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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1899, p. 3

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Ëilk Headachle and retS v athte troubles nef- dent to a 1licusstase n' 0esysis, uh as llizmss Nase, 5 7- snes, Itistress atter eatin. Psn lu 5e ide -.Wh 'a thetr Mo t malable succet ba ben h-ow n 511 utlu teaslache, y1eit u' s L'tliver Pis nare equatiy valuable in consttiou, euriug and pre- Iventing thisas.uoyinqcour , u wite they aisa correctaitdisordeion o 't e e a-h.stimuiate thoE jiver and rgue the Cscboye.. acuiftlhey ouiy cured à, hthlc oudb o-olrc cste tscs Who yauffer froin a 0i tel'.ctpletut; butfortsss mstesythe'rgonc sdc cuereandthose Itho once c-eCseu y f- bei utile pits valin- ebte in se MLy-e'tsst "ii uniDot eWi uins te do witison ta. .aieatslbac Is thse baose fse o y E v's 05 t Oce oue 'Va malte our greu as Idup~is cure il shle others do not. Carters Liite LIver Pl's acc .ery crnali and very essy te Sc'3On uaortwo epilts aakea dose. 'Xhey are strieily veetabie and ddnetn gripe on purge, but by their gestie action pte'use al wha zise them.te va'sat 15 cnts; noyef r $. Soi by drerdistseave"jwhere, or sent hy mail. CAIIT ERI"i fCjjNg'Cl., N3ev York. Oookle Cotton Boot Compound. Is successfully nsed montthly by over 1O,0OOLadies. Sale, effetuai. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Rocoi- ,pnd. Take ne otherf as ail Mixtures, pills and imittions are dangerous. PrIate, No, 1, $1 per box * No. 2, 10 degrees strouger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 2, nsaled on receipi of price and two 8-eent ztampes The Cook ContpanyfWindsor, Ont. ~~OP. 1 and 2 scid anc recomrnended by al Nos. iad 2 soid in Bosemanvilte by HIecaz- BernAs, & SON, SrecrT & JURY; 1Ocu by Jl. Gra- racMLAs; Newcasîlc by Duz. FAitScostaL. BOWMANVILLE. JULY 12, 1899. Local and Otherwise. Hon. A. S. Hardy, Premier cf Ontario will spend his holidays next rnonth at Brockville at the summer residence cf Mr. Geo. T. Fulferd, cf Pink PUIS farme. PASSED 15 Weitms-"I purchased. a bottie cf Dr. Low's Worm Syrup fer my little girl 2ý years old and gave her the medicine as directed, the res' lt was she passed fifteen round worms i five davs: Mrs. B. Rov, Kilmanagli, Orr." Mr. W. E. Pehlard, Presi 'nt West D)urham Agricultural SocWe' was in Toronto last week leekin.- attrac- tions fer Bovvmanville Fair on Sept. 14 and 15. B.B.B. CuREsSHSINGLES.-Mr. John W. Lamb, Diligent River, U.S., writes: 11 recently had a severe attçtck cof Shingles, but arn glad te say that two bottles cf Burdeck Blood BitLers cured me completely. It ss a w'enderf Lil remedy fer blood disorders. Mr Thos. Patersen celebrited hss 85th birthdav on July lst at Owen Sound with friends. Few men cf his age have such a clear intellect er are as active and weli. Ilagyard's Yeliow, Oi is a dlean pre. paratien te use, will neot stain the~ skia or soif the clcthing. It reduces swellin.-, allays inflammation, takes eut pain and cures cuts, burns, bruises,sprains,caked breasts, sere thrcat, quinsy, etc. Price 25 cents. Bewrnanville is foeeling the'benefit cf better times under Liberal raIe and se is the whole country. Ina Montreal the increase la custeins daties ame-anted te 20 per cent. STAR-ivED NEstvEs.--WVhen ftie blced is thin and watery, thse nerves are actu- alv starved and nerveus exhauistion. and prostratien soon follow. Feed the nerves with Dr. A.W. Chase's Nerve Food and oun.wlll intpart te them tise new Ille and vigor cf perfect health. Face cut and fac-simiie signature cf Dr. A. W. Chase on evers box cf the genuine. Tuesday mcrning July -Ith. th(- body cf the late Hel'en beax'enworth Bryant. daughter of 11ev. Jas. Bryant Richmond, was interred lu Pine greve Cemetery Prince Albert. DULY FnED MAN ANDS) Svxn-Feed your nerves, aise, if yen wcrild have them strong. The biecd is the feeder and sustainer cf the whole nervous svs- tern. Menauadweývmen who are nerveus are se because their nerves are starved. When thev make t heir bleod richi and pure with Hood's Sasaparilla their ner- veusness disappears because their ner- ves are preperir fed. Hoed's Sarisapar- illa neyer disarppeints. Heod's PuIs cure constipation. . Price 25c. Dr. J. W. McLaughlin attendèd ftic annual meeting et the Medical Coun- cil cf Ontarie at Toronto last week and was elected on tise Registrationanad Printîag Committies. THEiR BUSINESS BeemNGE.-Probablv no one tbing bas caused such a general revival of trade at Stett aud Jury's' Druz Store as their giving away te their many custemers of se many free trial bottles cf IDr. Kissg's New D.Iscev- if or Censumptien. Their ticade is sirnply 1eniormous lu this very valuable resnedy, frorn the fact that it always cures and neyer disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asth- ma, Brenchitîs, Croup, and ail ttsroat eand lung diseases are quickly cured. Y ou can test it befere buyiag bv getting aitrial bottle, free, large size 50c. and $1.00. lEversv bottie warranted. Self Culture for July contains thcughit fuI papers on The Race.- Prcblem at tbe South by Dr. Goldwin Smith; on The People and Polities bv the Hon. Beyd SWinchester The- Dominant Sea tPower bv Leslie J.Perry, give feod fer reflectionÎ on promineut subjects cf the fday. Self Culture Magazine, Akron,O. BRAVE MEN FALL-Victims te stem- adi, liver aud kidney troubles as well as women, and ail feel the resuits in the loss cf appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, headache and stired, listiess, run-down feeIin;g. But there's no need te fee& like that. Listen to J. W. Gardiner, Idaville, Ont,.lHe tays:,"Electric Bitters are just the thing bfor a main when he is ail rua dewn and 1don't care whetlier he lives or dies. It tdid more te give me streugth and good appetite than anything 1 could take. I 1can row eat anvthing and have a new rlease on life. " Onir 50 cents, at Stott .and Jury's Drug Store. Every bottle 1guaranteed. McClure's Magazine for Julv opens Nerves...a Wasted and Dr. A. W. Shattered by Worry h s' or Overwork are .'ia S Revitalized by Nerve Food - N\erves"-what a world of meaning this word bas t0 scores of tbousands of women Who, throesgh the strains of social life and the sxorry of home cares, are fast approaching the grave. Nervous headaches, dyspepsia, irritahiiity hy day, testlessness and sleepiessness by night. Paiý s aed aches in the body, derangensents of the organs peculi trly feminine, loss of energy and arnýtori, de jiuude:iey and despair. 'Fhs~ie smeof the symptoms known to, th osn fehausted nerves. These are sympton \hjch entirely disappear when Dr. A. W. sserveFond is u ed. 13y crel. g ne, vrich ,blod. an d nerve tissue hs r. t o2 cure of Dr. A. W. Chase re- Strsan r talizes the wasted nerve ceils, pots n w sior and vitaiity into the systern and frees M omin of many juls hjch are due tc, exbausted nerves. Dr. A. W. Chases Nerve Fond cures by the bu idir g-up process which makes the hody round and plunsp, and restores the glow of beaish to te paie, s ' llow cheek. soc. a box at ail dealers, or Edmanson, Bates &Co., Toronto. A WVELCOME FRIX LCIIILIPREN IN ,,Oh, what de yen think the angels will say:? Said tIhe children up ln heaven; "There's a dear ,ýittle girl Coring ho me to-day, She's alrnost ready te, fly away From the earth we used te live in;'s go and open the gaies of peari, Open thens wide for~ the new littie girl," Said the children rip in Heaven. "God wanted ber here, where His littie cnes meet," Said the chldren up in'lleaCveal; "She shahl play withý us in the golden Street; She had grewn tào fair, she had grewn tee sweet Fer the earth we we used te live in; Site needed the sunshine, this dear lîtie girl, That glids this side cf the gates ef peari," Said the cistidren up li Heaven. "Se the King caiied dewa 'frern the angels' deme," Said the child ren up ia Heaven; "My little darlin,-, arise and cerne Te the place prepared li thy Father's heme, EMPTV STOCKINCŽS. ch, mothers li homes that arc ha.ppy, Wfhere Christmas cornes laden with cheer, Wher the ciildren am re raring already 0f the merricst day in the year, As you gather your darlings9 around- you And tell tisent the '¾tcry cf ld," Remember the homes that are dreary i Remember the heasts that are cnid! And thanlzing thse love that bas dowered yeti With ail that is dearest and best, Give freely, that frem yeur abundance Sorne bare lîttle flic may be blessed! oh, go where tise stockings bang entpty, Where Christmas is nîaught but a naine, And give-.-fer thse love cf the Christ- child! Twas te seek such as tisose tisat Ie came. -Ellen Manly, in Christmtas Ladies' Hornte Journal. DOES Il PAYTo SPRAY? A Bulletin of tihe Ontario Bepartnsent of Agrieuture That Eslly Answers thse QuestionssSesd for It. A publication of aimorbing intere-sbtet farsuers is tise special bulletin tisat mny be had by sîsnply sending the address te tise Ontiario Departstxcnt cf Agricult ar, Toronto, wisence it has just issued with tise titie, "'Dees it Pay te Spray?" To flnd out tise nnswer to titis questioni tise departîmesat gave practicai instruction it 'tpruying lin twenty-nine ercisards ln varleus parts cf the province tisat wae suilsable for the wcrlc and couver tout for the surrcsuuding cnntrun.ity cf fermers and fruit-grnwers to visît wisile tise spraying was beissg doue. Mr. Wm. Orr, cf Fruitlassd, Ont., at ssccessfui fruit grower of wide exporionce, was appcintod as superintendeax of tise -wrk, Facis orcbard was previded aitis a ciep spray- ing outfi. Iisree mca. whe knew isow te spray were sent te visit tisese orcheirdg, teu fer each man, and do the spreying aS certain fixed dates, notice cf aviicis aas sont titreugh. tise mail te ah porsons fis- terestod, and by mneans of tise local press proper ancounceente was marde s0 thest nny avio cared could conte ad sec for themselves. Besîdes tise .sctuasl work of spresying tisose men avere able te give cvery possible information about tise diff reut.soluttens and tiseir applications. A btullein ful cf accarate data, aud carefully lilsistrateel. aas aidely dis- tribnted by tise department. Tise sprayers avent round tise vwenty- nine erchards sevei tintes, a.nd litrally tise wals cf Jericiso feil, for tise nutisentic stateuteuts contaissed in tbis special bulletin prcvo conclusively that spraying net cnly pays, but pays well, and is a iigisly successfssl ngeucy in figting thse flues, grubs, worms and fssngcus growths that prey upon thse orciserds cf Ontario. As illustration cf tisis, vs-bre sps'ayiug was donc front 75 te 90 Oper cent, cf tise fruit avas dlean, wmie froua trocs iu tise sanie orehards, flot sprayed, cnly 10 te 15 per cent, cf tise fruit aras fit te paci. Spys and otiser red fruit froint sprayed trocs ccmmanded $3. 50 per barrel. Tise best fruit front unsprayed trocs would bring but $2 per berrel. Iu order te learu abat is thoLegbt cf these experimentsý in spraying, so as te decide upcncoentiuuing tisem next sunt- mer, a leiter wa.s sent te tise owncrs cf tise spray cd ociards asking for thoir opinions as te the value of tise spraying, and if possible te make dofinite state- ments as to tise actual results per troc. Thtis bitter bas gathered a mass of in- formation sîpon thc stîbject cf spraying tisat is cocteined in tise bulltetin. For fear tisaitishe fermer wtit a snal orchard, or iu fact any caner cf apple trocs, es-en cf onîy half a dozen, tuay tisink tisis spraying business does noS ecncru hlm-ais errer cf incalculable inju.ry te tIse industry, fer fruit groavers great ansd susaîl arce led tegothor in tise suocess cr failure of figbting tisese eucsies-cne muans experience is gîven. MWr. George Adents, cf Sntithville, Ont., writes: "I havo leven Spy trees. Eigist cf thint aere sprayed, and tise resaIt aras 24 barrots of the finesi fruit 1 ever piokod front thonsi. I sold tisnt a $2. 50 per barrel, and four barrols cf culîs at 81 per barrel, $64 in ail. These oulls werc net spotted, but arere undersized and wormny. Tise tbree Spy trocs net sprayed Uavé. thre e rrels of' henly snntnf ruit1 WHO ARE> IT, PAYS TO HUY THE 1 15IEH-- pl T. -- i TRtIS TiADE MARK IS ON EVERY TAGS. SEE THAT YOTJ GEV IT. Will, fot be persuaded into purchasing the urireliable Binder Twriîe which. some dealers wishi to seli for-'the sake of the additional pro-fit do--i 'yd there- from. Crudely miade fro hi(w-rad fibres, -such t-wine coîitais L 'î a frac- tion of the qualît\, .tini-k A un'- form evenlness of tl,,' ii4'- o'î 'viicted Plymouth Brand s NOOH Tlh-- 'JUSTASGOU t 4iHn If your dealer does not handie tn T,. mouth Binder Twine Agency, t ýte P-ily. Dîdn't Walk for 5 j-onLths Doctors said Locomotor Ataxia. Milbur n's Heart and Nerve Pilis Cure a Disease hitherto rearded as Incurable. The case of Mr. G. 0. Archibaiel, cf Hopeareli Cape, N.B., (a ent of wim appears iselow), is cee of the severest ud mcst intractable that bias &ver been NIESSRs. T. MILBURN & Cc-l" cati assure yen that my case avas a vos-v severe one, and hasd t not beo-n for tise usecf Milburn's 1Hoart and Net vo Pills I de net believe 1I aould be ale to-day. 1 do net kncw, exactiy, ah s estise causýe of tbe elscase, but it graciualiy affecied my legs, untit I1aras unable te waIis -hardly any for five monts I Iras under the c.- cf Dr. Mot-se o f Meîrose, cube saiel F Locomol1bzr -Ataxi., and lgave st o- icarbe "lDr. Solo.sin, awh opbysicýaX cf Boston, toi" ...tieab~ceuld bc doue focr., r ai ' ocarne to visit me "-eC ttee. Pis sidver, ic i ùoldtry theus'u "a -c miseofbe~ 'Ct tcjf 16If o ,t ai~d takingtb. t . iblt get oet f>re u'0w -working h toe, el ' ~ke' know 'me. aI m os"l ii/:Iey, cf' Augustsa Mts" r' ce 0sub- scribers in yot 'e 1 ydollar prsze. IlNcltbIre - ,sc121'-, tvd ume butothoei . o ' .tbey have anu Oe, . Il Th se it 's'- 'stoved me thefull, ,y s ..n me streiegtb aiIn-p Le ubaO than I have",~ ds ~t ' i . 2.,..:0 LD. Hopewel 0p .3 In additi -"yiti u~vMr. rArchibesld, wo s'-cce ,ison of twc well-ksî - a ca . lO rl Cape, N. BE, lS s IbDîeklsoni and FJ. l-c z rCfY tthe gonoinenc--at ,a .- ofea y c b.acts as given ebov-. el Milburn'§ H -eurt and Nars- Plls are Soc. a boxo- j fer $i o5, ni ail drug.. gises, or se-rt by n'il.T. Milburn & Co., Toronto,, Os i M;r leat. Tise (reenlsyuLd wale his a ew aA. 'oarîge 1' phsc'y. yard les dissîseter. It is nGw tv-sýty yeearqsisc.e a poor Frasscisca ti- p uphsed that LeED XIII., -havis aas -ten 'i i)yjust niade, Pope, as'ele it tr x'"1tcrey0ar,4Z.AS Plie Great Englislt Resssefy. a Leo, XIII. wes- 1eb - t1' aiu xtrenteiy Sold and recommended by &H fragile andt I u5>s se &t t. h c tutlAex- -.drnggists tn Canada. Ont y reli. pected that hc o are"li "e' long 1uas able medictue discovered.Si eolcqs gsrcnteed totecure ah twenty Ycors; bt. bL,, ... leis said form8 of zSexual aveakness, al affects cf abuse tisai tisshoit .'e's "i t . " il 't 'xc or excess, Mental \Vorry, Excessive use cf T- lest the" ia hecoy 1'l buin,' . .1i banco, Opium or Siuat.Maled on reetlpt Stery goe., l. t- ',e-ee t5 A of priçe, eue package $1, six, $5. Osa silipkae, sifzwlt cure. Pamphlets free teany addrcss. age anaIs tei t aras e P,) hk,' tthe The Wood Comspany, Windsor, Ont. feus of the FInLsc o eo-t- s iii ut a

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