Now is the time for Room Paper. A lady said to me last week, "I sent away for paper for my hall but after seeing what you have and vour prics I arn very sorry." Don't be mised Dntbufrmspl. Inspct my patterns, get my pricos, and know what you are gtting, Satisfaction is the word. >Window Shades. No culis. and no trash, ail good stock and good value. Curtain Polos very cheap. Pictures, Picture Frames and Room Moldings are specialties with me. No trouble to show gocds. Choice Window Plants for sale. P. T IBILCO4-'CK. BOWMANVILLE. .N ÉfI~ A Everything in Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glass- ware. Graniteware griven with Bakingy We give big value and take small profit. LýF lighest cash price paid for any quantity of Wool. O Telephone 57, BowmAN-VILLE. Furniture Dealer_ ___Funeral Director -s-Y DiS.s-. y - ,:zýýTHURSDAY AFTERNOON. A display of Summer ilats in White and Colors, both Trimmed and Tjntrimmed at the CORNER MJLLINERY STORE. Dainty Lace and Chiffon Hats in endless variety. The balance of our Spring Stock at cost to clear. A fulliline of Sailors at 50c. Your choice of 75c, $1.00, and $1.25 Flowers at 50c. Do flot forget the date Thursday, June 22nd. Misses v eale &Medland, BoWMANVILLE. Wlien the human footmwas first introduced to shees it was exactly as nature had made it, strong-symmetrical-handsome. - Ithlas been revolutionized from what it was to the foot of to-day by sixteen centuries of distorting tightness and freakisli styles. «'Slater Shoes" are made to fit - 7ii a feet as they are to-day, comfor-t first, ËB but geod appearance neyer forgotten. Trwelve shapes, six widths, al qsizes leathers and celors. __Goodyear______ $3.5o and 5.oo. Gtmdodterswltes, nm rc $3a.5ed o andoles JOHN HELLYAP,'Sole Local Agent. trend cf legislation should be te lessen its power rather than the reverse. llow- ever, there is ne immediate danger at least whule the present Goverument is in Power and it is wiser te malte a par- tial concession than run the risk cof having the whole agtrýeemeùt thrn 1wn eut bv the action of a tee sùsceptible Senate. I t with ths cme maiady iii a milder form, le now improvsng. - -. Mrs. Pouf old and children. Rodney, are visiting lier fatb- ùr Mr. Jos. Cade. Children Cry for- CAS-eTOR l"Ae WEST a EN D HQUSE, BOWMAN VILLE. D r. A.W.9 CHASE. Triumph over tht Worst Forms of KIDNEY.U The wonderful success of Di. Chase's Kid- Pills adds ta the fane -of the great doctor whose name is familiar in almost everyt home as the author of the world famous Recipe Book.i Scores and thousands of grateful men andf women have been rescued from the miseriesf and dangers of kidoley disease by this greatest of ail kidney cures.t Mr. DI. C. Simmons, Mabee, Ont., writes: "My kidneys and hack were so bad I was unahie to work or sieep. My urine had sedi-t ment like brick dust, 1 was compelled ta get up four or five times during the night. 1 saw Dr. Chases Kidnev-Liver Pis advertised andi concluded ta give tbem a trial. I have oniy used one box and arn completely cured. 1 was a great sufferer for 18 years, but my kýdneys do flot bother me now. I enjoy good rest and sleep1 and consider Dr, Chases Kidnley-Liver Pillsaa 'taon, to suffering bumanity.' Dr. Chases Kidney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose. 25C. a box, at ail dealers, or Edmanson,1 Bates & Co., Toronto. BO)WMANVIL;LE, JULY 12, 1899. ýNEW POSTAL RATES. Aithougli the reduced postal rates have onîy been in operati on for six months, there arc alroady indications flot only of the bonefit accuring to the communitY at large-which were nover seriously questioîsed but also of the ac- cnracy 0f ithe the Postmaster Generals predictions that the increase in business which would foliow, would very mater- ially reduce the throatoned excess of expendituro over recoipts, if indeed it did not wipe it ont altogether. The Toronto World, a thick-and-tbin Con- servative Journal, thus refers to the workin g of the new rates under the caption -Two-cent postage a Snccess." "It will undonbtodlv be found, atter a year or two's triai, that a two-cent irate for letters wiil produce as large a rev- enue as the former three-centrate. The receipts under the reduced tariff have already exceected the estimnate of the Postmaster General., and the probabili- tics are that the deficit caused by the reduction wil ho completely wiped ont in the course of a couple of years.' OUR DEEPENEI) WVATERWAYS. The openin2: of the Sonlanges Canal noext month will complote the deep waterways down the St. Lawrence Riv- er and roduce the cost cf carrying wheat front the western fields to the sea port just about one half. The value of this te Canadian shipping interests cannot bo over-estimated, fo ras one Chicago papor declares, "'the cest cf transport- ing lake ireiglît to tide water will ho re- duced beyond the pessibulity of profitable competition by any other existing route." It-is generally recognized in the markets cf the world that the price of wheat is fixedat Liverpool and con- sequently ail that is saved on the cost of transportation goes into the producer's pooket. The statoment is made that tie added returus te the farmers cf the Northwost for the single item of wheat alono wouid annually amount to $6,- 000,000 cf which our own farmers would secure their share. The wisdom cf the Laurier Government theroforo, ln hurrying on the work which lias' drag-î ged along se many years under their prodocessors needs ne argument to establish, A 1%»EAS ON ABLE CONCESSION. The Government lias decided uponi au important ameudment te the Intercol onial Grand Trunk Railway agreement,i which wîll entirely remove wlatever appearance cf justification there may have been for the Opposition critieism that the proposed 9 ear lease wonld - give the Grand Trunk and its American connections, practical control of the business cf the Intercolonial for that NEW ONTAIUO VISITEIJ. The famous Algoma Legisiative Tour le now a matter of history and the tour- ists have reGurned te their homes, but it will be long before the benefits there- of, botli te the participants and te the district visited, will cease te have their effeot. The country through which the trip was taken is as littie known as any part cf the province., for even these whose business it is te kLow the coun- try,-the legisiators who make its laws aud the pressmen who write its history- founfi that their knowiedge sa super- ficial and inaccurate. For nearly two weeks ;he party traveiled by rail and water ver hnnd- rods cf miles cf territorv, t rougli dis- tricts containiug thousauds cf acres tf splendid agricuitural land, and huud- reds c f square miles cf mizieral country holding millions cf dollars wortli cf many of the most valuable prcducts cf the maine, instead cf a barren desolate waste cf rock and muskey (or swamp) where nething cf service te man conl d ho produced, they fouud, vast tracks cf conntry' capable of growing wheat, liay and vegetables lu abufldauce and favcred with a climate exactly suitable for their production. Dotted aiong the rente in districts wher,,s ice and snow is popularly supposed t, hobd undisputed possession almost the year round, they f ound thriving homesteads and prosper- eus farms. Here the hardy and indus trions pioncersettier was living iu com- fortand ceutcntmout, while interspers- ed with these were ricli tracts cf miner- ai baud, wliere the mining Phaft had been sunk and the liusy stampiug miii was wrestling the, precions metals from mother earth. Ail this was beiug doue in spite cf iu- surmounitable difficulties-but difficul- ties which. arose net from any inceýn- pbetenessin the work nature had done, but in the lack cf cuterprise on the part cf man te take advantage cf that work. Iu that country cf immense distances, far removed from the centres cf com- merce tlserc are little or 1no means cf transportation; the widcly separated settiers, and the far removed mines are withont mieans cf communication, oe with anAther and with the outside worbd. Railways and: highways are wauted, rivers need bridges, and rapids must be made navigable, th(, country is there tcemniug wi th possibilities, but it is eut cf reacli. The cause of the neglect te provide afl this is primariby, lack cf the kuowledgdcof the necesc;ity. The pur- pose cf the tour was te remeve this ig- norance, and now that the legisiatoîs know the facts and the pressare enabi- cd te disseminate that' knowldege ameng tLie people, thcre is gced hope that much cf the needed work may ho underta, slowly and by degrees per- liaps, lu 'oinparison te the great need, but stili it cau ho commenced, and an immense impetus givon te tho develop- ment cf as ricli a section cf new and comparatively unoccupied territory as exists in the Dominion to-day. »- The excursion was liappily conceived and admirably carried eut, and the weathcr from start to finish was ail that coubd ho desired. The choice of route was well made, lu view cf the purposo for which the trip was uindertaken. At Sauit St. Marie, which was thie practical starting point, the tcurists obtaiued some idea cf the necessity cf a railwav te open up the»couutry runuing north towards James Bay, The trip to Silver Meuntain Mine, back cf Port Arthur, gave a pcep iste theinineral resources cf that district, while north cf Fort William the ricli agricultural stretches of the Slate River Valley afforded many a maguificent object lesson, cf what iu- dustricus and intelligent farmiug coubd do, and this was irepeated at Dryden, ou the way te Rat Portage. The sec- ond week cf the trip speut lu the min- iug districts cf the Lake cf tihe Woeds and gainy River, and amoug the farms skirtiýsg tihe Canadian banks of tisat noble streamo, was a revelation as startt iug as it was gratifying. The more de. tailed story however must be left for a second article. Ask your friends about the elothes they wear; find out the price they pay and the quality they get; notice the style of the gar- ments. Then compare the elothing of your friend with our uine of ready-to-wear suits in bla,ýQk or blue worsted. This year's styles, well made, yours for $11, a ful suit. Nothing cheap about them but the price. A special line of unlined, liglit weight, worsted Coats and Vests. This number is made of very fine pure wool eloth and is extra value at our price $6.00. Plain white and figured organ- die Muslins just to hand. - It wil pay you to see our'range before buying. Many uines we are elosing ottat special prices. We-are-still showing a big range of blouses. more white Pique -blouses to hand, 3 rows of insertion, special $1.25. Hot Weather Bargains In Shoes. A few lines of Summer Shoes at prices that will make you replace that used up pair with'new oDes. Ladies' ViciKid, hand turned and sewed soles, coin toes, reguler $1. 35, special $1.1I5. Look over our one dollar bargain table in front of the store. You will see broken lines and sizes in Ladies' Oxfords and Slippers that cost in the reg lr way $1.60 and $1.75. If you find your size ther $1,.00 buys them. Men's Two Buckle Harvest Shoes $1.00. Boys' Running Shoes, Rubber Soles 45C. Girls' Oxford Shoes in Kid and Glove Grai;n 7sc. Childrens' Oxford Shoes fromn 50C. Womens' Prunella Slippers 50c. Womens' Prunella Gaiters 65c. BARGAINSIN 11 ALL KIlVUS 0F SHOES. Gsroceries. Sna -d oapn We bought at a big eut 2500 bars of Judd's Rose Soap, and we will seil it to you, retail at the same big eut viz.'10 bars for 25c. ýWe have plaeed in stock 100 barrels of Redpath's Extra Granu- lated and Yellow Sugar, close prices either in small or barrel lots. We lead in Gem Jars both in quant#%yAd price. J Y ý 1 ING ID ýtà m à' s) I.