) sum er mily G'ýranld Suimmer Sale of choice Millinery at Mrs. Dingman' s. Sailor ilats in great variety. Latest styles and colors for all trimmned goods. Chiffons, M1ýechlins, Fancy Mousselines, Wings,Foliage, 0.- ýaments, Flowers, etc., always in stock. Ladies' Bonnets and Children's ilats a specialty. BOWMANVILLE. Fashionable Milliner. Hnim Pto0n Generial Store1i We 1"bHld a vaster stock than lias been," and are as usual prepared Loc give bargains in Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries antd Hardware. Gents' Clothing. Good Trweed Suits to order $8.00. 'Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. We have a very large and -well assorted stock~ to se'ect from, in Serges, Worsteds and Tweeds, both Foreign and Domestie manufacture, We are bound to SUIT ý ou. (iroceries and Hardware. In our Grocery and Hardware Departments you will find our stck well assort3d, bouglitin the best markets at the closest prices, and willl be sold at the rîglit prîce. Some people want quantity others quality, we can please both. Highest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a cail. Frak-. ele HAMPTON. wHA'S YOU IDAAOUTpAINT Low Price is Low Quality. Paint as good as the - Shérwi - i'lliams Paint (There is noue better) cannot be seld for less than we ask. If less is asked you know the quality is lower and its not cheap. Its poorly made, contains poor material, Gr is short measure. You get what you pay for every time. The Sherwin-Williams Special Floor Paint is made for floors and nothing o - else. It is made to walk on and stand be- ing walked on. Paint your Window and Door Screens, we have a special paint for them alone. Varnish Stain, Buggy Paint, Lead, Ojîs, Turpentine. Cail and get a color card. BoWM-ýANVILLE. West End Hardware Store. TA evrBokSl 0&*f Boots and Shoes Stl l-Going On. 0'.0. We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks'and have lots te dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-elass goods at very sniall 1rices, My Spring stock is in-znost of it-and we find our shelves crowdeû, We"want more room and are -bound to have it, if Iow priees have any- thug to do with it. Oui carry a gx 1 --meut of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $1.00. Men's Caif and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 t$2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Chldren's Batton and Blms 25c,, 50e, 75e, worth 50e, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond ini prices. We will tell yon what the stock is in each and every pair. The .eason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now in stock in every line. The public is invited to inspect our stock; no0 tro;ýble to sbow goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satehels; Shawl Straps, fancý and plain;- Dresbing, thfe very best that eau be bought. Cheap trash dressipg is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli- ed to. * Repairing done in ail its branches i firsticlass style. Fine work miade to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking My enstomers for past favors and hoping for a continuance of the t.ame. Beaver Block, Blowmanville. THL HEOO~CI JOURi,ýAL and SCIIENCE of HEALTI. Knéow* veiry%-ilere Is in its Sixty-flrst year. Wrile FOWLER &WELLS CD 27 E 21 aist t, fttaw YmorIfe specimen eapy. $1.00 a ear ta new subseribers including a s4hOrt summary ai Chazacier.- D. DAVIS. AGENTS, WANTED-For cities, AL towui and Coutry Districts. Pe samPie case and exclusive tarritory. Thoe desiriong a-good district sbeuid write at once. We bave over6 Sue ares under cultivation. our hy GeeuatIsetr. A ent.susple withk' ep of cnel riiae, We sIo andia t aewst sud hast ,'rîeties f Saeî oaes Write for prtiçun.1. LInNtisvC l'oioft, ctM THE MEAN MAN. ]>Id Not Like the Way tho Gamne was Played. "Geel l'Il bat that'e a mean anan,"1 said the boy who bad sold a paper and had been caiied back te give up the cent whlch had beau missing in the change., " Somle peeple's awfui stingy, ain't they?" ventured his companson. "Well, 1 shonld say yes," responded the first. "What's a cent to a man any WaY? And jt's a lot te a kid. Vve been trylng to save enough for a reali'dead' bail almost ail summer now and ain't been abie to gat enough yet." "Huh! that's nething. So did L." "~Say, you going te schooi when it takes up?" "I dont know. Daddy says I amn if he gets a job." "Ain't your daddy--" Off tbey rushad, each striving to beat thea other te a customer iu the middle of, the block. Rach morning the mean man took the car at th- same corner. Rach mornlng hu bought a paper from the sanie boy, axacting invariabiy correct change. One morning the mean man was lata. Nearly ail the boys bad sold ont or had turned their papers lu. A game of bal] was iu progress iu front of the mean man's bouse. As ha camne ont and stood on the steps the boys saw hlm and vent- ed slight impracations on bis .haad. "Aw, go ahead, " hissed the hatter te the piteber, la an nudertone; "ha can't make us stop." So the gaine went ou and the mean man carne dowu bis steps aud starteq te walk away. Sornêthing caused him te stop. That somethiug was a musby rmg baIl, whioh bit hlm falrly ln the back of the nack, The mean rnan stoppad and picked it up. Gazing at fiearnestly,, a look of cou- tampt stole ovar bis face as hae bore the rag hall in triuntpb away. "Sea that; 1 told yen te be careful about batting until he got past," vocifer- ated the pitcher with gesturas of daspair.1 "Now you'va gene and broke up the gains." It was indaed a disconsolate gathering. The batter sat on the cepiug on the adge of the street and peunded at the gutter. "Aint ueobedy got another bail?" he asked. "No', that's the iast oe. We made it yasterday. Hey, Jimnmy, there&s a cus- tomer up on the corner wants a papr. " "Aw, that aini't ne customer. That's the felarS that took our bail. Ha dont want ne paper; he's --ot a paper iu bis baud new." "Weli. he wants semetbing. H's wbistlng at you. Go ou aud sý what ha wants. ' went. As ha drew near the man on thea corner raisad bis a,m te throw. "Catch!" E ha cried. Jimnmy raised bis baud aud caugbt.C Irnmediately ha dropped the objeet, andc stili mbhîng bis bauds raised bis voice inE jubilation te sheut, "Oea, feliars; hare's - a reai ' daad.' " THE CHIEF END 0F PREACHING.' leu Maelaren Says It là Inspiration; Its Chef Dsaster là Indifféence. Ian Maclanen, lu the first of a sarias ef articles on the relations of the paster aud cengregâitiolà, writes of "The Art of Listaulng te a Sermon," lu The Ladies' Home Journal. "-Aboya ail thlngs," ha sayý, "the Christian preacher makes two damauds. aud bath can be justified only hy the obedience of the bearer. Hae invites bis audience te beceme disciples sud servants of Jesus; ha assures bis feliow- men that te, trust iu Jasus and te foiiow Hlm' is te live. If the bearer arguas and debates about Jesus ha eaun eyer arrive at the facis, and ha has net deait fairiy witb the preacher. Let hlm put the mat- termo eb test and make the adveutura wlih Jases as did the first Christlaus. If ha doas, then ho wiii ha able to judge the preacher; if uot, ha ougbt t e ha llant. Neyer bas there beau more futile crltlcism than that of hearars wbo will net believe; sncb people waudar aronnd the outside of the cuibedmal aud dliss t'e paintad glass, wbich eau oaly be uuderstood from the luside. Anether appeal of the Chris- tian preacher ih fer sacrifice, and fi shi bs dnty te niaguify the glory of uusaifisb living. _He asks people te do wbat is bard sud unattractlve, sud promises tbem a çain whlcb is spiritual sudunuseen. It lias upon thes bearer te verify 'this corn- maundment for bîmself, and te find oui whethar serviug othars, sud not one's self, doas make enae happier aud strenger. The chiaf eud of pneacing is, aftem ail, Inspiration, aud the inuwbo bas beau set ou fire la the vindication of the pul- pit. The chief disaster of preaching is datacbMeut sud indiffarance. Neyer was any sermon, se poor sud tim but it con- taiuad mre than its bearers couid prac- tice. Np sermon bas fahied wbicb bas sant one man away icher by a single thougbi or stirred te a single brave deed." Longeât-Jump un liacôrd. hi was net a profassienal athiete irbe made the longest "ruuuîng bmead jnmp" on record, but a collage professer, Mn. W. J. M. Neirbumu, of Ciaemont Collage, Dublin, a young mnu io leads a vary systouiatic5life, wrks harder than auy of bis tudenis sud nelthar imokes nom drinks. Hia strides Ioreasse lu lengtb as bis spead moreases, sud the laitthireaor measur6 over ion'f eet, fer ýy fris urne ha ha golug ai full speed. The-srike just in front of the take-off h not ovar seven feet long, for heoinuit gather himself tbeu for the jump, and if ha ire te put bis jumping foot tee àl5al front of hlm ha would more or las ratard, bis mmentuin. 'Whou Nawburu leavas the graund ha getit a "mise," aud literally sails tbrough the air. Just before lsndiug il seains as if bis feet wre going te tench irban ha tucks tnem under hini, sud their beiug s0 bandled gives the uuitiated an Impres- sion thai ha is taking a second spring, Thein, wbeu bis head sud sheniders ara se close ta the gronnd tbai ho eau posi- pene the inavîtable ne longer, ha aboyas bis feat iu front of hum, sud the mornen- tum of bis irbole body carnies hlm for- *ard sund pravants bis faliig back. Noneonformist Mrigs Since kprilI VNoncenformistsinbuEug- land have bain able fer the finit tiane te ha married, by ininisiers of thein owu fatb witheUt the registrar's preseuce baiug reqnhred, The lawib tus acknowl- odges that sncb mramiages are religions and no longer civii coermenies. Whou a Wamau Faluts. To'cura for a person whe bas faiuted, iay the penson düýyu, kaep rbb hesd loir, leasen the clotbing, give ,,plpnty of fresh air sud dash coed ws-, lui the face. Sineil- lng-altsaud-siu uI'stas ouid Ôunly-bo sned when cooscoeusness bas retunr4.- MARIE CORELLI. tais 3lsrvellous Writer Is of Vouetian Birtb, But la Accedited to En.-land -Smail and Very Fair. Marie Corelli hs the most intere-iting figure la the lltamary world. Marvel, )us jstories aie told of ber birth aud paremi' a-ce; but, as a rnatter of fact, sha b au Italian ef the Venetian type, She was adopted, wben very yo'ing, by Dr. Charles Mackay, the author, and ai bis death she was leftin the guard an - ship of Dr. Mackay's stepson, Erie Mac- kay, the poat. In sncb congenial surronndings Marie Corelli grew up te womanbood witb a strong instinct for music. She was gi7en a tborougb musical education, and she inteuded te davote ber life te it, but ail of a sndden she bad a desîre to Write, aud so started eut upon "A Romance of Two Worids." She compieted. the book before she was 20 years old. lis instantaneous success gave ber a position in the litarary world; sud she bas since devoted berseif te iitarary work. She kaeps bouse ou Longhridge Road, 'London, aud is the mistress of a verv ulca brownstoule mansion witb a typicai smnall backyard npon whicb. the windows or bier study looke. Marie Corelli hi mali, sligbt and very delicute. Rer bair is goid, ber ayas bina and bar complexion the purest pink and white. Wban yen tell bar tlfat yen sup- posed ail Italians ware dark, she will remind yen- that the Vanetian type is fair. Rer coioring is se delicata, yat se high, that she migbt ha a China ligure painîted for a sbep wiudow. Rer bauds are specialiy beautifui. They are smaii sud perfect iu shape, sud lu talkiug she uses them ceustantiy. Marie Corelli hs a weulan of intense narvous force and marvelions imagination. The warm southeru biood ih lu ber vains, giving ber tbat peculiar creative powver wbicb eau enly belong, te the tropies. Sha is-a painter, a writer aud a musician, puttiug the art of ail thrae lu bar literar3' work. When at horne, which is uearly ail the year, theauthor-Dss is aiways axqnisltely1 dressed, ber favorite colons beinz paie bina aud white. She dresses fraontiy la a Watteau gowu of turquoise bine satin, prefusely trimmad witb beautiful lace. She works constantly and ih never bappiar than when at bar dask. Altbougb a great lien lu Loudon's literary wonid, Maria Coelli gees eut but littie, and then oniy te visit the opera or an exhibition of paintings. She is de- votad te the work of ber stepbrother and fluds ne greater joy than lu praisîug bis celehrated work, "The Love Ltters of a 4 Violinisi," for Erie Mackay is a peet of4 no mean worth.1 hi is a marvellons tbing about Marie1 Corelli that she bas neyer vlsited theg countries of whicb she wrltes. She had lever seau the Land of the Miduigbt Sun wben she wrote "Thelma," nor bad sha any woridly axpaniance wben she 10 )anned thal marveiiousiy worldly 'book, 'Vendetta." k j Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor O11, Paregorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria, destroys Worms and allays Feverisli- ness. Castorla cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates élie Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Clilidren, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea-The Motherls Friend. Castoria. Castoria. "Castoria fi au excellent maedicine fer "Castonla lason well adapted to children children. Mthers have repeatedly told mne tlat 1 recommend it as soperior te ai'iy pre- of its good effect upon their childreu." scription known to mne." DR. G. C. OsGoon, Lowell, Mass. Il. A. ARcHER., M. D. Brooklyn, N. Y THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE CENT.....yO..wNV. 7 URVSRE,5WVRS 011 Goal, Wood3 et1,etc@ Until furiher 'notice SPOT CASH will buy fresh mmced, well screened Coal at the following priets: Scranton Coal, ail sizes, at harbor $4.'75 per ton ; delivered to any part of town $5.25. HIavîug baudlad this Ceai for j24 e secutive, years and almest ail other kiuds at times we eau recemmend it as beth best sud cheapest. Our shed capacit.y heiug sufficient for the suppiv of this section the publieceau depend on always gettiug ean, dry ceai. As lu the past we are prapared te psy the vary highast market price fer ahl kiuds of GRAIN AND SEEDS delivered at our storebouses corner King and George Sts., or at Port Darliugtou. SALT-coarsa, fiue aud dair7 lu bags sud barrais, aise Ratsof Rock Sait for cattie audherses always on haud Lumber, Lath, Shingias, Sash, Doors, etc., in stock~ sud made te order. Iuspect!eu invited sud satisfaction gnarauteed.1 ]BoWMANVILLE. *************.*..... I j *1 f I I i f i f i BA x -~.--- Country people as a rule feel the want of convenient bathing conveniences. One of the gzreat advantages of life in the city is the pleasure and- luxury of -the bath- room with its hot and cold'water. Then there are in every city special Russian and Turkish Baths where those suiffer- ing from Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, ý&c., &c., can secure the advantages of these well known institutions which have hitherto been beyond the reach of those living in the country. IN EVERY HOME Now however all this is changed and the humblest home in the land can have 'the ad- vantage of one of the most perfect baths made. The Niagara Vapor Bath Co. manufacure a full line from $2.00 up. See testimonial prices andl samples at STOTI & JURY'S DRUG STORE BICYCLE RýEPMAR SHOP, MARKET SQUiIRE, BOWMA1NVILLE. HaVing added considerable new machinery, I arn now prepared to do ÂLL ÇLASSES of Bicycle and General Repair work. Braziing and Tire, Vulcanizing done here-no need to send sucli work to the city. Wheels are built to order. See TIRh FISHLEIGIT "'SPECTAL11 before-buying. An Up=to=date Bicycle, Uvery. Whreels7àlways-in.A-i rpair. Bildad'îs leigli Ride. There once lived lu Vermout a yong man wbe was net mnucb more than l1sif- witted, but wbo, like othar people waut- ing lu Intelligence, siwsys desired te do whai other sud more g1fted. people did. lIn the tewu where ha rau bis ambitions career, "Biidad's slaigb ride" is still a syuenym for au enterprisa that depeuds lsrgaiy ou tbe reseurces of others. Oua wintar the Pleigbifig was geod sud ail the yeung swains were takiug their youug lady friands te ride. Bildad was lmprassad with the dasirability of ergan- iziug au axpedition on bis ewu accont, but be had ne nlg aud ne monay tb hire Oue with. Navertheless ha cama 0one afternoon te s werthy youug lady of bis ueighborboed sudaskad ber te go slcigb-nidiug witb bim that avaulng. "But Bildad," she said; "yen haveu'i got auy herse." "John Miles, he's promlised te leud me bla'u." :Why,; John lisant get any harnas." "Fate Cenliss gem' te let lue take bisun." IlWbat ara yen golng te do for a sligh?" "Mn.R» ais, she said Y co741d take hernu" "lYen can 't go sleighiug witbout a string of halls. " "Nathan Page, ha says I km bhey bis string. " IlYen've get te have a buffale roba." "John Currier, ha said ba'd jusi as lives I'd bave bis aid eue, au' by gorry I kmn cnt a whlp meseif. " The -veung lady sald that undar the circumsiances she guessed he wonld bava te borrow soma other girl. Ha pçrsistcd lu bis searcb fer s pantner until ho sein- ally found eue, sud weut ou the sleigh- ride lu fine style. Some yals afiar this occnrreucg Biidad came laie te su engagement te de a job of work, aud was askcd the neason for bis tardinaîs. "RHubi" hoa nswarad with'as mirk, "I've beau gettin' married. ibis memuin' 1" 11Mrried!1 yen, Bildad! Wby, yen eau 't support youseif!" l'Weil," said Biidsd, III c'u puty near support myself, sud I thiuk sheouogbi toi help se!" Twenty Lashos for Six Raîrs. -A singular thef t was tried by Mn. lieale, firstkciass magistrate. Supersti- tiens Burmans pull out the bains of an aiephaut's tail for talismans. making rings eut of them. sud othen charm. Oua Nge Tun Lin want inte an elepbant's shed ai Abione sud pnliad six bfain ooui of a bull eiepbant's tail, secrotig tbem, lu isNmbralla. The mabatcbdase hlm, sud ha pmemptiy sbeek the bain eunt ef the uanbnalla.- Thay f cli on soe straw, were picked Up sud put ferward iu evîdeuce of thefi. The insu vas con- victed sud santeuced te recebve 20 iasLes. -Times of Burmah. Glory N. 'i emptatiîn. A faw years age the river drivers Nvere workiug on the West Branch, says the Aristook, Ma., Pioneer. The legs bad jammed jute a uasty smarI, aud n neu hankared for the job of going out with a cantdeg snd stamtiug the kay log. In the crew iras su Indian, -wbe ',vas uoed for bis coolnass sud bis kceuuess. The boss finaliy ieekad ever bu bis direction. "Lacoote," ho sald, "yen go ont sud break that jain, sud Ille'l mca iba e a s nica puif la the paper. " The radskln, lookad at the legs, sud then ai the boss. "Dad Injun look nice on papar,"*he. gmuutad aud wsbxed away. Ain Qdd S.urceo f Ilicome. A church lu London sill 'psse4ses au inooia rlgialiy-g-vante-lt for--the-pur-- poe of buylug faggots for burutng bhre- W.a "IBELLEURob 11 8-tf., is 7717=9,