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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1899, p. 3

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'IrrF A P",SSPECIAL AND SUBSTITUTE PRIzBs. 1LI BOWMANVILLE. AUG. 30, 1899. OE àt A- M ________________ Should take with them a supp1Y C. M., Cawker, $2 cash for amuse- W îhm k lm uhT îerdsI AST U H L PI LLS. < ~~~~~~~~~of Dr. Fowler's Ext. off ments.1 h h aePy ot Twn ids-IPAST BU TZ Local and Otherwise. Wild Strawberry. Dr. Brimacombe, Dentist, $2, for pensable for the Governrnent Faim1E s T Those who intend amsmet.ervice -greates strengt perfect J R. Worth, $2 Whip, Brd prize, for evnesVxrm egh reo Ifood's Pjll's cure billousness, sick gon aping ths LadyDrv, No. 27. eensete elntte headache smmr hould take WF le,$ ahfrltpiefr from tangles, ,prty aeabsolutely with them Dr.Fow er 9 . .purn,$1casvfr stparefo Miss Nellise DunbarToronto, is guestExrcfWdSaw best saddle horse, No. 26. ncsayas oteT ieta î tick Hleadache and rell cxoa! thetrouble s ,,. of Miss Carnie Cherry.P .0bo o s rz dent to a bilious et e of the i.ystem,,suc s Mi.s bar, Btedis gustof Miss bGett gPe.cach f reic o . 533.kfrlt rz oprfc k i .Djizziiness, Nausem, n owsiifess, nistress afterBetiesdacatch« foreil -%riik, do per 53wor.inevery harvest wean. ai uccesth s en c hýicl=&i otMy asoe MlersRs n ol rn gw McClellan & Co.. haif ton coal $3, 2nd field. The selection of Plymouth for ~emr~bisuceeha benhowinu >ng New lfe for a quater. Mllers Comn ' ter that is flot always prize for Lady Driver, No 27. G erm tsrvc wa fot ade MPound iron Plls. pureoreatingfoodthat Haddy & oMlies 15 o oen etsrie wsntm Mr. Joe. Armstrong, Toronto, spent d are a igltpiefrCMlies 1 0fr h~~zr fe he most care- Point Laceay No.n420ph zar, but, fe a couple of da.ys-ýn town last week. o natc fClc tpiefrPitLcN.40 teaclache, yet Carter's Little Lver Pillg CraPs and Diarrha avs hoemaea,1par Der u practical test had thoroughly de- Venting thisanholoîgcomplaiit,while theyaisa Beaver line-M. A. James, Agent..PrmtretetfrstrzeorWieJv, . monstrated it to be the BEST. Piy- correct aldieorde3 ûftLe ouiacheîmuiate i~ .* .~ w ith Dr. Fowler's J. JRIundie, $1 .25 Whip for rd prize m uhh' a-~ ~ iuo liverandreguiwtet S. c ~eiteoi Ms uhrofTrnoi sedn taserry v hein hfor Sbropshiredown Ramls.Lamb,Ne.102. I&---~~~ AiIS~~ oured a few days with Mrs. James MeFeeters caereevshepn, J*,Gis,$3 arWanot which cause it to work perfectly ~i Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. W. A. Neads checks the diarrhoea Fw o r rz nCwTsN.7. w eeohrbad a rhave gone to visit their sons in Man- and prevents' serions FwTfo Sd rie n CwRADE MA78RK ISthr radsfal ache hey o i.-, ý--'-,ý.epý'ceesstohoseha ioba.consequences. Don't J. M. Joness, $8 Champion CreameryTI rMAKS .~h te' oil e elmspieesothswaioa take chances ofspoi Churn as 2nd prize in Cow Test, No. 78, N EI rT rfVE rRrrn flTAG.î'rm auffrfromithidisrs gc iilplaintbutfortu- Miss N. 1{ewton, Kingston, is guest 'n aw ole SPOi uIuIIAle i Hume, imut uîvuîiî81 ON VERY TAG ,ately theirgoodnessdoe,3 ootend hereand thoso e nl .C or n hi umr' lx lmBtce,$ os efIIUIJI EOIIIL PRII I IIIIIISEE THAT YOtY GET IT, whooncetrythenow lddthce ivle pisvain- of le ueeQapt. C.Kng,'Pr outng through negect of putting a bottie for 3rdl prize for Durham Heifer Caif, Ifyulelrde o adeour Twivne write, Ply- abenoayashîhyxiintb i-Bowmanville. of this great diarrhoea doctor in with your No 38.Ifyu delr os tha lm rested, and have no appetite, take Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, JnD rize o Balmpoedral hrel, B arh, m uhBn Hood's SarQaparilla. It enriches and as most of the imitations are highly dan-. dpi115. ipoedBrsh1ie or vitalizes the hlood. gerous. b tho banceof se niany lives it bere in whore New subscriptions received at TuE________________ Stott & Jury, Druggists, 85 Camera D. BkSipoBrstolýo, ~r ak urget boaRt. Cr1ii ure t whiIe SAES1 . . offftce* Colletion, . ur împsobe-arPC.e7o:MîtIl Oter d ct SATSIA..ofie ixdasa ee b-A ILEcwEDIflor lstprize for L.otanical olctoetc., Bowmanville, Best Turnout open eàà,ày"LàL Carters Little tivor PiIs8 are rerY %man1 and twetân 7 a. m. and 6 p. m. . th residents of West Durhan,double andr, Ivery easy to tale. Oeor to-Oi aka os rs 1 itwit as2g'E.$ i ;cosdeato Port urkeToronosviitineThrodhse.ntJ E.e,.Cole, Butchier, Hampton, 8 nsingla equally eligibhîrlf Oa c r Bowmnvile ues tfMisArmur.meat for I st prize for Tnrkey, Chicks, to be given as to w hether exhibit is for fise theni. in vta'eat 25 cents; fivaefor $. dold Noars,216. farmor's useortonan Smet etveye by dragg<sLs everywhere, or sent by maiL Miss Bessie Nason, Clover Hill, N. S., 'Consumed by Time's devourng Mis Ethel Mris $2 pane China be propeitv of oxhibitor. îst priz6 a3;a. 4rs. Elzbt CATR EIC C. Nw~says: 1I gladly recommenci Laxa-Liver ~Sors ant.p Gilhula, wife of the PARTsR as they cnrCd.meNc"mpletoly flame, plate, for lst prize for hand bonciuet, 2d2 N.2.posmse fB ~¶ 1111 ~~ of constipation before I had finished the In vision fair that day appears N.40 ueGtiMgC oot,3Sle ton, Ont., was taken il iiii f? i o-go third box." When you a married pair become: Cawker & Tait, Grocers, 85 in goods PlaetiCak Baketnvlue$3sacurfo ;s, lst prize on best _oaf bread made iiih stah anrobcue Rev. Dr. J. J. flare and family have Yonr hearts acknowledged iove's glati for lst prize on 30 ibs. Butter ini crocks s rzeo ottbtboa ai wt tmch lroublei No. 261.' Pure Golti Yeast, lst rrize for best pan wihbrpyi returned to the College at Whitby after sway -LwsCrih eotr 4Sl biscuits baked sith Pure Golti Bakin- ciaos pronounced spending a pleasant holiday at -their Lewisprize for best dish4: cf curtisb L~OlES sumer home, PoutBowmauville. Athapws oreigda. Bei'ry lish for îst rz for lady driver, ani9 emmtewît ueGîiWn cne fte~tm L de ackache is almost îmmediateiy re- To-ethier yen began to treati No. '27.etet an ti fim ae l with Pure G ît Wie ,« ach and informed lieveti by wearing one of Carter's Smart That path on whichbright Sunbeamns J. C Vanstone, Miller, $2 50 Cyrus Extract of Vanilla, Nos.,513, 547. hie wtathldese ot Weed and Belladonna Backache Plast- faî1i Flour l 1st prize on White Fall Whieat, Wm. Grav & Sons Co., Chatham MRS. GILHULA. lithe udve ot -ers. Try one anti be free fromn pain. And ail the way y on have been led No. 2729ho- eeuadMsnwl iéfi'd h omne aigBroI TelHwNlun' er laRrePrice 25 cents. uta8HorEad re rcnsa 1000 mile Top Buggy worth $80 cash, Blood Bitters. The resuits that followed 'Tel Hùw lbliri'sHOat ald NrYO Mr. C. R. McCullongh bas sent ns the By Himw-ho knows the neetis of ail; q5 rifle flor lst Prize for Bicyc 1le Race for $60 te the Par.ty wiîîning lst prize were little short of marvellous. Heï pfllsblake Weak people Sjtoallg, Prospectus of hisfourfetiratedbusiness His handi bath led yon ahl the way fast time. on spartCarriage Rorses over 1M2hantis, strength and vigor refurneti and in a short Cleges-Hamitton, Gait, Guelph anti To this your Silver Wetiding day. James Goard. Jeweller,81.50 in gootis No. 22, or it party winnîng tis prize time she was completely cured. Mrs. Berlin. Wiehn nhn o iwr lm ont of store for 1 st prize for plain writ- does net want the buggy andti wlt brin-' Gilhula is to-day in the fult enjoyînent ol says peak gooi wor for ii- are Irny Puis Tos o who aeWi A ndi an'o nwr ibing, No. 534. a customer for saine MeLean & Maso good health, and in aIl these years there bas MR.EIZBT ARTON, Brittania St., bitity in mon that yield Io the use of Anti thronah att changes onwarti Miss MetlantiMltliner, Bowmanviile, will soit the buggy anti give party the noý been tihe stiglitest return of thetrouble. burni's Heart anti Nerve Puls witb pleasure. troublet i wth nervous -veakness, night Long tnay yen drink, at lit &sgladtionh, No. p599 Clec bneite tiferiîoinprce Ue t foleur e:r g a ae il Tbey prcived te me a mcst excellent sweats, etc., shoulti try them.' prime, . J. lligginbotbam & Son, $9_50 in lIE FOOLED THE SURGEONSs-Al dos - w"Abtfohu yearsagd onwsitaesverlç r e m d y f o n r v o s n s s n r v o s e b li y ri z l st et C l a k e P a r s i s u ti a n i r o m s p r in g s th a t b r in g c o m p l te g e e ts a t th e ir s to r e fo r O i t P a in tin g , t r ooifuc k H m lt n t X e t w th e a c h tr o u b le ia n t osure ltetif s e v e r anti exhaustion, anti I can heartily recom- may bc had from Robt. Moment, Secy., fut o 1.Jefferson, O., atter suffering 18 months proon hysicaseea il c ef toe Mas t. LND rnsikStetsy: Misn ni Jep.1anings aseendavesit-Maubrgest emor orenr Tait & Ce. , Photegraphers. ioenfrom Rectal Pistula, he would diîe ness pronao nin uraise ateane oto May ri-Iitst eans yor curs Do- dzena cestly oeration was pertermeti; but mstmaclit of a incura b exeteato travLNBrnwc tetsy isMnneJniisha envst Cabinet Photos, 81 for lst prize Bicycle ho cureti himiseîf witli fiv sxse u eta twshrl e beox ccet ta $cb'dmffrtigeal wt ier ng in Oshawa, guost cf Mrs. W. Colo. ta Race, slow time. eso B tcouldlivelong. Afterwardthle two doctors My hsadsfée ral ihn klen's Arnica Salve,th surest Pilewbwreaenîgmeaemepteue vousness, complicateti hy heart troubles. Dyspepsia ,in- its werst ferms will Prom this your Silver Wedding day. Yng&C. roes1omnule ueo ath nitebs Slei h h eatnivic o me ofemy fro ie. Milburn's Heart anti Nerve Pilîs have yielti te the use of Carter's Little Nerve -ay happy seasens ceme anti go $3,50 lamp for lst prize for Leicester wortti. 25 cents a box. Solti by Stott Who knew of the virtues of Burdock Blood cured him, anti lie now is welt and Pis, aideti by Carter's Little Liver Tl o orpndaeati, RmLmN.S.adJrDugss strong.' Puis. They iiot enîly relieve presont T1 e erpnt g tan a u-,Dugss Bitters, I was inducp ta t try it, anti t arîq ______________________distress but strengthen the stomacl antiAtd hnwiesno pinesgo nla rs, rcrBwavle 2 A nowiy marrieti couple in Portland, owhapy o ay ha a t terns1og a digestive apparatus. May sacreti poace withiin yen roign. gootis f, o, who both are deaf, anti are tivino"teg rthti ets uhbte a LAXA.LI'VERgt MRmLhboo 19 iuse keoping witîout a -servant, hav~ e t e p mtaku ttta fore retiring. 'Twill r abr rnia fteBap Yn aytini niknrt a Pugsley, Dingman & Ce., Tor-on .to, devised an hugeniens arrangement for 1 "n completely cured of the dusease by the PU L. work while yon sîeep ton Hlioh Sohool, us gnost'of bis cousin, Goti bless your Silver Weclding day. 100 bar box Cemtort Soap as 1sf prize their door bell, by which a caller, when ueoB. B. B., althougis it bail haffleti the PIL - without a grip or Mr, S.Udotgers, Little Britaiu.-Watch- O for H-oltein Bull, No. 48, li-rse hebto.lghstelmsdoctors for a lon- urne. 1 anm firmly Con- gripe, cnring Biliousness, Sicle Headach% man-Waraer. T. WATS - , 5W5 o ots5e opesste utn lt h ap ict htBrdokBooiBter ae Constipation antiiyspepsia, and maae You iueaaor, if yen anow of any oeel obrniAns.189 r nt hsmks i rsncMnw. ry lîfe." feel better in-the morning. Canada who intentis cressing tise Atlan- chants,$2 in goods for original Painting WEARY Ob' ExPERiMErNTINZG - Witlu Here is thme lette,' receivedfrom lier a shoA' tic, rocommenti thom ft0 inquire et M.A. S1JFFERERS FROX 1YK FEVER. lui wator celors, No. 521. salves, suppositories anti eintmonts andtitsme ago. James for rates. Ho doos the steamsbip - M. Mayer, Hatter anti Purrier, Bow- tireading a surgicai operatien, scores "I arn stîl in gooti bealth. 1 thanIt business et this district anti represents ln an article on Hay Foyer in the manville, $1.25 Hat for 2nti prize for 10 anti hantiretis bave turnedti t Dr. A. W. Bùrtiock Btooti Bitters for saving my lifé the best linos. American Ân.gler, JanuarY, 1899, a its. clear Honley, No. 2'69. Chase's Otetusent anti f unti it an ab- twelve years ago, andi highly recomnaend correspondent writes :-"0f course Alex. Luttrell,- Baker, Bowmanville, solute cure for piles. The first applica. tt tsrsfoos rmeon ,tobe of the Watchman-Wartior, Lintisay, accempanieti by Mrs. Porter anti anti trieti ; but tise time anti money Whtte Minorcas, No. 161. ung, anti it is vory seltiem that more SS Master lied, spont the-past t ow days spent lu tise trial has generally been Jos. Jeffery, Tailor, Star bouse, Bow- than one box, is requiredtiate effect a X c le sn visiing trientsinl Rochester. wasted, fo r a partial relief, if any, coutl manvhtle, $5 in geetis for 1st prize on permanent cure..' 1 Mr. Bert Jewell, Linden Valley, __________only bo obtaineti, andthie causes yet Grade Mlilcli Cow, No. 71. Gordon Keilson, a lad of some eleven happened w;th what nîtghlt have proveti Thenaurl xubraceof TOLEDO, (ON.-Mr. Lewis Joisusten remaineti. Therefore, lu place of reme- ALýu ~ umr while bathing in Lyon's creek a rather serions accident. While wheel- yTuhe aua xbrn e fthis place was fâken tiown with tues, surgical oerations, anti hereo . L. Nicols, Variety Store, now- umr otte betiste rcklss.. nsnvile,$1 BrrySetas 1f pizoforon Sniay go ef ont ilis deptis anti ing te a fhre.<ing et eue et the rnbgli- - - - n en eX'oung peoplestin'trhenmatism, hati two tioctors lu attend- sufferings, tis uycus o ubject rPaît l)ess1 erryppet s o. 293. forwas trownet Ho bat beaemployeti bers anti carrviuig lis fork, the wheel tako care of tisenselves, get ance, was gefting ne botter. Thireeocf hay foyer te pursue, if relief is tiesiret by James Scott, uear Kinsale for some took rathler a Sdentitnteroi over-heateti, catch coîti,1 anti davs after lio starfe t aking Mitburn's is te fiee from the infecteti atmosphere James Morrew, $3,set Sisoos for span niÏontiss anti was oeeoe Dr. Barnalo's sendiug Bort several foc't forw.ari. lHe atlow ilte oselttieon the kid. Renmatic Pis lho wa5 ont ef betianti anti ileterieus influences te regions et herses, 3rd prize !or span Carniage impelrtafienm le was a briglit lad jumPeti11Up anti fOrt"7u<tely Twas nne ocys Thy dnt ealze iun one week lho was welanti able ftagoWhere tise air anti surreuntings are free borses untier 15ý hautis, N'o. 23. atili r uiiate accidientwastieeply the worso htmself with the exception et significance of backache- about. freintise sources of lits trouble." Thos. Ted, Baker anti Cenfectioner, rogretteti by att. Pick'ering XYews, a little skin knoeckod off andi some few think it will soon pass away- Mliss M. McKay anti Miss L. Scott, Tise Muskoka, lakes, Maguetawan $2 lu gotis fer 1sf prîze for 5 Ibs. Butter "ICMTSE LE AE."l bruiseýý but thd lu 'I arec prettv bati- 1but it doeso't. Urioary Trou. Linden Valley, have returneti te their River reigu, Lake ef Bays, anti Georgian matie by owner cf one cow, No. 265. "cse Ts of ctvssALERe osCAtaS. __________________ bics coame, tissu Diabetes, home affer a plea§ant visit here. bay districts- are tetalty exempt from Concis Jelinston & Crvderman, $5 for rhenmatlsm, eruptiens, etc., tise circum- Brigb's Disease anti shattereti Coughs tisat stick te yen, that other the causes 1cf tise trouble, anti immeti- 1 stf -z for 15 bbs. Butter, Butter te stances mvb beeib nixigat A ongiealiatensrhct. remedies Socin pewertoss to reieve are ate relief anti a tecitiet cure us assumet become preperty ef donors, No, 262. eniching the bloot with lîood's Sarsa- QOk'B Cotton Root COMPOInd. A n beifer it? es pfce.romjptly cureti by Dr. Woed's Nerway by ail who visit this beaufiful lecality, ail.Iodaptt n odd-I ucsilyue otl yoe Ali hlpfo i ?Ye! ine Syrnp. Try t, anti you'l bo con- Tise main cousi iratieus in ciseesing R. Bennett & Sous, Bennett beuse,$5paresa.ion, ti otufo vesani goot t-00Lesades.Seeful u atly baoiesrk jjyAMC " ~ TTC'TT% roll vinced by being cureti. tisese regiens, in preference te otiser for lst prizo on single roati er carriage bat aets lc e hs iess ordrnggist for Coek a Cottne Root Con-. DUAN S IiJ.J1 I rLLS Rev, J. W. M acmiliau, B. A., pastor lecalufues, are:- herse, neot entire, under 151 hantis, o 'S 'il 1 aeno other as all Mixtures, pllls and. These cooquerors et Kioney Ills are of St. Antirew's, Lintsay,auti Mr, J. D. 1. Relief anti total immuniyfy nt 5 est Medicine andtihie best that înoaey box*,No. , 10derees stronger,$S per bx.No., makng'iserisng enraten ealby ntiPl\ole bft u Wdneda fo a wo-hayfoyr.JohnuHelyar, dealer ihi .Boots antid a .1 or 2,mailedon receipt of prie and wo $-ent; Shoos rsiggnrto hatyadFa lelf n dedyfr w a evr a u.stampse The Cool, CompaufylWndsor, Ont. strong. week's wlieoing trip. Tbey wibb visif 2. Easy accessiblity anti motierato e , Bowmauvitie, $1.50 lu geotis for JdeWlisn fNpne ae 8VNs n odan eoneddb l Mrs. G. Gianian, 505 Adelaide St., tendon, tise towns anti cities aloug the St.Lawr- isotel rates. 375rz frcletino tteN. very uearlv being a victim ta asphyxia- responsible Drugglsfs in Canada. Ont., says:ec.3 oepsa evce xrs n 7.te eenl.H a thsrabr 'My daugbtsr, now r3 years aid, bas had oc.3 et otlsrie xrs ni Lv inrcnl.H a flscabr Nos. i and S soid inJiowrnauville bv ltmcîNx. 'makkdcyssinsvinaneorrdibrbaithas iCOS POTDeaPlerB XaATSdtingrathrairoauant stambat acii tIrîu, Prnîtra eair ati n te cort soue ateniungtd us &,JURY;Oea Siir Jcv; Ooî J.byJ. ir. cousequn be as aiways been poor. Two Shows a smalt isard keruel, coveretiby fties. -Utetkr .mavte,$ aytlls nil oewa lurtb m ILÈNç; Newecastle by DRa. F&aauxco&ea. boxes 0q eoan' KîdneywPOis hveeremeteea hatduriessandcharsfore1sfyprhe for Ayrotub- .evesYf Don's h Idn tuiy hanful for caueso di hs tet corn 4.Beautiully seclutet anti charm- caN o. 63. z orAyehieBull, îng' it carnes tise gas te a lamp ou tus ery mte rf kidney trouble, and restored byr îyd~ icuett rgv aat I te rttbenefitthey bave conferred upon of etng pa iTheopn sure mansigcapî rus Luther, Tucker & Son, Albany, N.Y., gas oscapetijusf in front of isim. be isPnma's2anlseCrnErate. 5 Goot isofel accommodation ou ail Puiblishers. six yearly subscriptien 0dtnfntc f niatsui Sure? Yes. Painless? Yes. Cheap? principal1 lakes. The Country Greptlemani, Ne's. 7, 12, 21, windows wereoepen, ho was feunt in EM N ORG AL Yes, indeefi! Try if. 6 Tise adapfability efthtie surrount- 81, 74, 91. fise evening lu an unconscions condi--_ R 1H LI U ON AR..m McMurtry's baud wagon wiîil ings to meet tise varions or varying S. S. Etsall,bartware Menchant, $5 flou. D ie ever notice how few people e tail frps is lae utiltur fiuvalids,tourists,orspý n pair Scabes for 4sf pnize for 10 lbs ornoic. hrouewîpb ln 7. Tise woodet sisores etois lakes Buttor; butter to become riroperty etfare nloal i thin -s tise> sa>- anti de? NY Churcis St. starting fnemn the Public anti rivers, principally balsam anti pine, touer, No. 263.WE1 L LU U NA IA INC M A Y School at 2 o'clock. is aise eueetoftise accounftable reaseu os Samnel, Allun, $3 for 1s nize on Fo ntneue man makes a fortune J)AILY:-Steamers froin Toronntow's2SaotpingSr h been uaed byit o ve-,, EIALY:StamesfemTrone2~opm. millions of mothers fer theSrceblîdren while ld asetiler greaf sufferingtfor =as. NortisroD & LYman Ce., Whlesale et 1er remettes bave taieti, Piestoa on fveant i znancial, it teeuhing. If distarbeti at night and broken ai Terrible seres weuld break ouf ou honr Proprietarv Meiicines, Toonto, 1 te0x. Ceierv Compoundlhave broung't about1 is aIl that eau lie desireil. for Qoebec a id the f ar famed Saguenay. wi bte pa na'etm eiisen d at once a . ei i. r $ ail, corn er-enra Purpose the wîstis ge obeofaiMrs. Wunsiowsý' Setbing Syrup conît give neoiieip; but brer e us 8 com- rzef Gnr ayug lpp ný. xes n epOs For tickets andi informa tion. appiy te: J. M-for Chiltiren Teeuing. t wili reiteve the poot plete ant i1er healtisisecelnt." This Gelding or Fiblv, Ne. 10, anti 1 tizen'seofsutiatsIiscmnafr is e c el e 4 n o so u à h alt , I i s ri m n al f o r A g e n ts :- D id vy e n e v e r th in k et ,lia n t. - CLELI4Ž.,1, OWManviiie,, Ont., C. F. GîLfisa- itue sufferer ai once. Depend upoa it,meotbers. hw luaisbv rvd Thomas' Eclectnie Oi, value $3,a first iaeuign SLEEI C, eneral Manager, G. A. BEowNE, iere lano mistake aboutit. t cures Diarrhceash wis a ut - as auove,-y itlietman or womau te con- regulates the stemaeb and bowels, cures Wind fItEeti itntsîebs loipîetnGaebie tf o 4 inue suffering from diseuse thaf Paine's Lauogour ?Itest, Dwrk'<Ta gdtim 'Trafrie Manîager. Generai ifflees, 228 St. Paul Colie, sofiens the gum, reduces inflammation, puritionr j; 'n It's lthe suDremo remne- Conditions et Cew Test: Quianti*ty anti Celery Compound is ale te banish ?I onw15agoitm Street, Montreai, Que. 1~ ie tu u energy te the wboie aystem.t o ce ___________________Mrs . Winsiows', Saeutug Syrup for chili d frn z a, letton, sait risenîn, ubeers, qnatity et milk to e e onsidered. Tise boesf anti able isysiciaus, the frustec te start,$3.00 a day sure; seme tetiini laautobeaseadSath re- bli ni running soresi. It stimulates cew must lie placet tts ipsi tfml iugit lryemember make twice tînt, Experlence or C h i Id ren u r" for seription of one of the oldest anýdti eifeale iver,'itnes utiboivels, expels pois- the Comrmit tee liy 12 o'cbock, Doon. en et parliament, anti t1ise )(b people eoftiiuncenîy - suilei r fr td nurses in the capitled Stanisry V iy25iaboti. ba itdg tat' s, bti1se1 d igestion anid bUilds up thue the-irst day etfuir anti romain lu ttîeir Canada,neco11mment Paines Celery Ve2e awol. Besurld alris thfo r Ww- strengtlî. OntY 50 cents. SoIt b>- Stott & dliargç unfil 10 o'ciock of fIe uexf day, Compeundi witi pleasure anti safistue- ' <~~~SNC.,Llmited. M a qR4SLOWS Sootbinig Syrup, Jury, Druggisfs. Guarnteeti. fee6t t le provitiet by ewner of cow. lion. BuuANrrOîîn, ONT,

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