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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1899, p. 8

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J. HIGG!NBOTHAM & SON, Chemists and Druggists. -,l ,l11,èl A disinfetant is a good. thing to use -during house 'I et cleaning, to destroy any disease germs that may be lurk- Sing about the premises. Try our Carbolie Acid, Chioride 'Il of Lime, Copperas Phennyle, etc. Pack your furs with our çoth Cam-phýoti 3a11s. Destroy ail inseet life with our Pure Inseet Pcwdetr. Use otrjisehçld Ammonia and 81-0e We have a new stock of Fine Sponges and Toilet *-i Soaps. Our prices are the lowest ou ail the above articles. ~~ BOWM& j1ICCINBOTHAM & SON, BflSAVILLE. Agents. Furniture Dealer_ __ A ND ___Funeral Director BOWIMNILLE ~ORONO. ISELVI Uorcliallyin1v ite hj1 -à their st Where ail the lat Millineï.y ~ corner Kîanglaud Tempei MEDLANDE public to cail and see tock at mîe LINERY STORE, est- ýtyles of Spring can be seen. rance Sis. BOWMANVILLE. Hamton General Store. We "liold a vasler stock than lias been," and are as usual preparcd te give bargains in Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. Gents' Ciothing. Good Tweed Suite te order $8.00. Good Serge Suiste toerder $8.00. We have a very large and well assorted stoclx te select fren, .In Serges, Worsteds and- Tweeds, both Foreign and Domestic manufacture. We are bound te SUIT ý ou. Groceries and Hardware. Iu our Grocery and liard ware Departmeuts you will flnd our stock wchl assort3d, boughtin lutic b est markets aI the closesl prices, and will be sold at tle right price. Some people wanl quantity others quality, we eau please both. Slilghest price pnid in cash for produce. Give us a eaul. t f 1 iht enadiai 'l TUE EDITOR'S WIFE. BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 26, 1899. HAMPTON. Vistors: Mrs. J. and Miss Mabel Boddv, Oshawa, at Mr. W. L. Ward's: Miss Saunders,Courtice ,at Mr.C.Horn's; Mr. M. Cryderman, Bowrnanville, at Mr. C. N,. Ruse's.The Directors of the Butter and Cheese Co. have decided to purchase, a thorouglilv up-to-date butter plant, which will be placed in the factory during the early fail ready to begin butter making at the close of the, season for cheese making ... . The temperance ratepayers of the village and community having petitioned the License Commissioners to withhcdd the license front the hotel here, Mr.G. Boue, the proprietor, has been granted three monilis to dispose of his stock .... Rye is looking well. Clover and timiothy have wintered belter than was expected. Tt is feared that many fields of wheat wil »e a failure. OSHAWA. Mrs. Dr. McPhail, Matillia, isvisiting lier father, Mr. Jas. Butlaud.M.Niss Ricliardson sailed on Saturdav for Eur- ope .... Mrs. ilenderson and Miss Bessie of Peterborougli have beengus1 Mr. J. Hyland . ...Dr. D. A Rare, Chii- cago, lias been guest of bis parents.... The many friends of Miss Birdie Pollard, teaclier, Prospect, dauzhter of Mr.Dan- iel Pollard, will bo pleased to learn that she is recovring nicely front the injur- ies whicli she received a short time ag'o. ...Mr.Robt.Wiliiarns and his two sons, Harry and Arthur, accompanied by Mr. R. S. Williams, Toronto, are taking a trip te Europe ..Mr. Robt. MeLaugli. lin lias purcliased the residence on King St. occupied by Mr. L. Eveiy .. .. Mr. E. Carswell, wh.o for f orty years has been one of the most active workers in the temperance cause in Canada, bas an- nounced Tris intention of retiring at the end of tne year. ENINISKILLEN. Rats, Rats, Hats at Wottea's. Ladies fancv Boaters and Sailor liais Girls' fancy Spring Hais, Womeu's black sailors, also Men's and Boys', al of the very latest styles and at rock bottom prices. Corne and see thein and get prieps and be convinced that wliat we say is true. W. M. Wotten. Try Wotten for a pair ot Men's lieavy Boots. Our enterprisiug young lownsman, Mr. O. L. Byers, bas brouglit into our villiage for sale a car load of the cel- ebrated Greer's Carniages, built in London. lielias over twenty carniages in the Ernporiumn of styles to suit al customers. Tt is the greatest exhibit of fine buggies ever made in this village and refiecîs great credit for push and, energy on the salesman. The Metliodist Sundav Sciool lias de- cided to have a good old fashioned tea and programt on May 24th. Particulars Inter. Hilest Adrice Frec to Men. The CANADIAN STATESMAN is request- ed to publisli the following: Al Men who are nervous and debilitated or wbo are suffering from any of the varions troubles resulting from overwork,excess or youthful errons, are aware that most medical finms advertising to cure Ilese conditions cannot be reliec upon. Mr. Graham, a resident of London, Ont., living at 437j2 Richmond St., was for a long lime a sufferer from above troubles and after trying in vain mnany adver- tised remedies, electric beits, etc. ,be- corne almost entinely discounaged and hopeless. Finally lie confided in an 'oid Clergyman who directed him 10 an eminent and reliable pliysiciançthrougli wliose skillul îreatment a speedY and perfect cure was obtained- Knowing to bis sorrow tînt so many poor sufferers are being imposed upon by nscr"uuous quacks, Mr. Grnaham Considers it lis duty to give his fellow men the benefit of lis etperinca and assists thcm to a cure bv înforming anydile wlio will write te hlm lu stricnt confidence wliere 10 be cured. No at- 1 etion can be given 10 those writing o~fmoe cnîsît àt-ayf newli really needs a cure is advised to address Mn. Grahiam as above. 14-tf. Bad ronds continueto the disgust of all, especially bicyclists . ... Farmers are busy prepaing tlie soil for thie crop .... Mr. A. E. Henny' , Tannton's enterpris- in g merchant, is liaving bis store re- modeled .... 1ev. R. N. Dams, Tyrone, officiated at Zion Snndây evening.... Mn. Sherwood Potter, foreman for Mn. W. J. Langmaid, who was neceutly kicked by a horse, is recovering ... . Mr. Thos. HIardy was in Montreal on bnsin ess recently.... .Mr. J. W. Brooks is 1a-4ng île barun île .Tre.meer pro- I HAMPTON. SHAW'S SOHOOL 1-10USE. Sclool Report for Mardli: Senior 4- L. Richard, O. Rickard, O. Cobbliedie-I, R. Bragg. Junior 4-N. Allia, R. Peu f ound. Senior 3-H. Kigît. A. Soper, F. Lovekin. Junior3-R. Richard, J. Galbraith, M Lovekin, L. Gllmaith,G. Trewiu. Senior 2-F.Bnagg, N.Trewin, E. Kigli. Junior 2-G Allin, A AllUn, W. Aluin. Cass 1-G. Gnlbîitl. 'K Trcwvin, O.Bragg, E. Alin. Tealiet, FON E. J ITn2,LDING. Ax cage atten- dance 21. SOLINA. Mn. W. H. Montgornery, Qucen's Un- iversity, Kingston,is lomde for vacation. ...Tlicncanc quite a numben of licy- cissnround île village. Mn. lHarvey Reynolds las a newStearns. . .. Christian, Broeklun, foreman for Hon. John Dryden, Minister cf Agriculture, wltsl lis wifc vsiicd Icre Sunday .. ... h las leen d ecidcd te have euly n Sundny service ai Ehdad. Tley wil net lave aux' annivcrsarv tca tîls ycar . Mes- sns Vice Bros. Lave starbcd work liav- ing a large number of contracte for mosonry, Baby's Skin Red and Raw. DociOf'Sa MVedicine was Painful and tJseless. OUTICIJEA Cured in a Month. My six nionths old daugier broke out with Zezemna. A doctor pronounced it " Moist Eo- zema," andi preseribed for ber. She screamied when I put the inedicine on ber, andi i stoppedl using it. 1lier skin was ail reti andi raw, and inoisture coining f rom it nil the tiue, and was very painful. 1 got CUTIcuitA SeAt' and CUTI.UPLA tointmnent) , ihey entirely terea hIer Wtihie a nzonth, and hler skiu is as fain as a lily. Mas, . .J. liANE, $15 Ohio Ave., ansas, City, Kan. Warm baths wth CUTICURA 50kP, and gertle anint- imUgs wth CuTictURA (ointmueft), greatest of enolit skn cures,. chanse the sakrnard calofoScr..t.and scat,., aIi.y tlnug., burnugu, and in ammation, a thu, soobe and Seat the nost torturlnCý, dagrm o mer. of the kin,.cap, and bload, wih.. thiwe OUl eke fis. ______ saIS throughon'. the wortd. PT'erzn. Atuc. coRp., Saie Frops., Boston. 64How, Cure Baby Humor, . f ree. HAIR HUMORS 80IchnSii'ee42. I '1H18 LADY SUFFEREJ) TEMRI-OLYj FRON RliELINATISX. lier Joints Began te Swell and Twist Out of Ail Shape-Death Wonld Have Been a Relief-Dr. Williams' Pink Pis Restore lien te HealtI. From thceliarriston Tribune. Afier long Ïonsidenabion and mucli liesitancy about laving lien name made public, Mrs. John A. Copland, wifc of thc editor and proprictor of thc Rarris- te Tribune, las nesolved lIat tle world, slionld know low wonderfully lier liealth was ncstorcd bv the timely use of Dr. Williams' Pink- Pis for Pale People. Our representative interview- cd Mn. Copland and the following is lis statement of bIc case: "4Whist we werc living lu Toronto at No. 99 McGili streýet. my wif c look ili lu tIe autumu of 1891, and lad sucl rnckîng pains tînt she conld liandly stin. One of tlie best specialisîs lu Ton- ente wns caled lunand lic diagnosised tlic case one, of acute iîfamaîory nbeum- atism, Ris Prescriptions wene given an(' le said tle case was a very severe oe and iliat it wonld be a wouder if ber joints did net become mishapen. Wliat tlis eminent plivsician predicted came truc. At tlie end of a mentI my vwife was wonse than, ever. and lien wrists and nuekies were twisbcd grcatly ont of shape- Shc was se disbeartencd tînt site weýuld weep ni île slghtesi proveca- tien SIc was boath te stay lu bcd, ann& har t meemae toiviugle ese pain.ssev lad toe benssiste ter iese pain.sev Duning ah tthc ensuing wintcn this state of thiugs cuutinued, she grndually be- came worse lu spite cf tIc srong medicines and tle lotions tînt tIc dec- ton prescriled for lier. We lnîed lu vaiu the massage treatment and île electnic- ni treaiment. My wifc would mean nean- ly all ght wîIth thi ain. Sic was una- bic te hoId tIc baby, and even could net bear te have a person point a fingen at her. I fearc d tîn t the spring would sec my wifc unden tIc sod, and yen may lic sure I was terribly affected bv lb. Al bhis trne we continued 10 give lier île doctor's treaimeut and medicînes, until finnhlly my wtife steutly nefused te take any more of bhc drngs. From tînt eut sIc legan te impreve, and eue eveuing I was asiouisbed te sec bier ceming te meet me wlcu I arrivcd home f rom tle office. 'Wliy" I said, "the doctor is do- ing yen good after al." "Net at all," sec said and smiled . TIen sIc produced a little round woeden box and lield il up. IIlave a great secret te bell you," she laugled'. ',Unknown 10 you I have been taking Dr. Williams' PinkPills, and this is tle seventl box. Tlev arc napid- ly curing me. Natnrally I wns over- joyed at the thonglit of liow v8ry near I came te losing lier. SIc conîinued tak- ing Dr, Williams' Pink PFuIs, befoee I lad fiished bhc clevenili box, sIc was quite wcll agnin and te day lier wrists and knucles are as sliapely as ever. Severni of our neigîbons lu Toronto kncW low sick sle wasand eau corrob- orate evcry word I have said. Eitiler myseif or my wife arc willing te swcnr te the trubli ofblcese statemeuts, Mr. Copland lias been lnugled at fer tle enthusiasîn witli whicl le las sunig thc praises of Dr. Williams' Pink Pis, lut lie believes tual anything se valua-l bIc te maukind slould get aitbthe praise il descrves. Mrs. Copland was seen at licr nesi- dence on King strect,lianniston,and sict corrobo'ratcd eveny word licr lusbanid lad said. SIc nluctanuly gave consent te have Ici name publisled, but said that sic bbouglit it proper tîntthbe eclii- icncy of these puis le made Inewn. SIc wns led te use Dr. Williams' Piuk Pis tîroigli seeing tlie acceunts of cures in 7thc ncwspapcrs. R. F. BYEPLS has opened the New Central Liveny inearly opposite the Standard Bank, Eowm an ville-, weehea Ue lot ut SfiugFe and Double Carniages, Democrats, Wagons, etc., for bine. Good Horses and Careful Drivers. 1No-ioafing.ailowed. Telephone No, 23. Calis day and night promptly attended. We want your orders and foi- 30 days will make it specially worbl yonr while te corne and sec uas. We Jeal -lu Ilarness,] Bicycles, Binder Twine, Buggies, agent for Thc McLaugllin Carniage Co,I Hanness repairing promptly doue. Our prices will please yen. Qualiy-only one grade -the best. Stand opposite Central Liveny, Bow- mauville. JOHN S. RUNDLE. Mrs. X.-Now Jolinny I want yen le lurry hoeme from sdlieol tuis nîberneon, Jolinny-Wlnt for, I1îvas waning o- Mrs. X.-I wnnt yen te coe righl horne for 1 want yen te go 10, LUTTRELL'S for sorne luns and cakes for ica. Jeluny- l'Il corne home on bile rn, for I like going iliere, for ils luns and cakes arc just fine. A full stock ofCeonfectionery is altvays kcpt on land, Alex. Luttrel Clnrkc's Oh SEtaud, Bowmauviile. BOWMANVI LLE. We are doing a great trade Dow, we have bargains ini every department. Nowhere else eau you buy such good. goods and so cheap. WHEN A WOMAN PROPOSES. Gettiug' a new spring Suit, she cannot do better than corne and see our Suitings. They are ver- appropriate for spring and everythingy about thern is stylish and attractive. FOR WET WEATHER 0f course we areri expect- ing April showers,' uo-w ,donIt spoil your goodsuit by neg- lecting to get one of Our Waterproofs. WTe hv good lune of UJrbrellas froni 50c to $3.00. See thern. 1i Something specialinl Seeds now, boll inl Flower and Garden. Our stock is chiefly frein the Steele, Biggs Seed Co.,,and D. M. Ferry, the, leadiug Seed deniers. We have planted corne cf Ihese seeds and will. soon have them on exhibition for our custo mers. Are you geiug te gel a Sweater Ihis year ? Corne and sec our large assorimenl, and suit yourseuf in color, size, quality, and price. Every mother wauts lier boy dressed nicely and Ihere le ne mother* wants te pay more than èecessary. Sic may salisfy hereuf by leokiug over our 10 kiinds of Bueuse and Sailor Suite. Our stock lu Men's Cloîli- ing jseomplele'aud riglit price. Sec samples in G. Furnishing's windew. We have Ihis week given eur Boots and Shees departinent special attention. We would invite you le caul and sece our stock. Some of our specials, Misses' G. G. Bal. 90c; Ladies' Deug. Kid, $1.40; Ladies' Slrap Shoe Slip. $1.10; Ladies' Deug. Bull. $1.20; Misses' .Ox-blood, Dong. But. $ý1.50. We have a nice hune of Girls' Chocolate Bals, plaid clolli tops $1.30. Ladies wantiug new Blouse Sets can gel the laleet styles frorn us, elîher wilh stude or blouse pins. We are quoling specil price on Walches, sec before buying. Repairiug promptly and satisfactorily at.,. teuded te. TV Ispthe time Iogel your repairingr, , eîtec sprngtme.If you cannot eall yourself, send J- Y y ou1r orders by mail,tliey will reccive prompt attention Sand return. Choice assortmenl of Walches andJewelry. SGreat variety in Ladies' Guards. LalesI and popular k' Instrumental and VocalMusie; alsoMusicalMerchand ise. SSchool Books and Stationery. Il is a pleasure to be able 10 aunounce an increase MO in business inu lus une as well as lu Jewelry. Ful lihue of higli grade Slaliouery and Sehool supplies aI moderate prices. This lu the -Place teorne -when lun Sneed of sehool books, writing pads, peucil, peus, luk, crayons, skippiug ropes, balis, etc. Watch and Clock repairing a specially. Ail work promptly doue and guaranteed. 11 KnStBoWMANVILLE. (Ellison's old stand) WilIIJT'Q UYlD 'EA AOU1AN Low Price is Lo'w Quality1, Paint as good as the - Sherwlin-WiIIîamr;s aint S(There is none better) cannot be sold tt less than wc ask, If less is asked you kuo L8Vthe quality le lower and ils flot cheap. t - ~ ~ poorly made, conlains poor material, or l short mensure. You gel what you pay fo ~.every time. The Sherwin-Williams Speeia ~)/ ~, ,Floor Paint is made for floors and noîhi J else. Il is made to walk on and stand e - iug walked, on. Paint your Wiudow mç ~ {Žj-4~~ Door Sereens, we have a, special paýint for ~-L-I ~them alone. Varnisl Stain, Buggy Paint, ~ Lead, Oils, Turpeullue. Cali and get a -. .-~ ~ color card, BowmANVILLE. West End Haro.ware Stvire, p ;P l tE

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