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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1899, p. 6

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I'UBLISHER'S NOTICE. THuE STATESMAN is mailed regularly te its subscribers until a deflite order te discontinue is received and al grrears are paid ia f ull. Subscriptioa $1,50 per annum. If paid in advance $1.00 per annum. M RIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. MJAMEs, Issucr of Marriage ELcanses. Residence: Gentre sîrel. A. B. MeLAUG HLIN, Barrisiar, Solicilor and Convayancer. Offie:- Blèalcy Block, King sîrcal, Bowmanviile. Mouey ta boan at reasonahîs rates. 48-lyr, $50.00.00TO LNr ~ oia good mort- gage seceuriy ai moderata raies of inieret. A. E .McLAuGIaiî, I;olieitor,Bowmanvilllc Ont. 16 -6m, DR. J. C. 1àITCHELL, M EMBERI OF COLTEGE OF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Onario,Ceroner, aie, Rsidance. Enniskillen. 74 Gentlemen's Clothes made te Order. BU ItRKE SIMPSON, Br- ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, e. MORRIS' _13BLOCK, upsîcirs, RinigStreci, Bowman villa. Solcitor for the Ontario Banîk, Prlvsstc monae loanefi ai loiret ratas. ROBERT YOUNG, V.S. O 'ýFF1CE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS "Block, wîcre hjînseif or lis assistant will bc fouudfrom 8a. m. te 9p. m Nîght cails ai rasidenca, direetly opposite DrililIed. CailsbIy terapî or telepbone will raccive prompt at- tention. 171 - yr. G. HARNDEN,LI.D.S. raduate of île neyai Collage of Dental Smc Sgeons, Ontario OFFICE.-Opposlte Express Office. VITALIZED AIR ONTARIO BANK continues co de a Gcecrai Bauking Business ai Bowmanville Agcncy. DEPOSITS receivafi in Sasiegs Bank Deparluienl aed luteraît allowa c utrent rates. Notice cf wjldrawal net eeceseary. Ail deposits payable ou flamand. EXCHANGE Bogît andi solS andi Drafts issuad opon Europe Unitefi Sates andf Canada, alco Goii, iver amd UnitedStaites Gracubueke boughi aund selS COLLECTIONS Prompiiy mafia ateurreitrates lîpenacli parts of Great liritain, the Uaited Sates aiudîle Do- minion of Canada. 1Telegrapli Transfers Made for large or smail sums 0on ail parts of Canada. This is sîerialiy afivasu tageone te pet- sotiislïing in Manitoba or tise North-West, it makes île fonsds avalalle at once etthîe place rot imyment. For 011cr narticulars eall atthe batik. A. J. MCCLFLLAN, GE 0. McGILLU,. Accounls'I lir eer Str. .Gard1en City. NÇewastle, Iiownanvilo, Oshawa ssnd Whltbyto TORON~TO, FRIBAY, JULY 2ist, '1899,2 Aufi ontiing cvery Fridaytîrougloni îhe S>eason. wili leave, N<EWCASTLE - - - 6.30 a.M. BOWMANVILLE ---- 700 OSHAWA - - - 8.00 WHITBY-----------845 Ileturning leaves:Toronto ai 5.00 p.M. Special attention given to île haudling Of Freight. For Tickets andi Imformation appy to HARRY CANN, THUOS.IÇIHAN, Agent, ecwrnalsvillc. Manager, Toronto. Head ., c Gefides' Wharf, Toronto Tale- phone t;o. 2947, 18- Mo. This word is or copyrightefi goaranice for Pnrjty and Strcngth wlen seen onor gceds. It marks t1cm île stanod ard s for lIait severai pot- =osaud its presence proeets yen frorn imita- and incferior goods. Look for it. Plant Spray Tkucd iess Purcs thase goode frem yor dealer or senfi te os direct for 11cm. We invite cPorrespoudcnce. THE PICK11AR&T RENFREW CO., Uimited, Stouffville, -Ont. To PAENT DoGi d eas may he secured hy I oas aid, Address, THE PAIENT RECORD, SaltMore, Md. DIR. GAUTHUER ENDORSES The etatemnent thatk hie life te . * ' KIdnoy Liver Pui's Dr. . T. A. Gauthiar, of Valleyfild, Que., wriles:-'1, the undersigned, certify thai the contents cf this latter, iu regard 10 the cote cf Mr. Isadore Major, hy tha use of Dr. Claies Kidney-Liver Pis, is correct." Heme is Mr. Maor's ltter: I'Afiar 2o years cf suffering from Lackacha andfi kduay discase 1 oua rny lfe tu Dr. A. W. Chase. 1 hafi tried an endlccs variely ef ramedies le no avail, and on the recommandation cf a friand bagan the use of Dr. Chase's Kidnse -Liver Pis. Two plis that night and two naxt morning gav e great relief, sud 1 conlinuefi thair use untl nl fWIarn completely cured. My friands are soi prisedi and pleasefi to sea me wall ag lin, for I spant hondreds of dollars în vain trying le get cured. Bfoac using Dr. Chuas Kid- n s Lix er Pis my back acheS su I coulfi fot plt 0n'nîy hocs an d couidn't lift 20 lIs. My choillers s' re lare, I lad leadacheamd a lad inala iu the mouîh. Thase troubles are new antiîly gone and wlat I say I arn ready tu Drove. 1 have toid my friands cf my wonder- fu V arr, and many have beais greally lenafitad Ly inigîl cpu Dr. Ch ases Kidnay-Livar Pis ara the great- est kilruay cure the world has ever knewu. Oune p il a dos., 25c. a boa t slrdealers, or Edinar son, Baies & Co., Toronto. BOWMJXNVILLE, JIULY 26, 1899. SOLINA. (Received tocfte for last issue.) Thne T tuperasce sermon on Sunday July 16 was well attended and the re- marks of Bro. H. Thomas were very ap- propriate. The churcli had been special. Iv decorated l'or the occasion and Mr. A. B. Cryderman and his sister, Mrs, Hoidge assisted in the singing'.,. .Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Pascoe visited friends at Poît;pooi .. .. Recent visitors: Miss Winnîe and Mr. Fred Truil, South Darlington, ai Mr. D. M9tgomery's; Mr. and Mrs, McK.Penfound.-Courtice, ai Mrs. E. E. VanNest's, Mrs. John Hall and Miss Hall, En1ld, ut Mr. A. L. Pasco&'s; Mrs. Ferguson at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's; Mr. aud Mrs.' John Van- Nesi, Bowmanville, with their sons; Miss Edili Rundle, Courtice, at J. T. Rundle's; Mr. Frank Batty and Miss Batty, Folev, at Mr. W Werr'.... Mr. J. W. Brooks visited Lake ScugoZ an I returned with lots cf fish ... We are pleased te heur cf Mr. Geo. Il Hogarth, B. A., Whitby, having received the ap- poiitrnent cf Principal cf the Whîtby Colegiate Institute ut a substantial in- crease cf salary . ... Scarlet fever cases are improving .... Faîl wlieat liarvest has commenced. There are sorne fairly gocd uleces iu ibis section but generally il la patchv ... The frnndation bas been dug out for the new school bouse and the old one is being taken down.... Word lias been received that Mr. J. H. Tr emeer lies serisusly ili in the hospital n Manitoba. "IAs EMPTY SACK CÂNSOr STAND UP- RIGT."-Neitlier can poor, weak, tim blocd nourish and susiain thie plivsical system. For strength cf nerves and muscles iliere must be pure, r!ch, vigor- ous blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the standard preparation for îhe blood and its manv rernurkmble cures and the fact ihat it does everybcdv good who tukes it prove it is jusi wliat you need if you are weak and languid. Hood's Puls do not gripe. Ail drug- gisis, 25 cents. ORONO. Visitors: Mr. Lewis Clarke in Brock- ville, Mrs. Albert S..fourjee in Oshawa; Miss Flossie Gamsby in Tilsonburg; Miss Miaule E. Hall home frorn îhe city; Miss Nellie Hoskin, London; Mr- Alex. Wiýht Providence; Miss Daisy Patte, Oshiawa wiih Miss May Vînson; Mr. J. Odeli in the city; Mrs C. W. Black and family in Hamilton; Mrs. D. Noble and daughter, Leta, home from Port Hope; Mr. John Cooper, Miss Nellie on sixili line; Mrs. Barkwell and Mrs. Reynolds, Port Hope, at Mr.Witdiama Thompsou's;, Mrs. Geo. McLean, and daughiers, Toronto, ut Mrs John McComb's; Mrs Chisholm and dangliters, MissesNorah and Nellie,at Mrs. D. T. Allin's; Frank Moment, John Armstrong,Perc.y Long, and Clarence Vinson at Lake Sugog; Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Little York, at Mr, J. P. Wîlliamson's; Mr. David Stevens and family have gene te Port Perry te reside; MIr. Win. Allia and daughter, Miss Annie, Newcastle, and Mrs. Dan- iel Aluin, Denver, Col , at Mr. Harry AlIin's; Mrs. H. Hooper, and famiîy, are visiiing lier niother Mrs. Henry Anderson, Novar, Parry Sound District; Mr. William Coatham, a! ter a residence appetite- gradnally growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had gilvenl me up. Fortunaiely a friend ad- vised irying 'Electric Bitters' audio my great jey and surprise, the first botile made a deciderl imprevement. I ceutin- ued their use for t, ree weeks, and am now a well ma. 1Inow thesaved MyI life, and robbedl the grave cf another victim. " Ne eue should fail te try ihem. Only 50c., guaranteed, at Stott aud Jury's Drug Store, Leaving Edinburgh,tie Scotisi Cap- ital, June 21st, I go te Leili, a ciiy of 80,000 te 90,000 inhabitauts close te Edinbns-gi but under is own Municip- al geverument. I go aboard île nen' steamer, Fingal, ligited by electricity tirougleut, making it convenient anti n'hicli ha evemy Modes-n imprevement. I n'as a litîle sici eowiug ta île sou foam aud hadtat susrendes- evemy, time the billows rau higi. Towards evenîng île steamer entes-edtihîe clianuel, à verv Sauges-eus place for steamers drawiug deep n'aies-, as tle ciannel varies mudli la ils cons-se. We passed a slip that n'as wrecked a short time ago, wiih the muet a litiÉe eut cf the watem. No pilot coulti guide a slip threngh ihb clannel ut night witlsout ligît. These liglits as-e calleS buoys 'Somne are built from tlie reck np while others us-e anchoee. Each buey lias a large tank and le filled witl gas, île lanterne counectet as-e se coustructedt lat tiecocler changes and ut limes îhe ligît disappears for a mom- ont or se. Whea île liglit is lit it con- tinues te buta night anti day until île gas la exhausteti then tefilleti. Afies- a s-un cf 24 heurs, 400 miles, thie steamer leavea the ecean anti entes-s the river Tînmes. Here the pilot gets abourd, île steamer slackens speeti ewiugte tise crookeduese o! île river anti'se mucl shipping ibat it takes as long te go 6 cm1 8 miles lu tise river us it n'ould 40 ou the ocean - The steamer arrived ut tic dock calleti Wapping E. abeut 3 a. m., June 23. I'm non' in the great mets-epe- lis calleS London, thul lias as many la- habitants as ous- grand Dominion fson île Atlantic to tle Pacifie takiug in tle Klondike. 24ttl, Sains-day, ne siiting cf pas-hument te day where-by the isonse is open te thie public for inspection. I inapected île reeme Queeu's Rebing room, Royal Galles-y, Princes CharnIer, lieuse cf Lords, Peer's Lobby, Peer's Corridor, Centre Hall, Rouse o! Coin- mens Corridor, House of Cemmns Lcbbv. Honse of Commens, Suint Steplien's Hall, St. Stepleu's chapel. I non' leave lice pas-hument buildings anS go lie Westminster Abbey. Well this le a place of aIl places, vos-y large indeed, bell ancient and., mos-e modes-n corridors as-e lineti trom eue euS te the elles- with monuments anS tombe andi as yen n'ulk fs-em place te place vont are n'alking on lai siones n'iîl tle names ef ibose wlio as-e bancSd beneath.j1One took My attention vos-y much because le n'as a noble ma-W. E. Gladstone, 1898. Iu tie ents-ance cf île chanci are the Royal Tomba. The gnou t or4 n n'ae playeti, I will not say it slook tii nalls but île sounti nas greal îles-e!f. Sunduy 25th, this- part e! tle metrepelis was ver-y quiet anti nonld sav teaIl appear- auces tbat a large number are a chus-ch geing' people. On the 26th I visited Abuey Park cemetery. Home is île grave cf oee nhese namne le speken of in ueas-ly every civilizeti nation of île n'orld, Cathes-iue Booth, thc Molles- cf île Salvalion As-my. I noxituke ln tle Bun Hill Fieldis cemetery, 100 yeass ad, as île dates on tle tomba show. Here is the grave et île molles- cf Reva. John anti Chasles Wesley, île founders cf Metbhodism, aise tic grave o! Johôln Bunya n,auihor cf "Pilgrins Progress," Isaac Watts, D.D., Daniel De Foc, île auther of "Robinson Crusoe" anti mauy more. Acress the street frem île cem- tes-v is John Wesle,<s original chus-ch, MI as-ounathe n'alls are tablets ef these who have passeti away te ibis- etes-nul sest. The olti chus-ch is gotting a thorougi ever-lianlingi anti reaovaling and n'ill ho reopoetid, for ses-vice tle second Suntiay lu July. Tics-e is a small cemeteny attacleti ta tic chus-ch wliere the monument of John Wesley is es-oct- ed, also Dr. Adam Clas-k's vanît anti many more. Close by is tic original hoeme of John Wesley whes-e lhe liveti anti Sicd. For a nominal price cf admis- sion île visiter will be guidedti trough uts cemparimenîs. Ouae!fîle reoms la kopt as a mnscum, relics cf fumalînre, etc., also tle lasi peu lie wrcote will Sîcit & Jury, ciemiet, Bewmanville. J. Higgiabotham & Son, ciemist, Bow- mauAle. 2 4w Reader, if you knon'-"of auy oeeil Canada n'ho intentis crsesing tic Atlan- tic, recommeudt im te inquire o! M.A James for rates. Ho Soces the steamship business o! 111e district anti reprscenta tle best lunes. ie aunwilling resîgnaticu, tempered by ebullitiens of muffied groane, anti the old gentleman behind n'as quis cm- iag n'itli convulsions cf joy, se that 1 fell back on hlm ugaîn and did hlm more personal lnjury witiout, hon'- ever, much dumping his ecstutic rap- tais. The girl on tie rIgxt of us here e THE PLACE CARROUSEL. Prend arch, npreared ta hlm of maukind furstl Thon elarion vaice of Ausirijze sloryl1 Even like the sufidenansd tle Iright sunburst That poured ies spîcudor on hie triumph gory- On the ref i flld-the fighi-hie focs dispered- Thou and the tale upon ily marhie versed, Dazzie the heart. Till tjme ljmseif grows hoary Bere sbai] man's seul lu woudermcunt im- miersefi Thrill ai île record cf lijs qulck winged glary. ebont ilea cirele palaces-tle fane Of lis Ceesarean lina. sud youdcr inemiug ~nehier arel, but buit like tlec iu vajn, For, harki the guns cf Waterloo are boemlung, Andi on Sedan thy foiled Mars sjuke againý; (Aftar. tise conquerrs crewn ils captive's chain ) These are ily Ncmesis-and disgrace tîce, doeming lrhy tones ta front yen slafi of shaine, where raie A pepie'e bears tb mock set ihine assumiag. -T. W. iu Quartier Latin. IROIJNID A ]RAT. This purticulur play wus a grout aad pepular success, and this particular niglit the theater was crow'dcd. Every seat lu eveiy part cf the honse n'as c- cupied-every seat, thut is, but eue, and that one ia the pit. This waa al the more remarkablc as this seat looked a good seat-n'el up f orn'ard, nearly lu tic conter, qulto as advantagcons, as pi people are wout te hypocrize, as ton and sixpence n'asted on a staîl. And yet thc seat was, ail the samoe, undenia- bly vacant., Itn'as net belng «"kepi" ecuber. Thc young man on the other side cf it ai- ready liad bis yonag lady n'ith hlm. 1, onthis side, did net have a yoLing lady ut ail, and did net expeci euie, eiher. That seat n'as neither raserved nor tali- en. There w-us a mystery about it-a mysicry I1n'as acqu aintcd with, a mys- tory yen n'il1 get to knoon, toc, if yen have the courage to go on. Yen muy be curions n'hy I did not move up into this excellently goed seat. There le anotier mystery lu tic matter, aud,,juat as in the case whero tn'o noga- tives, n'e arc crrononsly assured, cou- suinute a positive affirmative, se these twe miysteries, bcbng explained, annul eue another. As a matter cf fact, 1 iad moved into that seat on entering and then had hastiiy moved back again, n'hile h liad the chance, for immediato- ly in front n'as a stylisi youug lady- n'hat is generaily catalogued a smart girl yeung, good bookiug, very nice, lu the height cf fashion, and-necd 1 say ii-n'iib a liai. There yen have lt-net the hai, n'hich is probably lu the samoe possession un- lesa, cf course, the fushions bave again chauged, te hoe expccted, cousider- ing the incident took place uearly n week ago- net the bat, but the elucidu- tien; for tic luckless individual n'io paid te come lu and took up has station, slttiiag don'n, behiud tiai bat n'ould have absolntely ne return for bis money but a gratuitous and highly oxasporat- ing vien' cf rions aud dead birds tiat Regent street glorifies lie a "crea- tien," Wc knen', yen knon'. We had trled it, h the firsi and the quiclrest and tien the otier mcn, n'ho, n'andering lu late and tianking their lucky stars for their greai, good fortnne, bouuced lato that seat n'ltl a n'ide smile on their faces, remalned perpioxed and fidgety for sev- oral minutes, frcuwued aud cosighed and shnffled fheir feet n'herc the floor sounded bondeatý and ihen flnally depari- cd somon';ýherc loto the back 'ithi mur- ticulate mntteriugs andi mach paiafully suppressed esuetion. Au old gentleman ut tie back cf me wio evidenly made a habit of misan- thropy and allowed noue cf bis f ellon' creatures' saduoss te pase without proper merriment, wss spending a most enjoyabie evenlng lu consequonce. The n'orld te him n'as a good deal mors than a stage, and ho would certainly have been content te walt ail nightfor the rising cf the curtain, providcd ths fun in front wnt on se unintorrnpted- ly. When somcbedy from the rear made a move for tis seat, bis face beamned wiih tic gratitude of thanksgiving. As tic somobody sut down tiers ho semned te let off a profeund chuckle. Wheu tic somebedy fuced tie but and fidgetcd, hie sîdes shQek andi bis double chia trembled. I did net approve cf this gleatlug, aud as ofiten us possible n'ith- out creating conversational friction I leaned buck suddenly anti let oeeof my siouldîjrs faîl ou te hie nose. That gave hlm pause anti brsuihing time, but lie used it ouly te get ready te enjoy the nexi vlctira. Jusi as tic lightsnt dowa anti th& causea some diversion, andi even ap- plunse, by rsineving ber bat, ut ici yonng man's suggesfion. My unfortu- nate uceighbor scized tic opportuniiy te open inp somc his cf bis cn n luthe guise cf a dialogue n'itb me. "Tiai girl, ir, " is declared im- pressively, "that girl is worti ber welght lu gold."- " Yes,"- I contenteti myscîf nwith an- sw bring, mny attention on the play. Thc yoLing lady iu the front n'riggled. "The ma who marries he," con- tlnued thc suffemer, n'lth the courage cf despair, "marries a pearl-a peuml. air, above ail price 1 - "4Ah? 1 Iquerieti abscntmindedly, pigieusiedly, coafliug my interesite the stage. The youag lady ia front huff ed herself. "She hue hud tie intelligence, air, thé intelligence and gooti breeding. te take hem bat off. " This thne he iad made a faise move, baS geDne toc far. The yeung lady in front squaTed hem shoiders anS settled don-n more gimly1 than evem. Tho young uman sun' the gaine n'as np aud feli te greuuing agala. The old gentle- man behiud n'as certainly saving hun- self a stroke of apople7y. This lasi indecent exhibition of self indulgence on the olti cysilc's part amoused my indignation and my sympa- thy. itn'as a moral auJ edifying play, andn'e n'ere non' ceuing te th;2 n'est instructive part, n'hicb 1 diS not wani the yonug man to miss. 1 joineS forues te ielp hlm und broughit my MaxàJs up ai a trot. " She hue more ilan ail tisat,,- I s-e- plied, currying on itle cenversaction n'eme lie left it off; 'îîucîs more. Have yen net noticed ihem Ucauriil golden haîr, of the culer of sunalluan and flueness of siik 1" The youag lady in front comnenced te n'rigglc again. Hem haïr, aise. n as blond, anti, to speak the îmuth, more beantiful tian the otier's. But, of course n'c Sud not tell hem se-sic kuen' it already. h proceeded. "A young lady n'itli se glerlous a cron'n as hors," I said, eferriag telier n'iose bat n'as off, "bas neyer any hesi- tation in uncovcring la a public assen- bly. Tic oniy people n'he keep their bats on, yen n'lll bave noiiccd, arceid- erly femabes lu a stute of decay or else nnfortsunat womeu more or base balti- beadcd. " Thut diti it---did it ai once. hnas tn'inliig the liatinl front came off, disclosing, as the owaer kuen' h n'onld, a n'ealth of beautiful lovelocks, pro- cliiniug la pride therý superiority to auy or oves-y other head in the theuter. Tic youug man secmied dazed for a mo- ment n'itl tic light that fleoded frora tic stage that his cye<on' saw for tbe first uinie tiat evenlng. Guthering hlmi- self tegether, lic leaneti forn'ard te tic lady andi gentiy n'hispcred, "Thank you,"- thon settlcd donail content- ment toeonjoy tic play, but lu tic dark- nesils bîund iad gripped usine la sucb sincerity of gratitude tiat my fingerE ached for a n'cok after. The old gentle- man behiid collapsed ou te tic flous andn'as assisted ont, siedding toars. There le ne moral I knon' of te iii story, bat h have juet hourd tiatthile young mabas since emigruted to some distant pqýrt of central Africa, bis.prin- cipal induèement te tuis step being. it n'euld appeur, tiat anong the ladiles of the district bats, amoug otier articles cf adomament, are acîSexisient. -Alfred Siade la Chicago Herald. Anclent Symbollum of the Glove. Iu tic bletery cf drees tic position of tic glove is unique. Tiere n'ue a unMe n'ien the gbove n'as un enlbilem of con- fidence. Formlng a part of tic rega] habit, ht became a badge cf raak. ha the middle ages tiececrcmeay of investiture iu coaferring digaiies or bcsion'ing landesn'as consunaiti by tic giving cf aglove. Liken'ise, the deprivation cf gloves n'as a ceremouy of degruda- tien. Then, tee, it n'as tiecucstom te gîve giovos in paymcnt cf rani, tie gloveE bcing uccepteti as a guamantea cf a re- taiuer's service, niici n'as tiec duel condition cf tenure. On the Scotch border tie gieve belti a higi place as a gage. Here a glove boras on tic point cf, a lance ps-oclaimed au aci cf perfldy. Bltiug ths glove n'as a aigu cf, hostile latent and the usual ps-late te s quarrai. Tirongieut tie iistomy cf drss tbey are forîndlsyn-uolis-al of platiges. gages, gifis or favors. Glovas aise formi part cf burial rites anti nere carrled la fa- nerai processions until the midle cf ths sigiteenti century. Wien a maiden Th 3wmil Boy Mrs. X.-Ncwr Johuny 'i sîw.ant ycxr to liurry home fromin ccl itis ufiernoon. Johnny-What for, I was wanting te- Mrs. X.-I wur, yen te cerne rigit home for I want yeu te g-o to LUTTRELL'S for soe buns and cakes fer tea. Johnny- 1 111 corme home on the run, for I like gciîig ibere, for hlg bunîs anti cakes are jus, fine, A full stock ofConfectionery is always kept on baud Alex. Luttreli Clarke's Olfi Stand, Bowmaaville. Lake Ontarie and Bay cof Quinte Steam - bout Ce,, Limited.) Str. "North King." SOUTII BOUND. Wanu DAYS. Lv. Port Hope, North Kin- 2.30 p.m. Lv, Cobourg, de i 1 25 p.m Ar. Charlotte, do 7.15 jm., Ar. Rochester, N.Y.C. 7.45 p.m. NOIRTHI BOUND. Lv.Rocbeaîer,N.Y.C.unid N.R.E.8.25au1 Lv.Charlott, 8 50 Ar.Cobourg, Ont, 1.20 p. in ArI>'ort Hope, Ont. 2.05-P9 XD-Riglit reserved to change le without notice Agent, Bewmnvillec. Manag er. 5 fBsi old 1111 1.0 r ~JBeet Glasses- ,100 We guaranitea perfect satisýfaction. GLOBIE OPTIGÂL CO.v 93 Yonge Street, Taronto., Ilow Japane-Ise -Catarrh Cure Cures Nasal Ct~h Japanese Catarrh Cure is a penetra.ting, soothing, and healing pomade, whiehi is in* serted uVg the nostrils hy a small ernieî's hair pe'loil. The heat of ile hcdy rumet'tis ,pon.ade and the patient hriahestho soot iing aneoica- tien through the nostrils, amd ttc nasal chan- nels open up. The stufféd-up feeling iu the head leaves, and the person can br, atte natur- allly through the inoce. The duii pains acrose the c ad cease. Continuai use for a short liie soothes 1 lhe mucous membi aile until the sors- iess and inflammation areuigone. The had odor of the hreaàîh passes away, aund the lest sens"es of small and hoaring retn. The drop- ping lu the throat is permaienitly ehecked, and the noce docs flot stop un Ion ards i iht. 'lh dicharge frein the 'os;e gros lcsq id lacs, and flually stops altogether. IL does net drive the discase jute the tIi cal or lonigs or ino te, e rs, s often is done by washes 5 111h11 an',d' îeeprayelief cala irrh oe~~ sufs wihcuancoccinleau hc' 4 sikaloids, which relieve at the timei irL ie rise tu a false securty. Japanese Catnrrli Core is a thorough autiseptie, is cleansing and Ical-' iug iu uts action, and soothes the minute ap- pliod. Six boxes are absolutely goarantced to cure auy case of nasal catarrh, or moucy w iii be refuud cd. A-free sansse willha sent to any pc"con suffercgL'a t ý.c cnadangerous dis- case. Euclese il cent ama. Suid by aildrug- i tsi, lcenîs. Six for%$.50, or bymaiL Ad- rees, Th. Griffith. & Macphersup Co., 121 Church Street, Toronto. [143 Sorne twelve yeariF ago Mrs. Elizabetb Gilhia, wife of the poc<rnaster of Bux. ton,, Ont., was taken * ill with au obscure stornacli trouble ,à,which bier physi. Cians pruuouuiced 'cancer of the stom- î ýl~ach and iuformed - ~ harihathler lease ôt 11f e would be short, MRS. GILMULA. On thc advice of friends she commcnccd taking Burdock Bioud Bitters. The resuits that fullowed were littie short of marvellous. Het straugth and vigur rcturucd and iu a short tirne she wag complctely cured. Mrs. Glhula is tu-day iu the foulleujuyment of good bealîl, andin aill thase ycars there has neot beau the slighitast returu of the, trouble. Herie is thse latter Mrs,ý Gilzula wrote ai thce time of lier cure: IlAbaoit four ycars ago 1 was laken sic.4 with stornach trouble and consultcd sever4. of the leading phy sicians here, ail of wbomi pronounced the clisease tu be cancer of the stornach of an incurable nature, and told me that il was hardiy to ha expected that I cudlive long. Afterward the two ductoro whu wera attanding me gave me up lu die. IBy the advice of some of niy friends, who kncw of the virluas of Burdock Blood Bitters, I was induced te try il, and 1 arn now happy ta say that aftar using part oi the first bottie I fait su much batter 1 was able to get up. 1 arn thaukful te state that 1 arn curnpltely cnred ofthe discasa hy the, use of B. B. B., although iti had hafflcd the ductors for a long Urne. 1 arn firmly con- vinced that Burdock Blood Bitters saved My life." Here is thse letter receeývedfýýom lier a s/con time egoa:ý "1 arn still in good health. I thank. Burdock Blood Bitters for saving rny lifd twelve ycars ugo, and highly recornrnd il to uler sufferers frorn stornach trouble* of any kind." ELIZABETH GWi J.M.BRIMAQOMBE DENTIST. Office.-Rear of Messrs. lliggin. botham & Son's Drug Store, (Down siairs), BOWMANVILLE., otier, lookoti u thudr 'ounts, inqulteti partlcnlariy as te hon' tbsy hati been receiveti, anti allon'cd tbem-n'iat is dear to a soldier's heurt, anti eepeciuily te that of tic Gs-eek soldier-'te tel tisir tales anti brag of ther deetis.' "Incidente like this,"- says Prof esser Wieeler, "beiray in a striklug n'ay tie extent te n'bich Alexander's leadership sud, bis empire n'eîe a ipéreonal tig. "

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