok htAr An EigbtPage, Forty-Eight Cetumu Xewspaper, wlc)untry's resources are being prosecut- from being unfairly dacked i weilht Worths Kiiowing. is published tietny ICicney Cure ed, tise public service lias improved in ou bis hogs; the amaunt whicb i le !< Tise first printing press was breught ,wi et'De cent. every depaî-tment, while thse costhlas flot under presenit conditions by shippîng it nln yamrbn asdCx EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, oSUfrsof kidiney increased Tise intelligent business live bogs iu warm weathier ta tise fact- ito n ln bo fra bs erade te ney tise AT TF a OFFICE Many JnStnete man and the pro-oressive fanmer applv- ories, and tbe anmant of profit made L y avo t roo hbiuees et Brgde y ste qetanceios ore 0fing ta the govenment af tise country, tue packer aver and above ah bhis C et dnrd f e Eugland. urun sud l 14 26 STATESMAN _BLOCK, KING STREET, Brlglit's disease. If tise samne principies as hoe appiies ta bis penscs. imported tramn Germany e priuting outit, OINT., BYthe disease la coin- awn b)usiness. appreciates these tacts Tskiug ail these itemns togetiser it is wbici hoe establisbcd inabulin d BO M XILpIloated send a four- and approves af the necessany expendi- at once evident. that thos oh handie jaining Westinster Abbey especislly ounce vial of urine. ttue required in the public ýservice., isogs ulider present conditions ms o h ups tpbiiigbstass araaxae.y, ~ . W wI anlyz ~ hesaie cisrcteistc pincpleof anle tsm upon a very fine iuarzin tien of the blstory of Troy ("Receuil dos wbTat te do. _ Liberalisi-s efficieucev with econoîny- indeed if there is net at least a cent per Histoires de Troyes"). It was tise first Subseription$l.50 psar anulai, or $1.'00i 5i MUNTON. is manif est lu the administration of pro- lb tisat could ho, paid ta tise farmer un Engliss book ever printed, aud iu 1885 a At eil druggiste, 25. - " a. Clide te Hieat vincial affaire. Take fer example thse der the Co-aperative systeru, -witis ail capy 'Was sold ,by the Enrl of Jersey ta strietls' lu advaiuce, Ad .eia adlefes 55ch St.P11lR. Province of Manitoba. Since the Green- tisere ssviugs made, mare tissu under Bernard Üuaritei i Landa for $9,100. ay administration assurned office, in tise preselit syste."ieGnesdPaeoteCes" ADVEIiTISING RAtmLS . 1888, the popeulation of the Province hias Thiere is no reasonws iepr a copli have been suld as isigis as $1, 300. doubled, sund iuferentialiv thse cast of net bo properlv mannfactured at Listô. The firet Esîgliss book ever written and Trausient Advtertîiugm. Ton Cents pstr Lure, Gavemmeut sbould double or at lest wel as cbeaply as at anv otiser peint. printed in England (1489) was "Dictes firet insertion; Pive Cents per Lins each subý grestly incrense aise. As a luatter ai Wsoges are certaînlv as cesep. There aud Sayings of the Plilasapiers," of seuutRTS. ~ ~fact tisere lias been an annual decrease will be no tax except tbe smali scheai wisici only forcopies aeknewu. One **~ *Sia~ s ~'sav'..a~*~in o5 o~o ~ 55~Ofl as a pY. Fee ite 1gven Dy the of tisoî was seld last year by thse Earl et IME NSE TEsa D. î50,0-00 su'nd- 60,090. Tbe very first vear towu and free wster suplied.yThie, Asbburnbam for $7600. EItE OFADvERTISrYM'xx____ BOWMANVTLLE, APRIL 26, 1899. tliat tbe Greenwsv Goverumeut took latter is quite an item and wvill affect a Tise firet book prnued tn Amerlos was 1_________ h I . fic hecsto lezislatian, saiaries,and large yearly saviug tetecmai. "Dectrina Christiana," by Jun Cram- Clmr.....$0O i " 10I E RAM otiser administrative expeuses, was re- begr enteC to Mexico, lu 1539. Ouce ucsriv:ý:, tise Wiseu it is ststed that tise number aibreroutieCf ggsyeum . 1s0 16 60 incred viumev of800 wark carr-ie on theS a skonteei e yi që e Colur, 8,..,, 0080 sud insi6 i sisareboiders la uuirlimited the farinerSetra nwnbreenescpyu Eighth Column.,....... 50 oe in mut26rydsig ihDtenti Tweuty-ftive Liai. 4 50 9 î s LIE UTPON THE DEATI aiP MAMUIE tise several departments thse cast îast mutceryditnussoewe s eIsece Te suond wss "Doca, tfra Twety iiis. ...... 006 yarhadiiircaed estha 85000thsuad tise statement that tise abareliol Breve,"o by xco Jua Zu a rise, tre itweoty Linos ........ oo 50 5 50 BARRER WT10 fIlin MARcH 5TH, 1899, yer iad ncrasd les iss t rsis limited. It simp isbpe eia twspitdb W , aking tise total still less thissuOOO thu nsîisbiîi i n mt othe ip Cromberger iu 1543 and copies bave been Tee LUns .«.... 25 5 l B E ET MRs. R PEAECE, during th atycar ofConservative ber ai farmers nia can jolis thseA ses Ts trtbokplne u ieTlie Fiveties..............i 125 350~ 6 110___amnsrtobyury$3.0.l ThAnde r hastac tratese aur sister der admpiisanitins otierl Provinces tis1e tien, se long as tise Boarmd require iiba Tefrtbo idine ntsed te aeulbo e a e tisers, sud hasty thnlyoie .u itrda, cmaio ih te rvne h x mm but ua member eaui lu any States wae an alusanan at Cambridge lu tadiur oegnî buiines adverîiser. inemb-cae rsa n ie rlme 1639, by Stepisen Daye, h esalhd Changes of contraet advertisemeaîs must he Aud hast tbvspri fied toband ire a civ ly aver erl Mni- case orannie rudray tise tiret prlutingprsluttcoty- hsndsed iu net later tat oe o'uloet on Ssturdsy wen pntna os isiceadol i e et ucircumstauces be made t_ prey aTsseodpbitin wa si cony -ibis nuls wili ho stictly euforeed. Shahlwen more beioid thee nr tise ton yesrs. buile lu other Provinces -,tePyaTescn pulaio sasipo- Psragrspb adveriemsnts 501000 usws items Nor iist tby -wecioe tread ? tise incre5tse bias rano.et î'rom twel pr h t sie sctmre tsu tieo2rpr.hr tainiug s pocîn entitled, "Tse Freemnan's l10 sSi eacii iert'on. cent. ta ane ihuudre'd tweuty-four per tia osbeie o.Osts. " Tise nexi book wae a mercai Birtie, 25c; Marriages sed Deailhs, 50e. Ais, no !tby ferm ne moere ive see cent. Tiseme is fia possihility of the camfpant' version et tise psalms called tise "Bay Sclaospld nadeice ar so c,vsed b tmrîg ru îii Nor bas tise varions institutions, wics beîng centrolied or masnspuiated hy ari'Pei Bo,"li 00 Copies are very scais tr codisoniseig sud ser ets must F or tison ne mare wltis ns can ho are legitimately entitled ta public as- one msan or set of mou. acs sisare- rare. It is eue et tise moet valuable books Pea writiieg, etheiie t he ibl0wîll net Or lu aur home deliglit. sistauce, been stinte 1 sud stsrved for bolder bias nder tise sct eue vate sud in tise werld Dee sisertlonlssledcelyei $1,525,420 lias been grauted for educa- eue vote euixr ne usatter isow înanv or Tise higist price ever paid for s nlod- No paper ill ne sopped unil fi arearages ear tionalpurpesess degricuîturalgal autsseavearisultufe gahanesavehooisoldw .hIii lotisers.oIuibookr wasbookw60$2 fer0sur unexpurgagaed aepiexcoP ail wthe optien ofe here hee madeis ta. tieetuAt$ ,ts wards,if eue nlan sbould bold ail tise editian et Burne in the Scottiss dialect. Doube eeela rtes m rargd drin Whue nt ar h~i~s ii eorowmei- iospitals bave received $240,670, u stock but two sisares tise isoiders af tise Tise iiest price ever paîd fer n cepy ef X)ubereulrrafe reehred Whl otor .c-,ltji îausicpaitie meltu2 w-ics watd tw_- aares could ont vote isini at tise Shakespeare uvs $4,200, by Bravtou Ives ~<rtApril sud Matsy sud October, Noveulîe lu silence we drüp a tear. w nnrstut ae oa i5,8, Board. et New York. 'hie Bamouese' Burdeit ,à-. jj,eesý3er toi, d'fiplay advsrtsiu neot cou- io muismkatolof$,8-Cut oLndnpi$350oracy tracted for by the year, Ais, littie did we think tItat deatis 979, out af the curmeut revenue oi tise Tise chas ai isoga preduced lu tiseCatetLnonpi ,80amecp Business uotices ini local or news colmmis first Wonld sean amoug us stand, Province. Not anc cent ai thie isas neigisborisoad ai tisis towu le scknew- et tise tiret edition some yeare ago. Tis insertion 10 conts par lins Nonpareil i 5cents per been psid ont ai tise $2,500,000 harrowed iedIged ta o etise vemy beet' for tise pro- ihpie-vslroydet h idn fins ues subss t insertion. Notïeesofetuet- And take tise anc we ioyed sa well anuaioo ies~eseget htdcino ie ietbcn rdcn.sd tire great heauty et tise book, sud tai luge c any k ar wiei an admnission te s15etaroseodbu.y ch.u-ged or a collectioni istiken mustbs piid for. Prom ouçu oshl ad ffect, sa freely made by tise OPPpsitiau. as will nndoubtedly be tise abjecto et a wealtsy wemuu's extravagance, but 4~ Board, oniy tise very tineat qa sity, iad tise effeot et raising tise priýce et tiret All communications shoulfi be addresd, But thon art asong tbemansomt fld, Tht$25000la Inepne teene en ëiaintrug M.A.JA ES Gd uad wthHi lvig ar; tius:-In railways, $839,147, public lest' af not Peiug able te dispsofte Élute bad a pt ed tof m--bre tissu Bowmaîîviile, Ont. No chiihing bst, ns in ber pain, buildings $447,662; interest ou bonds msnufsctured goada at tise 1sighiest 50 1 Can ever meacis thee there. issued iv Couservative Goverumelit as nmarket price. iéfe dto t igl ae 49 PBIBU NTC.aid ta railwaya $732,609, cleficit leit bo Th ordjnb sold fer $4,050 as long ago ns 1778. In PUBLISEIRS NTICE. And thougus no more we mneet tisy late Administratiou (being trust funda, Te ar.anby sud seil goods i1889 tise samie cepy breuglit $10,000. sieetc. nsed for cumreut purpase as slsowu nifrcs u ieeeuh els Tise bigist price ever pald fer any IH TTSANi aldraualy Rmibe hnshl e in tise Auditor-General's repart) $315,- te tise patron thoug-i bad dubts. The book except tise Bible was $11,360, iey to i' E S TATriEsMA u l a mald e n l r i h e em e is n s ai o 000; these am o nts w ith tie balance in officers ai tie A ssociation require ta tie M arquis et Bleuord om a copy ai tie ta iaantnn lareeivd ud ilFor thaugis ai tiso sud sceues long baud $141,815 usake s total ai 82,496,- give sufficieut bonds. for tise maney thev fIret edition ef Baccaccje's "Decamero. pat295 tise exact proceeda ai tise ban. In isaîdle sud under tise set, tise goods Otiser exaniples ai tise sanse oditien have arrears are paid lu full. Suhacription pallclsteronOu e r. view oi tise statemeuts se fmeely made lu dîsposed ai eau ho sold auiy for cash. sold as low us $4,540. 81,50 per auuum. If paid lu advance Siieutrondarmmy. tise dehate bast session upen tise appli- Tise farmers themaelves are tise oues Anotiser very oxpeusive book was "Tse $1.00 per auuum. Dear Mamie rest lu sulent alumber, cation af-Manitoba for a grant irem hier cisiefiy iuterested. It ouiy requires Noble Histories et King Arthsur." Ouly _________________ ___ Canes ef eartis ne mare are tisine; own Scisool nds beld lu trust by tise now a iittie effort on tiseir part lu cir- oue opy le knowu te ho in existence-- -m fA _D Tou rt eveed ron ou nuber Dominion tisat tise meuey was net .t- ae cuiatiug tise stock lista amang their wisici ws sold by tise Esmi et Jersey te LIWAIIU1IAGELTCENSES-,-M. A. Tio r eee rmarnmsr used fom educationai purpeses -but ta neigihors ta hriug tise matter tao a suc 44a New York gentleman" tam $9,750. A.L JauaII:S, Issuer ef VLrrisge Liceases. We shall ail aur dlaims resigu. caver up deflelts, it le ouiy faim te tise cessini conclusion at a very early date, Tise tiret editien ef "Tse Canterbsury Iteidnce Cnte sret.Now with augela tison art chiming Province, sud ta tise Green way Got'- ~laes," prtntedl by Caxton, ef- wiih only A. E. MeLAUG HLI N, Sweeteat antheuts lu tise skies, erument, tisat tisese exact figures shoild tiwo copis are knawiî. bas seld for $à,- suritr Slctrad Comvugaucer. Office- n îi ide be empisasized,-, partîcuiarlv as tise j'~ ~ ~000, $5,100 sud $9, 400. - And ster, kincrto spirits strayig mattor will again. be under discusoe. 1t m 'T~fI frst editiais et"oinsnC s Blsakley Block, King stet, Bowmanville. ri a ,NI- Mosyoî bais t'eassnablc lates, 48-lyr, O'cr tise fieid ai Paradise. flue session when no douht tise 'aion T u b)' 1 'Liea ft ] (î 4è lls for $bà Thse tirst.editine of But dearest sister lu mov heamt luaccurate statements -wihl ho, repeated. Pr ng Izaak Waiton's " Compleat Augior' (1653) ___________have said for $2,075. Tise tiret editian ai -ý JeN TO LENDý Tii- imag-e sîlill shah ever ho, tise 1Vicam eof Wakefield," prlnted lu ,ntV~iîe ~ s, Au ayIhpin saea st COEÂIE PRKT)Y nIUC lqDJH 1176. sold tor 8300; tise tirsi ed-*tion ot 9~OO .OO n god T moo anusîv Witi tuO, to Milteu's complets workecnau ____________Strecas at-TEE LITowELSCrmE -Th-e-Great --Disease_ Banýý in9 gsnainlstpino i DR. J. C. ITCHlEL, MEErs WITH UNPARALELLED FAVOR ..n .ii letl ia badwntduýg, 51I, 150. m and Surgeons, Ontanio,Çorloner, ue, i SERVIC THAU I. jiRWEE MONG LIT EEq i-A- year wss $10,500, by Pickering & Chatte Resi dene, Eniniskilsu. of RAT n.TE TC iiBIGBPe London, fer Raoulle Fevre's "A Boe - I ~~~IDLY TAREN UP. 1 i fts a Lyf ef Jaeon," prixted by Our auterprising tawnsman Mr. R. B. UseU Uy Al lSe ad r- Cftoe nOi9 nbaklte.I ea Tise cost of Goverument mutays AofnMaae iMarsa tise eerÈ1iest books iu tise'Eugesh lsng- R. , TAI: Ihraoteutl g,:àe nreate lunge oef uorri -el -y beldyHolst il. be roprtinatly reaer n anage, aud formerly bOlgerl te Bisbop Getene' boie md a re.sparsely settied coiitry, sud iii prapar- Piano Ca Listowel, lias taken gros t Hcie yHns n eber. Sanie biograpsical details on tise Genlemn'sClohesm'aë týrrlian te tise efforts ot tise people tode- îuterest irons tihe start su THE, STATEs - ilh6 ~fly isaves su bis bandwritînig greatlv- mu- veiop their ternitory w ilI tise actual ex- MALE's sciseme ion -a co-aporative park. -U lVU1ib crosse ifs value. A copy dl Capt. ohnm pendtur gro. ,Thetruetes ofSmitis's "True Relation," pmlîîîed in stutesmansbip is itte ho guaged by sukn acovad bas tise prend catis-___ 1608, seld tam 51,425. J. . R M CE tise actual ainout ai money spenut. u faction alo in tise acheme set Paînehp Tise sigisest prîce paid fer au Amerîcan tiset~p~~~h utit ta idtseeig iuoap Ceiery Compound mnakes peo0 bookr ist year n'as $1,000 for a cepy ef DENTI8T~ ~ ~~b th ityoftecountry tocarry pareutly successal operatian at Lista pie welîlu npring te.tus sfar su-ts e.M.Cesua emn"nts DEN IS7theexendtur iithut tsbecamiug webi, ne daulit tram tise inîspiration de- porion ta tise ordîisr_ nervinea, camas - bresnetthpepe-Tise amlont Dnuger ufSi-oe"w«hwspreacli- ePendd hyeeamnsrto a rs ived tramt THE STATESIMAN's articles et parilias sud pis as strngts. la abeve ed ut Boston sisartly attenteeteeu ataybos ta iat spont by ils cu-19-.M.Ade'cusn tise toi- oefe.e that place. It ie tise enly eopy knawu cessara or predecessers, sud y-et there lowing article ironi tise Bainer wbicis Paine's Ceieny Compound as s spring oi tise tirst sermon even priuted in Amer- hoy bcvaste aud extravagan .ce lu tise we publisis ta make tise farmers in thîis medicine lias tise entine confidence et les, sud belonged ta tise collection ot the Office.-lonr ai Messrs. Higgin. ex ndtr of tise smailer ameunt, dititie ikisgse-eas ur varied classes of Canadian popula- late Charles Deane, front whihir t n'as . xpeituditureh- i&ý1bcas tien. Nethsiug nmore decisivehy proves purcbased by tise Massachsetts Historical wiie every dollar ai tise harger surit is botham & Son's Drug Store, n'eil sud n'iseiy apent. tisey iad net audacity enougir ta latinci eh lie wortb, papubsrity sud niversal use Society. Suchis l exactiy tise position lu tise ont as n'e advised tisemnisd put 85100 ofi tise great mnedicine tissu tise fact tisat Tise isigiest pricý psid for an autagraps (Dauni stairs), Donminion ai tise preseut time, ion n'hile eachi inta tise venture. Vie du'nt fiink wtis formrl red onr tise beat medicai lam radiordýt ta, fo erner fntio expenditures have iucmeased sinco tise if le fao laf e yet. Do you ? ekili.. concomning; the affaire of tise Plymouth BOWMANILLE.present Governîneut taak office, tise hooî îs ieBne as an eeyCmpo und iu spring colouy a ten' menthe siter tise landing af hurdn uon isepeoie las ppriasiy Tise organization ai tise preliniinary time builde np tise israkendowu nevoue tiePîgie Board ai Tise Fanonrs' Ca operative s "ysteni, purifies tise bhoad, negniates sud Associationî of Listaws.l, Limifed, n'as perfeetly toues tise n'ioledigestive sys-Poih us compieted an Satnrday aiternoan hast teom, gives s relisis for iaod,aud hectowsPishJh. lu Listoxvel sud tise affleers wyere eheet- ail needed vitalîty sud bodlly streugts. Toý drive slon'yae eisetnsl net a joy, but te drive four Russian ed as foliows: Jacob Bray. FlinisP i Pâine's Celent' Compound to-day bacsa ala vrcislsoe a dont; Jeptisa Vaubîieeck, Wallace, preseciied by tise foremost pisysiciaussoitigamkeyubeynmage Vice-Preaident; Henry IFIeisn'omti, bar tise cure ai kiduey sud livertoihs sud tan bre ak you te and t shae Wallace, Listawel P.' O., aecretamy- ant le brvaeaak siîcen luth and n'omitk treasurer. Tise certificat e ai organiza- niaking mon sud wonien weîî n'ben yuvery cu rmleece.Ime tifln, eoustitutiug tise Association an lu- tisey have filed n'itis otiser medicinie. coleenbg assure yen if n'as anytiing but comperafed company n'as lu tise landa Nýon us tise time ta use tise marvoîbons asml rv aoetei nmts ai tiseofflens, sitar hsving been duly copudif van desime uew hlood, i espsî tPre or ieJiu ie reitee, u sok itaw4- a ac cop-n drave tuminly. The-In herses are ail SuhAeia evnsitise sisarehlder's isogs divided up si w 555Wi 5<WO,5i1510t, nsen ee ,, profit among tise attekisodeme; it ahi sud af gooi tateý 1 'l joiu wiîb iin ýgoos direct ta tise producer fa tise limittoliesdhu iephare fbîg ý1 ~ ~ U7 M bumled in tise sainse grave." ai thirfv fit e hundred bs,, bive n'eight , T ~Te flue au 5nwon cornes tram a gei- cures onîy kidnoy diseuases-- elievos - .per sisame. thornan wha ,signs biuîssi Arin'ama -ew heurs. ~~No sisarebolder la biahie for anyfising detsmnru a ut ail ou his sisares until at leasf $25,000 -_ fitosui "Iluiste .idertsut us asth v'orth ai stock bas been subscribed Land preseut i', and -peoopie regard nie as - fisus assured. e ' h adem, uaeh aau.I th lady cees me but once sise n'lll ho For sale by STOTT &JURY, Bowtmanville. Tise margin et profit foa s hareholder nabie te nesîraimi hier lave for me. I wilî over tise manufacture oi iags la made Az any place sud day for aur meeting." From hris fe'et to bis bc 2y, and ran ablood tinged, irritating water. Mrs. A. Keirstead, Snider Mi., N.B., tfll how her little boy suffered, and ho* 8.B.B. cured.him permanently. mother in this lan who bas a child ~~ ferinuo from skin cflý- e3-; l n y forr buit will thank Mrs. Kok.. Sstoad, of Snlder Mt. N.B., for telling of te remarkable man- non hiwhielh het'boy, - Freddy, n'as cuired of one of the sover- FRE *DY KEIRSTEAD. est 5and meet tortur- ing.of skin disease; by ths use of Burdock Blood Bitters; an4 net only relieved and cured for the timad being, but, mark yeu, after ciglit yceï the disease has slzein ne sign feusng The following is Mrs, Keirsteads lettern "With gratitude 1 can testify ta the wonderful curative prowers of Bundooak Blood Bittens. Eight years ago ont' litt1ê son, Fneddy, was afflicted with sait rheuin and was in a dneaclful condition. His legm% froni the soles of-bis foot to bis body, wera entinorly raw, and ran a bloody water, which appeared to burn and itch until ho was allen lnu'gneat agony. 'lAfter trying several romedies, w. re solved to give B. B. B. a trial. "Yenu can imagine with what delight and gratitude we saw our boy entirely cured aller using one bottie and part oi the second. We gave bim the remaïndpr of the second bettie, and'fnom that tiio~ t.ilI the present ho bas nover had a sign a sait nheum or a sick day. Yen need not wonder that I think- there le no oiber medicime ean equal But'dock Blood Bitters - ta put'ify the blood and build up the~ healtb and stre>ngtb." CIIILbREN'S COIJGHS QlIJiKLY I14 !lard to keep the olilidren £reom catch.- ing cold-will mun ont of doers mot preperly wrapped-get wet' feet,-ktek thse bed olothes off at niglst. What's mother gcriug te do about it f Mustuneett e hildren7s Cougs ,and Colds-m1ighr sued in Croup-and Croup end fatally or weaken the lungs for life. Most mothers new give tiseir cbldren Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It's nice toj take, and cures al hinds of Couglis and Colds more qu!ekly and. effeetually tisa auy remedy known. Mrs. R. P. Leouard, Parry Sound., Ont., Writeotl I bave usefi Dr. Wood's Norway Pi ns Sy.rup foW Couzbe and Colds of myssîf sud aiseof, mi y baby. 1 finfi it always cures a Cold Ojuieker tban sny other Cougli mixture I ever tried." Prise 25c. LAXA- Cure -constipation, biliaiunes siék headacise aud dyspepsia4l LU VER Eey pili guaranteed perfec4 and te aet *,ithout any gripï. inweakeuîng or sickening PULLS eets. 25c. 'Iall druggiâtâ'. D . BURKE SIM1PSON, BW- ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORP 5! ,DBLOCK, up-stairs, King Street, Bowmsa ville.' Selicitor for tbe Ontario Bank;. Prtvate monsys leaned et lowest rates. ROBERIT YOUNG, V..S. O FF1CE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS Block, where buissîf or bis assistant wil be fonnd from 8Sa. ni. te 9 p. mi. Nigbt calis n residence, direetly opposite Drill Shed. Calle telerraph or telephene will rëeeive 1prompt tention.171 - yr.- DEJCNTI kSTLR 0. HARNDEN, L.D.. Graduate of the Royal1 Cellege of :Dental_ Su geons, Ontario, OFFICE.-Opposite Express 011e.. VITALIZED AIR COLONISTS ' EXCURSIONS TO THE CAN ADIAIN NORTH-WEST Wiil leave Toronto, vie North Bay, a .1P uand 9 p ru., e.suh Tuesday during, April (if inffiesent business effers). COLON lT SLE EPING CARS for pas sengers wh h rdiuary baggage wili b. i Positive Proof!1 -that- JAPANESE CATARRII CURE CURE!U. The follow.ing testimonial ie only one of the hundredt, daily reeived by the Proprietore of Japanese Catarrh Cure. Cûmijg ,fromn Britsl Columbia, wbere, owing te e -mene dampness of the climats, catarrh je more prevalent and. more difficuit to curp than in other parts, makes it more vali able. MIr. James Part', of the well- known frrm of . E. A. Parr, Chifliwhack, B.C.. writes 1I bave been very badly troubled with catarrh foi' years, and tried ail the advertised remedies and many Dootors, but in every case tbc catarrh came back. One year ago I lurcha.,ed six boxes of Japanese Catarrb Cure, andt sinus fiuishing the treat. ment wvith this reinedy, bave net feit the least sigu of catarrh. My nephew, William Bentley, was aise se 'bad with catarrh that it was 1un- peasant to go usar him; lie bas aise been eured by Japanese Catart'h Cure. We keep it for sale in eut' store, sud k nm, of mauy otîser8 similarly afflicted who have besn curedi." Japanese Catarrh Cure is guaranteed te cure any caseq of catarrh. Sold by, ail Druggists. A f ree ,,ampl ilbesn e any peorsen sufferinig wibthis diseuse. Enclose five cent qssa,ý. Address the Gýriffiths & Macpherson Ce. r ente. ýi3