I do notboeethr î 6 ia, indigestion or nystonacil. trouble that cabnot lie ce- lieved nt once end 7permanently cured by My flYSPEFSIÂ MUNYON. At ail druigfstg, 25c. a vi] Gldd aladrice frePe1505 Arch tret Pii Farrners You ant.. ADVANTAGES. It wiii double what cthe olti styvlo mair chine did. 1 t is better madi n ail parts,. It is a handsoer nmacthinie. The tube from can is exposet a nd can be instant- ly Lleaned if it shouldico' The can may e istantiy ernptied-if you want to hage atria o den t.The for- ma ioxio he eauallows Pailthe aei ai te bespraeclout whu operatefI upward in rees or busheno. It wil l ave crops from bug, Worms andi Fungi iand fruit crees froin t , aterpillar and EasElectric Sprayer may be hati f-m os enry, Orono; David Bell, ekad A" S. Toolet-, Miii, Courtie; AlibeI N-idderv, Enfielti; John Peth, c, biacksmith, Ciarke; Sam'l Bon- athn, ew aste;John i1ooey, near BowuyILLE'. Agent for Dnrhtam NEW TAILOR~ SHOP. The undersignieti wlo las been c"îgon tiie taiioring business i connection with Maso's ry GodsSeoe for a number of years ba mnoed businesv f 3r olif nthbis rooms King St. west, wliore hei s prepared to make gents and boys suits in fail the latest styles, and atioweK&, rDrics. For those wlio wish to order sois, hewii ccarry atoull line of sacoples in al] ie newestpatterns. Give hlm a all J. T, ALUIN, Fashionable Taller, nOYAL MAIL STEAMsmaP, LivERPOOL ANDO LON- Doe\DERRY, MONTIREAL AND QUEBEC SERICRE. From STEAMER MONTItEAL. Nornidiau. ' Jaly 15th, 9 ar. caflifo)rniin Jol fth, Ta ,tni Jo11y 21db, Pal lin Ang. 3rti Laur~rfanAug. luth, CaifrnianAog. lith, Tainlneo. 24th, ParisianAug. 3lst, SS. Parlsian, new engined andi eotirely r efit- ted, sals froin Liïeri)ool, July 20, and from toitreal, ALignst . cd. Bavarian, 10,OÔO -tons, twin erew, SaîtS frorn Liverpool Aug. 24 andi from Montreal, September 7. Pa ssengers wi 215be traosferred with their bag- gage from the ratiway station to thé wharf free ut charge. RATES OF PASSAGE. First eabin, z$; a nt upw. rds. Returo $10000 andi opwards. Second Cabin $S5, Steerage $22.50 andi $il 10 From New York to Glasgow-State of Nebras- ka, 7th Jely: Mongolian, 2Ïst July For tickets and avery Information ap. ply to M. A. JAMWES, Illani Line Ac'ent, Bowmanville. EXCURSIONS TU WINNIPEG AND, OTHER POINTS IN MANITOBA AND ASSINI- BOLA, lIOOSE JAW ESTE VAN Good gesng from stations in Ontario West of Toroto.Angut 2nd,.1899, east of Toronto Anguet 2tli, 189. Sop ovr alowed WVinfipeg ani etbt tickets must lie osed to termina- tion by, Ango1sî hec,1819. Every passengerwl lie giîveo a c ertificate wbich mns ie depositeti with Agent immediately on arrivai at station wliere passenger finally leaves the train. On surren der of tisi certfiicate on or before Nov. lith return tickets wil lie issued for $18.00. -Special train-leaves Toronto at 1.30-p. ni. Aug. 22 andti 4l via. North B3ay Tiroougl Colonisi Slepers will lie con frocu Toronto to Winnipeg. Ticket,rates an d Il inf ormiation frern Agents J, HLil HJ uRYWWO, - ELR ï- - A. _PDeot t Rev. Dr. Talmnage Discusses the RelýationsBe tween Capital and Labor. Some Lessons Drawn fromn Strikes in -Varlous Parts of the Coun- try--A Truce Between Employer and Employe --lEach Needs the Other. 1Wasiegu' n, Au_;. 13.-mib tis dis- coorse Dr. TLali1',e.qllgests liow lie evur ý cngwar cococapital anti i %bor ca b ru ï o n happy enti. 'Tlcho x is, I.Caiibn xii, 21, "The eye aulnit any note L ati, I have ne n1eýý ofethee." t ifty thensant i orcren in Chicago ceieg work in cite day, Broklyn sconneti by vie accampt te biait its rail- rond cais, Clevelnd in the tbrees ot a lihoor aimliumd ractlessoess arng toiLas il ,vrer tieC lavd bave caused an ci idcm o0f struxe, antîi gmowbavte obec- car rhuuîgs I ppiy île Palino tihonG.h cf cuî lot. You have seeiin an elaborate puoce et machirîy,ivii a houîsani yhols anti a il ousand bonds ant i a honsti dpul- the -oclier s dstt fn whea et c,. îI, liinncceyh renu picce of mcalî cnrleiby one great and vrrvevn ocotowie ô et oti's prov-iconce. Yuhraoepr cf -the î.ncnineyc se utyoniyou haro ail pri.Aýil rfssa invertie- pondent, AI tde i 1J, pode .Al classes etfpoploinvetî enn.Capital anti lbr- nedeti .Ne sncb lhing as in, p0d0-I, Dine cnn; lkickr Lazano wtinthotig is qwn foot, Th, oeth wibtinel la e Ie to- ace li gotýoi w hde secht.Or le co u ni te îýýl igureo et the txîwhal n 5rînge tling I ,,ui,' bc if lie oye riechn isun. Id-L seth"e ohe ember3, ef the lbody. IMttrel nhn I arn abIc. oiwi, ilhaÀii tee iser- Lor sIonl sa: ar îl bos orkninnI et c w otephyica ecnom. Ibave nio rae ."forthe ocher imono ers cf the bouliY. If coreis anychin; 1 despiae, il la ch cy~ I stai nder I dorne ot thea forb- ) dîng, novhing b u be I coma :n, anti 1 vwve thle iag of truce betovecu the ae cotoclants, anti I cx, "iLo yecyoanotsîyvothe baud, ' have ne neetiettoef That bringsime te ,ihe firet suggestion, andttat is, üualinhor anid capital are te ho broogitle1 a botter untiersvaodinig by a complete canvass of the whcle subjeci. Tbey wil ho brought te peace wlen 'bylthat they ara itienlîcal un ibeir 1ntieeus. usWretuie gues uowoi, they botO go doien. Wben one rises, lhoy boîl dise. 'I bre aililie an equilibrion afler acyhile. iliore nover bas boen an excep- lion vo the colo. Ihat which la geeti fer one lase et Society anti thal whicl le bad 1cr ene claos etoy wîll eventu- aîIy anti ho ime ho bati for ahl. Evory speech tint lahor maltes against capital postpcnes tie day cf permanent atjust- mnt . Eeery speech that capitl maires gainsc abor peaiponos tle day of mDer- ma-nenit adjustinent. Wfhen capital maligne laber, il iste leye cueiog tle ban!i.wbeii la ber maligna capital, il les the bandi cursing the oye. As- far as I, bave ebservod, thc vasf majorily et capi-t talisîs are succossaf ni inocers. If. cle capitaliste wo.ulti draiN Ibeir glove. yen woulti Seo île brokea longer nail, tle ecer cf an olti blister, lte slifeneti finger joint. The groal puiblisbers efthtue coun- try for Ithe most parc wero bôcirbîntiers oe vypoeoîlrs on smail pay. The great cerclage manofaccurers for the mostpart set' tpapereti wagon bodies la wheel- arigil cshope. Net a Great Gulf. While, on tle ether bandi, la ail our large manufatoriag oestablishments yen will fi mon on walges Who once ern- ployeti 100 or ï;(,0 b-ande. The distance hotavoon caitl nt i bor us net a great golf over ahýLI.le wnpg a Niagara suspensIon rdg.Il i: 15eny a s top, anti lie' capitaliste are creSejiag over te be- come laberers, anti îl lahrece are cross- ing ever le hocorne capitallels. Wold Godt Iey mighl shako biande while tiey cross. On île othor ý-hanti, laberers are tle lighesl style of capiteiliats. Where aro choir investmente? la banirs? No. lu tube rilireatie? Ne. Their nerve, their musclU bi1 e bno, Ibeir mechanîcal ekhi, their phycîcal b1ablh, ara magnîi-. cent capital. Ho who jlas laveroves, two ece, lave feet, two bande, ton fingers, lias maclLniery lIaI pute ie onothlagnes carpet anti screw anti ctoen factory andi ail tle cîber implementus on île pianet. The capitaliste were aeeeol labocers were capitalista lIe seeýuner ave undor- standtlaI tle lioIter. SAgain, thora is le coe relief te the iaborhng classes cf tIbs country lbrengh co-epecative associationsý. I ain net aI thic moment speaking et traties unions,' but of tuaI plan by wvhicb laborers put Iheir surplus legetier anti become their own capilalisto. Inseaoat f ln ieipenti- eut upon tle bock cf 111e caplta1iât or tbal cepilalist lbey manage Ibeir cwn afairs. -n7England ian d Wales- ra re-are- 813 co-eperative associations. They have 840,000 members. They .rLava a capital et 8-8,000,000, or-what-corresponds to our dollars. andt îly do a-businefss nnnally_ ot-ll&.01k00-Thomas -Bcassey,--oeaof- Mne mJneyýsPont by tie laboring classess ,)f Amo-ric-a for rom andi tobacecuti 1 wiletb bce-oporafiveasoiinsn aIl pares etf this lanti, sorne eof~e niglicier tenans'financial isivla cf vhe fcnpîry. Woe ,ýntiin Ibis coonry. over $iOO0,000,000 every yenr for loba)"Cco We speniover $l100000clrecîly o r intiire.-tly for rum. The 1Laborinp clasees spendt hir chare cf this nîoney. Nw suppose tie ihrn man wio bsh ee spending ils rnoney in these directions eol juot atitiup bow inuci lie las oxpendoti turing ibeso past f..w yenrs an ' d Zen suppose tIsaI that money was put ibntoace-operative association atid thon suappose be shoniti bave all bis frionds in tcdl, wivie ld iadtiIhe saune kinti ef expenditore, de the saine fig andi thae siel Ï,uit eaiit p ant i pt into a, ce-oporaci\en. oiteu ni lo .akze al Ibat no i xpneite vr dres at oot a nti overiiviIgon tho parc eftloîling eeleinorerIliýat tbey nmavappeora s cLl smosns ohv more inerne-g t tnail up' anti ye olihave ce operativo soiain al ov'er tfus landi. I nîn neot saying anytiing 00naou treties unions. Xou vwnnt t ,) W iga Il thinir ot Icates uni;os. Ithnrîe are mnost bonocicial in soute thoes andt îey have a specifl objeet, anti, in Ibis day, when Ihere are yova noolo - n t h o u an t i m o n c el i e s c o n c e n t r u i i g sien cf)fei mon.'r ulese the,,, chn mnon f t 4scntry antid ilco1t1 o )a]ti g ti Iey wilgo oder.Ther tir san innlawfi use et a Iaouin If iv monos sympaîihy in limce o ios If if ni ane fntiiog work for ppe ,w';o, thcy are oUI cof wenrk, if it moaýtos ve in- pr^overiient of the financial, the moralo iIbo religions condition cf the lbrn cLa- os, t? aI is ail right. De o n te b1ni ogetbcr l n at ilunion? D ~ sîngzersa bndtiogetier in 1adlnt llnydua societiosJ? Do net newcaeric bandi togetier in pross clubs? Do nov minleters of religion bandti cogocie"i cenferences anti associations? Tlioc is uo la al tbe !anti a ciîy wvherecigye do net coine togetier. mnny etfili-m-o- c a weok, le tmli aor afia o is coansnaywn shonine laelao guiltis. Whlen tley are doIing Ier t iii mate werk, Ibey are moo')t nmrb bat wnen tluey como aroutiWti it ant i lie anti flag ant i dive poope 11,ýý frein Iboir loi, frein Iloir scaffoldinges, from their tactories, thon viey are ýniIî- isîhe, tien thcy are cmuisithon they are barbarie, lhin îloy are a cuise. But aow suppose chat ail the ahorblWing9 classshandedti ogauler for befcen1ýit purpeses un co-operative association utierP waîtever naine thcy pIbýt hid menus t- gether. Suppose lbý'ey 4lite i coe tiaI lhey waâtq ila tMmanti tobacco antýi1 use lv for cie elevaliuýonfethéir familles*V, fercloetiucatien oet Ieir c 'îref or Ileir moral, intelleo.tual ant!irel g ie)usz lmîprovemcnl. what a' different stlatc of lthiogs -,vea' oulti bavein tiisonr anti îhey avoulti lave In Great Bîtal l Better iVithont Stimuliant,. Do you nct roalize the tact that mon worlc levter witleut stimulant? Yen saiy, "Wiil yen dony tle laborlîmg men lts help avilCfh lbey gel frein sîrong drink, berne dowa as, lbay are wth maay anxi- elles anti exhansting worr" ITavonit deny ibmr novling tlot is goifor bm I aveult deny 11cm treng drink, if I lad tle power, Iccause Ilv le imgîng te them. My ftler saiti: "I becem elma- pecance ma la erly lite ecaseI, feundt tît in île hafvesi felti, vhil l avas natnrally weakor Ilian lheochIer mon. I conit,11clti outI longer thana a e 11cm. Th ey toi sîlmlant antiI 1 o JEeyei kaows ibey cannaci endure graL tfatigue-men Who indulge Ia stima1-1 ulanle. Al Our Youngmaien11ndUrstua-,ti that. When they are prepaln fr i regatta or the bail club or the athlelloj aresliag, tbey abstain trourstreng drink. Noav, suppose ail tis rmoney tubai le wasteti were gaîhereti together anti put lie o -eperative institutlons-.hl ,ae avoulti bave a very tilfereat state et thinge frorno vhai ave have now I 1 cemnacragain: The labcrlng clasqssfe1 tbis country are te ti great relief wlen they leara, al ot them learai, toceces andi rovidence. Ves--t numbers cethb put deava their lucome, andti ley put deava iboir expenseýs, anti if îleinoom meete the expenses that Le aIlliaI is necassecy. 1 kn-ow laboring amen avho are lnae perfect fitiget until liey have speat lter lest dollar. They fly areunti evory- avhere util tlioy get il spenl. A Case came unater my obiservation where a Young man w&5rcevn $700 a yoar anti earnoti h by very lard werk. T'la marc haga day came. The bride lied ce- ceiveti $100 as an iaberilence trom hler grandtithe-r. -Sue put îe Ï1o la weddiog eqnipnlt. Theu îleswain birodt a -roomas.on the thrt sor-y. TIen lts man, avbo iai met artimons empioymoa(ýt, juet as- aucli as le coulti poeelbl-y endure, get ereninu -pnlvien t- go--h-u nlear a- 1 1 liUliJ'Myuuprec,!b 2 wta,'tiU8. 1,10 -gtabPet eof Jesus Christ locaîe everyvhing. How de I acceunt for Ihis? I ancount fer il wiîl tie plainosî phileseply. Tie reli- gion ot Jeeus Chist. is a tiîocratic religion..,It telle île employer tlIaIlbe is a brother vo al tie operacives lu îhe estanbihdient-rnade by the ,saine Qed, te lie in ditocarnetins-t andt ee osavoti by îecam supreme merey. ih dos uot maise ie1sîlgtesÉ diffecence 10w muol nîonoy yen lave, yen cannel buy youc way imt lie kingdoua of heavon, If yen lave tie graco et Qed in your hencI yoci will endoýr hoýaven. Se yen cee_ il is n demeocratc religion. Saturate our popula- tiens aili Ibis gospoi,,anti labor will ho respectuful, labor wili bec ewardeti, labor ailI ho lonoreti, capital wili ho Christian ia alli hIebelavier, andti uera aili be higbor tiec cf tînit t ln. Make Ixîrestinents for Etern-cty. Letlrme sny a word te ail capifalista: Be your owvn executors. Maire invest- monts for eteraily. Do neol le like s'oma o f thmse capitaliste I knoavwbe aali arounti emong tueir empbloyes aita aa sopercilieus air or drive up le île taclory lna a muaýnner avlicb seeme te indicate lley are tle autocrat oethîe ooiverco, aili tle sgi n ad mn la eir vesl poc1cels, chlefly enions aben tbey go amoiglli- erîng m en not tg be toncbe I by île igreasy or semîrcbet Landi anti hve her botlobinjuieti. Be a Chitian em-a ýploy3er. emamerIose wlce ntie yoor charge are boue etf you beeani flesb cýf your ted hiaù Jesus Clirist tiiot for them andti laIt tey are Immortal. Divie nup your estâtes, or portions of thecu, fer the relief efthtuba aocti betore yon beave il. Do net go oui cf lhe avorîti ilIre lIatman avbe tiet iun New Yorkr lealving Ia bis avIli $40,000,000, yat giviag heav mncb for tube olinrel etGoti, ho; mnob fer the alievlatlon etflnuan enifering? Ha gaýve some mo1ney-a litle whIlie bef ore lio dieA.Tilt waec ael, but' lu al hisiwlll et $40,000,0ý0 fheavmuche One million? No. Fivebadreti thon- cand? No. One unudroti dollars? Ne. lave cents? No. Oaa cent? iNu. These greet cilles groaaing lia anguish, nations crying out fer the breeti ot everlasting lite. A man luneaili giving $40,00l0,000 anti net 1 cent 1te Qed! It I lea tiiegace te enT cîývîhîzaîlen. My 'Word le te ail laloviag mon la ibis country: I congratulaîo yen et yonc ibriglitening prespecîrs. I conigratulaýte you on the tact tînt yenu are gehliing yeur represonatives et Albeany, at Harrisburg - anti et Washingteon. 1 lave only te mien- tien snob a ma t fie opastu as, Henry Wilson, île Febeemýaker; as Andreav Johcii- son, tube tualor; as Abreiam ,. Lîncoln,-île boatiman. The livingilhlrusaiieng easil-Y, o,, cur te fn-rn,,--m- is- wil - nn nt-il m'en- anotber famlily, ant i nally it Was not1 rseabenot te go to thecentennýiai at Phildepiland they ahortgagedti heir fariis. The echnch anti the ighborhýood inetI in, that way.Now, bet een sncb foole ati auperiec u thre le only a very short stop, In lime of peace peprefor war. In lime ,of prospOricy propare for adversity. Yet how may hero aýre h driveý on lie verze of the precipice anti a'. the loasî touch of accidý(ent or ,iickngs ov;er they, go, Ah, mny frientis, it is-aaot cIgbc, îtit letohonesîI leHothat provideth net for hi% own, andi especially tbose of bisYon housoholti 1 worse than an iùîiduol. A man bas ,no riglit te livýe in iuxryanti have ailcoifortsat i LbWghîn-essaraou nd hin, takiJng bis familY iwithlim aI ch at rteoorting bright anti hautIiulandtIluxorious, until' ho snnosagainsî a :tmbsono and falis in and they ail go to tI'-c poorbouse. Tha t is flot common bOniiy. Iaruno 10ativo- cateofe skintlirc sav.ing. I abor it. Bot, I pleati for Christîan providence. Thore are sorne people Who are aisgustod. f theo cee anything itho ocoliomy, sach as . ma:in imight show lu tu -nig down the gas in tho parler when lho goos ont. Thore arýe famnilies acf-,naIly ombarrassoti if yen ring theiJr door',etil before thoy have -the hall liglitet. There are people who apolo. gize if you sorrise thoin at lCtbe 1,-w, it is imean or il le magnfcotc cq-ve mot accrding- te what you save for. I If ilis for thee ,niseriy bioarding cf it, then it i. despicable,,'out if il mneans t ter odn'ation for yoor chiltiren, if il moenosmore bouse help for, yoor wife wbvea sheis net etrong enougli to do --ochi voik, if ih meînS Ibart îLe day of yooir tieùtb shnll not ho a horror beoen il enurn e cauýe it is te throwvo ifuamily fate dîsruption andti noniiodfo anti the poorhouse, then il is mal, cn if î is te, açoiti ail that. Exchanging Confidences. Agai-i I remark, great relief is te corne for the laboting clqss c, of t3bis country by apprci laton on the parc tof mï yr thai cliey bati botter taketbiremloe into their confidence. I1tn.,eà or easily, 10o01ngfrei.inmy sta'ipo t ,vbat is the malter. EmplIoye,_ seein theý em-ployer in seering p- polyd Det ic-now al the straits, al tebad chp.ail the losses. ail the noacs Tbey look at him andt lby thinli, ib, h. ha, lv easv, anti we heve I bard. They do net know Ihat aethlat -ai; mSuent the employer 10 at the lad p oýi of dcsperation coeminb is engazemens I romack, again, g xeat relief willcen te; the iaborînsg cla sses oethIisconr tbrooglî the religions rectification of iî. La bor is honoroti and rewardod in prepor-r ijon as4 a commonicy is Chri-st 'i oeti. VWhy is iltnt tOur smnallest coin in Ii country is a penny, wbule ;inChina it takes n haIt dozen pieces cýf coin or a dozeon te maire one eofor 1 -îýnin valin, se the Chiioese carry the cash, as tliey cali -1t, like n string o ea ods arount the iteck? We nover wnnt te pay lss than a penny for anylhing in Ibis coun- try. They must pay that, which is worth only the sixth part or the fwelfth part cf a pcnny. Heacbeniisrni anti iniqoity anti FOR~mr, OINTS INI II rVjri FlftST-QUICIREBT 'o CURE, SECOND-BAFEST TO TARE THIR-MOST IGHLY EI4')ORBED P'ORT-CHEAPEST TC BUY One baIlle cojutas tea daiys' treetameat' :IN BIG BOTTLES, 50 CENTS. ,ME DR. MALL MEDICINE CO. Canaeian Ac-ercy, - Kingston, Ont. FOR SÀLe AT ALL DRUGOISTS AaUre ai t lnm tie. .epplIuauion ofUtheL steam pawer a tai sire.electro telegrephy a tallure, railoatiing a failore but now, the chiot successes o et im aoviti "But," says Oem lee, "Nvby tluroe ;urplus boing put by Labaers into ce- operattlve associations, wleu lthe vast maulîltunte cf toilers cf this eunntry are strnggling for ibeir tiaily breati andi have ne surnlug? " 1 rely tPul t iw y _4Qpd ly mait, aough nec mîueaUy, - - cuoogb île heaveas Wa4 wae muet have a seal- ekin seekI"' 2klortugm«iEg the Farm&s. A clerg-vman in Iewe b,.ld nme tIl iab ciaursil andthleeaîlrne4_gbborhloed lad bien ruineti by tube fatedthatu lhIepee mortgageti their farmu a in -tiw e g dewn l tubte Plhiladelphla centenulal la 1876. Pi-ai, one family wotîld &,Q, thevn wer nee lsee ihteln jour- anti mahogany are enly about ae loetAise our hailtimade, h bey." Yes, lIey avore, but Christ rei.set Inhti. tubecu to Iat high omineaca. Who -ar better, few as good. tl"o Tbeeeare tiey lia caeeut cf Is1ne ernig ea inDii. greal tribulation ant ilad ileir robas Thé largeci* smn diel ia île avorîti la JiO HN S. F avsiat anti matie avhie luinte bo<d of Hayou Terceý, a largê promnontuory extend- thbe laý.nb." Thst for cvery Chri3hain ing 3,600 feeDt save tube Acgoan Se.AS IG LA ACIN vorkinigman anti for every Chrisian& tube sun swings round ithe sbatievof ibis n<eaytoe healh.L h PlLLS ar-e the best occasif wor-lngavema aili betîe beginning of 1, mountain, It touches, oea by one, a circle for fmt or geiterai teniholiday. of islandàý which sot as hoeu r kL cents, Any drUggist, GEN. HEUREAUX. ltmekbl Cuneof cthLa1e"tre 9- denât 1ofthe 1RapubIie of ,F tln Inin.O Illu bace ofDng. iThe assassination of General Uliis-ns UHeureaux_, Presitient of Sanico Domingo, on the afternuon et Joly, 26 carrioti a shock te every frienti of ganIe Domingo anti every great business bouse in the worlti connecteti with that country. Ia a large political sense, the event le looketi upen by the people efthIbs couintry with peculiar intorest. Midway between Pnierto Rico anti Cuba, lies the islanti of canto Domingo, wbieis ledivîded lae o renublins, liaI of Hiayti anti of Sant ) Dominzo. The latter copuhiic eccupies tle grenIer por- lion-ofet he islantianti ba apopulation ef about 600,000, composoti principally of a mixeti race of Spanish SteLIrs, Indians, negroes anti a few Eluropeans. ý- onishz is Iluda prevailing lango2age, widîlluHaî the inho,-bitants arecil black, a nti French uenaiversaiiy spekirei., San'to Domingo City, where the senI of Eevoernment is lociteti l the capital cf Panto Domingo. , Iteî a walle I city on the banks of the Czarn- Riverc was foundtinlu1416 by Bartbholorniew (oln- bus. anti bas about 28,000 inbnb -tante. These peuple andti te le cooitcuy bave moitierapiti proeveos inter tinerai CUlises Heureaux, WLe J- pc.the heo the L'Governei Pb o' .cp.t years. Ilin. ijhlices Heu -' ci Wî1 Demrinin, notan Haycia'o, a.,rLs eci i been stateti, Hoe;vas vcr l 'ptaoi broati-shouilderetianti of sikn,; c-,i- mandin2 appoarance;Lirflîr stiffataIthe cibow from builtstai, whic sleeping in acai Go 'b wblere il mon attejmp'd e sla biii ;on ha miarch te be ir wvs hoonl-residcît e as do1 oticentti an.spoaking a~i wricing Spanisi, E oigLiJtc O Ger man. General Heureaux ws or n -tr Plata in 1846, anti sy t- e 1- ,il againsl Spain feom iflu c TI , 1 hoe was pot aI the beati offdte Domninicans, who son~t oicjtv thelr country by ir(uoc ingi orgtm ta] telocale on île isl:tnd.Aslei v-inoctiail tie -weaitby inoýL Aano;iuî Liý forces, anti whenhoariv iatch gates oethIle hielocic city0f anteDo- minge ho was chosen Pesdetof tbe Re0publo, anti servetd i hie erm cf four yonrs. At tie, expiration of every four yoars an eleclorai ceilego semlsin lie city le vote tee a Presitient for the fellowîng f erni, bol, owing t e Gnerol Heraxspopularity anti abulicy, lie bas always been unanirnously re-electoti, antidiffeti whie eeeving is fifîli 10cm. Mo \vas assiseetinlU sgovernment by a Honse of Roprosentatives, electeti front the 12 different districts of the repubi. 1Presitiont Heureaux las aiways been looketi upon as the father cf bh eoie anti, while lie was a clora rclr,hlias aiways provodti laI ho lad the welfare of bis country anti people at, bond, anti tbey have matie remarirable ativancernent lode is leadershp Ilusciarîicteristic ceoinoas anti quicir- n055 0f action was eiown one morning when oentering tle palaoe, wbere ail Gov- erumieol business tra sacentei. -As ho passoti under the ardieti enlranceway wbere lwo sentinois are aiways on guarti hoe npticeti whea thoy proconlti arme as usoal Ihal coeof the mon starledti t lower bis rifle, wilbout any apparent besitation the Presitient tirew bis revol- ver, shoeting the would-be assassin, Ithon passeti on te bis prIvate offlce, 'irbere le gave ordetlo letgardti lere 10 ce- move a "ticat man" lying aI lie main outrance. President Heareaux's office was locateti on the second floor cf lie palace, anti nny one wishlnig le 500 hlm cenîti enter the main entrance, where are stationeti lwe officers on guacti; thence yen pro- ceaedt p thbe clairs le hie office, ns yen would t0 any business office. Paesing along tle corridor yen saw bis Cabinet efficers aIt teir docks through the open doors of their respective offices, wiero a yonng offlcer was on guard. This officer announceti you.e arrivai; entoring, yen isazw the President aI his desir. Ho aiways greetati yen cordialtly anti f yonur busi- ness was oal1y cf trivial importance, le üranjsaclti 1Ilt hora; but if il was Of 1a private nature yen were ushareti mb a largo audience hall, where ha was nover disturbeti. as lie allowed no guacds with him Ihero. Somo years ago a consplracy, beatiot by several prominent young menonfethe raéýpubic, who hopedti t gain wealth tati position througli the death cf Iheir culer, aýttemptedti l taire hie lite anti slart a revolion. Their plot was clevarly planý netci anti eoomingly sure of sticcese, fer the Presideat showoti ne suspicions, cou- tiau ing his custemary mode of life, walk- ing ant i ing throughout thbe city as naiwithout guards, althougli at that lime ha was fuliy posteinla verytietail cf their sehemec, anti when their plans wera f nily matureti anti thelr lime for action aI hand ie h bathem al arrosteti anti throivn la dungoons of the olti foriflatlne.Th a pýýalty fcriesc this sort le aiways dealli, Se soon after thefr irrestt hey were drawn n li ln on-the oid îDarati greunds wici l -r- --r ýl