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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1899, p. 5

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ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 2 'Gosd' well bouglit are haif so1d." 'This saying lias been so fully demonstr- ed tha)t it needs no comment. What success we have achiev- , 11 Ctie past has been due largely to our careful selection of reliable and ,weil bouglit" goods. «We will give stili greater attention to these inatters in fu:ture. We already have large orders placed with manu- factLirers 'n bFrance and England for Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, etc., etc, tie chýoicest Perfumies the world produces for our Xmas trade. Next mionth we go to _New York to purchase sucli goods as can be bouglit tobete avatgo thiere. We look ahead. We study the markets. We study our customeris' wý,antcs. Your interests are ours. We strive to please you. We give you our, best efforts from January to December. As an nounced last week -,,,, -la ve taken Mr. Morley (awker into partiler- shi 1- andl this will give us ioethime to look after the purchase of stock for our three stores liniBowmnanvile, Osýhawa and Lindsay. In stock- t - %nw found many 11odds and enids" which we will clear off at less +~ Fg st to make room for new stock. Tilet Soap, reg. 5c to 10c a cakes 3 for 10e. lland Brushes, reg. 5c 3 for 5e,. air Brushes, reg. 2ý5c to 50c, choice for 25e. lland Mirror, reg. 25c to $1.00, damaged, choice for 15e and 25c. Cameras, reg. $2.50, reduc~ed to $1.0, Tooth Brush ilolders, worth 25c, free to every pur- chaser of Tooth Brusheaq to the value of 50e. Whisks, reg. 10c to 50c at hiall price. Clothes Brusiies, a big line at haif price. iRamsey's Ready Mixed Patints, (Unicorn brand) 90e per gallon. TeDruggists and Opticians. À U Y GRAND [RUNK RA!LWVAY, BDOWMAN VILLE STATI[ON. GOECI3 EÂST. GOINO WESTr. _ 8ss. 31 a. m. * Express. . 3325a. m re...10 17 a. m.I Local... 8 18 Is$r,.3 32 p.m. Passengor.. 1 35 p.nm i 6 51 t Express... 4.31 p. m. pr il 103 "Express. ,7 89 Il Da I.. t Sundays only. STOTT & JURY. Town Agents ýWMANVILI.E, JUNE 28, 1899. MissMabel Wright, Toronto, speuf $unday af homo. Boys' Clothing is seling fast af flic West End bouse. Mrs. A. Brahe, Toronto, lis visifing ber fatîser, Mr. R. Darcli. Cail andl sec flic bat s anudmous new shirts at flic West Endl bouse. Thursday, July 6, Cuban Giant s vs. Bowman-ville, sliops loseil from 3 f0 5 p. im, Balance of 1899 f0 uew subscfibers ý0c. The besf is flic cheapest, Take THE STATESATAN, The aunual picnic for flic chilînen cf St. Paul's Wiil bo bell ut the Lake pnohably op. Frilay, Jnly 7. The best goeds for flic basf mouey ut bickand's. bidli and poor treatel aike-samne prico te every one. Ladies' Spring Coats andl Capes Ger- î'- anil Canadian jusf receiveil ut C~cJolinsfon & Cnylormau's. 'Nrs. Diugman is selling off lier trirnmed anuluntnimmeil hats af greatly reluceil d.pices. Caîl and sec tiemn. Feather Boue Corsets mule te si ut one Dollar flow seling ut sixfy-nino cents ut Cou,l,Johustou & Crydcnmau's. Ail orlons for trips f0 the lako lu Me- Mutry's baud waggon shonl be ieff ut lis old office and wiil roccive prompt ,attention. Mrs. T. MeAmmoul, Bimsfou's Corners, and Mns F. MeAmmouil, Off- awa, arc guesfs cf 1ev. Dr. banc ut Port Bowmunville. Tliursday, Juiy 6, Cuban Giauts Base Bail Club ut Boiraaville, Shops wili be ciosed £rom 3 te 5 p. m. lnnieg the game. Evcry body go. Black Dress Goods-a beaufiful range lu al qualifies up f0 flic finest goods import cd just receiveil ut.Couch, Johuston & Cylerman's. J.' C Weeks lias a drop lot fer box lu flic door cf bis sliop, Market Square, or a carl droppedin luflicpost office will reccive prompt attention. If you dont see what You waut, ask forif. Nidlelis lias if. If you cau'f get wliat you want, want whaf you cau get. If Niciolîs liasu't got if, if isn't male. Over 1000 sumpies cf wal nupen f0 select from-molern lovely p atterns- f rom 5e te '55e per nol, Paper-hanging donc ut 10 cents Wbeu paper is ondereil £ fnom mie. J. C. Weeks, Ontario sf. ThieNew Williams and Ne4w lRaymound Sewing Machinues are nof whuf mauy ý.a1 li cap machines, but are higli class machines. Tbev xill do auy kinil cf faucy wýonk ,nI wîll '50w uanI wean., bouder, if you kuow cf any one lu Canada who infeuls cnossiug the Atlan- tic, necommenil tlem te inquire cf M.A. James for rates. He dues the sfeamship bu ess , -of f lis unireprescuts tl i e best linos. SMrs. Parker, Sun Francisco, Cal.,aud unIl daugliters, three cf whcm bave been students ut Ontario Ladies' Ccii- v ge for flic past txvo yoars.arc spending theý sumînor ut Port 13owmanville, hav- ng renteil Mns. W. L. Mallory's flue U(ew cottage. Ou unudav iusf t fliceCommunion Service in St. Panl's churcli 1ev. b. Douglas Fraser, M. A., Toonto, flic former pastor, preacheil a vcrv appro- -priato andl bclpful sermon. The con- gregufion always wcicomes very condi aliv bis visits. On Suuduy oveniug fast Pcv. J. b. 'Ulrubuil announ3coil a special course of ,semous on*"The Teachiug cf Our Lord' broc main divisions were proposeil mci-the mauner, methoil and tter of bis preuching. The finst cf these wil bo considerel next Sunday evening.' ber manyfrlcnds lu town unI country are fiicifating Mfiss Tamblyn, dauglit- er cf Mn. und Mrs. W. W. Tamblyn. on wining First Pnize for general profici- eucv in the Vocal Deparfmeiit-Primary ý in Outario Conservafory of Music ut WYhitbv. Miss Tamblyn lias a icli mus- ical voice andl we shal xpoct f0 heur tvf ber xvnning- funflier lionors as sho, pursuos hon course. Ail wonk guaranteel by Jas. Goard. Get your ianforus,candles,etc. of Jas. Goard. Inspect McMurtry 's Lace Curtains this spring. Great bargains lu Ladies' Sailors at M. Mayer's. Webb's Ice cream at flic Lako. Caw- ker and Tait. Men's anil boys'liuen bats of aIl kinils ut M. Mayen's. M. A. James is Goverumont issuer of Marriage Liceuses. The lafest and c-liapest in fedoras andl stiff hafs at M. Ma yens. Mrs. T. E. biggiubotliam is speuil- ing a few days at Niagara Falls. Miss Annie Jacks,' bampton, syns re- cent gnest of Miss 'Mabel Barrot t. Suifs whidli aiways suit wlien made at Coucli, Johuston & Crxdrman's. If you want a sfylish Boit Buekle for a smail amount of money go te Bick- ard's. Township of Clarke Faîl Fain will be bell Sept. 12 anil 18 ou f air gouns Orono. ~,ous 'Those wbo appreciato artistic print- ing shoulil seuil their orders te Tii STATESMAN. Mrs,A.D. Daggs andildaughter Ff bei, Rochuester, N. Y., are visiting liher si ster Mrs. I. Tabb. NoW is the time te get yonr Sprax-ers. Be sure you get the Evans' SprFayer from Peter Murdocli. Don't fail te sec flic beaufiful Scotch Gingliams jnst openeil ont at Coudh, Jolinston & Cryderman's. Anoflier lot of Men's bats- latest styles-opoeoi this week at Concli, Jolinston and Crydermau's, Three iafest sougs. lOc. Send for cat- alogue. Instrumental anil vocal music always lu stock-Jas. Goard. Mr. James Beifli andl Mrs. W. McKay 5are occupying Dr. Brimacombe's pretty cottage at Port Bowmanvillo for e few weeks. Now is flic time foi' arrangiug for your papering, kalsornnîg, painting, etc. J C. Weeks eau serve you satis- factorily. WVe believo we are selliug flic besf Uine of Prints for 10e. sliown by any bouse in Canada. Coucli, Juhustoa & Cryderman. St. John's Churdli wili have a Suuday School Pice nul cdongregational ouf- ing aft the Lake on Wcduesilay; after- noon, July 5fb. L Mrs. Ed. Wilkins, Bethesila, uccom- panicil by lier son Alex. ef f last week fo attend lier son Josepli who is Serions- ly illin lWXisconsin, U. S Mn. T. J. McMurfry will mn bis baud waggon f0 the lako evory Friday f0 meet Gardon Cif 'y. Leave orders at bis old office on Thursday. tf. Mn. FerdinaudDavid of Mt.Lebanon, Palestine, who is a Bible studeut lu To- ronto, lias been visitiug lis fnieul Mr. Fred. Jeffery, Wellington St. Farmers wan-ting "Turuip Seel" shoulil sec Murdocli's selection, Over 10 year's exnerieuce andl always gave sat- isfaction-af the Express office. bey. Dr.anil Mrs. J. J. baandulMn. F. C. Haro, Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, have movel f0 f hein sum mer nesidence at Port Bowmanville. Big offer:- STATESMAN andl Weekly Globe, or Weekly Sun, or Mail andl Em- pire on Montreal Witness f0 cend of 1899 for 50 cents., Orlon from. M. A. James. 3Ladies shoulil not fail f0 reail whaf Mrs. Dingman bas to say lunlier new 1advt about Summer Milliueny. Shc e au suif you wit h fhe lufest lu everv -depurtmeuf. Quite a plousunt event took place ut Mn. James b. Darcli's ou Friday, June ldth,wbere a number of frieuds zafler- cd te witness fIe clinisteniug of- their deugbter, bazel Jane. bey. J. J. bac performeil the;ccromony. Somethiug for uofbinLz I don'f give-, neither loos unyvone cisc, ne matter wbat tbcy ailvertise. Nover expect a golil dollar for fwenfy-five cents. But when you waut a reul genuine bangain go f0 Nichoils' and you will get if, sure One of flie mosf thouglittul. contribu- tions f0 flic discussion of ftle questionîs cf îinopriety involvein luflicpublication f flice Browninz Love Lettens is flic article in flic Ellubungli Bview on Discrefion andi pnblicify, neprintedin l The Living Age for June 9,4. Miss McDoweli, Mr.W. W. Tamblyn, M i A , Mn. M. A. James, Miss Mosettu -James, Miss E. E. Hayeraft, Misses 7Ena anu lMaggie Trebilock, undIMiss tEfliel Cole, Bethesda, attendel flic -Commencement Exorcises of Ontario, rLadies' Colloge. XVitbv, Wedueslay. Sec report of flic proceedi ngs on an lu. silo page. Mr. Wm. Freeland, Toronto, visited at home last week. Full lune of men's and boys' straw hats at M. Mayer's. Mr. Wm, *Beacock-, Toronto, is spend- ing vacation at home. Miss Ethel Beer, Orono, is guest of Miss Shirley Morrison. Miss Spencer, Brookln, has been guest of Mrs. John Spencer. Miss iReid and Miss Moffatt visited friends in Port Hope last xveek. Saturday, July 1sf is Domninion Day and business places will be closed. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hamley, Toronto,. have been guests of Mr. Fred. lEeal. Mrs. Anu Doubt, Port Ferry, is visit- ing her sister-in-law Mrs. Geo. Hooper. Watches, dlocks, jewelery, spectacles, rings, etc., repaired by Jas.Goard,Jew- elier. This nurnber completes flic first haîf volume of 1899. Is your subscription paid? New Black Dress Goods lu Blister cf- feets just received at the West End bouse, Mrs. W. Y. Cowle and Master Youid- on, NOw York City, are guests of Mrs. R. B. Andrew, The Corner Stone of the new' Presby- ferian chîirch, Oshawa, xiii be laid at 10 a. M. July lst. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Davis and Master Willie Taylor, visitcd her aunt Mrs. W. Barrett recently. Mrs. A.Younie,Mrs. King and family have moved to their summer residence at Pot-t Bowmanville. Mrs. Jon. Lane, Port Pcrry,has been visiting' friends in fown, zuest of Mrs. M. A. James, "~Lorne Villa," Se the elegant Capes specially suit- able for m iddle ag-ed andi eldcrly ladies at Coucli, Johnston & Cryderman 's. The Public Scliool teaching staff werc pleasantl 'v entertaineni by Corp. A. Hlobbs at bis residence Frîday niglit. If xou wish to do cording (noxv 50 styllsh) on your New Williams machine cail at iRickard's and obtain a "corder." Mr. L. T. Courfice assistcd on the program at the Strawberry Social at Medcalf St. churcli, Oshawa, last even- ing. Au legant assortment of Spring -ut-ings and Di ess Goods of ail kinds just arrvd fCuch, Johuston & Cry- derman's. Ail Garden CitT tickets for Friday excursions î%vill be extendeni good to stay unI il Satnrday niglt or for 2 wccks for 25e extra. Mr. W. H. Reid, M. P. P.,j for West Durham, is arnong- the excursionists xvho have gone to Algoma f0 explore New Ontario. Chidren's Dresses and Aprons in great variety and very chear> at Miss Martin's Fancv Goods Store. Don't fail f0 cail and sec them. Coucli, Johuston & Cryderman are showing tîi> vxery latest styýles lu Men's Hats just receiveni direct from the man- ufacturers lu En.-iaud. For 50 cents: THE STATESMAN, Weeklv Globe, or Wýeekly Witniess for balance of 1899. Order from M. A. JAMES, Bowmianvillc. Al work-painfing, kaisomining, papering-guaranteed When done by J. C. W eeks. Get orders in early be- fore fthcgreat rush begins. New Prints, Sateens, Silver Silks, Scotch and Canadian Gingbams iu im- mense variefy jusf openeni out at Couch, Johnston &,Ôrvderman's. M.A.Jamnes, Bowmanvillc, is Govern- ment Issuer of Marriage Licenses 'for the Countv of Durham, during business hours at office, at bis residence Centre- st., at niglit. Mr, Chas. T. Coots, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Taylor and family. Charîccote. Were-guests of cx-Mavor J. K. Galbraith, "Victoria Cottage," over Snnday. Mr. Davini boskins, C. A., principal of the Britishi Arnexican Business Coul- cge, Toronfo, returned on June lotli from an enjoyable trip through Eng- land and Scotland. Rev. R. 'Doutglas Frasor, M. A., Mrs. Fraser and Master Douglas, have been gnests of Dr. McLaughlin. Mr. Fraser prcached in St. Paul's church Sunday moru ng andl msisfced in, Communion services. Dr. F. W. Cryderman, DctroitMicli., 15 a member of flic local excursion comn- mittee who are making arrangements for the entertaiement of the great Christian Endeavor Convention f0 be beld lu that ity lu July. A lady from Chicago calleil on A. L. Nichoîls' the nilier day andi told hlm that she 0f ton read his advertisements lu THE STATESMAN andl thonglit that lie was ccrtainlv up Any dojibters are requesfed to eali andl sec. Mrs. J. K. Galbrait hlias" uf curiosif y lu lier garden lu the1formof a fig tree from wlîich two ripe figs have stand ing in the piano afnnand on taking the degrce of A.T.C M. To wîu sncb higli honors iu the great coni- petition muat must necessariiy be meti lu sncb a large anti popular institution- is a victory tha t is on\ sec us-e by real talent snpie.ned I -bard andl con- stant practice. Miss Mabel'Is hosts of friends will be de 1ý iied tf0 hear of lier rcward for faithîni stud'v. This foîvu is surely getting ifs full share of bonoirs lu flic musical xworld. Hampton anniyersary June 25, July 1 baydon annivcrsary Juiy 1 and 2, Cuban Giants and Bowmanvill e Base bail match July 6. Wbat do you t hink of Dr. Talmage's sermon this weeki? Seuil your work f0 Jas.Goard,Watch- maker andl Jeweller. Get your scbool supplies at Jas.Goard, Stationer andl Jewelier. Ilcv.J.J. Bac Will preacli anniversary sermons at Port Hope next Sunday. Mr. E. Douglass Armour, Toronto, lias gone te Engianil on a boliday trip. Mr. John James, Oshawa, is offering lis comfortable home for sale. Sec adl. New subseriptions receivcd at TE STATESMAN office six days a week be- fwcen 7 a. m. and 6 p m. Mr. E. T. Brittain, Toronto, visiteni friends bore iast Weck, guesf of lis uncle, Mr, Chas. Young. 11ev. b. Bruce Kenn 'y, Canton, wil preacl inl the Mefhodist churcli next Snnday mriing and et-enin. The "Argyles,' Toronto, played i wth -bowmanviile base bail team liere on Satnrday andl won la a score of 14 f0 6. 'Mrs. Thos Hoar and Mrs.A. Mitcliel, Master Gordon andi Miss Helen Mitchel icît yesterdav' f0t visit Mrs. Johin W, lliggiubothami, Virden, Mau "Lient. E. C. Sonthey of flic 46th Battalion is making a namne for himseif as a genial hosf" says the Toronto Woridl initis notes on Niagara Camp. The directors of Scarboro Township Agriciturai Society have decided to hol tîseir "Donnybrook Fair" at the grounds of flic balf way bouse this yecar iustead of at Wobnrn. The Mctliodisf social ou tise beantifui lawu of Mr. John Lyle, Friday eveuing was flot vcî-y iargelv atfcndcd owing f0 of ler attractions, but those wlio partic- ipated enjoyel flie occasion. The ont- look fo thec sontli is unsurpasseni for landscape view lu town. - The ex president of West Durham Farmers' instifufe 15 requesteni toecx- plain c.ractly why f0 the aunouncemeufs of flic late excursion f0 Model Farma lie snbscribed lus namne "Jas Gaie, Presi- dent \W.D.FI., lu flic Northumberlandl andi Ontario counties papers whulc lu flic home papens, includlng bis owu, lie suliscribeil simply "Jas. Gale, Presid- cnt"? The infeence is that hoe nsed "W. D.F.I." co deceive flic public info lie- iieving thaf flic excursicu was under the auspices of flic Farmens' Institufe anud f0that exteuf lie is gnilfv 0f frand and deception. Eariy Sundav mornin1g, June lSth, Mn. Sami. Manuing. Brooklit, passeni peacefnilv away after a iingcering and paînful illness from iuternal troubles. Hoe was a mosf lionorel, honest anîd ln- dustrious neiglibor, was evidencel bv flic large funerai f0 Grove-side cemefer-v on Tnesday afternoou. Deceased came fnom Devonshire, Eng., wlien twenty Oive years cf ugo. This fonfi- seven years WIt5 spent lu f bis section, tveuf v. two of whicli lie lived on the Campbel farm. By lis industrions past lie acc- umulated considerabie Weaifh. He lea 'ves a -ife, flince daughfers andl tbree sons fo mouru bis loss as foiiosvs: - Mrs. John Coakwcll, of Brown's Cornersq, Ont ; Mrs. Jahez Jewell, of Manitoba; Mrs - Burroughis, of Brooklil; andl Messrs. Samuel andi Richard af home and Benjamin of Brookilu. DURHAL31 OLD BOYS. EDITOP, STAEs.IAN.-Penmit me te infurm your numerons readeîs some particniars regarliîsg flicDurhiam Old Boys' Excursion ou August 7tb to Port Hope. Already xve bave secureni a a special train, which wiil leave the cify ai 9.15 sharp, calliug ut Bowmanvillo and Newcastle te take on auy passen- ors fnom those two places who desire te join us. Tickets from Toronto te Port Hlope anilreturu $1.25, chilîren 65c. Prom Bowmanvilie te Port Hope and neturu 60c, chiudreu Soc. Newcastle f0 Port Hope and refuru 50c. eiludren 25c. The spieudid Grenadiers' Band wiil ac- company flic excursion, und will give a Ce promenade concert ln the evening.. Returýning flic train will leave Port Hope at 9 o'clock. The commiftee are spuing ne efforts f0 make the excurs- ion successfui, andl would like all inter- esteil te aid tliem. THos. YELLOWLEES, Secretary Durham Oid Boys. Toronto, June 26. Notices Of Births, -Uarrla--es and Deaths 50 cents. when marriage licenses are Obtained or ftsu rl oies printed at titis office. Insertion froc. BORN. MAY.-In Toronto, Junc 20, the wife of Mr. Harry May', of a daughter, MmLLsoiç.-I Clarke, June 10, the wîfe of Mr. W. H. W. Beecher Millsonl, of adaughter.. MARRIED. BEACOCKriFÂLL$.-At the residence of the bride's father hy Rev. E. E. Hloward, June 21, Mr- Wn . F. Beacock and Miss Mabel M,only daughter of George Fallis, Esq., both of Cart- wrighit. WILSOI-SALTER. -In Oshawa, June 7, by Rev. J. J. Liddy, MA., George Iolum Wilson, Oshawa, and Hllen Elizabeth Salter, Courtice. LUXToN-LuTKE.-At Mani se, Olshawa, Junel4, by Rev. J. Hodges. B.A., Mr. Wmn. Luxton and Miss Emma M., Luke. both of Columbus. BROADIIEAD FOGG.-At the residence of the bride's parents, Carnideii, X. Y., June 14,by Eev. Edwartl Evans, Frederick H. Broadhead, Jamn- eston, NY., and Miss Mande A. Fogg, daughter of Mr. Beverly Fogg,forinerly of Bowimauville. BAR [ETT-Lovsneîs.-Ib Newcastle, Jane 22, by Rey. Geo. B. MeLeod, Mr. Johit Barrett aad Mises Janet E. Lovekin, both of Clarke. HosaKisN'ORTICOTT.-In Chui ke, Jue 21, by Eev. L). P. Oswald, Jolhn H. Hoskin.Darlitigton, and Agnes Morrowdanghter of Wm Northeott, Clarke.. IRWIN-WýEBSTEeR.-A t WeSley chnrch, Glan- dine, Jonc 21, t'y Bey. Y. B. Stratton, btev.Man- $l Irwin, B.A ., and Lillian, eldest daughter of Mr. Abraham Webster, ail of Mariposa. HABPER-MOBRZIEiT.At the residence of Mrs. Yeoman Gibson, W hituy, Jtnc ilst, by Rey. E. W. Me Brien, Mr . Eriiest Harper and Miss Mol- lie McoBrien. BEaR BIENT- In Methodist church, Ebenez- or, June 14d byEéev. J .S . I. Wilson', B. D., Courtice. Gegenry Beer, Oshawa, and Mar5,aret, elest daughter of Philip Breot, East Whitby. COLLIN S-METC ALFE -At 260 Dundas St., Toi- onto, Jue 21, h)y tev. W. H. Clarke, Mi'. Fred. Collins and Mise F4orence Metcalfe, both of Toronto. BuowN-.-To Harmony, Jonc 17, Mary ,Jane Alilo, wife of Mr. Jos. Brown, aged 30 years, 9 months and 10 da-vs- WVooD.-To Clarlýe, June 15, Jared Wood, Ilu blis 501hyear. Chil11dren O0ry for The Popular Grocers. Telephoiie No. 65, A SFRT E SFIASSPHFL E1j R S i The brightness- of the sun, or the suds of the -wash tub will not destroy their beauty. They are ouly trausient visitors, the prices are so insinua tîng they are quickly vanishing. 1200 Pairs of Ladies' Cotton Hose. The most startling bargain lever off ered in IBowrman- ville lu Ladies' ilose. See them,. Butter and Egg s and Grocers' Due Bi!s ,taken. BOWMANVILLE. Next door to Standard Bank. Pictures, jet re Fr ing. We have a fulil stock on hand andi at prices thi-atar sure to please yoû. Our sale of Wall Paper has s0 f ar exceeded auy jpreVious years and we stili have a; good as- sortment to select from. Big 20, BOWMANVILLE. IYARBLE AND' GRANITE WORKS, BOW MA NVI LLE. mnnat~urert of aand lDealerr in Fine Monumentai k inI bast Greades of Materrial. Cail and get'my prices. I ama sure ny work will please you,. DU. L. POTTER. Office and residence,Church St.,opposite Trinlty Congregational charch, Bowmaiovule. 25-Cm* MISS EVA LUTTRELL Is prepar-1 t" I- lssons on organ and piano at her eL u , ..gSt.,or ai the homes of the pnpils[.7 MISS ETHEL MORRIS, AItTIST. Instructions g!venin PAINTING in O1, Water Color and Chhia. Sketehiug anie painting from nature. KIJ-N on premises, iir- ing at usnal;priecs, 516m. s TAYEDýOn lot 8. con. 8,Darling- tower, on or about May 20, 1809, a eteer calf. On is required to prove prou nty, pay expen- ses and take it away. TOEoî.WOOnr.a-, Tyrone. 26-3w* YYUEAND LOT FOR SALE.- -Two frama divcling bouses containing 7 rooms each situated on Ontario St.,1 Bowman- ville. Good watcr. Terme easy. Fn, particulars apnl1y on the prenuises to Mits, C. HANcqCK or 10 STÂTESMAN office. 24 if. F. WAUGH, L. D S, D D s.,~ BOWMAN VILLE, Dental Office lunflic booms aboya- ffl-'-Vill be ut Or, fîo nu9 a. mi. ter 2 p m., aud ut Nesvc stle fnom 2,80un- fil 7 p.m, on flic second nul fourirs Monînys of oach AMonfi. Golîl platec, Crownanul Bridge work und PainilsC~tracfion are cpecialfies. IEJOUSE I NOSHIAWA 1 0,ISALE.- ..ComfrnXti.bloe oLigt.cae' Dwflieg Hotie Drivbny RHouge, Stable frtlsî-ee bouses agdn-1 ; acre ofland for sale. Exeolbent large-aud -emina fruit. No hetier weli suOshawsg,chîeem Apl on the premisees or if hy her ta o JQuES William St., Oshawa. 2-f Iý, Ie For the finest Groceries, Fruits, Provisions, Cooked Meat and ail Camplag upplies in the town. 1 k, 77 T. ALLEN.

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