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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1899, p. 5

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E1ý Chainless Columbia,'9,nw prc E last year $1.30. for ................. .P$75§ SColumbia, 1898, Highest Grade, new pricelast ear $0.00,for .......$ 5 Spee Kin, 188, ued .............$18 Spece in, L1898, used ........... $1t8.~ EAlbatross, new, 1899, flush joints, best E wheel in Canada for'the money .. . e -- E Eclipse, with Coaster, saves haif the $5 ~ labor in* wheeling...... t-j ~Weare offering the best value in town. STOTT & JURY. E t- BOWMANVILLE. It will appeai to your intelligence. It wil dean al impurities from the skin. It wiIl cure ileumnonia. It will cure Eýzema. ltILl'V-ure Gout. It wiil cure kidney and liver troubles. It will make beautiful complexions. It will cure Rheumatism. It will cure Neuralgia. l t wlll -cure ,ksthma and CatArrli. It will relieve ladies of irregularities. It will relieve ladies of monthly pains. It will cure Obesitv. It will cure Const$ation and Piles. ;eýIt will free the svstem of Tohacco. It will give life to every organ. 71 It will cure the worst colds. It will relieve the system of the effects ;ýi of licjuor, opium, or morphine. It il rliee llcongestions.thiay ___ Stlgie oaÎt rbt ta n BwMatenVILLEh. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAYS BOWMANV LLE STATION. GoING EASTr. GOING WIE5T. 1sîress .... 8 1 a. m. 1 Express ... 5 23 a. m #lprs 1019 a. m. 1 Local . 5 .. 8 8t ,>setier.. 340 1 Passenger.. 1835 P. m uue&d .6 51 1 f Express... 4.31 P. M. 'xre 11 il '. 1 Ex prtees.. 7 39 -nDalla", teSundays only. STOTT & JuRy. Town Agents BOWMANVILI.E, APRIL 26, 1899. Iuk 3e. a bottle at Nicholîs'. Taek hammer 5c. at Nichoils'. Carpet beaters Nicholls'. Pant Buttons 2c. a doz. at Nieholîs'. Key found-Inquire at STATESMNAIN Of- fice. The seasoni for trout flshing opens May 2. Inspeet MeMurtry's Lace Curtains this spring. Latest styles in Fedoras anti Stiff Hats at M. Mayer's. Miss A.J. Mollon is visiting hier sister 24rs. ýM Prout, Toronto. Mr. W. il. Galy, Hampton, sowed 4 acres of barley, April 1tBh. Suits whîeh always suit when matie at Coueh, Job uston & Crytlerman's. The Bav of Quinte conference meets In Bridge St. eliurch, Belleville', dune 1. We keep the best churu anti washing machine lu the worid. CAWKER & TAIT. Mr. J. H. Duthie of the Dominion Lino was lu town Thursday andi gaïe us a eall. Those who appreeiate artistie print- ing shonîti send their orders te -TiF3 STATESMAN. .Prudent buyers know that here they cau get the best groceries for the leust money. CAwKER & TAIT. Don't fail te see the beautif nI Scotich Ginghams just opened eut at Coueh Johuston & Cryderman's. A entie rain 3Mondav aorning re- fresti (vezetation antd întrodueed the fre real spring grewiug day. Peather Boue Corsets made te seli at otie Dollar now selling au sixtv-nine cenits at Coueh,J ohuston & Cryderman 's. Mr. S. Y. Frenîch, Toronto, has been i lu towu wrking in the ititerests of the G reat- West Lue Tunsurance C., Wiuni - New Prints, Sateens, Silver Silks, Scotch anîd Canadian Ginghams lu im- mense variety just openedtietat Couch, Johnstoni & Crydermau's. 3. C Weeks lias a drop Ittter box iu the door of his shiop, Market Square, or a card dropped lu the post office will Le 'lve prompt atteution. i Ensig, ant Mrs Jones w 1 guve fheIr lFarewell lu ,the S. A. Barracks eon Sun- day uext. llie Ensigu takes charge of the Pain e'ýi11e Ohio Corps on Tuesday May 9th 'Ad jutant anti Mrs. Ayre will aise assist lu the farewell meetings. Mrs. Platt, Picton, the Braîîeh Presi- dent of the Womrau's Missionary Soci- ety, wil] give an address at the praver- meeting lu the Methodist school-reom ThursdaY evening whieh will be under the auspices of the aus.iliary of tbis church. T -Miss Editb Butchart, Torouto,is guest et Mrs. S. J. Hall. Evan 's Sprayver 18 the best-buy ne other-at Murdoch's. 11ev. A. J. G. Carseatitien, Highland Creek, visiteti bis mether lasI week. The Tatchmar-Warder, Liutisay, bas been enlargedt t a 12-page paper. Mr. E. C. Southey et the 46tb Battal- ion, bas been promotedt t Lieutenant. The first consigumeut et gypsies passodt treugh tewn Fritiay fer the east. The Ross Block lu Port Perry bas been purchaseti by the Western Bank cf Canada. Mr. John Darch, preprietor of the Balmoral, bas hati a neow itou roof put on bis hotol. Bowmanville District Woman's Miss- loDai-y Society convention meots in liampton te-day. Mrs. M. B. Annis, Toronto, is lu town cahotd here by the serions illness of ber brother, Mr. Godidardi Fleming. See the elegant Capes specially suit- able for middtle ageti anti eltiorly ladies at Couch, Jobuston & Crydermau's. ' Dr. James Colville bas returneti from a sjouru lu En gland anti Scotlanti where ho avas "walking the hospital s". Mr. anti Mrs. Thomas Ellîott, Hamp- ton, woro visiting Mr. anti Mrs. John Elliott, Xoodbidge, last weok.-Rec- order. The oldest telegrapli eperater lu Can- ada is Mr-. R. P. Dwight, Presideut, ef the Great North-Western Telegrapli Company. If yen wanî a splendid evening's fun go anti hear the Victoria Ministrels lu Town Rail, Orono, Tbursday nighî, April 27th. JMr. R. W. Graham, Belleville, bas been appeinteti Poultry Manager at the JOntario-Agricultural Coliege, Guelph, at a salary ef $600. M.J; A. MIeFeeters, Dairy In- strcto inthe Ontario Agricuitural Cllege. Gulph, bas been visiting rel- atives iu this viiuity. JMeteaif Thwaite whe bas been ap. pointed Fisbnry Itîspector for Ontario, DraVictoria anti Peterbere coun ties receives 8600 per annm. Mr. W. Keelea-, whe lias heen spent- iug the w inter ýwith bis son anti taugli- ter lunINew' York ity, bas returnedtot town anti wiIl make bis home bote. *W. T. Ramer & Ce , have openeti a h iva te bank lu Newmarket. Mr. amer is well known lu Bowmanviile as he was cashier lu the Standard bank somo ' ears ago. 11ev. J. J. Lid'v, M .,A, Osbaw&,will proaeb lu the Methodîst cburch noxt Sunday merniug anti evening. lie is ahwax\ s beaî-tiiv welcemed by bis many Bowmaua-iile fri-ents, 11ev. Wm. Jolliffe supplieti for 1ev. E. O. rwiu last Sunday evening lu the Disciples ebureh anti gave a aery im- pressive anti beiptul sermon wbicb was welh recela-et by the congregation. Capt. W. F. MeMattin, secrotArry, bureau et industries, bas presentet the Western Ontario Poulury Association which meels lu Peterboro in11900, with a very hantisome sua-or, modal, te be presentedt t a lucky prize winnor. We believe we aire selling the best Uineo f Prinîs for 10c. shewn by any house lu Canada. Coucli, Jobuston & Cryderman. "Ont Boys," Wednesday May 3rd. Reati and digest Rickard's Main Ativt. Seareh for T. N. Riekards'interesting locals. Latest styles lu Spring Hats at M. Mayer's. Bny your Fielti and Gardon Seeds at Mnrdoch 's. Boys' Clothing is selling fast at the West End Hliuse. There are over 30 agents handling bicycles in Lindsay. Cali anti see the bats anti mon's new shirts at the West End Hliuse. Latest stylos lu boys' hats, caps anti tamo'shanters at M. Mayer's. Hear the comody, "Our Boys" lun the Town Hall Wetiuesday evening. Miss Ida MeLean, Toronto, will take part lu a concert iu Lindsay May -1. Mr. R. F. Bvers of the Central Livery was in Port Perry last week. New Black Dress Gootinl Blister ef- fects just receiveti at the West Enti lieuse. Rev. R. Whiteman, paster the Pros- byterian chureh, Port Perry, bas re- signeti. Before bu.ving a sprayer seo Evans' Bug Exterminator at' Murtioeh's, Ex- press Office. 11ev. J. J. Rao will preach anniver- sary sermons lu Medeaif St. chureh, Oshawa, Sunday. Don't miss "Our Boys " next Weti nesday evening. Reserve seats with- eut extra charge. The W. C. T. U. have matie anti pro- senteti four qults te the Home for the Ageti ant iTnfirm, Mr. W.L. Allen,Peterboro, was g'uest of hîs father Mr. W. F. Allen, Beech Ave., over Suntiav, No one lu Orono shoulti miss heari.*gi the 'Victoria Minstrels lu the tewn hall next Thursday night. Anothoe- lot ef Men's Hats- latost styles-openeti this week au Couch, Johnston anti Cryderman's. Mr. William Jelliffe, who has been spending a few weeks lu town, has re- turneti te bis home lu Lindsay, Ladies' Spring Coats anti Capes Ger- man anti Canarlian just receivoti at Coucb, Johuston & Cryderman's. Mrs.-J.ý W.Curts, has tomate plants bearing ripe tomatees lu the conserva- tory at hier residence, Port Perry. The rea ds were in terrible condition last week lu spots where the frost had penetrateti deepest. They are botter now. Wm Veal, East Nestieton, has given up farming anti intentis visiting WViu- nipeg anti othor points in the North. West. Now 18 the time for arranging for your paperiug, kalsomiîîing, painting. etc. J C. Weoks eau serve yen- satis- factorilv. The last issue of Farmring has. au article on "Breetiing anti Care cf Heorses by. Mr. %Vmn. Smith, ex M. P., Columubus. Victoria Minstreis will givo' their unique entertaiument lu the town hall, Orono, Thursday' Àpril 27. Admission 25e anti 15e. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman are 1,howing the, very latest styles lu Men's Rats just receiveti direct fromn the man-, ufacturers in Englanti. Black Dress Goods-a beantiful range lu ahl qualities up to the finest -oos-1p. tejust reeeived atCouch, Jonston & Crydorman's. - -Ail work-painting, kalsoînining, paporing-gna ranteoti when doue b y J. C. W eeks. Get orders lu early be- fore the great rush bogins. The gooti points of the Goudron Wbeel are bult into them net t'aîketi into them. Ride a Goudron. F.C. PETH- îcx Agent, Bowmanviile. Miss Veale anti Miss Touil cf the Corner Millinerv Store were lu the eity Frîday buyinig new gootis andi looking up the newest tbings lu sa mmer millin- ery. Dieti April, 7th at Calte, Egypt, Emilv C. Tliden, the beloveti wife ef J. iC. I-olden,Ames, Hoiden Ce., M'-'treal andi twiu sister cf Mrs. J. MeMVechan, Olti Manse, Port Perry. Dr. Bingham, Peterboro, bas been nnaninaousl v rocommendeti for the tuai position of medical health officer anti towu physican, to sueceeti the late Dr. Clark, at $300 pet annnm. Over 1000 -samples cf wall Daper te, select from-modern levely patterns- from 5c te 55e pet roll. Paper-hanging doue at 10 cents when paper is ordereti from me. J. C. Wteeks, Ontario su. Reader, if y-en know ef any oeeil Canada who inteutis cressing the Atlan- tic, recommonti theinte inquire et M.A James fer rates. Ile dees the steamship business ef this district anti represents the best Iihies - Adjutant Mark Ayre's subjeets for Goard; piano solo, Mr-. A. B. Cornish anti instrumental duet by Misses Hall anti Freplanti. Gaines et varions kintis and social conversation engaged the attention cf the company until choice refreshments ef breati andi butter, cake, coff ee, etc ..were soi-yod. Mr. anti Mrs. llosken dit their utmost lot the eomtort of their guests who appreciateti the pleasant evening. Milk Pans at Nieholîs'. Carpot ltacks 3c. at Niehol1s'. Scrub brush 5c. at Nicholîs'. .Shoe blacking 3e. a tin aI Nicholîs'. Machineneetilos ail kintis at Nicholîs'. Machine eil, big- bot île 5e. at Nicholîs'. The loss by fire Iii the Times office, Port Hope, bias been seutiet with Mrs. J. B. Traves for $1,500. Jas. Goart is1 selling popular mnusie for 30 tiays auT Oc or 3 songs for 25c, Write him for Iist cf TOc, longs. Miss Effa Glovex bas been engageti as leading soprano lu St. Paul's Presby- toiian choir anti began duty Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Xhite.Toronto, has been visitIng bier brother Mr. W. T. Oke, Taunten andti ther Darlîugton trientis. Mr. E, C liuycke, B.A., LL. B., Ce- bourg's popular Mayor, was lu town Tuesday anîd gave '1' HE STATESîIAN a eau,. An legaut assortirtent of Spring Suitings anti Dress Geetis of ail kintis just arriveti at Couchi, Johuston & Cry. dermau's. - The excursion te Toronto untier the auspices ef the Ladies Ait,Prosbyterian ehurch, Oshawa, Friday was largely patronîzeti. Dr. Julia Thomas, et 2-11 Carlton St., Toronto, was guesu au Loi-no Villa this week. She lias been exeeedingly busy for some months anti came bore for a briet test. "Ont Boys", a comedy, will be giroen by the W iliing Workers ef St. John's caurch, under the direction cf Mr. T. E. B. Henry, lu the towu hall, on Weti- nesday, IMay Si-t. Miss Turnbull,Oraugeville,was guost of bier brother, 11ev. J. R. 'lutubuli, M. A., over Suutiay. She favoreti St.Paul's congregation with1 a vory swoet solo Sunda v ening. 11ev. E C. W. MacColl will couduet fervices lu Trinity chut-ch next Sunday - Morning subjeet ':Boys cf the Bible"- evennur tepie "'Christianit-Y attitude te- ward Modern Scepticism." A cordial invitation 18 extendeti to ail. Notices Of Ilirtlis, larrIages and Deaths 50 cents; Whou nietrrÎage lcen ses are obtained or fanerai notices printed at thls office. Insertion free. LAM-MIMIAN.-In Solina 0on April lfth, the wif c of Mr.Win. Lammimnan, of a son. .oLiE-In Clarke, Mat-eh Lth, the wif e of Mir. Thos Rolle 0f a son, of a son., JoNs-In Newtonville, Match 22nd, the wif e of Mr. G. W. Jones, of a son. THomAs.-In Clarke, April 1Sth, the wife of Wni. Thomas, Esq., of a daugliter. TiiomE5ox.-In Oshawa, April 18th, to Mr. andi Mrs. A, A. Thompson, a son. MCMULLEN. -In Clarke, April iith, the wife of Mr. Amios McMnileni, of a daugliter. W aIGII-In OitaWa. An)ril fst, the, wrfe of Mr. Ruggles Wright, of twins-son and claugli- ter. MARRIED. EASTMAN-EMXMERSONX.-On- April lth at the Methodist parsonage, Georgia' St., Buffalo, NY., by 11ev. F.S. IlowIand,Lewis George Eastman, Niagara Folls, N.Y.,anidCharlotte Amelia lien. vietta, yonnigest daughter of the Late George Emmerso.n, TyroDe,0nt. DIEO. Tnoorrsot.-In Oshawa, April 2th, the înfaat son of Mr. andi Mrs. A. A . Tiiolopson. W*ARD -At Port Hlope,on Satnrday,22ndinst., George Charles \'îard,registrar of East Durham, ageti 87 years. MISS EVA, LUTTRELI, 's Uýprpard to give lessons on organ and piano ai her reidence, 'King St.,o.c at the homes of the pnpis,.7 MISS ETHEL MORRIS, AItTIST. Instriictiois giveniluPAINTING in 011, Water Color andi China. Sketching anti painting ftem nature. ITILN on premises, tit- ing ait nsua].priees, 51.6m. C OOD GENERAL SERVANT WAN- cted.-Apply to Mrs. W. C. RING, Bowman- ville. 16-tf. EED CORN.-For sale a quantity of KJ eeti corn seleeteti ont of fieldi by experi- encei cor grower. Apply to D. Montgomery, loi 22, con. 5, Darlhngtoui, SolîinaP. O. '17-1w. IJTOUSE AND STORE.-That eom- JLJfotable dwelling house and splendid gar- den, large andi small fruit, etc,', on Mill streeù,, 1-saiipt9ni, will rie sold very eheap. Apply to joS:,.Pi WAnR,, Hampton. l Itf. T UMBER FOR SALE.-Heîiry Hlock- . ',Lt12, Con. 3, Darlington, offets for, sale aIl ký."intrgh and dresseri lumber, lath and shingles. Flooriiîg and siding a speeialty., 17-i mos.* SMALL HOUSE WANTED- Mist hebccheap aud lu good repair. State iowest cash down prie. M. A. JAIMES, BOWManIVIlle. 10-tf. ULSFOR SALE.- On Lot 15, LPConcession .3, Darhington, 5 yearling balls for sale. F. J. CLEMESS, luquire on premises or address Oshawa P.O. 13 tf, B"OARDERS WANTED-Two younig 13men wanîed who wili room together. Terme moderate. Apply tlu Mns.WmMMcRowAx,cot-ner Ontario and lArgyle sils., Bowmanville. WANTED SIT UATION. -As house- kheeper lu town or country where there are n hiltiren. Contry preferted. Apply -lt TuE STATESMAŽI office. 16-3w. mENDERS WANTED. - enders Twill bc received by the cindersigned Up 10 %Vednesdaýy, May loih, for the sale of the olti frame chnrch at Salem. The lowest or any ten- der net necessarily accepteti. F. L. BRAGG, Sec- retary-treasurer, box 20, Bowmnanvillc. 16-3w. J[OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- .LThe coinfor table brick dwelling house with an ace and qarter of garden with apple trees sud' _mi futs, the properîy of the laIe Robert Forbes, ad.haw St. Apply t0 A.E, MeLAuoss LIN, Barrister, Bowinanville. 16-8w. T'RSALE OR T) REN T-A house L anti lot or will ssII housecîdSui3acres of lànd iltuateti at Nursery Corner. !lard and sol t wat- et on premises and some good apple trees. Terns easy. Apply te C. M. CAiviran, Buwmari- ville. 16-tf. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS Correeted by J.3McMurtry ceol Tuesday FLOUR, P 100 lbs ........81 95 te 8212 C WET ' Faîl, bush...O 0 0 i8070 n Spring .... 0 0 fi0 67 ,ed Fife ....O 0 )0 70 il GOOSE .... 8 0 0 t65 BARLEY, 4ý bush, No. T ..0O40 n0O40 fin 2 .0 26 -0 35 il 3... é0 25 '0 q0 Two rowed 0 25 '0 40 0OATS, white Il...........O 0 0 032 Ryp Il...... 000 0 52 BuoRWEAT i .......O 0 0 O 0S5 PEAS, Blackeve, e bushI.. 0 69 il 6.5 fiCanadian Beauties.. 69 fi 0 65 riMummey . t 0 0 iO055' ilSnîal4 il O 0 0 iO065 IlBiue, 0 1 7 Il O 55 BuTTra, best table, r 11b.. 8 0 Ofi N Euus,1 t doz ............0ù00 il O10 POTATOES, bush .........i1) (0 fi (O 40 Rlay per tou ............. 5 ff le60W Are two commercial chumis. Now ta new-laid eggs are coming within reach again, we expect to seli more ham than ever . You can buy it here any way you prefer. We seli the best sugar-cured hams, whole at from 12e to 14e a pouud. Absolutely new laid Eggs at 12e a dozen. New Maple Syrup will arrive in a few clays. Prices will be rigit. Also a ful supply of Redp.avh's fine light Syrups at 60e and 80e a gallon, Those wvho wish to secure a syrup with the ut- most delicacy of fiavor caiânot dIo better than buy Sour lightest brand ot yvellow suzar for home boiling. SIt is easily prepared, 'and no fac'tory syrup at al Sapproaches it ln taste, 20 lbs. for $1. Cash for ail farm produce. SBOWMAN VILLE. dI Without denial the best values evor shown i i Bowmanville. SEE THEM. jýp-Bttter and Eggs and Grocers' Due Bis taken. a JSone BOWMANVILLE. Next door to Standard Bank. Our stock of Wall iPaper lias been seiected with great care frnt the best manufacturers, design, coZor, and gen- eral eIfe, i as been caîefully considered. The foliowing items convey a slight idea of the values which eau only be appreciated when you see the goods. Plain anti embossed gilts,with match ,jeilings, sereil, heraltie and cen- ventional patterns, rich green, tark bine and cream colers, a very choice selection, 15e a roll. Beordors te match, 9 luches wide, 4e a yard. Bordters, 18 inejies wide, beautifully blentiet, 1Oc a yard. Embosset iglits and flats, with match ceilings, floral designs treatet lu natural colors, rococo, renaissance anti Frenchi designs, crimson, tai-k bine, yellew, brewn anti bull shades, 2.0c and 25e a roll. Shatietianticloutiet,1S inch bottiers 10e, 121c' anti 15C a yard. A verr choice selection et embosseti gilts, 21 inehes witie, especially suitable for tdrawing-rooms, din- ing-reoms, reception halls, ete., the late-st designs luntiamasks, brocaieti effecîs, tapestries anti leatherettes, ivory, silvery white, oit bine, dark olive, ant i lson colors, 30e, 40e a roll. Blendeti bei-ters, 18 anti 21 luches wite, 10e anti 15e a yard. Ingi-ain wall pDapers, 16-oz stock, 30 luches -%vide, 8 yards long. Our selection incluties al cf the iuowest colors, wlîh match botti- ors anti ceilings, straw, light anti medium terra cotta, bine, liglit Big 20, 1BOW\MA-NVILLE. ren1 5e. n i. rl- plino- 9CV iirl 25e a i-cil. Bi-ientetboriors, 18 luches wlte TOcý 21 luches wlde, 15e a yard. Ungr ountiet wail pape-s, neat cie- sîgus lu light anti metiium coloîs, for halls anti kitchens, 5e a i-oll. Match bottiers. 6 anti 9 luches witie, le, 1le a yard. 'White bianks, with match'ceiiingsl protty floral anti conventiona, tesiguns, cream, green anti terra cotta colors, suitable for an ' room. or small halls, 5e, 6e, anti 7e roll, Match bei-ters, 9 luches witie, 1lce, 2e, 3e, a yard. Glimmers, printeti ou heavy stock, colonial, fierai anti chintz designs, iu a variouy et the uewest colors, fer betiroonus, sittiug rooms- anti tiuing rooms, 7e, 8c, anti 10e roll. Bientieti 18 inch match bordera, 5e, a yard. Gilt wali papers, complote combina. tiens, matie np lu the iatest celer effeets, bine, green, olive, tan anti cream are ail roprosontod, large selection et patorns, suitable for any apartmeut, 8c, 10e a i-cil. Match bei-ters, 9 luches witie, plain 2ce; shadeti 3c a yard. Bieutietibei-ters, 18 luches wide, 5e a yard. S1HERIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS.- RflINT li ~ îi.teti Counties ofINeithumberlanti andi WAUGUIDurham, 'to wit: By virtue of an Exeonition ùesueti ont of bier Mafestx"s First Division Court BoWMANVIlLLE. of Northumbetlandi and Durhani, te me directeti i an action whereîn Jane Brentile ilaintiff, anti Offie l th Roos aoveMargaret Butter sud James Butler are i)efend- Dental -fieiteRO3aoeanis, I have seizeli sud taken lu cacculion ail lie estite, right, tit.lte.test, claime, )oety M. D ~IL!A~ 80N,8 FUrnliUre 8toe. demanti anti equit rofiesm iîtlhe , o nameti Margaret Bu 1er antiJames Butler in ta andti o f ail as auniat, the fojliowinjg landi SWill be at Oreno from 9 a. M, te anti premises sitnate iyiug anti bsiîg Lot nom- ber 191,, Block G, -Wellington Stset,,lu the 2 p m., anti at Newcastle from 2.30 Un- Tovn of Bowmnanville, Couuty Of Durham, oîîs til p.îný,on he scon andfouth f the Uniiteti ouncies 0of Northumberlandi sud tii p.m.,on he scon an ferthDiîtham. ail of which 1 shalh effet for sale at my Mondays of each Month. offic 2 in Victoria Hall, iu the town of Cobourg, on Thursdîwy the 29th day of Junie, A.D., 1899, at Gold plates, Crown andi Bridge work the bout il 12 o'clock iton. I. O. PROCTOR, Sheriff. and Painless extraction are speciaities Shetiff'g office, Oubourg, Match 171h, 1899. 14-13 w. -41

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