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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1899, p. 8

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~'t- ~ BIOOKLIN. - A aîr Outside Lç S Chas, Bowles of the 0. A. and P, S. a Poor Substituite J. H IG G IN BOT A M SQ NRy.ispending a ewday s at home.,, .W. visiting lier parents at Maple Shade Cherist an rggss, 1 arin... Dr. and Mrs, Jno. Spencer, G o Iet~twrt~0 Cestan Drgst. Bowmanviile, isixed lilsmothier at OIhett'lmdy o SDorset farin.. Mr. Jamies Francis, of thekklneys, liver andbowets, ilNk the G. T. R. staff, lias gone to North , A dïsinfectant is a good thing to use during house Bay~ The pastor of the Baptist cliarch tSsure to corne if Hod's Sap- cleaning, to destroy aiiy disease germs that rnay be lurk- R ev S. E. Gregg, ocdnpied thle puipit spntai rrtt~ueJ o f the Mèetliodist churcli, Sunday even- SPrll spopt sd ing about the premises. Try our Carbolie Acid, Chioride ing,... Mrs. (Dr.) F. E. H-oward,Lacka- This secures a fair outside, and a S of Lime, Copperas Phennyle, etc. Pack your furs with our . waxen, Pa.', is visiting lier parents, Mr, Consequent -vigor in the framne, with the __41- and Mrs.IR. Moore..Mrs. W. W. glow of health en the olieek, gbcd l% ickett and family and Miss Mitgie appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood. 13lrg and Ilenir HoIlesns left Tu'lis- LQp3Cs ri -"was tu poor m ot ~ ii ~ o i ~ n ~day for Brandon, 'Man. 1health,troubleu with dizzlnffl, tfred fSlîr« hnçclIea ç appetite. 1 was completelyru Destroy al Inseet hf e with our *t 1 OLDTE LOOS-Hdc down. I 1e look dIs arsuparilla anda aler l ors told ReuicliHamailton. of West awkitle i leit m h r. RedS ~ a SJefferson, O;, ai ter suff ering 18 montlis rilta bliUtme n LrE ~A- RMSeErU. Od ell frein Rectal Fistula, lie woiild die unless Cesa near Ottawa, Que. 10 P u rle inJLseet P1-ow der. a costIy operatien was perforrmed: but in2f-" bave beau tzonbiea Slie cured liimself with five boxes of Buc- "Il"th bmOcheand bhi uenesa -agd was Us or oneol A mol ad Xî kien s Arnica Salve, tlie ýurest Pile muburudolTrlMdeo-' S UP. Use our Heusehod Ammonia1a1d4 cure on Eartli, and the best Salve in the buimnP'A Sworld. 25 cents a box. Sold by Stott OI t~t P na »î StarFû rflt care.PolIISH andJury, Drug-gists, 'V1Lave a new stock of Fine Sponges aud Toilet NEW HAVE _. S Soaps. Our prices are the lowest on ail the above airticles. ho__________________________ Misses Winiiie Power and M. Wither- '~age v isited friend- at Oshawa recentlly. HIC~ BOT AM Q~,.... Miss Nancv V an1camp i'. visiting' Je H1GC11111ý f & S N Mrs.S. Penfound, Courtice, ... Master 1-TI BOWMANV1LLE. Agents. -e,'Mr.Henrv MannS os s ~ F r osEx u so -Nresuit of pneuinonia,..A neetng- ~ ~~. ~. ~. . ~. . ~ ~..~ ~ ~. ~ Vif feature cf the C. E. Friday evening, to the Model Farm at Guelph ~, 't. ~t. ~1"' -at -at ~. ~. t. May 9- 6.was a centest in bible questions. W___in____W __W _____z___r____W___î__r_____W___W Sides -were cliosen wit.h Messrs. FrankF/IAI1# Truil and C. MI. Sleîûon as ieaders,Mr. R D Y#d n 6 . yj?, W. Frank asking the questions. When The nulEcrlnt h nal the allotted time for questions lied ex- rieullural College and FaFrm at Guelphi, will pired the sides were even and ne victorv take place under the auspices of the Bow- ....~ could lie declared for either. The con- manville Sons of England and West Durham Stest wililibe continued at a future tîme. Farmere on the aboya date, whieh has beau ....Mrs. CaseY, Truil and dangliter cli isen fter correspondence wxîh the College _KM.. Lily visitedT oronto Friday ..., Messrs. authoritias, because it le a most favorable Heatle ad Slmonwlieled o Hadontîre for inspecting the Farm, being thon in Hetle ndlmo weee .t Hvdnte moet ttractive and instructive condition. ....~ Friday evening remaining over Sun- Not only farmars, but everybody wili find . day. Mrs. W. Jennings and Miss very mnuel in and about the Collage and ...~Winie Truil led the epening- exercises Grounds to interest thein. T47>_I f ~al the C. E. Fridayeveninz,aftler whicli -eca Excursion Train 00,- -.«M. the president Mr. Fred. Trull led the #--eia 49-I .-.. consecration and closed the meeting will leave Statioar, below onl FRIDÂT, JmtNa 011-- i,)-...dp with "Mizpali." lOtli, at following ratea and tirne for the -w A OO EOT."ymthrwsround trip: ____ AGon BPOT.-MV oter asAdulte Child'n Hour _________~trouliled witl iieumatism lunlier knee Brighton ....$1 75 90e 5 35. m, 0 for a number of years, and it hroke eut Coiborna,.......i175 900 5 47a --40____ ' in a running soe. She lias taken Ilirea Graften...... ... 175 900 600 Furniture ueaer_______S lotties of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and new Cobourg ........I 65 850e 1 Ssheisalmost entirelyweil. Shecannet Port Hope ....... 150 75c 630 A ND speak tee high1l- of this great medicine. " INewtolville ..... 35 70c 6 43 '~MRs. JOHi FAn, Cloverlawns, Ancas- Newcastle"...125 650 657 ter, Otario.Bowmanviile ... 120 60c 7 07 ______Fu eal utecortrOnareDarlington... ..115 60e 717 Funeral DirectorHood's Pills cure nausea, sick liead- ç),,,,,,.......... 10 550 730 ache, liilleusness, indigestion, constipa- Whitby,......... l 0S 55C 7 40 l ien. Pickering .......i1tS' 550 752 rIAlTI1TU1TT! 1DIMf ________ lunbarton . 100 50c 7 57 DUHIYiAIYJL 'EVWORO J Rosebank ........ 100 50e 8011 NEWCASTLE. Port Union ....100 50e 807" - A rrivingst Guelphi about 10 45 a m, and re- --« Visiters - Miss May Kimbal, Port tnrning by Speciai fron Guelphi at 6 p.m, ...~ Granby, with Miss Nellie Grav; Mr, and W Ticketa 4 saanie rates n'ill lie goDd gning du-.., Mrs, W. Piekard witli Pickering friands; on ail p.m. traînseon Thareday, June l5th, 010,_ Miss Lena Clark, guest cf the Misses and good te return on ail trains up to Satur- Alin ; Messrs, Harry Newsome and deAS.nGL, F.une l7thAM George Wright, Port Hope, at lMr.W. SA.ecE F . of OAm, Jackson's; Mr. Albiert Waldon, Triniîv -Peldn.Sc.o on fedical College, Toronto. w~ith friends hiere; Mr. John Carveili and Mr. D. F. DARLINGTON COUNOIL. - -- Walsh,. Orone, guests Sundav ai Mr. S. AUCTION SALE. Baskerville's; ýMiss Blanche McCoy, TowN HALL, Hampton, May 27th, '99. Vit, e#tàù guest of Mrs. Wm. Riekard. ... Mr. Regular monthly meeting, members SATURDAT, June lo,-Tlier*e will lie David F. Waish, Orone, occupiad the al prosent, Reeve Ceurtice preiding. BOWMÂNVILL, JUNE 7,1899. ,sed liv auction at the- residence cf Methodist pulpit, Sunday...... DuringMnuecfasmetgradado- BOWYANVILE, UNE 180. L . 11Henry, cerner of Churcli and the severe thunder storm, May 29ti, inues. omtmeeati ean d omnB EEE R.Temperance streets, Bowmanville, Mr. W. E. Jewell's liarn was struckliv Werry asking for cedar for eluica ways,1 EBENEZER, ~~~the wliole cf the houseliold affects. lightning. ne great damage was done..rce -n eere oCln otr Ne raserve. This is' a clice lot of The piano recital at the residence cf reîa u eerdt en otr Elienezer- anulo cersary on Sun-,lieuse furnishings and sliould be well Mr. L. B. Davidson on Saturdav after- Tenders were received frein E. J.r day and Mendar June il and 12. patreuized. Ternis cash. . Sale at 1 noon liy the pupils of Miss Galioraitli of Clark aud W. Berry for teain and man 11v ,P Wlo, siwtks o'lc.L ,W TLacine.Bowmanville and ethers was a snccess te work read grading machina. Thea l charge of the Sunday services, and on the reoinslieing filled and the pupils Council then adjourned and' formaed t Mondav the childreni will held forth as 1gained great praise for tliems.elvjes and iselfif m the Court of Revision fcr J usual and addresses will lie givan hy! PROVIDENCE. tealoier, wtiile Mlrs. Otten, Mliss'M. Eil- revision cf Assassinent Roll. J. Cow Beys. Wilson antd Lidds-, Oshawa, and 1,back and Mrs. L. B. Davidsen, wlio as- liug was heard as te hîs assassinent cf Bac, Bewmanville.' Tea at 4 o'cleclc, The Sunday Sclieoi anniversary at sisted,added mucli to the success cf the $700 on part cf lot 15, cou. 4. This Iu the evening 11ev. J. J. Bae will de- Providence wil lie leld as follows: On recitai. was reduced te $600. Oua dog 'wasS liver lis popular lecture under tha anus Snnday Junie 2tà two sermons at GLOutOUS Nn7WS--CO Mes from Dr. D. aise taken off and added to A. Martyn. oie f the Epwortli League"Oe 2.30 liy 1ev. J J. Rae, Bowman- B. Cargule, of Washita L. T. He writes: Mrs. J. Rigga' application for raduetion e eers" villa, and ai '7 p. mn. by 11ev. J. S. I. "~Four bottles of Electrie Bitters lias, of asseosmant un 50 acres part cf lot 13, Wilson, Courtice. Special singing liy cured Mrs. Brewer of screfuia, whicn con. 8, was considered but no reducticu, MAPLE GROVE.J thea choir. Collection. On Mcnday hati caused lier great siff ering for years. ou $1500. The naine of Wesley Alln,Y Juna 26th ai 4 p. m. tea will lie servad Terrible soes wculd break out enlier tenant, was inseeted. C. Rogers was The anniversary services cf Maple after wliich a prograin will lie reudered liead and face, and the hast doctors heard nazi, 4 tieces part cf lot 21, con. Grove SabliailiSeheel will blielild as iu the churcli. Addressas by 1ev, J. J. could giva ne help; but lier cunreaiS coin- 7, assessati ai $50 was struck off aud follws: n SndavJune18t seronsRaa and-thers, Tickets 25 cents; chli- plate andi lier healili is excellent" This de toasimrtof JJ.Sth felows OnSuuay une181 semon -dren 15 cents. Everybedy corne and shows what thousantis have , dadt asssnntc J . iibi will lie preachad ai 2.30 and 7 p. m. ly iy prsca upo e.ta Eeti itrsi h etod- eassmnto i ainlt31 11ev. C. A. Simpson, Cookstown. Col-nieasoilcpcta.haEecrcBtrssiiaie lloi lectîiluaid of sclcol f nds. On Men- R1. NI ADAMS, Fiian, BLAcEBU1IIS, purifier knewn. It's the suprame reine- con. 6, was rednced frein $9500 te day June 131h services wîll lie, resumeti Pastor. Seereiary, dyforr czema, tetter, saIt rliaum' ulcars $9000. The applications of C: Powers,a at 230 p m. hon prorainof rad-boîls andi rnnning soes. l stimulates, W. Martin, W. T. Oke, C. Sanderson,j igs 2.30p. . inadproggrm efred-liver, kitineYs and bowels, axpals pois- W. Virtueansd J. Byars b haive dogs givn ly ha uholan atdrese byCO RTIE.ons, helps digestion and iîltis up the doge taken off wara grantad. Tha j Bien ys.tC. A. impsond . . addeseantiORTC strength. Only 50 cents. Sciti. by Stoit & Counrcil again forinad andi Councliller cihers. Tea served froin 4 p. in. Tick Visitors: Mr. anti Mrs. Bunt, Wilfred, Juguuides Gbaued.B o ward andbae t ercuea aIs 25c; chiltiran net members cf the ai Mr. Jos. 1undie's, jr ; Mr. J. S.MpeGeacrer .J ila achol15. Pblc ordaly nviet. nidle and dauo.hter, town, aI Mr. A. SOLINA. E. G. Pascoe andi T. Baker, C. C., JACOB STEVENS, EEEST FOLEY, E. Rnndle's ; Pev, anti Mrs. j. H. ' complainad cf the action cf the Counçil Suparintentient. Sacretary. Oke, i-cetwocd, ai Mrs.C.W.Osbornis The District Division lielti lera was lu passing dhs By-iaw transferrlug land c TruÈ,APraTITn 0F .A GOAT-Is envieti Mr. Rd. Osborne, tcwu, at Mr. Elh net vary iargely attended. There were froin School Section 20 to ecaien 19, loy ail peer tiyspaptics wliose Stomacli Osborne's; Mrs. \Vm. Wilson, Ilarmeny, delegafe rsn rm Nwate twsdcddt osdrtemte and Lover are oui cf order, Al sucli ai Mr. AR. Pickle's ; Mrs, J. D. Storie rtas pastn tbrom Necsilek, Lt wsdaiadtxcndrth ame shoulti know that Dr. King's New Life anti Mrs. D. Pellard, Oshawa, ai Mr L Maple Groa aiWubBlcsok ini eeting. Reeva Courtice sud t IPiîs ta eniefu Somcl atiLiarM.Corices.- .Mr B Curic, ia ~Hampten anti Enfeld divisionis anti tha euni -e-Fotrep-- dh-in-pr J. Joncs.ivMr. nciter was weîî and ismohe's'; r. Wm. 'Ccx, Ma"le favorallyknewn and 'ias oeeofCIarka's ns oturs- ms uctessfnl farmers. Tha ve,ý Groea, at lis son's; 'Mr. Jacob Scott, MargstunraluSevrdv te'ifel t-) ikiien, at Mr. T. Stainton's; Mr. larefueraon ,-tirdv t- ÈT. Baker ai Port 'Perrv. . . Miss Ida the 11gb pseemÎlu whîeh b l ivas , & loy lis neiglilors anti acqiiainriaîîcas. ,in TheiLcOtve sk-in puriiyîng and Moore lias returneti home afiar spenti.-Fo)r Infants Pai- Children- Ha lave a wdowantia fmiloet ire beautâiyis op inthie wurid, asveell ing a f ew tiays witili er sister Mrs. E. soneas aidfiv ndauhters te ofrnth as purest end sweeteet for tollet, G. Pascoe. -. . Mr. Wm. B3aker lias re- The fn- loss of a faithfni husbaud anti fataer. S'id thm-o, bnthe,orldt Lurs ery.,rR o rt utceni eleal t st ut ilzUt Tintes. i ÂD C. CouiC. ode rois, iLton. 'e:.2 Beulirdoors .... Mr. T. Baker attis County îlrpF and Frres 55e kiu," neilçdfeS., - onclis week ai t ing BOWMNVILLE. Office _lonie Investnent Savings Association, Winnipeg May â3Oîh ,b9. To t'he tatiacyar of the Ordered Clothing Dept.. eof the Csoi 0 DEAn Sin~:-Rý ceivad the express pareel you sen t on tha 8t , anti harem remnit Express Ortiar te cover your bill enclosa,, Yen will kindiy accept îny best thanks for- the ex-cution ofm order for Suit, as wevli as for your sa-lc ion of' the foiur Ties. ý 1 R sure I conld not have muade a latter choice mnyseif fo auai,1l2 article, and whiie I havaejunpad at the conclusion of having any' in that lina sont froru the oid tewn I thtik 1 need ,o o backc such resolution. The Suit fits O.K. and taking your consigninant atgta extremalv well satisfied. (Signed) YoursSiee1y The aboya is a cepy of a letter just recaived by us -ro il n . Wast Durham Boy n0w resïding in Winnipeg, who holds a good pos. tion in ona of the Offices of that Western city. Regarding aIl ourco. respodenca conifidential wa refrain froni publishing the signature thong we know it wouid give additional wveight but suffle it te s ýay th gentleman is well and favorably known to a host eofSAESA readars. Wi-niake no apology for publishing this latter, bel-laving 'that manp others nearer home may take the hiat, as te, aconomy, styla. good workmanship, and faithfully axacuted orders, and dacide te fa-vOr us with their patronage in any of aeur niuierous departruants. For what is true of tbe Clothing departruant may be appliad withequal- force to ahi the other. Just ramambar we are aboya evarything is AOR We have opcned out this waak many iîandsome dasîgus in F'ancy Black Crapons, a special value at $1.00. Fancy stripe and white P, K. for Ladies' Suits and Blouses and a handsome range of Blouse Silks, frorn 40e te 85e par yard. The MSNO HAMPTON. t BOWMANVILLIi.MARKETS Mr. D. TaylrIehlas gel tle dam af- the »orea o .talntyee ns; Cambrian Woolen Milîs repaireti andi FLoua, P 100 lbs.....85 ý2 the mill is ready for work agaîn. «Mr., WipA'r, Faîl, bush .OOc'1! 7(1 F. A. Cola, visiteti friends ai Peiitspool Sprino. . 0. 00liifi O 70 recently..Mr. anti Mrs. Preout, CSsa- R edi iMfe 0 00 ilo n0o75 rea, were receni guests ai Mr.E. Moora's " GenS-a ... O0QO0 0O 'A ...Mrs. C. Kent, Saginaw, Midi., U. BARLEY, P bush, No. 1 0. 40 O .10 S , iras calleti lera last week owii!tg te 2 ..0 26 0 O M tie serions illnass of lier mether, i'ds. S .... O 25 O .3ý J. Jehns .... Miss Alice Walker wlio lias Two roiret O 25 i 041 beau visiting lier sister, Miss EMiiy OATS, white ilt. .... ûO 0 Ol30 Cryderman, lias raiunuat to lier home, ByE ".... 00..O()50 8upar'ior, Wis., U. S. A ý... .The Town- BucKWFA.T...............o o0"00 S shýip's neir rend machine lias heen ln PEAs, Blackeye, V bush.. 069 ',i os us^el eathe past f ew tinys. Vairions i" Candian Beauties.. 69 o f, opinins as te the word doue have beau i Mummey 0 o oo 0 O 55 freaiy axpressati. Tiose irliehave taken il Sinaîl, 0O û 0nf;.-) tia lenet lima te examine tle work ia- ilBina, ' O17 '0 O S5 ing the grentesi fauli finders, BUTTER, hast tabla, P lbt.. 0O oo (o 12 EGGs, #1tcz ............000 ' lo î PoTÂToRs, bush ........._ 0 ü O4o BETHESDA. Hayper ton ............5o 0 c,6(x) Mrs. S. V. Hons, son Everett, Miss JLJAIR WORK.-Ladies wishiing hair Plianie Colincoti, Messrs. H. C. anti S.Eaet done over, ccl at Mas, Dîccsu<sea'sIl- _ V. Har atened apiene uder he aad Cor of' Ontario St Bowmauivflle. 34-tf auspices of lie Sahlath. Schoel anti Ep- wrrîlLac'e Pîninviliea, a Jubilea 3ADR ATE -w -i, Poiut,Rice Eake,on June 2n'd much en- moderala. Appiy te MRS.Wsi.McKwaeu joying tle company of friands anti a Ontario andi Argyle sts., liowmativjlle. daligltful sal on the inka .... Wetiting liels are in tle air,... .By invitation tie B0O WANTED.-$Siart boy abou S. S. classas cf Misses Besetta Berrv J-Ji5 to assistinu office; must beqlulckti-gu anti Georgie Cola anti a few friands ant write a good baud. Apply benobaud iug, stating age and sciary expecuaiS making in aIl alient '50 parsous as- Lock Drawer 7, or SrÂAExAN offiC,,B an. semblatilaitle hoe of Mr. H. C. Hoar ville. 2-f on the afiernoon ef May 24th. The aanii British national Union Jack o hici 1IyRFuhiERwiTRAYE -Aefaefrm o is asseciateti cur Canadian emblea cou. 4, Darlington. (near Salem). informatioini ficating high anti clear hiti walcoma 1o hie whereaboute iMay ha lefi Rt TE TTP the friands that beantiful day. The Office or sent ta JeEN CHALICE, Salain. 22-îf, by J.G.ksnelq., Siratiarn ac thut nanPremierl, imnre.This oa ClOTTAGE AT LAKE TO BENT. drst ci 55e ina n,'Jjuhmehiei V Wîil rani ny cottage ai Port Bowmcuvilla failand wiii be soid ebei' As orei tiliJuly 1. J. M . BRio, ACOEuR, Deutisi, BOw Tamwortbs cf botbhx, S tifeXIY Od1-01)in Cru il minaVILa2 f2in tc.Registarotî pedigrees 1er Icc a 22~- Writesftoc p.ricas, orb Setter stîil, c TO ELLOREE-',.- 50stock. Apiary supplies foïe1,, acces b iug sourb-w est quarter cnd ucrib- west baiS cf lot 22, con. 7, Clarke, ou wbicb are good dwellhng bouse cund commodions (cri buildings in gccd repair. Large stona stables ccd rocs cellars, excellent orch et, wall tenleed.mb pny cf water. Ail luinforsi cicos>sder. Hit ly Asais-i mie frem infrby P. 0. luquie(ou15e riniss or te WILLIA CeeREY, THErby. 22-tfCO

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