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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1899, p. 6

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n Cuir d But the Notary, Mr. Lemire, was cured of Kdney Disease in two months by Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pis. It i only wbcn rborougbiy convinced of the Isuperior menit of a remedy that publie men euhl give their sanction. Mr. E. H. Lernire, Notary Public, 1692 Notre Darne Street, Mýontreal, tells of bis re- markable recovery frorn a severe attack of kîi- ney cisease. \Vhen doctors bafi failed, Dr. Chases Kidney-Liver Pilis saved is life. HIe writes: " give this statement, first because it îs onlyjust that the merit of Dr. Chases Kid-. ney-Liver Pis shoulfi be mnade know o, and again lu order that others mnay profit by nuy experience. For years 1 sufferefi with kidney disease wl;ch doctors pronouncefi incurable. Thanks to Dr. Chases Kidney Lis-er Pills, wbhicbh 1bave usefi for t vo monubs, 1 arn crnm- ple',ely cured. Ibey belped me froua the first, andi the cure is n0W perfect."» Dr. Chases Kidres-Luver Pis act directiy on the kidnevs, und tbro'ugb their combned influence on the kclnevs and liver, cure the most complicatefil diseases af these debrcate organs. One pili a dose. 25 cents a box< at ail dealers, or Edmanson, Btes & Co., Toronto. Farmers You Want.. PRICF $i.00 E'.ISCH_. ADVANTAGES. It will double what the oid style ma- chine did. It is better made i al parts. It is a handsomer machine. The tube from can is exposed and eau be instant- iy cleaned if it should clog. The eau mayý be instantl.y emptied iftyou want fo hange material or clean it. The for- mation of the can allows ail the mnateri- al to bc sprayed out when operated upward iu trees or bushes It wiil save crops from bugs, worms and Fungi and fruit trees from the caterpillar and other pests. Evans' Electrie Sprayer mnay be had frorn dos. Henry, Orono; David Bell, Leskard; A. S. Toolev, Miii, Courtice; Albert NidIder,ç, Enfieid; John Peth- ick. biacksrnith, Carke Sanfi* Bon- athan, Newcastle ; John Hooey, near Cadmus. PETER MURDOCH. BOWMANVILLE. Agent for Durhamn County. NEW TAILOR SIlO?. T7he uaderaigned wbo bas beon carrying on the tailoring businesla conneetion wlth Mason's Dry Good Stors for a number of years lias eommenced businesF fan irnseif at bis nooms King St. wvest, wbore be is preparod to make gents and boys suits in ail tbe latest styles, and at lowest prices. For those wflo wssh to order sits, be will carry a fullt line off samples lna al ie newo5i pattenne. Give hl a cali J. T. ALUIN, FaShionable Tallor. ANINLAL MEETING. Notice is hereby gîven tisaf the Aunsal gener- ai Meeting of tc Sharebolders of tbe above Compny wilt be beld at their offlice at Port Darilngton on MIONDAI, âTHf DAY 0F JUNE, Next at tbe bour off 3 o-ciock P. M., for the elec- ti.n off Directors andi otber purposes. By order D. B. SIMPSON, Secretary. Bowmanvilie, May 2nd, 1899. 18-4 w. Rheumat.ic Will Cure any Xorm of Reliuatism DR. L. R. HAILL. NEWYORK FOUR POINTS IN ITS FAVOR FIRST-QUICKEST TO CURE SECOND-SAFEST TO TAKE THIRD-MOST HIGHLY ENDORSED FOURTH-CHEAPEST TO BUY One bottle cotains ten days' treatment IN BIG BOTTLES, 60 CENTS. THE DR. HALL MEDICINE CO. Camadian Agency, - Kingstou, Ont. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGOISTS Str. Garden City. NewcastiQ, Bowmanviiie, Oshawa and Whiluby to TORONTO, consmencing FRIDAI, -MAI l9tb, 1899. And eontinuing every Friday tbrougbout the season. wili ieaye, -a" - ï - NEWCASTLE .-.-. 6.30 a.m. BO WMAN VILLE . - .7.00 QSHAWA -S.00 HT13Y----------845 BReturning leaves TÔronto at 5.00 p.m. Speciai attention giveis to the handiine off Freight. For Tickets and Imformatlon apply to EARY CAIN, - THO$. NIHAN, Agent, Sowmanvillie. Manager, Toronto. Head Office Geddes' Wharf, Toronto. Tele- phone No. 2947. 18-4 Mu. FR E E solilml qoisite Plush-lîne Case, rer eiing 1 dos. daintly acketa off HltRop. tse snd eolet p4r- at 150. meS. Rtai-n us $1.20 axsd r Lov InYEZ by retîira ferred. Unsoldgoods rttureablo. 11011E SlTppXLy (0., 1c$ 5 ToroAlo, a*sf Rev. Dr. Talmage Discusses the Destiny of the American Republie, Monopoly the Ov'trshadcwing Ourse. of the United States--Nihii- ism Also an Evil Power-- Infidelity a Great Source cf Weakness. Washington, X'av- 28.-lu this discourse Dr. Tuimage speaks off som etfttse pet-lis tisaitisrearen oun American institutions, aund points ouitishe pals ot safoty; text, Isaiais lxii, 4, "Tby aud sisl ho mut-- t-led. " As tise greator inosudes tise lcss, se duos tise crtcieut future joy aruund ounr cuire world isslunie tise epirycle o u et- wu remubli. Bold. exlilarnt, unique, divine imngery ufthris text. At tise close ut a Nveok lu whicis for tht-ce days eut- national capital Nvas a pageant and ail tisaS grand review and hannerefi procession and national autiserns could do, clobraîed pouce, it muy net ho inapt tu aulicipate tise lime wvien tise Prince ut Pouce and tise boit-ut universul dominion shall take possession of tisis nation, anc "1tiy land shah hocmaried.' lu discussing tise final destiny uft ris nations nu muLes ail tise differouco lu tise Nvorîfi whether wo are ou tise svay te a fanerai or a weddiïig. Tise Bible louves ne douht ou tisis subject. In p»ilpits and on phatfornas ant inl places of public runrourse, I heur se maay off tise uuffled dr-ums of evil prophccy seundod, us tisougis we -STre ou tise way Su national interînt, sud heside Thebes aud Baby- Ion aund Tyne in tise ceustery ut dead nations eut- epublie nias te ho outornbed, tisaI I wissi you te undet-stauti it setu to hcoebsequlos, but nuprials; nul mais- soieum, but canpcted ultar; net cyprcss, but utauge blussosus; nul requiem, but ivcddiug mat-ch; for' "thy land sisal ho mat-ied. " I propose te nume seiomethtie suitorÊ whio ut-e claiusing tise isaud out tis repuS- lic. This land is se tain, su beautiful, se aflument tIsati 5hbu mauy suitors, and it -%vuldopeud much upen yeur advice wilselier tbis or tiasa ulho accoptefi or rejectei. lu tise fitst place, I remark: Tisere is a groedy, ahl graspiug mouster Nviso connes lu as suitor seeking tise iand ut tisa sipublic, and tisai moucher iA kuonin by thesonme utfsonopoly. His sceptor is made eut ufthtie iron off tise rail tracS aund tisevire ut telograpby. He duos os'eytiing fer bis onu advuulage a.nd for tise robbery off tise peuple. Tbings ,ni ou trous had rueninse unîl iun tise ,tee iegislaturos ut Newi York, Newi Jersey and Penissylvania for a long tîmemo nupoiy declded overyiising. If uîuuopoiy favus- a lNv-, t passes; if mon- opoly oppose a lawv, il is rejeeted. Mon- upohy stands in tise railroud depet puîliug into bis pockets lu une year $200,000,000 lu excess et aIl reasonable chsarges for services. àlonopoly isolds lu bis oee aud tise steua powver off locomotion aud in lise utiser tise electticity ut swilft communica- tion. Mouopohy bas lise Repubhicais patty lu une peekel and tise Democrutic party lu thse ether puceo. Monupoiy deoides nomiinations sud electionsct lcins, state- shotions, national electiens. Wtb bribes ho scout-os the votcs et legishtors, giving Iiser frce passes, giviug appoint- meute tu eody relatives te lucrative positions, employliisg thiseu as attorneys if thb'ey-at-e lawyers, csrrying tLseir gueds cent. less if Ibey ut-o metchants, and if ho flnd a case very stubisoru as weli us veny important plats down behore hlm tiseisard cash off bribery. Power of tilonopoiy. But mouupuiy is noS soeaesihy eaugbt non as nibon duriug tiseternaoff Mr. Buchsanan tise legisiative cummitice in eue off unr statosi explored and expused tise manuer in iici a cettain ruiiniay couspauy bat obtalued a donation off pub- lic land. It nias fouud eut ibat 13 off tise Senaturs off tisai state recelved $175,000 ausong ious, f60 memisers off tise Lenier House off tisaS state receivcd betiveen $5,- 000 sud $10.000 eucis, tise Govemuor off tisaS state- recolved $50,000, bis dot-k t-e- celved $5,000, tise Lieuteisait-Govorner received $l0,000, ail tise clenks off tise Legishature received $5,000 escis, nulle $50,000 nias divided among tise lobby agents. TisaStislng on a arger or susalier suais is sîl tise isse eing on nluserne ut tise states off tise Union, but 15 is net se huderiug us il usai Su o, and therefore net sueusily exposed or arrested. I tel ,Fou tisai tise versbadowng eut-se offthe United States S-day is meuopoly. Ha puis bis hand upen every busisel off nisout. upon evet-y sackk eo sait, upon every tan off coul, sudcv-et-y man, nunsan and ohild in tise United States feels tise Soucis off tisaS meeyed despotism. I1t-e- joice tisas lu 2- states off tise Union sl.roudy anti-rnopoiy lbagues bave Seen establisiset. Ced speed ibeusluntise et-k off liberation. 1 bave netbing te say againsi capital. jets; a usais ias a right Su ail tise muuey ho can make bonesily. 1 bs-esnutising tu say aginst corporations as sncb; nis- ont Sisernon greut oulorprise niould be possible, but nibat 1 do say le tisaStise same principles at-e te ho applîed te cap- italistesud Se corporations tisai are ap- pled Su tise pourest man sud tise plaineet luboeor. What is wt-ong for me is wrong f or grout corporations. If I haSe ffrorn yen yuur pruperiy nitiout suy adequate cous- pensation, I sus a th ief, and, ia -ralnay damages tise propety oethtie peuple wuls- out muaking uuy udoquate compensation, tht is a giganio heft. Wbst le wrong ou a small seule is wrung on a large seule. Mouopoly lu Englaud bas ground buisdreds off Sbousauds of ber Set -peuple Nibilism -1 monstor. Anotisor suitor oiiming tise baud off ibis tepubic is nihisis. Heo unns nutiig but a Suite for uni- versaI cuttuiroateny and a nitreglyccnin bumb for univorsai explosion. He believes lu nu Co'l, nu govrumont, nu heaven and nu bell oxcepl nisul hoe au muSe on etIl. Ho show tise Czar off RussIa, Sceps many a king pranceically inîýprlsoned, k-ihbefiAbrabaus Lincoln, nionîfiput to doatis evet-y king sud prosidont on eutli, and, if hocisad tise po-wer-, ivuhdchinas tmp unîi ise ceuhd drive tise -od off hoaven trous bis tht-une sud tuke 1i inselt, tise universal butriser. lu Franco il le called cummunisnt; lu tise United States it is caled auurdlism; lu Hussia 1h is caibefi nibilisus, but that laet is tise muer grapisic and descriptive terus. Is useaus compîcte sud erernai smasisup. Il niunld make lise holding off pnuperty a crime, sud it wvould drive a dagger tisrougis yossr heurt sud put a turt-ra your dsvohing and tut-n uvor Ibis nihobe baud intu lise posses- sion uftîheft sud lust and rapine sud murder. Wisere dos this usouster liv-eIn al tise tonus sud citiesosfut ris baud. ht offect- Ils baud ta ibis fuir repuhle. Il proposes to tour ta pieces tise ballot box, tise legis- hative hall, tise cungressienal assembly. It weuld take Ibis aud sud divinie 1h up, or t-at ber, divide il donin. It wonhd give as museistlutise idiorst-alutise nwocre ut tise had as tu tise god. Niiîism Tis. pautison iaving pt-ivid across utistr bauds bas sot is pan un eut- seil, sud it îs only wvaiiug for tise lime livisicis 10 spriug upon ils proy. it nus uihilism tisat but-ued tise railroad pyopeity ai Pitsusg duriug tise greut rnuls; 1h nias nihihisiss al slow blacke peuple in cnt- nortiseru cities duriug tise nar; it nias nihilisu tisaI ussuled tlusdeati tise Chsi- noce immigrants years uge; il is nihilisus tisai giares oui toftise windows ufthtie drunkeries upon suber people as tiscy go by. AIb, ils powier bas nover yol -been tested. I pray Cofi ils punies- may nos or be fulby tested. Il nionif, if it isafitise powTer, louve ev-env chutris, cisapel, cuIse- dral, scisuolisouse and cllege lun asises. Lot me say it is tise iorst enomy off tise lahorlng classes lu any country. Tise h ouest ct-y for nefoet-usiitted by oporessed laburng mon is drowuod eut by tise veriforation for auarcisy. Tise criminals aud tise vagabonds nso t-auge tbrougis eut- cilles alkiug about tiseir rigists, whien their fit-st right is tise peuitentiury-ff tisey ceuld behoiusisod up, sud tise denin- trodden iaboringmenoufethIis ceunt-y could ho hourd, lisere niouid ho mot-e hread for isuugry eilidren. Iu tisis land, r-lt and bloodased nover gained auy nages for tise peuple or gutiserod up auy propenit-g. Inu is aud tise bosS iespon is nostishe club, nuetishe siilelais, net fit-e- ut-ms, but tise ballot. LeI nuS ont- op- prcssed lahuning mou ho beguiled tu comning under tise bioody banner off uisil- i>sus. It wnl maSe your taxes houvier, yeur nages susaller, your table scannier. your chilfiren bungrier.yeuux suffering greator. Yet tisis nibhisus, nuls teeS led off siaugister, ceuses forth sud uffers ils bsand for tisis repubhic. Shah tise hunus be procliamd? If se, nisere sisaîl tise marriage sItar ho? aud nibo nill be tise officiating pt-lest? sud bat nl Se tise msusic? TisaI altar nlisave te be nuits nitis bleacised skuls, tise offciuting pt-lest muet be a dripplng assassin, tise music must ho tise smotbered gruau ut mutitudinous victinas, tise gurlands musi be listed off nigisi shade, tise fruits muet ho upples et Sodosu, th isenemust ho tise hluod off St. Bartisolomnen's massacre. Nu! It Is net tu Se te uilissu, tise sangu. inat-y mousSer, tisaitisis land is ta ho malet-led. Infideiity's Threat. Anotiser sultor for the hand -off Ibis nation is infldelitv. Wisen tise miduigisî ruffans despuiled tise grave off A. T. Stewart un St. Marks' cisurcisyard ev-et- body nus sisecked; Sut iufldelily pro- poses somtbing nurse iSsu tisai-tise robbing off al tise graves off Christeudous ut tise hope et a resurroctien. Il proposes te obisel ont from tise tousbstones offyour Christians deud tise nords "Asleop in Jesus,"lsud substitute tise nords, "0511t-] eration-auni-hihatiou." InfIdelilv- pro- poses telusSe tise btter from tise wutld'o FuSiser, lnvlting tise nations te vittue sud bappinese, sud test- lt up inSu fragments sa susaîl tisai yen cannot tead s word off it. It proposes le haSe tise consolation frou tise bt-ekenbesrited sud tise suotniung pillow from tise dyiug, Infidelity pt- poses teaient-lu tise Presideul offtise UulSed StaSes, and tise supreume court, sud tise goveruors off staSes, sud tise nul- nesses lu tise eeurtroom nitis tieir right baud ou Paine's l'Aga off Reassu," or Vrultalt-e's "Pisiloeophy ut lslorýy." I15 proposes te tsaSe anay frous Siis country tise bouk tisaI muSes tise difference be- incen tise United States sud tise klngdomn off Dahomey, boînveen American ciiviizu- tien sud Bornesian canulbalisus. If infi. delity ceuld destroy tise Seripuros, it woubd lu 200 ysars tut-n tise cillizad nations bucis tu seml-barbarisus, sud tissu frurn seml-harbarisus into mîdnigisi savagery, until tise morale off a usonagerie ot tigers, ruttîsakes sud ciimpauzees would ha bottertissu tise ot-aiset tise, sblpwrecked humais race. Tise euh' impulse lu tise rigisi direction tisaStisis world bas ever nad las 'coma f-ou+.tise Bil. Ut nastise muiher of ing" But sey you, " I arn se afruid tisat they wiil briug thelr prejudicos for for- elgu goverumnents and plant tiseu here. " Absurd. Tboy are sick off tise guvoru- meuts tisaI have eppressed thons, und they wani froc Amiericus Give thou tise great gospel off welcumie. Tbrow urouud tissusahl Christian huspitahiries. They will add tiseir ludustry aud bard eurned wages Su ibis uountry, and thon we will dedicate l lu Christ and 4'tby land sisai ho married.' But wisere shall the maftiage aliar buet Lot ith ie Recky ~~tL s, wanthrough artitloa da tiscouglih c a etus ndi Ibrough caricatures etf±elig t i asks tor ail that part of thse contýinent alrAdy tull settled and tihe two-thlrds net s-el countetl. It says: " Give me ail oast off thse MNississippi, with thse keys off the churcis and with tise Cbristian prinhing presses. Thon gîve me Wyoming, give mue Alaska,' give me Montana, give me Colorado, give me ail tise stalues west of thse Mississippi and I will take those places andi keep theus by rigist off possession long before the gospel eau ho tully iutreuchod." And this suitor presses bis case appui- lîngly. Shah tthe bauns uf that marriage bo proclaim-ed? "Nul," suy tisehomne usissionat-les off the west, a martyr baud ut whom the worid is nul worthy, toiliug umifi fatigues and malaria and sturva- t100. "N~o, net if we onu help ht, By what we and ont ohildren have suffered we tut-bld tbe bauns off thut murriagol1" "No!l" say ail pulrlutio voices. '.Os in- stitutions were bouighlu at tou dent- a price aud wero defeudeil ut lue greut a sacrifice te hoe so cbeuply surreunderef." "No!"' says the Gofi ut Bunker 11i11 undiInde- peudence Hall andi Gettysburg. "I did nsot start this nation for sucb a farce" "No!"' env10,000 voices. "To lnfidelity this land shal not lho mat-t-edi" Fledged te christ. But there is unutiser suitor that pre- seuts bis dlaima for thse baud ofthIis ro- public. He is meutioned lu tbe verse fol- lowing my text where it says. "As the bridegroum rejoiceth over thse bride, su shah tbhy God rejoiceouv-or tisce. " 15 is net my figure. hI is tbe figure of the Bible. Christ Is su desirous ho bave this wonld love hum that ho stops ut nu humiliation off simile. Ho compares his gratesteu spît- tie on the eyes of tbe blind mari. He compares himnself tu a bon gathering tise cîssekens. and iu mv text ho compares him self tu a suitor isogging a, baud in marriage. Do9 this Christ, the Kiug, deserve Ibis land? Beholfi Piiate's bal andi the iusulting expectoration on the face of Christ. Behold tise Calvaroan massacre and the usvtul bemorrhage of five wornuds. Jacob servefi 14 years for Rachel, but Christ, my- Lord, the King, suffored ln torture 38 years tu win the love ufthIis wcsld. As oftffn princesses ut their vory birtb are pledgefi in treuty off marriage ho princes or kings ut ourtis 5 this nation at its bisrh was pledged te Christ for Divine murriusge. Deoon Col- umabus aud bis 120 men embarked on the Sauta Maria, the Pinta and tise Nina for tiseir wonderfui voyage, wisal was the last thiug tbey did? They sut dowu und iook thse îlO' sacrameut ofthtIe Lord .Tsus ChristI'Afftr they casigiitise fitst glinapse ufthtis couutry andi tbe guis off onue ship bad aunouncof it1htt the other vesseis that land hafi been discuvered, what wa-s the song that weut up trous ail the tbree docks? '"Gloria lu excelsis." Atter Columbus andi bis 120 mou had steppod from the sip's decîn tu the solhd gnound, whati did thev do? They ail kuelt andi cousocrated tise new worl te God. What did tise Huguenots do ufttr tbey landed lu tise Carulniuas?. What difi tihe Holland refuge do afler tisey bad lanrded ins Newv Yorkl? Whal did the Pli- grlrn Futhers do uafter tbey lau'tded in New Euglamsd? Vs th bendefi knec and uplifted face and houve-besieging prayer, llsey touk possession ut this continent for God. How was the first Amnericanr cou- gress opened? By prayer. lu the name ut Jesus Christ. Frosu ils birth this nation was pledged for bohy murrige with Christ. A lIessed Country. And thon sec how good Gofi bas been teuns! J ust open the mnap cf tise continent and sec bosv it is shaped for imineasur- able prosperities. N'avigable rivet-s, more lu number aund greuror tisan ut auy other land, rolling down on ail sides inte the sou. propisesyiuig large manufactures and easy commerce. Look ut tise great ranges ut mouintains timbered witis mealths on the tops and sides, metahlefi witis weultis undorneatis. One hundred and eighty tisuusand square miles ut run. Tise land seO contouued that exîneme weather hardiy evor lasts usure tban tht-ce days-extreme lieut or extreuse cold. Cimuato for tise most part braciug and favorable for brawu n ndbrain. AU fruits, ah pminerais,. ail harvests. Scenery displuyiug anm autumnul pageanlry tisat nu land uýn earth pretends te rival. No Souis Aumer- ican eurthiquakes. No Scotch sis. No London togs. No Egyptian plagues. Noý Germanie divisions. Tise peuple off tise United States are happior tisan any peu- ple on eurtu. It is tise testiusuny ut every man tisaSlias traveloed abroad. For tise pour, more sympathy; for the industries, more upportunity. Oh. bow good God. was lu our fathers, and how guod heha hoon tou us and our cisdren. To hin- blessed ho bis mbgity nurn-to him off cross und triumph, te hlm wbo still t-e- usemtbers tise prayer off tise Huguienots, aud Hoiiand rot ugees aud the, Pil.grirn Fathers-to hlm shail this land. be mur- ried. Oh, you Christian patriots, by your contributions and your- prayers, hasten on tise fulfihîment outhtiet. We have been turning an important le n th ie rmighty tome; of our national issory. One year et tise gutes ufthIis continent oVer è00,000, emigrauts arrîved. I was'toid by thre cuusmissioner of eir&- tien that tise probahiiiuy.wus that l isa one veut- 600,000 ousaigrants wuuld arrive Little Clarensce (uf lt- a scason off cogi- tation)-Pa, ivhy at-e parler ot-numents calledorneaments? MoI. Callpers-My son, I cannot Seil a lie; I do net kuow. nihen Geskius Gets a Show. "Whly is Iltishe mind is brigistet- wben aý man is pust 40;", "Affer tisaSugo tisa inun gets sens. euou*ll mot i. euteeaomua." mnighiy irrigation, al Sheir tops sbull11-s coverod. as ihey will ho, withvierd sund osciards andi grain fields. Then lot tise Bos.ous and tise New Yorks and tise Charlestons ofthtie Pacifia cuast corne to tIse mat-nage alîar on une side. and tison lot tise Bostons and tise New -Yerks ansd tise Charlestons uft tise Atlantieceuost corne te tise mrrit--lge nituir on tise, thet- aide, aud thore botween thora lot tisis bride off nations kneel, and thon if tise organ off tise loudest Sisunders that ever sisook tise Sierra Nevudus ou tise une side or. meved tise tounidations off tise Alegisanies on tise ether 5m ssould open full diapasun off wedding mat-ch, that ergan off tisunders could not drowntise veice otfiim 'whu would take tise hand off tisis bride off nations, suyiug, "us a bridegt-oomrte- joicotis uver a bride, su thy G-od rejoicetis ove:ý tiee" At thut usarriage banquet tise plalters shah hocoff Nevada silver, and tise chalices off Clifornia guld and tise fruits ut nortisn oenu tcat-deand tise spices of souther-n groves and tise tapent-y off Asuenican manufacture unfitise congratu- lations f rom tise free nations off eutisand troum ah the trinimpisant at-mies ut boa- von. And se IIthy land shallho usarried." Self Fraise. A mass once walked uiuug tise banks off tise mighty Eupistates Rivet-. Its wutot-* meoved ssuttiy and siioutiy along. "IWiy do net tise waters sut-gosud t-car?" asked tise man. And tise river repliei, 'I ued not shout uloud; my ruame is known ividely enougis. Tlie green meadows wbicis I wuler and tise lufty trocs upon ry bunks-these telivisu I ar." Tise man camne attertvutds te tise Tigris River. lts waves dashed ulong wiidiy t-l cliads ut tousu. "Hollua, isow laud yeux are," said tIse man. "Ah." said tise river, "rny sisotiug dos net holp me at all.. 1 stili arn not pruisod like oliser streamns, isowever loudly I pruchaim Sisal 1 arn somethlug in tise world. - Tise man wout tuttier. Ho saw treea ivitistise costliest andi mesS beautifful fruit. 'Wisy su stili, goonl trocs?"lh. ask-ed. "Wisy noS rustie like yeuux coin. panions lu tise wood " " "We arc knuwn, " they replied, "isy lise fruit we bout-, bow- ever sihont we arc."- Soon tise man came 10 a wood wisose trocs towered to tise sky, and wisose cmpty crests kepi up a con- stant rour. "Ai," they reulied, "we have shouted loud and long, and yet nieuare nuit trcated as we deserve. " Stas-t a Bank. Accouat. Au business wuman, nihoeo xporiencs bias been long and successf ni, said te mat tise utier day: "If I 5vet-e asked te give tise best advice I couid îsiuk ut for yoursg nimen wisc are earuing thein own living, or whio have tise cures andi expeuses ef a bou-sehold te louk atter, and if I isad ta counfine myseli ho just four wurds, I sisouid suy: 'Stant a Dank accoussic' Il is un easy matter te do su nowv-days, wvien hoth tise savingb bauksand etisers offer ivomon evet-y pos- sible convenience and inducement. Bes;ides, il is a good tiig te do, fusk sovonai t-casons. Iltefstons a feeling off independence and deveiops businessiikE habits, rive esseniluls for asuccesstuh husi' ness wumau. Thon, heu, it is a couiveuicat and desira bic îhing te puy bille by meausý uf checks wberc il is possible lu de se. If presenves n recoridoethtie transaction, and trequeulufly prevonts annoyances and mis- hakes. Toensy way off tisinkiug, a isank ,rccousst, evon theughis ibch a susal une, shuuld ho looked upon as a necessity ratiser tissu a luxîsry, by overy womau whu bas business affutrs ut auy conse- qpuce wisutever. "-Demnorest's. Il Pays lu l-e Concerîned. YQZ mon who bave nu coucerri fus tiseý iMfare off thoir employer, have net enougis ceucern lu regard te tiseir owu affairs ta rnake theïr own lite a success. A cdonS, beisind eltiser tise couiteo us tise desk, is ouly oet value te his employer nihen hoe exeris blusseif lu behaif off that employer,. and tise ueasure of, bis vaine is tise usasure uf, is sexertien. Thoretore, tise more a young man dues for lis employer dit-etly, tise more lie Is doing for binasoif indircctly. .F~ honest effot-t-and houest foti doiug aU i oe au-tise young mais nut only becomies entitied Su biîgier niages, but Se ilaùuthtie saine tirne acquit-lue mure knewiedge und skill, wvhich shahl fit hlm tise boiter ta, carry ou business on is a w[n accounit nhen opportun ily effet-s., 1h pas-a te ho cuucerisod about your oui- ployer's business; it ducs net psy te be unconcerned. Sharss off Noise. Tise cowat-dliiess off sisurks is nisl lcnowu ameug mon wiso have been mueS te sea in seutiseru waters infested Sy man- eatera. Tise flercest sisark wlll gel out of thse seuway lu a vet-y groat hurt-y if thes swiusuer, nuticing ils upproacis, sets tmp a noisy spiashlng. A sisurk is Iu deadly four off any sert off living tising Shat spiashes in tise waler. Among tise South Ses Islands tise natives nover go Su sos, batbiug alune, but ulways lu parties off hait a duzen oz su, lunut-dort- iaItisey rnay make tis, gt-etest hubisub in tise nator, and thus Hot Lemnoîade for tihe Grip. [t snay interest our roaders to kupwv thaSt during the greut influenza epideioi in London lu 18839 the board of health of Ébat city afivisefi t e ptbl7c affecteéd with tbe diseuse tu make an abundunt use of hsot lemonade. The perspiration caused thereby is in most cases suifficient to re- lies-e thse patient from severe colfis and consequont complications, doing away with quinine or other drugs which often louve unpleasant resuits.' In lronchial troubles thse acid of lemons relievos tbe irritation ut the thruat, act- ing at thse same time as a naturGl disinl- fectant. Fresh lemon juice will ki'llÎ,cie era bacillus in water, hence il 15 not surpris- ing that it will also destroy thse so-called iufluenza bacillus. Constipation,, Hîeadache, BiIiou sress,, H eartbu rn,, Indigestion, D izzIness, Indicate that yonr liverý is ont off order. Thse best medicine to rouse, thse lîver and cure al these ilssis tound mi 25 cents. Sold by ail medicinedealer& ' à, LABELS. 4 s G ed Zze --', CXj orn. Pilase eait Fand see, ' 13OWMIXNVILLE. R. W, JAMES& CH[RPIR 11R19[ 1llRM 10 RJI( R. F. ]BYERS bas openefi tbe New-Centrw Livery nearly opposite tise Standard Bqrnk. flowmanviiie, where he has a fine lot offSingliN and Double Carniages, Democrats, Wagonsg, etc., for bine, Good Horses and Careful Drivers. No loafing allowed. Telephone No 23. Cajlm day and nbgbt pnomptly attended. TheeBostst golTfoBost- We therefore ask you to cail ai-d inspect our Single Driving [Iarne.m, R-ussett and Black, Solid Nickel or' Plated Trimmings, made fror-1 the best stock and at prices that wUli surprise you. Aise Elarness Polisbi, Varnish for Buggy Covers and Axie Grease, the best. Stand opposite Central Livelry, Bow- [manville. JOHN S. RUNDtE. FOR Internai andextuernai use HAG - YARDS YELLOW CIL cansiot be exg- Woemedy for ail pain. "Every morning iohave a bdtaste in my muth; m tongue is coaîed; my head- aches and 1 ofien feel dizzy. 1 have no appetite for breakfast and what food I eat distressea, me. I have a heavy feeling in my stornach. I arn getting so weak that sornetimes 1 tremble and% my nerves are ail unstrung. I arn getting pale and thin. 1 am as tired in the mornig as at night." What does your doctor say? IlYou are suffering from im- pure blood." What la bis remedy?

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