1, ilurs/ays, calling at Darlington, (Port cf Bew- When yen get the firut tuinge etf Santation oethtie Hense;" Margaret frien/Jly relatious existimg between Cen- To tise thios/ip /Jceep in isease en/J wl,3?,t 1 even' Ma/Je rr mrnover îienllesmp.m. LeaveMoitreal andToronso rheumatism eD ote fD.Hl' is;,,lJwrites et "Fashions au/J Feb aae/ ieUiie~eeaRta osteigto )0/ rbok/uyrge t 'ynuast et o Hsd -amilton Mýondays ccd Thuslays, calling RJicumetic Cure. 15 wilisave youa world ries, " uittisuggestions tor homo droîs- woi )iets oemo-eca o eanJlvrcmlbi, <'m~îîrneu- es n/J fLe-m, wriiothir .ntfor 4fDarlington!, 6.00 p.m. day follcwiug tudr de- et trouble, pain en/J expense. Do mret makiug, nractical papens on the duties attend, Mn. Devin ivanted to knurie egi dsepi r/Jr'vvspot - V-,s te psiioflormari PibTilirfi uS orne. -delay. 15 'will. cure theo xdost o fs n th ie home, ar/Jsn/ editoniel wr-if- tise Premier ha/J te say about if. te<ehnm~'tttrr ets rÀ I)AL:-Steamers from Toc onto 2.130 pm. case. Mr. William Cobura (carter), '148 ilng matze up eiveinabie numnher. Geo. The Premier-I bave nesiugtSe say. :,-ourceot oa lie n b sweld ea5u I l onfectoeismootcnmawliss teamems Pi=eSt., KiuosifreJuiisMs ismeliPusihSpigllJ LaSer on Sir Wllfrid deilined te lb9 ofrPiest'myC-'in.Ti r rr' ' 2 fo Qeeca/JtsefarlmeJSauna. culer Rhenmatisma fer turo years. Turc M si ki a yar-;aOc.ehcpy.ineriee/.ilet anshiretdieae _etint"eTanhe,/~ W ortee an/Jthifrmt i on appiyto: J c- boutles of Dr. Hall'u Rheumetcaepnmntiaelktie euvesN mejen us T~ YoL ir.LÂe BoanvnfieiOt.. o. F. c- ca-red Sii oncmpl'étely. This preperetion C idef prp-eiallLity e0/vrie eeis 5 setat LgieLt. CîýmFA, BowmavilleOnl.. î takeniitnmnalby. z;o cents a hottIe, ,IýelC yý0r,,e flf-icl o gtraffi e am. Gnerofics,22 SA Pu.atLondon, Ang. - 5.-l ie os t ao t ietcuefrietoes IRADLEY-GAIRETSON CO., Linrited, SrtMentreal, Que, <&"g'e *---S T Ci Fn-$ * birpas ____ "e____ Do yotufr ~u Ihave a weak, tired feeling? UNCLASSIVIED. cI Tak Mlle'sCompound Iron Pis. Corea1 has granted a concession tri La Mr. Arhur JoustonGreen Ood Gr"rtin syndicate to build a railroad E ,6tan ul 4 1e8S9r9ro eol the capital, to Gensan, in v W M NHLEoAGr1, 18 9 se f0 the Broulgton Bey, on the west coast3 of Mrs. (1ev.) Caleb Parker and daught- ThreBlalnp.tca iuto rw Which make Plymouth Twine indis- IT PAYS TO BUY THE-, er Mattie, Napanee, are visiting friends daxker dý1aîly. The state officials' salaries pesbefrte G vrn etINmB Local and, tewi,,. in t .haeiln been paid for two niontbs, and icabe -fgretest vrnent p rec Plowing ander green clover lias been a minî iterLiail crisis and generai upheaval Sevc g ats sre th prf t proved by experiment to be excellent is expected soon. vnes extreme' egh freedom Miss Carnie Martyi.ii visitin- friends for crops. The Departiment of Crown Lands bias g in Jamestown, N. Y. improvements in the Town Hall are receivefi a letter froin William Margoch, frm ages pu t-re bouel ~ieHeaacean rceva'ltheroblés !Iiil. Mr. T. Hoar's letters are read with mi-tel admired., They were neededGoenetimeagtet aPot ncss yaso oth Tw etat iI det o biio~ c.oo hesyte.schasgra itees b hnded.badiv, too. age,1avising the department of the d dentte, a n th Sde, 3 Whtheirmeuhaset Thie 00 siab nd crso. nFia or.tas1 ikeshv endat fJh rw, oarnepeifeet work in' every harvet ain iiiesssî bcnhow vir promisT e 10slandeExcurstone.sold by 'M.'A. James this year than for wowsdrowned in the Mimikon River, field. The selection of Plymouth for Mn, has Bnttan, orotoas eenthe past two vears. Jî 2 spr.dngh s hia si ii orton M. .Cowil, tnat n h frm 1ecv. S. Card, Protestant hapain of G overu m ent service w as flot m ade sedng hi hratet urp 2 s fMn iHnTre, ato townhad the Penetanguishene Reformatory, says hpaad but, after the most care- Stergerae o urDe82 5 b avery fine field of Fail WOeat. that Woodsrick bas beau choe as the fui practical test had thoroughly die- o Lier n19 ire eavr Lie-M A. ame, Agntýloca.tion foi- ihe new reformatory, buta eaah.t Crf Lt Lie thyPise se Bosr inest. A.rJam eAent. rs S Wlon T.oto2-sben as not yet been decided. The iofstraiOu lu to b unte DI2rD. reg~r. thb I. E~n1t~eOfly bm.The specific remnedv for troubles of Haveyou eeu he Cnnei Chaberthe blood, kidneys' ,tonmacb, liier, is TEDAw er i d ' ince it ,,vas reinIvated ? It lo,; vers Rood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood Matthow Black of Toronto, who xnys- heeotber rans fail. fine. purifier. teriously ispiard neda l week TITH IDEMARK îS eufefrmt ed 'e~'gcc~hrnbtfrt. Seldoin have we had sncb very long àMr John H1. Tait of United Staesws drowned as Owen Sound. Ris body n[tI SE£ HA YOU GET LT. liate1thscrdc ncnhre,andthose dry wahr -jlvadAugs, h Cust »mS Chicago, iii., n SnMlvlewas fournd lu thas barbon on Saturda IiIULLILMJ.l.TA Vloeonce pVi~r irL, intie lUsi. ', 0., *bel sm mwae aihjc.. lt bc wR. a. Stewart, are guests of i1s brothern u No xnquest will be belld, as he acted If Irour dealer does not liandie oui' Twine write Ply-, ~i~UdOitL~t~ieA ~AcTvE nMEN WANTED.-To read ibis towvn, strangely. acivertisement and then give Pntman's Prof E. A. irkpatrick writes lu the Mn. J. We. Drybrough, one of the best moti Binder Twine Ageney, 54 Bay Street, ToroutQl, Painless Corn Extractor a triai. It Auo'ulst lieview of Reviews on "Play as polo playes nsl England, died ia London 1ee fails to cure. Act.s lu twenty ou a factor in znocial antd E ducationai nF¶aalh eutc nacdn ls the ,ac ou'-~vqtihrc. qmllt'a hours and causes neitler n non dis- sustained durng e polo tournament et7 -3eaGtliecmoPtàu3 PainnetCornsEx-Rugby. Re and an Amp'ican gentleman 0te1-Cakeourg sic t 3ou tott.uh:lcîethîecofr. Fsm-s anes oi v trthers dots ors.ltns he. su amed McKay eollided. ï,y as tr- cO r e -, hburn tiv c er. Wds te rweaey M rW . ý.,a 'vrp -'i wke a dose. Mn. John Davidson, -;,hbr, w~rmde empwnest eeeae At Hamilton a verdict of accidentai 'Xhey arr e~~~cict1- ie- erb'ed bv Dr, Vnotd's iperwaydeath was returned by the jury empanel -______________ purgeo D rîh r-îî dstnl ydesdaies a inie tn- Pn yuTry it, anid yoil eco-leu on the case of William Peneli, whose t'ut'I y LI,: _onae euploase ail wha jdoust l haito t M.Win.nnieg , ined bv be be cou- usethe. I'crlse Ser tby ua CCo Exhibitijdgon Mn. Wm. Bnsî,vicd ybentcrd..body was fouund on the shore atBayviewr bydeg~tCse ywer-,crenhyai CBr a deoun Faihrssrt.1e. . W JllifeCoiborue, was ru Park. Deceased was a brother of W. E. .I1 CARTR CDC~E C., Ye~. Bandn Fim.Avon, Ont., recenIly ayedthro onPnueli, editon of The Markham Sun. D idn't W aik L I TOLEDO, ONT.-Mr. Lewis Johustoin conoftesru ils fhs ~~~ ~~of this place vias tazen cdown w- - Iaccuso hesrosilns fbs at .W Wieelucmad -rhennîatisnr, had two cdoctors in at atnd-heseae Comfort, reports finding the ance wa getin noboter.Threlà Must net be confouuded with cemlion body u a mýan cff Port Lambtou, Ont.D c o s s i o o o o t x* , -days afttr ho started takin Mîburn's cathartic or purgative pis. Carter'h It is bogtatobe the romains of Capt. ii l i s n ia Rheumatic Pislho w-as eut7et bcd and Little. Liver Fis are entirelv unlike Mdiision of Car Ferry No, 2, who feu _____________ in eue week ho was welî aurd able se go thora lu evory respect. O~ne trial wl vror from his craft some deys ago. MlunsHatadNrePl~ Msa.T IBR O- a tLin of Diarrhoeaor about., cedn nme tteprove theïrsnpoiority. tr .T i noncdta ude ad , £Jîriis eart and NU er e on ESSand T.d i tRNt beaO-'<' c We saw sovenai tires PURELteY. T Cue SOeas 1Ai.hero egade assure you that my case was a very severe Eveny scednnme fte1 none htDde aCy nadhdi o enfrteuseo 'Z amr'AvctLondon, Ont., , î1btween Toronto aud Bowmau\ -i .le thse London, ýEng., antist. will shortly asIcale Milburn's Heartan Nerve il do o D C' ÎL Farfe do es ers odtec hn hase , T1he Aug. ruosdacf. Sortie grain ivas burnîed lub 'arid aM Lziu ' ie s huabeelieve 1 wouid ho alive to-day. 1 do ysenLerya~vvL ~ 1 ssees aotte hndimsfhe l alast.theh mrre f rs Lzro unrcea The case of Mr. G. 0. Arcbibald, of not kuow, exactly, wbat was Ile cause o fD , L R S X . i ssue sis aincome numr.eJopnactical aeediconO StOOe1 - s widow, residing on Parkviw avenue, Iopew l CapeNB., a eut of w om - - iusrotig ifomaion Soe cosnbuesToronto.oreofteeees of the drsease, but it gradually affected tnOCNOEu'ls-r rnbtot the Review et Reviews for Augus a1 appears helow), i n ftesvrs my legs,, util 1 was unable ta waik Sh _ýi Erupsions roS itee gra.,butn paper ou "Phe Present and the Future Rerruan ,rHauser, treesurer or tise Rer- and most iutractable that bas lever been bardly any for five mnonths. - \1,7i EupiosDob T Ro>j-A .V.!ln' of the Heorse." ald lSquýare Theatre,Ne York, jnrmped 'ri I asuder tihe care of Dr. Morse, Aric ale uesthm asoUdun hee onee article in. the lino offor ooln rieadwsnscd of Melcose, who said 1 bad Locomotor uIlg and Lever Sores, Ijicers. Bol b rnkIcev h pyiiasu Ataxia, and gave mie up as incurable, BERRY willprorn tly eýlonis, Comns, Varts, Cuts, îies that gvsselroa euu that e man will undoubt-ýed'iy survive. Burns, Scaids, Chapped Hauds, <hal' for, the monrey as a good porous streugth- -lrylffr "2cvleo lDr. Soloinon, a wel-knowu physiciaa eck he dva ce f ilamns. Best Pile cre on eanîh. D Irives enng plaster, such as Carter's Smart Preie Hrd1 bt orBrc1i.e u1 of Boston, toi I rue that uotbirsg coul hL' ehc, dv n eo ut Pains and Aches, Ouly 25 c. a box, Weod arnd Belladouna Plastoýrs. Thursdlay mioming, wisero h, ill bceie's done for mne.' Every eue wlio carne ta Cuegaate.Sl ySotad Busy, very isusy, bave we been at; the. us tM.Florwt hr ovisit me tbought I cuver could get betterl Cr ure, rgara toodTE M Ofie. fSold by Stots and -'w hl g se a he Gatineau Club. Subse- I saw Milburn's Heart and Nerva t ese dangeQrous dis- Jury,îDrngglit.STATESMAS offieatoe some eeesP hou-aqnentîyho wand spend ome1tîrue et . King Street ti11 this year a splendid day time and aIl. We do fine prînting Panny Sound. - Pifls advert s adthou gavI eulry ease, m forcyru is uow a terrer to ail -the people knov it, too Annoncemeut lbas been ruade of the- mise of helpingmne tbananything I knew of. ,e sewheelmonL-rough, utty, stouy and Miss Bessie Nason, Clover 11i11, N. S., enaagement of Lady Raudolph Ghubrchill X If you lîad scon me when I stanted higb crossiugs. Wheeliig lias nos beon says: III gladly necominnerïd Laxa Lîver ta Lieut. C. (V. M, Coruwaliis-West, son taking those wouderful pus-noS aýle te 15 blas been over 40 years very goilnv iypar 01hetenthis Pilîs, as thoy 'eured me completely et cf tis' mosbeutLayoontibs n use and bas tio equal for season, constipation before 1 had l tnished the West. hIs l saifi that the marniae will goSoigof mcy cnud ayuwme inO, ha cure of bowel complaints BisilAR-'S 1inox NERVE -Wa th third box." coccur lu Octeher next. k1 of oun orold Thre re esuofe his splendid heaith. Indomit Mrs. Hawkins, formeriy et Oshawa, Miss Biggs of Hamilton mystenbonsly 1 ~ ~ I -arm agent for P. 0. Vnckey, of imttoS able wiîî andi tronouos onorgy are btncul otno ri isitiug lundsappeared froru the steamer Modj'esk bu eetvrtre r vd uusta Maine, and havse sld j ~culs- mauy dangerons hitnos foîudn whono Sseuiach, -Lver, Duluth is ne uso0 e auheon Thursday just ns if was uearng the . .,» se-n ers in 8c, days and w, ht d'a on thse market, so it would be Kiduers sud Bowels are eut et orden. Mns. R. R. Hoskiu, Contre St. Toronto wharf. The captelu says ne one reported froru the eastern provinces, and prizo. wise t e c that the fullîmrme, If you want these qualitios and the The well kuowu strengtbeuing pro- feUl overtnoard, andi it is possible she nray bis cure by Milhun's Heari andi Nerve "lN otb;og ebse in th. woorb§I ax d mre Dr-. Fomr'rerýs Ext. of Wild succese they brnu-, use Dr. Kin os Ne-w pentisiof et on, combiued wiîh osier have eocarped thisenotice of hon relativçs Pis tise more remarbhe frrsm the fa't but those pilîs, and I do no.t lsrnk tbeyf Slramcberry, is on every bottie Lite Pis. ohev develop every power eftoneues and a mos perfect nervire, are at the gangwaYs. rthaad rspgiecteiphasicrabl yhves.qalay,ý-,e brain and bodv Oîly 2.5e. as Stett and found in Carters Ion Pis, wbicb wothynd____________icans The seven noxias Iinr.1 res'on-ed YOl i - TOOTbe disease, Lacomotor Ataxia, wiîlr me the. full usý_5f rcy legs J lg' ou n-se boy, ~Jury's drug store. strengthen the nerves and ibody, and TOUNZFRIENDLY. bchM. rhild asfbced sireng-tis and errergy arnd bier healtis Reader, if vyen know, ef any oeein improve thse bloof arîd complexion. wch Ms . erc h ibad ate affficur t*SanIbv n iieics u LE AN CRM.Canada who iutends cressiu tùise Atlan- Miss Macmurtry ith Misses Edua Consequentin Sir Wilfrid Laurer De- ablidedes o theneoundyisvr ta v njoedG.t lO, i.ItL ___tic, necommeud thora te inqu'ire et M.A and Florence Macmurtry, 55 Roxisoro- etineli an ]Invitation to a social known, Wben once it startisît gradualby Hopeweil Cape, N. B.ý vteleteai rowers most Apparent 1. James for rates. Hoe does the steamship ngh St., West, Toronto, are guests et Event in rShicago. but surely progresss paralyzifng thse In addition te tise stem, cit by Mn-. His sehemnes for Revenge. tbusiess ti itrictand eprseut thincle n. hs izead ot Washington, Aug. 7.-F. W. Fitzpat- lower extremities and rendering is vic- Arclsiiald, we hv b-e ls",Ieron of thwoeipesv cniecscn AE rhestf linos.surDarlingnen bastim helpless and bopoless, enduring thse two well-kuown imercsaris of Hopewei1 moe onidncs RE Bir.ous.-A sluggish liven McClune's Magazine for Anguit win nick of tise Treasury DepartrdieCapuent. basýMems. . E Rcso làimpre tanoesie hih H oaa Yeidumerfitonnubriadneure t Wsintn rmîtawb descibes how lie knows is elephant fanl efi hethe poisoees materloeoed wl ,t aseye ie aa ns whene lie went ettfthe instance of tise by inches. adF .Besewocriyt h andwhn hepoionusmate gos il cntin sor o te l ,anIrshTisaS Milbur's ba-t and Non-vo Pis -gonuinenese and accnrac oS the. tacts as intenfis se destnoy hlm, 15 is ait saseem,- through the body lu tise circulation, the story, a raciug story, a storv et tise conmittteo octZeis of Cicago in can cure thos-oughly and completely a given above.y lngly trivial, and yet lun eality of suchchreot% rraisoflynte dealysîuricace Rs tor i s fliwhoie system is saiused and derauged. pieneen circus, a true story et the Secret ceg tt~cnmno fbyu iedisease of sncb sevority ougisitoaenceur- Milburn's Heurt andi Nerva Pibis are 0fdealsgtiia roe fis man's peofulnd This is called iilieusuesand eau ho Service, and a eouintry love sterv bo cornenstone of tisas cisy's great postoflce age tliose wboso dirorders are uot sa 5oc. a box, or 3 for $i.25, ne ail ding- of etalstha povothema's pofondcempletely cnred isy Dr. A. W. Chase 's sides a generous instaIment oet-Booths building uext October, by Presîdent serions ta try this rernedy. gists, or senit lsy mail. T. Mîthuril undenstandiug of wiset ho is fabking Kde-Lier Pilis, whieh act dinectly Tarkingtou's novel, "The Gentleman McKinley, f0 arrange for tise formai The fe lowing is M/r. Archibal's letter. Co., Toronto. Ont. aboutt tattoo;7romainsneqnabiy amazedz Kidueov-Liviana."_Ailof__the______________invitationand_____________________ofthe et tise isnne's power to dissenblo and is ontieler aigitsatyadfnmIdaa"Ale the stonies wili invitationh andi Gvr - e ecte ad eCpabne of tieCanada__________________________________ latendefi victim's inslght Jiutiste would- active. One pili a dose, 25 cents a box. ho vevy tully ilinstratefi. Tise S. S. Mc- tGovernor-Gaeenl efesaiete CanadaorSptmbrisrplt bo mordoron's ciaracer. Andi yet, from Tise cheapest modicine in tise worbd. Cînne Co., New York, Ft pntiniahe lustisseat Uitedtteos Mn. Th eDiairer-hon i for theptemiserttois reploteum tise psycbological eranirpoiru, an elephant Mn. W. Smith, Columbus, lias a seu- NO RIGHT TO L GLIES.-The weman arhiteot for tise Chicago building. atitumu. I'Trninmed Skir'ts" are given~~coiretb yae nover gives any other sois indication et sible lettor nutise Farmons' Advrocate et who0 ii loveiy iu face, fornm and tempen arTo an Associated Press rep)resentative especial notice anti are mesS attractive- 1,OLak.Sle,offectual, Ladies asic Mental power as is exiibirad lu nis ne- Aug. 1, lu wiichlho suggests that wil always have fionfis, but eue wiso lie dmitted tsiat his sofficiai reception et ly illustnated, and tise Millinery pages en.your druggist forCoek-,s Cotton Root Coin- venge. Tisas patiant, watchfui, impîno- faieros reie langer Clydesdales, wsay' hoattrctivsmus Irtise Canadien capital wives iirgitiychiiiy. sho som ver 51.5 h a umînd. aeoCaueros. ai ixue, e $1pe abbe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u isfeotnpooe ipyle nia iiwî 16 cwî, et maturitv .I he swak iky and ail Mn. Fitzpctiik says tisut in substance ton fai wear. Au lunstaimeut et "For box; No. 0,10 egreesstronger,$Sperbox. No. cause a rual1 n s lu endaDce lupon Ho protons puro-isnod Clydoîdcales ov ru down,se will bh ervous and innit- Sir \iîfid's veîunîary statempinîs and Healti and Beauty" expiaining simple i on 2, mailed on receipt of price and iwo -ent anotiser anima.l (for 15 ils e mie with if rougiser, se Sbire. Tise geed Clydes able. Ifse lbas constipation or kidiey euswers ta querras were as follows: Massage, thse epeuing chaptens of" Ti50e stam i. Tendook soînpue recommended. byoat. tuskers te o.test chir neas neiglbors), dall e awa scmad odpio- trouble, lber impure blood wiîi cause "As a, fniend lu wiscrn1IarndepyKinderganten at IReine," amptiy illu5- reUflspo n sl nd rerggî e coir C nd edai speksmor cnclsîelyofa hghintel- "FOR THEESAXE OrFFUN, MISCHIEF ISpimpiesblotches, 5kin eruptions and a intreesten.j, Iarnveny glad tse see you, traie/J, Rists for Housekeepers, and speaks more couclusrvcby of a higis wPlnPehe complexion. Electnie Bittons lins. frank-lya a representative of tise laitbut net least, receipts ton "'Twenty- Nt.lc rij'iecnsril s Ie ectuai guide tisan roi stonies, tmue on Do-E. "-A vess amnount et misehief ji isstho bost medîclue in thseworid tenreg- es ray loa0oermn1u)ieFveDfooni-sfCeigppe JUoH~&ScSr R Y; 1t 01-re 0hV J, tir,. taIetiaShae ae rod f her bi cl. oue, 500, ieceuse people negleett t t omcs lerad inesa Fi aUrq Straes, Mnt n h ve its 5'l ls f oin gubAtio z; N, cSîlO lyLii ?îîcu Suobi concentratinen and flxednescf pur- koep thein blood pure. Tise isebi t onia tse le. ant givo sneng nndrve, Uenmedtates,.y. isea receit hveni tis wSept ic Deinero puation Sales Nwasl u pose, sucis caret ni, unrebaxed vigilance, appears in enuptiens, dyspepsia, indi.hib yeiotsvîev kn îh onfrs otrI ok ied trthe ileadp tanar desgFrasin Cae,,82 sucli perfct and coud ,ent preteirse andgestion, unveusneisi, kidnev diseases, complei mon. h, ill aetya geod lohok- wiRs Eeie oucy tise mGoveo-thest ltis Standarw Y hon Co,,l 82l ~ I~ -wleu tise timei cornes, snob desperate, and otiser ailments. ý riis mischiet, tfor- ing clrming wemau 'of a run-dewu General, aud ho expressefi a sinerdsiem exhlbit, are impeesi1ble witisout a very fui use et Hood's Sensapanilla, which idnug Store.St tand Jury's tecep fie niaina as e.OO I e rG 'iyuortsenaowyit iNomeglar delpn ,1t ticeaue cresad yisease bloniiutig n r ro thodist Magazine au/J Review .for wouid bhave been delighted te, go, and el/J mployers," said a drummer tise N eeat , a-,l rdgeaytiesai hsits etref ce biiprenooAugust bas ne less than eloven admin- wene lookiug torward Se thse day with, other day te a to r tierîds. To this on- Ifs cries Tese have caused it ta0 e Hood's nRS crerl iver ilîs. Non-ý ablv îliustrated artmcles., Professor rauoh anticipation. But sinice tison ti e Uqiytheyalgtee anudtiy worshtipped lua ihe east, wisere men vouer- iritating. , eaba natcl u"h Ietu t erpes isbcmesvir ai origbut n nenciless, irrespousible Fail wheat sowing pointons : Sow Age ia Canada" Dr. A. C. Courtice, oun edaigwt ieAascnbudr xetn te hean a -o'dseya force, and wheo n exhibition of thoso between Sept. 10 and 15, sey li2 busuels "A Century ot Missions ;" 11ev. A. question, snob misrepnesentetions have g "Tom,"Il(temilîen1y ealled by bis triencts) qualIfies and 'alts desribed fuily per acre, goo/J piump ueo/J, Dawson's Browning, Il A Service lu Torntno Cea- beeu ma/Je about oun Governmnt an/J Doi Not onsider Yïo ur 5115e/J baek lu bis chair, acceunts fo)rfise formula, "M-Ny brd tise Golden Obaf vanioty lu goed, 8q with tral Prison," end- Miss C. A. WVilson, pansicularby about me, that it woul/J lie " answenc/J au advertisemeuî about elen hanhrt. dmi11 nortis en/Jsentis, from W te 8 "A Turne/J Lesson," e doyven stony. uneilgn'lfed for us to visit yen, ard I aeIfo erbo __________________incises deep, hanrow with îigiss smootir- This is one efthtie bost numbens oet tiis cannof aovise His Excellency to go.",CaV nc rable, a"e oklLighS et Lite," as the Sil ing barrow. InventeRd oyen sod plow- family Magazine yet issned, juit the Mn. Fitzpatrick sali tisasSir Wiltlfrisnc etntsy uJifnî tc 5 * ý-j a M lTa @%Ným ed AboutAug--i auJ e-lcut-vteJ î-n tn smmr redng.Wilia .ti --ei i- -u tie-pes---stee10 - . sNtain e is sorby, etdtise un Tetment,