'A Cold 191 danger- eu.Doni't lot Il ~ gttc tao f y u Rev~. Dr. Talmage DraA few doses of M CoId Cure .willi break up any for- tan a cf cold ina feW t n Vi hours and prevent grippe, d lphtherlft 4and pueurnoula. It should be ln every home and every voit He Coridemnns Business Procesý pockot. It ls better than a lfe fuser- ersne-Mn ance policy. rpeetd-ayo -taldrgits 5,a ll. Guide to Healli Models of IrnO~M¾1 adi'ef'e 150¶ Acb-t.. Philaq. Washington, July 23.-Tntegrity and trickerv in business 1Ifle f orrn the subject of Dr. Talmages sermon to-day, and the contrast lhe establishes becween t.he two is a striking one, The text is Provorbs Farmers You VVant ... * x., 14, I"It i15inght, il h naught, said the buyer, but when hoe is gone bis way, thon ha boasteth." Palaces are not sncb prisons as the wurld imaginas. If yen think that the only time kings and queens corne forth gorgeousiy attended, you are mistaken. Incognito, by day or hy night, and clotb- edil i citizen's apparel or the dres of a PR1CE $i.00 PACH. working.-wornan, they corne ont and see the world sas itls. In no Chber way conîfi ADVANTAGES, King Solemon, the author of my text, It will double what the old style ma- have known everything that was going chine did. It is better made inaail parts. on. Frein my text I arn sure becruust la It is a handsomer machine. The tube disguise somne day have walkud lato a from ean is exposed and eau be instant- store of roady-made cloting la Jerusaleni ly cleaned if it sbould clog. The can and stood near the counter and heard'a may be instantly emptied it yen want conversation betNveen a buyer and a to change material or clean it. The for- seller. The merchant put a price on a mnation of the eau allows ail the materi- coat, and the custoiner began to dioker ai to bu sprased out when operated and said: "'Absurd! That coat is not upward in trees or bushes, It will save worth what you ask for it. Wby, just crops from bugs, worms and Fungi look at the coarseness of the fabrîc! Seo and fruit trees frorn the caterpillar and that spot on the collar!1 Besides tbat, il other pests. does not fit. Twenty dollars for tbat? Evan' Eectre Srayr ma behadWhy, it ls net worth more than $10. They Evan'EletricSpraer my bchadhave a btter article than that and for frnm dos. Henry, Orono; Davîd Bell, lwrpiedw tCohm ie Leskard; A. S. Toolev, Miii, Courtice ; BlowerBaride n at Cleternitecu &t Albert Nidderv, Enfield;- John Peth- yBrus. es od rideshtI on't wn" iat ick, blacksmith, Clarke ; Sam'l Boa- anypc. odm ang" Hod"sy Newcstl ; ohn looy, earthe marchant, "do not go off la tbat athan, Nwate;Jh oena way. 1 want tu sell you that coat. I bave Cadmus. sorne payinents te0 make and I want the mnevy. Corne, now, how uhwlyù IKII 'flfflW give for Éhat coat?" "Wall," Fays the BPETERLL genMfR D urH. 0stonier, "1 wil spli thu differeace. BowmNVILE. Aent or Drhamcilsu asked $20 and I sald $10. Now, I Couatv. wii givu von $1. "Wel," said the morohant, "il is a gruat sacrifice, but NEW TAILOR SilO?. take it at that price." Thon the custumer witb a rol under l'le undursigned who has hoaua arrying ou bis aria started te go out and enter bis the tailoring business lu connectiOn wtb own place of business, and Solomonuin M1ason',.DryGoods Store for a number of years igseflodhm.E ea teu- .bas e .mmedbusiness f or hüself at his roo.Ss dsus olwdhm ehadtecs King St. woît, wbure bue is prepared to make tomer as bue unrollefi the coat say: geats and boys suits in ail the latest styles, and4ByIhaemdI rotbran ai lowege. ;rices. For those w-ho wish to order"ByIhv maeagatbran suits, hevwî-ll carry a full lUne of samplus la ail llow much do you guess I gave for that bcenewest patterns. Givohimacall coat?" "Well," says one, wishlngocom- <J-. . .J Nplmrnt bis enterprise. "yuu gave $30 J. T AL IN, for i." Anoîber says, III should think FaShionable Talor. you got it cbeap if you gave $25." "No," says .Ihe nuyer la triumph; "I1 go' il for $15. I beat lmr down and puinted out the imperfections unlhl I IýYý 4îreally made bim believe it was net wurtb A L M1 L IN E ardly anytbing. le, takes me te make a bargain. Ha! Ha!" 0 man, you guI the gooda for less than they were worth by ROvYAL MAIL SIEAmsHip, LVEROOL AND LON- positive falseboofi, and no woader, wbea DONDERY, MONIREAI, AND QUEBEO SERVICE, Solomion n'ont hack to bis palace and Fror hâd put off bis disguise, Ibat bu sat down STEAMER MONTREAI. ai bis wrlting desk and made for al Nuridian. July 15h , 9 arn. ages a crayon sketch of you, Il It Taifnla u jly 231h, naapgbt, il is naught, saitb the buyer, but Parisian Aug..3rd when haie s guno bis way, thon lho boast- Lanrentian Aug. 101h, ' el." Califrnn " Aug. l7th, Tainul Aug. 24th, oda eda od Pariian' Ae. ~it, There are no higber style! 0fmen la 55 Pri8 , ew eng nof and entirely refit- al the world than thoso now aI the bead te, .il frL rel uy0 n from o(f :mercantile onterprises la the great Mt ilco, saîle ftm3 Lidepoo 0Augtonsadcilles of this continent. Their casual fr ou, Motrc'l Spobor7 promise is as goofi as a bond with piles Pa ssongers wîll ho trausferred with thoîr hag- of collatrals. Their goofi ropulation for gage frorn the railway station to the wharf f ree lntegrity ls as well established as Ébat of of charge. Pe rarhrsiding in the farnily of Colon- RATES 0F PASSAGE.* na. Iii !S reîaled hat whei thero was First cabin, $50 and u rd.Rtuusooo rat disturbance la the farnily the and upwards. Second Cahin $85, Steerage $2250 cardinal called ail is peuple together and $2350 and put hcrn under oath lu tell the Frein Iew York e Glasgow-State cf Nebras- truth, oxcept Pelrarch. When bo carne ka, 7th July; Monglian, 21t J ulyuptswrhecriapt vabs Fl o ikt a oeyIfraion np. book and said, "As for yen, Petraroh, M. A. JAMES, your word is saffient." Nover sînce the thln LnoArutBownavlle. world stood have there heen su many Illu Lne zen. Bwmavile. merchants whose transactions can stand the test of the Ton Commandments. Snob ~ bargain makors are ail the more te bu ~ hono.red becausu tbey have witbstood year ~ after year temptations which bave fiuag MoUrSt n Ute f 0smany flat aad faung theni so bard they 11 eTa Tn~c a+ foa nover, nover recovur thenisulvus. "The IU II)L IUURV While ail positions la life have -powerful besetments 1te vil, there are opacifie Ji h1an ~furrns uf alluremeat wbich are pcla 1i1lliI~.tLt1 eacb occupation and profession, and it Amerca.wlll bu useful te speak of the iieculiîsr THIE 10DEIIN tpmptalions uf business mon. VESTIBULE COACHES, First, as la the scune of the text, busi- PULLMN Â~>ness mon are oflea tumpted 10 sacrifice PULLMN ANDplain truth, the seller by exaggeratlng D)ININGw CAR the value uf goods and the buyor by de- SER,-VICE, ARE proclatlag them. We cannot but admire - TO- DA E ~, an expert salesrnan. Se how ho fIrstinl- "UP -TO -DATEduces the customer imb a niood favorable Vestibule trains daily htween Hlamilton, to the proper consideration of the value Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detrot an d Chicago, efthîe goods. He shows himself 10 bo an audîebes se.ice 1- l-1.ia bis rouýtu ý bonunaand frank salasman. How care- LJOUR POINTS IN ITS FAVOR corne lu town, they must. of course, FIRST-QUICKEsT TO CURE drink. SECOND-SAFEST To TAKE1 A friead from the same mercantile THIRD-MOST HIGHLY ENDORSEo establishment dropsinl, and usage and FOURTH-CHEAPEST T«o U generosity suggest tUat they musC drink. One bottle contains tea days' treathent" Business prospects are talked over, and 'N BIG BOTTLES, 50 CENTS, Ihe strangor is warned againstertain DRHLMEICINE CO. dilapidated mercantile establishmeats - Kingston, Ont. that are about lu fail, and for sucb kind- FO S~TALL DRUGOWSTS pess and viagaanim ity of caution agalast IN TRADE wvs a Contrast Betwe-en ir Dealing.11 uss b. y Whîch ValuesAre Mis- of Our Merchanrts Are «lIntegr!ty. of courIl C1tc e-xpP$l-Eâ îhtev wil-n--ana isu tbey do-Cake a drinkh. Other mercb- ants lodgimg in adjuining recuis land il Lard tu sleop fer tLe ciatter ut decanrers, and tUe coaroe carousai of thesu "bhail tel!- lon's neli met" n'axes louder.: But tbey sit met ail nigLI at the n'ino cup. Tbey must cee tUe sights. They staggor tOrCU iil cheeks flusheti anti eyes bloofisUot, TUe enter gares of bell open tdolot la the Lvicrimi, The -n'lngs et lest seuls fdit arneng Chu ligLîs. andi Chu tstpf the cacousc-rs Soundti nih the mumbling bhuindors of the lest. Farewell bu ahi tLe isanoclîtes et hume! Ceuld motber, sisler, ftder, sin' mberimg in tUe iland home. la inoi-ne vision of Chat nigbi catch a glirnpseofutChu min wronght they would moud ChaIr bain by Chu roots anci bite tUe Lbtngue t111 tUe blooti spunteti, sbriskhng 6ont, "Goti save huai!" Dislîonesy's Bew ard. Whal. suppose Yen. will corne upun sncb business establishments? andti ieme are bundreds sfuthCbm ha île chues. TLuy mpay huait ut fabulons sales, and tbey may bave an unprecodented rua ut uuyurs, and tUe naine ufthîe bouse rnay ho a terrer 1tahil rivaIs, and tmomIb tis tbmltty roui theme may spring up brancb bouses- ha otbor cities, anti ahi tUe pominors ufthe firmn ay move into their mansions and drive their fulîl bleodeti span, ad tLe familles rnay sn'eop Chu Street w4th tUe muse elogani apparel tUai human huart user n'ove or earthly magnificence ever ochieveti. But a ourse is galhering surely for ihose mon, and if le dues net seize hold ufthe pillars ant inaneanild rmnbmîng dowa tUe temple of commercial glomyit wil break up bLair- peacu, amd bboy will tremble wilU sickness and bloat n'ilL dis- sipations, andi, pusbed bu tUe prucipicu of ibis lite, thuy will try bu holti bock anti cry for heip, but nu heip will coame, ad tbey will clalcU ibeir gold lu take Il aiomg wiih thora, bat et cviii bu snalobod froni ibeir grasp and a voice will sounti tbrough their seul, "Neto t artbing. bu beggared spniit" And îhe jutigmuat n'ilh came, andi thuy will stand agbasi hetore il, and all bUe business JniquiVies_ ut a litetiîne iviilgotber amound iboni, saying, "De you remember Vis?" anti "'De on"rumember tbae?" And clurks tUaIt toy compelhed lu dihonesty and runners andi draymonaond buokkeeppms n'Lo son' ehind Chu scemes n'ili boom lestimony lu ibeir nofamions deodi, and some vu-tuons soul iUaV once slood agbast at tUe splondor and pow'er ut these bnci- mecs mon cviii say, "Alas, ibis lsail tUat is loti ut ibat great firm thai occuplod a block wn'h b heir marchandise ,and over- sUadon'ed tUe City n'ithb 1j ,influence and mode rigbousness a$ math and punity-fau under tUe gak 1 ýfine ai avarice andi crime." WL le we admire andi approve ot ail acuteness and tact la tUe sale ut goods, wu musi coadama any process by n'Lich a fabrlc on prodnct h ropresontdt as pus- sossie.g a valus wLlcLh i realiy dosmot Lhave. Nutbing Lut sUeur faisehuood can represenL as perfection boots Chat rip, 1siks that speediiv luce tbeir instor, cali- cous îLot immodiateiy n'ash out, stovos tLot crack under tLe fini Luot fine, books insecurehy bound, coi-pets tUaI unravel, old ftumnîture rejuvenated witU putry andi iglue anti soid as Lavhag heon rucuntly rnanutactnred, goifi watches mode ut brais, barmeli ut fruit, bUe higgcsl opples ou lUe top, wine adulterated witU strychnine, huos' poorly wàen, cotUs ut domestio manufacture sblning yvilh turoia labels, imported goods representeti as rare and Lard ru ge, because torelga uxcbonge is so, higU, roîhefi oui on the coumber wiiU iniatcbless displas'. Import- Sed, indeed, but troni bUe factory la îLe next slroeb. A pattern alroady antasbion- 7 ale anti cnsalabie palmoti off as o non' priaI upon soma couîntry mercbant whe Las corne tu Cown tu make Uisfirsi parch- ose of dry goudi anti going home wiib a longe stock ut goQds warranîed ta koup. W*on't Stand Liglit. Agoin, business mon are uften tompteti te malthVe habits anti custums ut otber bradons thoir Ian' of rectitude. Thons are , Commercial usages n'UicU n'lll mut standi tUe test ufthL lait day. Yul mon ia busi- ness are api tu do as bheir neigbbors do. If bbc maouity ufthbe traders lna ay locahils' are lax in principle, tLe com- mercial code la ihal commruniiy Nwilho spunhous and dishonesi. I is a biard bbing tu stand close hy tUe han' of mhght wbsa your nemI door neighbor, by bIs iooseness, ut dealing. la emabied lu suli goedsa a cbeapen mals and decoy yoaz castumens. Of course yen who promplly meut all your business engagements, payiag n'ben you. promise bo, pay, n'll find et bard lu compute witL îLot merchant whu Io hope- iésus'ia debit teiLs importer for the gouda andtieb the iandlord whose store ho ooceuples andti luthe cisrks who serve hlm. Thons are a hundred practicea prevaient ia ihe -,umhrd of traffic n'bicU oughl neyer bu becume Ihs rab tfon Lonesi mua. Their wrong dos net malts your right. $in nover becomes vinase by bemng muhIphieti and admitbeti aI brokens' board or marcis- stoofi on tUe' bouse tops uft Brouk-lyn and lookefi aI the reli min tUai swept dosvn tUa stroots and ibreatenefi Vu ubliterate lhe inetropolis. Bat tLe commercial worid wili yot bo startleci hy a groator confla- gration, even the ast one. Bills of ex- change, policies ut insurance, mortgages anta bonds aad guverament securilies will uonsumed ta one ick of tLe flimai. U Tý boinrue and the Utteg 5tâtes mInt 1 tel yen, yenung man, thbat just une wrong Ie to wh yen i- ip înay ho a liak of n long chain of crunsacsfrora wbicbh yon cannet bu exîricateli by any ingenu- ity of your own or any help from others, and tUe times -,Tll roil over yon as tbuy have over many. Wbea Pornpey, tho war- rior, wanted te, take possession of a city and tCbey would ne open the gales, bo pursîîaded them te admit a sick soldier. But tUe sick selier af er awbîle got n'ell and strong, and hoe tbrew open the gales and leC Chu devastating arrny corne la. Onu wronEt admitedfinto Chî seul may gain la strongth unlil af 1er awbile it fiings opiâ.alal tUe gaies bu Che altack ot sin, and the rmin is complets. Iadividluai Reseouibility. Again, business mon are sometirnes temptefi te throw off personal responsibil- ity, ehifting il 10 the institution bu wbich they helong. Directors la banks andi rail- roafi and iîîsîranre companies sometîmes shirk porsonal responsihlity underneaih tUe action cf Che curporation, andi how ofSon, wvben seine hanking house or liandiai *institution explodes hrengh fraud, respectable mua la tbe board of directers say'. "Why, I thougt aîl was goîng un- in an bonosb way, and I amn utieriy cunfoundod with Ibis derneanor !" The ban"s and Vihe fire and life andi marine lasuranco companies andi the rail- rond cempanles wîll nul stand up for jufigmont in the last day, but hose Who lan thera acted rigbleonsly will receivo, each for binisoîf, reward, and those wbo acted tUe part uf neglect or trickery will, eacb for birnself, recoîve condemna- ticn. Unlawfui dividends are not cdean be- fore God because there are those associat- ed witb yen who grab just as big a pile as yon do. Ho Who counitunances the dis- honesty eftChelu m or ot the corporation or asýociat1on takes upon biniseif ahi the moral liablîlîles. If the financial Institu- tion steals, bu steahs. If they go Jute wild speonlations, bu himself ls a gambl- er. If tbey neediessly embarrass a credutor, bu bimsoîf is guilly ut cruelty. If tbey swîndle the unînitiated, buobinseif is a defauller. No iandiai institution ever Led a nîoney vault strong enough, or credit staunch enougb, or dividenfis large eneugh. or poiicy ocute onough 1e bide the individual sins ot its members. The old adage that corporations have nu seuls is misleading. Every corporation bas as many souhs as il bas members. Agaîn, many business inahave beau turnpled te postpone their enjoyrnenbs and duties lu a future seasua ot ontire leisuru. Wbat a sedative thu Christian religion would bu 10 ail our business men if instead of postpoalng its nies lu olfi age or death bbey would take il Jute the store or factory or worldly engage- ments non'v! Ilb folly to go amld the uncertainties of business lite wIph no God bu belp. A merchant in a New Eng- !and village was standing by a borse, and the horse lifted ils foot 10 stamp l in a pool ut wator. and tLe rmerchont lu escape the splasb, stepped into the do«r of an hasurance agent, andi the agent said, 'I suppose you have corne to renew your fire insuranc." "Oh!" said Chu merob- ant, "I Lad forgttea Ibat." The hasur- ance was renewed, and îLe nexe day tLe bouse tbat Lad been insnred was burneli. Was 1V al accidentai Ihat bbe merchant, be escape a splash troni a Lorse's foot, slcpped intobbh insarance office? No, i was previdential. And n'bal a mignity solace for a business'mon Vo foui Ibat tbings are providential! Whot peace andi equilibrium n asnob a congideration, andi wbnt a grand ting if ail business men couifi realize il! Awakemed Fromn Lethargy. A gain, business mua are uftetn tempted tu lut their calilng ixterfere n'ilh tLe inerests 0f tLe soul. God senfis mon intu tLe business world Vo geV educaled, just as boys are sent te school and college. Purchase aad sale, luss and gain, disap- pointimont, prosperlby, thu dihonusby ut oth ,ers, ilanio anfi bank suspension are but djffereîîeilessoas hn Chu scbool. TUe more business the more means ut grace. Many bave gone bbrougb n'ildost panic unbnrt. "Are you noV atraidyou wil break?" said some onu te a merchant ha lime ut gruat commercial excitemont. Ho replied, "Aye,,I shal break wben tLe fittietb psalnî breaks, in tLe fifteenbb verse, 'Caîl upon neienlathe day ut trouble, and I Nvill dol iver hue.' The store and bbc counting bouse have deveioped some ofthîe most stlwart char- aciers. Perhaps originaaly thcy Lad but litle sDriglitliness and force, but bwo or tbreLard business thumps woke them. up from thoir letbar.gy, and tbere came a thurough developaseat la their huarts of ail tUaI Was good and holyaad energelia and trernendous, and tbey have becorne tbe front mon n laChris's army as weii as lighthonsos in tUe greal wor>d outIraffi c. But business bas been purptuai depietion te many a man. Il first pulled ont of hlm ail benevolence, nuit ail amiability, next ah religious aspirations, auxt al conscience, and, though he ealured bis voca T wibb large beart and noble char- ac !ý_e goos onut lb i a ekeoton, uaough te scoare a gbiost. Bad Partners. Mua appruciale tLe Importance of hovlng a good business stand, a store un the right idabiofthestsreot or la tbe righl biock, yul cvery nlacO of business Is a wîll tara toa aLes. Gold wiil rua molten lnto tLe dust ut the iruet. Exchanges and granite blocks ot marchandise wilh foul with a crash that wiil make tLe sarîh tremble. The fiasbing up ufthîe gruat li1ght will show the righteous tLe way to their tbrones. Their bout truasures in Leaven, Ihuy will go up andi take posses- sion ut thoin. The touls ut business lite, _______ whhch acked tbeir brains and rasped their nurves for su many years, will Lave forever coasod. "1Thore the wickod ceose s frein lruublhng and the weary are at 1 S M rest." THE SACHELOR'S BEDROOM. Ini the Country Homne Oaneillay Be At- trautîvely Fiamnished at Srnall Cost. "If o new bouse lu bu bu fnmnished, or an old une refumnisbod, and the bouse- mother is thinking of buying an Ingrain We neyer did; but we have carpet or making a carpet for tLe siuop- seen the clothiag ai ibis lime hng-room, Lere is a bit of advice-dun't," cf the year su covcred with writos Mrs. John B. Sims, in an article dandruff that il looked as if it un "The Sleeping-Ruem on tLe Farmn," Lad been ont in a regnlar snow- iu The Ladies' Home Journal. "A bond- Storm. soine carpet is a thing ut bcauty la ils Noýneed of this snowetorMý place, bat ils place is nul in the farrn- sîesmesa bhouse we are turnisbinig. The slepig-mclt the falliag saow su wlu rouni sboîld be cool la summumle, aîry aiways andi easy lu keep su, as trou frein dut as possible, and esttui tu look aI. A" Il can be ail oftÉthse if o uittle thougbb bu judiciousiy mimgd witU tLe planning of IL. Onu vory pleasant rooni I have in mind is la bbcborne ut a 'bachelor mon. TUe fluor is bore ut coveing wibh the exception ut two home-mode rugs; the bard pins narrow-buard fluor Las houa 4 oiled until il kas acquimud o ich browa tint; the bed, drosser and wasbstand are of wainul; a divan covercd wlbb cotton dropory ut a harmuaiziag color, an aria- d71 chair and an oid-fasbioned rocker com- pluee Le furnisbing. A ton' goud phc-A lares are on the walls. lb is always tLe U picture ut neatneus, and 18 uasily kepl su, probably because ufthîe simule arrange- ment ut lis fumainure. The large ward- meit these flakes of dandruif in rube uponing fromiti will boom constant the scalp. It goes furîber thon inspection, and conid givu a bisson in this: itprevents their formation. ncaînes tlu nayone." it bas util other properttes: _________________it wilh restere color ho gray Loir Surprised. in ju5t ten limes ont uof evetry tea cases. The young reformer was a superlatIve- And it dues even more: il iy fomininu creature wbose seuai abhurred feedu and noarishes the rmots suunds barsber thon those which corneufthîe Loir. Thin bair becrues freim the barp, but hem sympathies Lad tbick Lir; and short Loir be- beeu aroased ond sUe Lad entered iber comes long hair. naine on tLe moll ut Frhendly Visitors. We have a buok on tLe Hair Sha fuît that sLe could nu longer face bier anScl.I syufoth dear Society friends witbout bchng ableto n cl.I j orfrl- bell ut ber experiencus ha retorming sorna- sig Arining benoîtf with disiafectants sUe write the dcator about l.Prb sbarod n br eron. Chmbig ostar- rali tem whleh may bu îasily re. way Ia tLe tenement district, îLe troT- mv À. A.dres, ersed o dark bail, feeling an Imaginai-y D. . .AYEII, Lowil, o dampness croup ibrou-h lier shous and bhînking of cougb drops for tLe morrow. Enbcring une ofthîe roinis, îLe tuund hurseif unexpectedly la îLe presence ut a pale, poml y-dressed woman, and conciud- efi îLe nould begîn hum wurk ut refoin by remiadinaglber îLot cleanliness is akin te gudiinesu, and on inspection outhisIeorliu sotu odr aen promises n'as la order, fyu ie sou fodr asn Tunnng cauliuusly boss ard the unniadu Biliousness, Sick Headache, Huart- bied, suspIcions of seeing " the terror huma, or Constipation, take a dose of wLicU creopeth by nigbi," bier eye rested upun o womaan witb a newbora babeai bier side. fa-,Z l if "I did mut know îLot yon Lad others living whCh you," remamkod the visiter. On retiring, and tomormon' your di- "She doua nul live here. SUe h my gestîve organs wil ho regulated and nuighbobr." you wii], ho brîght, aptive and mady '"Why is she la Ibis room and la yonm for any kind of výok. This hou bcd?" been the oxperience uf others; it, l'Wall, lady, you ses I have a window will ho yours. HOOD'S PILLS are andiaobbu ot campet, and I invilefi ber VO eold hy ahi medicine dealers. 25 c~ come becousu I thougb i would bu a decunter place te bu bora la than lierA tagPrpey, bouse is. and it n'as for bUe sake ut tUe ASrnePole~ baby I did it l" 1Il is non' twvcuty years silice \L pool .TUe reformai- opologizefi for ber cou Franciscan .monk prophesied that Lo and hurhed out ut the preseacuet a XIII., n'bo nas 'then onIy, just modle greatness ut soul wUioU lias a revelation Pope, n'onld reign for twenly years. As, sLe is nut ikeiy ite rgol. Lau XIII. n'as aI chat ime an oxtmemely ________________fragile and delicate min, it wnas nul ex- The Mwanly Boy~. pucted that ho n'oulf i ive as long- as iwenty years; but Le bas, and ih lesid Wrliag about boys in TUe Cana*fan hat those about hlmt are very teartul mcxv Magazine, the editor says: "Abeve ail lest tLe prophecy sheuld ho talftlllod. l'hep thlngs o boy must bu taugbt to Le mon- story gues, by tLe way, îLot ton y'oîrr ly. In England Ibis is taught mahmly ago an ailompl n'as made l, shako the ibrough CLu sports la wbicb bUe youth taitb ufthîe I'manciscan moakla Lin s c ow»g are troînud elber by Intelligent masters prodiclion. A tclegrani ivas broughl lrîtG ai lUe greai hoardîng scools, or under tUe monastory, where Le and hie rehee îLe imniediate supervision ut syrnpathethc were seaied, annuccng îLe 1Popoý's parents. ,[t is also taugbl ai home. Ia deaih. AIl present except this mon feuI America lb ha not taughit tesu great au n m bitter disîmess. lee alune roma1ieqI extenainla cr public scboois, bucanse tLe namoveti, declamlng tUaitUe news orid chiidmen's play is andur mach luoser not Le truc, for CLe Pope Lad stilil teD.t supervision, hencs It must bu baugLe more yast ie ai hume. TUs huit way te lunch il is by yoil ie exampie. The nemI Lest methud labo deai __________________ wiVh speclfl.c cases-mol too mamy ut thein-os they arise. "WUat dues manlinesu nMean? I muons a dignlty wLicL maltes tLe youag man - respect hls own ights and those ot others. It iicludes ameation ia peech, aCR[F, RNB ll09 tlircelnactonla a.anmiy nLABE2LS. conduci ton'ords others; and an samnesi t loyalty ,lueduty. 'h 'bas'auo lmits. nuo Aiso al khilcas of' deflied bounds. Ihishia gomment whhch io JONE Reolverand l owe- envelopa and surrounds tLe mon, se thai Seeuctions., (oUgi Le xnay aln'ays bu distinguiShed frona tLe nOWMANVIar.z. R. W. JAMES cod, the neak, tUe drone, tLe criminal. l l is efIrsi and most necuissary equahp- T i 'rEins, munI tfiLsmon wbo would write bis IJII[JPFR iOIRIDI11111Ilu 1R nmr n asilver leters on itsegolden nnpag Anthony ifopo'î Latest Romance. ta udesMcie01 tl Anthony Hope's new romance, I"Thu a t udesMcieO î Couabesi Emilia," bcginuing ha TUe besi they ever-used, and cif~ Ladies' Hlome Journal, cviii hc read wiCh tUe greatesl interuit bli is author's ad- Aiso oui- baud made harness, non1 unlrors la Cis country. Ia tUe very open- liig cLapter the reader's curiosity 1, better, few as good.2f aroused la îLe iveliest possible woy. The la YisinAatbuny Hope'socharctmhstio JOHN S, RUNDLE vola, and carmles one's interest as ani- wavein iy os dld "The Prlsoüer cf Zen- Qu LAXA..LIVE1V PILLeqr ih da," With which ha eniurbainued and d?.- for thirty day smin1eSîoCOm1j1týerOj Ilgbied svery lever ut a gued story wdll illduousness and constipetClon-,ha 1014-Just,25 cents bu beumesi,