-J ( I I I ____ SJ. HIG NBOTHAM -8USO:N- Chemists and Druggists. Fine Bat'h Sponges from 5 to 50c. E Cream of Witeh Hazel for Sunburn, Tan, and Freekies, - Crab Apple and Lilae Cologne, Florida SWater, Fine Perfaure and Toilet Soap. E Foot Cornfort, and ail Toilet requisites. E Tanglefoot Fly Paper, Inseet Powder, &c. E J. HICCINBOTHAM & SON, .BOWMAN VILLE. Druggists. BOWMANVILLE, JUNE,21, 1899. CADMUS. Cadmus Mthodist Sundey Scirool held their anniversary lest week. A 'veny pleasant afternuou ires eujoyed. Iproceeds about $40... Sous of England Lodge of Blacksteck lied an excursion to Bohce vgeoou Selrday. A lange cnowd ettended .... Anniven -an- wes beld et Ceeserea Sunday enad Mondey, Jane 18 aud 19, ... Miss E. Jackson, Toronto, la visitiug friends here. ANT[OCH. Ms.Robertson is visiing ber brother, Wm. Scott, Port Hope, whir ËI.... Mn. Andnew Morrow and wife, Kîrby, called on fî-euds recntly .... Mn David Sommerville visited Lindsay lest week. -...Mn. Johin Waddell and famils- vist- cd isbrother, Mn. George L. Weddell recentlv .... Mn. Waldimeno Hanter spent'Sunday week eat Bowmenville.. . Miss Cern and fiend, Cobourg, visiteri Mn. Wrigirlsou Foster ... . Miss Beatrice,, Poster is visiting friends lu Columnbus..' .. MWs Jas. Hunier is aibo to bho ut againi. . .. Miss Edre Rowe, Onono, visil- cd bier cousins. VoLe 510 ERU? iQls-Are 9rand bat skin eruptions rob life of joy.7BuékIerP-' Arniica Salve cures tirolu; also Old Ru- xung end Foyer Soi-es, Ulcers, Bouls, Feons, Corus, W'arts, Culs, Braises, Burns,' Sceld s, Cirapped Hauds, Chul hiains, Best Pile Cane ou eantb. Drives ouI Pains and Aches.- Ontv 25 ts e box Cane guameteed, Sold hy Stoti and Jury, Druggists. XEW HAVEN.. Mmr. Fred. Truli bas invited thre mem- beujof the Christian Endeavor 10 e gak en parts- next Frida y oveninz. A good ime is- expectod. ,.Mm. Edgar Alun addrossed thie' C. E etFnidas- evelin_ en the "Forward Movemeut," and orîaauized for work wlth Mn. C. W,. Slemon as Missionanv Vice-President, Mn. Luko Buttons-, Secretans-, and Miss Vide VanCamp as Treasuer .... Mn. John Melcaîf 's herse rau ewey lest Suday aflemnoon, bneaking lire.buiggy aird thmrowiug the occupants eut. MiS. Butlenwonth, Mn. Metelf's mothen,had tHleg broken and is otberwise bnulsed and injared. BISMARK' R's lues Nnuv-Was tiere ns- uit of iis splendid healtir. Indomitable will and tremendoas euergs- ~e not found 'ibero Stomiach, Liven, fidneys and Bowels are eut of order. If you want those quelitios and tire success tires- bing, use Dr. Klng's New Life Plîhu Tbey develop evens- power of the brain and body. Onis- 25c. et Stoît and Jury's'drug store. COLUMBUS. Theo Mtirodisîs intend le irold thiri ~Sunday Scirool anniversars-, as usuel, ou tire second and tIbrd of Juis-.,.. TtIiýp Preshyterieýn chancir ias been aundorgo lng extensive repeins, emeounling te about $600. Tuie interior of tire edifice lies been completels- renovaed. A new- herdwood ceili)g ires been pat in. Tire walla painted lu ligiri tinita, tire soala and other wood-wonk grained, tire new lampa and cerpols, give tire interion e cireefal and inviting appoaane. On Sundas-. Jane 11, tire re-opening iook pface. 1ev. A. MeGillivras-, M. D., of Boun rcirarcb, Toronto, deliverod aele end heipful discoursos ho fulli cougrege- tiens, Tire Methodiats kindîs- wilhdnew- their services for tho des-. Ou Mondes- evening a service was beid, whicb was =ages attended. Addmosses were deliv- eeiRs-1ev. J. Hodgos, Oshawa, 1ev, J. Abrahamn, Whitbs-, and 1ev. E. A. Tonkin, Columbus. Tire assembly on- joyed a capital programme of neadinga, bv MussaMrtin, and solos irs Miss L. Woodcoek,Wbitbv, and Mn. Stevenson, Oshawa. Tire recoiptsaemonnted te $100... HEMARRABLE IISCUE.-MrS. Michael Curlein, Piainflold, ELi, makes lire stato- mont, tiraIsire ceugirt coid, whicb set- tled on hiem langa; sire was tneated for a munIr bs- er famil-pirvacian, bal grew worse. lTe toid bier sire wes a hope - lesa viclim cf conumption and liret ne me ire could came lber. Ion druggist exggcsted Dr. King's N~ew Discovors- for. Consumption; sire hougirt abottie and te her deliglirIf oand beseif bonefit- ted freinferst dose. Sire continued ils use sud aller teking six botîles fonnd herseif sound and w-cl; now- doos lber own hoasewonk, end ia as w-eu as sire ever was. - Froc trial botîlea of Ibis Great Discovens- et Stotl and Jury's Jnug Store. Onîs- 50 cents end,81.00,ev- eny ctîle guaranteed. PROVIDENCE. The Sandas- School annivonsary at Providence wlllbh eid as follows: Ou Sunday Jane 251h two sermons aI 2.30 p. m. by 1ev. J J. Ree, Bowmau- ville, and aI 7 p. m. hy 1ev. J, S. 1. Wilson, Counlice. Speciel singing by the choir. Collectin. On Monday Jane 261h et 4 p. m. tee will bo senvd aflon wiich a pnogram will ho reudened in lire cburch. Addressos iry 1ev. J. J. Rae and othens. Tickets 25 cents; chu.- dren 15 enuts. Evenybody come and eujoy a social cap of tee. Bowmenviile Harmon- Maie Quar- totte wiil funuisir the musical prognema - alnew piocos. R. N. ADAMS, FRED, BLACEUPN, Peston. Secneteny. HAYDON. Visilors: Mr. Cyrus Siemon and Mn. Ciras. Brown et honý14e; Misa Reilly, Betbany, et Mn. Richard Ashton's; Mn. and Mis. T. MeGili, Betirany, et Mn. Tires. Asiton's; Mrs. (Dr.) J. H. All6 ai Mn. Wîu. Broed's .. . .Mr. Herbent ,Slemou end Miss Addie Broed visîted ýft1euds lu Columbus on Sandey .. .. Mn. Richard and Miss Kalie MeNeilispent Suuday aI Whitby..,.. Mr,end Mrs.Ren- be n Ashton spent Sanday iu Oshiawa. «Miss Campbell ires beau visiting atý Mn. (ieRoers . Miss (4rrie Brima- ekde 'irasbceen ;iting frieudsaet En- field .. .. Mr. and Mrs. John SlWon ne-, eently visited fiendsaet Pickering and The auniverseny services of Icydon Suuday Sehool will bhelo d as follows: Satardas-, July ist, comtuenciug aI 2.Q p.m. a pnogrem of nadings, réeltation and-singing will ho given by the scirool and addresses by 1ev. E. O. Inwin, and othens. Tee senved fnom4 o'etock, At 8 p. mn. a first-clessa concert will * give by Misses Trebileock,SaundenÊ 4und â Dowelt and Mn. L. T, Courtice, Bew manville; Miess Jeunie McLeuoblin, Tynone, Mrs. Wight and famii<Plïrov-' idene, the HeaIlle faniy, Mount Ver- non, and others. On Suivies, JaIs- 2nd services will ho nesumed when 1ev. E. O. Inwin will preacir et 2.30 amnd 7 p. m, Collection et oach service. W.H.CREEFPER, W.J.S. 1unlle, Supeintendeirt. Secnotemy. ORONO., Air. A. Canvetir wes lu Cobourg le'st w-eek ou tire janv.... Mn. E. P. Deucest- on visited friends lu Pouls-pool,... Mn, Madison Hall visited et Miss Sterk's, Columbu's, recentis.... Miss Drew, Oshr- awa, visitild Mn. Thos. Smithr Surdaes week .. . .Dr. James Fielding, Norwiech, Engiand, visited bis sister, AIrs, John Rickabs-.. .. Mn. Wm. Tirompson, jr , and famîly bave moved te Torntuo.... Mrs. E. A. Tanner, Lakefield, is viit- i ng hon fathen. Mn. James Linton.... 11ev. J, A. McKoon j*eacbed lunlire Preabytenian chancir, Pont Hope, Sun- des- week . . .. Miss R1. A. Gifford and sisÏen, Mns. Canscaddeu, visited et Mn. H. H. Henis'.... .1ev. Mn. Smith, Ton- ontv, occupiod tire Presbylenian chuncb Sundas-.. . .M r. James Scott, Bnockviie, w-es rocent guost of Mn. T. Smith.... Mn. Wm. Coones-, Kirirs, iras gone te Tennessee, lu connection w-ilir iis son's busness, lire laIe W. b. Ceeues.... Mn. H. T. Leis(wireeled to Omemoe lest week to attend tire w-edding of a coilege ehumn...,.Mr. David Walshr fiiled 11ev. Mn. Edward's position on the Ponts-pool circuit Sundas- weokç.... Miss, Jeunie MeCullegir bad hen aukie disloceted by a fait front the hammock. ... Mn. Tires. Vinson, w-hobas been lu tireemplos-of tire Cohen Co., Toronto, 'bas gone 10 Winnipeg wirere ire wili f111 a good poa- ilion lu thre Maras- Manafacturing Ce., undon tire foremausbip of M.DauWeir, of lire old U C.F. Ce., Bow-meuviile. and Scalp Humois. Tc's succeenfully treat torturiug and disflg- zining scalp, skin, and blood huniers, with losa ef hair, requires a humer cure, and such le CUTIOLItA RanýoLVINT, greatoît of b]nod puni. fiers and humor expelling remedies. It extends îts purityîng, influence by menus of the pores to the surfaire of the skin, allayikg irritas ion, înflanm&h Lon, itehing, and hurn- ing, and soiliing and hcaiing extrnat ha- eaors, b'ccauseof& itse puc,ýer to neutraiize Ilhcon GEfims which f1batin utihe bloofi and rircniatîrg ilaids. It purifies thie daids of the bzowelg, iver, anîd kidneys, and maintains thLm in a norynsA coudition of healthl, thus nem voing P, ommcr .,e-eee ofyeiîow, nMhy, Sreasy Slin, pimplpes, biotches, and biacit- ed.Henre CUTIcuuA RESOLVENT useS on every occasion possible, with OrcuTIURA (oint- muent) and CuTiCuRA SeAn, externaliy, is the, readiesi means oh realizing that greatest o? human lessings," askin wiîhout blemnish and a body nourishedwiith pure blood."' Soid evsywhere. P'iCe,,50,. sUd $1- POTTEn D. &C Coar.Slergo , Deston. 'lHewtsocure iUumorb,"free 1 1 ENFIÉLD. Recent visitors, Mrs. C Mackeyand ,chuidren,_Kinsale Mr. -and Mrs. W. Hislop, Bowm-ianville; Miss Mlary Huirl- but, Port Perry;, Mr. Wilfridieaîe Long Sauit; Mrs. Thos. lli at Toronito; Mr'. and Mrs. john Ormiston, sr, and Mr.- and Mrs. John Ormiston, jr., at Guelph; Mr. C.R. and Miss Lucy Camp- bell at Lindsay.. .. Mr. J. S. Ashton P. M.hbas been indisposed with rheuinatism. .-.Mr. J. E. Dyer sold two choice Shorthorns for $100 each. One goes to Newcastle the other to Rockwood... Miss Nel lie Alexander whilo riding ber grey Hackney he became verv spirited and thé reins7 broke. She tel! off sa4tain- ing bad bruises .. .. Sunday School an- niversary was a decided success. Large congregations assembled to hear-Rev. Hl. 'bona s in the afternoon and Rev. E. A. Tonkin in the evening. Tuesday the singing and recitations were reui- dered in excellent style. Miss Alberta Gilbert and Mrs. Alex. McCulloch were the instructors in the singing and Mr. A. Dyer trained those that recited, who were as tollows:-Gordon Hall, Wesley Powell , Mrs. A. McCulloeh, Clara Nichols, Nellie McCulloch, Leslie Hall, May MeCullocli, Edna Knapp, Lottie McCulloch, Olive Niddery, Mary lard- inz, Lena Huribut, Lena Niddery, Mabel Shortnidge, Lewis Hurîbut, Leo Niddery, Pearl Hurîbut. Short addres- ses were given by llevs. Thomas and Horke. In the evening Rev. J. J. Rae gave an instructive a nd entertairing lecture on Marriage. Proceects $70. SOLINA. Receni visitors:-Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Christian, Brookiu; Mr. and Mrs. Chas Mackay and farnilY, Kinsale; Miss Bar- noîl, Port Perry; Mr, Geo. H. Hooearth B. A., Whitby; Mr. Sam and MissTerg: tison, Pontypool ; Mn. and Mrs. M. A, James and Messrs Frank and Will Goand,Bowmanville; Mr. Bort Wora-en, Oshawa; Mr. H. Osborne, Coartice; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bowerman and son Wallon, Port Perry: AMr. Chas Iev', Toronto;*Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Gamsýy' Orono; Dr. M. W. Pascoe, South Oîlum- wa, Iowa. . ..Tbe road machine bas, been used some lu this section witir ex- cellent resait. We thiuk il is al nigbt ...Mr. and Mns. James A Werry an- rived lu the village from England about 4 p. m. Tbunsday lest and wore accord- ed an eiUhuiiiastie welcoune by villagers and scirool eilîdren, Mrs. Werry hoe'in presented with several bouquets, anaI showered with rice. The sehool bell sounded forth a merry peel aud what with guns firing, bels ringqug. rattlîng of improv4sed tambourines, and, other demonstrations of jo, the village bas not witnessed as mich oxcitemerU4in meany a day. Iu the'ovening a sEtond. parts- of serenaders beadedýby the"ipan ou the ~wbeel " visited. Roselandv ale and pa.ld tbeirreýspects 10 their foneûr Sun- day: Subool superintendent. ',hey wene invitecj luside and treated 10 refres<. 'ne '. A social bour wÊr spentte lthe del,Igt of ail. WNe off',cngtl tions and cbeenfully welcome Mrs. Werny to Canada .... ,Doath bas enter- ed emîn midsl again and removefta.- other of te oliesi- inhabitants-Mîs, W. W. TRmbie. She hba ê ertallik nearly a meulli and on unday ntgb'tnh she breathed bier last. Deceased was noarly 80 y ears of a.ge. Sho leaves two dan g alors: Mrs. 1fbop. Ward, Drayton, andMrs. John H. Goanili, 10 mournlber loss. Funenal 10 Eldad eemeteýry on We4nesdat 2 p.ý m, STony 'or A SLAývrE-To ho bouud butudand foot for years by the ebalus of disease 15 tbe woîsi formi of slavery. George D. %illîems, of Mnchester, MiéI. tells bow aucb a slave ires made free. le says:-" .My wife lias been 50, belpiess for five years tiret she could net tamn osor lu bed atone . Aftfer using two hotîles of Electriç Bittens,sbe is wondor- fully improved mid able te do brer own oiJrk " This sapremne reaiedy for female ~seasos -qiickely cuaes nervousuess, ~&~opessuss, elanchojy, headacbh hackache, f aqnting and dizzy spel1ts' This miracle working medicine 15 a godîcîrd to weak, siekis-, rnndown peo- pie. Every bottie garanteed. ,Ouly 5C) cents. Sold b.yStott and Jaury,Druggists. * MAPLE GROVE. Building is quite the order of fiod cay. Mr. R. R. Stevens 11f ted bis hemn Fîi- day; reising aI Mr. Stanley's Satundey: Mn. R. D. Snewden us împroving bis nesidence; Mr.W. J. Collacott a propan. lng to raise bis hem eand put stone work under ; and Mn. W. H. Foley is improving- bis ont buildilngs.. Mn. W. C. Franh Is. et Niagana "th the von- eons .. . . ev. C. ASimpson nereived a very bht welcome fnom bis old Episcopa nins with whom hoe labor- od boresoe2 years ago, . .. Visitons:- Miss H. Gonnill, Toronto; Miss Ethel Pience, Wbitby; Misses Amenda 'iýond, BeatriQe Banken and Miss McGiîI, Oshr- awa; MIvswes Horn, lampton; Mn. and Mrs. S. E. Souch, Mount Vernon.. Our anniversary services wone gnandly saccessfal in every panticulan, fine wealher, large attendauce, good pro- gnam, and excellent tee. 11ev. C. A. Simpson, Cookstown, delighted bis audiences aI botb services Suuday and lu the aflernoon a short inleresliug pnogram was given cousisliug of siug- ing by the scho ol,a dialogue by 12 girls, necitelions by M-yntie Mcîoynoids, Lola Snowdon, and Emily Little and by spedial noquost a mouitb organ solo bys E 'thel MeRevuolda (7 years old) Mou- day ef tennoosi an appreCialive audienoe gatboned and the pnognam was resam- ed, con ueining over Bu numbens, dia- logues, necitetieus and music. The following is a list of those wbo took part lu the pnogram : Howard Polos-, Aida Collacoti, Leslie Snowden, Elva, Powon,Bertie GimbletlTjommy Adams, Laura Crawford, Menthe Watts, Clan- once Crawford, Leslie Cox, Mande Power, Gladys Manday, Shrenwoed. Coilacott,Venna Gimbleti, Emils- Little, Poney Gimblett, Ethel Rudife, Ada Tyler,Elsie Collacoit and David Clarke. The parts tak en by the 11111e lots was gneatly apprecialed, a solo irs Gladys -Mandas-, moulh orgaeu music Ethel Me- Reynolds and the rocitallea by Emils- Little. The wboie pnogramn through- out was exceedingly well rnd ened and the childrnu wene a great credit te themselves aud those wbo lLained thom -Miss Aberta Iancock and Mn, Fred. R1. Foloy and Miss Winuio Axferd who presided thtie organ. Rev. C. A. SImpsou. 1ev. J, J. iRee and Mn. Davis of the Christian Wonkens lu Oshawa gave 10 minute addnesses, and seldomi have we heard boîter short addresses. jThe annivorsany w-as oee^of the most successfui in the bistory of the sobool. -Examptl s Better fit, not what 're Say, but "kat Hood's Sarsa paritlia does, thiat tells the story. Thousands of testimoniats are exam pies of whzat Hood's has, Jane for otliers, and what it will Jo for you. Dyspepsia - I was weak and had taintlng spells. Dyspepsleaud Indigestion Iu severe form troubied me. Five bottles of Hlood's Sarsaparilla made me well and strong." MRs. WILLIAM VÂxVÂAaExMaU.aoE, >A Cood Medicine - IlWe have takn Rood's Sarsaparilla iu our famlly as a spring medicine and used Hlood'a PlUs for biliousness and found both mnedicines very ý fective. For Impure blood we know Hood's Sarsaparilla la a good medicîne."1 B. S PETON pulisher Bee, Atwood, Ont. ;iHood'sFilý cure ir111, llthe noesrrtating and .rnly c t.t take with Hood's Sarsaparilja, SALEM. A strawberry social will be held at the residence of Mr. John Rutledge, Vianvers Road, on Thusday June 22nd, from. 6 o'clock ill alI aie served. The D. O, & P. Co. Baud in atteudance. Au excellent program will be provided. Admission 20 cents; Chuîdren 10 cents. Ice cream extra. Everybody come. S. S. No. -2. CLARKE. Mr. MacManes isimproving the Mar- tin farm. with a new fonce.. .. Mr'. H. M4artin bas fluisbed the wall for bis new barn. . .. Mr. W. Pres-ick occupies the bouse ou the Heard farm. ... Mr. F. Perrin aud Mr. H. A. Adams visited Zrono recentl ... Misses B. Laing and A. Tait took in the entortainment at Brown's school bouse Friday nîght, and report a grand time. ,..Mr. James M4artin, 4xth line, visited hero recentis- ...Miss Doncaster, teacher, visited ber home in Bowinanviile Sunday. NEWCASTLE. Veisitors. Mr. anid Mrs,.M. L. Ar gal und Mrs. M. A. Heara, Oshawa ; Miss Ethel Staploton la in Lindsay; Nlr.Bell, Viontreal, guest of Mu', E. C.- Beman ; MWr. D. Alliaq, California, formerly of N~ewcastle ; Mrs. Geo. J. Bell et Brad- ford; Mrs.Jollow and daughterBeati, Oshawa, et Me. S. Rickard' .... ,R e K, ,Taylor preached bis farewell to l large mudienoe sunday nighI. 1ev. T. J. Ik imison, B. A., 'B. D., proaches next ifiundaY. ._.Miss Emma Beman en r Lauud ber young frîends rlThur av afternoon. IaN N ISKLLLEN. Visitoors : Miss Kelly, Springvite, guest of MÊ. W. J. Stacey; Mr. ande ulrs. Cross, Bondhead,at the Parsonage; ,Miss Gummor and Mr. Curtis, Oshawa, at Mr. P. Marone y's.'.Miss Elford la visiting at Scugog ..Dr. H. Prust, Blackstock, was looking after Dr. Mitcholi's practiro while be was at On-' tario Medical Association, Toronto.... Mr. C. H. Mitchell is home frorih Toron- t.,... * 1ev,. S. G. Itorke recoived an ad-, droas fromn the League Fm-idav!anight..' le preached bis faeewell sermon Auu- day. This ovenîug tbe poople inetat parsonago te gay good bve to Bro,, Rorke and 10 welcome Rev,. W. J. WVeatheî4ll. A-1l corne.... A vory large companly of friends of Mr, M~d lMrs. John Pye gave them a bouse weraxing Tbursday. Il was a cold day so dinner was sevem,. in thre churcli basemçnt. Mr. Pve's lowor limba beiug paralYsed, friends earried hlm. dowu in a chair, Aftor the repast,,tbo churci was tilled to the doors . 1ev. E. E. HIoward made a capital chairman and interepersed a numbet of- his charactoristie1 sayinigs. An address wes read by 11ev. S. G. Horko and a purse of about $125.00 was presentod to Mn. and Mrs. Pve As an expression of the good-will of their' friends byMn, ~cey. Mrs. Pye made' veny suit.ble 'tply on behaîf of ber. self amnd busband. Messrs. J. C. Van- stone, J. M. Joness, Jno. Pascoe, J. J. Virtue, G. Argue, and S. J. William s made appropriato speeches. Siîîging and prayer bnought the proceedings to a bappy termination. HAMPTON. Visitors:--Mr. J. Avery, Trenton. at Mn. J. T. Mollon's ; Mr. and Mrs. E. Downing, Godericb. at Mr. J. I. Bur- nows'; Mn. and Mrs.F.Pethick, Toronto, at Mrs. T.Lane's; Mr and Mna.L. Ruse, Mrs. W. L. Mason, Oshawa, at Mr. J. Ruse's; Mrs. Skinner, Bowmauville, at Mn. C. Hastings'; Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Elloit are visiting Cobourg and Qth4er fnieuds east.. .. A.Fornis, F. Adan» and N. Doidge bave gone 10 Niagara camýp. ...Mr. Murale Robbins bas engaged as foreman at Mn. H. Hall's,.. .. Mr. ani Mrs. J, Clatwortbv were tendened a re- ception onu arrivaîheore Thursday even- ing by friendî wbo were unable 10 attend their marriage. The bride was the recipient of a number of 'oaluabie and useful presents.1 Anniversary services in connection with the Methodlst Suuday Sebool ai lampion wili be held as foiiows: Sun- ýIday, June 25, sermons wili ho preached by Rev. J. J. Liddy, OsLawa, at 10.30 a. m. and 7 pý ni. Special mnsic will be furuished at botb services by malubers of the sebool unden thre leadership of Mr. A. B. Czyderman. Colleetionswxiii ho takeoi in aid of Sobool fnnd, On Batun. dlay, Jaly isi, at Willow Park the afier. noon wil ho made interesting by boat- ing, foot-bal and othen amusements. Tea' from 4 o'clock tlii al are senved. lu thre evening'at 8 p. m. a finst-ëâass Concert wifl be given in thre eburcli by menibezrs of thre Sehool, assisted by Rev. J. S. 1. Wilson, B, A., B. D., Coartice, 1ev. I. Tiromaâ, paster, and othens. Admission-Tee and Concert 25c; Cbild- Connet onfly, 10e., T - RNl --x _fftl19 r 'I gCul BOWiNMVI LLE. Select Summer Sundries and Some Seasonble'Snaps Now i~n QuiclcDiia4 Men's light we ight Coats, Vest and Pants, per garment $roo Up. Men's Suits in light tweeds, worsteds and serges, Per suit $2.75 LUp, Boy's Blouse Suits,"blue Serge 22 to 26," neatly trimmed,per Suit 65c up. Boy's 3 piece Suits, "see these", Halifax and Wire tweeds,per Suit $2 up. Boy's Brownie Overals ini blue and black, 35c up. Our clothing de- partment has more emphatioally than usual shown its decided leadership curing this spring's business. For best çhoice and value we are positive- ly very much ahead. See our grand stock of Cutaway Worsted Suits iii black and colored goods, kept in dust proof boxes. MlOT WEATIER WANIS. Gent's light weight Pearl Fedoras, fancy bands, fromi $r up. hs light weight Christies, black or colored, from $i.5o up. Gent's venti- lated Bicycle Caps, special quality at 50c. Gent's Linen and Straw Hlats newest styles, fromn 25c up. Gent's Colored Shirts, large checks, 14 tO 1î, 75c, 85c, $I- Boys' Sweaters, wool, deep roll collar, 750. A special line of Colored Shirts, collars attached, for 5oc. A new sIhip. muent of White Unlaundered Shirts. special at 35c each. Thie new thing Mn Gents' Puif Ties--"Kipling" in neat patterns, lovely quality oi silks, for Soc. Men's Leather Bicycle Beits, for 25c and 40c. A choice rane of Summer Suiings in navy serges, scotch twe.-ds, clay worsteds, from $1r3 to $ 18 per suit. SNAPS IN SUMMER SHOES. Ladies' chocolate caîf, oxford tie shoe, turu soles, regular $i5fo $iî.oo. Misses oxford die shoe, neat and strong, patent tip, regular -,5c. for 500. A special iine of Misses buif oxford, patent tip, regulàr Soc for 6oc. We now have six clearing boxes and they contaiîî nmany big bar- gains. The prices for choice of the2e boxes are Box i L-$.25;- BOX 2-95.-; Box 3-75C0; Box 4-600; Box 5-55c; Box 6-500. 'LArDIES' & CI11ILDREINPS STAW NMATS. We stili have a fine assortment of this season's styles and have re- duced the prices to clear out every bat in a short time. Don't miss this chance. PRINI' WRAPERS-A specia l.ot worth fromn 85c to $1-25, now your choice for 7Sc. LADIES' & UFILDRETS SUMMER UNDERWEAR. Special line at Sc each., Another extra nice quality, gocoi shape, at ioc. Also full assortment vtryfiue goods at. special prices. Print and Muslin Bloeses at reduceil prices. See our VeciaI at Soc each. SUMMER GLOVES AND HOSIERY-Best values we hmre ever offere d. A few clearinglines at.very low prices. Carniage Dusters 35c each. GIROCERY DEPT. NEW AXRIVALS-5 barrels Rolled Qats, our special brand, 8?lbs for 250, special pices by ihe wt. 2 waggon loads Crown G~ Jars,, prices-pints, 45c a dozen ; quarts, 5,5 a dozki; ý gallon, 75Sc rdozen. We fully expect the price to a4vanct and after this 1cýt is soici we will not be able to get tham again at as low a price Also received this week Alymer Canned Tornatoes, .3 tins for -25c., 'Vostizza high grade Currants, roc a lbU We are ëlearing out several boxes o Trilby, Cyclone and Primrose Spap, 6 one pound bars for 25c, PeatoPs in 5 bushel lo%ý -at 45c. The XMASONU. BÉTHIEt.DA. SoThe annuel Strawboerny and ce eorem Socal will ho given under tire wàpices of Bethe.sda Epwonth Loague aI the residoluee of M%~ S. V. boar, ounXX d nesday oveuing , Jane 28. A fitst-class literanv and musical pnognam willbo rendened. Tee served froua 4 p.m. Ad- mission 15c. TYROXLE. BOWTfIANVILLE MARY~ETS, 1- COo'reeted by'J.1WeMur5n âueh Tueaday' FLo ~ , e 100 lbs........1 95 to $2 2c WImATi Feul, bush ...0 00 0 70, n ospri ...)000 0ý BARLEY, e bush. No. 1 0, O40 vs>Jo 4G - n "2.0262 0 5 ,, n8.0 25 '0 30 Mrs. (Dr) J. Herbert Aluin, Deuver, OÂTS, white il._....O0 ( 0 30 Colorado, is guest of Mns. A. K, Clem - IYE il.............0 oo0n0Q52 eus. AIrs. Allun (uee Miss L.R. M. Broad) BucKwEÀW................o o0 0 O S ires lied meus- happy ne. ueiouýs witir oid PEiAs, Blaclceye, I bush.. 0O 69 o 65 tieuds s'luce hon neturu te Canadi4n il Gnadiau Beauties.. op n o 65 soil. .... A friendîs- gamle of football wtas il Mammey i 10 00 o engge l btw'éeo Tynone Pecers and Il Smaii, 14n Long Seul Raers on Tharsdey even- nB i le, à 47 lg 0,55 lng. Opinions vany as 10 the resait butalBurTraa, besi table, P ib.. o0o00, o le ail are agreed Tyrono aecared et least EGO, V doz............O0 00 0 oil i t0 0. Tire visiting t8aem played vony POrATOBS, bush..........O0 40 Q 4o, well. A base-ball match the seme even- bey pon ton ............ 5 (1o-)ilni ing ou tire same grnqinds helween tire AWnts and Elxperts ail of Tynone resait- *'v-AIR W'ORK.-Ladies wisbing hala, edllin a victory for tho Monets, A decisive LIdn over, eail ah Mes, DiueeisoN" ,Ktug match is expected on our cîvue holiday East and Cor of Ontario St Bowmaiiiville. 34-f 10 monrow, Jane 22. Evenybody laex -___________________ f ected 10 picuile lunMn. Wm. Me4L e O R~S A Foot-ball belween Bleckstovk and JIZmonwan.jtedwho wtllroorntogeuher..TcrIrn moderate. AlIpIy to Mns.wm.MeKow~A,eoriier Pontypeel teems wili ho au important Ontario and Argyle sts., Bowmaivjlle. featune of tire pnogrem. Games, races, etc. Brng aloug yoan baskets, yoarY .BRF SL -Ilnviok familles and youn best beiuavior and JUit1,U B~ 011 3,SArLE.-onny be;ý ok have e tiroogirîs-enjoyeble lime...,, aitkinds rXugh and dressedI' umber, 1ath ýud Mrs. (1ev.) R. N. Adams are ned ehingles. FoNrng and sidlui a speertalu.. fnom ea pleasagit trip down East ... .Rev. >r~s o. 3. F. Dixon will continue to supply for. the pester anothen Sebbath . ...Rev. I. TTOUSE AND STORE.-Theî con-~ Snell delivered bis farewell eddness -~I fortabie dwelling linuse and spl1enid gar- Sebirtir oruin. Daing ls biefdas- , large and small fruit, etc. on Milli streel, rurae ir Dira aemny bisigf ipas amptan, wîllne sold very cheap. Apply o roaehA a md an atigf Jed ossE'a WARDn, Hampton. 1-f whose bèst wishes and prayens w-I- foilow hlm throup'h w-lai may prove a UARM TO SELL OR BENT.- 150Y Iesting yeer un iris inusteriel expeni- J2aores lsing south-west quarter and nortlh once. A resolntiob expressiuig tir eret- ýwest haif of lot 22, con. 7, Clarke, on whieb are.i feit theukfaliness of tire Epworlh good6.dwelling bouse and commodions fari buligs ln good repair. Large stone silable Loagae'C. E. for iris w-lliig aid and and root cellars, excellent orehard, weilfec sympathy durin tire yean. w-as uaue- p.ny ef water. Ail in first-class order Hiaà imosî- arnedettir lstregulen mile frema Kirb . O. ýTquirs on tbe promrises meeting. Acordial nespouse was made roWLIM ETKrb. 2-f by Mn. Snell felewed brs a few timely remarks from 11ev Mn.Dixon., .... n.M A W. J. Roy is te addness tire Leegue oný Fnidas- eveuiug. Tis wilîu h@ anothen ofEJ AN tire Longfellow series. Ail tire young Tire honest trolting Steilion Rifleruaa people corne...,. Mis§ Staples la guest of,, wili serve m ares for tire sason of 1 R" Miss M. Adams, Pensonege .... Miss Mondas-, Tnosdey, Thursdas- and Fri Aunie bIkCallech, Pontypool, and Miss Mas- Sparling, teacher, cailiod home on day et bis own stable, ireif milew-est o Sabbieir . ... A numben froit ts loceluls- Ehenezor; Wodnesdas- wilire et Boueg attended tire Model Farm Excursion. Ï-otel, Hampton, noon, theuce tb Beri Messrs. Russell Bingirem and George nett bouse, Bowmanville, tilt 7p.m Senders look lu Malton, Ont,, ou tireP trip and had a veny ploaseni. visil witir Saînmdey will ire et Woodnuff's ihotel Mr-. D. G. Welch and. famils-... Miss Oshrawa, frem 2 le 8 p. m. This nont ELmiie Coacir handled lire theme, "A w-lit ho conf'lnned dnriug the seasor Pur fect Man" E ph. 4th chap. lu maeli fiemau' is tire sire of tihe s.t oad as-blat tire Sundes- vevening League aintnWrtya sonvie. Waîdsiwouid feu te givea tue herses tirrongi rligoib n expression of the benetls toebe derivedl Pickering. Rifleman colts are selline from the paper contrihuted bs- Miss fer lire moat money of ans- iorse's ev(r Coacir, coapied with tire expressive Iraee ho- eesic lRfe manner of lire reading Ihoroof. Mrned ldiiogrieesîc i Ars. A. H. Breut's duel fitled ini vers- man died. Terms : To lesureafn i appnopriateiv et the close.,,.. Mrs.Ciras. payable Feir. isI, 1900. Ail ae< ,onit Bali weut te ber sisten's, Niagara, 0on ai nisi of ewuers. S. J. Pieua, Seturdes-, lu obedience to a telegraphue pnieler ortcot. 2-w sammons .... Mn. RobI. McLaaghinu, routcn.2-fw Oshrawa, w-es recent guesl of bis brother,ToPAN Gd William. . . ..Our notheru corps Of vOl, ITTe1hE ITmy ETseru wib unutors pessed Siroagiron Tuesday.... may b secuAd Miss Ada Moivse, Rochester, N. Y.> la UHIPTENT ECOR visiilg former acqainteunees. ~IAE~RC -s ~ am BRUM -i na m ièm puma offlv -MW UR la N