4 J t-ni.ýau_.'nMna -they we juuetAug. 5., ffLtat the '8Fl[fulesidence . ~ . p1nd'reception ai buse to untaugle a coh.web wbieb bad of bon son, the Boy. H: T. Lewis, B. A , .-d,,Io"oedSunday witb f iends. The heen previously arrauged sud cansed Scugoz. She gave three sons 10 the _ Wîillhe at Onono fronu 9 s. im. "e noN g uîg are due aI Banff, N. W. T., plenty of amusement wvhile it lssted. Meibodisi m-inistery, luwbich she bas 2 p mn., and ai Neweîastle fnomi2,30 un- day anid are to spend noxi Suudtay ai Oilen games were indulged in diu in, hree broibers. ti-t.h. uie eodsu on~ iLc0vor, B. C. hoe eveuiug aud everynone bof t feeling i no h eodadfu *rlvrman ainuontuio a reduct'LIon sale, ibis social way. A number of the con GldpaisC6w sdBrdgvork, 6pm Dupon hi they dIo as thoy adver- gregatuon were also preseut aud voted C AÉ-- sd.anls... JH sRoad theiravi on firsi page. the whole -ffair a linge success. Lnd Pi aïranîOesx specialiies O N H L AR 1wÀ*0Ail work guaranteed by Jas. Goard. PERSONAL. Rev. A. G.F. Carscadden of Scarboro Bicycle Beits for gentlemen at Rick- - is home. ards. MisW iWùnfe. loskin is visiting friends Mr. Alex. Christie is home from the Teacher wanted for Antioch school. in Barrie. Klinduke. See ad. Miss Millie Gri-gghas been visiting Miss Stuart of Toronto is visiting at Cyclone at Tyrone-see correspon- iu Toronto,,r . i.Hokns dence. Mr. Addison, Barrie is visiting Rev. Mrs. lliltz and Miss Forrest, Dundas, Ge yuilatenscadlstc o Js.A. E. Harding. are guests of Mr Thos, Tod. T I eGard .b ais'S sa Miss Emme Knight is spending bier MatrWlleKvi, i-tnis 'M. aye's.Mr. Colin MeLean is home from a Miss Smith and Miss Gertie Smith,are Men's and boys'linien bats of ail kinds jolly visit at Toronto. guests of Mrs. F. F. Morris. EFali s at M. Mayer's.' Mrs. Jas. Hern, St. Paul, Quebec, .is Miss H. Burke is visiting hier sister M. A. James is Government issuer geto r .Hm x.(o)HgeLnsy F o t is pu po e he e of M arriage Licenses. M iss Jennie M eLean was recent Prrnd M s. F e B e1l, Os a a is nothing equal to ou opPwe e'lrS b audygeto iss Walsh, Orono. spent Sundav with bis mother. Our fretNihil' Miss E. IcCellan is visiting bier sister Mr htsde, Cannington, was rec- S. and J. Brand of Inseet The latest and cbeapest in fedoras Mrs. B. Brittain. Ingersoli. entguest a, M~r. Wm. Trewin's. Powder. It is entirely and stiff bats at M. Mayer's. Miss D.K.Nicbolson, Toronto, is visit- Mr. W. Thomas, Oshawa,1 renewed For the finest G: y Bonle Collar Buttons regular bc doz, ing friends in Bowmanville. old acquaintances in town recently. diffren fro a ot o Saurda 8edoz t Nchols'.Mrs. W. Horsey and daughter Hlda' Mr.- H. G. Wills, Toronto, was inoke ea n thfe re L r m a o 'f Sauer c o a ic o s.have been visitin g lu Oshawa to n iis wee re re entug . . D nandn t-h uffthtisbi Send in your visitors' names,citizens.; I onLi ekrpeetn .G u sod s nec Pwdr we cannot possibly know of them all, Mr. Harry E. Cberrý,, Schenectady, & Co. It klseeyfyi ml amounit of money go to Rick . Mrs. W. P. Prower aud Master . l-gutsoMran Mrs. Evans, Port lie have gone on a visit to Berlin, M .II es n f T r n o P lc mergodsatouchJohnton Cryv- ing bier friend Miss Loua Mason. Fo-e sgstfiscuinM .T.. T V I. Tn-io Msn reboi aîninTmot issSabr Turubuli, Orangeville, is Au 8 n vuwllrgrtITteretvsiig irbrother Bey, J.- IL.Turn- W elalkinds of oftb n o ilre ti b tMiss E. Colgate, Guelpb, is visiting bull, M.A. Weeelai ear. in town, guest of Mr. Wm. Trewiu. Mse om oc n daRn FlyPow erbutreom- Thse wbo appreciate atstic print- Prof Goldwin Smith, Toronto, celeb- are visiting in Port Hope at Mrs. menci the above, ing should send their orders te TIIE rated bis 77th bitbdayv last Suuday. Thompson's. TePplrGoes STATESMAN. ~~~~Miss Arnistrong, Toronto, is guesi of The Misses Gilmour* (2), Toronto,___________________ i.ii.njup.y-Parasols of ail kinds sellling, off at Miss Joness, "Retreat Dairy Farm. bave been guests of Mrs. Tumubuli at ~ffh1~. reduced prices at Couch, Jqlhuston & Mm. and Mrs. Thos. Osborne visited St. Paul's Manse. MOLE *VKR Crydermau's. Mr. T. S. Brant, Wbitby, recently. Miss Kate Ellott bas returned from Some lines of Dress Goods sellbng off Mr. Sam. Burden bas beeu visiting Port Hope where she was visiting bier HIV TUQV at about hall price at Coucb, Jobuston his daugbter, Mrs. C. Tod, Wbilby. cousin Miss Eva Braund. II' 1,11i UVLqY E & Cryderman's. Mrs. Churchill W. Cubitt, Toronto, Mrs. J. McWain, Miss McWain and ________________________- Mr. Wiliie Barrett had the top of bis is at ber fathem's, Mm, J.- B. Fairbairu. Mrs. Nl Osh)ýormne are visiting friends rigbt fore-inger eut off wbile cleaning M.adMs e.Baok ootat M:,rt ic a nd Port Ferry. bis bicycle Fmidav. were guests of bis father over Sunday. Mrs. Dingman is selling the latest A beutiul ot o ne Blusesseling Mr. and Mms. S. E. Soncb Mt. Vernon bat-Rouigh Rider. Be uip'to-dato and off for verY little rnoney at Couch, were guests of Mm. Sam Aluin, Suinday. buy this pretty and stylish bat.7î Jobuston & Cryderman's. The ates sons. 0e. eud or ct- isiug br unle m. S Head, Hmil Messnd rs. HRober. t Soucdba, e fY u W a tT e We expect a nice company of minis- Miss Nellie Saunders Is guest of. ber M. P adrs.obSte and family,twr ters and teachers on the 1000 Island brother, Mr. A. J. Saunders, Toronto. Mm F. a san f mi ,Too ow r curionFrday Ag. 8.Mrs. Alex Taylor and son Clark are recenit guests of Mm.]Johu Trewin. The ates sogs. oc.Sendforcat-vistinglierunée Mr S.HeaJonessl on an anAArturur rriMorris minare Y ucampingen alogue. Instrumental and vocal music ton a ruesLnlnLk cgg alwavs n scoe.-Jas.GoardMiss Della Osborne bas returned fmom a muesLuig aeSu'o 11e. E B Bauo, Nrml, îî, wîîa pleasant visit with frieuds in Nap Mr.Jon. Bay,Miss IreneBrav,EnfleldOr nie usis or pRe.,eh m.oBunaves N ing ,El, in thanee, aud lisqes Loule and Ethel VanNest, Organdie Musîjus wort Metodstchuchnet SudyMrs. Thos Jury, Rlochester, N.Y. SoVlia eercu ussa on Zephyr Ginghams. wor S imostouc etSnalisM.adMs .e A. G. Sinclair, MA., receut graduate visiting bier parent mFadMs.'. V.J.. ,elaes"iswkfo4 4 Kevr.r.Iaebvsthswekfri of Knox College, bas reeeived a -unau- Kerr olidaxs, spending some ime at Grims-4 mosctea stPesbyterian Cbnmeb, Messers. Leonard and Cecii un- by Park. He will be borne for bis work PotHope. HealTroto.re uss f Mr. ed firsi Sunday in Septemober. Ladies' Print Blouses Y pandoby DrdC. L. Staris on--la Mes teadEfi opeT- The House of Commons ba ving ad- Best Prin"s in the tracý Another shipm ieut of Hou. Joh DrydenL, wbh on-as cc M ise te n ffeHoeT jonmned Iast Tbursday our esteemed that Importedl Castile ou a trip througb Noew Ontario b as merouie, bave beeu guests at Mr. Jas. Mc- member, Mm. Rob'.. Beith, iis home look- Prints Fast Colors, spe turned borne. Leau's, inog well aftem the long summer session, Ladies Cotton Hose, Wi Soap (the best the world This week's inside pages contain _Master Harrv Thompson, Wbitby, is Mis ad ofCigo11.MssD ssG dsw rh5 local uews, correspoudence, and a spec- spendi0g bis bolidays at Mr, W. B..Ms aeo bcgIlMs rs od ot 0 prodces hasjus arrv- aI1 Newell, of Kalamazoo, Micb., and Miss ,rdcs isjutarv aîinîeresting sermon by Dr. Talmage Coueb's. Hlunt of London, England, wbo bave Dress Goods Worth 25e ed. Secure stome at once. te working people. Miss Fairbaimu and Mr T, 1M. Faim- been visiting their aunt Mms. C. L Linenl Table Damnask -v WTe haxe it by the bar Take advautage of the G. T. R. ex- bairn are visiting at Mm. W.. R. Brocks, Munson, bave zone te visit relatives iaLnn al Dm s W iv ty-tebrcursion te Kingston to-momrow to visit Toronto. Toronto sud Buffalo. ie TalD msk- -ra frien ds in eastemu towns. You, eau Miss Mande Rundie, Bethesda, is Mm. sud Mrs. J. Golds, Guelph,' are White Bed Quilts wort orin small cakes a 25c, stoploff at auy station. spendiug lber holidays witb friends lu visiting ai Mr, Wm. Trewiu's. Mm. per dozen. Mm. T. J. MeMurtry will mun bis baud Cobourg. Golds sang lu a clear, baritone voice Towelling Worth 10e fc waggou te the lake every Friday te Mrs 1ev.) J. J. lise sud Miss Neli "Peace,Wonderful Peace," lu the Meth- Towelling worth 5c foi J. H. H. J uRY, lfl'ui meet Gardon City. Leave orders ai bis are visiting ai the borne oflber parents odist cbureb Sunday evening to the CîrdCto hri MORLEYCWm. ÔUi tdM old office ou Thursday. if. Brighton. greai delight of, a ver.y large congrega- o re CtonSiir All work-painting, kalsomining, Master Herbert Tod-bama is visiing lion. Colored Cotton Shirtiii W E TEST YES FREBI papein-guaranteed whon doue by relatives ai Leaminýgion sud other Fl ioo înssdby'srwS ____ TEST___ MES__ FREE___ ._J.____ fo e ek.gret rh inearly be- points West. Fl lbatsilul ndby' ta fore____the____________rush_ beglus. Miss Editb PotIer, Peterooro, is visit baia M. Mayer's. WMNIL. exdortSann Present STATESMAN snbscribers wbose ing bier aunit, Mms. W. (G. Ruidie, sud Send volur work 10 Jas.Goard,Watch- BOM VILNxdor1Stua >GRAND YRUNK RAILWAY. subseription for 1899 is paid eau bave other frieuds ai Betbesda. maker sud Jeweller. 4 - ib~~~tis journal seul te any fieud to the MsBryEdalbseuohme Gel yonr scbool supplies at Jas.Goard, BowmA-'vnLuC STATION, < century for only $1.00. Order te day. from a pleasaul sojouru witb bier uncle Stationer sud Jeweller. GOiM EAST. CGoîa'G WEST. Mr. Daniel Winn bas thresbed spring Dr. Garrett, Youkers, N Y. Good W' ill Soap 4c a bar, 7 bars for lITT T' i 'r (1 Eir ress ... 1 ar. . 1 Expres... 5 23 fi. m wbeat. The grain is an excellent >11ev. Mm. McAmmond Victoria Un- 25e Satnrday at Nicholîs'. ~~' *Express .... 10 17 a. m.1 Local .5 18 ', samplo sud yield large. Hoe &xpecis t0 ivomsity, Toronto. is guesi of 11ev Dm. J. Watebes, dlocks, jewelemy, spectacles, ri A Ï% BU A D UO i'assenger.... 32 P-i.1 Passenger. 1 35P.mB Local,... 651 p.M.I Express... 739 h ave over 1,00busbels.-Lindsay Post J. Haro ai Port Bowmauville. rings, etc., repaired by Jas -Goard,Jew- 'Kxpre... 11o3 l M.A.James, Bowmanville, is Govemu- Mr. Frank Brimacombe snd family chler. 1OW M DaL. STOTT & Juar. Towil Agents meut Issuer of Marriage Licenses f Or Rochester, N.Y. are visitino. in town Taike tbe 1000 Island excursion by G.B0W m A1 ____________________ __the County of Durham, during business guesis of Mrs. R. H.,Ilambly. T. R. uow the Cambria's calis are eau- boums ai office, ai bis resideuce Centre- Mrs. sud Miss Fleming and Miss celled, st., ai night. Jusi of Brooklyn N. Y. are guosts of Jusi a few Sterling Silver Enameled ZltT. J. McMrtry's baud wagon wiil Mrs J. Carscadden, Beech Ave. Boit Clasps lefi ai Rickard's will be sold make daily trips 10 the lakeuntil furth- MisE or noice.The outewilMbesaono. sie Rundle, Betbesda, speut ~a a a reduclion. BOWMANVILLE. AUG. 16, 1899. Cbumch Si. startinig from the Public vomy pleasant, week with friends ai Note the sale ai Newcastle of two _16O Sho t2 o'clock. l Maple Grove sud Sout4 Darlinglon., bouses, fumiture, etc., the esiate of the Seool ai 1c ate refrigt Mr. M. 'Cryderman reached Butte, late Thos. Tamblyn. Sho Laes eguar10edoz Sauray eveal icopatie ar fomiGe1 ontana, sud found Mr. sud Mrs. Do you want a perfect fitting suit? f&uatw V Sho Laes eglarlocdo, Sturaygo on Excursion to 1000 Islands. GoChas. Brackeu sud Miss Svuihià ready Tf se leave your order aI Concb, John- bc doz. ai Nichlîs'. your friends wbo live back lu the 0reîimstn&Cyean. te grethim sto &FCriernaes.n One np t 100 Issudsis orthtencountry or oui of theusual reach of sncb trips te other rosonts. >Go on Aug. 18. a popular excursion te visity ou and go Mm u r.FakMDwl u New subseipiions received ai THrE th Mibdii . o Cborgbod oo. sou Frankie, Toronto, are spending STATESMAI, office six days a week bo- The annualicu 12 ofCoc o inuBrgJ J ia' srmnonib Sistheir bolidays wilb bis motber Mrs. tween 7 a.m. sud 6 p.M. Pes~ t ad 1hiranul ieie ýt12 'coc oint te.Ton.gue e" mon9t n te ti (Rev.) D. C. McDowell. A few good Leather Bouts for sale at ho semr"abi"wiîntî,Snay o teTngtws fetile i amn o t ud Miss L. Mao Pbilips. of Rochester N. Rickard's ai a ednced price, fine for Caîl and getmny prices. I arn as advertised ibis season at IPort Bow- hi everybody in some way. The Y. accornpanied by Mr. G. Brewster camping or mnorniug wear. mavilcburcb was full. The music was also Tuthiel, is visiting bher aunt Mrs. M ' ,New is the urne for aranging for anvitlerik. mlxosa eua mucb onjoyed. Cryderman of Beecb Ave. yonr papering, kalsomining, painting. bc cake Saturdlay 3c cake or 9 cakes for Sunday morming fire broke ont in the Mr. sud Mrs W. L. Payno,Colbomne, etc. J, C. Weeks eau serve you satis- 25 a ~ibols.tannory owned by Messrs. Jas. Robson celebrated their silver wedding Aug. 11. factorily. & Son, Oshawa. The building was when over 100 silver preseuts were The popnlamity of tbe 1Q00 Island Ex- Organdie sud other Muslius selliug burned to tbe ground, along witb sîl given as tokeus of respect. Mr. Payne cursion is sowbybefciatsv- off ai redlnced prices at Couch, John- the stock. Estimated bost, abont $45 000, 15 a lawy r. ahpr o wb he ou has er aeN s h i sto & rydrma's.insurauce about $201000 Misses Minnie Rogers sud Emma going again ibis year-Friday Aug. 18. W Ail orders for, trips te the lake ln Me- Inspector of Prisons,Dr. Chamberlain, Brown, Enuiskillen, were recent guesis Cub hisik1 oia te Mnrtry's baud waggon should be lefi was in Cobourg Tbnrsdav inspecting the' ai Uncle Toms Cabin, on ibeir retun n rmedis ttsticpeesto i, evttear A lady said te me lasi week, ai bie old office sud wl receive prompt gaol, sud with the Sheriff, assigned the fnom a trip te the Thousand Islands by rmptl e d by Dpowr. Wds t oli rea but after soing wbat you bave an, attention, ~~~~~~~~clIs in tbe coui gaol, five in numben, teCabia ine Syrnp. Try it, sud yon'll be con- Do'bemse.Dnibyfo Titz STATESJIAN ill ho eniLte10auy for tbe bistinguisied company ibat will 11ev. J. S. I. WVilson, B. A., wife sud vincod'by being cured. my prices, sud kuow wbat you are 'ýxnale rnew subscriber to the eud of arrive thene next montd, Pare, Holden, familyý,.Sontb Darlingion,, bis sîster,_________________WidwSae.Ncusa 189 1or -. Te%. C T U.-i1e-soialaiibeTidal,-ete-oo,.reca1pig- a Ntics fllrtsMrrageanDeahsCNoai Poosversceap aP e I n Hustie. -h 25e for 12-lc. ýth 12-e for Se. ,th 25e for 15c. 20e for 121c. 15e for 10e. worth 40e for 19e. de, worth 12,1e for Se. ecial for- 5e. rorth 17e a pair, 3 for 25e. ýfor 25e. îc for 12'Fe. worth 40e for 32c. -worth 30e for 23c. -t $1.25 for 95e. for 7e. )r 3e. irg Wob2th 10c for Tic. ng special for be. rd Bank. Ne N VI LLE. of and D~eale±r in s of Mfatetrial. sure my work will please you. for Room Paper. 'T sent away foyr paper for my hall ,nd ' vour prices, I arn very sorry." sam-,ples. Inspect my patterns, get ., getting. Satisfaction is the word., aid no trash, ail good stock andi good Ictures, Picture Frames and Room 'oice Window Plants for sale, sh styles,. «' Slatcr S ' as ihey are -da ' Ci ý e tr) fit i.itî, ail -cuAyar V, e',~ CeI or the sC $3.5o anid $5.c;. Sole Local Agent.. e-I roeeries, Fruits, Provisions, 1ail Camuping Supplies in the ianvile. 1 Telephone No. 65. ý,,,àNITE MORKSq