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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1899, p. 7

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f LPýDIES, OLUR-STORE IS YUR TORE, Visit it -when and as often as you want millinery. We are pieased to serve you at ail times. WTO keep the best in millinery supplies of ail kinds suited to this distict-il he newv styles, patterns, shades, etc. prices are low, our trining can't be beat arouncl here. tiMake our Bonnets, Rats, Ribbons, Featheî's, etc., your oWn. Our goods and styles please and our prices seil. BoWVMANVILLE. Fashionable Milliner. I H,,rnpton G ner 'aI Store. We "bHld a vaster stock than has heen," and are as usual preparcd to give bargains in Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. Gients' Clothing. Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. We have a very large and well assorted stock to select from, in Serges, Worsteds and Tweeds, both Foreign and Dornestie manufacture, We are bound to SUIT y ou. lour Grocery and Hardware Departments you will find our stock welassort3d, bought in the best markets at the closest prices, and will bc oldatthe riglit price. Some people want quantity others quality, wecnplease both. Highest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a eaul. HIAMPTON. wKAT'SïOU lOA1 BOU1PiNTl Low Price is Low Quality. Paiùt as good as the -- - Sherwi -1,iÎlliams Paint j(There is noue better) cannot be seld for le less than we ask. If less is asked you know the quality is lower and ts net cheap. Its poerly made, centains poor material, or is shert measure. Yeu get what you pay for every time. The Sherwin-Williams Special Flber Paint is made fer fleors and notbrng else. It is made te walk on and stand bc- s i .ing walked on. Paint your Window and Door Sereens, we have a special paint for tbcm alone. Varnish Stala, Buggy Paint, Lead, Oils, Turpentine. Caîl and'get a celer card. BOWMANVILLE. West End Hardware Store, 'i'e Bave BlokSale Of Boots and Shoes Stii Going On... We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots tdispose of yet, and very cheap-first-class goods at very small rrices, My Spring stock is in-most of it-and we find our shelves crowdecr. We-want more rouin and are bound to have it, if low prices have any- thing to do wth it. Ouicarry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $1.00. Men's Caîf and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1,40 to 82.50, worth $2.00,to $3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25c, 50c, 75e, worth 50c, 75e, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in prices. We will tell you what the stock is in each and every pair, The reason we do that is because we know, Latest Spring 'styles now in stock in every lîne. The public is invited to inspect our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Shawl Straps, fancy and plain ; Dresbing, the very best that can be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli. ed to. Repairing doue in ail its branches in first-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my customers for past favors and hoping for a continuance of the Lame. '1eaver Block. Bcwmanville. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL and SSCIENCE iof EALTH.' Kssown every,,*here ll iis sixty-fiset sar. WArite FOWLER &WL5e 17 E. 21 st St., ÇIwYrt, specimen cepy, $100 a ea' to new subscribereinl.dî.ga short seoemael et Character. D. DAVIS.0 [A GENTS' WANTED.-Fer cities, towns and Country Districts, Fre sampie case acd exclusive torritory. Th,,s, desiring a good district should write at once. We have over 600 acres under cuitivation. 0ur stock le pronounccd froc from San Jose Scale by Government Inspector, Agents supplied with copy cf certificate. We aiso handie the ,zewest and bost v ariettes of Seed Potatoes. Write for particclars. PELHAM NURSEsRY 00 Toronto. Ontý ORNO Mr. Thos, Little bas been il11.... Mrs, BOWMANVILIE, MAY 31,1899.Win. Tbompson, jr., bas scarlet fever. - ..MisS Bertha Pope bas secured a situa- tiooc in Whitby.. .. Mr. James IIallett, Th IDoctors PuzzflToronT. atives here .... Miss Renwick, Bowman- ville, visited at Mr. R. Moment's... Miss Shirlev Morrison, Bowmanvilîe, TRE PECUIJAR CJASE 'OF A NOVA visited Miss Ethel Beer .. . .Mr, W. L. SCOTIAN LADY. Long spent Queen's Eirthëdav la Ham- ilton.. . . Mr, Frank Moment, Albert College, Belleville, is home .... Mr. W. The Trouble Began in a SwcIIing of the Martin, Preston, is vîsiting his uncle, ý1 Big Too Whjch Spread Io Ail Parts Mr, Wmn. Batten. . .. Miss Rena Don- of the Body-Doctors conld 3 ut Ac- caster visited friends la Bowmanville.. -Messrs. D. M. Sommervile andlH. G, colint for the Trouble, and Their Beer have been visiting friends in Lind. Treatuuient Did Ber No Good. sav.,... Mo. and Mrs. llarniess, Port From the New Glasgow Enterprise. Hope, visited Mr. E. Doncaster ..Mr. John Bradley, Petrolia, one ef the early Loch Broom is a picturesque farming settlers Of thls township, has been visit- hamiet situated about 3 miles from the ing Mr. John Gifford, ... Messrs. N. Rocken and Norman Moyse, Bowmaa- tewn of Pictou, N. S. In this hamiet, in ville, visited at Mr. Hi. G. Beer recentti v a cosy farmihouse live Mr. and Mrs ...Neil F. MeNaciotan, Esq., Countîe-' Hector MeKininon. A few years ago Clerk, wife and son Ted, Cobýourg, vis- Mrs.MeKnno wa taea itha ds- ted Mr 1. G. Renwick .. .. Mr. A. C. Mrs. Meinnon as taMorwitandiGrand Rapids, Mich, Pnd case that puzzled several doctors who'motler., Mrs. Geo. Morgan, Owen attended lier. It was generally knowa eiunid,' are visitinqg lier daughter, Mrs that Mrs. MeKinnon owed hier ultimate Geo MOSgrove. . ...Empire day was cel- recoeryto oodbealh t th us ofebrated la fine style on Tuesday alter- reoeytege eatot teueo noon May 23 at our public school here. Dr. Williams' Pink Pis for Pale Peo- The schoiars assembled ia Mr. Simp- pie, and a reporter of the Enterprise son's room where Dr. Rutherford teok bein,- in the neigbborhood cailed upon the chair and opened the proceedings, Rev. J. A. McKeen illustrated the the lady and asked bier if she had any growth and extent of the British Em- objections te relatîng the particalars of pire, anad sbowed what cause the people hier illess and cure. bad te cuitivate the loyalty to the Brit- IIdeed I have iiot,"replied Airs. Mc- isb crewn. Messrs. Di. T. Allia and A. Kinea, "I think that these wbo are TamblVD, school truistees, foliewed with timely dress Rev. W. H1. Adams cured ewie ifto the medicine that brings witb the help ef some diagrams, gave themn back te health, always te say a a history cf the Union Jack; a'nd Mr. good word for it My trouble apparently R. Momeént spoke on "Good Citizen- aad an insignificaut starting point. It shop. I Patriotic songs were inter. ca me on with a sweiliag ia tbe big tee, spersed by the sebool. accompaniediby intense pain. Gradually HORSE ROUTES. the sweliing exteaded te my limbs and - then te my whoie body, accompanied SQuinu RICKELL, the pure Hackuev by pain which. made my lite a burdea. Bred Stallien,tbe propertv of R.Beith & A doctor was called in but hie did net Ce., will stand for mares at his owa stableBowmanvilie. Terms $15, Pastor- belp me. Thea, anether and another z wilbfunse masfrra antil 1 had four different medical mea distance. te sec me, one et them the mest skiiled IxGnAm'sRnIn the property ofChester- pl'ysicians lu the province. Yet my case Power, Maple Grove, Menday wiil seemcd te puzzle every one of them,aad lbave his own stable and procced te A. e, E. Rundle's, Ebenezer, uight, Tuesdav none cf them gave me any more than proceed te bis owil stable, Wednesdaý the merest temporarily relief. One dcc- preceed te Hampton, noon, thence te tor said the trouble was inflammation cf Mo. i.awkc y's, Tyrone, night; Thurs- the bone. Another said it was aggra- a proceed toe ntts'igit;' Friday vate scatia ad gut.Theothr îo poced t Benet'sRotel, Newcastle, ~ate scatia an got. he ohertWOnight: Saturday procecd to C. Osborne's called if by other names, but whatever east of Bowmanvilie, neon, tbence te t was none of them bclped me. By this Bennctt's Iletel. Bowmauville, for one time I had got se low and weaki that 1 heur, thence te bis own stable. Terms ceuld net lift hand or foot if it would 812. te eith&OU.,thoprercsef Messrs, R. save my lite, aud ne cne expected t et o il]aehsown stable see me get better. ln fact the doctor Monda 'y and preceed te John Oke's * aid if I sank any lower 1 could noi; live. Ebeneze-, uight. Tuesday proceed to And yet here I am to-day as weîî as CnriRtl Jhwngt e unesday proceed te Chas. Landr's, lot* ever I was in my life. While 1 was at 4, con. 4, East Whitby, noon, thence te the wrst a minster called te sec me and Alex. Smith's, lot 30, con. 8,Darlington, .sked wby I did net try Dr. Williams' might. Thursday prececd teJos.Bcll's, * Enniskillen, noon, theîîce te Jos. Raw- Pink Pilîs. I had tried se many remcd- key's T3 roee niglit. Friday proceed* ls and had spcnt se manv dollars in te bis own stable and remnain until the* medicine that 1 hardlY thouglit it werth foleowing Menday. Terms 810. ABEL while te experiment any more. 1-qwever SCOTT, manager. j vas persuaded te try them and after THE AIcHEI, the property cof John r; using' a tew boxes there was some lm- prevement, By the time I bad îised a dozen boxes 1 bad lef t my bcd and was able te move arouud, and after a few more boxes 1 was again pcrteculy well, and able te do ahl the werk tbat falis to the lot et a farmer's wife. Ail this I oe te Dr. Williams' Pink Plls and I1 thiîîk that after wbat tbey have doue for me I am justi4ied in recemmending them te ethers:" Dr. Williatas' Pink Pilîs give new life and rlchness te the blood and rcbuild shattered nerves, thus driving ont dis- esse due toecither et these two causes, and this means that they cffect a cure in a large perceutage et the troubles wbich afihict mankind. Some unscrupu- bous dealers impose on the public imita. tiens of this great mediciîoe. The genu- mne Dr. Williams' Pink Pis are neyer seid la bulk or by the bundred or ounce, or lna ay tcrm except la tbe company's boxes, the wrapper areuud whicb bears the f uil trade mark,' Dr.Wiliiams' Pink Plls for Pale People."' No matter wbat the celer et aay pll offered lu any other shape, it lis begus. These-pille cure wben etber medicines fail. NE WTON VILLE. Mr. Jenner Bates bas eugaged with Mr. R.Tamblyu. ... Master Regie Brad- ley wbe has been iii le imprcving... Miss Louise Sieemaa, Port Granby, bas been visitiug Miss Nellie Britton., .Miss Maud Edwards bas been visiting frieads lu Wesleyville ..Mr. Fred. Williams is about te erect a barber sbcp ..Miss Evelyn Lockbart, wbo bas been visiting. trieuds in Toronto, bas returned home. ... Miss Eva Bright well bas a new bicycle. HEuD Hor FRom Tim GuN-Was the bail that bit G.B. Steadman oftNewark, Micb., lu tbe Civil War. It caused ber. rible Ulers that ne treatmeat helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured hlm Cures Cuts, Braises, Burns, Bouls, Felons, Coras, Skia Erup- tious. Best Pile cure on eartb. 25cts. a box* Cure guaranteed. Sold by Stott and Jury, Druggists. NEWCASTLE. (Recei ud tee fate for last weekxl Mr. Walter sud Miss Mabel Rickard visited Mr. T, H. Ciemence, Kirby,.. Miss Tamson Penfouud, Shaws, was recent guest ef the Misses Gray ..,.. Miss Brown was a reccat guest cf Mr. J. M. Cebbiedick. ... . Rev. R. Taylor preacbed League Annivcrsary sermons at Orono and Rev. W. H1. Adams, Orono, cccuj 1- ed the pulpit bere Suaday weck .... Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Argail and Mrs. M. A. Ileard, Oshawa, visited rccently at Mr. Rl. A. Cclwill's, .... Miss Mary Allia is home atter a very enjoyable visit at Oshawa and Wbitbv ..Mrs. Wm Eiekard le recovering sicwiy from ber receut severe iliaess. Jol H1,lampton, will' le'ave bis cw-n stable Tuesday and procced te Jos. BoUls, Ennskiileu, noon, thence te bis own stable night Wednesday atter- accu proceed te Geo. Leask's, lot 337 cou. 6, Da rliagîcci, niglit; Thursday proceed te Leslie Glaspell's, 'Taunton, noon, thence te Wu-. Oke's, lot 32, con. 2, Dariingten, aiglit ; Fridav proceed te Bennett lieuse, L'owmianville, 1l0cou, thenice te bis cwa stable and remala liii tbe toleowing Tuesday, Termd $12. IHAR11Y WELCII, groom. EASTrJELD LAMDIE the property cf R. Beith & Co will leave bis cwa stable, Bowmaaville, Moxiday and preceed te John Oke's, Ebenezer, niglit; Tuesday proceed te Central Hotel,Oshawa aiglit; Wedaesday preceed te Chas. Lauder's lot 4, cou 4, East Whitby, ucen, theace to Alex. Smith's, lot' 30, ceas8 Darling- ton, aiglit; 'l'ursday, preceed te Jos, Belils, Enalokillen, noon, theace te Jos, Hawkey's. Tyrone, uight; Fridav proceed te W. Pattersou's, Kirby, acon thence te Bennett's ilotel, Newcastle nigbt; Saturd-ay prcceed te bis cwn stable, Bewmanvilie, and remain until the followiag Monday accu. Terms $12. Anar.SCO'rr, groom. SCOTTisn THISTLIE, the property lot Messrs. John Joli and Thos. Ilarness, will leave bis own stable, Hamapton, Moaday afternoon aad prcced te Ty- roue, uigbt; Tuesdav proceed te Isaae Cbapman 's, Leskard,- nocu, theace te Alex, Henry's, lot 16, con. 6, Clarke,' nigbt; Weduesda 'y proceed to Richard Smith's, lot 3, con. 4, Clarke, accu, tbence te Alfred Haraess',ict 31, con. 2, Hope,nigbt; Tbursday proceed te Geo. Payue's, lot 7, con 2, Clarke, noon, thence W.Grabam's,lct 17,ccn.3,Clarke, uigbt ; Friday prcceed teTbhos.Vickers' ""tate, ot 32, cou. 5, Clarke, nigbt; Saturda'y proceed te bis ewn stable audI remain until following Mcuday after-I accu. Terms $10. SYLVIEGc.tbe prcperty cf ,Jobn Percy, Bowmauviile, wii leave bis ewu stable Monday and proceed te Centrai Hotel, Oshawa, accu', thence te McGarry's Hote',Wbitby, nigbt ; Tuesday preceed te Sebert's Hetel,Brookan, necn,tbence te Alex. Smitb 's. lot 29, con. 8, Darling- ton, uight; Wedaesday prcced te Bones Hotel, ilampton, accu, theuce te Greeawced's Rotel, Oreno, night ; Tbursda 'y prcced te R Caldwell's, Town Line, Hope nooa,tbence te Hugh Walker's,near Welccme,night ; Friday B proceed te Joncs' Temperance Reouse,- Newtonviile, necu, thence te Beanett's- Hôotel, Newcastle, aight; Saturday proeed te Benaett's Rlotel,1 Bowmaa- ville, acen, thence te bis ewa stableI until Menday merniug. Terms, $12.j JAS. MOOREY ,groom.~ If flot, Why notP If you hauve rheumatism sud refuse to take the preper cure fer it, ,how eau you expect relief? Dr. Hallis Rheumati3 Cure reâlly cures. Try it' sud see for yeurself. Mr. S. I)onaldson, I'ittsburg, P. M. at Puffeiin Post Office,' was laine w'thlaMuscular Rhenrnatisin for two years One bottie cf IDr. H1aU-'s Rhcumatic Cure cured him, completely. Tfhis preparatiori la taken iaternally. 5o cents a bottile, containing tea days' treatinent. For sale at ail drug stores. i Opxrdorpiu noMiuurl.IS ON THIE NOT NkUC 0TIC. t ~ 1>.OF EVERY j BOTIE0F Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stoieach,Diarrhoea, Worm.s ,Convutsions,Feverisi.- ness and Los FSE l ac ie intueo 47 ~ .O--t-or__ i 1. - - '. y cn.d,.)TIs luly. ,tê _;jM 13 not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyolle to oeil yon anything else on tho ples, or-promise that i le "jast as good" and Uwili answer every pur- pose." 44-- Seo that yoen get aAsToRIA EXA9T COPY CF WRAPPE . simios oalUntil further notice SPOT CASHI glu will buy fresh miued, well screened Goal at the following pricus: Scranton Coal, ail sizes, at harbo'r $4.75 per ton ; delivered to any part G rain, Ofton$5.25.l this Coal for 24 eu, secutive years and almostaiotrknd and cheapest. Our shed capacity being: sufficient for the supplv of this section the* public can depend on always getting dlean9 dry coal, ood, As ln the past we are prepared to pay the very highest market price for ail kinds of GRAIN AND SEEDS delivered at our storehousas corner King and George St s., or at Port Darlington. SALT-coarse, fine and dair7 in bags and barrels, aise Retsof Rock Sait for cattie and horses alwavs on hand . Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, etc., in stock* and made to order. Inspection invite and satisfaction guaranteed. BowmANVILLE. Country people as a rule feel the want of conve nient bathing conveniences. One of the ureat advantages of if e in the city is the pleas-ure and luxury of the bath- room with its hot and cold water, Then there are in every city special kussian and Turkish Baths where those suifer- ing from, Rheumatîsma, Skin Diseases, &C., &c., can secure the advantages of these well known institutions which have hitherto been. beyond the reach of those living in the country. N'EVERY HOME. iNow however ail this is changed and the humblest home -in the land can have the at- vantage of one of the most perfect baths made. The~ Niagara Vapor Bath Co. manufacture a f ulli une from $2.00 up. Sec testimonial prices and samples at 0OWMANSVILLE, BIGY6LE'RE.PAIR SHOP, MARKET SQI.ARE,ý BOWMAWJVILLE. H-aving added considerablo new machinery, I arn now prepared to o ALL CLASSES of Bicycle and General iRepair work. Brazing and 'ire Vuleanizing done here-no need to send snch 'work to the city. Wheels are built te order. See THE FISIILEIGH "ISPECL'" Defore bttying. An Up=to=date Bicycle Livery. VWheels always in A-i repair. d T 'v b 1 ' r - o ~ W,ý Fiý3HLEIGH* 8' E E E H I. i 1 Ouri 1 eoie,, E 1 A-,; ýl, STOTT & JURY',S DRUG STORE.

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