f INIÎ[II 190fIIM[N,1 iý--The Colum-bia iýs the oldest bi- cycle irm lin Amenica. ~-vr100G Columbia bicycles are made every 24 yours. 3-ýStott & Jury seils Columbia wheels at from $32.50 to $5500. 4-Columiia factories are kept run- ning niglit and day. 5-Columbia bicycles are acknow- iedged to be the standard wheels the worid over. 6-Oecasionaily you hear people dAaim to have a wheel "as good as" the Columbia, but 110 responsibie maker elaims to make a better wheel. 7-You can buy the best Columbia eve;r tnrned ont for $55 at Stott ., -Jnry's. ý The floorage in the Columbia works occupies 15 acres. 9-This year the Columbia factôries have had tof double their capacity ind are behind with their orders 1O-One wheel every minute is the way the Columbias are being turned ont. 11-YoLi neyer hear of a worn ont Columbia, they get old but noth- ing but the very best material and workmanship is ever punll- to a Columbia. 2Sot&,:Jury are selling Coi- umbias aii'prices that make every rider happy. Cali and see them. 13 -The Columbia Chainless is un- doubtediy the popular wheei this season. 14-Few people have any conception as to the size of the factory of the Pope )[fg Co., wbere the famons Col umbia Bicycles are made. Tliey employ over 4000 skilled workmen, the floor space of their factories wouid measure 18 acres. Thel(, demand for their wheels has reaehed such a point that with these immense works they are compelled. to run day and night to supply their orders. 1 5-The agent of the celebrated Columbia Bicycle xvas ln town ne- cently and had with him the run- ning gean of one of the Chainiess Columobias wýhicri had mun iast season over 30,ç,,0, miles aýý_,ï,n d there was no0 perceptable wear on any part of the gear, which showvs why the Columbia wheels have always bronghit higlier prices than others. STOTT &JURY. Agient, Bo Y ÂE 1ILLE. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVMLE STATION, L 071 ASe GOING WEST. z ~res.831a. M. 1 'Express... 5 23 a. m ~Ixpes...1. 1m.ILocal... 818 . ~assnger... a:40p.m Pssenger.. 1 85 p. mi Local.6 5P.m.I t Express... 4.31 pm. il es. .103 " Express.. . 7 39 £an.r.t Sndays oly. STOTT & JuRýy. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE. JUNE 7, 1899. Mr. Wm. Percy leit yesterday for Ottawa. Mr. Henry O'llara, Toronto, was in townThursday. Boys' Ciothing is seling fast at the7 West End House. White sailors with black bands for 40 cents at Mrs. Dingman's. Cali and see the hats and men's new shirts at the West End House. IMr. MJ. D. Williams' fine residence, Queen St., has recently been re-shingi- ed. Balance Ic;f 1899 to new subscAbers 30c. The b1est is the cheapest, Take TBa STATESMAN. The best geods for the least money at Riekard s. Rich and poor treated alke--samne price to every one. F eather Bone Corsets made to seil at one Dollar now seliing at sixt 'y-nine cents at Courh,Johnston & Cryderman 's. Mrs, A. YCounie is making extensive alterationps about the family residene ",,Pt. We, wish them ýever.y success andi the bac ilb p aeade confident under their managems-ntl boon t0 pleasure seekers. COMIXG EVENIS. Misses Veale and Medlaud's Milliuery display dune 8. Cresceuts and Bowmauvilie Base bal match dune 10. Mleeting et Directers W. D. Union Agicultural Societies, Saîurday, dune 10 at 2.30 p.m. Feresters'cdurci parade dune 11. Enfieid anniversary dune 11-13. Ebouezer annix ersary dune 11-12. Annuai meeting et West Durham Farmers' Institute dune 18. Excursion te Niagara Camp by "Gar- don City" Juue 14. Excursion te Medel Farm dJune 16. Maple Grove auniversary dune 18-19. Excursion te Niagara Camp and Falls by (G. T. b. Jdune 24. Providence auniversany dune 25-26. Cuban Giants and Bowmanviiie Base bail match July 6. New subseniptions received at THE STATESMIAN office six days a woek bo- twoen 7 a.m. and 6 p m. Shoe Pelisi at Nicliolls'. Buy the Baby a Bib at Nicliolîs'. Capt. dos. Braund, Port Hope, was lu town Tliursday. Fulinohueoe men's and beys' straw hats at M. Mayer's. Miss Furby, Port Hope, is guest ef Mrs. E. C. Southey. Miss Myrtle White is guest et hier uncie, Mn. W. H. Whiite. SMiss Gertie Lybe lias been guest ot Miss Grâce Buller, Port Hope. Miss Gertie Glover lias been visiting Miss Merlice Curtis, Port Hope. Suits whicli aiways suit wlieu made aI Coucli, deinston & Cryderman's. Mrs. A. Morrow, Kirby, lias been visitiug hon sister, Mrs. Jas. Morrow, who lias been ill. Sec tic elegant Capes specially suit- aile for, middle aged and ldenly ladies at Couci, Jolinston & Crydorman's. If yen wisli le de cording (now se sty lisÏi) on yeur New Williams machine cali at Rickard's and obtain a "corder." An elegaut assertment et Spring Suitings and Dress Goods et ail kinds just arrived at Couci, doluston & Cry- derman 's. Mn, Wallen R. Kerr, et the Evening Tlimes, Kingston, accompanied thie base bal loam bere ou Friday and gave us a cali. The aight plaice te buy Guld and Silver Neveities in Ladies' Blouse Sets, Metal Belts, Clasps, etc., is aI The Mason Ce. Tic uow pipe erg-an for tic Methedist ehurcli is expected te be put lu early lu duly. Watch for announcemeut etf grand epening. Caiý, Johnstou & Crydermau are siewing tlif very latest styles in Meu's Rats just received direct fremn the man- utacturers lu England. For 50 cents: THE STATESMAN, Weekiy Globe, or Wveekiy Witniess ton balance et 1899. Order frem M. A. dA31Es, Bewmanville. Al work-painting, kalsemining, papering-guaranteed when donc by J. C. Weeks, Gel orders lu oariy be- fore tie groat rush begins. New Prints, Sateens, Silver Silks, Scotch and Canadian Ginghams in im- mense varioty just epened eut aI Coucli, Jebusten & Cryderman's. J. b Weeks lias a drop letton box lu the door etis sliop, Market Square, or a card droppcd lu the post office wil rocelvo prompt attention. Mrs. (bey.) E. O. Irwin, Mrs, A. b. H. Borland and Miss Gilfillan, B. A., attended the annuai convention et the Disciples et Christ lu Toronto last week. Mr, W. B. Burgoyne, G. W. P., Sens et Temperance, St. Catharines, calied on the Editor et Tua STATEsmAN Fniday ou lis way le attend District Division aI Solina. Mrs. W. Dickinson, 0ýhawa, visited relatives hore last week before jeining bier iusband who has accepted a situa- tion in a large Carniage Company at Southi Bond, lad, William Davîdseu, Port boe bas beeon appointed bailift et tie Third Divisien Court et tic Counties et Northi- umberland and Durham, vice George S. Perks resigned. Tic Royal Tempiar Advocate Ibis mentI containsa geod portrait et Mr. John J. Mason efthIis tewu, wlio lolds thie honorable poition et Grand Seutinel efthle Grand Council et Ontario. Mn. Neil McCaig et tic business staff et the Wlfig,Kingston,gave us a tiend- iy eaul on Friday. Ho is a member et tle base-bail tosm etf that city who played wiîh lie home team bere., 1 Mn, W. B. Couci, and Mn. W. J. Joncs,' manao'er eftIhe Standard Bank, et Boewmanmlle, weut eut te Garden bull with their friend, Mn. J. L.Thomp- son,May 24, Iront fishing.-Guide. Cawker and Tait lave engaged the services et a lady demonstrator for one since tic burgiary ofet tcSadard Bank here, were suddeniy awakened by semeono smashixîg a pane ot glass in eueetfîle bank windows on Friday morning iast, Tloy at once gave the aianm - but aithougi thorougl search was made ne trace efthîe cuiprits couldi be f oiiid. i i CAMP AT SIAGARAo Ne betten excursion will be offered thib season than lie one by "Garden City" te the Military Camp at Niagara- on-the-Lake next Wednosday for 31.00. Whitby Royal Templars have made a great hit lu munning this excursion. Oniy think et the siglit et seeing tiens- ands et seldiers on thc oieï historie grounds at Niagara. Faiiing te sec this granîd military exhibition at Old Fort George, ýyen miss the siglit et a lite time. Te the Falls euly 25 cents extra. But don't miss tic Camp-that is the siglit this year. Yen eau sec the Falls anv lime. Sec the advertiscmcnt ton aIl par- tîculars. Yen calnot afiord net te sec Ibis grand miiitary Camp lu tull swing. No siglit is se inspining as a regiment e! soidiers. "I WANT TO BE A SOLDIER." Can auybody tell me if there's geing te bc a -war, For, 1 want te be a soidier. I love tic smell et powder and te hear the canneu's roar, ~Eo, I want te be a seldier. Byve lets et ammunitien, I' M equippcd clear eut et siglit, I'm loadcd dewu wilh bullets, bucksiot and dynamite, I'm a ripe old,snertîu' son etaguf n leekiug for a figlit, For 1 want te bc a soldier, Sasi BoIt Buekle atINicholis'. Pretty litIle Bib Pins at Nicholîs'. Old Brown Windsor le at Nicheils'. Inspeet McMurtry's Lace Curtains this spring - Great bargains in Ladies' Sailors at M. Maycr's. Mcu's and boy&linon bats et ail kinds at M. Mayer's. The 84th Battalian gees t camp at ,Niagara this wcck. M. A. James is Government issuer et Marriage Licenses. if yen want stý7Iish, up-te-date goods doal wiîli The MasonCe. Mrs. H. Moilon is visiting lier daugit- er, Mrs M. Proutt, Toronto, Tic latest and cbcapest in tedoras and stiff bats at M. Mayer's. Dr Bnimacombe advcrtisos his protty cottage at the Lake te rent le Juiy 21. If yen want a stylish BeIt Buckile for a smali amount ef meney go te Rick ard's. New Black Dress Goeds lu Blister cf- feets just received at the West End bouse. Mrs. (Rey.) J. J. bac and Miss iNclie W. bac are visiting liher ftler, at Brigliton. These who appreciate artistic pnint- iug sheuld send their endors te o u STATESMAN. Miss Dingman lias gene te Toi-ente te procijre noveltios fer thc summer millinery trado. Now is the timo te gel yeun Spravers. Be sure yen gel the Evans' Sprayor from Peter Murdochi. 11ev. Jolin Kenner, by roquest, bas been superannuated for one sear by the London Conterence. -Don't fail te soc the beautiful Scotch Gingliams jnst oencd eut at Coucli, Jolinsten & Cryderman's. Anether lot et Meu's bats- latest stylos-opened this weok at Ceuci, Johnston! and Crydormau's. Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Power attenqed the tuneral etflier brother Mn, W. H. James at Bolton ycstorday. Ladies' Sprîng Coats and Capes Ger- man and Canacliau just roceived at Ceuch, Jehuston & Crydorman's. Mr. J. b. Alexander is in Toronto takiug a musical course in toue predae- tien from Prof. Hayes et New York. Mr. Morris is advortlsing town and farm preperty for sale. Sec hlm if y7ou wanî a pleasant home iu town or country. Now is the tiie for arrauging for your papening, kalseminiuig, painting. etc. J C. Weeks eau serve yen satis- facteriiy. Wc becliovo we arc sclling tic best lineofe Pnints for 10e. shown by any lieuse lu Canada. Coucli, Jehuston & Cryderman. The Garden City will commence lier regular trips from Toronto ouSaturday, dune 10. Friday tickets geod te retumu on Saturday. Mn. T. J. McMartry wiill mn bis band waggou le the lake every Friday te mcdt Gardon City. Leave endors at is old office ou Thursday, If. Our esteemed friend Dr. berriman, Lindsay, was elected vice-presideut et the Canadilan Centerence et Charilies, held lu Toronto last woek. 1Miss Elsie Lawler, Whitby, lias won the first scholarship lu the final year at Jobnsliepkius bospitaiTraiuing Sciool for Nurses at Baltimore, Md. A splendid assortment et men's summer clothing lu Ballrizganunder- wear, Canvas biats, Pearl Federa bats, Light-weiglit Suits at The Mason Ce. was speciaily hlptul te ciristians while tic cvening subject was addressed te youing peep'ie from the words "Take heed unto thyseif " and was a vory ciever and practical exposition et the trulli and a wliolesome incentive te correct character building. The con- sensus cf- epinion is that it was a very excellent sermon. H9 ! FOR NIAîGÂRA FALLS. Grand Excursion to thn Miiitarv Camp at Niagara and the Falls by Grand Trunk Railway, good for three days, going S ATURDAY Ju-,RE 2-4. by ail regular trains, at ube tollowing Tory low rates: Port Hoe ..,. .Adults $1.85 Chiîdren 95e Newtonville.... ..l.75 ... ,90 Newcastle .1.....".,9 Bowmnanvillc ...'. . 1.75 .......... .90 Darling-ton."..75 .....,...90 Oshawa Junctîon". ....1.75--------...90 The Brigade camp at Niagara this , ear will be the largest ever licld in Canada, and this excursion will afford many an opportunity te visit the Falls and spend a day lu camp.' For turther information apply te any Grand Truuk Railway agent. D ress Pin Sets at Nicholis'. Silver Dust. see it at iNicholls'. Ladies' Cetton Rose at Nicholîs'. Mr. Aif. Eastwood, Toronto, is home. Miss Zella Brimacombe is home fromn Toronto. Miss Bertha Crago,Toronto, is spond- in. vacation at home. Miss Medland was ln Toronto yester- day buying new summer goeds. The Orangemen wiil hold their annutal celebration in Newcastle this year. Miss Gailanough, Tliornhill, is guest of Mrs. T. J. McMurtry, Churcli St Letter trom Mr. Thos.Hoar trom Liv- erpool, Eng., w'ill appear next week. Messrs. Trebilceck, Smale,Baker ,and Devlît are'attending Counties Ceuncil. Mrs. Murdeif, Trenton, bas ýbeen visiting lier danghter iu-law, Mrs. C. Murdoif. Mr. S. Wickett, Leathor Mendiant, Toronto. was guest ot Mn. John Reid over Suniday, Obîtuaries et the late Thos. ,iewell, Jas. Worden and J. T. XVelch will ap- pear next week. Let ne engagement koep you from geirig on the "Garden City" to Niagara next We,'nesday. Mr. F. D. McKelay,editor ot Peterboro bevicw, spent Sunday in tewn guest ef Mr. 'lies. Shenin. 11ev. A. E. Harding is attending the dune meeting of the Cengregational Cinreli at Brantford. Annual meeting West Durham Farm- ers' Institute next Teesday at 2.220 p. m. lu Council Chamber. Ail orders for trips te the lake lu Me- M1urtry's baud waggon should be left at lis eld office and will 1-eceive promp)t attention. See the display of Tapestry Table Cevers, Lace Curtains, Oilcboths and Cet hoiuse furnishings being- sliwn by The Mason Ce Excursion by G T. R. ta Niagara Camp and the Fails, Saturday, June 24, geod fer Iliree davs. Grand chance to visit Buffalo or other points near the Falls. We sincerciy cengratulate Messrs. E. Morley Cawker and W. C Tele on tak- ing the Dcgree et Bachelor et Pliarmacy at Toronto University, aIse Mn. A. H1. Walden, Newcastle. One,. dollar and a well filled lunich box or bas ket will give you mnore4un and satisfaction at Militarv Camp at Niaga- ra next Wednesdav than yuen au get for twice as mucli in any other way. See ad. The base bail match between the Kingston team and Bowmanville was played liere on Fniday atternoon. The visitors refused to accept thec decisions ef the umpire and a dispute arese and the visiting team lofttic field. The score was 5 te i lu tavor eithe home team. Tie juvenile base bail team went te Orono Saturday alternoon and played witli the junior tcam of that place. The. score was 15 te 8 in faver et Bewman- ville Thbobes were well pleasod with thec troatmene ther received and the returu match will be plav cd bore lu tne nea-.future. 1 Le'.iroat Australian Saiesman will "PYat the Town Hall Bowmanviile, Thursday, dune lSth, with bis Austral.- ian Speciaîity Co-IS star Artists. Come and sec our young ladies Skip- ping Roe Dancers, aise Prof. Foster, the Chanmpion Wîre Walker. Come and see the Champion Advertiser et the world. The show is refined. Bring veur wives and daughters. Admission Froc. Notices of Births, Mlarriaean Deaths 50 cents: when ariseleneae otained or funeral notices printed st tut@ office. Insertion free. BORN. LoSCOMBE.-Iu BoA manville, May 23,the wife of Mr, Fred Loscombe, of a daugliter. FISnLEGo.-lfl Bowmanville, dune 2Ithe wifc of Mr. Roger Pishleigh, of a dangliter,. Ga]Eb-lWOe.-Iu Orono, May Soth. to Mr.aud Mrs. John Greeuwood, a danghter. OlîduARD -Iu Indjan Head, N.W.T.,Maytoth, to Mr. and Mrs. WI. J. Orchard, a son. MARRIED. TunNBULL-MURRAY.- At " The Rowans, IUngajtou, residence of John Mudie, Es q., o Jue 1, 1899, hy 1ev. M. MacGllivray .A., Elizabeth Clark, youugest daughter of"the late Willam Murray Esq.,0f Kiugstonformerly (if Paisley, Scot and, 10 the Rev. Jas. F. Torubuli, M. A.,EBowmanville. At home, the Manse, Bowmanville, after Jone 1711,. DIEO. J AmEs-At Bolton, Ont., Sunday Jun e 4th, of heurt 1 llure, William Hl James, aged 45 years, brothier 0f Mr. Thos. Power, South Darlington and Mrs, Ed. J. Power, Maple Grove. JAMS.-Kjlled hy ]ightning at Rillarney, Man., Jue 3, Charles W. James, formerly of Oakwood, Ont , cous.in of the above deceased. COUCH.-In Bowuariville, ou Satorday, Jue Srd, 1859, Mabel Anna,eldest dauglirer of Mr.W. B. Coueh, aged 27 y cars. F. WAUGH, L. Du SR D D sil BOWMANVILLE. Dental Office iu the Rooms above M. 0. WILLlRM IS 8 n FuI[nilurg 810[c. 9~Wll-ýe at Orono from 9 a. m. to 2p m., and at Newcastle from 2,30 un- til 7 p. m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each Montb. Gold plates, Crown and Bridge work and Painless extraction are specialties Building Sale... We are busy enlarging onr premises, our ever-growing trade de. mands more space. The Carpenters and Painters are at work and in a short time we will oceupy the whole of the upper qtory over our store which we will devote entirely to Chinaware, Croekery, Glassware, etc. Nohig *CHI NA WARYK Ntîgyou have reaci for many aday, nothig you will be, offered this season can match the intrinsie menit of these items in Chinaware: Dinner Sets. 5 sets in old English bine or pencil, piy colorings, 97 pieces, . regular price $8.00, for $5 75. Tea Sets at Cost. Li4mp Goods less than cost.. Come and receive gennine bargains. Cash paid for ail farm produce. %..ecwkelTait. The Popfflar Grocers. Bowmanville, Ph 10S4 FSUAS SPRING 0FLOERSIv" n The brightness of the sun, or the suds, of the wash tub xviii not destroy their beauty. They are oniy transieut visitors, the prices are se insinuating they are quickly vanishing. 1200 Pairs of Ladies' Cotton Hose. The most startling bargain ever offered in Bowman-. ville in Ladies' Hose. Sec thera. Butter and Eggs and Grocers' Due 1311k taken. 1BOWMANVILLE. Next door to Standard Bank. Pictures, Picture Faig We have a fulil stock on hanci and at prices that are sure to please you. Our sale of Wâll Paper lias se f ar exceeded any previous years and we stili have a good as- sortment to select frora. Big 20, BOWMANVILLE. IYARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS5 BOWM A NVI LLE. manrafactutrel? of and beael, in Fine Monumental Work,, In best GOradles o f Materria. Caîl and get my prices. I amn sure rny work will please you. MISS EVA LUTTRELL Is prepared to give leesons on1 organ and piano at er residence, King Stor at the homes of the pupils.7 MISS ETHEL MORRIS, ARTIST. *r.,'sgvnnPITN in 01. ~te C te Chna.Sketchiug aud painting froui nature. KILN on premises, dir- ing at usual.priees 51.6m. TUMBER FOR SALE.-Ilenr.v Hock 0n o 12, Couý 3, Darlington. off crs for sale a , kid meghand dressed lumber, lbIh and shingles. Flooring aud sidîni a spccialty. 17-3 mes.* P ROPERTY FOR SALE-Brick house containiug 8 rooms ou Liberty St.,all in good re=irlwth 2 or Cacr-es of land, & gond bearing ocrd witth aliout 6) apple trees also pas plums 8ud cherries. New framneflouse on Chrchýl 5. near Liherty, couîaiuing 7 rooms and 1 acres land with fruit trees. Farm of 148 acres land 101h con.,Darlingeeukes 22 and 28, wîth 90 acres clear lu good state cultivation with dwelling bouse, barn and stables, will be seld or rented. Apply to LEvi Moaaîs, Bewmativille. 2.w R"IFLEMAN. The ionest trotting Stallien Riflomau wiIl serve mares for the saasoeaoet 1899 Monday, Tuesday, Tiursday and 'Fnl- day at lis owu stable, hlai mile West et Ebenezer: Wadnesdav will be at P&ie's botel,, Hampton, noon, thence te Ben- net t Jieuse, Bowmauv: e3, till 7 p, m.; Satîîrday wili be at WVoruf'ontel, Oshawa, frein 2 le S'p. Tu eta will bc continued dui: th sas, Rifleman is lithe '11-eit nadl herses Ibreagh Darli, .,htb u Pickering. Rifiesean c sa, ehig fer tle Most moriof etanly hemse's ever- travelled tirougli liere silice old if- man died. Tenums: Te insure a foal sa payable Feb. isI, 19)0. Ail accidents at risk of owners. S. J. PicKLID, mo.. prietor, Courtice, Ont. 21-5w.