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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1899, p. 6

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1 do flot beiieve theriN is a case of dyspep. ejai, indigesticn or auty stomacli trouble tq hat cannot be re- iie1Ved at once «and permanently cured by My -)YSPEPSIÂ 'At ail druggists, 71e a Viai. Guide to Ilealth and medi-, cal adrice free. 1505 1Irclistreet, Phila. Fa-rmers You Want .. ADVIUSTAGFS. It will double Wahalthte olti styleima chine did. 1It is better made in ail parts. It is a hantisomer machine. The tube from eau is exposeti anti cau be instant- iy cleaned il it shoniti ciog'. The cau may be instantly cmptied it youî wa.nt to change materiai or eOean it. The for- mation of the cau allows ail the materi- ai to ho sprayed out vhcn operateti upward in trecs or bushes It will save crops frorn buigs, worms anti Fungi andi fruit trees froin the caterpillar andi other pests. Evans' Electrie Sprayer may be bcnd frorn Jos. Hlenry, Orono ;IDavid Bell Leskard - A. S. Tooiov, Miii, Courtice; Albert iN',idder.v, Enfleld; John Peth- ick, biacksmLitb, Carke ; Sam'i Bon- athan, Noewcastle ; John Hooey, niear Cadmus. PETER MUROCH. Bow,ýi.NVIL .A gent for Durhamn County. NEW TAILOB SHO?. I'be undersigneti who lias beem carrying on the taioring busn1 slucnnection witb Mason's Dry Goods Stoa ýfor a mnier of years bas comrnenced brlis ,r himsei1 at his rooms Hing St. west, wte re bce is prepareti to malte gents and btoys ceir-a- in all the latest styles, andi at loweÉ -ricestor those who wish t0 order sits, hewill carry a t oh lisse of sampies in al bce newest patte rus, Give hîma cati J. T. ALLUN, Fathionabie Tailor, ROYAL MI iasnLivern AND Lox- flOLIIRRY, MONREAL AND QUEBEO SERVICE. From STEAMER lION OREAL. Numidan. aly i5th, 9 ar. Cahtontan nly 01h, Taisni JSuly 271h, Pari$ian Aug. ird Laurentian Aug. ltO, Californian Aug. 17th, Tainui Au_-. 24th, Parisian .Aug., ilst, SS. Parissan, new engincd andi entireit refit- ted, sails from Liverýoo, Juy '20, and from liontreal, Augnet rd. liavarian, 10,000 tons, twin screw, cais fromn Liverpool Aug. 24 and fromi Montreal, September 7. Passengers will lie transferred with their bag- gage from the railway station to the wharf free of charge. RATrES 0F PASSAGE. First calta 1, 50 an~d npwartis. Return $10000f and npwards. Second Cabin ,;3., Steerage $2250 andi t23.50 From New York to Gasgow-State of Neliras- ka, 7tli Jnly; Mongolian, 21s1 J uly For tickets and every Information ap. piy to 31. A. JAMES, %llinLie As-ent, Bowmanville. CHEAP EXCURSION. TO I1NNESOTA AND NORTH DAKOTA Going trip ëo commence on jniy13 or 18, 1899. Return trit 1bli completed. respective- ly, on or liefore Sept. 12, Sept. 17, 1899, Return tickets en lbe purchaseti from ail agents and at ail stations of the Grand Trunk Rallway Systemin Ontario and Qnebec at Fare and One-Third 0f the Carrent ýQecond-Class One Way Fare. Tickets.rates and ail inf ormation from Agents Ca.nadian Agency, - Kigston, Ont. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGISTS Qne LAIXA-LIVIER PILL every night for th Irt y da% sniak.s a conplete cuenseof biliou.sne."s and constipaition. That - just 25 vents t0 o nrd LIF Rev. Dr. Talmage Discourses on a Question of Dom-estic lnterest. He Points Out the Disadvantages of a Life Spent ini Notais and Boarding Houses--The Wholesome Influeroe«s Surrounding the Homne. Washington, Juix 9.-Ho0me hIe versus botel life is îttmne o! Dr. Tlmage's sermnu for to-day, bie disaivateges o! n 111e spent et moneoro lees tomponary st.spping places beiug sherply contrastet with the blesiags tbnt are fonati la tbe real bomne, hows ves' humble. The texb le Labo x, 34, 35: "Anti bronght bins to an i-sa anti took cane o! btm. Anti ou the ires-ow w n hosdeparteti he took ont two ipence anti gave r'sem 1telime ho-t aut sil unIe him, sTain cure'o! him, anti s7tatsoover thon sîsaudest more wbea I came agnLin 1I nul n-puy thee" Tisis t the gooti S'aaltau payiug the hotec I bo! a man who bat been roibeti eand alsuost kiled by bandits Thc goot ~Saartta s bat oui.ti tOe unloriunteon a ioneiy, rocky oati wheî-e te this tory day depredalmons are 4omotsrnmes commît- ltid upon trelers, anti batpub t0e la- inurot Ian inito the caddie, while lOis 'urrcjfini anti well-to-io iman bat îvalkcd iisi bley got ta tlit Otel, anti tOc weuut- od m.,is s ptntta bet antitarot foc- It mass bave been a vcry superior botel mu Ibaacoasodstccfori Oough Is tihe country, tOe las lord was pait ai the sate o! what la our country woulti ho $4 oc 85 a t-cy, a penny being thon eatiuy'e wages, andt two pennies paît la Ibis case aboutl two tinys' wages. Moreover, it vscone ai those kinti-Icarteti lantiionti Whso are wrapped n th 1e happiness c! bOomr guccts. beenose the goot Samrai- tan lentos the poor woundeti Iliow ta bis enture care, promising tbaï; when Oc casme that way again ho woalti psy ahl the bis uut't lie invaliti got well. H-otcig cuti boarding bouses are necs- sittes. In toryacionatOuies tbey nere unkuow,,n, benause the wolt bat corn- Pal attvely lew iunhitants, anti those senra net ranch gtven ta travel, anti priv- ate, hospftalittvmet ail the Ivunts of sa- ïour-mers, as w'hen Aliralsnn nuchet ont ais Mane1taivist-e the tlnee mais la il down ta a di miero f veal; as wbea the peple wnoeeposit :'eiy eommai'tedtle be given ta bospitaiiîv- as luinnny of the pianos in the test those ancseosstnsm ara psatmet to-dav. But ste bave now hoteis presitiet over by goadlaniiords, anti boartiag boumes presidoti over by excellont basI or isostess lu ail nelghbor- boots, v-llssge anti cilles, anti il is aur c-smgratulation that tbaoeo! our lent sur- pass ail otlio latds. Tbcy igbily ho- comse tise permaent r esitenceofo! aany peonîs, sncb os tliose wbo are wltisout familles, smcli s uhose keeps 10cnm migra-tc-, sncb as tho8e wiso ougbt aet for varions reasons o! bealth on pscuiatity of ciî'-amsbs.nces, te aie upon tbernseives the canes o!. Oousekeep- lng. Meante ma fahing sddt in one et lOess h;oartiiag bouses or boteis Oas been kintily tatceetandi ourset; antiby tise momory o! ber awîî safferings anti lasses lime lady aI thc bond o! such a bouse bas douecell that a mother couiti do for a sick cOilî, andth1e lumbenl 'esseoye o! Got secs anti apprediates bar sacrifices lu behaîf o! thc sîranger.- Among tie most niarvel- ouscases o! patience âat Christian fitel-, -Ity arc meny o! Ibose wbo keep board- inig bouses, enuring wilbouî reseatrnt the unirensonalile tomants o! their guests fan expensive foot anti attentions for1 wbîcb îhoy are not wtlliiag te pey an cqutvaen-a lot o! craaay men anti women wio are not worthy lte lie thse shc of o! br qnoenly calter. TOe ouIý- rageons wey ta wbiob, boarders soma- tImesaccl la ibein lantilords anti lent- ladies shows tisaItishse cniical guesis bati bat oarly rening andt latinlutle meking up o! themr natures nl bat con- stituletic gentleman anti lady was left ont. Soine o! the mosb princeiy mon anti corne o! tOe most legaut stomen thal h know o! to-day keep batels anti boas-ding bonse. Lszwtnl and Tnawfnil Use of flûtais. But oae a! the great evîls o! Ibis day le founsIthe b facI Ibat a large popula- tion o! eut towas anti iliès are giviag np anti bave given np Ibeir homes anad taken aperîments, tint tbey may bave muone Ireetoin frorn domeelia duties anti more lime for social h! e anti becausa tbey like tise wil e!fmubildty betber tban the quiet anti pivacy o! a resitience they cen eau lOdsei wa. Thc lawful use ef lOess hotls anti boartiing bouses te for mnet people while they as-e ia transita. but as a terminas tbey are la many cases tiemorallzation, ubter anti complets. Tiat le lhe point et whicb lamilies In- numerable bave begun te disiategrale. There nover has been a lime stbca s0 many familles, beaitby anti ebundantly able te support.anti direct homes o! 10cmr owa, bave slruck teal anti takea pet- mançat abats in Ihece public establish- mente. Il is an evil wide as Cbntstendom, andi by voice anti throngis tbe ncwspapcr ps-es h utîer wening anti buraing pro- test anti ask Almigbty God le biesse thc word, whethet la tbc bearng or reatlng. ha theso public caravansarieticetiemon o! gossip le apt ta gel full swey. Alishe borettss sun dally the gauntiet o! generai inspsctio-iow tbey loot wben bey came tiown la the moruîag anti whea they gel lnaet nighl, anti whel they de fer a living, anti who thoy receive as guests in lhiis roome. anti wiat tbey wear anti whet tbey do net wenr, anti how they el, anti whet tisey ce1, anti 00w ranch boy ont, anti 00w itMtilaty cal. If a man proposes in such e p lace Ocomiînsg a pance0monium 0r whispeters, anti routations are torm te lattens, anti evil suspicions are arouseti, anti scandais suertoti, andthte paliamont o! tise family is blown'10 aais by corne Guy Fawkes w-tno was not caugbt la lime, as wes bis ]-7sugiNh ipredecessar o! gisnpowder repu- tatioli. The roason is tint wblle iîs prit- ac homes famnilles bave soemci ta keep tXcm inbnsy ta Ibeso promiscoons anti ILisitudinous resitiences Ibere are Fo many wiso bn-ce otbing 10 do. anti that always maltes mihhie!. Tbey galber ia ench otiser's noomasanati pentibusl consunlation about others. Il tbey Ondtet -eulk n haif mile helore they got, ta tOc willing car o! ca me ltstener 10 tetraction, t0ev Wonld be ont o! breabb befone neach- Insg tOns s anti aet feel in full gi'sw ot au1- inosity or lantier, or might, becauso of the distance, not go aI nl. But noorns 20, 2i, 22, 23, 24 anti 25 are on the saine corridor, anti wben one carrion cnow goes "Cawý! Caw!" ail tise otiser cnows htan lb anti fiocli other oves- the seme carcass. "Oh, I bave honti sometbîsgq ricO! Si1tiown anti lot me tell you ail about it" Andthie final guffaw lacrencsi the gatberng, anti il bas ta hc o ld ail ovor egalu, anti as boey sepanete oaci carnies a spark frein tOe aller o! Gab ta saine otiser cirele until, Ibom thc coul lisoavcr lu tie cllan ta thc maith 1e top room o! the garrot, ail are awere o! the defa'uation, eudthbOn evonlag ail who li ave 1he bouse wlll beat il le othor bousesunutîl autumnnal fires swoeping Ï-c0rss Illinois Dcoinues are lese raging aut qwif I Iban tOut fuame of coasiianr repu- ballon blazing acrosthe village or ciîy. <Sssip of the ilssarditig floUSe. Tbase o! us who were litougil up la the country kaow ùbat the oht-fasbioued batchlng of eggs lu the bnymow noqnlrod four or live weoks e! broodlug, but thonsé are uew motos o! bnicbing hy macbin- onty, wblob lake less lime anti do the worit by tholesalo. So, svhlle tOn prit. aie home muay iroodi lite ile an ocea- atonal fality. andt altee long lime ta do i, mnny af tie boartitng bouses anti family batela afforti a swifber eut more înultituiîinone style of moral Incubation, art one oit gossîp wilh gel off the nest after oee onnes brooling, clucking a flont o! 30 lies aller ber, ech anc pick- lîsg up ttc ttile Worm .o! jutcy regale- usent. htisl no ativantage ta hear 100 much about your neighbors, lor your lime wlll ho so mach occuplet Inl takiag cane o!flOh- feuls Ibai you will bave na, lime e l ook afler your own. Anti whlle you are puliing the ciickweed out of tbemr gardon, yours wIll gel ehl ovor- gsostn with hurse cartel anti mullea- stalîks. Oas o! the wos-st damages tbal corne froin bbheliecting a! so, maay people labo boandiag bouses ani amily hotolsis tein- fliiteti upon ebiltirea. hIt is ouly anoîber way o! brlaging tbern np an thecocm- moue. While you bave yaur own prîvae bouse yon eau, !-~r 10e most part, ceatrol lletr companionship andti isir where- aboule, but by 12 yeers o! age inta tios public rosons they will bave pieket up ail bbe badthIings bOt cen lie lurniset by the prurtent mintis o! dazens of people. Tbey wili otenbear blaspheies anti see quantols anti gel precoclous la sin, anti wiat the barbentier doe not tel tbein the porter or liostier osr bell boy wtll. -' Besitles tiet, the chiltiren wlll go out into Ibis worlt Wittout tie rcstraiaiag, enchorlng, steadying anti al controilng memory o! n home. Tram biset nana o! ns wba bave heca blesseti o! sncb memory bave ecapet. Il gnipe a mans for 80 years, If hoe lites se long. It pulls hlm back !rom toor n mbwhichs ieolhetwise would caler. Il ernites hlm wIth contri- tion la tise very midtelo! bis dissipations. As the Sish already surreundeti by the long witc net swim ount ti son, tbinking they caa go as far ns îboy pîcase, anti witis gay tesa! siivety scale tliey defy the sportsman on the beach, anti after awie the fishermea bogla 10 drnw la the net hand, ovor banti anti bant over hant, andti i s e long whîle belote thc ceplureti fine begin to e foit1e net, anti thon lhey dent lOis way andt bOn, boping ta gel out, but findt hiselves approach- lng the shore andi are brougisi np ta the veny feet o!fIlie captons, se tise memoty of an early borne sometimes seeme le rex andti bencaont fanîber andi farîbes- froin Goti anti fertier anti ferther fsrn shore-ti yeanc, 10 years, 20 yeere, 130 years-bul came day they fiat an irre- sistible mesh tiawlng 10cmn back, anti lhey are compelledto taraet from tbeîr pratiigalty anti wantening, anti, tiongis lOey mekre despes-ate effort te aescape the Impression anti try 10 dive deepes- down tn sin, allier awbile are brougit dean back anti hebti upon the Hock o! Ages. 1Ilfit e possible, oh, fatier anti mother1 bet your sons-anti tanghters goont laIe the world under t0e semiomnipoteal mmony o! a gooti, pus-e home. About yens- twa or Ils-es roome tna abonnting bouse or e femily hotel you oa cet ne sncb iglorloas eantity. They w'ili thtak o! tbese canevansaries as an early stop- ptag place,' maladorous wilh obti rictuals, coffees perptuelly steaming anti meats la cvoniasting slow or broil, tise air sur- ciangeti wis carboiac dtanti corriders elong whici drunnk'n boettions corne siagges-ing aI 1 o'dlock in the moruing, rexsping aeth1e doos- lliithe affrighleti xwife lots 1cm in- Do al be gu cil tv o! 1 1 Firet, last anti al the lime bave Christ Ina your borne. Julius Caear calmeti the fears of an affrigoteti boatasan wlse was rowing hlm tn a stremm by say- Ing, "So long as Cfàesar is w>-tb you la the Same boat no iarm ocaa beppen.1' Andi whatever storm o! edversity or be- reuvemnsea or poverty nay strike yens- bne ail lis well a S long as you have cent. «-peace" Note Psspen. The note peper poieiby the propr4- etar o! the bote" sTh'e Hagne, wisere the peaca cîm i-ers are quanlareti. ba$ a tdesignavof b';ov 0 -, arifles andi cala- non,, o-m ççhlob the spider libas waven bis web. On t10e menti o! the cannona a clve iauzdistsirbed anti peacefixL sbowed you at the lieginning-ness this cxceptional cse, let neicber Nx'if elner, husbanti consent to snob permanent resi- dence. The probability le that the wife wili have 10 divideelber hnsbaad'a lime with public smoking or reatiîng robin or with sorne coquettish spider in search of un- wary Mes, ant Iif you do not entirely lose yonr busband il wili be because bie is tiivinely protecteti from the disasters that bave whelmedti Iousantis of hnsbands witb as gooti intentions as yonrs. Neither shouti the husband witbout imperative reason consent to sncb a life uniess he Is sure hie wlfe can witbstandth 1e temple- tion of social dissipation wbich sweeps acrose sucb places witb the force of Iths Atlantic ocean wben driven by a Sep- tomber equinox. Many wivos gîte np Ibeir bornes for these public residances so that they may girl their entire tia'ne 10 operaq, ibeaters, balle, receptions anti lev@eý, tati tbey are ta a perpetual wbirl, like a whliptop spinnlng round anti round anti round zory prettily, until it loses Its equipoise and shoots off int a tangent. But the diffoerence is, in one case il is a top anti in the other a soni. Besitica îbs ibere ta an assitinons acctumulation o! littie things croundtih1e private borne wlaîcb lu the ggregaie malte a great attracticn. while tLhe deui- zen tci one of ibese public resitiences te Lpt to say, 1"Whliat inthe use? 1 bave rno piace 10 oep thern if I choulti take tbem. Meinicuos, br.c.a-brec, curiosstîies, quaint chair. or cozy lounge, npbolstbrios, pic- tur2s and a Ibousanti things ibat accrote in a homo are diccardeti or neglecteti le- eause there is ro bomesteti in wvhich te arrange tliem. Anti yet tboy are the case in wh:ch the penn of domestie bapp-ness Is let Von Ycaui nover becouse as attache]i te the appointmnas of a hoarding hanse1 or famiy botel ns taeiliose things that yon can cali your own anti are associatoti wltb the diffoeront members of your bouse- hoiti or with.Icones of tbrilling import lun your domoctic btstory. Blessed is tbal home in wbicb for a xvbole lifetime tboy bavc bheen gathering until every figure in the carpst anti evory panel of tbe door anti every casernent of the wiaticw bas a chirograpby 0f Its ow-ni, spcakîng ont somoething about fallier or mother or sons or daugbn.r or frienti that was wlth us The Graesof Hospitallty. The public residonce of botel inti bnnarding bouse abolishos tbe gr4ace of bospitality. Your g-ncst dS oos uawnt le corne to encli a table. No one wants to rua snob a gauntiot o! acule anti merci- iess bypercrîtici.q-n. Uniess yon bave a home of ront own you will neot ho nOle te exorcise the hoît restardeti of al the graes . For exercl5e of Ibis grace what hlessing came to the Shunamimite ta the restonation of bier sou to 11f e because she entortai*neti Rucha, andtiet the wliow o! of Z.roelintb in the perpetual cil well of the miraculaus cruse beceuse she foti a hnngry propliet, anti to« Bablinltlhe presorvaîion of lber lite at thetiernolition of Jonicha bocause she cnîerleined thse spies, andtie1 Lalian ta tbe formation o! an interosting family relation bocause of bis enteftaiament 0f Jncob, andti 1 Lot la bisrseue froA th1e destroyeti city be- cause of bis entortalumont of the engels, andtiesoMary anti Marthe, and Zeccbens ia spiritual blÎesciug bucanse îhoy enter- taineti Christ, andtitaPulils is 10e Islandi of MlIta in 10e beaiing of bis faîber because o! thee ntertainment o! Paul, tinencliet fnom the sbîpsvreck, anti of innnmerable bouses lbronghoul Chinstentiom upon whichbhave oome blessings !rorn generation te generation beceuse their doors siwuLg ensiiy open la the enlerging, cnnobling, irratiinting and tiiiiao grace o! baspitnlity. I do not knaw xvbnî your experlence bas been,' but I bave bati mca and worncn vlsltlng et my bouse wbo le! t a benediction on every room-in tbe blessing tbey askcd et the table, la the prayer lbey7 offeresi eat thse family aller, in the gooti etvice tbey gave the chiltiren, la Ibe gospeliza-, tion that looketi out frorn every inea- mont of Ibeir countenances, andti 10c tieparture was tbe sword of bereevement. The Queen of Norway, Siea anti Danark bad a royal cup o! ton curves, or lips, ecd one baving on il lbq narne of the distinguisýheti person who hati drunk freii. Andti Iat cup wbich we offer tb others la Christian bospiality, though it ho of the piainesl earthenware, le a royal cup, anti Gatiena reati on ail sldes the naines of Ibose wbo bave takeni from it refrealimeat, but ail Ibis is im- possible unlesvon bave a home of your Young Peop.le. Young mannieti ma, as soon as you cen, boy sucli a place, evea if yen bave te put on Il, a mortgage reaching frorn base, te capetone. The much ebused mortgege, which le ruim 10 a reckless man, to one prutient andi the beginaing, o! a competency and a fortune for the reason bie will noltlie satisfieti anlil be bas pai il off , and al the bouse- bolti are put on striagent economies. ntil Ilion. Deny yourself ail superfini- tics anti ail luxurles unlil yen eaa eay, " Everytilg in Ibis bouse je mine, tbenk Goti!-cvery, lîmber, every bric,e r foot of plumiblng, every tioars.]'r Do flot bave your cbiltirea born la a boarti- home se far-roaching la ils influence sisal -do-w-n-to-thc-last momessnt--e f n-hid ton's life ?ou mny baiti rbem nitO a beavenly cbarm. At 76 ycars of a Isse Demosihenes o! the .Amrecan Sonate lay dytng ai Wasblgon-I mean Henry Clsy ai Kentucky. IHis pasîcn sat ai btis betisitie, anti "the olti man loquent," aller e, long anti exciting public life, trnsatlantio anti cisatianto, wae back agein in the scelles o! bis lioybooti, anti hc kepi sayiag la bis dream over anti over again, " My mother, moîber, mother1l" May the parental influence lys exerl lic not oaly potentiel, but holy, anti so tbeborne on carth be lise>vesti- bule o! aur bore ne laeven. tn which place may we all meet-faîben, mother, son, tiangbîer, brother, sister, grand- faîher, grautimoîben anti graiîticbiiiantd the calmre group o! preç,izm nunes oi wborn we must sav lunlthe.sortis of transporting Charles Wesley: One famtly we dwell la hlm, Oas chuncb above, Oenoatb; Thongli now divideti by tbe st:renîin- The narrow sineam. of tieath - One army o!fbbeiiin1g GoLi To bis co'nsnand webow; Part o! the hist bave eroscsesithe floodi Anti part are crossina nosv. THE APE OF DEATH. SanieOiaeer Thiegs About Sloop and s-heirExpianation. One o! tbe most remnrkrable facts te be fount intahIe bistory o! sieep consiste in the utter lnebility te resist ils onsel ta cases o! extreme fatigue. Several ne- markable instances are givea la wbicb pensons bave continuedtiet walk onwerti wiile sîeep bas oves corne lhem, the aus- tomette centors o! tbe brain evitieatly canîrolling anti stimuaiating the muscles when eoasciousnoss itsoîf bati been eorn- pletely abrogateti. Itii t recordeti that et the hatle o! tbc Rite, amîdst tihe roan o! cannon andthIe feu of wnecknge, saine o! tbe ovrfaligueti boys serving the guns witb powtier f cll asleep on 1teetdock. Dr. (arpentor gives anotbor instance o! alliet kinti. la the course o! the Burmese war the caplaia o! a fnigele activcly en- ffngetinl combat fecl esleep frons sheen exhanstion anti slept sounntly for two bouts wîtbtn a yard o! o ne o! the higgesl guns, wbtcis sas acîively wonkcd turinir bis slumbers. Il Is a mnalter of connon- modical knowledge Ibat exireme exbaus- lion ta face o!fIlie sevenest pain wtll ln- duce sloep. Haro tise insperatite tiomanti o! the boty-a terna impientot, ns we bave ceen, la 1he constitution of aur frames-assents île influence, anti even pain, tbe ortinary conqueror o! repose, bas i tis tIna saccumb. One o!flise mosl; exînaortiaary cases in svbicb the overrullng powter of sleep wns over exemplifiet wns Ibai cf Daions, coatiemneti for Inoason la Paria, la 1757. He wns banbanonsiy torlureti, but te- mankedt laI lie d&privation o! slcep bati been tise greaeee torture of ahl. I was nepotteuti laI 0e sieplaounadly evea in flie short intentais wlitcb lapgeti bc- ltveen hio perlota o! torture. Among tise Chinese e !orm o! punisornent for crimes consiste la keeping the prisonen continu- nlly nwake, or lnanrousing bisa tncessant- ly alîer short inter-cale of repose, Afler t0e eigOîli day o! sncb aleeplesanese One criminel besongisi bis captors ta pat birn la dea10 by any meens bhey coulti eboose or lavent. so great was bis pain anti tormeut due t heIbeeonce o! "naiure'e soIt nurse." Pensons engageti la rueclian- ical labor, sunis as atteîsdiug a machine ta a !edtory, have often fallen asleep, tespite tise plain record o! pains anti penalties attend ing sucb dereltetion o! tinty, te eey notbing o! lisense o! pet- sonai danger svbicb îvns plinly kcpt be- fore thoir eyes.-Dr. Andrew Wilson.- F. LS. FI WHEAT EATERS GROWING. Rye Bread AImost Entireiy Suppianted is- Wite Bread. Ia coterai Eucopean cosintnies lie dîfferent forme o! etible pacte kuaown as macaroni, spaghetlti, vermiceili, nouilles. etc., are protincet inl lange quannîties. Froin a erneil anti somcewhat local busi- ness it bas become e largo, prosperous anti conslantly increasina ladnstry, upon îlilcb millions o! people tiepenti for tudr footi. Itlsleestimaeet t th1e Trench ont- put o! lisse pestes te fnorn 120,000,000 te 170,000,000 pointe pet annum, andti Iis produot le unquesttonably ticelinedti 1 increase greaîly. To Canadiens it may seern strango that the o Pwer 10purcliase wheat footsis l only naw beeoraing gen- anal ta most o! the civilîzeti couatnies. Tblrly years ega black rye liront was universally consurnet by the workiag claseses andtih1e peasantry la France, Bekers sse ytiey ail solti rye breati np 10 about 1870; uow il Is rarely fouat inl any bakery, anti ia calen onît in tise country. The presideat of the millets' syndIcale o! Lyons reparte Ibat thc masses o! 1he Trench people want white breati, andthle besi o! il. The president o! a British economîc association stateti lest Angust that the wlieat calons o! 1he world were 871,000, - 000 ta 1871 anti 516,000,000 ta 1898, an inresea!14.r000M 00. Eery-.+at ril- 0 1Fp, CRIItE, CRIF, MRN G LABELS Also Goofi130e Cor. Ptease c.! R. WM JAIVIf C HIIR 10 1 RIDE11 OI 10 W R. F. BYERS has openedthetO NewC Livery neariy opposite the Standar d BowrVanville, where lie has a fine'lot of: anti Double Carniages, Demnocrats, Wi etc.. for bure. Good Horses an d Ca refui Driv( 'Ne loaftng aiiowed. Teisphoner. No 23. day andi night promptly att entieti The Bests a. -'s- We therelore ask yoa. te ca inspect onr Single Driviug [la Russett and Black, Solid Niel Plated Trinsmings, made fi-r best stock anid tt prices tq,, surprise you. Aiso RarnoQ!ý% Varnish fer Buggy Covers and Grease. the besv. Stand opposit6 Cefý tral Livery, mantille. JOHN S. RUN[ DR.- LOW'S WOR 3fSYR U P 1 sure and retiabie Wvorm axpe11erj eqsmly wciion children or di sure yen gel Low's, How is this? Pethapas seepless nlghts caused it, or grief, or srok- ness, or pes-baps il was care. No malter w bat tha cause, you cannt wia0 Ici look nId at thirty. Gray haut is starved hair. Tise hait bulbs have been depriveti of propar food or, proper nerve force. Incteases tseCirculalson ha tie scalP, give5jMare Power te, the nerves, suppises miss- la1 elemenis Wt the hait bulbs. Useti acces-ding fadirec- tiens, gr-ay bair begins 10 show celer iu a few days. Soon il bas al the sofiness anti tichness of youth anti tie coier of eariy life refui-as, Wonld ypu ike atir book on t0e Hait? We whil gbadly senti il ta yeu. Ws'itoasal If you. do flot obtairkaIl the benefts yen expecieti from lie Vigor, write tie doctor about i. He may be able to suggest sometliing of value to you. Atisiess, Dr. J. C. Ayer Ca., Lo-well, Mass. Btrosgissthe UtilSe Bec., U. S. Senaton Morgan vus the selîness o! an lntenesting incitent turing bic aNst la Honolulu. One day a cargo o! iusc was beiug carision o a barge te a steamer lying off shore, when one o!flise mules jumpoti overboard. Wlion ho iansed an tise beach ho toL a survey, anti sawt is feliow-mules chUI on tise barge. anti s-ted to join thesas. After ho biat sivYan sonse distasnce, e groat wneecame- aang anti turnd iti oves.-. Wben 0e rigbuod bimsoif hoesvas nilti nitis rage, and blîutiy heatdet ont for usmit-ocean. The taptain of the barge gavie a consmandto, a Kaisaka, ,wbo imnaedîttny spraug over- boardi, sanmuaI a tangent to intýenepb the mule, anti, reaching tise animal, eltînbet upoîs iis baet, anti by doee sacties rote the mule direct ta tise st ea er. Constipation Headache, BiIiousn-ess, H eartburn, '1 Indigestion, Dlzziness, Indicate that yaur iver is ont o! onder. T'he best metdine t10 rouse lia liter anti cure al tisse !ls, le fouat inl 25 cents. SoQIt by all madîine dealer&, BOW3tANVILLiE.

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