Why Not Gt th e Best! The celebrated WOOD- YATT LAWN MOWERS are the best that skill and money eau produce. In fact r~you cannot appreciate their mauy excellent qualities' without seeing them. They are liglit, durable aud- easy running. We knowr of no0 ___ better Mower lu America. Garden and Farmi Tools. We have gatheî ed together the largest and most complete Uine ever off ered in this.locality. Very carefully selected and off ered at exceedingly low prices. Inspect- ion invited. BOWMANVILLZ, MAY 17 1899. Haif a Dozen Masked Thieves Rob the Standard Banik. The Froceedings Were Very Sensational- The Town Watchmtn Was Handcuffe4 and Gagged, and Three Doors Were BIIown UP-eThe Miduight Mechanies Were ftewarded With 811,000 in Cash for Their Troable-No Clue. Lamentable, indeed, must be the con- dition of things when a gang of burg- lars can entera towa of this size, cap- ture and hind the night watchmnau, en- ter a bankine house on the most oxpos- ed corner on king Street, get into the inside of a supposedly bur-lar uroof Al Ys SpýecuItI!OR. *The banIk rober ihs been discnssed on ail sides and mnany theories advanccdI., Some think the safe-crackers had an ac- complice staying here for some time. Others think they have epent a night or two in the town in the guise of tramps. Certain 1V ie that their movemente show evidence of the familiarity with police regulatione and how to carry their scheme to a succeseful issue with the least disturbance. A J. & T. Taylor safe was ordered sbippcd and placed in the Standard Bank vault on Saturday. When the new safe wae being removcd from the station the wagon was crushed, by the weight, and ,William Rowe had one foot badly oushed. Government DetectiveRogers returned home to Toronto late Saturday, and con- fessed thac ho could not find the slight- est dlue te work on. A reward of $2,500 will be paid for the re'overy of the~ money, and $2, 500 fer the arrest and conviction of the thieves. .'lhe denominations of money stolen are, $2000 in Standard Bank $10 INotes, $4350 in Standard Bank $5 Notes, $1100 in CauadianSil\ er,$400 in Gold,$2000 in Dominion of Canada 81 and $2 Notes, and $1285 in Notes of Other Canadian Banks Yesterday's despatches say that five WEST~EN ~HOUSE, BOWMAiNVI LLE. NeUw Arriva1l 111 waul Gýjoods alld Dress MI1s1IIs a I I I I We are showing a big ran ge of Washing -Materi suitable for, warm weather, which are guaranteed able. -- - - - ~ - ----, -~- - - t if -- .-- ---------------- ----- -- - ----.-- -u.- - - - -____ .--- - bound. Mie soon began shouting, but flot ing his manufactures 'than others who ti]l about 5 o'clock was ho discovered by are more agressive, but it is not from Frank J. Garrett. Chie! Richard Jarvîs lack of confidlence in their merîts., was goon on the spot and removed the They are reallv equal, if not superior, handcuff s, and Mr. Metcalf was onee to any of the similar articles we see ad- more at liberty., vertised sa extensively - est and best seeds obtainable. -- Joh MMurtry,