WELLAND YALE BICYCLES ARE PRAISED EYERYWIIERE WELLAND VALES ARE DURABLE, bAing made of niaterial of tise highest grade. WELLAND VALES ARE L1GHT RUNNING, because they are built by mechanies i. of skili and long experience in wheel building. i: WELLAND VALES ARE HANDSOME, because they are built on correct linos and beautlfully and substantially finlshed. Cail and -examine them before placing your order. RD* WeRTIH1 Agent, Bowmanville. Phone 66. Opposite Ontario Bank. ~I PUBLISBER'S NOTICE. VI'RE STATESMAN is maiied regulariy to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and al arrears are paid lu f ull. Subscription $1,50 per annum. If paid in advsince 61.00 per annum. M ARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. AmEs, Issuer of, Marriage Licenses. Rosidence: Centre street. A. E. MoLAUCHLIN, Barrister, Solic!Îor and Conveyancer. Offie:- Bitakley Block, King street, Bowmanville. Money to loan at reasonabie rates. 48-lyr, Qo d'o 0TO LEND $50.00 . on good mort- gaeseenrity at scoderate rates of interest, A.. E.McLAUGIIai ,%oiicitor,Bowmanville,Onit, 16 -6m. DR. J. C. MITCHELL, iIEMBER OF COLTEGE 0F PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, OntarioCoroner, etc, Residene Ennîskiien. 74 R.PEATE, TAILOR Gentlemen's Clothes made to Order. D. BURKE SIMPSON, B ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' BLOCK, up-stairs, KingStreet, Bowman ville. Solcitor for the Ontario Bank. Private nioneys loaned at lowest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. O FCE IN WEST DtTRHAM NEWS 0Block; wbere biniseif or bis assistant wlll be found from 8 a. mi. to 9 p. nm. Nigit calls at residence, directiy opposite Drill Shedi. Cails by telegraph or telepbone wli receive promnpt at- tention. 171 - yr. DP«ENTI STr ERy 0. 1HARNDENý, L.D.S. Graduate of thse Royal College of Dental Sut geons, Ontario OF~FIOE-Opposlte Express Office. VITALIZED AIR ONTAR1O BANR% This word is onr copyrsgbted guarantce for Purity and Strength wban seen on our gootis. It marks tham tisa standards for thir savaral pr- pssandt s presence proteets .o ro mta- fosanti inferlor goois. Look for it. Plant Spray. Persiatic Plant SDray contains no mi nerai pois- on arsenic or Paris Green. Sure death to ail lu- sect life fungi, etc. Harmless 10 vegatation. Canada's only reliabie spray. S5heep Dip. Persiatie Sheap Dip is a preparaisuas for the cura of skmn diseasa's and the aradieatltIt of vermnin lin sbeep and cattle. It is highiymedîciniaisand doas its work wkth no0 drastic or iýritatiDg af- fects. Endorsadby laading sheep rassars. Horse Wash. Parsiatic Hlorsa Wash is a spatliy prapareti madicamant for the cura o f skin diseassas pecti liar to borsas and for ridding tham of ail inse~ct, pests and vermin. It bas a surpassingly refrash- tmg affect, briglitans tha paît andi puts the 5kmn in a thoroughly bealtisy c indition. Prite 4'.00 per 34 oz. cau. PVig XWVash. Parsiatie Pig Wasb is succesfuily nsed in al casas of skmn diseases of swine, anti for destroy- ing'nts, lice andi venmin generaliy. Kaaps tise skin in hoealthy condition andi dnsures a bealtby appearanca in tisa diesseti animai for market. AN D Hen'mHouse SprayPOULTRY POWDER Persîatic Han HonseiSpray an d Poultry Pow- der destroy vermin pecular to the feathereti stock-on fowls or in shads. Act as a disinfect- ant, destr7oying germs and Dnrifying the atmps- ere. Usati ibarally tliay pravant roup and kindred diseases. Purcbase tisese gootis from yýocr dealer, or senti to us direct fortbem. Weinitacorrespondence. THuE PICKHARDT RENFREW CO-,, Limited, Stouffvillle, Ont, J.M.BRIMACOMBE DENTIST. Offie.-Rear of Messrs. Higgin- bothanw & So n's Drug Store, (Down stairs), BOWMANVI LLE. continues todo a General Banklng Business It1 St r. ad iy Bowmanviiie Agency. a G re"./ly DEPOSITS receiveti in Savngs'Bank Depariment anti intet-esi ailowad ai curreni ratas. Notice of 'witrawsi not nacassary. Ail deposits payable on dmn EXOHIANGE Bougisi anti soiti anti Drafts issuati upon Enrope Unitedi Sates anti Canada aise Golti, Silver and Unfitid States Greenbacks 'boght anti solti COLLECTIONS - m Epiiy matie aS current rares upon Il parts reat Rritin, tise Uniteti States anti the.Do- mninion cf Canada. TelegTaph Transférs Matie for large or sma'li ums on ail parts of Canada. This issjpecIai y ativartageousto par- sous livin h ansos rts ot-West, it makestsefnds avaiable at once et tise place etp ayleant. -e jrother nartiaulars eall stlthelbank. A. J. MscCLELt.ÂN, GEO. McOILL, AceQuuniait Maager Woeastiae, BowmanviliaOsawa andi Whitby te TORON TO, 1 FRIDAY, JUNE 3Otli, 1899. Anti celtnuing every Fnîtay tiarongisout tise season. will leave, NEWCASTLE . .- --.-6.30 a.m. llgÙlXANVLLE - -7.00 0 ElW - - - - 80 WHITBY-----------8.45 Beturning leaves.Toronte ut 5.00 p.na, Sjcial attention gaven te tise bandling of Fdgbt. For Tickets anti Imformation appiy te UARUV CANN, TIIOS. 1IAN, Agent, B6wmanviiie. Mnger, ToroutO. Hleati i ce Geddtes' Wharf, Toronto, Tele. phOne N o. 2947. 18- rm». BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 28, 1899. TUE FARIL JOURNAL, jWe have sent te oun subsenibens a sample cepy of Tise-Parm Journal that 'tbey may know what it 15 like. We die net, club with it tut we are effering lt free for balance of 1899 and ail of 1900, 1901, 190-2 anti 1903-nearly 5 ycrs-to Fveny prosent subseniber wise wiii senti us $1.00 for a new subsenlber for TH-E STATESMAN- for oee yean, on two new subscribers for 6 montiss cd. This is a great offer. Rush along yeun oretdrs anti get tise benefit of it. Senti al entiers te M. A. J AMES, Publisiser, Bow- mnanville. TULF PJIEFERENCE APPRECIÂ! TEI). Among mcent transient vîsiîtors to Ottawa laS Ëi James Poole of Live0rpool, wiso lu conversation witis tise news- paper men declanedti iat Canada was now attnacting more attention lu E ng- landi than anv otiser colony, mono lu fact tisan any other part of tise world, Britishs manufacturons ho addeti are dcligisted witiseh preference extended te tisem lu tise Canadian tariff, and ho thin-ka tiat ncxt yean's business will necessitate an inecase of at least 25 per cent lu tise number of travelling mon who come fromr.Britain to Canada. Witis the local anti Fetieral autisonities active- ly engaged lu fosterng Canadianu trade lu Bitain anti with tise Britishs manufac- turer awakeniug te the value of tise Canatilan market for his gootis, it is a matter of no surprise tisat trade is dcv- eloping bv leapEi anti bcuuts. Heonest Advice Free to Men. Thse CANADIAN STATESMAN la S rest- cd te publiis tise followiug: Ail mon who are nerveus anti debilitateti or who are suffering fromn any of tise varions troubles resulting from overwork,excesp or youthf ni errera, are aware that mot, metilcal finms ativcmtisîng te, cure' tiese conditions cannet be relicti upen. Mn. Grahsam, a resident of Londion, Ont., living at 437ý Richsmound St., was for a long lime a auffeer from abo ve troubles and after tryiug lu vain many ad ver-i tised remedies, eiectmie beita, etc. ,be- come ainmoat entinoiy discouTageti anti isopelesa. Finally ho coufidet inluau olti Clergyman who directet i hm te an1 eminent anti reliabie pisysician,througis1 wisose akiliful tceatment a speedy anti perfect cure was obtained* Knewing tohiis sorow t ts 0many poor sufferers are beiug imposeti upon by unscmupulous quacks, Mm. Graham cionsitiers it his tinty te give bis felow men tise benefit of his expernce anti assista them te a' cure by iuforming anyone who wiil write te hlim in strict confidence where te be cumeti. No ut- t eitieR can be given te those writing eut of more c.uriosity but any eue who really aeeds a eure lsa atviset te atidresa Mr. Gmstham as above. 14-tf.ý il ILIITBJ COLLEEGE CLOSING. TiHE 25îH ANNivERsARY FITTINGLY CELEBRATED. The Commencement Exercises of Ont- orlio Ladies' College, Whitby, iast week, were of an unusually interesting char- acter this year, being the celebration of the founding of the College. In addition to tihe interesting exercises in connec- tien wîth the closing of thse term, tbe occasion was marked by a. grand rally of old pupils and graduates, whosc re- turn f0 their beleved Aima Mater aftet a lapse of years gave ito the scene un- usual animation. On Tucsdav evening a splendid concert was given by former Igraduates after which a banquet was heid fol owed by fstting and timely me- sponses te the toast list. The recalling of former pleasant associations and thse meeting of old friends were intensely enjoyed bv ail and wili long be remem- bemed by those privilegedto meet at this time. The Almunoe Association was me- omganized with thse following officers:- President, Miss Mande Masson; Vice- President, Miss Belle Mctcalfe ; Secret- ary-Treasurer, Miss Leiua Wilson ; Re- cording Secmetary, Miss Wright. il On Wedncsday afternoon the follow- ing pmogram was rendered by the grad uating class.-Organi sole, Miss Cairns; vocal solos, Misses Dixon, McAmnîond, Iand Hamlc&n; violin soie, Miss Laing; duet, (two pianos), Misses Crysdale and Bishop; overture, '"Martho, " by Flotow; organ, Miss Rosi ; pianos, Misses Aches,3n, Parker, Perley, and Beck; violins, Misses Archer, Smith, Laing, Poole, and Henman. Il The work in elocution and music was exceptienaliy well donc, and the yeung ladies show cicarly the benefits derived from the skilled training of cxperienced teachers, Mr. L. T. Barclay, Second IVice-President of the Board of Dircctors eccupied the chais' at thse af ternoon pro- ceedings. After the concert the grounds presented a scene of animation. thse Young ladies and their guests strolling in groups through the halls, examining thse art womk, or about thse spacieus lawns, Daintv refresisments were ser- ved, and towards evening the lawns were lit up with hundrcds of Chinese lanterus, and the cellege itself by thse ectric light, tise whole presenting a fainy-iike scene. At 7.30 the presentation of prizes and diplonias took place. -11ev. Dr. Dewart, iFirst Vice-President of the Boayd of Directors, pmesided, and on thse platforn with him were Principal Haane, Mr. L. T. Barclay, ex-Mayor Kennedy of Tom- ente, 11ev. Dr. McDiammid of Whitby, 11ev. Dr. Richardson of Kingston, 11ev, J. J. Liddy and 11ev. J. P. Wilson of Oshawa, '11ev. Dr. Burnsi 11ev. Dr. Gen . man and 11ev. Dr. Parker of Toronto, 11ev. Mr. Jolnston of Hastings, 11ev, E. R. Young of Toronto, Judgc Mclntvre and Judge Smith of Whitby, \Vm. Ross of Port Pemry, J. jS. Barnard of Whitby, 11ev. F. McAmmond of Ottawa, W. W. Tamblyk, M A. ef Bowmanviile, J. L. Smith of Whitby, R1. C, Hamilton of Toren'te., Dr. John Wangh, Warden Conîfriard andi the members of the County Council, Mr. M. A. James, of the Bewmanville STATESMAN, Mr. A. S. Forester, of tise Oakvutlle Star, Mr. A. H. Gibbard of tise Whitbv Chronîcie, Mr. Haillof Penetanguishene. thse Qtaff of thse coilege and thse gnaduating class. Af ter prayer by 11ev. Dm. McDiarmid the Ohaimman briefly nefermed te the last occasion on wisicis he bad been pre- sent-the visit of, thein Exceliencies Lord and Lady Abordecen te the coilege -and memamkod that tise presen t was a ne less important occasion. The fol- lewing diplomas, wcme presen#ed :-M. L. A., Miss Fergusen; M. E. L., Misses Curtis, Davis, Hall, McCulioch and Straclian. Organ-A. O. C. M.,'Misse$ Cairns and Ross, Vocal-A. O. C. M., Misses'Dixon, ilamîcu and McAimoind. Art- Misses Cletisier and Peppen. Ora- tory-Misses ýGaliagher, McManus, Miller, Robertson, Tay'lor and Tucker, Commercial-Miss ilara. Domestic Science-Misses M. Robertson and Stone. by Mr. L. T. Bar.lay, Second Vice-' President, for second standing in vocal music-Miss McAmirend, Brimston's Corners. Ont. ; prescnted bv Warden Couithard. Silver medal, by Mr. T. G. Whitfiold, Whitby, for highest standing. in commercial course-Miss Hara, Mon- mitton; pregontod by Mr. Warring Ken- nedy. Silver modal, by Mrs. Tiare, for highest standing in domestic science- Miss Stlone, Sheibumne; presented bv Judge Mc(lntyre. Silver medal, by Mr. A. S. Ferester, publishier of The Oakville Star, Oakville, for the best essay on "The Municipal, County, Provincial and Federal Government of Canada. "-Miss Thompson, St. Mary's ; presented by the donor. Gold Medai in post grad- nates oratory, given Iby Judze Smith, prize for g encrai proficiency in the M. E. L. course,- to be awarded to Miss Hall, Penetanguishene,Ont.; presented by 11ev, J. J. Liddy. Other prizes were given as folows- Music, intermediate, organ-First prize Miss Crosby. Piano-First prize, Misses' Crosby and Acheson. Vocal- First prIze, Miss Gilman. Vîolin-First prize, Miss Laing, Primary-Organ, First prize, Miss Strachan. Piano-First prize, Miss Strachan. Vocal-Fîrst prize, Miss Tamblyn. Tennis prize, fromn bequest of late Dr. Gould, Coîborne, to Miss Ciothier, Kemptvilie Croquet prize, from samne as forcg-oing Miss Campbell, Ingersoli. Silver cup given by 11ev. Dr. Tiare for competition between the lady students of N ictoria University and those of the O. L C., won June 12, by Misses Ciothier, Ferguson and Sifton in behaif of O. L. C. students. During the presentation the Chair- man by his sallues kept the audience in a good humor, while the brici speeches interspcrsed with anecdotes abiy aided hlm, A solo by Miss Hamien and a ,'voceal quartette, "The Lost Chiord," by Misses Rice, Ross, MeAmmond and Acheson, were rendered by special me- quest, both masterpieces in their kind. After a short address fromn Principal Tiare, the Chairman called on thse Rev. Dr. Burns, formerly Principal of Wes- ieyssn Ladies' College, who briefly ad- dmessed the gathering. MU. HOAR'S LE'TTER. J - s Farmer Long heurscf lbarde, n(e entiing m ork makes Kid Trouble a, commeanc plaint opn tise farmn. P fui, weak-r l' ne bý anti Urinas- Dsrdn tee frequent. M)AT'S KIDNUEY PLLS bol9 a farinerte werk anti kaep shi ealtis. -t.e tisa anfiseant i anent ffhieStick and giva bim strength and vigor. 1Mr. Isaiais Willmot, a muiradnfsrc liing atiàsS Elizabeth Si., Barrie, Ont., saiti: " I bave been a auff erer with kidney troubIleý &nut pain lu tia emal cf nmy iack, and aitiin oî sites.I aisebcd a greai deatof nenraigiapiý.-. in y 'n ls, ndwassubpettodizz~se3 No. 4. Sncetai g, vJ.L.Ituut.1 Pns, r LW ssue DEAR erroa-In lavingDubli ~ Iad no pain cither in neyb ispor cs adeX Tis DEAR DITOR,-In eavin Dubln 1 ayesemoved tisenenraigia painf£rommýyheae take the G. N. R. for Belfast, 113 miles. àso tise tiret faeling. *I feel at leasrtan yea"e youngar apd can Along the route tise fields look more 0=1Y say tbat Doanls iifey Pillaare thsemost retkabie kidney cnt-e, and i n addition are like Canada, grain of differeat kinds theeet toni!c1 ever took" coming on nicely. I noticed that some Laxa-LVep Pilla oupe constivaticn. of the fammers think more of their barns' _________________ than their isonses, in manv cases the former is covered with siate or zinký ýv h B bO& while the latter is thatched with stnaw.Sa e l e in hundreds of cases passing on I sec ____ sevenai old casties and pa ss many large cities. Tise women of auld Ireland are Thousands of them die every Bak- great ont deer ivenkers often yen wil mer ^who eould b e saved Dy the sec thuitihue-ing among vegetabios. lu timely use of ýDr. Fowler's Ext. - eue town wherc I nemaincd for some o f Wild Strawberry. time, tiseme was a pig faim. Many pigs- wcre brou-ht in town in Donkey cants n isuiamte and, many women were driving them . worale ianî *eî aiong with a nope attaciscd te tiseir Xý e sshoutlcex e ad&n Slnd legý In anothen case a woman ing thse bot weaaier a was sitting down beside tise pig lu tise- botule of rD v. 411b;wlier's cant seeming quite happy. Ou tise train -èL 'î 1 Erac fWidS.ra. gees util Belfast is reached. Tisis is ~Tisera is ne r.eicdv1.a a large city of 300,000 inhabitants. safe andi se eff;ec4v&'for Business buildings anc fnoîn 4 teo 6atornes th" darrsoa 4 -fai high. Itis a lange mauufacturing city. saind of oe hs ifflyeuýn- I conuteti from my. oom window 21 ý1àdian moîbars *hop bave sinoke stacks; shippinig harboun, lange proved is merîts e anti therafoe speak with çonfidance. '0ne of ihese iïa brs. steamers and ships fmom ail parts. 'Peter Jones, W.irkwonrth, Oni.,'wiso says:» Many parts of tise city respect tise Sab- 1«I can give Dr. Fowlar's Extraçr, of Wild bath while in oetier parts notising w-onid Sirawbe "'_ great ps-aise, for it sa-,ed my kecptisni uie unesabehnd isemonbaby's life. ,65e was cutiing heçr teetis kee thm qietunlss ebid fic ronandwas taken with diarrisoa- very ýad, bans. Tise street double dock trams My sisier dvisS me te gai Dn 1-*,wîet"g are kept very busy anti are dnawn by extnaet ocf WMi Strawbarry. I1ego' a herses., No electmic cars here. At 8 boie andid h cured tise ba*.y imiost àt p.m., tise Brothemhood of tise Green isad a procession witis music andi it took a HERIFF'S SALE 0F LAN.DS. S. Unitaed Countias of Northsumberlandiat lange cmowd of policemen te keep things Durham, to wit: Bn virtue of an Eauis in entier, I tisongit te be safe and a issueti ont of bar Mafesty's Firet Division Coùurt; of Northumberlanti anti Durham, to me diracted gooti boy that I would retire te My oom. in an action wvisrain Janle Brecit is Plaintif, anti Margaret Ruiler and James "utler are Defenti- Monday 5tis, to-day was tise great cele- ans aesie n ae neeu o i, bration ef tise Bnetisemiood I conld net the estate, night, tisie. intereet, dlaim, rpry damanti anti aquitv cf ictemption cfthe abovei desenibe. It was a living mass 0f hum- namreti Margaret Butler anti James Rutler in tit> aiywith bauds untolti and bannons of, anti ont of'ail anti singular, tise foliowingý lanld anity anti premises situate lying anti baing Lot nom.i- ail descriptions. Tise nilitary was ber 19,ilock CG, walhsagton Street, in fite slaiontiat iferet lcaltiswisîeTown o Bowmanvilla, Connity of Durbam .one, eatined t diferet loalites Wilecf the United Couiltias of Nonth-peuierland ,anti thse police bs tiseisundreda donc wisat Dut-hem, ail of wbich 1 sisali effet' for sale ailst offie in Victoria Hail, in tha town of Cobonrg9 they'conld te keep or dem and ofteni had on Tbnrsday tisa 29th day cf June, AD., 1899 thse bour et 12 o'clock noon.-r te use their batons Weil, I have been ,I. O. PROCTOR, Siseriif a beievr l Hom Pu fo Ireant as Sberiff's office, Cobourg, Marth 171b, 1899l. a beievr i Hom Rue fr Irlan as14-13 w. we have lu our own local govemument lu quiet Canada, batl from what I- haveTh seen anti ieard my thonghts mst have II been wandeing on what I knew netS- notising eau be donc te bning about a NIfTf pea.ceful solution of tise country. Tise N SlYHI country is beautiful. 1 have traveileti Mms. X.-Now Johnny -I waut you toe by rail over 600 miles in Imelanti and hurry home from sehool this, enly saw 8 or 4 orcisards lu tise wisoîe afternoon. onte. I take tise train for Port Rush,' Joisnny-Wisat for, I was wanting, te- 76 miles, saw seme beantiful mresidences Mme. X.-I want yen te come right home suppsin tiem e b tie hmes0f isefor I want yen te go to, suposig tem o e te hmesof heLUTTRELL'S for soma Laund Owners and passing some large buns anti cakes for tea. cities, eue vemy large called Ballymeny. John ny- l'Il ceme home on tise rn, for Po.rt Rush is situatod on tise coast, a I like going theme, for his wateriug place. I take tise steam tram buns anti cakes are just fine. passing onwanti nutil eue of Ireianti's A full stock ofConfectîonery is a'lways, greatest sigbt-seeing places la reachetikept ou hand. uamneiy, Glant's Canseway. It is Alex. Luttreli wonder of wonders, it wonld take tise Clarke's Olti Stand, Bowmauville. peu of a ready writem te discnibe tise The Epworth Loague of tise Coîborneý sighs. I was tolti by tise wickeî keeper Methodist chancis preseutcd a isandsoe,~ for four months tisat 27,000 passed-lbuter censiento Miss Minnie A. Fletcher, tismougistisewicket and thousautis are who Sas been employed lu tise G. N. W. satisfied with sigis outsitio of tise telegrapis o-fice tisene for two vears, on, wlckes. agl tethse ove cf hem mariage te Mr., fidson andes 11euning aant Beliast Keiiey., Sidney Crossinlg adthiuking mny stay lu aulti Imeland is about closeti I will now take tise steam- t shpfor Glas.-ow, Scotland.C A T R l THo3MAS IIOAR. ,- Belfast, Irclanti, June 3, 1899. For Infant. ,nd eCildren- Children Cry far nef q Il "I 00ýVevery A VANCOUVER LADYj Cured of Asthina .fteýr Eight -Yeaa f of Alost C(:Fvtant Suffering ~ Fron tthe DLseaSe Seemls Tike a Cures,. Mtrs,.1J. Wise, M.PLe'smVnovi, .B.3.5 wrtbes.-"I have lcnagetalee from bronechiai astlinia frts ategr yta-ssw., many times bavinig LIU l p neaaly ali unght. 'fiouyis thc e alh-tcu "f ia fnsenc( njio hat been curati by Care~Kola on p ndirasoIvati an-a Jsa rOorn V ZTY t. fust tirsct stJ l id 'necra jl e 1m11-u,4 but Saera I 1had iniisti isa Lulirdbotl tise attacks eeseti altogetâer, antI turlig tise past six mouths (d damrp aic(201 wata.fiier have iiot hall a s.iu-1[ ncak.Ic seemna somccising Jike a draam te be frce fmcm thâs worsIý cf aýl dsese fil. many yeaars of S'utf erng. 1I bava sInce My, recovery racomuxanded tkic rLiedy tco 0otiers suffanin'g tas I waS, "antiknwma.ia etiters 1la tie . <ty wib»M d t bas, r ri constider It a umave>loisaremoedy, ziud wcuIc urge amy person suffening from t disease te xrry it." Tilee bittîca are guaranteed Io c ure. jM yec S'amnple bottie of Ciankes Kola coin-, Pound fwill Se Sent tù any pet-aIl wifab est4ma, mcnitioniog StIs p a. Aez, thte Uiriffitisa & Maphserson Co., se n- dilan agents, 121 Cut -tret Cfzke's Kola Comipouindsbon t ne)t be conflounicti wlisth te «fier Kola preiparM. tIsaneon -tihamarket, as ibisfs atoeaer a ifeetpreparation, tesignat te pex,!lJr tom tise cure of astia. AU l druggbas. P1!c Hard -workùr