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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1899, p. 1

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OUR TOWN AND COUNTY PIRST; THE WOIiLD AD'TERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Preprietor. BOWMANVILLE, -ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1899. VOLUME XLV. No. 20. IILAON I. Iaffluence, mon higli up in the business IPRET'Y MAY WEDDINÇG. interests of the city, and dostinies of JERUSýALEM LODGE A. F. & A. M.L No. the country-for suéh largelv compriseGENODTABY ;' ., GT. R. C., ýBoWMANIVLLE MARE the cnaft. RN-ODTML. A FRATERNAL PILQhtvw O viST. The W. 1M .and o fficero.ef JThr. ba -..-.- - - w w w w w w w w W W W W ~ i ARE HA O OU.R NEIW L O Bed Room Suites, F, * Parlor Suites, Il S Dinîng Room Suitas, 0C manship and finish, * Do not purchase your (0 you s6e our stock and receiN BOWTMÂNVILLE. Undertakîng aLh Qpersonal attention. w ww w w w ww yw, LLF SOLD INES IN ýancy Tables, Eall Racks, hairs, Etc., Etc. Spring Goods until ve Our prices. LIS & SON. ways receives prompt and a EOlll0 e0 ê e e e e e e e e New Songs.l Look hero, did yen know I carryafulsok f vocal and instrumental music ?ui toko A ASpeCia1 Offer== By special arrangement I will soul for 30 days, SMusic at about Haîf usual price, Below is a few names ofa the latest songe that may ba had fer !Oceoach, or for 25c, "A floeaIl for Love," "Speak te Me Mabel ," "Choir Boy," "Sha- was bred lu Old Kentucky" and, oers. Write for îist of 10e sengs. Sold at very lowest pricos. Choice assertnaent o! Jcwelry, Iu ropairiug my price is as low as any, and Sworkrianship the best. Ail werk doue with dispatch and -uarauteod. Sehool Books. A full assortment et Sta ' ,ery. KnStBowmAIÇviLLE. (Ellisan's old stand.) - Need to Purchase a SEWING MACH- But you7- want the best. By "Best" we mean one buit ef A 1 material, one buit by A 1 work- men, one built on meehanical prin.. ciples, which will thon wear for a lifo time and without woaring eut the strength and nerve power of the eperator, uer yet wear eut the. flan Accuntof the pet-son laying eut the plirehase meney. Any Machine, ne matter how poerly censtructod will do fancy work in. the hands of an expert operater. The above montionod qualitios are necessary if yen wish te do your family sewing. If yen will cati at T. N. Rickard's Jowelry, Store during this menth yen will be shewn two of the Bost Sewing Machines iu tbe world, as well as specimens of ail kinds ef fancy and plain werk doue upon them. IRe- member the prices are riglit as well as the machines. T.Ne RICKA RDe EXAlVUNATIONS, If preperly conducted, test the profle- leucy of a studout reasonabty watt. The graduates o! the RGNIllflLUNES IEE Ail pass a stroug independeut examin. atien couducted by the Busines Educat- ors' Association e! Canada. No white- washingor grating diplemas te iucom- petent candidates. Our students are Dreperiy trained te pase these examina- tiens successfully, and business mou appreciate thir àsanding. That's why we have many mono applications fer capable, efficient, youug men and wemepn n te 611nrition's tîan we'can suppiy. Yen may enter our Collage at auy urne. Thare are ne vacations te interfere with youn advaucement. If yen wish particulars drop a postal te W. H, SHAWt Principale Yange atid Gerard Sta., Toronto, be pesea' e.rtyail f - lie~itvs'A todges Wt;7 reentd a t the gath er- in of -V, m maybe mYioe . W. llarcourt. W.i. of Ionie Lodge No. 25; Dr. Jobi, J . Gee, W. M nof Wilson Lodge --\',6; J, C. Cool, W, M. of Doric Lo-: o 316; Alex Stewart, W. M. If Zetlta d Ledge No. 826; dos. W. Hlickson , W. M. If St St. George's Lodge N'. 367; A. il Perfect, W. M. of Stnl r oge No. 42,: and dno. E. Gardiner, W. M. of lHarmýony Lodge No. 4383. The Mo t Worshipful the Grand Mas- ter E. T. M'1alone graced the distin g- uished gathl igbv his presenco and- he was supported by Jas. Glaniville, D. B, G. M, and Curran Morrison, D. :D. G. M. of Toronto Districts; C. W. Postlethwaite, G. S. W., Jos. Tomlin. son, A. G. S., Benj. Allen, P. G. S. W., John W. Jones, G. S. B.. and others, Mayor Shaw who is a member of St. Andrew'sLoe was present, also Thos. Craw rd, M. P.- P., and Rev. D. A. Rocea u0f ictoria Lodge, Naples, Italy, ln fact. when Bro. D. B. Simpson and lis:o !eies assayed to exemplify- -tieis dgre yhv avingbeenaie to do so) the Temple was occupied by nearly 20 0 Masons, eminent men of letters, promninent men of influence and may be mistaken 15 clown LMi the experience narated by Dr. josephi eike, of Iost Springs, Marlon Co., Kau. "Ten years ago"1 he 8ays '«tlere was an emigration from Rusland te this coun- try, and there was a lady la the company who was badly affected with that'dreadfuli disease scrofula. Hem montb and tbroat were lu au awful condition, and there were lumps on île outside below the jaws the size of a hen's egg. Other doctors bad been called and tley s3aid lt was a fatal case. " I was called and muade my diagnosis ; I felt confident that none of my remedies wouilddo her any permanetint good. h came to my mmid that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi. cal fliscovery was recommended for it, se I weut te île drug store and bought one bot- Five bottles clired hem sud she is well to- day She le married now and has>three healthy cflildren.' "If this le a credit te your medicine"l adds Dr. Fïike in a communication te Dr. Pierce " yen1kcan use fi. 1 amn usiung a good many of your medicines laiimy practice."1 In lis own rofession Dr'. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N'. Y., is bonlored as among île foremnost of living spJecialiets lu diseases. of the blood and nervous aystem. If y6ur healti l1 po,r Vwrite to hlm lun perfect con- fidence for good advice. It wlll be sent You lu a plain sealed envelope, withont charge. For the muost obstinate forms of co,4sti- pationi, iuse r. Pierce's Pleasaut Pelleta. Their aclitin je prompt yet comfortable; tIeL CefetL i.permuanent. minsi thai the. drugglst does net glve yeno something else. continuLed into the mmigaLid fittiog- ly ocdd by th-, Junior Warden's toast "-'Iapny to ineet, sorny to part, happy to meta-àin" and the i' ing lu true Scotch style of "Anld fang Syne" eaeh eue crossîng- and ctaspiing hauds around the festive table, and amid mauy good byes oacI eue wended his way thrîlled with the fratemuat gathoring. THAT TsrmlN IJ E ADAUHE ,-Would quickly leave vont, if yen used Dr.King's New Life Pis. Thousands of sufferors have proved timmatchless mnt for ,Sick and Nervous Headacles. 11ey make pure blood and strong norves and build up your heaith. Easy te take. Try te.Onty 25e. Mouey back if flot cured, Sold byStott and Jury,Druggists. OFF FOR ENM;LANMJ, DuAR EDITOR.-Your travelling cor- respondent is on the wfng again. Mr. R. A. Troleven and mysoîf bid adieu te the gaod aid town of Bowmanville took the G. T. R1. "Flyer" and rapidlv passed, onward until a tew miles east o!f Napanea the train slowod up whero a large gang o! moen were remnoving the dobris o! a collision. Six 'cars were smashod te kindling wood, eue man was killed, cern and wheat wero strow- (! long the track side tiko snow dri!fte. i arrived at Montreat O. K. and lit arded the Attan Line S. S. Catifor- nian, located our berths, then strelted ta the city and took in the sights, visit- ing Notre Dame Cathedral where we found an immense cangregation. 'The siuging was delightfut. As we passed atang the principal streets business ef almeet al kinds was rushine untit 9 p. m. Returning ta aur biri he we sean fetl inte the arme af Me'-pheus and dreamed of the future. Tho dawn af Satumdny merning came with ail its boauty. A!ter the morning's meal, I took stock of the steamer, that was ý eing te carry us aven the migbty deep. heCalifornian is a vemy fine steamer, 5000(tois, manned by 110 men. There is a plate fer ovemythiug and every. thing is !Il its place. The3 shipping la Montreat harber is like a bee hive, att hum and bustle and no moemi for droues. We piUlled eut fnem the Altan iUne Dock May l3th at 9 a. m. and were soon steaming down the grand id l St Lawrence riÏver, passing manyIl fine towns and riverside bamlets. The remains o! winter were stili clinging te the river banke. Af ten nine heurs' mua we arrive at the ancient capital,Quobec, where we remained an heur taking on passengors, &c., viewing the militamy forts on th-e-bank s-,ummits -and the-spot whiere Moutg-omery fell on Decoînber, 81st, 1775. The efficens o! the "Califor- nian" are very ebliging and show every kindness te tIe passeligers. Thora are a large number an board but evemythinz gees pleasantlt au. The Ticketspurchased front the Allan Liuq Agent, Mr. M. A.. James, fer railway, transfers, and steamer were ln every particulan correct and by fottow- inhis instructions we had ne, difficulty. Weara nearing Rimouskî and must close mv diary, as it 18 the tastmailing Port. if the Steamner tanids us, safe acrees the ocean yeunvwll he(ar again fnem the waudering beys. THOMAS HOAR,î Rimouski, May l4tb, 1899. a~d is. . W Aleande, Ars, du o. Cote, 1.Mr. duo. Cote, Misses Cole, Mr, Tho.G. Bragg, B. A. Fnom New. castle-Mr. and Mrs. A. Ferguson, During tue suppen congnatulatory tele- grains 'wcne received from the staff of "The Wortd" Toonto, Newv York and Trenton, Toasts were pronosed by Mn, Gneenwood, sen,, Mn. Fairbairu, 11ev. Dr. Haranad Mr. Richar,'son, which were reptied to b 'y Mn. W. H. Green- wood Mr. W. W. Tambîvu, Mn. W. T. Tamblyn, and Mn. Binao'g. OROXO BURGLARIES. WBnrglarsopenated again in Orono, on Weduesday night or Thursday morning of last week. The North American Hotel was entered through a window from a side street, the tilt tomn out and carried the monning togethen with some empty ~soda water t)otties. Some other botties of I'Soft Stuff" were t ound tater on under the sidewalk close by. The titi was also taken from Mr. Jno. J. Gilfillan's Drng Store, the front door having been forced by a bar whîch was left whene it had been used. Only emati amounts were found ln each place but as fan as noticed no goods lu the Drug, Store were disturbed. Some tools were taken from Mr. G. H. Linton's machine shop. The door of Mr. R.Foster's black.. smith shop was opened but ne tools were taken. A wnench and steel bar belonging co Mr. -I nten were found but a steel brace taken from his shop le stili missing. Nothing was lett te point to the parties guilty of adding one more to the occurrences of this kind already too common iu our village. llie 7/iorn Cornes Forth Withz Point ForwarJd. T'ht thorn point of disease ian ache or, pain. Bot'thie bfood is the feeder ofe the whiole bodly. Parify it with Hood"s Sarsaparilla. Kidneys, liver and stomach mwil aA once respond ? No thorn ln this point;,' Severe Pains- I bad' severe pains izr --My etmnh orm- of -nenalgi.- mother urged me to take HloodIs Sarsp. ila and it made me weil and etrong. ' bave aiso given it to my baby with satisi factory resuits, I am glad to rec9mmenci Hood's Sarsaparilla to others.'l qRj JOHN LA PAGE, 240 Church St., Toranto, Ont. Complate Exhaustion- I After treat- ment in hospital, I was weak hardly ailpl to walk. My blood was thin, 1 took Hoo0d'à Srparil ntil wefl and gaiued 20 1bo. It lcobe~fitd m Wle."ARavaJNun is, Dreeden, Ont oy s.r , ï7,k vGbitoodi rsapaila. -ý'T 'l';:'I'F'q', 7 . ' 1 'l 'W 1 - T l ' '1', 1- , 1 1 -1 UT ý P71-1 ý U71-1,-'W 7 - -, ý ýy 1 ,e ime do you

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