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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1899, p. 3

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-- ~ ~ ~ t CttDwhmPioneetrs., p$ÏIÏk Headache andti elieve aI l ce troubles îlal. dent to a biliu c -aîsi- 0 offieesystem. snuch as Dizziness,, Drowsnuess, Distress after eating. Pain inthetic ie. t&c. Whilo theirimost, 3rexnsrlable suc ces Lias licn siown ia Gucusci Éeadache, yet C rter's 'Lttle l'iver pis gare équally valuable in Constipation, curing andi pre. venting fhisanneoyiný-corplaiit,wýiule they alea correct all:Esorders of fLe ïeternaci,thmulate tia liver anti regulate fhe boxi ie. lZven if they only cured t .,hethey wo-, lie lmeefpri clessto those wha ý ffer from this dstregsing contjlaînt; but forft. eaately theirgoodnesse dace noteudliere,audlthosa f ýho once try ther nl finti thcse littie pilla vain- ablle in se many ways that thcy willi not be wil- liuS tu do sotort t icre. :Peffealsc e 10 the bane of so inany lias fiait here la wbÉ3e Va imake our great bcast . Our pilla cnre it while otiiers do not. Carters Lttla tirer Pfile are very gemaliand very easy te ta' . One or tivo pls ialte a dose. They are strtly regetabie and de not gripe or purge, but by tudr geucle action please aul whok tise tient. l lsa tai25 cents ; ive for $1. 501d by drug,Iis everywhere, or sent by m"i CARTER MIEDICINE CO, New Yrk. THE IDEAL.. AaetGnt Disciasses Isa Kingdom il& ftlie United States. r The seul in search of the ideal will and the allurements of aristocratie cul- tu re stili insisted on as the secret of noble living. Social arroganice and the exclusive tendencies of class are slow in yielding te the hostility aveu of republi- earu forms of goverament. In tbis coun- try parents wbo profess to be Americaris stili ohoose to send their cblidren to pri- vate înstead of to the public schools, la order te separate thema froin the mass of the people. The doctrines of social caste, ths arly impressed upon the youth of bath sexes, serves te produce a class of citizans wbo are net raally ltu sympathy with tiopular government. If one questions, sometimes, the dopth of purpose of higbly evoived man, and doublis the existence of Goi, it is bacause of the lavisli wantonness of living of seime o! the very rich in the presence of thre thousands of miserable and wratched creatures Who stili degrade our large ciqies. But there la this to ha saîd in this conneotion: This new aesthetio ideal la at least partially the fruit of the awakening of numanîty to a keener ap- preiatîen of the conditions of human 1f a; but uts progress la macle certain by the coming avolution of democracy, which slowl1y but snrely ailI overwhelm the aristocratie spirit forever, oeven though aestheticism, as realized by the arrogant and exclusive, perish în the process. The ideal lite to-day la that wblch maintains the'noblest aime of the aspir- Ing pcast, chehîsbing unsel.tlshness, pur- 1ty, ciirage, truth, joy, existence, fine- nes of sentiment and aethetie becluty; but nbrishes theso in, the spirit and for the purvoses of a broader humanity liban the mlting seul bas hitherto discerned lui the sunset, the ocean, or the mtarry 1 e heavens. There are among us mnen and ,women living in this spirit of idealism, and they, 0 my corresponc.ents! are the lrst-class passe ngers. -Robert Grant, in Scribner's. Are Yoll Stîllin111Suf- ferÎllg and lYisery ? HAVE OONTINUED DISAPPOINTMENTS MADE YOU DESPON- DENT ? PAINE's CELERY COMPOUND Uu-arantees Safety and Good Health, There are theusands of well meaning people in oui' Dominion who are either adding tu their burdens of physical Sut- ferings, or whe are making su littie progress in banishing disease from their Tî ieo great miedicine is a prescription of oua ot the ablest medical men that ever lived, and is endorsed by the high- est practilioners. Yen must use il if you would have a new and happy lease of I41aulinq a. Gitis'e to ill on a Ttree Ttrunk.~-A liandi 13oom of the, Fiftes.-fln Old Sucriay school andt a gurying Place of the lions Ago. Living ai tace utile 'Village eofluam-' h was not until thie fal ut 1841 that ton,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I fiemlshe, tBomu l, ujieEllioti miii was started, the iron tbe Ceunty et Durham, la une whese work for the samo being obtained ai years ruu almesi with the century Ha Cobourg, and the tones ai Port Hope. first saw the light shonily alter Nelson Instead et a boit tbare was au old-fash- won deatli and WestminÏster Abboy ai ioned "shaker" te sitt the fleur ; the Tratalgar; lie la eld eneugli te remem- power came trom a "tub" wliael, and ber thea destruction et an empire ai tle capacîty oftihe miii was 40 te 50 Waterloo, and lia bad reached -man's bushols par day. estaue betore steamn had begun bu revol- A TREE TRUNK F01R A WALRION' utionize ravai and ransportabien, and - long are the elecirie iviro had joined Customers came from away back la the ends ut the eanth togethor. Cartwright and Mauvers, 'the jeurnoy But aithougli the limit eftihree score almuat invaniabiy heing made witli ex and ban was passod se long since, btha teain ; thare was thon hardly a herse voioran's ayo is stili as brighl, bis mind in the whoie country around. Dozens as clear and bis stop' as fit-m as that et et customers would sometimes arrive lu many a man ut 60, and thu' bis life's a- day, and, alihougli the miii i-an day history covera a paniod within which soand night, it was uniahie te keep up mauv world sîiring avents hava occurr- with. bhe demanda made upon it, and ed, ib is liot ot thaso bhinigs, but raiher trequeutly patrons Fiept ail nigtit in a et the simple annals et lite amuug the corner uftihe baru-like structura wait pieneers eto Durham bhab hoe delights te îng for thair grists. tell. "Semaeofthie wlieab ivas brouglit luis name is Henry Ellioti, and lhe is down by ex cari," said Mr. Ellioti, mn known as the Faiber etflHampton. Mr speakîng et thuse early days, "but Eliiett was humn near Bidetord, Deon- mauy did nob oven hiave ibis converi- sbire, England. lu 1881 lie sailed,wiili once. These who did net made a cou- 61 otbors,in bbe iittle bark Boina,bound voyance by cutting dowu a sapiing, for Prince Edward Island and Quehoc. tbree or tour inchas through, witb a creteli near the top. The huit end ut A LINER 0F TUE TRIRTIES. the sapling was tastened bu ithe yoke et "TheBolna as tiy litlecrati.lte oxon, and tle other end. wiih the "Tb Boinawa a idvutle rat,"croicli. mas aiiewed te mrail un the said Mn. Elloit, "but lier-61 passengers ground bhind. On ibis taau end a rude filled lier as full as she would hld ." huard plattonma was huilt, and on i A cousiderahie number eft Ilese ou were piled the twe or tlree bags ut huard were hound ton Bidetord, P.E.1., grain tbatforrmed thegrist. Equippadý wbiere Mm. Yeo, fathier et une O! the la ibis way settlars traquently drovo 15 p resent members ot the luse et or 20 miles te mill,tbe round trip taking C emmena, was eugaged lu tuunding a ai leasi îwo daya and a niglit."l seutlement bearing the namne et the oidM borne în England. The Bolîna laIt 50MB 0F THE OLD-TIMERS. SEngland on the 4 1b et May and reac i- Among th o arly patrons efthie 'Miii ed Prince Edward lslaiud on the Stb ut wore bbe Hoeeys, Bruces, Beaceeka, June. Aller a stop thare et tan days Bnadburus, McLaugblius, Devers, Ax- she lot t ton Quehoc,reaching the aucieut wortbs and Toeleys et Cartwright, capital seme tan da3 s later Ono or A niew miii wýas builtinl 1851,tbe relier two efthie passengers stopped off ai process was atterwards applied and tle Quebea, but soea30 came on by hati- capacity increased lu 50 barrais par eaux bo Kingaten anl by steamer tram day. The miii is stili nunuiug and is Kingaton bu Port Hope. There wae 1no under île managemant et Thomas, soin wharf ai Port Hope hi ibuse days, aud ef Squire Ellilot. A stoe, establisbed the passengens were carnied ashore bY hy Mn. Elliett ahout lime saine time as a big huai called tho Red Rover, and bbce mill,is ln the liaîds et lis son Henry, ewned hy an uncle ut Dm.j. C. Mitcheali,the latter liaxing beau hbind bthe Enniskillen. couniar aven sinco 1819. SOME 0F THE PASSENGERS. 800 ACRES FOR A TAVERN. Among ibose wbe su ianded ivere At the lime Mr. Ellioti finsi removed 11ev. Jesse Whitluck, ut Port Pemry, te wbai is now Hamptoni, bbc late Jebu Mns. Winm. Puley, uow a widew ot Bow- Farley. an., owned 830 acres in the manville, but ai that lime a littie girl. .uai.ibe rhood, about 50 acres efthble Rohi. Ashton and wita, who died wiihin saine being under cultivation. Mm. a f ew days et eacb other at Columbus, Fariey uhtained bis land lu exabange in Ontario Ceuntr, bbe late Josephi for a trame taveru six miles wesî ef Adams and wita, wbe died ai Columbus Port Hlope. This land was sold eut by igbt or tan yaars ago, and whose sens degreas, a sonet Mn. Farley disposig are new at Port Pary, Richard Foley, Otfh 9 tit20easae us who settled wesb et Buwmanville, and Marsh. Mn. Fanley, sr , is new huriad who died bliere five or, six vears since, ai lHampton, ai-d the son John who- some et whese chiîdren iara stili about seid the lasi uftil easiate is off in Cali- the oid liomestead; etbers are ln Mani- toinia. tuba; tle late Thea. Courtice, uncle uof nM.Elit tredl uies L. M. Courtice. Reave et Darlington, Mihael watstpreunusine asaw and wbo firai setted lu the setI part Miiihael yean wqaierurtnonii. et Danlington, but attenwards remuved ilameana-urrfrtrnoh. to Pickerng. -'And a fine mnan hae was," Mr. Cryda rman was a member et the said Mr. Elîiott. Semae t Mr. Conniice'a firat Icouncil of the munieipality. Ha chidren are now up about Clinton. died yaars ago, but a son o! bis isstili Mr. llitt rmaied t Pot Hpelivirg aI lHampton, aud another rosidos until 1889, working part et tbotîme in aluDavle grisi miii belonglîîg te ithe fathen efthble - 110W FAMILIES BRE AK UP. laie Hou Sydney Smith. A teliow wenk- William Elterd moved mi the ombnyo mnan et Mr. Eiliott's ai ibis lime was village soon utter. "lue was one et the Thos. (Jke, wbo atfterwards died ai hast mon we aven had lu the tuwnship," Exeber, and wliose grandchildren stîli said Mr. Eliiut. Mr. Bitord died bire reside theme. The grandftiler et Hon. yeans ago, eut bis widow is living lu Sydnoy Smith, by the way. is said te the old bouse and one cbld la ln Man- bave bieau île firai white settler at Port itbha, oeeil Dakota and eue lu Chic- Hope, having gene ihithen for the pur- ago. The only une of the childran eftt pose et openîng up trade wibh the lu- ln Canada is mrmied te Charles Rogers dians, and ]ives on tbb Mitchiell tanma by Mr. Elliott, while ai Port Hope work- Bradley's Schoi House. cd fer a lime in a miii ewned by John DR. ORMISTON LOQQED. Brown. Althongl Mn. Brown's poniod etf activity occured during the slow oid Darlingten Townsbip,in wlicl flamp days , thai gentleman bad ideas lu bbc ion is silnated, la ricli in ils production mater et atnacting trade whidli, for ot great mati. ibeir eigiualiiy, would do credit lu the "11ev. Dr. (rmisten, the celebrated manager ut a modemn deparimentai divine, wlio died latoly ln Califemnia, tone. Mn, Brown bad a store as wel ieggecu bis way into collage troIb tis as a miii, and, wben lie heard of anyono township," said Mn. Eliiett. luis uncle living in the hack townships wliose trade Leckbart Ormiston, camne haro bwo u e was wortb baving, but wliu did -nettorIdianyugomsînw rd rade with hlm, hoe wonld promptiy enter taitbfuily about the, log heapa and suit lu recever au imagiuary debt froim branding piles te eamn the mouey witl îhe person wbese rade hoe was attela. whicb bu secure the education et whici The man sued wonld usualiy, as may lie atterwards made sncb geod use.' nainraily ho suppesed, ha in a bewerng PEIROEN A' OHO rage oureaching Port Hope. PEIRGEN A' OHO -&What do yen mean by auing me?" "This township," continued Mn. El- the iaveller would inquime on meeting loit, as bis oye kiîîdled, "'cannet exact- Mr. Brown, I do liet ewe you any Iy dlaim the ihoor et having beau îhe money." birtbplace et Tom Greeuwav, but it was "0f course yen deu't; I ouiy sned so liera the Premier et Manitoba apent a as to bring yen oui where I could see large part ut lia boyheod. Mn. Green-' you.11way's ftler was a mechanic, and came ye k fth hn, op w t rom Kilkbampton, near my eid home the rokealof ethet hîng, colledwtlin England. Ho Came hoe about 1844, tenroalmeeaieu which toiaewede and lett in 1848 or 1849 fer the Huron enoerof mae Btownisture. atyalieTract, whicb vas thon known as 'ahl cu0m- u beBousoe bush and a fine Country.' A pretiy gateînin te Mili owlaul bv C. Bowman &o' and managed by the laie IHon- Jn.Simpson, to young man. "The Bowman thon did a remendous business," sald Mr. Ellioti. AN OLD-TIME MILL. Mr. Ellieti now ibouight it about lime te tartinl business ori bis own acceunit. The mill site ai wlaî 15uow -IHampton saoînad te afferd tbe leoked-tor oppor- luniîy, and lie weut thither lu 18t0. There was net a bouse in the rpl;tce ai the lime, but Iba trame et a mililihad alreudy bteau raciod, on tle wasî sida ufthIe straam, by Mn. Ailin, 'ftbler et John Aluin, whe diod net long agu ln Bowmanviile. ThceuMill preperiy was bought b y Mr. Ellioti, wbo eroctod a shanby fer a residence, thus giving the1 name ot Sbanis'town bu the place , sub- saquantly lb was called Elliett's Milis, and later on the present name et Hamp- Ion was given. Ai the lima Me. Ellioti remeved te bis new home Duncan Mai- colmn lived in a log bouse about two miles clown the road buward Bowman- ville. Tuie heuse whidh la stili standing la tlie oeeremainiug iandmark in île uoighberhood thai datas back te lhe eaaly forlies. There were only onea or bwo oblier bouses un tie lino thon and they are gene uow. If'there "is a higtory of weak lungs in your family, take Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and invigor- ates. It enables you to resist the disease. Even if your lungs are already affected,, and if besides the cough you have fever and emaciation, there is stili a strong probability of a cure. The oil in the Emulsion feeds; the hypophosphites' give power, to the nerves; and the g lycerine soothes and he'als. Soc. and $, ail diuggsts. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemsts, 'loronto. L-AN\D BOOM OF THE FIFTIES. Ilampton, like Toronto, lias haivi ts r7eal estate boom. Toronto once imag- ined it was going to take, in the wholo country from Hamilton on the west to at least Highland' Creek on the east. Hlampton was more modost. It propos- ed te bo. satisfied with Ibhe acquisition of Bowmanville as is lakeside subnrb, with Enniskîllan as its outpost te the norili. But the Hampton boom, like the Toronto one, suffered a collapse The Lockhart Ormiston above rater- red to once owued the iand on which the Hampton Boom started. 11e had 200 acres of it, but lie suld ont about 1856 or 1857, and took Up land near Owen Sound, wbare some ot the family yet live. A considerable portion of his Hampton property was eut up into quarter acre village lots. "CSome of those lots," said Mr. Ellilot, "fetched $300. To-day7, over 40 years laler, tbey miglit brin g $5. About the samne lime B. F. Ferry started a big nîjîl near the norîli end ut the village, and hoe cut up 5U acres more into towlî plots. One of his corners sold as higli as $1 00. Youi might gel $75 for k te- day,but the cra sh ut the late fifties came on about t hon, andIlampfon's real asiate boum collapsad lu the general smash. A daugbter oftMr. Perry, by the way, la no-w married te Provincial Modal Sehool Inspecter John J. Tilley of Toronto." NOTED LOCAL PREACIIERS. Regular ministers wore not su numer- eus in tlie early days as tbey are now, and the rude pulpits ln the bush wero otten filled by,,focal preachers. David Burk , tather-in law ofthes Hon. John Simpson, often preached at Hamepton, "and a fine man hoe was," -was the comn- ment uf Mr. Ellioti as hae mentioned the tact. The lion. Mr. Simpson somne- timas filled the puipit bimsailf,and when hoe did se bis anuff box generally accom- panied bim. AN HONORIABLE RECORD. Mr, Elliutt lias been a magistrate since the end ut the torties. llis tirst asseciata on the bench was the late An- thony Washington. Wlien Darlington separated trom Bowmanville ln 18513, Hamuton becama the township capital, and Mr. Elliott was apointed municipal treasurer. That office lie bas held aver sinca. Dnring that lime ho bas receiv- cd an average et $20,000 a year lu tewn ship funds; during a large part o! itlih lias bandled a good deal more o! bis own ; and a question as tu bis honesty hias yet te ho raised. No other comment is needed than the plain statement ef tacts haro givan. No ricber beritage could any man -wish te leave to bis children Iban the simple record of public and private dutv well performed. A VEIIRD STORY, Mr. Eiliott tells a strange stery ut one et bis experiences whule living in Port Hope. Oua niglit.ha draamt that une et a teaam of colts belunging te him, eut at pasture twu miles away, was in dan- ger et drowning ' in a pond. Ho woke witbi a start aud told bis wite what had disturbed hlm. lus wite persuaded hlm that '-it was only a draam." but laier lie woke trom a second dream, wbich was precisely lihe Ithe flrst.- This time lie determined bu go ont and sea the colts. Puttiîng ou liis clothes and gettinz a lamp, bie tramped to where the animais were and tihere tound oe jat un the point o! being drewncd, e-actly aslho bail sean the occurrence in bis dreams. Assistance was secured and te colt rescued. "But for that dream thie animal would have beau *rowned hetore morning," said Mr. Elliott. Explain. ANIOTHE R VETERAN. The first cbwrchi and Sunday School iu the neighburhocd was hut at Cry- derman's milI, tbe money for construct- ion being provided bv subseripiion, most et it by the Cr dermans lbem3clves. The building: served as a. preaching place fortbe Metliodist and Bible Christ- lans, for the holing ot a Sunday School fer the benefit et ail denominatiens and for a day school, James Cryderma n wlio was bora on the 26th et May, 1825, twe miles abeve Buwmanvilla, removad with bis tather te the rill site in the thirlies. and lias lived about Huampton ever si'nce. Mr. Crydernîan's tather and muther were humn near Piclon (bis methar was a Benson) and bis grandfather was a vet- eran et the Hevolutiociary war. From Mn. Crvderman soea inîerestîng partie- ulars about the aid sehool and cliarci were ubtained. "The building was 24x11," ho said, "and was put up about 1810 or 1811. It was dedicated by David Wiight, a Methodist minister, whu bestowed upon it tho naine et Mount Pleasani, Wmn. Hlll, ut Clarke Township, was engaged as a lemporamv teacher for the sabool and lie was tollowed seen atter bv Wm. Sîcan, wlie cama trom the ueighborbood ut Whitby. A son ot Mr. Slean is, 1 Ibis section, was aîîether. The first Sunday Scbool aunivorsary in tle townsbip was held liera. One et the prncpal visitors t rom eutside was John S ptear, a stoeakeepar ut Buwmanville. Ris visit was particuls.rlv accèptahie, becatise hoe brouglt with hlîn a supply ef -bull's-e% as and nis, the firat luxuries of the kind manmofuthîe chidren had ever seen." THOUSA p PAYS TO BUY TRE B FS,-;T. THIS TRADE MARK ON\ EVEIY TAG. SEE THAT YOUJ GET1 Want GOOD Binder Twine, and are wïlling. to pay a f air price for it. Sen- sible f armel s know GOOD twine is the cheapest; and poor twine is dear at any price. It is not what you pay but what you get, that constitutes a bargain. 1Plymouth" înake and sel G~OOD twine as low as GOOD twine can be sold. "Plymiouth" does not make or seil POUR tw'ine at any pi ce. NO4 OTHER TWINE IS 'JUST AS GOOD'AS PLYMIOUTH. If your dealer does flot handie oiir Twine write Ply- mouth Bînder Twine Agency, 54 Bay,,Street, Toronto. DIdn't alk for otS Doctor-s sai L cO o r Ataxia.' Mlburn's Heari and Nerve Pils Cure a Disease hitherto regarded as Incurable. The case et Mr. G. O. Arciibald, of Hopewell Cap', N.B., (a cut of nint appears below), is one efthfe seVerest ai most intraciable fIat bas ever been reported fron theta asierrs provinces, and his cure by Milbumn's Hea-rt anîd Ïersa-c Pis tic more remarkabie fron thte fact tuat ie nas givon up as incurable by îvortiy andi respeeteci p1Esîc~in. Tic diseose, Loconsotor Ataxia, -isiti which Mr. Arcialci nias afflicte i s considereci tic inost obstinate and incur- able disease of tie ners-ous svstein known. IVien once it starts it graduallv but 'turely progresses, pa-rali zing tic lower extrentities a'nd re.îderinîg its i - tint bell les ad iepeless, cndurtni, tuc ndcseribable agony of seeing huiseit bic iv incies. Tint Mlburns Heart anci Nerve Pilîs can cure tiorougily andi completely a disease ot snch severity otîgit te encour- ýtgcm tiose niiose bisorbers are net su serions to try- this treey.1 The follosing i M r. Archibaids leffer: FOiLED HIS RIVAL. Cht1namae Culs Oft Mis Countryman'a QJueuie to Pr,,vsnt Marriage. Incidents remauble aud oxciting enougli for a Chinese-Amorican draina were !îu'nished by the encounters o! Rip Lung and Wo Fang, brought te the attention o! the pelice to-day. Heop Moy had tresses of raven black and ber ulmoud oyea aiauied hewiteh- iugly, Hence Klp Lung and-We Fang fell in love wltb ber. The sunny lopes et the Yangtsekiang weme the scenes e! the dual love-maklug, wbîeh stanted two years ugo and tu-day culinated iu the Harrison street p)olice station. Shertly a! ler Il o'clock an exited Celestiai, fancifully drapad and sundaled, usbed luto Captain Maboney's office and dcliv- ered himsalt as foilows: "Hae cuitee uffee queue-Wo Fang- gettce girlee Moy-no goed Chinc- wantee urrested. " After bal! un bour's work Captaini Mahoney. mauaged to gabIer frein the disconneiicted talk of the Chinaman that hliedý( beau deprîved o! bis queue and bis miatrimonial chances ut onestroke. The diabolical plut had beau consnm- matcd, according bu Rip, by Wo Fang, thé playmate of his boyhood, and bis hated rival for the baud o! the fair Moy i Deteetives Flynn and Hemman investi- gated and ibis is what tbey gnthcrod: Two yams go Rip Moy, a waalthy teia planter with extensive holdings in the 'Yaugîsaklaug Valley, was vlslîd by two youug mou, both poor, but umabiious, who dosired the baud of bis daughtor, Heop Moy. The stonu oid Caiestial, how- ever, refused absolubely 10 takSeoiher for a gon-n-law untiIl lie d amassed a cer- tain umoinnt o! cash. Tales of. opportuni- tics beyond the sens bad drifted Yangtso. kinngward, and bobli aspirants for the baud et Mey weu t te Chicago. Rip Lmug stated eut to wiu a fortune by conducîing a restaurant at 822 Clark street. Across the street wus bbc lauudry of We Fang. The purvcyiug o! chop aoueu and.ta, however, pmovad more lucrative than the cleainsing o! shirts, and necently it becunrie knowýn ln Chinatowu thut Luugà was abouit te dopami for the Orient te claim bisbrie. The runmor rcsmcied bbc cars o! Fang andth re inrelligence smota him bard. Alone in bis hunk hie luy over night, turniug the niattar e-ver lu bis mnd. and then hoe declded upon a plan. Lung ceuld not enter doctoously ie the cummunity of bis chîldhood quenelesa. This moring Fang went to the establishment e! Luug with.a long, icecu kaife concoaled in bis sîceve. There, wus a lali and a yell. Lung's leng black bmai lay upon the fleur, o!-the restaurant. Fang fled and the .police arc look!i-g for hM. SICK UitEADACHE, howc'ver anaoyin g and ttistreessig-. 1is t e01 uire;d by LAXA IVERPIL LS. They are-easy to1> tako and neyer gniîme. MESSRS. T. MILBU-RN & G. hCati assure y ou ti cf my case w ,aS a vcry ses ere one, and i-id it net beefer the use et i\,îiihtîrns lcart and Net- e Pills 1 do nef bliee e1 wocilc be alivse te d0' . Iio nuit knov., exacfly, iývisî-t s the cause of the discase, but it gradually affected my legs, tuntil 1I ss nabîet- t ;alk ia-cly any for Èive mentis. I was under the c-ire of Dr., Morse, ef Meirose, who said 1 bnci Locomotor Atn-'da, and gave me up as incurable. IlDr. Selornon, a well-known physician of Boston, teid me fiat nothiig cotld le donc for me, Every Cote win nic te visit methougif 1 n s or t-ocld get botter. I saw MINiitrni Ficart ad Servu Pis adve'ttiseci and tholt. ttg i d try tiem any way, as 1h03 gave nmore pro- nise of helpinogma than aniytf tn, I kncw of. IlIf yen bidseen me wticn 1 &orted taking- those isoîderful pilîs nol able lu get eut et my mont, and iscw nme now, woking bard every day, yenwu ln knoolw me, I 1nt agent for P. O. Vick 'y' of Augusta Moine, and hboy soici 300 tub- suribers in Se days anddivon a fify dollar pri/e. "NofN;ng else l i inte -Id -eced nme but tiose pills. and Ï do net tlîiic tb'y have an equal anynihere I-liThe s's auboxes 1I mk hae sc. u'ted me the full use of my Isand i gven me streuîgli 'andenergy and beoher isealti timon I have enjoyec iii a long tint o G. 0.,ARCHIBALto. Hlopenieli Ca-pe, N. B., In addition loe ics-a tentent by Mr. /trciibald. nie hasve tie cuber, lion et 1wo o sell-knowli merciu'tS cf Ilopowell Cane, N. B., viz.: Messtrs. J. E. Dickson anci F. J. Brewster, niho certify to tie genuineness and accuracy eof the. tacts as given above. Miiburn's Heurt anci Ners' Pis are 50e. a box, Or 3 for $1.25, at ail drug-. gists, or sent by mail. T. Miîburnm~ Co., Toronto, ui The 84th Battalian goes to camp at Niagara this week. RIIEUIIATI5MI CAN 'r EXIs'r-When the kidneys are kept heallhv and vig-oreus by the use of Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pis. It is uric acid left in ttho blood by defective kidneys that causes rheumatîsm. Dr. A. W C'hase's Kidney- Liver Pis make the kidnays strong aad active in their work of filtering the blood, and thus rem ove the cause of irheumatism. One pili a dose, 25 cents a 1box. Dr. McGillivray, Whitby, has pur- chased the handsomp, résidence of Mr. Thos. Deverell, sr., for $3,000. THE MONEY SOME MEN MAKE., FIRSv MAN: ".Halle Bill, wbat are veu driviug ut blase days, yen 'seom boo ho on tle jump ail the ie and walk as tlieugb you ad important business ou baud.' SEcoND MAN. "Well, the tact is, jack, a litle prosperity puis the drive lu a. 'man. I bave stmuck a position ai lat, afler a yeam o! lard lack, which la pan- ning eut firt-rate. " Fuis-r MAN : 'W'el, biîut's yuur lnck, ton I'ame coing mighîty itie these daya. But what bave yen Imai 1k " SECOND MAN - "I have taken a book agency frum Tinu BRADLEY-GAP.nESyrau- Co , (Limited) et Brntferd, Oui. Tbey have been ut me for montha te, cauvasa, but I iaugbed tilhe idea, and ai last liîey macle me a good offer, su I thtigbt 'd give it a triai, I lave been ni île wonk, now two meubla, and I lika ht tirai ate, and ame going te stick te it." FIaS-r MAN. "Say Bill, do yen ibink I conld do île work, ton I saw thie ad- votisemoni ut ihia firmi yeslonday, fer more mon." SECOND MAN. "I ýdcn't sec why yeni could nei, but write and gai thenet t make yen an effer." FInRS MAN : "Thanka oid -inan, I will andi lllot yen know how it tarnaout." .WAN TE D Five yeouug mon te travel, who wouid noi ubjeci apending part ut thein time ai canvasaiug. Ileterences. I4RALEY-ÂIIRTSONCO, Limiled, BRA!NFPO'0D, ON-r.« -----------

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