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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1899, p. 8

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eh Tb4 i.4z. 4h. 4h .f 4hz- l"p 4h %leh. C,%, l,'" 47Ê- .Nm sl, ie.. .jNpgt. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON5 C hemists and Druggists. A disinfectant is a good. thing to use during house *IRý 01 cleaning, to destroy any disease germs that may be lurk- ig about the premises. Try our Carbolie Acid, Chioride S of Lime, Copperas Phennyle, etc. Pack your furs with our -là Destroy ail insect life -yith our 0 Use our Il.ousehoid Asnmonia and We have a new stock el Fine Sponges and Toilet -QSoaps. Our prices are the lowest on ail the above articles. ~i 4kJ. BOWMASNVILLE. Agents. 4k. 9,lx :,PI% 4IzIi% wl,1% BOWM'ANVILLE, MAY 17, 1899. CADMUS. Mr. John Sproule, mnason, Janctville, bas finished the foundation of Mr. Jas. Nesbitt's new house .... ,Mr. Edward Montgomery is building a new lieuse,. .Pieniecof Cadmus Methodist Sunday School will be held next monti.... Mr. C. B. Power is building a new brick bouse tliis summer....,Spring work is well advanceed-many people are donc seeding..., Fail wheat and .Alike clov- erar sl~y winter-killed. HAMPTON* Visitors: Dr. J. H1. Eiliott, Medicai Superintendent Gravenhurst Sanitari- um at borne-, Mr. and Mrs, JH.Crvder- man, Bowmanvilie,guests cf Mr. H. El- Ilott, ýJr.; Mr. J. B. Hern, Miss C, Hamrn, Pickering, at Mr. C. Horn'n Mr. S. Harris, Toronto, at Mr. Win. Shcrt's; Miss A. J. Ward, Toronto, at Mr. Jos. Ward's; Mr A. Nsobleborne from Greenbank,nursing bis arm wbicb came in contact with a drawing knif e. . .Mr. J. E. L. Coie's lîttie daugliter, Mildred, is unable te walk owing te an injured ieg,,...Rev.1{ Thonias bas been invited te remain in charge cf the cir- cuit for another y ear. ... Mr.F.I-lannamn carries bis ariin a sing the resuit cf a fal..., Mr. T. Elliott is bavinz tbe cet- tage opposite the miii remodelled this k F.IT. Allun and Miss E. Crydermnan visited Mr. B. Ferguson, Blackstock, Sundav. A C ARD.LII W e, thec undersigned, do hemchy agrecý te refund th 'c money on a twcnty five cent bottle cf Dr. Wills' Ensrlish Pis, if after using three-fourtbs cf contents cf bottie, tbey do not relieve constipa- tion andlieadache. We aise guarantee four betties wiil permanently cure the most obstinate case cf constipation. Sat- isfaction or ne pay wyhen. Wilis' Pis are used. Stott & Jury, cbemist, Bowmanville. J. Migginbotbarn & Son, chemist, Bow- manville. 2.4w COURTICE. Visitors: Miss Ethel ilall, tewn, a t Mr. S. S. Brooks' .... Mr. Harold Avi- son and Mm. Aif. Robinson, Oshawa, at Mm., Jas. Courtice's; Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Gully, Town, at Mr. D. Clarke's; 1 ev W. H. and Mrs. Adams, Orono, at trie Parsonage ...,. A number cf- fammers through here are erecting wire fence purchascd from Mr. Wm Foiey .... On Sundav League annivemsary services were conducted at Ebenezer by 11ev. R. Taylor, Newcastle, who delighted bis hearers with a cicar presentation cf the truili and we heard many words cf praise speken cf hlm. The flewer cern mittee bad the platforim becoringiy decorated with plants and eut fiowers and deserve inuch credit for their assist ance ln making tbe occasion sncb a success. EN 1'4ISKILLEN. Mats, Mats, Mats atWotten's. Ladies fancv Boaters and Saller Mats. Try Wotten for a pair cf Men's heavy Boots. Visitors. Messrs Davey Bros., Toron- te, guýests cf Mr.J. j.Gibson;Mr.TliemD- son, Jr., near Oshawa, guest of Mr. N. Byers; Mr. A. Manna, Peterboro, visit- ing fiends bere; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stainton, Zien, guests of Mr. Jacob Scott on Sabbath; Mr. and Mrs. W. J Stacey visited friends in Calian; m, W. M. Wetton visiting friends at Lsndsav.. _Business arrangements prevented Mr. Î F. Rogers' departure iast week te the Northî-West.. . .Dr-« Mitchell weuld like te get some information about bis pug dog "Jack" wvýho sudden] 'y disappeared on Monda-y, last week, leaving agai) in tihe family circle,.. . R1ev J J. -Liddv, M. A., Oshawa,preaches here next Sb bath .... At tlic League Fridav evening al -ý)ho were present piaise the papers by Miss Efiggs "'What we can do" and Miss Na -rina Argue "Opportunui fies". . _ Lev S8 G. Rerke bas been un- anirAously 'nvited te remain a ffth y'ear and- bas acceptcd _.. See what Misses Vecal and Medland sav about bats for flic anui.crsary. Girls' faucy Sprisîg Mats, MW emen"s black sail ors, aise Mcn's and Bo - s', ail cf tha verv latest styles and at icci.. bottons prices Corne andi sec tbem and get pricesv aud be convinccdi that what we Say is truc. W. MI. Wotten. THOSE SCILOOL GRANTS. EDîTOn STATEsitAN:-I notice by the minutes cf lasi meeting cf Danlingit Council,as published lu Tu, STATESMAN, fliat Counci ler Brown introduced a hy- la-mv te increase flic grants te $200 where oue teacher is ornployed and a propor- fionate isserease wheme two arc cm- pieyed. Would Mr, Brown explain hbs reasens for coing se and lu whcse siftor- dest? A IIATEPAYEE. Cý,7r'e1 Cry for SOLINA. Mr. Jeu. Bray, Enfield, visifed bis daughfers Mns, XW. Wcrry aud Mrs. Jue. VanNesi, Jr.... .The lrothers ein tertaiued flhc sisters ]7riclay niglif ai flic Division right royally-capital pro- gramndJt he treat veëry much. eujeyed. .... Practisin for flic anniversary lias liegn, Mm, Af. B. C~ryderman, musical tdirect or ...Miss Etta Hall. Eafieid, evisited àlrs. A. L. Pascoe'.,.., Mrs. R1. Jý Luke aud danghter, Kedron, visited at W. Werv's... Mm. W. L. Law's youugest Jaugliter lias a violent attack of erysipelas. ... Sec wnai Misses Veale naud Medland sav about bats for the -anliversary. SPAIN'SGunaEETNEE.-Mr. R. P. Oiivia,'of Barcelona, Spain, spends bis, winters ai Aiken, S. C. Weak norves shad causcd severe Pains in flic back cf bis head. O.n using Eiecfric Bitters, Am- erica's groafesi Blood aud Nerve Hem- edy, al pain) soon ef t hlm. Me says ibis grand medicîne is w-bat, bis country nceds. Ail America b-nows fthat if cures hiver aud bidney trouble, purifies flic blood,toues up flic stesnach,'strengthens flic tenerves, puis vsmn, vsgor aud new 3life iet eves-y muiscie, nerve and organ cf the boedy. If weab, tiî-ed or ailiug yen 1need if. Every bottle guarant cccl, cnly 50 cents. Seld liy Stoti and Jury, Drug- gisf. TYRON.E Mrs. T. T. Jardine calleJ heme liefore leaving for Alexander, 4Jau., wlieme we sincemely hope ber liealth. may bic me- storec.... Mm. A. E. Clernus lad a bec Wednesday chaîsging the position cf lis farmnbuildings, Stone rnasonrv and additions wili pmeceed imrneciafely ...Mm. Thos. Pooicy, B. C,., s guestof tlis brother James ... . No diffemence if -yen are net a member cf the Leagne tbring aleng Your Evaup-eliue nexi Fmi- day eveningaud make a deliglitînl hour's vtdyof oeeof Lengfcllow's most charmînig creations. Papers rnav 3 be ex pccted froîn Miss E. Concis and 11ev. 1. Suell.Mýusie by local and for- c ign talent.,,, Mr. Bert Mehaughlin, Oshawa H. S., spahi Snnda- at home.. ..Recent frosîs have becu rather liard 1on early pofatees aud fruit,.Evv si range face seen bore cf late is erd- c d as a possible liank roliber. Visitorýs will please geveru themselveS accord- ingly and state plaiuly iheir business immediately uposu armiviuug lu fewn .... The ftcnt caterpillar bas been flic cause cf more unwmittcn profaniiy during fthc pasi week than w-e bad ever decrned if capable cf calling iute existence, INumerons tordhuighf processions have aise been crgauizecl lu ifs behaif, and ifs ne unusual thing te sec, -off in flic sfil- night," whli orcliards ilinîninat- ed and ithe almeady woary househoIder raciug about frein troc te tree as if de- rnented, ont>' tet arise in the dewy mrnening aud fiîid fniiy eue haif flic teuîfs overleoked. Despemafely bce sets fo work witb laàder and saw aitute risk of bis life, aud finaiiy succeed lu exterrninating tniree-fourfîs cf flic pesta ieaving flic mccit oecither withcr lie- neafli his anatherrias cm flenrielion bis chcnished vineyard. For ingeuuifv, mapidits cf growtb and power te lbaffle hu.maniiy, flis litile nuisance eau scarcely nc eiafen. CARD OF ¶'HANKS. I Josire throngli TnE STATESMAN te sincereiy thauk flic Sens cf Eugiland of Danlingion aud Bewmanviiie, and flic Sons cf Ternperaînce o.f Tyrcue, fer their grese ..iudnaas dunring the ilincss et rny son EclwarJ 11. auJ turuiug ouf lu sucli large numrbans ai hie funeral. Mis schioeiiaates, finds aud cur ucigli- bors whe show-cJ thuir sxnipatbv iu varions ways shah noiver bic forgoffen b>' us as a fernilsi aL n mwcd s-ire te express our deepesi gratitude. T ~JsrxelîHAW KEY, Tyrene, May 15, 1899, vo CU Li A COUn 1-N ONE DAY. Tai-c Laxative llrorno Qnui, e Tablais. All nruggists refond theînney 'fit fiails te cure. Fnice 25 cents- LA.WN MOWERS. I respectfully thank miy liosf cf cus- torners for their liberal patrenage lu fthc past auJ wcould solicif these having Mowers te place them lunrny charge, as I ainpncparcd te sharpen auJ give perfect satisfaction. A trial soiicitcd. Ail rnowems cailed for when notice is gîven aud mtunnd prompfly. The West En.d Smithy, King St,' Bowman- ville. 18-3w. Proprief or. NE WCASTLE. Visitors . Miss Julia Jennings, Bow- manvilhe, witli Miss Odie Warren; Mrs. Niclils, Wcsle-vville, at hem sistcr's Mrs. J. M. Cobbledick ; Miss Elleen Thorn home fromn a very pleasant visit witli Mrs. Sanford, iNew York ; Thc Misses Dingman, Bowmanvilic, wif h Mrs. W. M. Pearce's.11.ev. R. Taylor lias re- ceived a very cordial invitation- te rc- main tise 4th vear ... . BishopSweetsnan, Toronto, cenfirmed a number cf voung people ln St. Georges' Cliurch Friday evenilig ... . Methodist District meeting here Ma v i7th aud l8th .. 1ev. J. S. 1, Wilson, Ebenezer, preacbced two vcry thoughtful sermons la the Methodist churcli, Snndav, in the iuterest cf the E pworth Leagne. AIN EIvNTrpxisiian Fîi',s.-There are few moni more wide awake and enter- prisiug than Stott and Jury who spare nc pains te secure the best cf evcrthing lu their Une for their many custerners. Thev now have fthc agencv for Dr. King's New Discoverv, which surely cures Censumptien, Couglis aud Colds. This is the wouiderful rcmed y that is now producing se muncl excitement al ovel! the ceuntry, hy its rnany startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma,Bron- chifis, Nansea, auJd ail affections cf the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Yen can test ît bof ore buying, by calling at the ahove Drug Stcme and get a triai Bottie Free, or régular size fer 50c. and$1.OO. Guar- anteed to cure, or price refunded. SiOCK NOTES. Mm. T. J. Cote is advertising breeding swinc and apiary supplies for sale. Sec bis new advt. lu this issue. Mr. Samuel Snowden, Jr., Maple Grove received on Safurday frmrM. D. E. Brethour, Burford, an impoted Tamworth boar, cf the tmuly pure bacon type,ý auJ ho will boeat once available te the farmers cf this district for breeding purposes. He is a splendid looking hog and attmactcd considerable attention as he passed thmough town. Mr. Snowden keeps for service bis big first prize Berkshire and a Yorkshire White. Mis enterprîse in this class cf stock wilil be arnply rewamded hy a full share of pat - ronage frorn neigliboring farmers. Children Ory for; OU) DIJRHflI BOYS' PICINIC. Messrs. J. L. Hughes and City Crown Attorney J. W. Curry, delegates frorn flic Old Durham Boys' Association, werc down a t Port Hope on Sa,,turday aundliad. an interview with the Town Council cf that town, relative te the visit cf tise Association this summer. Ail arrangements have heen madle with tihe G. T.' 1R. fer the ftrip aud the baud cf flic Royal Grenadiers have becu en- gaged. The excursion fakes place on Tcrcuto's Civicbeiidav, August 7th. If miglit be well for Boxw'mauville te liavd ifs Civic Holiday on flic same date and partîcipate with the boys and girls cf the od ccuaty ou their festival day. Ladies are Invited. The public, is ccrdialiy mnvii cd te at- tend the Art Needie Womk Exhibit cf The Singer Mf'g Co. which is now lu Bowmanville and cau liec eeu at flic of- fice lu Ives' Block, King St. Anycue lu- tcrested lu fancy work cf auy kind doue witli the needie wiil find this exhibit cf work, donc cxclusively on flic Singer Sewing--macliine, cf great intemest aud should net miss flic présent opporfunity. An expert lady operator is lu charge who will take picasure lu giving Free Inst ruction.s in Embroidery and oflier fanc 'y work te ail users cf fthc "Impmovedï Famil v Machine." W. JEN\INGS TUE SisNxa MF'GCe. Agent, Bowmauville. 19-2w* 64OULI 1BOYS" AT NEWVCASTLE. The Wiiiing Workers cf St. Johin's Churcli, Bowman ville, presented this laugliablte comedyv-drarna lu the Music Hall, Newcastle, te a large and appre- ciative audience on Fmsdav evcnm.g, May 12. Ail fthc difféent 'parts were1 adsnirabiv performed and the audiencef was highly pleased with the play, rnanyf ponouncing if flic besf amateur pro- duction ever seen lu the fown. TheJ company have reason te feel prend of1 flic coninued snccess which has attend- i cd theln efforts frorn the firsf evening'si Froducfion. Evem.ything passed cff r rncst pieasantiy aud successfullv, andf the company were mucli pieased withi their eception lu Newcastle. Affero flic performance lunch was served at Mn. F1.B3ennett's which was heamtily e- jeyed by about sixteen or twcnty cf thies Company and ficnds from Bowrnanvillc wlio accompauicd thcm.b ,And Bîurniuug of the Skin en Face 1Cured by CUTICURA. TortheIa8t iliree months 1 hava Sean trouliled WUtlian cvaniasing ituhing aud burning of the skia on my faca, and did net kuow w-lat te do te cure it. 1 w-es prevailed upen te try CarI. cuRA REmDEs. The resul wae simpiy Won- dartul. In oc week after USing tha CuTîcusiA SeAansd CUruccuRaseESOir TIwes eatirely id of t, aud my skia ila in a Sealhy condia n. D.U.VAN GLAHN,721 Stecittcnst., SanFran.Cal. CflTICURAnT5SOLVENTbaglaiwitb ihabiood aud ends with the skia anS scalp. TSatisete say if purifies the blooS aud circ'latiag fliiSet 1HCMeu GERuM, anS thns removes tieccase, wibe warm bahs witS CtTICUEÂ SOAT, aSd genila anciatings wiih CUTICTEA (olaîtment), greateui cf emolient skia cures, Cieas the sain andsîcalp cf crnsts sud scsies, aliay itching, Sous. Ing, sud inflammation, sntheasnd hed. Thu, arc speedily, permauentuy, anS aconomicaiiy cnred tlhaemiictrturlng, dirflgurnig humer, etfflhc skin,scalp, andblood,wi-h lossofhii,,wahentlsa bei piyscîassaS ail other remedies faini. Soid liras hani thie worlslPoTrea n. ANDsC eotic e, Sole preas ,floSloa. HaWtaCreEvery En>reeý'. REO Rouait HAND8 -CTi ,A 0AZ DEÂDMÀN'S ISLAND., The Famous Spot the Scene of a Red Hot Time on Mondlay. THE RIOT ACT HAD TO BE READ Big spoia1 Sale bofore Ïýy J2ay t 0oW in FPull SWilng Wc are sclling largoly toc in Clothing and somne men who have never before womn Ready-made Clotbing will now wear them. The2ir prej udi ces have at last been overeorne. Net only better value ü aotualIly a boiter fit, yos, and botter styîé, These are oniy a few of the advaýntages you have in buyinig Ready-made Cicthing. Yen can sec how the cloth looks made up, many a man has been very much disap.. pointed at the appearance of bis F.election. wlen made up. Yen donot have tewait somebimes tilI Von arc disgnsted and serry yen ordcred, however some people miay' thiuk. The Ready-made Olothing is makiug new onstorners daily ani '?ust such speciai epportunities as ours at the Deul & Gibson Sale is what starts,."any a11Man te first invest in Ready-made Clothîng. HUe thon usually fiade they are not oeuly cheaper but are aise better in a great many wvays. COME TO OUR SALE and see the chances we new offer in Clothing-. Wc are aise making Vie prices inter- esting in al ethor departnients, MUr. Ludgate, the Le--see of the Islandî From the Domninion Governmnent, Starts te Cut the Timber and Ih Arrested by Attorney-Generai Mllartin - Case Traversed Till Thursday. -Vancouver, B.C., May 16.-T ho Hie Acf was read on I)cadusan's Island yes- terday meruing, ani Theodore Ludgae was armcsted and put in hu~ndcuffs aflfer a fierce Struggla -Witlitweo ffleers, oeeof whcern lie roughly used. Ludgatni, who lias leascd the isiancifrom the Dominion, decided fthc nîglf bofore te make anefler lancting on the disputed isiend. At 5 o'clock a force of sixty er sevenf3 mca were actively af work cntfing down trees. About 6 o'clos-b a provincial cou- stable arrlved and erdereci that the worl lie stepped. Ludgaf c defld hlm, and the officer, realizing bis lielplessness, did net attempitet use force, but set off for as- sistance. About 6. L0()Ofier Baines cf the city police arrived and bis erder fer ces- satioln ef werb was aise iguorcd. Provin- cial offleers cenfinued te arriva. ene ata time, until they were about ten strong and ecd armeci with revolvers. They macle ne aftampf, howevem. fta intfeea with flic men ntil thec arrival cf Atto'-ney-General Martia and Justie cf flic Peace Anderson, abGut 9.15. The AttamucEy-Genoral rcqrîesfad Ludgatc te order bis men te stop work, but flic saw- miii man rernained obstinaf e as evar, whereupon the Afforuey-Qeneral ordcred bis ammest f, O er Baineï stapped forward te execute flic ordars. Ha atfernpted ta arrest Ludgat e'by flic urm, but recelvaf a blow'ou flic jaw from that gentlern wbich sent hlm sprawling ameng a lisap cf undcnbrnsh. Oflicer Campbll went ft Bainas' assistance and after about two minutes- flerce struggling flic two rnan- aged to gat the bandeuiffs ounflic prisonar. Tihe tiot Ac t ead. Ail flicmen liad ia the meantirni stopped work and wera ready te affadi flic police. wlieu the Riot Act was rcad, and ou Lndgate's advica tliey refrained, Ludgafe was led frein flI sland with blood flowing profuscly fromn bis nose. and flic men recornmeneed work. Thes Attorney-Geuerai addressed tflin d saîd if work was not sfepped aud ail cff fh lchaud lan30 minutas flic constabulary wouldi li ordered te shoot. Tie men held a short confali and dccided te Icave. Tie cify is lu a great stata cf axcîfement and ail biuds of ru-mors are afloat.* The Province lias rcelved a spemiai from Nanairno, whlcli says H. M. S. Egeria deparfed frein flat Dort ycstemday morning for Vancouver siniultaueously witli the arrivai fihera cf the news cf trouble. If is expectcd bliealmosf auy boum, but it is nef kuownwhat action wililice taken, The police are stiRl on flic isiaud and are heing reinforced. It is lie- lievec tliat Ludgate's mca will go back and eftbmpt a seizure. If is aise mumorad thaf froops will lis orderad ouf. Ludgata is in jeul and refuses te accept bis releas5e ou bail. The case came up bafora Stipandiary Magistrate Andersson in the afternoon. Very littie vas donc in court, Ludgafe's lawycr objeeting te ifs jurisdiction. Thea cla, ' vs uutting timber on Crown lands, Mr. lfarf lu appeared agni usf Lud- gate, and a'.ked for au adjeuurnauet f ill Tbursday, whicli Was graafed. SENATOR BOULTON IS DEAD, Sketch of the interesiing Career of a ,Canadian Miiitary Mn. Russell, May 16.-A despateli daed May 15, says: Senetor Boulton diad ibis memning at 1 o'elock cf congestion cf flic lungs, lirougit ou by a driva fmom Elb- horu in flic laie snow stonm. Hae was ill cight days. The funaral wiil likaly ha on Wednesday. iièf Biography. Lieut.-Colonel Hlo,. Charles Arkoll Boul- ton was the son cf Lieut.-Coloncl D'Arcy Bouiton cof Cobourg, COterie, andi was bora in that tow n Sept. 17, 1841,.lHe was e-- catcd at Upper Canada Coliega. In 1858 hée wasa gazctted ensîg luin i. M. 10011, Regiment (Royal Canadiens); was promnoteci te lientenant lu 1861, and, after servlng Ia various parts of the world, retimeul from the ermiy ini 1868. In the sama year lie was ap- ,pointed major eofftic 46tli Battalion, V.M., and scon efterwards w-cntts edecRiver, now Manitoba. At flie outlreai cf ithe rebellion nder nieslu 1870) lic tooi an act- Iva part on tlic side loyal wit5î the late Sir John Sclhultz, and was oeef eti Canadian party arrestecl and imprisoucd and an tecad to e daîl by tha conspireco0rs.os fleturning te Ontario after flic esea tien of poe, lieengaged lu iumbering opa- retiens ia Lakafield, and w-es eiaated rcev, sc-rviug for flirce years. Ha becama brevet licnî.-colonei in 1873 and retired wirli that ranliz iu1881. in 1880 ha again- became a reideut cf Manitobae, and ISsu devotcd hlmseif le farming at Shelliouts. Eleated warden of tlic County of nussell, ha fiuiled that office for tlitres, yeers, and w-es snlisequentiy chair- rean cfflice Judicial ,Board cf flic Western Judicial District, Hea raised a corps of muuted riflemea kaewn as 'Boulton's. Scouts," andl aom- mnandaSflic saea flroughoeni flicNerthwest Rebellion, 188i), for w-hicS lie obaines a niedal. Haew-es an unsuccesul candidatec fer the represeutetien of irte-in the Manitoba- Asscmbiy cftflic generel élection lu 1879, and for Marquette lunflic liese cf Commens a flic g encrai élection lu 1887. Hie w-rote au lnteresring beook, ifeminis- cances cf flic 1', tiw-cst IRebelioen." ne w-as caliete flic Senaca Uy Lord Stanley in 1889 and ibas since, cted gesi- erclly witli flicLibaral part y la thaf ehaîu- Country people as a rule feel the want of convenient bathing conveniences. One of the Zreat advantages of if e in the city is the pleasure and luxury of the blath- room with its hot andi cold water. Then there are in every city special Russian and Turkish Baths where those suifer- ing from Rheuiiatism, Skin Diseases, &c., &c., eau secure the advantages of thesewell known institutions which have hitherto been beyond the reach of those livingý in the couDtry. IN EVERY HOME. Now however ail this- is change6' and the humblest home in the land ean have the ad- vantage of one of the most perfect baths made. The Niagara Vapor Bath Co. manufacture a fulllUne from $2.00 up. Sec testimonial prices andl samples at $1011 & JURY'S DRUG STORE. BowmANVILLE. The Best... 's- We flierefore ask yen te call and inspect our Single Driving Hlamness, Husseti aud Black, Solid Nickel or Plated Trimmings, made frein fli hesi stock and af prices thai will surprise ycn. Aise [larnese Polisl, Varnish for Buggy Covers and AxIe Grease, tbe beef. Stand opposite Central Livery, Bow- Mauville. JOHN S. RUNDLE., BOWli ANVILLE. LABELS. Alec Goocd Sead Coril. 1'lease aia and see. R. W. JAMES, CIIERPER 10 R1f_ IIRN 10 ffRL[ R. F. BYERS lias opened flic New Centra Livery nearly epposit e flicStandard, Bankt B owmanvilllc, wliare lie las a fine loi cf Single and Double Carâ~ages, Democrats, Wag2ons5, etc., fer lire. Good Horses and Careful Drivers. N\o leafing allowed, Telephene No, 23. Caisq day sud night prernptly attendeS. Nef c TYherey Iveaftnef ftc Ceuni .f c, v.-- Sien forth 0Tw-shp o nf ugtn wIlS bec hcld ai the - TOWN HALL, HAMPTON, OIN Saturday, May 27, 1899, af the heur of 100 0 K m w lin l af>- ters relatiug teeoal ecnîee uI dccIt wifh as the law directs. rdai Hanmpton, lisp 15, 1898.H., ITTnsJr., Copet3gii- - - AlilW001 2 ply carpet, yard wide, regular 75c for 50c, Good Unieon Carpet, fast colers, landsome patterns, 20c, 30e, aud 40c. A numnber cf short lenghts at about half price. As a special attraction we will seli a lot cf s 2ýc priais fer îoe a yard. Aise an assorted lot cf Ginghams, Prints, and Muelins for 5c a yard. GROCERIES.-Our specîal values in Teas are a great bargain chance, We have sold several 5 lb lots te partie,- who have tested thern. Ve are selling Teas ai less than regular whoiesale price. Appleten's, Tetley's and Kolona package teas ai cosi. 1BICYCLE GOODS.-Suits veriî special ai $3.00. Caps, Sweaters, Beits, Bicycle Hose, &c. Our dry goods courifers have been lined with cusiomers during the last f ew days. Our bargains in Dress Geods, Priats, Carpets, Lace Certains1 Blouses, Gloves, Hosier>', Lineus, &c.,;lieing eagerly purchaseui. Cerne as early as yeun ute cor. big sale aud yen will save mouey. T e AS TCo,

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