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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1899, p. 8

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___________ I ~ J.HIGGNBOTAM &SON5 Chemists and Druggists. de- «>,- Fn alhSoge rm5 o5C Su ecles- u.4 WaeFine Pafh Spons foi Jet oa50e Foo and Frendekiesle r.asies E ~ ~ J Crb ppe n lCIlOAc Col!gn Lorid0N Youn WeFIn erWhi nd oilet Soap Foot busness rt, and ail Toilet e uisites. grpyTngefooitiy apeBusinseerat Poer, &c. k that isi cieoeaio nofcsadstrso h u! nes HIGIBOTHA &SO BOmany other s Drnuggfl uies its ists BRETIÉH A ERS 0F BUSINESS ILEG I .M .A Yonng, orMonge Wdlio llos ooo. in a bsinessway, nd do noterump int busPineL T -le ,lae.f- Pes ole s iestudets patico Theknoledeheim.rtof.o. .kepigStno Tray T ertoin an BuinTers rcce is pothask uth a sk n aiepeatn inmoreforicesn storeso tebi tW rl ns o mn T ernBgn .pebr5h WRT O ARIUA4 *~ ~ ~~A HadoecleHabAutlY Pusrincial._ BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 30, 1899. OSLIAW. Mrs. and Miss Alice Fox, N ew Ham- bu are guests Of Mrs. J. M,%cGregor. 'M. Armstrong, Lindsay, caiied upon is sisteBr Mrs. J. I. MeLaughuin before leaving for the Northwest wbere lie intends resdng .... Miss Jessieî Hiopkins, Ottawa, is Ibe guest of Mr. and M ýrs, O. Hazzelwood ..Mrs. S. fH. Gralali sud chiidren, ilamilton, are visitiiIg hem parents Mr. sud Mrs. j WakeIv. Mr. S. H. Graham, editor ofthe Royal Templar, Hamilton, spent a few days with bis familv here recent- ly. . .The Guelph Pavement Co., who have the contraci for lay ing the new tranolithie side walkS in town, have 5een at work for two weeks witb a large force of workmen sud now have the first puece of work competed.. Mr. L. N. LeRoy was guest cf Mr. i Jackson. Orillia. ..Mr. sud Mrs. Joseph Craig arce in Beliville visiting tiieir daughter Mrs. Geo. Grills . ... Mr Henry Thomas lef t for the Northwest MondSy weekc. ... Mmr. Jas. Armstrong. Peterbý)o, lias been guest of bis broth- er Dr, r1tOg , ..Mrs Geo. Brock andbe' sn ohn bave eturned frouî aD el siCiteHlsOith, Devousbire,Eiig. It is -27 s sseIn' M Breck came 10 Canada snd the tîp wss made teoe- new acquaintances sud sec ber biother and, sîsters un the oid land. Tbey eujoyed themscives spiendidly sud spenDt îwo weeks there. On the home- wamd passage the vessel encountered 10e fieds wbich delayed the joimney. John iutend S te again visÎt the Oid sod In the near future. A-NTiOCÏIH, CLARiPKE Mr. Jas. Hunter lefI Thuirsýdav on a trip 10 British Columbia. Wýe wisb himi ,a pleasant trir and qucreturn. ... Mr. Jas. Waddel and sons, and Mr. W. Pester and son, look inth 1000 Island excursion. They were delighted with the scenery. Miss Irene Jewell, Bow- manville, caiied on friends bere recent- iy . .. Mr. Bert Hunter,New York,mnade a fl:ing visit home recently... . Miss Ann'ie Waddell bas resumved charge of hiem scbool ai iHampton. . ... Mr. MeNeil Manvems,spent a few days aI hislsister's Mrs. Win.Sîutr -. . .. M. John Smith is kept busy settirtg tires from early morning until iate, at nigbt. John is an expert ai the business .... Miss Stark Starkvilie, visited at bier sistem's Mrs John Roberison. - The familiar faces of Mr sud Mrs. Jacob Cobbledick we were pleased 1 sec in the section Tules- day last, in route for the Willows. And Ev r orim of Torturîng , sf igu[ing Skin and scalip Humor's Cured by >SLL 7 T. z £ ruTsr. - Bathe lte alieccti parts theroughly with HiOT W2TEIi aTICUT?î U APx. Nexi sppiy CUTICUPsx Ointin'ut. ehe greai skin cure, sud iastly talue a ftuil deSe ef CuTICUsA RESOLVEKT. This treaiment will afford instant, relief permit rest andi sleop, anti point te a speedy, perima- nent, sud ecunonmical cure When ail else fails. Sot,, 25C,; OITMENT, fou. MRESoveNTar ef 81.e, 5f. VorTER DauG AwD CHIai. coRr., sole Prope., flottem. Hý1IlIow tb C=x se"i.ue book, fzeu. Sellool resumlied Moud1ay weeký in the Sons' Hall. 'Thicnew ýschooi hoiuse is as- suming shape.... .Mrs. J. T. Runie is visiting Toronto friends .... Visitors: Miss Aima RicJhards, Pickering, at hier sister's, Mrb, W. Fursej; Mrs. Jas.- Peiiow and daughter. Oshawa, at Mr. Johin Herring's .... The citizeýns here were highly pleased& with the picnic at Ram pton'aud ail agres it was the best they have yet held ..Messrs. S. Short- ridge and Haroid Williams weut on the llar,ýest Excursion to Manitoba-,.. .Mr. T. Frank WrigtToronto, at Mr. W, Werry's and issl Lane, Caesarea, at Mr . Sulas Williams' .... Brothers vs. Sisters are having a program contest at Division .. .. Mr. W. Werrv is stili un- able te wvaik, but is progressing favor- ablv. TrE APPIETITE Or A GOAT-IS envied by ail poor d Yspepties whose Stamacli and Liver are oui of order., Ail such shouid know that Dr. King's New Life Pis, the wonderful Stomach. andl Liver Remedv, a splendid' appetite, sound digestion aud a regular bodilv habit that insures perfect hiealth and great energ-y. Onyv 25c. at Stott and Jury 's, Druggists. MOUNT VERNON. Visitor': Mr. and Mrs. J. Lanugmaid, Ebenezer. at Mr. E. Miiison's; Mr. D. and Miss Annis, Maripesa, at Mr. E. Aunis'; Mr. H. Foley, B. A.. at Maple Corners; Mrs. J R. aud Master Regin- aid Hloidge, Toronto, at H. Abraham's; Mr, W. Bateman, Port Perry, at E. N. Varnum's; Miss Ada Stainton, Toronto, ai Mr. J. Garfat's; Miss Edyia Ross, Oshawa, at Mr. \Vni.Giibert's; Mrs. and Miss Pellow,Oshawa, at Mr.J. Pascoe's, Mr. and Mrs. J. Niddery,I Enfield, at Mr-.J.lleatiie's,sr.; Miss Jennie Hudson, Solina, at Mr N. lludson's.... .Mrs, W. Souch is home again from visiting frends in Bowmanvile .... Mrs, E. Harris has returned home to Rockwood after a pleasant visit under the parental roof.. .. Mr. A. Abraham is recovering from the severe shaking up he received from afali . .Mr.ll.Tink isihidisposed. Evervbody and bis neighbor attend- ed' the ic le at Lake ilampton on Sat- urdav laist and report a good time... Master Harry Annis won a prize for running at the pienie. . .. Mr. McTag- gart, Huron Co., has taken possession of the academy at Bakers. .. .Rev. Mr. Clarey fied the pulpit Sabbath morning very acceptably in the absence of the Iaster .. .. The e vent of the seasoln will e at Mt. Vernon in the near future. Watch fer further particulars. Woeak anld Nervoils. THE CONDITION OF A YOUSNg LADY OF WELLÂNI. Subject te Frequent 1-eadaches, wns Paie and Eniaciated and Grew se 111 SIte Could Barely W alk. From the Tribune, Welland, Ont. Miss H-atie Archer, of Welland, an estimable young lady, whose acquaint- auce exteads ameugi, a large number of citizens et the tWvn, has the foilow- ing te sti regardîn-g thie virtues of Dr. Vviim'Pink Pis for Pale Peoýple.- In the fa>] of 1897 1 was taken very. ill. 1 wvasuerx eus, weak, and debiiiîated. At ibis trne the least exertien caused great fatigue. 'Mv appetitç3 was poor and 1 was atiackedà wiih frequent sick headaches. I graduaiiy gr ew worse until I was se weak I coula barelv w,-11 ibrough the house. I was verv pale and emaciate< and firially becamne en tireiy incapaciîarcd. Various medicines were reset ted te but gave ne relief. Later li ws ireated by twe of the best physiciaus of the tewn. One said iuy bleod %vas peer sud waiery. I foilowved lus advice for some trne but did net improve, fhen the second decior wvas called aud ne said hie couid hielp me, but after therougl1 testing hus medicines witheut benetit, I gave it up and des- paired of ever getting well. My grand- mother had been reading at that trne muchi about Dr. Williams'. Pink Pulis and persuaded me, te try them, That was about January,1898. Prom the fir&N> the results were, really mnarvellous, bings far beyond my fieuds o>xpecta tin.After taking five boxes I can stand more fatigue ihan i ceuld for two years. I have gained weight spien- didly; can food with s delight- fui reiish, and again feel cheerful, healthy and strong. I would further say tAtthe c hanlge iwbol ly due te Dr Wi aS' Pink Puis. I hope that my testimonty wili prove beneficiai to other girls similariy afflicted. The 'experience of years has proved that there is absoiutely ne disease due to a vitiated condition of the~ blood or shattered nerves, thatý Dr. Williams' Pink PUIS will not promptiy cure, and ExcuRsIoN RATES ToRosio Exiiînrrîo-Z. iheturu tickets at $1.10 ou Fridav, Aug. 31, Mondas', Sept. 4 sud Wedues- day Sept. 6. Returu tickets at $1.15 on Aug. 29,30, Sept. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6ý 7, 8. All tickets at either of tlue above rates goed te retumn auy day on or befere Sept.11, Cali sud get yeur tickets the day before yen start. Manitoba sud North-West via. G. T. R. sud Canadian Pacifie, Septý. 12, 1889, gooed 1 return* on or befoîe Nov. il. Free colouist s]eepers. Get particulars at Stotsud Jury's. Portlaud sud returu, Sept. 1, 2, 3, good te retumu on or befere SeDi. 12. FPa r-e15. 0 (. Iufeî-matioîi aud tickets st Stoti sud J or','s Dru-, Store. M. C. Dicksouu, J.ll.H.Jury. D.P.A., Toronto. Agent, BACGYARD'S YELLOW OIL cures al pal tîlu n man or beast; for sprains, vuts, .-iecalions lumips, sweilings, it- flarmation. rheusssatisni aîud-nevutîgia it isa spe.CCifie. "A Fair Outsidc .Ls> a Poor Substitute For Inward Wort ." Good Iieatthi, inwardty, of the kidneys, ivertandbowets, is sûre to corne if Hood's Sa>'- saparitta is prornptty used.. This secures a f air oulside, and a consequent vigor in the frame, with the giew of heaith on the cheek, good appelite, perfect digestion, pure bloed. Loss of Apptt I was iu poor iealth,troubl.e ith ilzziness, tlred feeling and losof appetite. I was compIeteiy rmn down, 1 tuok Heed's Sarsaparilla anti after awhiie I foit much better. Hoed'a Sarsapa- risabouit nme up." LizzucAÂ. RussEu,, Oid Chelsea, near Ottawa, Que. 1B1I1ousess-" I bave been troublea wtlt heactache a.nd biiiousnesi anai was rnnchmon down. TriediHood'a.garsapamilla andi it gave me rellef and but me up." A. MounssoN, 89 Defoe Stme4, Toroato, Ont. oniý Zathaxtic to take witb Boodl'îarsaae DR. L.POTTER. Office andi resjdence,Chureh St.,opposts Trinity Congregational church, Bowmanvlle. 25-61n, MISS EVA LUTTRELL Is preparedte t give lessons on organi and piano at hr res>dence, King St.,or at the homes of the pupils.7 MISS ETHEL 'MORRIS, AIITIST. Instrucetions gtven in PAIN TING in 0>1. Water Colo,' and China. Sketchiitg aud painting from nature. 11112 on premises, dir- ing ai usual:priee. 51.6m. C OOLIE PUPS FOR SALE-Nearly 2 ImontitS Olt. Appiy te JOHN FOGG, lot 2 con. 4, Dariingtou, Bowmanville, P. O. C 'APE LOST-On Juiy 211h, between uBowmanvilie andTi aunuo,a black circular cap)e,silkliieti. Fin der please leave at STATES- MAlt officeoOr MES. D J.MCDOUGALL's, Taunton, sud receive reward. 1 4-tf. F ARM FOR SALE-Bein- composed ef parts of lots 20 aud 21 in the eîghth conces- sion uftitge Township uf Darlington, containing 120 acres. Buildings are iu good repair. For further partielars apply t0 HEcTos BEITH or JAMEs BEr, colleetor customs, Bowmanviile, If not toitS wiil be rentei. 343w* 0 THE DEAF.-A ricb lady. cured eTo her Deafues sud Noises in the Head by Dr. Nichlsons Artificiai Rar Drums, has sent £1,000 te hislustitute, su thatdeaf people unable te procure the Rar Drums may have thiem free. Apply te Department A. R. C The Institute, "Louigcutt, "Guiunersbury,London, W.E igland. 27-lyr, HIOUSE IN OSHAWA FOR SALE.- ..Cumfortahle Ilougheast DwellingHliuse, Drlvinçrlieuse, Stahle for three herses sud 3-5 acre of landS Sur sale. Excellent large anti smali fruit. Nu hetter well in Oshawa, cistern. Apply ou ihe premises or iflhyletter te JuHN JAMES, William St., Oshawa 26-tf. FAMTO SELL OR P ENT.- 150 are cing south-west quarter andi north- West hait uf lot 22, con. 7, Clarke, ou which are goed dwelltng house and commudueus f armi building§ in geud repair. Large stone stables and i-oui celiars, excellent orchard, weil feneeti. pleniy of water. Aill iit frst-eiass order. Haîf ,niieronu Kirby P. O. Inquire on the premiSs Or to WILLIAM CooNET, Eirby. 2 2-if,. STORlE ROUSE AND 2,' ACRES kland for sale or reni Beino- the s' ore sud dwelling at Asîtons Corners, ý mile north ef Hlampten, wth stable andidriving sh ed. Haru anidsofi waier. , lbe rentediif net selt. Pos- session Oct, 1. For turiher particulars appiy to M,. A. JAMES, STATESMAN office rte A.J-.Cous- TICE, Ceurtice. 12-tf. BOWMANVJLLE MARKETS Correctcd by J.lcillnrtry each Tnesday FLoua, e 100 Ibs........ 81 70:te $2 1I. WIIEAT, Eaul, bush. O .. 000 il 0 6u n Sprin-, .... 000 n0 65 R led 1 ife .... 000" 0 65 il GoosE .... 000 0 64 BAIILET, e bush,-No. i1.0 40 n0140 il il2 .0 26 -0 35 , i S....,025 î0830 n iTwo rowed 0 25 0 O40 OÂ'rs, white i..............O0 23 0 25 ByE - il...........0 00 0 50 BucKwEAT n..............O0 00 0 45 PEAs, Biackeye, P bush.. O 69 0i O70 nl Canadian Beauties.. 69 0 75 'iMummney ' 0'00 0 O55 nSmall, 0 00O n0o50 il Blue,i 047"il0 55 BUTTER, best table, P th.. 0 00 01O14 Effls, Pdoz ............ 000" 012 POTATOES, bush .........O 0 n O 30 isy perton ........... 500 '6 00 Ollly Oce In alife time o inoui But'you want the lhest. by "Best" we mean eue built' of Ai material, ene built by A 1 work- men, oue built on mechanical, prin- ciples, whieh Wiil then wear for a if e lime sud witheut weariugeout the strength and nerve power, of the eperater, uer yet wear eut the Bank Account of the person laying eut the purchase meney.' Any Machine, mie malter how poorly constructed will do fanc'y work ia the hands of an expert opers tnr. The above menlioned qualilies are necessary if you wish le de yeur family sewiug. If, you wiil cali aI T. N. Rickard's Jewelry Store during this month yen will be shown 1w-o of the Best Sewing Machines iu the world, as well as specimens of all kinds of fancy sud plain work done upon them. Re- member the prices are riglit asýwell ns the machines. T. N. RIOKARD, THEASONCo BOWMANVILLE. E~4D 0F SERSOISL NeFle The announcemeut lu last week's papers that we would clear the balance of our season's Dress G-oods at greatly sacrifleed prices, lias brouglit the people from far andi near. When these saw that the advertisment was baeked up by an assortrnent of goods that was nicer than they had anticipated and that the prices were reduced until it was really almost ridiculous, the news soon- spread and tue prospect is the lot will sopu beclad out. We want to give ail an equal opportunity, for the, more peopîoe we eau get iuterested in this,the better advertisement i t is for the store. To make shopping easy we have divided the Dregs goods into 3 lots as follows: Lot No. 1-10 pieces cemprising plaids, plain al wool nun's veiling,. ~ fancy mixed unions, serges, etc., ail double fold goods, everything 15 cents per yard. Lot No. 2-Cousisîs of a variety of Fancy Dress Goods, nice designs and fine quality. Ils almost like giving them away but you have yoUr choice at 20 cents a yard. Lot No. 3-A large asserîment including plain ilenriettas, Shot and Figured Mixtures, al wooi Plaids sud plain goeds, the greatest snap, we have ever offered, yeur choice at 2a5 cents per yard. We are also off eriug the balance of our -Muslils, Giug- hams, Piques, &c., at 8e and 10e a yard. A few other specials will be put on sale -with the above that will adcl to the attractiveniess of the sale. Ladies' Vests 4e, 9e, and 121c eaeh. Large size White Quilts, very fine and heavy slightly soiled, worth from $1.00 to $1.25, for 85c eaeh. Ladies' and Chldreu's Whitewear at f actory prices. Corne iu and ,,see -these real bargain offers. You will be free to buy or not, we do not uuduly urge custorners to purehase or make theni feel uncornfortable if they are only wantiug tlook arouud. T liEMA 1e"ý Co Furniure Dale- A N - FuneralDîre-t- Js _______ -sORONO ~~ GFýSH GFROCER We have just openE fine line of White Cups and Saucers, P] Sail sizes,and a lot of P. Bowls, &c. SCa sh 'for Butter and * ~ eal13. AWt Telephone 57, IBOWMANVILLE. Ii ed up a Dishes, 'ates of Itchers, Eggs.' 'Uil

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