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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1899, p. 6

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Thie CMARM 0F CBELAUTY Noti in the Features so much as in the Grace and Vitality of a Ilealthy Body--Dr. A. W. Chase's N'.rveand Blood Pis make Wemen eU+tiful. There's a certain charm cf lieaut~ in the gracefal, lastcmernx ent andI cle- r com- plexion of a lealthy xcnn in whîch the fea. tures do nt play an imprtant part. The pale, sallow complexon anad ll leaden colon of the sldn, darli circles ander tac eyes, headaches, pains in the'back an idesdc dii eyes, Nveakness, nervoasiiess deef r cdencv and mxv spirts are symptomes of %vca, xxatery blccd and imiproperiv -nouri lied nerve. No wrnîan cabe beactifal antil the blod is enri ched and thie nerves streng lier d. Dr. A . W. Chase s Nerve Food je a lcad for tisa blcod snd'nerxes Dr. A. W. Cises Nerve Food restares the energy and trength toa a un-dccc tlemn. Note yaar ceiglit lîefcîe aing thers, and the increase xeek hy xeek as the brî.vces re- tains ta the eyes, the clar ta the chceks and thec fcrm rounds ocnthiîs amieglclv fiesb, the natural resuaP cf ricli, pure blccd and a liealthy nerx oas systcmn. Face cnt ccd facsimîile signatare Of Dr. A W. Chasecon every ha-x cf the'. sec a box, aIl dealers, cr Edmansca, Bates & Co., Toronto. Farmers You Want PRI CE $1,00 FZACH. ADVANTAGES. It wifl double what the oid stYle ma- chine did. It is better made in ail parts. It is a handsemer machine. The tube from eau is exposed aud can be instant- ly cieaned il it shouid clog. The eau may be instantiy emptied il you want to change material or clean it. The for- mation of the can aiiows ail tise materi- ai to be sprayed out whcn operated upward in trees or bushes, It wiii save creps fromn bugs-, worms and Fungi and fruit trees front the caterpiliar and other pests. Evans' Electrie Spraver may be -i.acl frern Jos. Henry, Ororio David Bell, Leskard; A. S. Toolev, Mii, Courtice ; Albert Niddery, Enfield; Joh-ii Peth- ick, biacksmith, liarke Samil Bon- athan, Newcastle ; John Hooey, near Cadmnus. PETER MUR\DO'CH. BowmAS.,viLLE. Agent for Durham County. NEW TAILORI SHOP. rhe undersiguefiwbohlas been carrying on the tailoring business in conneetion with Mjaso0n's Dry Goods Stor-ý for a numben of years lis omened busines f er himselfat litsrocîns Ring St. west, wlierehelis prepaned ta malte gentes and boys suies in ail tise latest styles, and at lowec,' 3icas. For tbose wlio wisli 10 order suits, lie x.itl carry a fulil lina of samples in ait lie newest patteerns, Give hlma eal J. T. ALUIN, aitshonable Paîlor, ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP, LivFRPsnOOL AND LoN- DOINtERRY, MOS1TREAL, AND, QUE]5EC SERVICE. Fromn STEAMER MusRE L. Nuidian .... June 1Och, 9 Californian...... una17 thi, Tanui ........ . . . Juna 2dtli, $S. Farisian,'naw esiined sud entirely refit- ted, salis from Ltvereooi, July 20, sud froma Montreal, Angust 3rd. Bavarian, 100ù0 tons, twin scraw, saîls fnom Liverpool July 27 and frouiMotrea,August lth. Passengers wlli liatransferned witli thein bag- gage from the raiiway station to tha wharf free et cliarge., RATES 0F PASSA.GE. First eabin, Q50 and upwards. Rtura $100.0 and upwards. Second CabIn $35, Steerage $2250 aud $23_50 From New Yorkltet Glasgow-State of Nebras- kra, 9tl J une; Mongolian, 2rd June. For tickets and every information ap. iyto M. A. JAMES, îllan Line Affent. Bowmauvile. lYlles-41 86--Miles UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT Extendingfrom the Atlantic Seaboard to CHIICAGO and MILWAUKEE THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR ROUTE t- Dur. HaIIls RCemai Wii Cure ani' Penn of Rhaumatism Le i. R- HAL. NEWYO FOUR POINTS IN ITS FAVOR: FRSTr-QUICKEST T -o CURE SECOND-SAFEST TO TAKE THIRD-MOST IIGHLY ENDORSED FOURTH-CHEAPEST TO SUY Oue hottle cotains tan days' treatmeut ~IN BIG BOTTLES, 50 CENTS. THE DR. HALL MEICINE'CO. Canacian Ageucy, - Kiusoa, Ont. FOR SALE AT ALL DRIJGGISTS AQAI NST "TRi Rev. Dr. Talmage Dîscusses a De licate and Interesting Subjeot. He Deplores Sectarian Differences in Dpmestio Ci rcies- -Cautions Parents as to Its Effeots on Their Children's Religious Prospects. Washington, Jane 11.-lu ibis sermon Dr. Talmage dise nsses a topie whicî wili int9rst dr omsti' irrles uverywbae. iThc text is Ganasis xiii, S: "Let tlaeehbcne strife, I pray tliee, btwean me sud thec, and betwveca sy herdinen sud tby lerd- amea. Is not the whohe land hefora tîee?" Unche sud uepliew, Abram and Lot, boul pions, boul millienaires, sud witl sudh large fiocirs o! bleatiag sheep sud iowing catthe Chat thein herdmen get inte a iglie, perlaps about tea hst pastura, or about the besi wateenpivilege, or because the cow o! one get booked byrîle borus o! the ofler. Net their peverty o! opportunity, but thpir wýealh, wss the cause of centrovensy betaveen these twe mn. To Abram, the glortous oid Moso- petamian shcik, sccl contreversy semred absurd. itwas ikze ave chips quarreliug for cea room in tenimiddle o!futhe Atlantic Ocean. Eliere was a vast reacl o! coun- try, .0omnfields, vineyards, barvesis sud pleîsev or roosm1in uill imitable acreageo. 'Žceow," sys Abram, "let. us agrae te difi c. Rare are tisemountain districts, sxvapt by thetoiofetses lirceze and sitli wide reaching prospect, sud ticre le the plain o! Jordan, witî tropical luxuriance. Yen may lave iflier." Lot, wlo was net as ridli as AbrVam sud might have beau axpected te rake tic second choice, made the lirsselecien, and 'iviela .indety hat must lhave made Abram cinile said te hlm: "Yeunamy lave thc rocks sud thc fine pre)speet; I will take the vaiiey o! île Jorda, itb ail its luxriance o! cern- fields, and the river te water thie fieck-e, andl the genial climuate, sud thceaealth insmeasunable." Se the controversy was forever settled, and great souied Abrams carniad ont the suggestiono! thc toit: " Let, thare lie ne strife. h pnay tbce, betweeu me sud ilce, sud bauWeen my herdinen sud thy herdmea. le net tic wioie lanîd befone thec."' Wh, laintiis, tic idet ducada o! the uiueteesîth century, and int ell beautiful lansd, whicb avas cailed America, af 1cm Americus Vespucius. but sieuld bave Ien calied Colusmbus, after uts discover- an. Colimubtîs, we bave a weatl o! religions pnevilege sud epportunity tiat la posittveiy bewilerng-ciurcbes o! al cents of creeds, sud o! ail kinde cf gev- arnment, snd ahi forais o! woship, sud ail styles o! arcitecture. Whai opulence of ecciesiaseical opportuuuiy I Now, svhiie in cesolate ragions tee msay belc oe cbnrch, is tic opulent districts o! tais counntry tiare is sncb a profusion tiai tiare ought te le neorlafficushsy iu mais rig a selectio n. No figlit about vesinents, or betweeu litargicai or uouiiturgicai adiereats, or as te baptismal modes, on a lia.adfsl o!f water as cempanad witl a riverful. If Abraîn prefers te davehi ou tha beagifs, where ha can only get a spribill.g freai thc clouds, lei t hicou- scnt that Lot bave aIl tic Jordan ta whicb te immense blînseif. "Lai thare le ne strîf e, I pnay .isi', hctweeu me sud thea, sud betweca n y bermneansd tly hardaca. Is net tae whoeeland befere Especially le hi foniunuate wleu families shlow angry discussion at tise breakfast or dinner on tea talle as ito wiich ie tIe base dhurci or deuomiuatiou, ene ai oe end o! the table saying lie conld neyer endure tic rigid doctrines o! Preshytani- anism, eue at the oeber end rcspoading that sie neyer couhd stand the ,ferme e! EpiSCOnacy, and eue' ai eue sida o! tic tabla sayiag le did net nndarstand liew auvbedy conid hear fie noise ia tbe Metiodisi chancI, sud suother declariug ail thc Baptiste bigote. There arc lina- drede ef tamilias iopeieseiy split ou eclesiasticisin, and la the middle o! cvemy discussitnaou sncb subjects tIare le a ktndhiug cf indignation, sund it needs coma oid faiber Abram te come sud put bis foot ou tic ioaded fuse before the explosion takes place sud say: "Lai theme lia ne serafe, h pay thea. between me sudileeansd beiweeu mv lcrdmenansd tiy berdin. le uer île whdie land bc fore thea?" ADelleate Subjeet. h undretake a subjeci neyer nudertaircu by aay ethen puipit, for it is u excced- ingly dalihate subjeci. sud if net riglrly liaudied migit giva serions offensa, but I appreadl ils witlour tic suightesi trepida- tien. for 1 an sure I bave the divine direcioeain ithe matters I propose te presaut. IhiIs a tremandous queston, sskcd ail ovar Christeadon,, o! ten nsked wseh tauresud colis sud beari -breaks sud invelviug île peace o! familles, tic ctrmail appanase c!fsnany seuls, lun mat- tere ofe! rucî atteudaurua sleuld thc wi!e go witi île busbaad or tle liusband go ,wtl île whfe? ,First, remember ilai all e avaugeil- 'ci dhurcIes bave enongl iutlhanthera te sava île seul and prepare us for liappt- ness on esmeli sud lu leaven, h will go wihlyou ntoieany waii seiectad tilicogi- cal lbrary, aad I wiil slow yen sermons from ministers lu a11 danomninations tînt set fotb ma as a sinuer sud Christ as a deilvarer fren clu sud serew. That le tle whoie gospel. Get ilat iti your seul, sud yen are itted fer île liereansd île lsrefter. TIare ara differeucas, we admit, anCi soe denomninattous we lire better tIsa cibars. But supposa tis'ée ori four cf us maire soiema agreemeeut to meai eacb othar ou important business,. anomier by the Penusylvaulia Iallroari, anether by the Baltimore & Ohio Rail. road. One goes this way becanso the mountains are grander, anether takces this because the cars are more luxurious, another that becanse the speed is greater, another takes the other, becanse he has long been accnstomed to thsi route and ail the ensployes are familliar. Se far as eur engagement te xneet Is concerrsed it maires ne difference if ve only get there. Now, auy one of the iunumerable evan- gelical denominations, if von practice its teaching, aithougli some of their trains rua on a broad gange and some on a nar- row gange, wili bring yen out at the ofty of the Newv Jerusalena. It being evident that yon wilil be safe la any of the evangelical denominations, 1 proceed to, rentarir, lrsi. if one of the nsarried couple be a Cliri3tian and the other not, the one a Christian is bound te go aiywhemc te, a ciurcu wuerc rua ussconvertcd cempanien le williig te go, if ho or she wvili go te ne ether. Yen o! the cunnubiai sanurclip are s Chrmistian. Yen arc safe for the skies. Thona hiIs your tirst dety te sascure the cemnal safety of your lifetime asseciate. le net the evaniastiug Nvelfarce!o youm wife im- penitent or your liusband imucuiteni o! More imsportance thaîs your dhurcI relu- tioushtp? le net the condition o! yeur conspanior fer ilie next quadrilion o! years a mightter censideratien te yen. than the gratification of your ecclesiasti- cal faste fer 40 or .50 years? A in or a woman wlio weuld stop hli a minute te iveigli prefereuces as te wliether lie or sIc had bettergo witi tbe uacenvemted coin- panion te ibis or that elinrel or dpnoim- ination lias ne religion ab ali sud neyer hs had, and I fea.r neyer wili bave. Yen ara hoadefi up witl svlat yen supposa te be religion, but yen are lire Captain Frobisher, wsho brooght bacir frein bis voyage of discovery s shipload of wbat lie sespposed valuable minerais, yei, instcad of beiug clver snd geid, were nethiag but cemmon stonas o! ibe field. te lie linrled oui as finally uselcss. Thse Chlistian's Dniy. Migbty Gnd, iu ahi tby resîn le there oee in or aveman prefessing religion, vet se stoiid, se nnfitted, se fan _-ene unie death httise re avould lie any licsîtaucy iu snrreuderng ail preferences befone sud au oppomeuiuy o!salvation sud liaaveuly reussion? If yen, a Christian wife, arc au attendant uopen any clunel and ynnr unconverted husband dees net go there lecause lie doas net lireits preacler, or les nmusie. or ite architecture, or irs uncemfortable cnewvding, sud gees net te auy bouse e! wership, but wonid go if yen weuld sccompsuy hlm seine- wbere aise. change your chanci relations. Taire yonr hymubeoir home with yen te- day. Say geodby te yeur frieuds in thie neighboriug peave aud go with hlm me auy eue of a huudred churcises tiil bis seul is saved sud lie joins yen in the usarcli te licavea. More timportant than that ring on the titrd finger o! your left baud le is that yenr Hoavcniy Father command the augel o!fnsency couccrning your liusbaîsd ai Ils conversion. us iu tbe parabia of old. "Put a ring on bis baud. " No lester of moe importance cver camne te the great dity o! Coniafli, situaied on what avas called the " Bridgze o! the Ses, " sud giistaniug witl sculpture, sud gaucd svitî a stylce!o brase the magnificence o! whicb the feilowing ages have net been alile te succcssfally imitate, sud over- sbadowed by the Acre-Coiathus, a fort- mess e! rock 24,000 feet hsgh-I. say ne leter aven came te that great city o! more importance than that hetter in wvhidh Paul pus the two, stantliug ques- tions: "Wbat kuoeivse thon, O0svife, wlietber thon shaît save thy busband? Or liow ltnoWçest ilion, Ominu, wlctlier thont shaht save eby wifef" The deanesi sacri- fice on tic nant o!. thaeuoe le cheap if it rescue the othen. Botter go te thae snail- est, wesirest, mostinasigulficani cbsîrcl on earil sud lbe copartuers in etemniai bies tisa pass youn cartly mesnbcrship ýin most gergeousiy attractive dhurcI wble yeur cosupauton stsys onssde o! evangeical univalega. Botter hsave tic drowaiug saved by a scow orsa sloop than ici hlm. on bar go dosvn wliile you ssii by in the giided cabias o! a Majestic or Campania. Saerifice Preferenees. Second rcmark: If lotI e!fithe marriad couplas lie Cimistias, bsut eue is se natunsliy constructed tînt it ïsi.mlpossi- ble toenejey île services o! a pariicuiar deuorninstiou sud île other is net se sectania or punctillous, lai île one hess particinlar go wit the ether wbo le veny partlenIar. As for mysaif. I teel as ranch ai boin aona denominsiion o! evan - gelicai Clistiaus as anoiber, sud h ibinir h must bave beau bora very hur the line. h like the soiemu roll o! île Epis- cepai iliiungy, sud I hika îhe spcuianciîy o! tic Meihodists, sud I1itire the limport- ance givea te thce rdinnce o! baptismn hby île Baptiste, sud 1h hue the freedom. o! île Ceugregatioualists, sud h liltel geverumtent sud île sublime doctrne o! tIe Pre shytenisus, sud I like many cf île otisars just as muol as any h bave mentoad, sud h cenid liappiiy liveansd preadî sud dieand ha burted frein auy o! ibain. But othens are bora wil a lik- iug se stent, senbeuding, se inexorable for sorme denomuieaio hat h tei a posi- tive neceseity tliey have îhe sdvantage o! thar oaa. «Wbat tliey wamu iateaded te lic ta ccdiesiastictsm was writteu lu île sides o! their cradie, if the fabier sud motler lad eyes ireen enough te secit. Tbev wenld net stop cryiag until tîcy baid put in tîcir lande as a piaythiug a Westii- cicr catachisin o! île Thirty-.ntuc Articles. The whle carment o! ileir tamperameai sud thenght and chanactar muns Ilaeu seci of reigienista s naianally as tic James River îmie îhe Chesapeaire. Ie -would lic a torture te sncb pensons te ha auywbcmc oniside o! ibat oee durcI.' New, ict île wlfa or lusliaud Nvbo is net se ceusimucted sacrifice île ihder prefemeuce for tle eue more inflexible sud rigerens. Let the, grapevine !oiiow tIc rugesities sud sinositias o!flihe ak or hickory. Abram, the ridher in fiocirs e! Chirisa grace, slouid say te Lot, wlie te buli on a emalien scale: "Laitiahre ha ne sinifa, I pray the, beween mc su d anywlcme, go wiil your celupaulon te tlia,dlinnh te wlilel le or sbc muet go or ha misarable. Advte, te Parents. *Remsrk the taird: If both îleimarried couples are vary sirong lu their sectarian- isin, icitIten attensd île diff ereni dhurches prcfermad. i is not uedessary that yen attend tle saine churcI. Reli- gion is betwean yonr conscience sud youm God. Lire Abrarn sud Loi, agnee te enffer. WVlen ou Salibahi memiug yen coma oui o! your home togetier eue goas eue way sud the etlier île othar, leartiiy wisl aacl ether a good sermon sud a ie o! profitable devotion ansd whau .on meet again ait îhe noouday repasi lai it ha avident, eac o e acl sud te your chidren aud te îleelifrad help, thnt yen have bail beau on the Meunaio! Trans- figuration, aithongh. yen weni up 1y dtffarnst. Ouae aid 12 oeciecirai noon, anotier said five minutas hafere 12, au- otther said five minutes afiar 12. h migit as wel bave cencsnded hat tlere is ne such thing ase timp.ieansa the tîre timepieces were diffamant as for yen te concinde that tIare te ne sud h.thiug as pure Christianity becanse île durcies differ in iheir statamant cf ih. But ici us ahi rajoica iliai, altlengh pari o! our family msy wenshlp on eamehs ta oua chancI sud part irf anether churdli or bewed ai CIe daine sitar in a compro- mise o! praferences, wa are, if rcdeued, ou tle wayte aperfect dhurcI, whera al our prefareuces wiil lie fnily gmatified. Great catiedrai ofe! eniiy, sitî anches o! ameilysis aud, pihiars e! sapphire, with floors o! ameraid sud windoys aglow wih thîe sunrtse o! leavan! Wlai sinepndons towers, witk dhires angel hoested sud angel mnag! Wh4t ale different paths, aud that yen have both been fed liF the bread of life, thosigl kneaded by different hands ia different trays and baked in differeut ovens. "But liow about thc children?"' I ano! ten asked by scores of parents. Let thoem aise maL-e their owa choice. They wiil grow up with revereuce for boili the denomin- suions represeuted by father aud moilier if you liy hoiy lives commend those denominations. If the failier lives the botter if e, they -,ill have the more favor- able opinion of his denomination. If the mother J'ives the better life, they wil have tlie more favorable opinion of lier denomination. And somne day both thc parents willi, for ai least one service, go te the saine churcli. Thbe neiglibers wili say, "I Nvouder wliat is going on to-day, for I saw our neiglibor and lits wife, who alwsys go te different churdlies, goiug srm la aria te the saine sanctuary."1 Weil, I wiil tell yen wliat lias brought tliam togeilier arma in arm te tlie samne altafr. Something very important lias happenefi. TbQtr son is tu-day uultiag with tlie aburcli. 11e is standing in the aisie, tairing the vo ws of a Christian,.lHe liafi been somewliat wayward and gave fathen and moilier a gond deal of anxtety. but their prayers have been ansxvered in lits conversion, aud as lie stands ta the aisie aud the minister of religion says, "'Do yen censecrate yourseif te the Ged svlie made sud redeemed yen, sud do yen Dremise te serve hlm ami yoor days?" and witli xanly voice lie answers, 111 do," there le an April sliewer lu tlie pew where ftuler sud amother sit and a rain- bow cf joy wbicli arches botli their seuls sudsuaires ahl différences o! creed ia- fialtesimal. And the daugliter, -wlo liad beea very ;veldly sud gay and thouglit- less, puts lier life on the altar et ceuse- cration, sud as the sunlight of that Sabbatli treamss lreu-glithe churdli wiudow sud falîs upon lier brow sud tbeek sîse loks like eliefr other daughter, wbese face was iliuminated witli tle brightuess of aneilier xvorld ou the day wvlen tlie Lord rok lier inte lits leavanly keeptng years age. A liot From Astronormy. I sliould net wender if, aftér sîl, these panants pass the evening ef thetr 11fte ia the saine churcli, all differences of chirdl prefereuce overceme by the jey of lieing iu tle lieuse of God wliere their chidren were prapared for usefulness and hciaven. But 1 can give yen a recipe fer uining your chiîdren. Augrily contend ta the liouseliold that your churcli is riglit sud the cliardl of your companien is wroug. Bring saeer sud caricature te empliasize yeur opinions, aud your chuîdren wili make np their minds iliat religion is a sham, anca tley -,vill have noure of it. Ia the nortbeast stemsu of domnestie contre- versy the rose ef Sharen and the lily of the valley will net grow. Fight about apostelie sucessien. fight about élection aud tree sgeacy, fizhi about baptissu, figlit about the bishopnie, figlie about gown sud snrplice, sud ilie religions prospects of yeur children will bc left dead on the field. You ill be as nfent- unate as Cliarles, Duine of Buirguady, wvlo in battl(j lost a diasnond tle value of a kiugdomn, for lu yeur figit yen will lose the jeWel of salvationh for your catira lieuseliold. Tits lenething against the advecacy of yonr oxvn religions 'theories. Use ail forcible argument, liring ahl tell- ing illustration, array ail demonstrative facis, but let there be ne acerbtty, ne eingiug retori, ne mean' insinuation, ne superctliousness, as thongli al éthers ivere svroug sud yen infaliibiy rirlit. Taise a lit from astronemy. The Ptelematc systema made the aartli the center of tihe solar system. and everythiag was theuglit te turu round the eartli. But tbe Coperulcan systerg camne sud made the suarilihe conter arennd whicl the pianets revoived. The bigot maires lits itîtie balle! the ceuter of everything. but the large sonied Christian maltes the sun of rigliteousness the conter sud ahl dénominations witbnnt any rlasbing snd esdl inl its owu spliere revclving areuud it. Oves the temb or Dean Stanley lu Westminster Abbey is ýthe passage of Scripinre, "Tliy commaudmeats arcexa- ceeding broad. " Let ne mau crd-Nd us ou te a patli lilte thc bridge AI Sirat, wbtch the Meliammedan thinirs leads from this world over tlie abyss of bell tato para- dise, the liroadth of the bridge less than the web of a starved spider or the edge o! a sword or razer, off the edges cf which maay fail. No. Whiie the way îs net wtde enougli te taire with ns sny of our sias. it is widc enongh for ail Chiris- tia believers te pass witlieut paril ie everlastiug safcty. But de not any of you depend upon wbat yen eal "a souud creed" for salvation. A inu may own ail the statutas cf ithe State of New Yorkr sud yet net be a iawyer, sud a maunsmay owna ah the liest méedical ieatises and net lie a phsysician, sud a man inay ewn al the best works ou palatiag sund architec- ture sud not be eÉther paier or ardui- tact, sud a in may ovin ail the seuud creeds in the worid sud yet net lie a Cliristian. Net wliat yen have ia your liead sud on, yonr tonue, but ha your lieari sud tn your if e, wiil decide every- thhug. Iia.g Ont; Yos.. Lijiha. In eldea tîntes ia Euglaad before the modern street lamps wvere inveuted evemy The Profitable Age fer Winter Layer.. "IAt wiat age le it mosi profitable to keep biens for wanter lavers?" Thc wlse cnes tel ns liai puilets o! any o! tbe beter vanietias Chat are liatcied ealy eneughlnlutîe season te mmcl inaturity, aud begia laying- in tie fahi, wilh con- tinue thronghout the -wintcr witli short peniede o! intemmIssion, pr-ovided. o! course, tiat tley arc fad sud cared for ta sudh a mauner as te promete tle egg- msiig proese. >Ve arealase ield iliat lieus o! île leavian vanleties are at ibeir besi wlen iWe yaarsci, sud iîat*a langer par cent, o!filicir aggs &mafertile, sud preduca liner, lasithiar chicirs than those istcîad from pullets& cggq. O! the sinailer sud more active,,tha n n-siting lireeds, lieue eau le kept witi proili aui &ae- years oid.-Tlhe Cale. L f worshippers, white robed sud coronet- Led l Wlat an oeiater au the aitar evea 5"the greau 11gb Pmîest of our profes- 5sion!"' Wlat walls, lung witb the cap- ktured sl'ields and flags, by the echurcb nmilitant passed up te lie cbumch tinm- pliant! Wbat doxologies of ahl nations!, Corouet te ceronet. cymbai te cymbal. liarp tealiarp, erg-an en organ 1 Puleut the tremnulant stop te recaîl the suffer- ings pasi! Pull eut thc trumpet stop te celebrate the victery! Wliea shah these cycs tby beavea buili wails And pealy gaies bebeid. Thy bulwarirs, wltb saivation stroug, And streets o! shluing-goldi' THE EARLY CHURCH. Fallier. Were Deciderlly Hrumas sud So Had Différences. The early fathers were very human. sud differed froin one anethar in many belle! s sud epinions. None o! tleiem xould bave escaped the stake as a beretic int the l-2t1 century, han lie ilen advocated oe or more o! bis peculiar views. But la the primitive ages ibey spoke fÊeely sud with wouderful hoidness, denoijniug Cthe evils of pagauiem, and exboriing their breiliren te iead the higlier life according te s purely Cliristian standard. lu is strange, at a time sybea questions o! rituai are fiercaly agued ansong us, that se uitile reference iste tehbefounfi te tise lnowa customs sud teachings of the primitive churcli. The churdli had two distinctive sacra- ments, tbat e! communion and that of baptism. Pliny reperted, in 112 A.D., tbat la Pentus the Cliistiaus met Defore dawn sud sang bymus te Christ, "as tbongli te God. " Tliey gatlered af terward at an "innocent iues," aud tliey taught the impiest buman dutias, swaartng te observe moral law, againsi whicl there is neo condamnation. «liseir crime isy in refuslug to incense te the delild Csesar, *a ecruple leadiag te suspicions o! ireason. Their meetings were hld ou a "Istated day, " sud were appareuuly secret, because the Chiristian societies were net eamolied ameug the iiceesed clubs o! the empire. In Palestine the brefliren met on Sun- day. te read the Propliets sud tle teacli- ing et Apostles, te ing bymas and offeor piayer, sud te join in the agapae or social mneals, durtng the course o! whicl wine mingied witl water and breafi, were set before the presidiug brother, wlio gave tlianks te God "tbrougb'" Christ sud uthe Spirit, for these biessiags; and ail flic people answered Amen. Tlle ceremeny tley caiied Encliarist or "tliaalsgiving, " and tho president off ered tbese Drayers "as well as lie could, " la meumory o! tbat asat supper commandcd by liim wvlo spoire while yet an tflfesli and wbtle bis bloofi was yct unsled.-Baairwood's. MON TE VIDEO. A City Noted for Its Newspapero4 Librarles and Schools. Montevideo te neted for its intelgenca. i is a city o! nesvspapers, liliraries sud scbeols. There is a national lihrary whicl coatains 22,000 volumes. It bas a national mnseum, in whicl there are 83,000 objects. Ihislethe conter o! intelligence for tlie country, sud the, leadiag dailies, weelies and menthles are pnblislad liera. Most e! the dailies are la Spanisb, but tIare are tWe daiiy Euglisb news- papers sud an Italia, newspaper, sud aise oae ia French. As te the school system, tîje is steadiiy lmpreviug. Tîcre ara 500 more selicols ta Uruguay now iban fliere were lu 1876, altbougli as yet euly nine par cent. ef thc population attend ibem, sud tbe majory of the commnon people cannoü read sud write. There are new in thc neigbborbood o! 2,000 school teacliers. of wliem more than twe-thirds areaivemen. Teaciers are weli paid. the average bcing about $35 a montb. Most of the reacisens arc fereiguers, thene being only 606 native teacliers in the 1,990 la service. Norma] scbeels lave, howe'aer, bea estabiisbed, and there will be an tncreased number ef native teachars lu the future. Moatevid -o lias a uatversiiy witli 86 profassers sud à49 studeuts. The course in ibis is vcry complote, law, medictue, engineering sud île erdtuary coliege studios beiag tanglit. i is stipperted by the Geverumeat. The Gevermuent aise supports au industriai echool, wbich liaî 243 pupils, snd a military collea, whiab lias 48 pupils. The country lias a geod postai sud teiegrapl systesu as, well. Ocean ,nses TIc Oceaaic, rccentiy launcled ai Bei- fast, le the biggest vessel afloat. The first steamer ilat cosscd ilie Atlaico eas thai Savannah. 11cr dispîscement was, 350 ions. The voyage was effecced in 26 fisya and thie shsîp larseif was regarded as a. wouder. Tbat is 80 yaars ago. Forty years later the woueler o! île Savannah was lest ta tbe marval o! the GreatEasst- ern. Like tac Savannahi, the Great East- ern was s pssddiewheee. Subsequenuiy came thc Persia. The old pacirets wblcb tok forever te cross the ecean vanÏslied. For the iel sud opulent ibeme was île The West Pointer. "What a pecullar bronchial trouble younig Chevrons lias? He creaks everyr tùnue le breathes I "Pooh! That's its new corsets."9 Cause and Effect. "Doctor, I didu't think it would be necccssary for you to cone again, but miy throat this morning ls ,o hot ansd dry-" "lias youir wife, sir, been showing Yon nly bill? She-ilave Yrou noticed that Mr. Short- leigli is payinz a gond deal of attention to Miss Clevertony Ile-.-Yes, and 1125 the flrst t;ime I q knew hlm to pay anything. if y-our liver is ont of order, causini Bhliousness, Sick Headache, lleart. bnrn, or Constipation, take a dose of Hood's l aPIS On retiring, and tomorrow your di- gestive organs will be reguiated and you wili be briglit, active and ready for any kind of work. This ha@ been the experience of others; ift will lie yours. HOOD'S PILLS are Esold by ail medicine dealers. 25 ctu.j SCorn. Please caUl .3N and see. ISOWANNLLER. W. JAM>ES« R. F. BYEBS lias opened the New Centr-a Livery nearly opposite the Standard Bank. Bowmanviile, where he lias a fine lot of Sin-gi* and Double Carrnages, Democrats, Wag-on-i etc., for litre. Good Horses and Careful Drivers. No loafing allowed.' Teleplione No, 23. Calin day and night proinptly attended. The -Best113 's- ilte Be We therefore ask yen f0 eall and tuspaci our Single Driviug Harnessi Russeft sud Black, Solid Nickel tv Plaied Trimmiugs, made frori fl~ besi stock and ai prices that Ai surprise you. Also Elarness Polish) Varnish for'Buggy Coverý aud.Axle Grease. the best., Stand opposite Central Livery, Bo'w mauvilie. ,JOHN S. RUNDLE. INSTANT RELIEF 'uaranteer by usine- MILBURItl'S STEhING IIEAUi- ACHE POWDERS. No deprassin g afer affect. Tley daiiy insure an easy sud naturai movemeat of the liowels. Yon wiii Sund that île use of with the pis 'iili basten recovery. It cleauses tie blood from ail impunilies sud is s greal tonic te île nerves. 'Iife file Docte'. Our Istedicas Dapartinant has ana of tise niait eminent physicians iu the United States. Tel the deetar tnst liaw yen are suftarlng. Rau wiSl eceiva thea s inediealadvce -withuut caît. Address, DR. A. C. Avili. Lowel. Massa. Are your nerves wrair? ~.Can't you siep wel? Pain ,uyonr bacr? Lacktenergy? 'Apîetite poor? Digestion b^ l? Bous or pimpies? These are sure signs of poisoning. From wiat poisons? S From poisons that are ai- ways fouud in coasfipated boweis. 1If the contents of the, Sboweis lire net removed from th e body eci day, as nature iuteuded, Ihese poisonus A substances are sure te be absorbed into the blood, ai- Sways causing suii'ering sud frequ-entiy causing seveme ~'disease. S Týere is a cemmon sense cure. 'l theel" As vou--am-be-e .-t -t -t b4 Ilt 1 -t-. 1 , 1 . 1

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