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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1899, p. 4

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The celebrated WOOD- YATT LAWN MOWERS are the best that skill and money can produce. In fact you cannot appreciate their à many excellent qualities J without seeing them. They a re liglit, durable and easy runing. We know of no better Mower in America. Garden and F-armn Tools. WTe have gathered together the largest and most complete line ever offered in this locality. Very carefully selected and off ered at exceedingly low prices. Inispect- ion invited. Rd.WsI Phono 66, BoWMANVILLE. (Opposite Ontario Bank.) Now is the time for Room Paper. A lady said to me last week., 'I sent an ai for paper for my hall but after seeing wbat yon. bave antI your prices, 1 nm very sorrv."1 Don't be mnisled. Dont buv from samples. Inspect my patterns, get my prices, and know what you-are getting. Satisfaction is the word. Window Shades. No culîs. and no0 trasb. all good stock andI goocl value. Curtain Poles very cbeap. Pictures, Picturo Frames and lloom Moldings are spocialties with me. No trouble te show g-oods. Cboice Window Plants for sale. Po.eTREB'ILCOCK Our MB§usinefss Is our hobby. To buy thie best goods wve can. To keep them thd best tili they're scld. To give big values, and take littie profits, and to extend to our customers and every- body eise generous, cordial treatrnent. 'No order too smail to receive the most careful attention, and nou e too large for us to hani le. There isn't a single article of eatables -which it wouldn't pay househeepers to buy here. And housekeeprs-thrifty, prudent house- keepers-are finding out more and more that their dollars are made bigger by using the ind of Groceries which we seli. Clean, fresh 0roceries mean no0 waste, heaithful food, and aiways satisfactory resuits. Sý. llighest cash price paid for any quantity of Wool. Telephone 57, BOWMANVILLE. flillinir Sale, SATU RDAY, MAY 27, 1899. Everything in stock both trimmed and untrimmed at 25 per cent. off. Trimmed Hats from $1.50 up. Your choice of a table of trimmed goods at $2.00. Children's hats in endiess variety. -This offer is-good--onIy fo a . utl11 .m ,on Saturday, May 27th. Corne early and secure genuine1 Millinery. bargains in Stylish Misses Veale& Medland. BOWMANViLLE. The Stamp of Security. On every " Siater Shoe ", put there by the maze rs as a guarantee of wear value - a protec- tion agaiust extortionate profits. Mauy men would readily pay more for a Slater Shoe " were flot the price stamped on 1 the sole - this stamp givos the actual market value of the shoe determiued by the manufac- Made in twelve foot-model shapes, al sizes, widths, loathers, cors and styles. Every pair GootI- year welted. $3.5o and $ u - JOHN -HELLYAR,,,Sole Local 'Agent. BOWMANVILLE, MAY 24, 1899. THE lION. JOIN COSTIGÂN. Wben an ordinary elector changes hi'4 political support fromn one party to another,his action usually receives local comiment and the matter -soon drops, but when well -known and distinguished politicianq hîke the late Mr. D'Alton McCarthy and the Hon. John Costigan desert the part v in whicli tbey liad gr'own up, so to speak, it excites great interest and comment lu ail parts of the Dominion. Now that Mr. Costigan lias- announced bis witlidrawal fromn sup- porting long-er Sir Chiarles Tupper and the present Conservative Opposition lu the House of Commons, ýwe may look into the matter closely andI endeavor to ascertain the cause. Fromn the inform- ation obtained it will be seen that it is not a sudden move but the cause dates back several years. Mr. Costigan became a member of parliament for the county of Victoria, N. B., at the first election after confed- eration, and lie lias been re-elected ait every general election since tbat time bis last inajority being 640. 11e alwa:ys was a supporter of tlie government of Sir John A. Macdonald, and in May, 1882, lie became minister of inland rev- enue and a member of the cabinet. His was no sudden promotion for lie had served as a private member of tbe House of C'ommon's for fiteen vears prior to bis elevation to a cabinet posi- tion. Hie had won that bonor fairly bv long and failiful service to bis party, and lie was iooked upon as the repres- entative in the cabinet of the Irish Roman Catholies of the Maritime p'-ov- inces. Mr. Geo. E. Foster was not eiected to parliamnent untii after Mr. Costigan had become a cabinet minister, but lie made himself so useful to Sir Jolin A. Mac- donald that on the retirement of Sir Leonard TiIiey in 1885, lie was taken into the cabinet as minister off marines. Tlie premier in making this appoint- ment passed over the lion. Peter itch- ell one of the fathers of confederation. andI Josiah W'ood, who was then a mucli more influential person. Almost as soon as Mr, Foster got into the cabinet lie began to intrigue against Mr. Costi- gan. Mr. Foster bad been an attache of the St. John Sun, and was then wliolly under the control off tbe manag ers off that paper. Mr. Costigan ap- pointed some off bis own friends to posi- tions in the inland revenue office in St. John, and the people about the Sun office, who claimed to control ail the Datr6nage, became bis bitter enemies. That was the beginning off the trouble between Mr. Cotigan andI the persons wbo pretended to be the leaders of the Conservative party lu bis province. On more than one occasion, during the life- time off Sir John A. Macdonald, Mr. Costigan felt bis position to be so un- comfortahle that lie placed lis resigna- tion in the premier's bauds, but that wary old chîeftain, wbo liad the strong- est personal regard for Mr. Costigan, induced him to witbdraw it. Wben Sir John A. Macdonald died bis success or, Mr, Abbott, madIe as few changes as possible iu the cabinet, and Mr. Costig- an remained minister off inland rev- enue. But when Sir John Tliompson became premier thie influence of the Foster party s0 prevailed that Mr. Cost- igan was madIe secretary off state, a position wliollv witliout patronage. Thus Mr. Foster antI his allies off theJ Sun become masters of the situation in New Brunswick. The accession of Sir Mackenzie Bow- ell to the premiership brouglit about a great change lu Mr. Costigan's position. H1e became minister off marine and 9sheries, a position with an immense amount off patronage, and lie was ag-ain a power lu the cabinet. There ,1 15 no doubt th at this fact was one off the causes off the contemptible conspiracy against SirjMackenzie Bowell which speaking to the latter any more. Mr. Costigan will prohably survive this sliglit, antI he may console himselff witli the reflection that there are some good Conservativ'es in parliament wlio deeline to speali either to Sir Chiarles Tupper or to Mr. Foster, Sir Mackenzie Bowell being one off tliem. More than one leading London tIailv roffers in warmi terms off commendation to the consistently loyal antI unselfish pehicy towards the Mothor country, whicb Canada bas followed under the Laurier Government. That Caniadian affairs continue te at- tract very mucli interest iu Englaud- intorest off an intelligent and practical kinfi-is once more evidenced by the at- tention which lias been given te )(r. Fielding's budget ýspeech. Exception- ally extended cable reports were sup- plied te the British journals, and these were vol-y extonsively used, net oiily heing given unusual preminence in the, news columus off the varions papers, but occupying a first place iu the edit- oriai page off the same issue. The general toue off tbe Eulish pros s on Fioiding's budget speech is warmnly cengratulatory on the great prospority whicb Canada is onjoying, antI next te that, very generai comment is made upon the Minister's remarks anent the failure off the British manufacturers te take advantage off the preferential tar. ifff. The manufacturers themseives are, hy most writers, blamed for this condi- tion off affaira, whicli is instanced as an- other exampleo of the iack off ontorpriso antI quick adaptibility - te cbaniging trade conditions te xvnicb the iBritish manufacturer lias tee ofton te plead guilty. ______ The iVei V'oice, pubiisbed'by Funk and Wagnaiis Company, New York, is a strong temporauco advocate; a journ- al that is up-te-date in ail dBipartments ef moral reform. Its pages centain ar- ticles on timely sabjects hl some off the hest writers off the Unitod States. No eue wbo reads it can leit-p apprecîating andI hein-- beipod by the splendid artic les appoaring from week te week. SentI for a samplo copy andI be convinced. Funk andI Wagnalls Company, 80 Laf- ayette Place, New York City. $1 50 per y ear or 5c. per copy. It cators te ail members off the lieusehold andI bas no peer in its ciass. As a student off bistorý, having full knowiedgi off that characteristie spirit off independence which. bas niarked the past off the emire. Sir Charles kuows that the best possible wav te make John Bull obdurato andI uncouciliatory is te attempt, te force bis baud. He is a mnigbty good natured old ffellow, andI can ho led almost anywbero, but if lie gels4 the idea that an attompt is being matIe te ceerco him, lie is more stub- hemn tban any maule yot created. The late Goverument failod tô appreciate this fact in ail its eigbteen years off power, the prosent Administration "1gel on" teoil from the start antI net only have the tritish people understood antI very thorougbly appreciated the change off policy, but the Canadian electora te, -to whom theGovernment is alone me- sponsibie, is ffuily aiive te the signifi- cance off the chiange, THE REDISTRIBUTION BILL. What a plaintive howl t 'he Tory press is raising over Sir Wilfrmid Laurier's re-distribution bill, the object off which is te undo thc gerrymanders which on two occasions divided the constituencies se as the beip the Conservatives antI correspondin 'gly doprive Liberals off a fair share off representation. One principleoff the presont bill is that ceunty houndaries will net ho disturbed. This will commend -itself te ail fair-mind- cd persons. No change is te ho matIe in Durhiam or Northumberland countios A second principle that is equaily moni- torieus is that the Government in its bill simpiy decides tne number off mem- bers te lie allowed toeoach county or city, leaving the task off fairly mapping out the. actuai constituencies te a com- mission off Superier Court judges. How a more equitable measuie could be pro- posed we do ueot know, andI yet Sir Charles Tupper denounices il lu most scathing language, but thie Govern- ment lias long since given up expecting out neres and tmm, watery, diseased A.:;e ý ôotjOblood. r5oc. a large Ç= box. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, for diseases of the Liver, jaundice and Bilîousness. 5oc. a bottle. Dr. Clisse's Syrup of Linseed and Tssrpen- tine, a positive cure for Croup, Asthma, Bron- chitis and ail Coughs and Colds. 25C. a large bottie. At ailldealema BOWMAN VILLE. r __ -"Dressed for wheeling" you are, much more certain to enjoy it. If you wouid have yoii business ciothes iast longer and look weII, you must have a special suit for wheeiing. Our stock includes severed attractive suits of this kind made of durable materials and in good style. We sell a brown small check Suit, weil made, price $4.50. Another style is a darker brown with a cap to match,h speciai $5.00. Our splendidiy made Boys' Suits wiii give the parent pride in the boy and give the boy pride in lis ciothes. They are « ' / not only macle to iook weli butH also to wear well. They- are extra value to accommodate ' a bard times pocket book. We have Suits like cut from $2.75 to $4.50, ail made withN- extra linings and finish. Arrtttded. - - The very iatest colors and designs in- the f ashionabie I '~~l-d J - stripes and checlcs wil be y - iuund among them. One * -< speciai hune is a fine Mmislin in ail the inewest, colorings %v ith tncked fronts and sleev- es, selt collars ýor white collars at $1.25. %sroceries. ... Mammoth Sweet Ensilage Gorn. The Improv- ed Ieaming, sweet, tender, and juicy. We have just received a car or the'abov kinds. We carry a large stock of Turnip Seed in al t1he well-known varieties. The highest price paid for ail kinds of farm pro- duce,--we buy anything raised on the farm. 'Fine Red Salmon 10Oc per tin. Imported Fresh Herrings 1 Oc per tin. Compressed Cooked Corned Beef in 1 lb tin, 2 lb. tin, and 6 lb. tin. Oanned Lunch Tongue. Oanned Jellied Tender- loin, very fine goods. Fearman's Star Brand Sugar Cured Ham and Breakfast Bacon. wu L 8- Our Bargains for last week in Shoes were thorougi appreciated. The uines we advertised were looked for a: bought up by those who know lrom past experience, tt, what we say we'Ii do,we do. We have yet to hear of ar one being disappointed._ inounr bargains, that is fifii came before the3- were ail gone. Aliothor Strollg LiSt fornTuS Wook1 Men's Dongola Kid Lace Boots, f air ýtitch, special$1. A lune of Men's Cordovan lace and elastic side Boo J. D. King make, in different style% and sizes, regu1fla soid from $2.00 to $3.00, clearing the broken uines at $1.1 Woman*s Oxford Shoes, turn soies, J. D. King mal special $1.00. Misses' Glove Grain Button and Lace Boots, sizes to 2, speciai at 90e per pair. Boys' Schooi Boots, standard screw-, --1d-hand pe special at 85c per pair. Youths' Buif Boots, standard screw, fair s chC speciai at 85e per pair. % r John% McMùrt n 9 m

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