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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1899, p. 7

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j ummer 'ilii ry Grand Summer Sale of choice -Millinery at Mrs. Dingman's. Sailor ilats in great variety. Latû';t styles and colors for al trimmed goods. Chiff s, Mehins, Fancy Mousselines, Wings,Foliage, Ornaments, Flowers, etc., always in stock- 1) L adies' Bonnets and Children's ilats a specialty. IVirs DirgmLÀ BOWMANVILLE. Fashionable Milliner.1 PHmpton General Store. We "Hold a vaster stock than has been,' %nd are as usual prepared vi7e bagis uCohing', Dry Goods, Grocries and Hardware. Gents' Clothing. Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. We have a very large and well assorted stock to select from, in Serges, Worsteds and Tweeds, both Foreign and Domestie manufacture, We are boundý to SUIT y ou. Groceries and Hardware. In our Grocery and Hardware Departments you wlll find our stock well assort-d, bought in the best markets at the closest prices, and will bc, sold at the right price. Some people want quantity others quality, we car, please both. Hlighest price -paid in cash for produce. Give us a cail. HAMPTON. Faan e 0 Low Price is Low Quality. Paint as good as the - - - - Sherin-iIIamsPaint BO WMÂNVILLE. à(There is noue better) caniiot be sold for IIII~,.less than we ask. If less is asked you know .the ciuality is lower and uts not cheap. its IIPoo rly made, contains poor materia], or is ~"~Vshort measure. You get what you pay for Severy time. The Sherwin-Williams Special Ïý, Floor Paint is made for floors and uothing' -ý else. It is made te walk on and stand be- ~.~ ing walked on. Paint your Window and ~;;s~ Door Sereens, we have a special paint for them alone. Varnish Stain, Buggy Paint, llc Lead, Oils, Turpentine. Caîl and get a color card. West End Hardware Siorê. The Beavor Blook Sale Of Boots and Shoes SIliGoing on....0 We have sold piles of 1Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots to disp)ose- of yet, and very cheap-first-elass goods at very small Dnrices. My Spring stiock is in-most of it-and we find our shelves crowdec&. Wewa3nt more room and are bouDd tO have it, if low prices have any- tbing te do with it. Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $1.00. Men's CJalf and Cordovan Blms, sewed -and rivitted, from $1.40 to 82.50, worth 8.2.00 to.$3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25c, 50c, 7 5c, worth 50c, '75e, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond inprices.' We will tell you what the stock is in each and every pair, The reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now ln stock in every line. The public is invited to inspeet our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; ShÈawl Straps, fancy and plain; Dresaing, the very best that eau be bought. Clieap trash dressing is-dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli. ed to. Repairing done in ail its branches in first-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my customers for, past favors and hopIng for a continuance of the Lame. )eaver Block. Bowmanville. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL and SCIENCE et HEALTWI Known cvery"~haro Is in îts Sixty-first year. Write FOWLER & WELLS DOt 27 E. 21 st St., New York, fer specimen cepy $00aeé te new subsribrs including e short sp4mn'ery of character. Children Cry for fl7'T~~~flIo PATENT Good Idoas U;IN~E"Um my b. seéd hy au id. Âddress,1 il A. LNJTHE PAENT RECORD At-A tunnel of a velu or iode-a passilge for watar underground. Pa or Paning-Usually ta wash the dirl fýom the free gold with a pan. Duffip-The place whare ore is deposit- ed afîqr hing taken frani the mine. Shdft,-A vertical or incline excavation for prospecting or working mines. Han ging Wl-The upper wall;, the rock or wall resting on the Iode or vein. Deposit-A body of are distinct froni a ladge; a pockct of gravel or pay dirt. Croppings-Ledge matter Iying upon the surface, or the outcrupping of a valu. Ijnraise-Bunning a drif t upward or risinq ebove a ehaft or levai, lnstaad of sinking, Wînza-A shaf t connectlng ana drift level with another, but nlot raaching ta the surface. Chute-An inoline or opeaing froni one leval ta another, through which ore le passcd. Stoping-Braaking ore fromr a stop- or section of ground ln a mine; betiveen or aboya levais. Cag-The elavator used for hoisting or loNverîng the are cars, mon and mater- ials of a mine. Porphyry- A barrea rock, stratified reddish. purple or green rock, iu which crystals are iDibeddad. Horse-A mass of wall or rock or ther barren matter obtruding into aiu nubear- ing Iade or fissure. Contact Lode-A iode lylng between two different kinds of rock, as, for ex- ample, porphyry and siate. Drifts-Tunels leading off tram the main shaft, or froni ather tunnels or levels thro1igh and along the 'rein. Bad-rock-The bcd of a metallîferaus daposit, commonly applied ta the slata underlyiug aurifarons gravel. Dead Work-Work of puttlng a mine In arder, and dri'vinz shafts and levals in of "pay," or ta open up a mine. Raeducing-Separating froni foreign substances; the raduction of are consista An- extricating -them Ifrani- the- matais tbay Lode-A longitudinal fissure or chasin filad with ore-bearing matter and havlng well-daflnedl side-walls; Iode, laad. 'rein and ledge are synonymous. Rasrves-Ore raservas are the 'rein matriai stili standing lu the mine ha- twean the shafts and levels that bava- beau driven in or tbrough the vain. Tailinge -The aurifarous earth that bas been wasbod and daprived of the greater portion oft ho go]d ih contaiuad; the suil- phurets and simes that escape from the mi la. Ï.rossct-A draft run et '-ight angle to the ladge for the purpase J'ascertaîu- ing its width and te, otherwia prospect it; also an apaniug or level d Jenac0s the grannd fro ne a 'eili ta ibother. Level-Drifts froni the mnin\ ebaf t or frein oue shaft ta anothar; an excavation ixon the Ioda or vain, or are body, at distanccs of from 50 ta 100 fpel apart and, 4ighanougb for ian ta work in. liera is an incident whîch shows how a boy can ba bath high .minded and unu- selfish for the sake of another. Jamie tfpttigrow and Wîllta Hunter ware the brightast boys in thoit dcass, and wara aech cotendiug fbr the prize. Examination camae, and Jamie qud Willie Were left last Iu the field. Jamnie Milssed question atter question, which Willie an- swerad and so got the urize. "At the close of the school," says the teacher, "I went home witb Jamia, and instaad of bcing cast dowu at losiug the prize he seemafi rethar ta bc glad. I cauldn't nndarstand it. Il'Wby, Jami,' I said, 'you 'could have anserad sonie of those questions. 1 know yon couid.' Il '0f course 1 coulg,' hie said with a laugh. I'Thon why didn*t yau?' 1 aqkaed. "lie wouldn't answor for a whiia; but 1 kapt pressing and pressing him), tili at lest ho turnad arouud with sncb a trange, icind look in bis bannie brown eyes. I'Look her," ha said, 'how coaJd 1 halp it? There's poor Willie-bls niôther dléd last weok; and if it h .n't been examination day ha wonld mot have been et school. Do -fou think I wes'going ta bc sa mean as ta talte a prize tramn a poor fellow Who liadjusttlest bis motherP ' Jamie was certainly a noble, thouglit- ful boy. Short Rules fer tbe Rom.. Put self last. Be prompt at every meal. Teke litie ennoyances eut of the WaY. Always speak poiiely - nd klndly te mervants. Tell noithar of -yonr faults uer those of others. Have a place for e'rerything and every- thinF.lla îs place. Ride your awn troubles, but watch ta help others out -of theirs.' aevar Interrupt any conversation, but wateh patiiatly yaur turu ta speak. Look for beaauYiynluveryihing, and take a chearful viow af a'rory eveni. Carefully dlean the snaw and mud tram your tact on auteriug the hanse. Wben good cames toauayanle. rejaice. When anyone suffers, speak a word of MINING TERMS.' seeaWorlds lVhilh Crop Up Coaataritly Are Btt1I perfectly Unider- stoed by the. Generai Publie. Ledge-A lode or vein. 1 Peterlng-The driving out of an ore body. Flume-Boxing or piping for couvey- ing water. Blincl Lode-One that shows nosurface croppings. P]acer-AlluQial deposits; earth con- taining gold dust. Foot Wall-The lower wail or side of a Iode or vein. Cap-rock-The 'formation overiaying the pay dirt or ore. Wall-Boundary of 'rein, Iode or ledge atnd înclosing the same,. 13ree Gld-Gold easily separated from the quartz or dirt. feasting-Taking ore fru)m the face of a [r 1ne or head of a drif. with bis aide-de-camp, acrosg the river by ferry and ta the batliliu which h ha bd angaged a suite of roinis for hlm. -As seau as thay wera witbin the parler -at once assuming the place aI hast and ready ta treat the other omfcars as bis guieste-the major-ganeral ordared a serv- ant ta bring four whisky punchos. "Only ibrea, If Yeu please, Qanaral; excuse me," pramptly and caurteously spojykQ Gon. Flsk. "YOU'll net refuse te drink with me, will yau?" said the suparior omfcer. "If I shonld drink now it wauld be the first tina. Yeu would net advise me ta bagin now, wonld yon, Ganeral ?" "No, Gofi blass e ! Long may yau wava!" wvas the gracions and gallant re- sponse. Long has h. waved since thon, and long will genaraîs and govaruors and nierchants and ministers and boblacks and laundrymen-men and waman and cilidren u a-ilsocts and condiions- thenk God for the ganial and beiptul Influence which Gan. Fisk's brigbt, cbaary words and ways bave shed upon them. Stenography. The most extraordinary stanographic feat *wa Pave avar heard of wae perfarmad iast year by Mir. Raad, an Englishman, In the sittings of the opium commission iu India, ha recorded accurately, and aftarwards raad ovar, the avidanice of two Brahmane of whose language hé knew nathing, and wbom he had narar seen befara. Ha taok down the sounds as thay came frai their lips, rapresenting each sound by is phonetic obaracter. The Naw York Chrlstian Advocate, advising young ian and young women to loarn tbis art in ordar ta seve tume and labor ln pnttlng down things that are worth praserving, says: At a racani commencement of a school In England-not of stenograpy-Sir Henry _Haworth, _lurepauding -ta the preldant"e invitation,-said-ha was eue-af- a clase wbo deplare the fact that thay wara net taugbt shorthaud whan tbey wara young. Inu Writiug bis boaks bis great difficulty had beau lu cop ying ver- batim, lu ordinary lanighaud, the material pertinent ta the subjeci. Ha fait se stiongly ou ihe subject that ho was in- sistiug on having bis own boys learu thé art. !le had travelied lu daugerons and difflcult countrias ivhere ha found ihet oua of is greateet difilcultias was aur cumbrons wriing. We urge parents ta considar the prapriety of adding steno- graphy to tha oducational course wbich tbey imark ont,,especially.for thair boys, and in daed, it w auld bc a valunable accom- plishmant for girls. Pititul cases of application to do copy- ing have corue undar aur notice haro, whare amploymeut could have beau made promptly if the applicante bad beau eccompiishad etenographars; but tbey wishad ta do tha work in lonahand. Ne ana bas any work of that kind unlese il ba the copying of lagal papers int the public records, Ona of the iaading banke of the world bas raently decided that alÈ baye who dasira ta enter ils service mauet make shorthnnd a part et thair praparation. Ei,îauci,,r a Church Uebl. Thora wae a dehi of $15,000 upon .tke cburch -oreperty. Thara was rather more than 600 menubers upou the rail. Soie wero wealtby, the.majority ware lu coi- fortabla circurnstances, noue ware dosti- tuie or aven poorl. It was et the close of the annai meeting of the cougregetian, wheu the last item of business bed beau disposed ef, aud already a mavemeut to arrange wraps bcd cammenoed. Thare was a selt-satisilad, laok upon aIl faces, for the yaar had beeu a prosperous ona, and tharé was a caif artable surplus. The pastor rase and quietly said: "I have a word ta sey before w. dismise fthe meet- ing. 1 ai about ta propose a soeme for clearing off the ontire church debt in tbree yeers. I want yon ta pledge $31'000 et At before yeu lbave the building ta- night."1 A silence of painful intenslty settled over the meeting, and amazament, iucredu lîty, and latent puty looked out of the éyee 110w fecused upon thé pastar. Atér a momenbt hé went an agaîn: 'II a=a net eskins mneli et yen, just a pledgé that,' ovér and abové, your usuel glving. yen shafl eaoh pledge ton cents par Seb- bath towards the extinction ot the church debt. Ther. are mare thon 600 members. Ton cents trant oach wiii mean *80 par Sabbatb. In live. years this wIli reach 815,600, end our cburch would be leared trom debt.01 Thon ho dismissed thé peo- ple that they mîght think ever It. W.ý give the incident thai others mnay ba set thinking.f The secret et financing yaur church debt le te secura, regular contri- butions lu sial sume frai each momber and adherent, rathar than ta depend uponlarge contributions tram aIl. The Garian Emprerîs' Costiy Silk. Thé most; expeusive maieriai over pre dnced for a dresle sald ta have beau purchaeod by theaGarman Empress last ear tram Lyons. - Itwas white silk bro- cde, having fiowers, birde and'toluage lu relief, and cosi £25 a yard, the actual value offihc raw silk, it le sald, being .£20l. Tha Empreswas se struck with is beatuiy that she bad net thé hearitatecut ht up, and it was evetually iurued into curtaîns. The price paid for ibis matariai is about doa)bia ns mach as. tha fanions dltotaf g that Louis XV~I. bcd made ia oa dresslng gewu, A Res.urc.ful Hrie A 0o1rlons incident happened dnring a rodant performance cf tbe "Dangers of Landau " ai eue ef the Laudndau âeatres. Hl i te train which xvas ta rau a ver the beo rau off the track and coilidéti with soma ý3sceuary, whereupou thbo boine calimly put ber shoulder ta the whol and haled h back agalia. It L;ssld tbat a ngro has, aer wbeez4'wn te tainie am elephant or e ' " w4 «« Thra." Man e arn as goua ta a drunltard'a gravev.c use h. could not say "No." Dianiel axrk is assoclates dared ta sey " ,"and weuld nlot dPink a glass of wine to please the ailghtiest king on earth, 'tbough they were captives, depend- ent on bis mercy and bis bounty. Wbat was the resuit? They were biessed and honored, and their naraes are known throngh the ages, whili the tlme-servîng winie-bibbers are forgottiln long aga. He who stands for the right need flot fear what man can do unto hlm; and houest men will respect honegty and cousisteucy. Wheu, as a brigadier-general, Clinton B. Fjsk was in command of the military district of St. Louis, it becatue his duty on one occasion tao ofilcially receive and weicome ta that city an amineut major- generai coming ta talte command of tha niilitary dapartment. Gen. Fisk, accoin- panlsd by an aide-de-camp, met his conm- mander, on the east sida of the river (there APPEARS ON EVIERY WRAPPER. TNC CENTAUR COMPANV, 77 MÙRRAV STaEET, NEW VORIS CTTV. e e 1< * j e e e- e e e, e- e t" '*****444444444644~~ B.444444446&4 ;Paill, ffood5 ito., etc,, *eeeeeeeeee* Until fu rther notice SPOT CASH will buy fresh'mincd, well screened Goal at the following piers: Seranton Coal, all sizes, at harbor $4.75 per ton;_ delivered to anypart of ýtown$5.25. liaving bandled this Coal for j24 eu secutive years and almost ail other kinds at limes we eau recommend it as bath beet and cheapesl. Our shed capacity beiug sufficieut for the supplv of this section the publiecacn depand on always g elting dlean, dry coal. As lu the pasi we are prepared la pay the very highest market price for,*l kindes of GRAIN AND SEEDS delivefred at our storebouses corner King and George Sts., or ai Port Darluglon. SALT-coarse, fine and dair; lun bage and barrels, also Retsof Rock Sait for caille and horses aiways ou baud. Lumber, Latb, Shingles, Sash, Doors, etc., lu stock and made ta order. Inspection invited and sati8faction guaranteed. î BowmANVILLE. - ~'~- ~ ~wv~vww v -e I f I ie e i t I I H Country people as a rule feel the want of convenient bathing conveniences. One of the zreat advantages of if e in the city is the pleasure and luxury of the. bath- room with its hot and cold water. Then there are in every city special Russian and Turkish Baths where those suifer- ing from Rheumatisma, Skin Diseases, &o., &c., can secure the advantages of these well known institutions which- have hitherto been beyond the reach of tliose living in the couintry. IN EVERY HOME. Now however ail this is changed and the humblest home in the land can have the, ad- výantagZe of one of the most perfect baths made. The Niagara Vapor Bath Co. manufacture a f ull une from $2.00 Up.- See testimonial prices anit samples at STOTI & JURY'S DRUG ST.ORE. BowmANviLtnP, BICYCLE 'R'EPifR 3 ýHOP, MARKET SQU.ÂRE, BOWMA1VVILLE. Hlaving added considerable new maehinery, I amn now preparedito do ALL CLASSES of Bicycle and General Repair work. Brazing and Tire Vulcanizing done here-no need to sen d such work to the city. Wheels. are built to order. Sece TRE FISHILEIGH "SPECIAL" before buyi'ng. An Up=to=date Bicycle.Livery. Wheels always in A-1 repair. l 8-tf. W.-l FIHLBLQmH 1 -L Castoria is for infants and Chidren. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parego 'rie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine'nor other Narcotic substance. It is PleasantnL Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverisli- niess. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wiud Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cu-res Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of ]Infants and Chidren, givlng hoaltliy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Paniacea-The Mother's Frlend. Castoria. Castoria. "4Castoria is an excellent miedicine frCastoria ls se well adapted to children children. Mteshvreatdytdme ta £rcommend it as superior toa aey pre- of its good effecL upon their children,." scription known te me." DR. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass. H. A. ARciaiR, M. fD. Brooklyn, N. Y THE'FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F

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