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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1899, p. 5

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[Agis Of II[IIFSI10 ifIIEIMEN, J -Th& tiolumb!a is the oid est bi- cycle firm in America. 2--Over 1000 Columbia bicycles are made every 24 yours. 3--Stott & Jury seils Columbia wheels at from $32.50 to $55.00. 4-Cohimbia facetories are kept mun- ning night and day. 5-Coinmbia bicycles are acknow- iedged to e thfe standard wheels the worid over. -OCkca-sionally yonc--hea-r--epe dýaim to have a wheel "as good as" jthe Columbia, but, no responsible ruaker ciaims to make a better wheei. 7-You ean buy the best Coumbia ever turned ont for $55 at Stott &Juary's. 3-The floorage in the Columbia works occupies 15 acres. 9-This year the Columbia factories have had to double their eapacity and are behind with their orders now. 10-One wheei every minute is the -way the Columbias are being turnedont. ~Il-YO neyer hear of a worn ont Columbia, they get oid but noth- ing but the very best matenial 'nt orkanship is lever put in- to, a Columbia. 12-S3tott & Jury are seliig Col- umnbias at.pnices that make every rider happy. Cail and sec them. 13-The Columbia Chaiuless is un- doubtedly the popular wheel this sealson. 14- Few people have any conception as to the size of the factory of the Plope Mfg Co., xvhere the famous Columbia Bicycles are made. Theýy ernploy over 4000 skiiled workmen, the floor space cf their factories -%ould measure 18 acres. The demand for their wheels bas realched such a point that ivith these immense works they are fcompelied to run day and nîght to suppiy their orders. 15-The agent cf the celebrated Columbia Bicycle was iu town re- cently and had with hlmt the mun- nîug gear cf one cf the Chainiess Colunbias whicn haci mn iast season over 30,000 miles and there was ,uo perceptable wear on any part of the gear, which show s why the Columbia xvheels have aiways brought higher pnices than others. STOTT &JURY. Agent, BOWIIANVILLE. GRAND [RUNK RAILWAY. BOWMAN VILLE STAÂTON. GOING EAST. OOINGIVEST. Er press .... 831 a. m. 1 *Express.. 5 23 a.m *Express...Il019a. .,Ioal.8 18 I ~asxgr..3 40 p.m. Passenger.. 1835 p.m 651 p.m.I t Express.., 4.31 p. m. 'Ex reu.. . Il 03 J xpress.. . 7 89 t Sondays only. STOTT & JURY. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 14, 1899. Boys' Clothiug is selling fast at the West End lieuse. Caîl and see the bats and men's new shirts at the West End House. Miss Minnie Fice, Rochester, is visit- ing her sster, Mrs. 1-1 . Mercer. MessrZi' Wilbur'boum and Milton Wight visited Whitby frieuds recently. Mrs. WV. W. Tamblyn is visitinoe her diaughter, Mrs. W. b. Greenwooi" Tor- MisViola Gilfillan, B. A.. and Miss Jennie Adams* are visitiug'friends in Torouto. Mm. W. C. Cnbitt, Toronto, spent Sunday ln tewn guest cf his mther, Mrs. 1(Col.) Cubitt. Balance of 1899 te new subscAibers 50c. The best is the cheapest. Take Tmc STATESMAN.« Cawkrer and Tait are openinz a branch store at the lakze where they lu- tend -meeting- the equirements cf camp- exs and pleasure seekers. A fuît une b! eooked ineats, corned gpods, ice mrain, drinks and eveything lu season-will be kept. Wewish them every sucêess aud feel confident under their manag-ement the branchà will be up-to date and,ua bon te plea-sume seekers. J i J COMIN4IGEVFNTS. Excursion te Model Famîn June 16. S Oshawa and Bowmauviile lucrosse I Imatch dune 171 Orono and Bowmauville buse hall c Juniors match, Saturday, dune 17. L Mupie Grove auniversury June 18-19. thi, Tinity Ludies' Aid social June 21. Methodist Ladies' Aid social Juue 23, M. by 'G. T. B. dune 24. ut Provdence anniversary June 25-26. .Cubun Giants and Bowmunviile Base for bal match July 6. ho New subseriptions received ut TH Ei STATESMAI,, office six duys a week be- à -tn-7-a. m--aid-6-em- -------M-r Shoc Polish at Nicbolls'. Buy the Baby a Bib ut Nicholis'. Division Court meets ut Bawmanviile JULe 29. Full ine' cf men's and boys' straw bats ut NM. Mayer's. Miss Battv, Toronto, was guest cf M-s. b. C. Tait, last week. Suits whieh always suit wheu made ut Coueh, Johuston & Cryderman's. Mm. Coffin, G. T. B. station ugeiit, Whitby, lias becu removed te Belle- ville. New Black Dress Goods lu Blister ef- fects just rcceived ut the West End Mrs. John beard wcre visit- ing their duughter, Mrs.J ames Beliamy, receetl.y. Bowmanville bigb Sebool buse bal team piaved ut Ebenezen Mouday ami won in a score of 12 te 8 Sec the elegant Capes speciuliy suit- able fon middle aged aud elderly ladies ut Candi, Jobuston & Crydemman's. Mr. Digonv bIhyue, wýho lias iived lu Bowmauville tic pust 48 years, is icuv- ing te lîve with bis fiends lu Michigan. Mn. and Mrs. T. E. biggiubotiam bave taken residencc lun their summer cottage, "Hubertou, "Port Bowmanviiie. If yen wish te do cording (now 50 stylish) ou ycur New WilLams machine eall ut iekards and obtain a "corder." Ail orders for trips to tic lake in Me- Murtry's baud waggon should be left ut bis cld office and will recoive promet attention, Au legaut assortmnut cf Sprlng Suitings and Dness Goods o! ail kinds just arnived ut Coucb, Johuston & Cry. dommau's. Messrs. G. A. Stimscu & Ce, Toronto, bave purchased Whltb ' towu deben- turcs cf $10,000 ut 4 per cent te mature lu 40 leurs. The rigbt place te buy Gold and Silver Novelties lu Ladies' Blouse Sets, Metul Beits, Clusps, etc., is ut The Mascu Ce. Childnen's Dresses and Aprous lu great variety and veny ebeaD ut Miss Martiu's Fancy Goods Store, Dont fail te euhl and sec thein. Couci,' Jobuston & Crvdermmu are showiug the very iatest styýles lu Men's Bats just neccived direct froni thc inan- ufacturors lu Eugiland. Fer 50 cents: Trna STATESMAN, Weckiy Globe, or Weekl1*y Witniess for balance cf 1899. Order froin M. A. JA-MES, Bowmanville. Al îvork-paiuting-, kalsominiug, papering--guaranteed whcn donc by J. C. Wceks, Get orders lu carly be- fore the great rush bogins. New Prints, Sateens, Silver Silks, Scotch and Canadian Giugbams lu im- mnense varicty just cpened eut ut Coueli, Johuston & Cnydormmu's. Mn. John and Eva bcllyan were lu Cobourg last Woednesday uttendînZ the weddiug cf their brother Mm. W. b. Heli-vur and Miss bamshcre. Excursion bv G T. B. to Niagua Camp and the Falls, Saturday, dune 24, good for threc durs, Grand chance te visit Buffalo or other points near the Falls. Stmuwbermy Festival under tic aus- pices o! the Ladies' Aid cf tic Mcthod- ist ehurcli, Bowmauville, ou Friduy, June 23, ut residence cf Mrs.John Lyle, Qucen St., Admission 15 cents. Ice creuin extra, Mmi,. Jas. Coivilie and Miss Mary Col- ville atteuded the Convocation in Tom- ente Univemsity, Toronto, ou Friday. Mr. Neil Çolville bas passed bis finaàl exumination lu medicine and is uew a full-fledged M. D. We are picased te leumu frein the prospectus o! the Sun Souci Park, Chicago, Ill., that Mr. W. G . Yule, formely o! this tewn, is now Musical Director o! the Sans Souci Park Concerti Baud o! thirty-five pieces, in that city. Trinity Ladies' Aid purpose bavinZ a Lawu Social on the octagen parsouage gouudsou Wednesday eveuing June 21st. Gaies and a musical prograin. Admission te grounds 5 cents. Ice cream n d cake for sale during the ev- eniug. Our former worthv townsman, Dr. James Fielding cf Norwich, Eugland, is visiting ut bis brother's, Mr. Bobt. Fielding. Th"e gonial Dr's numenous friends liere are delighted te rucet hlm after 17 years absence and lie is ecciv- ing nîany hearty huudshakes frein oid acquaintances. Wo are pleased te leamu Iliat'Mm, Morley Cawkor wlio lias rcceutly pass- cd succecssful examination ut the Coi- lege o! Pharmmcv and taken the dogree o! Batcelor cf Pharmacy ut Toronto University lias heen takeni into-partaer- slip lu tic firm no! Stott & Jury. A more extcnded notice will be given ulext vweek. l-ire Grpat'Australian Saiesmun wil Dress Pin Sets at Nicholis'. Silver Dust, see it at Nieholîs'. O Sasb Belt Buekie at Nichoils'. mem Ladîes' Cotton Hose ut Nicholis'. 6000, Pretty little Bib Pins ut iNicholls'. ron )ld Brown Windsor le ut Nicholis'. 'ne sý Cutiscouli unspeet McMurtry's Lace Craised cu s spiug. meu Gmbat barguenF! in Ladies' Sai lors ut Thej .Mayer's. able Men's and boys'linen hats of ail kiuds Mari M. Mayem's, charý Mliss Minnie MeDonald left on Friday and1 rFinsiN. Y. a ve R edhi,.Rev. 1ev, J. L. Alexander, Middleville, 's isi )me on a brie! visit. er's L Mir. Milton Saxby, Tenante, -visited the p CýG. oxý-Aa-s-t-wet . mure M. A. James is Govermient issuer merm Mamiage Licenses, show f yen want stylish, goods Origi: il witb The Mason Ce. did e and1 Mrs. W. Hislcp visited friends at Col- Forej obus and Enfleld this week. room The latest and cbeapest lu federas the p i stiff bats at M. Mayer's. ment Somne matters intended for this issue was1 uld net be got ready lu time. Doxo 'aiiing te read Bey. Dr. Talmage's mon lu tbis paper yen miss a treat. f yoTl want a stylish Beit Buckle for smail amount cf money go te Bick G d's. G Mr. A. Cox, Miss B. Pingie and MissCam .bobbs visited friends ut Enterprise Gran ent ly. days, Mrs. Thompsou and daugliter, Ada, regul rt liope, have been gucsts ut Mm. W. low r Couch's.1 Those who appreciate artistie print- Port ,sbould scnd their enders te -TEE Newt ATESMAN. New( Mr, Bobt. Dow and Miss Virgie Bar- Bowr ty, Wbitb « , spent Suuday ut Mr. W. Darl .Tambiyn's. ha Mr. W. L. Smith, editor cf The Sun, Oh )route, g-ave us a cail Wednesday, on Thi way te Peterbero. , ear Ncw is the time te get yonr Spravems. Cane s6ure you get the Evans' Sprayer man' )u Peter Murdochi. ands Don't fail te sce the beautiful Scotch F ngliais just opcned eut ut Coucli, Fo lnston & Cryderman's. Gran Another lot cf Men's Bats- iatest les-opeped this week ut Coucli, ENT] iboston and Crî derman's. Ladies' Spring Couts and Capes Ger- n and CanaJian just meceived ut mch, johuston & Cryderman's. Thi Miss Louise banscu lias neturnod froin a vory enjoyahie visit with frieuds ut Toronto anti Hamilton Beach, .Mr. W.b. Belîvur and bride,Cobourg, bave becu spending a part o! their honevineen at bis father's, "Gladstone Villa. " Mm. Morris is advertising town and furm property for sale. Sec hlm if you wunt a pleasant home lu towu or country. Now is tic time for arranging for your paperiug, kalsomining, painting. etc. J C. Wecks eau serve yen satis- faetorly. Mir. S. .. Sharp, Toronto, represeut- iug the Eidcr-Dempster Stcamship Lino was lu town Friday and gave us *a frini'udly ceuh We believe 'wc are seiliug the best lineof cf Prints for 10e. shown by any hanse in Canada. Couci, Johuston & Cryderman. Mn, Alex Lawrie attcnded tic wed- ding cfis cousin. Miss Bella Nuttress, and Mr. J. W. Watson, ut Wocdbrldge iast Wednesdav. Mn. T. J. MeMurtry will mun is baud waggon te the lake every Friday te meet Gardon City. Louveeores ut lis cld office ou Thursduy. t!. Seuti Ontario wilibve anetier iiveiy election coutest with lion. John Dryden us Liheral and Mm, Chas. Cuider &s Con- servative standard bearers. Suudav evening-'s service lu Trinity êburci will inciude au address ou Pence Couference ut tic Bague hy Ber, A. E. liardiug-espcially forr'mon. Farinons wanting "Turnip Seed" sbould sec Murdocî's selection. Ovon 40 year 's exverience and alwavys gave sat- isfaction-at thec Express office. Ontario Ladies' Coilege, Wbithy, celebratos its 25ti annirersury this month under tic present mnagement. Tic annuai banqýuet will be held on June 201h. Mm. S. V. bHoar's Peeket book dropped out cf bis coat poeket Mouday wiîle dsiving home fmom. towu. lie wus warm and tirew his coul ou tic seat. Tic fluden will ho suitabiy rewarded. Mn . Edwin Carr (Eddie) lias pussed thc examinutions cf Centrai Business Coliege. Tarante, and received bis di- pioma. lie is new ongaged witi oeeof tic ieading wholesule firms on Front street. Cawker and Tait bave cngaged the services e! a lady demonstratm for oe week cemmenciug tic 29ti cf Ma v wlio wili be pleascd to meet ail the ladies and give thein instructions lu using tic different fiuvrings witi greuter effeet. We saw whut we arc about te relate se it is correct. On an excursion ho Toronto iv rail saine timo ugo a well- knowu mi-nistor's wife was a passenger. Sic put lu a busy day ut a departmcîît aI store and te evude se mudi observa- tien teck a street car te thc Qucen-st. crossing where the. train stops.Sic there came on beard with parcels enougi te pile np high eue soat whule she and ber little son eccupicd anotier. Tic merchauts in that ministcm's tewn hclp te puy lis salary, and bis wvile reg- ularly gees te the city and speuds il. Is il iit? Tic cvening ut tice Epworth League un Moudar nigit under tic charge cf Miss Estelia Mason and Mm T C.Jeweil was a great success. Tic meeting was duls opened by derotional exercises aSter whici Miss Muson iu.a very pleas- ilg manner took tic chair. Miss Gertie C;awvke, opcned the prograin with a bnîglit piano solo which was enjeyed hy ahl. Miss Mande Wright followod with a sonz most appropniate bticth subjeet '-Splritual Growth" ou which a short discussion wus led by Mr. T. C. Jewol, Miss Cawkem acting as accompanist. For~ Mouday dune l9ti thc Missionury Dept.nder o! Mliss Editi Cars- cadden have sceurd the services of 11ev. J. S. I. Wilson, B, A., B. D. and Mm., Edgar W. Aluin te add mess île s,- eiety lu thc interesi cof theFowd Mioement fer Missions, Meeting orens at 8 O'ciock. llb Bowî lu the nesda 29 an( sienb Tille,_ work Keepi ut et Leavi Princ A. 0. F. AT CHURCH. iSunday moriug June 11, the nbers cf Court Prieof Ontario. Ne. )A. O, F., assembled at their iodge mfor the pumpose of attending dlv- service. The weather was ail that I be desired and the members turu- )t lu goodly numbers iucluidlng ibers of Juvenile Brandi No. 15. procession wus formed under tic direction cf Bro. Semgt.ChasBRowe, ibhal, -while the Juveuiles were lu rge cf Bro. J. O. Labelle, P. C. B., murched ta St. Puul's chiurch where ýry able sermon was deiivered by ,- b.. Turubuil, M. A., the pastor. text was Gen. 4, 9i "Ami1 my broth- Iteeper ?" Seldoii ever has it been priviiege cf this Court te listen te a 'ai)e lBie6fle. 'At OU notf nber cf the Order tic preacher wed thut lie lias knowiedge of the ,n cf Forestmy,, going baek as lie eveu te the days wheu Bobin Hocd his mermy mcn iubabited Sherwocd est. After returning te the lodge n votes cf tbanks were aecomded te Paster, choir. cammittee cf manage- iand marshuls and the meeting brouglit te a close by singing thc lo1gy. HO ! FO11XIAG iRi FALLS. rand Excursion te tic Militany p ut Niagara and thc Falls bvý nd Truuk Bailway, good for three 3goiug SATURDAT JUNE 24, by ail ilar trains, ut the following xvcry rates. LHope ... .,Aduits $1.85 Chîldrcn 95e 7tnville... .. . 1.75 ..O 11 90 ceastie .. .... .1.75 ...'. ... uu naunville .... ....1.75 . .....-.90 lington .........ý1.75 .,... 1,_90 wuJunctio" .... 1.75 ...."....90 he Brigade camp ut Niagara this will be the largest ever heid in .du, and this excursion wîll afford t an cpportuuity te visit the Falls spend a day, lu camp. r further information appiy te any id Tnnnk Bailway agent. PRANCE ÂND PUBLIC S CI-IOOL LEAVIN<G EXiAMIINATION. le next bigli School Entrance and c Sehool Leuvlug exuminatien fer nauville High Sehool wiil be hield ci Bligli School Building, ou Wed- la;, Thursdav aud Fridav, June 28, id 30 beglîîuing uat 8.45.Caudidutes ýd seud their naines te Dr. W. E. eY, Public Sehool Inspecton. Book- îu i Drawlg, Wniting and Bock. ping is net rcquired te be pnesented ither Entrauce or Public Seheel 'ing Examination. J. GILFILLAN, iipai cf Bowmanvillc bigl Sebool. Notices Of Births, 31arriages and Deaths 50 cents. when imarriage licenses are obtained or! flnerai notices printed at this office. insertion free. WRIGH.-At Long Sauit, June 12th, the wife of Mr. John Wright, 0f a dauglicer. 0aRîISTON.-At Enfiela, June 10, the wife of Mr. xviii. Jackson Ormiston, of a son. Monns.-In Bowmanvi le, June 6, to Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morris, a daughtcr. MCAIIIHUR.-ITu-Minneaipolis, Minn., May 24th to Mr. and abs. N . J. MecMýcArthur, a son. MITCHLL-In OShawa. June 4th, the wife of John Mitchell, of a daughter. TREV~AIL-Tu Darlington, Jue 4th. the wife of Sydney Trevail, of a daughter. Poaneýso-,zAt Five Points. East Whtby, Joue 6th, the wife Of Josenli Robinson, of a son. PiRmr.-In Oshawa, Jue 6th, ths wif e of Wm. Pinie, of a son. NIC HoLLS.-Tn Uxhridge, Jue il, to Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Nieholîs,, of a son. MARRIED. MURRAY-MAXWELL-At'"StnnrYSide,King$- ston, Junc 7th, by Pcv. J. K. MeMorrine, David Browning Murray, eldest son of the lateWxilliam Murray, lormerly of Paisley, Scotland, and Miss Lottie Mac, eldest daughter of Mr.. Wru Max- well, oh ofoSKingston. McBRiER ,,BAR Ct-. A-At 278 Huron St., Tor- onto,0 June 1, hy Mr. George J. Barclay, fther oM te hride, assisted hy Mr William Forr-ester, .Mable Lonise, the only daughter, aLd AlfrEd A. MeBrien, M. D., of St. Louis, Mo. HELLYAR ITAMSHEa.-At Cohotirg, June 7, hy Pcv. S. T. Barlett, Madoc, hrother-in law of the groom, Miss Ethel S. Hamshere and Mr. William H. Hllyar, yoongest s;on of Mr. John Hellyar, Bowmanville. MCGILL-ASseTo-On Wcdnesday, Jnne 71h, 1899, at the resideuce ofthe brlde's parents, Bay- don, hy Rev. Win. Jolliffe, Mr Thomas MeGil, of the Township of Manvers, and Miss Sarah Mande. Mary Ashton, only daughter of Mr. Thomas Ashton. SsI-BERRY.-In Ijarlington, at the resi- dence oi the hridc's father, July 7th, hy Pcv. J. P. Berry B. A., brother of the bride, .ssisted by Pcv. J. A. MeKeen, B. A., Orono, Rosetta, eld- est daughter of Mr. Lias Berry and Colin Smith, ail of Darlington. BaYANS-SKELTON,-At MiMICO, Jonc 7, hy 17ev. J. T. Caldwell, Mr. \Vi. Bryas, Managsr Traders'Bank, Newcastle, and S~list Elizaheth Skelton, Mimico. \IVATSONZ-N.AfrTRFSS. On June 71th, at the Preshyterlan church, Woodbridgc, by Pcv. Thomaàs Nattrass, B. A., Of St. Aodrew's, Amn- hcrstonrg. assisted by Pcv. Walter Reid, B. A., Weston, and Psy. Thos. Watson, B. A., brother of the groom, Isabella ANattress, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. John Nattress, Woodbridge, and Jas, Rcuwick Watson, of Vaughan. F. W9AUGH, L. D. S, D. D SII. BOWMANVILLE. Dental Office in the Rooms above M. D. WILLIAM8 ý son'8 [11f lo8Ie. SWill be at Orono froin 9 a. m. te 9. p m., and at N\ewcastle fromn 2.30 un- tii 7 p m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each Month. Gold plates, Crown and Bridge work an:d Painless extraction are specialties R OOMýS WANTED. Two furnished Urooms l good localityTA. M.,-Lock Draw- er7, Bowmaiiville. 24-1w* rFiO RENT,-Gxood dwellin g contain- _L ing 6 roorns, and stable to rent. Apply to Miis, CûAS. Ton, Division St., Bowmauyjlle. 1 24-2w- Scribner's Mag-azine for Juîie opens with a richly illustrated artiel e by Cecillia Waern who describes the wnderful advance in art made by hier fellow-coutrymen under the titie ofi "The Modern Group of Scandinavian Painters," and discusses, such emient aritists as Thaulaw, Laisson, Zomn and mlaiNy others, samples of whose work are given in excellent engravings.- Buildi*ng Sale... rAIT, b-e We are busy eniarging our premises, our ever-groxving trade de. mands more space. The Carpenters and Painters are at work and lu a short time we wiil occupy the whoie of the upper etory over our store Nohig *CHJINAWARE .%" Ntngyou have read for many a day, nothing you xiii be offered this season eau match the intrinsie menit of these items in Chinaware : Dinner Sets: 5 sets in oid Engiish bine or pencil, piy colorings, 97 pieces, regular pnice $8.00, for $5 75. Tea Sets at Cost. Larnp Goods less than cost, Corne and receive genuine bargains. Cash paid for ail farm produce. Ca--wker &RTait. The Popular Grocers. Bowmanville. ot AS FREmltSII AS- SPRAING FLOWERSe The brightness of the sun, or tlhe suds of the wasi.). ub will not destroy their beauty. They are onlv traasient visitors, the prices are so insinua ting- they are quickly vanishing. 1200 Pairs of Ladies' Cotton Hose, The rnost startling bargain ever off ereci in Bo wnian. ville in Ladies' Ilose. See them, Butter Lnd E(gs and Grocers' Due Bill1s taketi. .BOWMANVILLE. Next doot- to Stndard Bank. I Pi ,-us, Pi ture F'ra in,, We have a full stock on hand and at prices that are sure to please you. Our sale of Wall Papey has so far exceeded any previous years and we stili have agood0as sortment to select frorn. W. T. A LLE INUa Big 20, BOWMANVILLE. MA.&RBLEt AND GRANIT WORKS BQ0W M AN V1L LE . Manu1acturerr of ancd beadeitinj Fine Monumental ok Ini beslz Grrades o fflatefiîa1. Caîl and get'my prices. 1 amn sure rny work will please you. miss EVA LU TT1ELL le prepaned to give lessouis on orgers andi piano at hel residence, Kfing St.,or ut the homes of the pupils.7 Mise ElEL MORRIS, ARTIr. ierrois givenin PAINTING in Oi1, %tVatxi G- ?r antàChina. Skcîchiog andi yintiig frocu ,nature. KILN on premise, tir- ing at usual:pniees, 51.n DO3CKET BOOK LOST.--Bctween k 'town aud homne Mon lay, a ,cathcr pocke. book containg a considerahle rui 0f o 1 receipts, etc. ileward f : eLc,, to S. V oa or AILA. -JAMES, Bo% manvill.e. 5-w p OETY FOR SA , c ouse cotanig S roo:us on T r' -tlln 9 repair, with 2 or 6 acres of l.îd a -, od bearfog orcliard with, ahout 6) app cesas al 'l plums anti cherries, New Cù '!seon C eurc St. rieur Liberty, contaýiing -7 ,oIs and ,acres land with fruit mrecs. _Uarm oS 148 acrcs landi 101h con.,Darlington,lo)ts 21 andi 23, with 90 acres clean in gooti state cultivation wiih dwclling house, haro -andistables, wil hesoiti or renteti. Appiy tb LEVI MouatIs,- BwmsnVille.--2ý_-_ R"I FLEMAN.' 'The lieuest trottiing Stuhion Bîflemn wihl serve marcs for tic scason cf 1899. Monday, Tuesday, Thumsdav and Fnl- day athrbs owu stable, haîf mile wcst cf Ehenezer; Weduesday wil ho ut Bonc's. hotel, Hampton, noon, tienco te Ben- nett lieuse, Bowmanville, tili 7 p. m. ; Saturduy will be at Woodruff 's hotel, Oshawa, from 2 to 8 p. ni. Thisroute wili be eeîîtinucd durng tic season, Bifiemn is the sire of- the best moud îorscs threugh Darliugton 'Whituy and Pickernug. Bifloman colts arc sellino. for the most mouoy o! uuy iorWes eve' travclied tirongI liere siiîce old Bifle- man dicd. Torms : To lusure a foul 88 payable Pcb. isI 1900. Ail accidents ut risk o! owncms. S. J. Pîcxç.îo, Pro- prtor, Courtice, Ont. e 2-. /

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