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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1899, p. 4

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-1* I 'h'~T1....,.*AIÀ.a S%4.dPt4~M ki 11h i k ~ J ~/4~' I 4Y~M~AM~4hV ~ I. i Now is the time for Room Paper. A lady said to me last week, 1Isent away for paper for my hall but after seeing what you have and your pri ces, 1 arn very sorry." Don't be misled. Don't buy from samnples. Inspect my patterns, get my prices, and know what you are getting, Satisfaction is the word. Window Shades. No culis, and no trash, ail good stock and good value. Curtain Foies very cheap. Pictures, Picture Frames and Roomn Moldings are specialties with me. No troub!e to show goods. Choice Window Plants for sale. P.«'"T'rB1LCO"CK- BOWMANVn LEF ,,, o o ********* oo Everything in Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glass- ware. Granitewvare given with Bakiugy Powder. We give big value and take small profit. t17 Highest cash price paid for any quantity of Wool. Telephone 57, BOWMANVILLE. Furniture Dealer_ __ A ND ___Funeral Director BOWMANVILLE oORONO. y ,:<'ýTHURSDAY AFTERNOON. Adisplay of Summer ilats in White and Colors, both Trimmed and Untrimmed at the CORNER MJLLINERY STORE. Dainty Lace and Chiffon Elats in endless variety. The balance of our Spring Stock at cost to clear. A full line of Sailors at 50c. Your choice of 75c, $1.00, and $1.25 Flowers at 5Oc. Do flot forget the date Thursday, June 22nd. Misses'YVeale S&'lMedland. BowmAxviLLE. Y Uestiny Changed. The '<Siater Shoe" is closely watchied dur- ing the process of manufacture. Every shoe _ undergoes a careful examination after leav.. ing the hands of eacli operator. The slightest flaw in the leather or wvrk- j ~ manship-a stitch missed-a slip of the knife, only discernible to an expert condemns the shoe that started toward the "Siater" goal to the ordinary, namdess, unwarranted army of footwear sold to whoever will btuy thetu. will and reedous energy ara not found wbera Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Boweis are ont ai order. If you want these qualities and the succesq they hring, use Dr. Klng's New Lufe Pilîs - They devaiap every power ai the brain and bi-dy. Only 25c. at Statt and Jury's drug store. BOWMANVILLE. JULY 5, 1899. SIR WILFPBLD KNOCXED LT FLIT. The threataned attack upon the Gov- enment's palicy for au -ail Canadian Telegraph ilihe to the Yukon lias been madle and it fell very fiat, the sense af the Haluse'being unrnistakabiy lu favor ai a policy under Which telographic communications witb the g-aid fields will bc cantrolled by Canada. Time bas justifled andi streugthaned the opin- ion ai the Goverument that lu order to assure ta Canadians their fl share ai trade ai the Yukon Ithe cliannels ai communication sbouid ho tbrough Can- adian torritory. -When it was -sbown that the Gavernrnent lad 'not 'broken f aith witb the companios which lad oh- tained charters for the construction ai telegrapli linos ta connoct the far off g-aid fields with the aider portions ai the DaminionY, any force which the Opposi- tion ta the aciion ai the Government, ini ~snding dut construction ganZs ta comrnence work relying upon the pat- riotisma and gooci sense ai the Parlia meut ta endorse their course, evor bad, spoedily disappeared. The main lino ai attack was upan the graund that faith lad not been kept wîth Hon. John Roche, M. P., aifiEng-land who lias or- ganisod a cornpany for the purpose ai constructing a telegraphli ne,via Skag-- way, but Mr. Blair showed that the Goverment only took action ai ter patientlv walting fivo long rnonths witbout hoaring a word from that gentleman or bis company or rocoiving anv intimation that they would pracoed wîtb tthe work this summor. The Premier's declaration that the Govern- ment was bound ta give consideration ta the interests af Mr-. Roche or bis cahu- pany displayod a reireshing independ- once and recognition of tbe principle tbat to ho as it sbould be, the public goad is the first care ai the Governent. The advantagos ai passessing contrai affic hene ai telegraphic communica- tion will ho so rnaniiest and its effeat upon the progress ai affairs sd markod that thore is little daubt when next a proposai is madle ta construet an ahl Canadian Raiway raute but few vaices will bo raised against the carrying out ai a work whicb will heofa groat public advantage. S1I IBBERT AGAIN FAILS. Sir Ribbert Tupper in bis second arraigniment ai the Goverrnent upon the admin istration ai the Yukon gave a splendid exhibition ai the staving power which lias hlecome a recoguized charactoristir, af the iamily. Aitbough suffering irom a severe hoarseness ho appliod himselt Iwitb -dog-ged determina- tion ta the task ai making gaod the assertions that bis second attack upon the Yukon administration would occupy a greater space afiie in the delivery than the first, and lia succeeded in gratifying the ,oxpectations ai bis friands with- the assistance af the prem- ier who readily agreed ta bis prouasal that babae allowed ta spread bis rernark's aver two days, instead ai being cam- pelled ta continue until lie lad conclud- ed. Sir Hîbbert had evidently warked bard and iaithfully in preparation for bis self împosed tacli, and endaavored ta present tha straugest possible case against the Governrnent. That the Goverrnent was uninjured and retain- ed the confidence ,nat onîy ai the Ilouse, but af the country wlien lia sat down' was rather because ai the iact that the materiai upon which ta, impeacli the Goverument or the officiais as a hody dcl not exist, than from any negleat or lack ai desire or vigor ai denunciation on bis part. Sir bibbert waded tîrougli page after page ai evid *ence taken ha- fore Mr. Ogilvie and the hurden ai bis compiaint was that the Commissioner had insisted on conducting the investi- gà tian as though hle were a judge, that thosa who came hefore him with cam- plainits should put their charges ln writing ; that the accused officiais shouid hava an opportunity ta ho pro- sent and meet the charges against tliem, WEST* END aHOUSF BOWMANVI LLE. - I plt ANOTHER SCHEKE EXPLODEJ). As time goes on the source of a great deal of the opposition ta the agreement for the purchase of the Drummond Couuty Railway and the, extension of the Intercolonial Railway to the great commercial centre of Montreal is ha- coming more plainly'manifest. There is evidently going to be a stro4g fight madle lu the Senate te defeat the bis and as a preliminary step there have been nurnerous demands in the Sonate for information which the Minister, of Ilailways lias time after time declared in the bâuse of Commons is not iu the possession of the Government. The report tlîat a pawerful lobby is being organized in the interest of one of the great Railway corporations which is not satisfied with the proposed arrange- ments gathers force frorn the prosence of its uficials in tho corridor of the red chamber of bite. The campaignstarted with a telegraphia despatchi sent out by the C.P.R. Telegrapli Comnpany stating that it had been discovered that the agreemnent with the G. T. R. Company was virtually a lease by which that rail- way and its American connections ob- tained the control of the Intercolonial Railway for 99 years. In its anxiety ta get the ear of the newspaper press how- ever the Telegrapli Co. assumned the raie of a putblic benefactor and the foot note wbich the despatches bore stating that it was furnished free of telegraph touls was suficient to indicate its source and object. Several of the big dailies ac- cepted the bait and madle tbe news a feature of the day's issue, but another paper carefuliy placed it in tho pigeon hale until the proper moment wlien it exposed the bold atternpt ta manufacture public opinion against the measures and mercilessly pricked the bubble before it was fairlv afloat. The incident is chiefly instructive as indica- tive of the lengtbs ta which opposing interests may ga in order to saddle upon the country a continuance af the record of annual deficits on account of the In- tercolonial Railway. The rival interosts are not slow ta reognize. that what is the gain af the Intercolonial Railway and therefore the people of Canada who awn it must necessarily ta some extent mean a loss ta them. If the Intorcolonial Railway carrnes the freiglit and passen- gors from Nova' Scotia ta Montreal in- itead af hauding them over at St. John, N.B., tao the C. P. R ta carry tbem ta the saine point, it necessarily means a loss ta the connecting rond corresponding ta tho gain ln revenue af the IC.R. DR. BETIIUNE'S CASE. The Leader of the Opposition met witb cold corniort in bis attack upan Dr. Bethunie tho reprosentative ai Victoria, Nova Scotia,who is arnong the membors ai the Hanse giving the Government an independent support. He was it le true elected as a Conservative'at the last g-encraI -election and sat -on the Opposition side of tha bouse for th first tbree sessions ai this Parliarnent but at the commencement of this sess- ion hoe quietly, and witbout any' fuss, took a seat on the back benches on the Speaker's riglit. Mr. McDougAll, Sir Charles Tapper's runnin-1 mate la Cape Breton the other evoning brought up in the Hanse the question af Betbune's position, and this gave, the leader of the Opposition an opportunity to express in no measured tiernis bis opinion af a gentleman who would betray bis pa rty and bis constituents by gai'ng over ta the enemy's camp without liaving the manliness to offer ana word ai explana- tion for bis conduct. The chief cause af complaint, however, was that the hon, gentleman had supportod the Goverument but had not been allowed ta dispense the patronage ai the caunty. Dr. Bethûne's reply was prompt, very brief and thougli simple, effective. Ha admitted having corne inta the ilcuse a Conservativa but it had nat taken hirn long ta find ont that, though hoi was a Conservati've in namne. the palicy which the Liberal Govarument had pursued A splenidid choice at 1232c a yd. ad Shoes,' t There's quality in Our King's $3 $hoe, ~ that's what, it is. That's what makes them seil soi well'; That's what makes themwear so well and please so well. We are selling the best footwear made at lower price than some other stores ask for in-- ferior goods. 'Your shoe from our shop will fit well, wear weIl, and pay you well to purchase. Always alert,----We -tooký ad- vantage of the market and ~r placing into stock over, twxe1vcÏ12) tons of Sugar, and 240"dozen Gem Jars, which we purpose selling' at prices neyer before quoted in this or other towns. We have a few cases of the Thistie brand Tomatoes left, which we will clear out, at 8c a can., We carry the largest and most varied variety of. Canned Meats, Game and Fish, suitable for camp- ers, of any house-in the country, and at prices our competitors wont offer-to quote. We have about 100 doz. cans of choice Red Salmon,at our retail price, it would pay country mer- chants to buy in a stock. We, pay the highest market price for ail kinds of farm pro(' ýl e casaFOR EGGS. John McMurtry. Our stock is plaînly marked foý successful selling from. the first. , splendid display of Dress Goods from siiks to prints, from calico ý,to broadcloth, and very cheap. Lac ""s, braids, and Ribbons, stii retaln, their popularity, and the best,,ar*d newest skirt bindings, trimming,,_ and linings will be found here. Blauses* More White Pique Blouses ýto hand, 3 rows insertion, spec.$1. 56 musifinI (b) Any dag witho;ýýut lful _permssion lu an enclosed field on any farm' which the owner or owner thereai or bis ser- vants fiuds giving tangue and terrifying any sheep or lambs au such farm; or:- "(c) Any dog which any persan finds atraying between sunset and sunrise an any farm whereon any sheep or lambs are kept."

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