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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1899, p. 8

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J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, Chemnists and Druggists. CFt A disinfectant is a good thing to use durin)g bouse cleaning, to destroy any disease germs that may be lurk- -~ing about the premises. Try our Carbolie Acid, Chioride S of Limie, Copperas Phennyle, etc, Pack your furs with our Destroy 91l inseet life with our Pur~e seet Pouiaetr' Use our H.-ousehold Ammronia and We have a new stock of Fine Sponges and Toilet Soaps. Our prices are the lowest ou ail the above articles. - J. HICCINBOTHA & ýjâ SON, ig BOWYMANVILLE. Agents. Vw'.-1 1' -Im l'--I 14wli -W i àî àl w'.- Funiu' eae w'- N D w'-ra irco BwI'-LL RO0 BOWMANVILLE, MAY 31,. 1899. MAPLE GROVE. Mr. Lawrence Wood, Simcoe, bas been visiting friends here. . .. Mr. Ed- gar Alin preached a stirring mission- ary sermon Sunday afternoon. ... The Epworth Leagrue will have charge of the service next Sunday in the pastor's absence at Conference. CADMUS. Mrs. Fred McGili, Lotus, died au, ber' father's, Mr. James Williamson, oni May 22 .... Blackt-tock and Ballyduif foot-bail teams had an interesting game May 24 the latter being the win- ners. . . .Cadmus beef ring is again rim- ming, Mr. Andy McKee for butcher..... Mrs, Fallis and Mrs. Arnold, Toronto, are visiting frieuds bore. HAMPTON. Messrs. Wm. Allia and J. C. Clat- worthy visited triends at Fenelon re- cently. ... Mr. Jas. Truil, Pickering,i visited hs ster Mrs R. Avery recently ..Mlisses Loule Elliot and Effie Rob- bins are visiting Oshawa friends .. .. Mr. W. W. Horn visited at Pickering and 1 Mr. Ewart Creeper at Toronto recently ... ev. W. H. Adami,, Orono, occu- pie-d the pulpit Sunday morning. Fils sermon on "The Peace of God" was both interesting and instructive ..1. Queen 's Birthday celebrations opened here early Wednesday morning withi the ringing et beils and fling of the anvil. The day passed off very quietly a number ef our citizens going to En- niskillen. . ..-Everybody read- THE STATE5MAN last week and ail want toj see the other article,. EX FIELD. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Secor, Scar- boro, at Mr. J. Niddery's; Miss A, Pas- coe, Solina, at Mr. R. Pascee's; Mrs, Spicer, Mlichigran, at Mm. J. Thompsen's i..Hlborn Lodge Sons o f England had their annual church parade and sermon Snnday. 1ev. S. G. Rorke ad dressed tbem. .... .Mr. W. Avery has rented the grounds aùid the south wing of the Model f arm h. .,. Enfield baud are putting forth new, energy-practis- iîig twice a week. Suuday and Tuesday June 111h and 13th will be big days' for this 'burg,1 We are geing te have a real old tea meeting-eatiWv, drinking and.1-naKilng merry. Plain Sunday aniver sr. wlth na bun feed don't suit we peot)l; j Rev'. IL Thomas, the popular Cornish miner preýacher, and an old Chatean- ev Edwin A. Tonkin, xiii preach at 2830 a : 7 p. m. Sunday. On Tut-,s there'll 0be a zrand time for old i,î young-f'iiîe rprogram, speeches, ct tions, band, choir and choral m- Ic e at 4 o'elock, and ctare at 8,' o" ii "Mri;'aver.v funox'v CnUe 11ev. J. J.«flae of BowmanvillUu 3en bis for terms. AUCTION SALE. SATUIIDAY, June 10.-There will ho solti by auctien at the' residence or R. Fi. leury,.corner 'of Cbtrrch and Temperance streets, Bowmanville, the wbole et the housohold effects. No reserve. This is a choice lot of bouse furnishings and . sheulti be well patronizoti. Termis cash. Sale at 1 o'clock. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. EÀNNISKILLEN. Messrs. A. Il. and C.,Fi. R. Mitchell have been home-... Mr, C. Stacey, Port Perr", lias been guest et Mr.- W. J. Stacey',.... Mrs. McNally, Weston, is guest et Mrs. Fi Elford .. .. Anniiversar.y services were ver-v sucessful, large attendauce anti Queen's weather ou the 241h, excellent program by the chiltiren and a capital speech ou thee engin and construction ef our National Flag by Rev. W. Fi. Adams, Orono. A social was beld Friday eveuing . ... Mr. Fred., Rogers bas gene te the iNorthwest ex- Ipcigte be absent about six mouths. .TeEpwerth League xiii take charge et the service Sunday nigbt Pastor Rorke beîng at Conterence. COURTICE. Mr. Edgar W. Aluin, Trinlîx' Medical College, Toronto, occupieti the Eben- ezer pulpit Suiiday merning very ac- ceptably .... The 21h pased, off very quietly here. A couple et c,8ows geV run down during he day causing a little uneasinees te their owuers possibix' te the cows. A few took lu the Oshawa sports but most of the tarmers were busy on the landi having been delav ed by wet weather.... Ebenezer anriversary on Sunday anti Monday Jane il and 12. Rex'. J. P. Wilson, Oshawa, takes charge ot the Suntiay services and on Mondav the cildren xiii hold forth as usual and addresses xii be given by Ruvs, Wilson anti Litdv, Oshawa, and Rae, Bowmaaville. Téa at 4 o'clock, In the evening Rev. J. J. Rae will de- liver his popular lecture under the aus. pices ot the Epworth League "Open Doors ..Rex'. J. S. 1. Wilson and tamily left Mondax' te visit bis tather in Brighton a tew days proviens te attend- ing conference. A Single Set of Cuicura Remedies Cosùting coly $1 î25 Consistîng of Cuticura Soap 25e. Cutîcura (Ointmeno) 50CI utc r esolvent 50e1 la oftea a' ufficieuit te airme the Most tortuming -ifiu iug nd humili- with Iosof l a;i,w Ilelsefails. sld hreughemmtemWerld. FGTErvsl-Arec.ceaR, GIRLS AS YOUNG MEN'S ENEMIES. How They Punctuire fioles in a Young man's Businesprospects. "Giris are by fur 100 apt lu thought- leselY Punch boles la the business 'pros- pects ot the youug men of thoir acquaint- nue," writes Edward B ok in The Ladies' Home Journal.- "They work this mischief lu varions ways. They consiler It 'groat fun' to stop to a lolephone, for example, ad 'ring up' sorne young man while hlis t Ihie office, only Vto send bini SorneUnunecessary message1 or indulge in somne flippant talk. They are forgettul ot the tact that wxhat sieurbu rare sport at their sud 0f the lhue may cause serions embaýrrusmeut or Worse 10 the youug man ut the other sud. Even if the yonng man sujoye it, hie employer doenot. Sentiing uuuecessary or even faucieti necessary notes ro youug mnsaet their offices during business boums is another favorite 'pastime' of girls. Sometimes the 'fun' is carniet tunîher by, meeting a youug suan at hie lancheon heur, or by even calling at bis office. Again, even a mors daugerous elemeut le introducel by girls nrgiug yoang mea to lenve their offices before closin, heurs Vo escort them te corne place et amusement, couiegaine, or lu a train. "The danger ln these -icts is noV lu themjselveý, but lu the injurions dietrac- tions which tbey nasan. Business bonne, thougli toubtîses they sem h'cxplicably long te girls, are, lu reality, all to clorc for the aceomplishinent of thlal' necs sary 10 a yoang mai 's sacce- . lience every moment wh'eu Le i-s ar1uies shonît be preelous vo hmni îm i mightily precions Vo thé rL zt orË of a young ma. File miml eh ,nlid te torrs-, on the problems befre hn j w. v ne .n either hiesaccose or bis fail i i-e. Europe's Conuas-.,re- Iu The Century, Mr. GeorgeMAun summarizes the roammîts of them State De patment's iuquiry imb thu consuin rse s- tom of otber countries, andaitca rés Ihat systomu wieh our owu not ut ail to onT ativautage. The sysem I have outlueti, says Mr. McAueuy, le common Vo evony nation of Europe except, possibhy, Tanke'-. Outside of Europe il le established inluBraziliand Argonina, and, among ths ndpendent states of Asia, ia JaDun. t ta lacking lu the miner South Amorican repablics, lu Persia anti China, in Morocco. Mexico andt he Unitedi States. Ina scb Enropean organization, as iu oui' owu, thone s e Vdivision ittusal- ansIedanti unsatarioti classes, anti mbo grades et consul-genemal, consul, vice or tieputy consul, anti commercial or consuhar agents. The salaiet officers (consules missi) are usuaily subjecte of the Gevemument by wvhich they are com- missioneti, anti ans not permittedti en- gage in privats business, The unsalamieti (consulos elecîs), who are comnnateti wholly by tees or by ulhowances, are rehieveti frona theso restrictions, anti are verv freqnently local merchants. The latter dlace, as welh as agents, are selecteti generally by the suporior consul lu the disetrict, Who le responsible for hetr acte, anti Who virtuly conîrols their tenure. t le the permanent duess only-those in the "èoneuiar career' )-that thls article nelconeider, Thougli there le undoubt- sdhy room for reform lu other particu- hars, it le the question of correct mnethotis ef omgaeizatioee mn the corrsspouling brandi et unr owu service tint 'enlie for first solution. Canterbury Cathetial. The extennal beautiset Canterbury can best lie ceeu froua a distance, The olti towxn neelles undon its xxalls, anti be-vend is a ring of bille encircling the city, trom Wxhich you look dowu the midi, peaceful x'alley of the Stoar, where catlle stand knee-deep lu choyer, anti see the inighty churci owering over lhe et-tiled roof s of Vhehs idses. the mothen building of English-speakîng msn'e religions lite. The cuthemral le constmucted inluths form of a cross, 540 test long by 156 teet in breadth. There ans several ennlcliet entrances et varions dates, tistinguisheti for beauly anti penttute of ornament. The weïtern front is the work et Friar Chllentien,' a ekilîful architect of the reigu oft Hichart Il1. The nave consiste of a' ceriese etcluetereti columus on saci silo, fromn which ise the igit anti grace- fui arches peculiar Vo the pointeti stylo. Triulty Chap0l, eltualti te the esd et the choir, couains the mosl ateetic memorial now rsmaining ofthtie first et a long linset Englieli heroe-tie tomb of the Black Prince. Se denrly was ho hovol tlbàt ho was allowed a eting-place ta tihe meet sacrel spot ut that lime. Hlie eflIgj' le of brase, anti oase au trace the resemblance lu the tentures with the efrigy et hie tather anti hie gruntfather, the one la Westminster Ahbey, he latter la Gloucester Cathedral. The .Hliî.g Tolu. A curions relcofo bygone laye may be seen on a boeuse la Berlin. Two black- eiis llvel opposite sncb other la that cty, -wlose trade mualry became he tallt ofthIe neigbborhood. One day hs Em- parer, William I., Who was fond ot going about the city tiiegaiseti as a tarmer, lu andtinlu any part toaw-s said, "Jalge, is Ihat ma ny heati?" "111051 assumetly he l," was hs reply. "lWchl, jaige." said hs sternutiscible et %a 0ogical systom,4'ls he'ea ay good t'eason Mwhy 1 choultia'scratch imy beati if I w'iei o?" c .t- - -S,. mo t nn,,de- Soldiers lu the ImËaluia anmay ars allow- eti two boums in the mitdle of tie day fer a na>. "Example is Better T/ian Precept.,"1 R !S not 'wlat we Say, but 'w iat IIoocrs Sarsaparitia do es, that t-elts the story. T/zousands of testimoniats are exam pies of w'hat Hood'S lias Jone for otilers, and wvhat it wilJo for you. DySpepS!a -'II was weak and hail fainting spellis. yspepsia and indigestion ln severe form troubled me. Five botties of Hood's Sarsa ailamdeewelai strong." Mas .WILAVIVLEBJt Whtby, Ont. lA Cood Medicine - IlWe have- taken Hlood's Sarsaparilla in our family as a spring medicine andl used l Hood's PiUs for billousuess and founil both medicines very ýffective. F or Impure blood we Imow Hoods arsaparlila Is a good medicine.," B. S. PEVTOIe, pUblisher Bec, Atwood, Ont, Hoodl's Pls cure lver ilIs; the uoirnîtating and ýpnly cathartie to take with Hlood's P3amprla ANALYSIS 0F A MAN. HO COUeSISs of Thousamats of Cuhic Feet Of Gas and a Very Little Soîsi 3laterial. To buiti a 150 pouni man ouly 14 elements allogether arc assIed. Fi-vo of them are gaees-Vhere te enougi gas lnaa MaVo 1111 a gasomeler ot 3,649 cabie teet-anti aine are solide, tount in almeet any hantif ai oet ay yen might take ap ut ranlom-lhut te te say, car- bon, calcium, phosphoras, trou, sulphur, sotiluna, potassium, silicon anti mug- isestamn. Iu meet people minute quanuti- ies ot a few other thinge are foanti, sucli as copper, alumnum, mauganeso, lent, mercury, arsenic anu lithiuma; but these substances are pnobably ulways Ires- passons. Far anti uway the mneet important oie- ment lu flesi anti houe is oxygen, andi the bnlk et that energetic gus whicb ro- mnaIns tauilhy compressedt within ne ie somethiug murvehions. Lu a len-elone- ten mathe wstghl et oxygen is ne lese Iban 106 pountis, andthIe nalural bahk of tt, if il wero set free, woulti ho eqaul Vo a beamn of woodi eue foot square anti 1, 191 feet-neanly a quarter of a mile-long, or sevemal huatirel limes the buik et the bodiy itsoîf. Meaureti by the gallon, IV woalti fihi 202 36-gallon barels. 1E-von bulier, thoagli ligliter, is the constiluent byttrogen. Evsry muan's body centaine sufficical et Ibis ligliteet of ahi substances te tuflate a bublon Ibut wonhd lift hinassîf, bahhoea andtiaekle. Iu the ma,for instance, Vhe bnlk of hytrogen le ever 2,400 cubie foot-equai Vo hs subie square et a room ton test htgh anti us }ý foot equare, andti he weegbt et Il is a trifle short of 1812 pounts. 0f tihat inexplicable gas nimrene there is about haif a u onceVo sncb pountiof body xvight, or upproximatoly 43ý pounts altogolier la a 158-pounti man. Lt te about 20 limes the bullk ofthVe body, anti by ne meane likes belng crampol 'up in a space ot a few cubic lInches. This te the meet iment gas knowa. Its balle iu the body is 58 cublu test. The reason iljislesuidt' O bli telessis tIs lit butes svery other eement lu hse -voît;' anti.,x'he exygen, hytirogen. carbon anti the othor thinge, ike the continental powere, cannoV hi-vo atone, nutiogen, tike Hunglant, wiih not, if ýil eau possibly nantI it, live lu eonepauy. From this trait arissenot offly'ail hs act.ion outhlea hamasa brua nanti thes steugti efthe muscles, bal the terrible foresetfail the great explosives. W'hile indixitathv, xxiiont any en- ergy whatever, when It dos chaunce te enter itl union with iliher Ihinge nitr1o- gen becomes lie meet onergetic euh-' stance la existence. The greul explosive forcesetfuliroglycenine te lue te azote. OaseoftIhe mos figlitaul explosives known is chlorideofe nitrogen, whicli geos off if the sua shines on iV; antinl the buman body, ilte iste brealttag town ,of nitrogen compounuts hch actually consliVutes lite. Notbiag enu ho alily 'wvtlhont niirogen, itslsotIhe type of dealli. The hast oethe substancesoet nuy bulk ln the boty is curbon. Thore le, as neafly us possible, a suck of 21 Y2 peuls la a ton-sIoesman, safficient te malte sume 65 gnose et leadpencihe, The SClrowd Boy. Oas moring hast week a lady living ou West Lexingtona dm551 unsweredth le bell, te fiaI a huiky boy, wilh an înno- cent roti face anti peuch-colorel surs, standiing on the clope. Fie explainedt lat he wunteesl o e honhsbaud, anti she auswered tint hon hushaul bati iett for hie office. " I'mthe bey who swoeps out al lie offices in tie building where ho is," saiti tie boy, as ho backeti lowa tie stepe, "iandt Iis morning I tonal a leIter in the big serup sack." "Wehl, yen can leavs il," she replieti. "I-I gnose I had'l belter," he haîf wblsperol, as he shuwedth le piak en- velope. I "Boy-that ile-boy, let me Sscthat etter,"dsesai, as cie ativancet anti ex. tontistihem hauti. "Oh, 'tweahtin't be 'zacthy rlght, mn 'am, 'cause I kuow be'ti give me 50 cents." " Ses hors, boy," sbe saIt, us she foît in ber pooket for tis $1 bil teftlber lu buy coffes andti bu hat muraing, "yen ako Vils, give me theo bIter, anti lon't say a averdt le nI. -- about fanding i." "I dom'l belieme ilte smach et a let- ter," ho remurliet. "Neyer mnta, ha il ever; hene's yonr monsy t" "Mebbe thens hui'l a word of wrltiug lu it, ma'am." "Filers, gi-vs me lie letton; noax go!" She ook it anti entendt hs houses, anti the boy aiti Vie peaci-cohorot sans fleax down ths street like a cannibal going le tiruner. Lnabaiet 40 seconds the womaa came ont, tooket op anti bava lie street, anti the expression arouti hem monVi avas net happy anti peacef ut. The hoboy bad. seemeti Vo doalit that tuon s usany avnting Thallee oflie su- velope, but cie was net quime preparoti le tear it open anti finI a tvpewritten docuiment com-umeiciug, ' Wlaom-c a s,, tefal iaving beenm idnlutie conditions et a e ýî à 27 Young Mons SaIts bas juEt arrtved. Sec whal we are showing aI $5.00, $6.00, $7,00. Neat new patterns, fine finish materials and cheap. A Snap in Ladies'Shoes Just Receiveci 57 pair Ladies' Tan Tic Shees, Mamsh's make, reg. $1.50, for $1.0O. 53 pair Ladies' Black Tic Shoos, neal, durable gootis, size 11 le 2 tor 50e, size 3 for 60c. We bave excellent shoe values ail tbrough th,-stock. Grocery Clearing Prices. White Stone China Dînner Plates, reg. 70e for 55e per doz,,. Whbite Stone China Soup Plates, reg. 55e for 45e pcr doz. Washing-4ton Ba31king Powdor, reg. 25c, for 15e per tin. Bird Seed, best mixture, g.10eper lb. for 5c per lb. Dry Goods, We are now shewiug a very attractive range et Muslins, Piques, Ducks, Ginghams, etc., iun lripes, Plaids, und Fancy Patterns, in ail the newest shades, particularly good value, anging from 5c 10 25e a yard. Ladies' Print, Gingham, and Muslin Blouses. We bave bati a big sale et those goIs andti t keep our stock well assorted have ordereti another lot. We have beer- repeatcdly toldtiIat we have the best value in Blouses sbown Ibis season, see lbem before buying. Ladies' Linen Skirts. We are seling a splendid heavy Skirt for $1.00. yenu wili say il is as goti as yen have scen at $1.25. We tliiuk that Jewelry Departm.ent. Another nice lot of Blouse Sets, Links, and Pins, just received, these are splendid value. We are now selling Watches at lower prices than ever before. See our Stirling Silver, Screw Case, Waltham, Stem Wind and Set Watch for $5.00. Gold and Gold Filled Watchies in- Ladies and Genuts, atprices tîtat will surprise yen. Tbe Chaulauquan ton June is a splen-1 did number. The articles are aIl timelyi anti coutain a great ameunit et intonmua tien. Publisheti by Dm. Theodore PL. Floodi, Meativille, Pa. The Ladies' Home Journal for June centaine a symposium on "Whal is the Goti ef (iing te Church?" andtihIe Rev. Newell Dwight Hillils, D. D., dis- eusses "Pains Ibat Folisi Perfection. Self Culture, publisheti aI Akron, 0., ton Jane offers net only a -witie range et reating-, but aise a dlace et articles et the higbost literary menit, manjy et wbich are hatisomely anti instructive- ly illustruteti. The June Ladies' Home Journal opens witb Longtellow's "Evangeline, " anti gies a group et pictures sbewing corne Fetes of College Girls." Fieuse- keopiug on un Ocean. Steamsbie" le grupbieally portrayeti. "Fiow a Y'bung Ma Can Work Hic Wa ' yTirougi College"has a practical value for evory poor boy ambitions for higber educa- tien, anti "Telliug Ithe Clearacter fromn Fiandwriting" is iutorosting anti enter- laiaîng. The second number of Corticelli Home Neetiiework is a quantorly magazine devoteti to instructions in art neetilework, emhroideriug anti crochet. Lt is a work etfcorne two huntireti pages et coloreti plates showing lie nowest designs la ail kintis etftrawn work. crochet work, embroidemy, etc., anti tu!l insctructions egarding centrepiecos, doilles anti ail faucy ueetilewomk. Senti 25e te Cortecelli Silk Co., St. Joins, Quebee, for eue yeur's subseniption. LAWN MOWERS. I respecttully tbauk my bost et eus- tomons tom Ibeir liberal patronage lu the past anti would solicit those baving Mewers te place themn in my charge, as I am prepamed te shampen anti give penfeet satisfaction. A trial seliciteti. AIl mowers calleti tom when notice te given anti retumneti promptly. Tbe WVest Enti Smithy, King St., Bowmuu- ville. 18-8w. W. I, WILLIAMS, Proprietor. RI FLEMAN. The honest trotting Staliion Rifleman xiii serve mares fer tie seasen et 1899: Meonday, Tuoslay, Tbursday anti Fmi- day ut hic own stable, haît mile west of E;einezen; Wetinostay wilho ut Boae's botel, Hampton, neen, Ihemtce te Bea- nett House, Bowmanx'iile, tli 7 p. m.; Saturtiay wilh ho ut Wootimnff's iaotel, Oshawa, from 2 te 8 p. m. This route will ho continuel turing lihe coucou. Riflemaî te c ire oet Vhe sl moud herses Ibrougi Darlington,Whitby anti Pickering. Rifleman colts are selling for tbme most mnoey of any horse's o-ver tnax'eileti thnougb homee silice olti Rifle- ma lied. Terms: To insure a foui $8 payable Feb. icI, 1900.AIl accidents' ut riche ef ownors. S. J. PIeKLE, Pro prieton, Courlico, Ont. 21-5w. ,i'lhildren Cry for BOWMANVILLE MARKETS Oorrcte by.XlMllurtry ocdiTuesd~, il 1c00 ibS.........$1,-95 te 82 2 WHEAIT, Fal, bush .o.0-00fiO070 t Spio ...0 00 il 0 67 Red ?ife '... *O 0 0 fio070 il GOOSE .... 000,10 65 BARLEY,', 'bUSh, No, 1 .0O40 et' O40 fi i e"2 .0O26 0 35 il, il. 'il .... 025 t1 080 l fiTwo rowed 0 25 if 0 40 lOarS, white il......000 if 081i RYu il ...... 000"le0 52 BucKwEAT.............. 0 0 fi 50 PRAS, Blackeye, P bush., O 69 il O 65 ilCanadian Beauties.. 69 t'iO0(i5 ilMumimey ti 0 0 il O55 fSmall, fi 0O00 il0 65 ilBlue, fi 0 47 il 0 br B T E ,best table, e 1b . O0 00 t' O 1 2 Eous, e do ............ 000 t'010 POTATOES, bush..........O0 40 0' O4U Fiay per tonu............. 500 ' 6 WU donc ove, eala t MRs DiçxsoNj s,K I East and Cor of Ontario St Bowmaux-ille. 34-t IT? OARDERS WANTED-Two yoluzg L> me wantecl who wjlI room together. Termn moderate. Apply toe a.nMKoAou Ontario and Argyle ets., BowmauvUle '% OY WANTED.- Smart boy abouti JLF15 to assiet !lu office; must be quick atlgr andi write aý gooti hand. Apply tn owu ha ndwvrW ng, tatlng age and. salary expected to "B" LockDrawer 7,or STATESMAN Office, BOwmini,1 ville. 2-f <-4~GGSFOIR SALE.- ~.~<-.Light Brahamas and And(aluislu;i (cLý1cthoro' breds. Noue Stter. sttinj of 18 for bOc. NORMAN S. B. JAMES. BowmauvIllq5 -W-'rEFE STRAYED-A red and whiit IJI-earlnz heifer wlth wbite face from lot?7 con. 4, Darlington, (near Salem). Information ï his whereabouts may Se left ai THIE STATESMAN office or sent te JOHN cHALICE, Salem. 2-tf. B ULLS FOR SALE.-On Lot 15, OLP oncession 3, flarlington, 5 yearllng bul for sale. F. J. CLEMENS, luquire on premises or addrsss Oshawa P.O. ail other necessaries in Apiary iue. LoWtýi periecs. Call and inspeet before buylng elsu. where. JAMES BURNS, Hampton. 21-1w* ]Z"OARS FOR SERVICE.-The thoro JL> Sred Tamworth Boar Royal Crystal (Im ported) No..940, bred bey D. W. Phulien, Birni ri4 hamt, Englandi mported byx J. E. Brethoor, i kept for ser vice on lot 21, coun, 2, Darltugtn.i.. KVi ngetor, Road; also a Berkshire and Yorkohi re Whlre. Terme $1.00. Three youug Bcrkshiresùswn and onis boar for sale. Durham bull caf, 2 mou ths for sale. SAMLEL 5aowDN~, Jr,, Bow. T MPROVED YORKSIIIRES FOR~ 1S ALE -The undereigued blas Stlll a peof Young pige îcft,got by prize wiuuers inluai-go laeswherever sliown iast f ail, both of wb h. %vere imported from the province of Quebec,auê .1 who have seeni thera. Registered pedigree 1 i r nlehed if desired. Aise a boar 2 year lda collent stock gotter, which will SLdep, ti0 et a hargain. For brthur partecul'ars applyit once or eall ou the premilses of a.AIE Hampton. 2 f _TMGS FOR SALE, - "Prince Lee " a L Bcrkshiire of goodileugth ani quahýity, r. ld hy J.G.Suiell,Esq., S!reBaron Lee 4thumported. D,n Premier Beit, imxorted. This WSoar'u fi'-st et the Ontario and Durharn- exiition laet fall,and will bie sold cheap- Also Yorkebiree anti Tamworths of ohi exall bred from ize-in- nu tock. Itegistered pedigrees fu in- wnte for prices. or botter euhI,coe and se stock. Apiary supplies for sale. T, J. CoLa, Mapis, Grove, Bowmauvlille P. 0, j [' W

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