TERMS :-81.50 Piirt ANNum. OUR TOWN AND COoUiXuY IRST; TUE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, HAY,24, 1899. VOLUME XYLV. NO, 21. NE'W SERJIES. LL, OT COUCH, JOHN STON & CRYDERMAN have never shown as fine a stock of tiarpets and Curtains as they do now, every yard of their Carpets being bouglit direct from the,3best makers both in England and Canada. They have Union Carpets from 20c, Up to 50e. Two Ply wool Carpets 65c, 75c, aund 85c, for very best. Three ply Carpets 90e and $1.00 for the extra heavy. Tapestry Cresfrom 35e to 75c. Brussels Carpets from 85e to $1.25, for Crossley's best, Ax- minster Carpets for $1.15. Crossley's-best quality Velvet Pile $1.25. No house in C anada selis the same quantities of Carpet for less money. An immense variety in ail qualities and in the newest designs just received direct from Englani., No better value anywhere. BoWMMINWILLE. __1 LiRe1,ILL.E Ther's no0 place like home when it is cosy and. S comfortable, and there's '~no place like our ware- roomns to purchase the means to make it se. CUP OJ STOCI-Ç 0F Parlour Suites from $16.50 up. Bed Room Suites from $10.00 up. z Dining Room Suites from $14.50 up. And ail ýother lines are complete, eall and see them. We frrýnsli a home of five rooms for $65.00. il. BI WILLIAMS & SON, B0eWM.-iVILLE. Undertaklng receives prompt and personal attention. New Songs. Look bore, did yen know I carry a full stock et vocal and instrumental musice?s A Speci"aiOf f er By speciai, arrangement I will selu for 30 days, SMusic et about Haut usuau price, Below is a few names et the uteat songa that may be bcd for 10c, each, or for 25e, 1'A Hero ail for Love," "Speak te Me Mabeu," "Choir Boy," "She was bred ln Old Kentucky"an ethers. Write for fiat et 10e sengs. Sold et very lowest prices. Choice assertment et Jewelry. In repairing my price is as low as any, and Sworkmanship the best. All work donc -with dis pateli and guaranteed. Sehool Books. A full assertment et Stationory. SKing St., EowmAxSiLLE.. (Elhison's old stand) Only Once In a life time do you Need to Purchas a SEWING MACH- INE... But you want the best. By "IBest" we mean one built of A 1 material, one buit by A 1 work- men, one built on mechanical prin- ciples, which will then wear for a lit e time and without weariîîg out the streng'th and nerve power of the operator, nor yet wear out the Bank Account of the person laying out the piirchase money. Any Machine, no matter how poorly constructed will do fancy work ln the hands of an expert operator. The above mentioned qualities are necessary if yen' wish to do your family sewing. -If you will caîl at T. N. ilickard's Jewelry Store during this munth you will be shown two of the Best Sewing Machines in the world, as well as specimens of ail kinds of fancy and plain work done upon them, liRe- member the prices are right as well as the machines. T. N. RIORARD, If properly conducted, test the prouie- iency of a studeut reasonably well. The graduates of the TORONTO Ail pass a 'trono' independent examin. ation conductedy the Business Educat- ors' Association et Canada. No white- wasb ing or granting diplomas to incom- petent candidates. Our studeuts aret Droperly trained to pass these examina- tiens successfully, and business men appreciate their standing.. That's why we have many more applications for capable, efficient, youug men and women te fil positions than. we can supply.- You may enter our College at any time. There are no vacations to interfere with your advancement. If you wish )articulars drop a postal to W. H. SHAW, Princip~al.1 Yonge and Gerrard. Sts., Toronito. Durbamn district Division Sons of Temperanice meets at Selina Friday at 10 a. m.' A full attendance et repre- sentatives la srequested. J -M. 'jafltoII, P.G.W.P., is expected . te ho prose(nt. Public meeting in the evening wlien a good prograni wvill be rendered. IlUDNŽSLOW, D.W/.P, -BERT BRucE, D.S. WEST DRIM FARMERSI OL'V IO-NS. The artic'(le on an inside page unde the head,!,ig Editor on The FI*y" au contaiuli -g, tbe opinions et leadin, i armers on li,,(e agricultural topica wi be read :,v thoasands et our readeî with special intercst. The intormatioi collected býY Editor Smith et the Sun i certainly miost valuable and will do ai mest as mauch geod as a session et th Farmers' Institute. The balanuce efthe article wbicb w intended te ý publish on our flrst pag this week wili appear next week it la t review et the carly davs lu West Dui ham. and la intensely interestlng. Lt re fers te Premi)ier Greenwey,thc late ReN Dr. Ormiston, the Eliiotts, Cryderman and many' e ther old settiers. Don't tai te read botbij articles. THE LAIE SAMUEL WILMIOT. * Mr. Samiuci W/ilmot, et Newcastle died Wdedy May 17,aged 77 yearsQ About a ' -ear age Mr. Wilmet sustain cd a severeý eleetrie shock, fmom whici he nover fully rcgeined bis health, an( frem that tâme he graduaiiy lest streng th, pessing, peacefuiiy awa:y. By a stra.nge coincidence John W/il mot, the ely surviving brother eft ti late Mr. Samuel W/iimot, died at N-ev Yerk aitha1u saine heur. The lato Samuel W/ilmot was a Can adian by birt'h, but ef Englisb descent He was b ora Augut 22, 122, at hi; former reosidence, Belmont terni, ln th< township et Clarke, County et Durham He was trie, youngest of four sons of th( late Major Sýamuel Street W/ilmot, ac granldsoîî(et' Captain Samuel Wilmot et the Loy"ýal Amnerican Rogiment, Ê Ujnited Empire Lový,aiist, who sacrificeË lis proper ty and emigrated te the Pro vînce etfc Brunswick te live unde] the Britishi llag, Mr. Samuel W/ilinet took an activ* part in the suppression efthe rehellior et 1837,hodn the rank et captain For 45 ber cl. had been a justice et the peaceaind for manyye ars was meex et thotominshîp. lIc aise held trieposi. tien et wamdeifthtre count 'Y. Alivayý taking a preinient part lu agriculturE ho was, fin --m9 , eeted presidont et thE Dominionîî Igricultural Association. Mr. Wilmeot's attention et late year,, bad been aore particulariy devoted te the science et aquaculture, and thE artili cal bredfing et fish, la which exý porimen ts ho had been more than 1ordinnrily successrui. lu connection with this nndertaking, Mr. W/ilmot hcid the office et supeintendent et flslî- culture operatioîîs for Canada, and by bis Oxonieons the work la new extensive- ly applied te ail thie provinces et the Dominio, ýand foemane incemîsiderable branch et the Fishery Department et Canada. Deceased was a member et the Church et England. Ho was aise a lite-long and consistent Conservative. la 18-52 ho was mamried we Helen Matilda, dauglîter efthtre late Chas. Clark, et Cobourg. Besides bis widow their sur- vive bum fouur uos and three daughters, namely Mrs. Chas. Themne and Mrs. Duncan J. Galbraith, Newcastle ; Mrs. Henry Sanford, New York ; Messrs. Geo, Wilinot, Chicago ; Chas. W/ilinot, Credit For ks; Seymour Wiimot, Toron- te. "Please Smile AND L ook Pleasant." Wheu a weman says IlI arn racked with pain," the word " racked " recalîs the days wheu they stretched the tender bodies et wemeu on the rack with rope and pulley until the very joints, cracked. Fancy an attendant saymgte, the tor- tnred woman, IlPlease amie.and look pleasaut. " And yet the weman " racked with pain,", is expected te, amile through ber agony and te make home happy. She can't do it. It la againat nature. Gen- erally speaking, the rackîng pains of iii- health such as headache, bachache and Ilbearing down pains " are reiated te de- rangements or disordeva ot the organs distinctly feminine. When this condition is remnoved the general bealth is restored, and with bealth cornes back the stalle of happiness. Auy xvoman may regain her health at home without offensive questioninga or examinations by the use et Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It cures per- tectly ail diseases and derangements peculiar te womn. Sick wemnen may consult Dr. Pierce by loUter free et charge. Sncb letters are treated as sacredly confidential. ,I was a great sufferer for four ycars froni dispiaceinit and uiceration," writes Mrs. Mary Pickering, of Ollie, Keokuk Co., Iowa. 'Atthel tume 1 began using Dr. Pierce's Eavorite Pre- scription 1 was flot aile to sit up 'la bed. I took eight otties and got to rie a stout womia., Anyý ý P-. 1JAMýES A. WIERRY, lePASv XVemcnnvPATRIARCa OrDURFAni '- DISTRICT OF Tan SONS or Ta3rpEuAa-ca. a r-Frointhtle Tempe'rance Recoî-d. 11 James Arthur W/erry was born at 7-"Roseclandvale tarm" near Solina, Dur- [s bamiCe.;JulySlrd, 1878. Wasinitiated ilin Solina Division No. 40, October Siat, 1890; elocted W. P. lu 1894, initiated lu Grand Division at Prescott the samie ycar; was elected District W/orthv Fat- riarch lu 1897, bas aise been D.Gý.W.P. Hiavino. proven te be a roady and wiliý - ng worker and having undertaken haux thing ln the interest et trie Order, ud did hi- part witlî a readin'ess and adept- ness, L,.ýiracton.istîc culv eof oe i1LutO ai mpathV, with the wenk. la a Methodist, anti bas been supeintendenit et Eldad -Sabhath School. lsa t preseut lu Eng- l and, but we trust, ho mav return and ff again take up the work whiliîliho ce cemplishesse successtuily. 1- This portrait and sketch is sont ia by 5. the members et Solina Division as a Ssiight expression et the estocîn and con- e fidence la whicb lie la lîcld by bis Broth- 1. ors and Sisters in the womk. N. P. tuýpon Bro.Wenrv's roturn frein Eng- laîîd we expeet te ho able to publiari an intercsting peranal.-Ee. GRICULTURÂL SOCIETY. A meeting et the directors et W/est eDurham Agicultamal Society was held a the Concil Chamber on Saturday evcuin-, Mev iSîri. President W. E. f Pellard'pnesided and there was a geod attendane evcrai com'nnnicatieus -werc read. Mr, S. Aluin efferoîl te don- * ae two cash prizos-$3 buli and 4 et bis * get, and 82 for boat bull on grounds, * env breed. (Jîfer accopteil. An ottor et six yearly subseriptions from Luther T1!uee & Sou. publîstcrs trie Coiunti,, -Gentleman, ton a page advcrtiseneaýt ln the prnze liaI wes accepted. Mr. Robt. Beîth, M. P., addressed trie Board respoctiîg trio Govennent's action about trio Drill Shed. It is lu tended te malt e ucessary nopaiî-s at ai cari.v date, and the preperty wilnet ho sold. An accetint tnom hie Town et Bow- manville tor roet fTown H-all for con, cort on faim nigrit was erdoeute ho paid, ameunt $8. W. J. Bragg, chairmeii et Cemmittec ou Fruit, recemmendcd te ho added te liaI Weaithy appie, Reie Claude and Yeiîew Egg pîni, 16 varieties Winter apples cemnectlv named, prizes 81.50, $1.00 and 50c. -Belle Lucrative pear te be dnopped, and Amricaa Golden lRns sett te take place et othens. Reportt auoptod. George lice, chainmaci et comn)ittee on Pouîtry, rccemmended thet-trio liaI stand as it la for tris year and tuaI onlv 10 free entries bhioeecx- hibitor ho allowed, alI ever 10 te ho 10e each, Adoptcd. James Leask, chair- maet cemmitîce ou Grains anîd Seeda, rec(mmeaded: Thal lied Faîl Wheat and Beans an 'y ether varieîy ho added. Adopted. M. A. James who was re- quested te prepeme a new department on Domestio Science presented trie fol- lewing report which was adopîed: Cauned fruits, 8 varieties,.. .$2.00 1.00 Jellies, 8 venellies.........-.1.00 .75 Tomate Catsup ............. .75 .50 Orange Marmelade......... .75 .50 liaspberry Vineger.. .. .... .75 .50 Pickles, 5 varieties, ncmed.. 1.50 1.00 Home mcde white brcad,.. 1 . .ýý 50 Home made brown bread .... 1,0J .50 Haîf dozen plain bans ...... .75 .50 Hait -dozen carrant bans ...75 .50 Dozen tee bans ............ 75 .50 Cocoanut layer cake ........ .75 .50 Col. et Pies, not lesa than 4.. 1- 00 .75 Col. faucy ceoking ......... 2.00 1.00 1 Doz. bea's eggs, by weigt.. .75 .50t At the requcat et the Secreîery,) Messrs. W. E. Pollerd, Geo. lice, J.( M. Jonesa and L. Tolo were cppointed1 an advisorv committee te ect with hlm r when he tihinka neccssarv. Board adjeurued te ccli et Presîdent. M. A. JAMES, Secretary. THÉ IFARI'oLJOURNAL. We have sent te our suhacribors e semplo copy et The Farm Journal Ihat they may know what itisla ike. W/edo iu net club withîh 1t Lut wc are offerîng if free for balance ut 1899 aa li ut 1900, a 1901, 1902 and 190-ncarly 5 yep, s-te n every prosont subscriber who wiî itond as 81.00 for a ncw subseriber foi r imE STATE*SMAN for oe, year, or tw-î 1)0w subacribers for 6 montha éech. '! aia is a great effer. Ruth aleug yeur eiders a ,and get the beluefit et il. Seud al j orders te M. A.JAa, Publisher, Bow-h manvilie, s a, Mm. W. F. eî. M.P., edilor Tom-- onto W/orid, who blas becu coîîfiîîed te b bi, homoe witb a fracture oet loig, is ft ahie te o cwii-e1 eut. The breakwes la an awk ward î reiou5 cine but bas 1f i BAINKS, BULGLAItS AND P1IOTEC. TION, Burgiars keep abead ef safemakers, Bowmanville bank burglary is the talk of hunan cial circles, Bankers look upon recent burgiaries witb cousiderable alarm. Bank burgla.ry epidemnics are due in Canada about eveiy ten years. Ten vears and 20 years ago Canada had a series of bank burglaries. Detectives in big cities soon learu ot the arrivai in Canada of noted crooks. Managers et banks trequently receive notice that suspicions uharacters are beading' lu thlii direction. Bankers blame municipal authorities for inadequate police protection. Should tewns pav more for the pro- tection of banks than is necessary for the rest ef the town? _t owns cannet maintain a big force for watching bankssoeç Better meaus should be provided la every town for alarming citizens. liebberics are as earefailyplanned as a business man plans his business. Burgiars kuow the town, building, policemen, character ef safe-ail abou't what te doîbeforc, they attempt te rob a bank. Organizatien for emergencies should exist lu cvery tewn se that persous hearing an unusual distarbance cau r.aise an alarm. Tt was recents- demenstrated that by taking a goed sîzed piece et wood and givîng a c ouple et vigorous jabs at the lock the hoîts were thrown back and the cash lay within the operator's reacli, J. V. Care, the Chicago banker, says at least ten et the Chicago banks are equipped as -%as the one just r 'eferred te, and that millions could be secured bv auyone gettiug- access te the vanîts, But while this is true, it must be ad- mitted that the time lock forms at least a portion et au ail round pretectien,and helps te bring the danger te a minimum. -Daily IL rald. In addition te the flrst-class sate, tbe best et electric protection is nsed bY the more important institutions la cities. A ý%vatchman is engaged by the bank and if ho is a man te be trusted, can eight eut et ten times do more te save a bank from robbery than anything else. A deg on the promises is aise groatly te bc desirod. Then there le the time lock, but thîs did net save. The banks as a ruie take cver.v pro- caution possible. The exceptions te the ruIe aire wherc thie sates or vanits are little better tlian kitchen cupbeards. A sate agent told me this morning that recent events had breught more applica- tions for prices et the besi mnakes et sates than ho over kne-w before la the [sarne ienzth eoftlie, Mauy et these enquiries are tromn bank managers.- Mlontrcal Herald. It is stated hy the efficials, et the Standard B3ank that the saf e that was blown nLp et thie Bowmanville braneh was lo net'i l olor nseless cne. Lt was piirchased five ve ars ago from J. & J, Taylor upon a recommendation ef the flrm that it was buirglar-proof. It had. two cembinations, sixteen boits, rubber packing and an outside lever. Detec- tive Rogers is said by the efficers et the bank te have statedl that the safe was equal te any et to-day's make, but that ne sate made could wîtbstand sncb an exfflosion.-Toronto ewcs. No muan la more ready te do business than Mr. Chas. Hagar. et the Dominion Burglary Guarantee Company, and bis business is te ilsure banks and other places az-ainst rebbery. Yet he o at take any chances with the banks iu the smaîl tewus oethtre Canadia'n provinces -banks just sucb as those which bave already heen victimized at Bewman- ville and Dresden. Commenting en the Bowmanville bank rebbery, the Montreal. Herald says: "While it would be iuteresting reading, ne doubt, were the banks to tell us every method adopted by them for the purpose et protection, still it weuldi hardly do te print it," "Tell yen aIl about it, for publication iu The ilerald. No, sir," said a bank manager et preminence te day.- '"Wby net get; eut a burglars' edition et the paper ? Yeu find eut ail the barglars are doiug and print that, That would be a nice addition te The llerald's good weîk." Mr Byron E. W/alker, et the Bank of Commerce, Toronto, says : We have ln Canada sates and locks et the mest modemn construction. Se far,tbe bank- ers are well protected and I don't see how any imprevement can be made ln this regard. There bas net been a time within th e last tbirty years when expert cracksman ceuld net bave doue just wbat was done at Dresden and Bow- manville. Banwz officiais cannot trust- rate the explosive power et nitra-glycer- ine. What impresses itselt ou bank managers chieffy la the inadequate