&uam~BumhBêBBmmmm8m.BBImflskê.êeêêamàmmemêsêmoêSummIemmêmmêI9eaeIeeImmm~tf P A Ureat 1 a-0'- H pte-c ENOW that the Celebrated Columbia Bicycles E au be purchased at tuie same price as other E makes, the country is going wild after them. E Aithougli they are running the factories day E and night and employing 4000 hands, still they Eaie behind with their orders, We have a good Jw a- supply on hand. E - Prices. $82.50 to $55. E Ohainless $75 to $85. E BOWSIANVILLE. GRAND VRIJNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GoING EAST. GoaNG WESTr. Mi ...... 831 a. m. 1 *Express ... 5 23 a. m P,9am.Local... 818 ' c'a-, iger... 0pr.Pssenger.. 1 35 p. m L cal..... 651 p.m. t Express... 4.31 p.m. REipregs.. . il103" Expres.. 7 39 Il fleur. tiSndays only. STOTT & Ju, Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, MAY 24, 1899. Miss Rose White, Toronto, is home, Buy your Field and Garden Seeds at Murdoch's. Boys' Clothing is ýselling fast at the West End lieouse. Editor Gale went to Toronto by Gar- den City Fidav. White sailors with black bands for 40 cents at Mrs. Dingman's.' Mr. R. Orlando Jolliffe, B. A., Picton, was in, town over Sunday. Mr. A. B. Couch, Toronto, is home at his fathers -Mr. W. B Couch. Cali and see the hats and mens new shirtts at the West End House. Dr M.J.A. James, Philadeiphia, Pa., bas been home on a short visit. Cyclists are hoping the wet season is over-reads have been very bad. Mr. Clarence Meath of the Central Business College, Toronto, is home, Balance of 1899 to new subsciibers 50c. The best is the cheapest. Take TiE STATESMAN. ,Mr. P. Murdoch is sellin.- a large number of Evans' sprayers. They are just the thing. See advt. The new water-werks system is near- ing completion. Watch for the grand > pening day. Trolley next ? The best god frth east money at Rickard's. Ricli and poor treated alike-same price to every one. Feather Bone Corsets made to seil at- one Dollar now selling at sixty-nîn cents at Coueh,J obuston & (ryderman. We believe we are sellin- the best line of Prints for 10c. shewn by any house lu Canada. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. Fine weather Sunday brougbt eut a fine display of millinery and fashionable dresses, new hats, ics, etc. Bowman- villians do dress well. Ail human lives and actions must be weighied in divine scales so says Dr, Talmage in his sermon this week. Don't miss reading it. Black Dress Goods-a beautiful range in ail qualities up to the finest geeds imported just received at Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. We congratulate Mr. J. S. Somers -upon receiving the degree ef Doctor of Dental Surgery from Toronto Univer- sity, havîng taken a high stand in the honor list. Oljr 1000 samples ef wall Daper te select from-modern lovely patterns- from ,-c to 55c per roll. Paper-hanging done at 10 cents when paper is ordered from me. J. C. Weeks, Ontario as. TheNew Williamsand New Raymond Sewing Machines are flot what many caîl cheap machines, but are high class machines. They will do any kind of "fancy work"and will"'sew" and wear. Reader, if you know of any eue in Canada 'who intends crossing the Atlan-, tic, recemmend them to inquire of M.A James for rates. Hie does the steamship business of this district and represents the best linos. When te ne y e ed Byers' bus, McIRev-nolds' and Joness' milk wagg'ons, Luttrell's and Tod's bread waggons, appear together on the street, citizens gqet the impression that Barnium 's Great Hippordrome has struck town, they eut such a dash. Rev. W, Jolliffe will preacli in the Methodist church uext Sabbath moru- ing and Rev. Dr. Rare, Principal. of Ontario Ladies' College. Whitby, lu the eveninMg. The pastor will preach anni- yersary sermions in Victoria Presbyter- ian churcli, Toronto Juniction. Mr. W. J. Bra gg, Providence, Past President of Wellington Lodge, Sons of Eng-land.hlas recelved notice of appoint ment as District Deputy Grand Presi- dent for this district. 'The choice is the best that could be made for Bro. Bra-gg neyer negflects responsibililties entrusted to him. Last Tuesday's Montreal Herald savs: S Detective Josephi Kellert stated this }mernîng that lie knew the mon who committed the Bowmanville robbery, and that ho would flot consider it a great trick to arrest thein. Hie would not, however, woriz on promise of re- ward'.- If the bank or authorities were wiling to pav hlm for work done, hie would soon get the men. - Mn. John Reach, Toronto, is home. Great bangains lu Ladies' Saîlons at M. Mayer's. Fulil -ineofetmeu's nnd boys'strmw iiat,, at M. Maver's. Mrs. and Miss Henrv,Port Dalhousie, are visitîng Mn. Geo. E. Mavuard. Mn. John Young, Mincsing, has been guest et bis brother, Dr R. Yonng. Suits wbîch always suit when made at Coudh, Jobuston & Cryderman's. Miss May Moore, Hampton, is visit- iug Miss Edith Richards, Ontario St. Quocu Victoria celebrates ber 801h lirtbday te-day. Ged bless oun Quecu. Mrs. C. C. Menili, Hampton, las been enjoviro- a pleasant visit with Bowmauville friends. Say bovs, wasn't tînt cecram good thnt we had at Tod's? Ho, knows how le make geod cneam. Mns. Jas. M. Muin and son, Hawaii, Hawaiiau I8ands, anc guests et Mrs M. Muir, Churci St. Mrs. John Archilald aud tbree ciii- dren. Belleville, are visiing hon ltler, Mn. Richard Bailey. Everv person in ffDrham wil ho in- torestcd in thc article "Au Editon on tic FlN" on an inside page. Sec tic elegant Capes specially suit- able for middle ag-ed and elderly ladies aI Coucb, Jebuston & Cryderman's. Thc Staudard Bank was nobbed lu 30 minutes and one ban et Nichoils' Soap wlll do a lwo weeks' wasi in 20 minutes. If yon wish te do conding (uew se stvlish) on x'eur New \Villiams machine cal at RickÎard's and obtain a "corder." An elegant assortment et Sping Suitings and Dress Goods et aIl kinds just nrrived al Coudh, Joînston & Cry. derman 's. Now is tic lime for arrngiug for your papoing, knlsemining, painting. etc. J C. Weeks eau serve yeu salis- factorily. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman anc shewiug tlie very latest styýlos in Meu's Hats just recoived direct frem lie man- ufacturons lu Eugland. For 50 cents: Tus STATESMA-N, Woekly Globe. on Weekly Witness for balance et 1899. Order trom M. A. JAMES, Bowmauville. Ail work-painting, kalsomiuing, papeing-guananteed wlen donc by J. C. Wceks, Gel endors in early ho- fore the great rush beg-ins. New Prints, Satoons, Silven Silks, Scotch and Canadian Cingbnms lu im- mense varietv just opeued eut aI Couci, Joinston & Crydermians. 1J. C Weeks las a drop letter box in the door et bis shop, Market Squame, on a card droppcd lu the post office will reccive prompt attention. Tic goed points- et the Goudron W/bcd are builî to bthem net lalked into them. Ride a Goudron, F.C. PETIT- ic Agent, Bowmanville. fie Banuk Robbery was the talk of- tie town Saturdav. but Ibis week Nicholîs' big 5e ban et Soap should le in everybedy 's meti-ne wash tub. A game et base bail wilile plnyod ou lie drill shed grounds on Friday, June 2, belween Kingston aud the homo tenm. Admission 15 cents, ladies froc. A geod game is expoced. Ever-vone attend. Cawken aud'Tait have engnged tic services et a lady demonstraton for one wcek commecing lie 2911 et May wio will ho ploased 10 mccl al the ladies and give Ibem instructions lu using tie different flnvorings witi grenIer effeet. Mn1. Veuniug Pcntound et Bude,Corn- wall, England, Miss Annie Budd, Fier- ence, Ontario, and Mn. Weslev Budd, of Toronto, are guosîs et Mr. M. D. XVil. linms,Queen St. M.Pentound and Miss Budd xvro passougers on tic S. S. Gala thnt rau agrbuud cominlg np Ibe St. Lawrence last week. Mn. Peufound i3 dligited with Canada and may malte the Dominion is future berne. Tic Sons et Eugiand made a splenidd tamn eut Sundnv for churel parade. Chief Richard Jarvis mnrshalled lhe long procession te the Methodist churcl where lhe paslon, 1ev. J. J. bac, prea ched one ef bis lest sermons trem Malachi 3I 12: "And ail nations shahl eailyen blessed andyc shah ho na de- ligilsomo land salîl tic Lord et bosîs." TI-e sermon ivas thoreugblv patniotie settiug forth in vcnv distinct terrms lie characteristies lIaI any nation must possess to menit tic fuliness efthle promise and coucluded witi the words "PRioeteousness exateth a nation, etc." 11e compnrod England wili the other nations ot theecati and attributed ber grcatness te hem adherence 10 ticepen bible. Atten retunning- to tic hall, lte tbretircu passed a verv heanty vote of 1tianks te tie preachen ton is excellent s ermonthe chei and Bro.Janues Ueand t or the musical1 service, and tle floral >committee fer tIcý elaborate decoations jwhich were greally admined. b Grand Tnunk trackman are on stnike. Inspect McMýurtry's Lace Curtains this spring. Men's and beys'llneu bats of ail kinds at M. Mayer's. South Ontario eloction trial begins at Wbitby to-morrew. Evan's Spnayer is the best-buy ne ether-at Murdech's. Mn. A. J. liook h as settled at 160 Mutual St , Toronto. M. A. James iâ Goverument issuer of Marniage Liconses. The latest and clieapest lu fedoras and stiff hats at M. Mayer's. Bowmanville defeated Cobourg base- ballists boere Saturday lv 17 te 3. Fine crackers-Fire crackers-Tbos. Ted has tbom, ail sizos and pri-es. Mr. John McClung bas loftLes Angoiles, Cal., ton Vancouver, B. C. If yen want a stvlish Boit Buckie for a smaàll amcunt et money go te Rick. ard's. Everybody lu W/est Durham shonid read the "Editon on the Fly" on our 2nd page. New Black Dress Goods lu Blister of- fects just received at the W/est End House. Befoe u.xing a spraver Sec Evans' Bug Exterminator at Mundoclis, Ex- press Office. Those who appreciate artistic pnint- ing shonld send them eorders to -TusF STATESMAN. Don't fail te Sec the beautiful Scotch Ginghams just opened ont at Ceuch, Jobuston & Cryderman's. Another lot et Men's bats- latest styles-opened this week at Coudh, Johnsten and Cryderman's. The niglit watchman loeked vcry pale Saturday monning, but if von want te sc Tin Pails go te Nicholîs'. Ladies' Spring Cents and Capes Ger- man and Canaclian just received aI Coud. J huston & Cryderman s. Mn and Mrs.John James and Masters Archue and Howard, Columbus, were guests et Mrs. Tbos, T. James over Sunday. Great rushi again Satuirday night to A. Nicholis' "cheapest store on earth. " W/bat von want and don't sec, ask for lt-ho lias il. Farmers sliould net fail te rend The Pickhardt, Reîîfrew Ce's advt on au inside page. They adventise a reliabie Slieep Dîp. "ur Jovs" the cemedy drama that was se wel received bore xviii be givcn in the music hall, Oshawa, thîs (Wed- niesday) ovcnîng. The Wm. Englisli Canoe Company, Peterboro, have flnished two loveiy canees fer thc Goveruor Generai, Lord Minto and Lady Minto- Mn. A. bligginbotham, Milton, was ro-eicctcd Secnctar ' eft île Dnuggisls' Association et District No. 7, at their annual meeting in Guelph. Soo Tong',oethe Lanndrv,has roturu- cd from. bis trip le bis native homo lu China. accempanied by two Celestials fnom t he Flowery Kingdom. Mn. H. P. Kennedy was lu Bowman- ville on Saturday and saxv the romains et the vanît wbich was lowu open thene by burglars.-Peterboro Examin eP. John Stewart, Otonabee, agod 62 vears. died May 18 trom injuries ne- ccived in a runawav accident wbiie ne- turning frem church the pncvîous Suin- day. Rend Jas. A. Wcnry's interesting letter on English tarming on an inside page. It contains muchi information thnt is well worth knowing by Cauad- ians. Owing te the mnny burgînnies com.- mltted, the managers et the Banks thronghout the Province have ordered that two et tic clerks shahl sleep on the promises. Mn. Fred Cherr-y, Schenectady, N.Y,, and Miss Carnie Cherry, TIoronto, wene bore attendin- the fnuei'al et. thein gnandtather, M1r. EIijah Manuel, on Saturday. The Gardon City made ber first trie Ibis seasen trem Pont Danlngton en Friday carry ing about thirty passeu- gens. The vessel is lu first-ciass, shape and wben the wcatbcr gels warmer wil look a very garden lu bloom, it is prem- ised. Mn. A. %V. Cam D ellhProvincial Rend Cemmissionen, wili visit Bowmanville ou June lst and inspect the streets and address a public meeting on the modern motho 's ef impreving the highwnys. The question of goed rends is oeeoe vital importance se a large number should hban hlm. Dr. Mark Bice atter an absence et thinty yenns is again visiting tniends and relatives lu the vicinity et Hampton Solina and Bowmanville. lHe expeets te romain tic greater part et next week ameng bis eld associntos. Hie bas jîîst returned from New York wbere lie bas been taking,- a special course la mcdi- A verv venerable citizen passed awny on Sunday lu the pcrsou et Fraucis BOARDERS WANTED-Twoyouug Beattie, tatien in law et Mr. James A,.> menwanted wiowillroomtogetiîer. Terms LearmnthElginSt. eceasd'n oderate. AAY ly co îIlî..\ICKowAN,corner Latenînonzth, Einat.ooadoe ad aOnt arn.lo aîîd Argyle sts., Bowvmalville. Vivid recollection eftIhe uniform bis WOK.--Lndies wisiuoeha i fa thon woro. lHe was boru in SceîIand _ I R WeOvEeaetMsDcioaX soon aftton tus century began and ivben LE4st and ConrutfOOntario St Bownuanville. 34-tf n. yeung man learned te bo a bulcher and sold mont te the father et the laIe -OY W/ANTED.- Smart 1ev about Hlon. W. E. Gladstone. His aoc is not 15 lto assist in office; must be quick et figureb known but ho was over 90, pe"ssibiy 91 and write a gond bauid. Apply lu own baud wrt- or 9 3 crs.Ing, statîng age anrd selany expected to 1'B", on 5 nt-. ock Dnawerb7, or STATESMAN office. Bowmran- The suljecl for discussion aIthie Ep- vifle. 20 tt. womtb eaue meeting in lhe Metiodist churci Mouda eveing was Missions-F.W UH L D SO.i S, China beingth chosen fed Miss Cars- cadden, chairman, presided and Miss E. L. Rundie played an instrumental Bon MA X ILLE.ý whicb was foliowcd by an intorestiag Dental Office lu inte booms ahî)ve talk ou the mission wonk et China and how Mn. H. W. Frost efthîe China In- ~ L~ land mission was called te the work, bv lIU N fllI6~o Mrs. T. E. Hig.giubotham. Miss Bencock ee-XVill be at Orono tnom 9 a. m. te sang solo and Miss May James gave a cdne niie TcMsin Miss 2 p m., and at Newcaslle'from 2,3à un- Joness presented tle stamp schenxe or- tl 7 p. m,, ou the second and fourth iz-inaled ly bey. ST Bartîct,. rîladooccliMoth in nid of tie cause ot missions. TheMna t aiMnh president, Miss Carletta Bimacombe, ' Gold pintes, Cnown and Bridge wonk closed the meeting with the benediction. and Fainiess extraction are specialties C heeso is advancing. Ice Cream at Thos. Tod's. M1r. Elias Strutt, Oshawa, spent Sun- day at Salem. Mr. A. ulcott spent Sunday with Ciarke friends. Miss Clarke, Toronto, is guest of Miss Edîtli Freeland. Pire works for 241h May at Thomas Tod's. Sec the display. Dawson City was almost wiped out by tire April 21-loss $1,000,000. Miss Stevenson, Port Hope, has been guest of Mrs. John Brimacomnbe. Last Thursdav was the first annivers- ary of the deathi of Mr. Gladstone. As the new town watcrworks are noaring compîction, curiosity ru.as hiSh. Ver cold iu England Monday [and Wcstmoreland hlis were covcrcd with snow. Mr. XViII and Miss Emma Goheen spent Sunday with their uncle, Mr. C. Gohecu. The Music Hall, forîncnîr the B. -C. churcli, wiii ho sold very cheap. Apply to M. A. James. E eV. Dr.- Austin, former Principal of Aima Ladies' College, bas been found guilty of bercsy. Mr, Amos Goheen, Oshawa, spent Sunday with his father, Mr. C. Goheen. on bis way to Cobourg. "God Save the Queen" was sung at the close of the morning service in the Methodist churcli Sunday. Mrs. Fred Jollow and two childrcn, Erie, Fa., are visiting hier father, Mn. Thos. JeWell, wlio is seiously iii, The granolithic walk is popular inCo- bourg, 'Wingham and othen towns where tried, This town should begin building it. Mrs. W. W. Sharpe and two clildren of Feterboro, are staying with lier aun t, Mrs, John Allun, Libert.y St. Ihey ivili spend the sunîmer bore. The ladies of the W. C, T.ýU. arc again offering to rent their nice large 'lent on reasonabie tcnms. For further particulars. Apply te Mrs. T, E. Hi- ginibotham.c 11ev. R. Mallett, B. A.. and wife, formerly of the Bay et Quinte Confeor- once, have rcmoved from Pennsylvania to Oilfia whiere they wiil resido on account of Mrs. Mallett's health. Mn. F. C. Trebilcock bas successfully passed his third year's exams at Trnnîy Medical College, and Mr. Edgar W. Alin bis first year. taking 4th place on the honor list in genexal proficiency, Domnestie Science is ceming te the front. A Toronto lady, Mrs. J. M. Trebie, lias endowed a domestic scienice iectureship in Victoria University, To- rento. See the prizes te be offered at Bowmanviile Fair lu Agicultural Soci- ety's report in anether ceiumn. BORN. CIN,'.L.b(larke, May lfrh, the' wife of MJr. James Mcnnali, of a daugliter. DINGE-On May 15th, ,it 158 Arthur St., Tor- onto, to Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Dingle, a son. (,LO VER -in Oshawa, on the 16th inst., the wife of Wm. Glover, of a son. CHuncff.-In Oshawa, on the i7th inst., thue wtt e of Mr. J. Ohurclu, of a son. ORCHAR-N\ear Mt. Vernoii,Darliiegton,May 18th, the wife of Mr. John Orehard, of a dauglit- er. MARRIED. KER-TRIIhîRLE. - At the residence of the brides parents, near MaDelG(rove, Ma y l7th, by 1ev. Wm Jolliffe, Mfr. Wesley Kerr Bowinan- ville, andSaSrah J.danighter of M.r..o.iirble, Darlingtoni. CON.NELL-HAtLLOWE.L.- At thue parsonage. Orono, by Rev. W. 1-1. Adams, Wednesday May il th, Mr. James Conneli, Oronio, and Miss Addie IIallowell, Starkvile MASSON VEALB -11 Oshawa, May l7th, by 1ev. J. J1. Liddy, M. A, Frank L. Massor,, and Miuss Florence Veale, dauJ1hter of Mr. Augustus Veale, of Oshawa. WERRY-BINES. - At the Bibl5e Christian Ohpe, osworthy, Devon, Engiandon Satur- da 2aylti, 189, iy Rev. J.,C. Bassett, Jas. ArthrW-erry,third son of Mr. Wm. Werry. Solina, Ont., anîd Nora G.Bines, eldest datighter of Mr. SWillam Bines, 'Tatsoni," Bridgerule, Devonshire, England. DIED. WIMOT.-At ils late residence, Newcastle, May litiSamnel Wilmot, lIsq.lil bs 77eh year. FLIGG.-In Bowmanville,May l2th, Henrietta Jane, beloved o'ife oiflHenry Fllgg, aged 43 ye ars. MANUL-bn lBrwmanville, May iRili, Elijah M'anuel, aged 89 years. DENT-At his residenee,122 Markiam St.,Tor- onto, on the 6th inst., Ailie ari at.beloved wife of Jas. Dent.' ST01.-In Solina, May 21st, Anna L. Stott, beloved wife of John Stott, age d 66 years. BCATTIE.-Ib Bowmanville on Sunday May 21, Francis Beattie, aged 93 yecars. 1WORDFN.-In 1owmanville on Sunday May 21, James B. Worden, aged 5years. 31ISS EVA LUTTRELL 15 reparsed to gix e lessons on organ and piano et hr residence, King St.,or et the homes of the papils.7 MISS ETHEL MORRIS, ARTIS'r. Inistructions givenin PAIlNTINGx in Oil, \Vater Color and China. Sketcliing ani painting troun nature. IKILN on premises, tir- ing ut usuallniea, ,S5.6m. CGENERAL, SERVANT WANTED BOWMANVILLE. Next door to Standard Ba.nk. Our stock of Wall Paper has been selected with çrreat care from the best manufacturers, design, color, and gen- eral effeet, has been cai eftully conisideredl. The foll.owing items convey a slight idea of the values which eau only be appreciatec[ whenyou see the goods. Plain and embossed gilts,wilh match ceiliugs, seroli, heraîdjo and con- ventional patterns, rich green, dark bine aud cneam colons, a very choice selection, 15e a roll. Bordons te match, 9 inehes wide, 4c a yard. Bordons, 18 luches wide, beautifully blended, 10e a yard. Embessed guIs and flats, with match eeîliugs, floral designs tneated ln nalunal celons, rococo, renaissance and French deosigns, crimsen, dark blue, yellow, bnown and bufi shades, 20c and -25e a roll. Siaded and ciouded, 18 inch bondons 10c. 121c, and 15o a yard. A very choice selection et embossed guis, 21 inches wide, espccialiy suilabie for drawiug-roems, din- iug-rooms, neceplion halls, etc., lie lalesI designs in damasks, brocaded effeets, tapesînies and leathenettes, ivery, silvery white, old bine, dank olive, and crimson colons, 30e, 40e a roll. Biended bÔnders, 18 and 21 luches wide, 10e and 15e a yard. Jugnain wali papors, 16-ez stock, 30 luches wide, S yards long. 0cir selection includes al efthti newesî colons, witb match bord- ons and ceiliugs, straw, ligit and mnedium tonna colla, bine, light green, 15e a roil;-ceiiing 2Ce and 25c a noll. Blended bondens, 18 luches wide 1%r 21 inehes wide, 15e a yard. Uugrounded wali papens, neat cie- sigus in iighî and medium colons5 for halls and kitchens, 5e a roll. Match borders. 6 and 9 luches wide, le, 11c a yard. White bianks, .with match ceilingsl pro Ity floral and couvontiena, designs, cream, green and terra cetta colons, suitable for any reom on smaii halls, 5e, 6c, and 7e roll Match bondons, 9 luches wlde, lie, 2e, 3e, a yard. Glimmens, prinled ou ieavy stock, colonial, floral and chintz designs, lu a variety et lic newest celons, for bednooms, sitting reems and diuing rooms, 7e, 8e, and 10e roll. Blcnded 18 inch match bordons, 5e, a yard. Glut wall papers, complote combina- liens, made np in tic latest celer effecîs, bine, green, olive, tan and eneam are ail represented, lange seleelion et palens, suilable for any apanîment, Se, 10e a roll. Match bordons, 9 luches ,wide, plabn 2ce; shaded 3c a yard. Blended bondons, 18 luches wide, be a yard. Big 20, BOWMANVILLE. MARLEAND GRANITE WORKS, BO WMA NVILULE. Manufeturer Co and baaletinr Fi n'e ' .omz'y hIbast oGracles o f atetnial. Cai and get my prices. 1 arn sure.my work wM ll eîie you. 6yài44444t444464444444446444444444444464464444444444444&64644444444444ë4éê4â,b 1 f4 Building Sale... We are busy enlarging cur premises, our ever-growing trade de« mands more space. The Carpenters and Painters are at work and lu a short time we will occupy the whole of the upper -tory over our store which we will devote entirely to Chinaware, Crockery, Glassware, etc. Nohng**CHINA WARE . Nohn*you have read for many a day, nothing you. will be offered this season can match the intrinsie menit of these items la Chiniaware. Dinner Sets: 5 sets in old English blie or pencil, ply colorings, 97 pieces, regular price $8.00, for $5 75. Tea Sets at (Jost. Lamp Goods less than cost. Come and receive genuine bargains. Cash paid for ail farm produce, The Popular Grocers. Bowmanville. Org nÙ,,iql-:; sl-ins, Correct things for Blouses and Dresses, are apmong the specials THIS WEEK. EX7GENTS! See the heavy Tweed Pants we are showing Fthis week for 95c. And the New Ties and Bicycle Hose. Butter and Egrgs and Grocers' Due Bis taken. 4 1 -