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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1899, p. 8

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/' THE ASONCo. SJ. HICGG!NBOTHtAM & SON, Chmits a nd Druggists. M.- M- FieB-h pne rm5 o5. Cra fWth ae o -nun a J. elinI1ies H "lu L UONY BOMAVI-E DUIIgIIIVI Fine B EaChSpOe SImNEto50. Youegmon WithaeoSunburn, an The an rekle wohv ee rie o obsns Thrpace fAppsole nd ilacoog tdn, Flrida al WtrniF iePrburinessand oilt Sap FoohytypCornlort, and aBuilniessatireqis a ites Tangloeoot ly IP, aperinul isaeiod, &c BOmany oLLEr sfu ndDruggbsneshit. ists BRITISH AHERS 0F BUSINESSCLEE YOMRC.A.BiVi OII Wlloand SGll ThDAeDthos who haeren utrant dPbrinessal * Te lac o-tPseole s iestudents patico The kowl td e ip.t.f.o.. k.p..,Stno graapy Tpe rtoin anda.usines rcce is pothas uth asknaiepeatn iorefic hesnstoreso.h ui nes uo mu ilty. eisSptmer5h MTRIE FO PATICUARS Handsome.calenda .Pbatflyilsrted, a BOWMANVILLE, SE PT. 6, 1899. A CARD. W e, tise undersigueti, do herebp agree to refundth&is mono on a lwesîty-five cent bottle o! Dr. Vills' En2'lish Pis, if efter using three-fourths of contents of botle, lhep do not relieve coVslipa- tien antiheadacise. We also guarantee four botties will permanently éure tise most obstinate case of constipation. Sat- isfaction or no pay whea Wills' Pille are nseet. Stott & Jury, ciemist Bowmanuille. J. iggiabotham & Son, chemist, Bow- unanville. 2-4w TYRONE. The ilarvest Homoe services in con- nection with Tyrone churcis passeti off very successfuily. On Suudav Rev. Geo. Webber, foi-onto, p1reachet ex- cellent sermons whicis5were hiffhly ep- preciated bp large audiences. Tise dinner ou Munday cousisting o! chicken pie, meats, delicions cakes- anti other good things serveti on nicelp decorated, tables b y Williug mwaiters, was a fair indication o! tise culinp achievemeuts o! tise ladies of this burg Tise plat!orm meeting-la tise churchinlutise'evening 'was addressed bp Beys Webher,, Leg- gott, DeMille anti Weather.ll inter- sperseti wilh music hy tise choir andl Messrs. H. J. Kigît andJas. Goarti o! Bowmanville. Tise churcis was nicely decorateti wîth flowers anti plants, Proceetis over $90. ChildrenOCIry for A Land of Surines. Shrines are fount iu every houseisold lu Jepan, andthie riclinese of their fur- nisisings are only lisnted by thse wealti of tise householder. These elirines are for tise purpose o! devotion t0 the spirite of anceetors. These devotions are heit, twice a day without fail, eut if tise fami- ly le very devout tisree times e day. 1 Tise several denominations o! tise Bud- dist religion have tiseir owu public. alirines tecoretet as lavishly, as tise purces of tise worsbipere will allow ln memory o! tiseir aucestors. Tisese shrines are buit by denomindtMons, and the priest~s ant attendants are eupported hy, tise gifte o! tise people, Tise two religions o!f.lepan, Budisism anti Shintoism, are entirely different lu tise decorations o! tîcir temples,.'Tem- ples and elirines dedicatet to Bistdisa are very elaborate and ienutiful, Those de- voted f0 tise worsisip o! Siinto are very plain and ordinary.-Siînte Barbarei. Soak tise han s thorouglly, ou retîring, su a TTO IMher cf CevIC.i.A SOAT, the mosi effective skin purifying soap, as well as peIres eut sweetest for toilet, baths, anti nursery. Dry, enoint freely witl CUTIcceA Oiment, tise great ekin cure andi pureet O! em olliente. Wear old gloves turing nigisi. For sure huoide, itching, isuring palme and painful finre ende, ibis one sight freefa-ect le wouderflsl. c,;lI th,.oughçcut the worid. POTTiEiD. Am'C. Cori., reos., Bostone. "Eow te lave Beautifu IlHsds," fres. vtveod :fàr thcy lied apparently been dead for 15 yoars; and s sailsliaviug beenl frozon for wecks lu, solid blockrs of ice, have recovered upon being tisawed ont. The eggs are as laid to destroy as tise mnail ttself. Tiesesem perfectly indiffer-. eutf0 freezing, anti, have boen known to prove productive after isnvlng 'been sisrivehled up lu an oven tis te semblance of grains of santi. NOT SURE, That the Building Would Stand Up Un-ezc Bis NWeight. Tise big ountryman camie nervously into tiseoffice. "There isn't any danger, le thero, do you think?" ho asked. Il was a cold day, but hie mopped the bonds of perspiration froisssig foreisead. From hie desk tise business man looked up sur- priscd. The visitor fromn the country con- tinued :. " You scem to, take-It mighty quleîîy, but they sny you cdu get used to almosi anything-and perisaps yon wore in the war and don't mind dangers any more." "What?" 'There was a fiat note in the business man's voice as if ha thought ho was being jolliefi. "And," tise countryman xwcnt on, "pou aren't a big man. Now 1, weigh 215 pounts- thats over 100 i3ounds to thse foot-nand l'in not quiescent oiher." lie shifted uneasily from one foot f0o the other. Tise business. man reaciset forward and grabet a long ruler. lIe wighod toelbu prepared for thse worst if tise big man became unamenable to arguments. Hie said quietly: "'Now, my donc sir, the's no use getting excitefi. Everything's ail riglit in this office, nnd wo don't expoot an earthquake or a visit from tuie police or any of flie otiser dangers o! the city." Ho spoke in a soothing voice and tried to fix tise countryman with hiseoye; lie hati rend 0f tie power of! the isuman eye, and couldn't remember wisefher' it was good for madmen. or oily for wlld beests. Tisere wonld be no harmi la try- ing it anyway, hoe thought.1 Thse countryman gave wisat sounded lhke a litile gasp of relief et tise calm toue of the other man. "l'in glnti pou feel that way about it." Ile sat dowa giugerly. "Now usy welght's on four feet, lent it?" ho said witis a feeble smile. "Tisut maires it a lîttie caf r- only about 50 pounds to the foot. " Thse business man began ta get curions as te tho delusion of his strange' visiter. "Would you mind' -h.e poke more soothingly tisan ever, not to rouso the fear subsdig --"telling me mest what it is bas frigistenect you se?" "Wisy, certainly. It's that ign I sew ont in tise hall: 'This floor will carry 80 pounde per foot, distributeti quiescent luad.' I didntù know but that tise coin- missioner of buildings or eomebody lied put it tisere as a warning to fat mon like me te sortor quio800 wisen thoy stop arounti the place.linm a little nervous ever sinco I folfiscougli the isole inounr haymow, and thouglis I'd asir you about it before 1 tid maucis r'arin' up on my lind legs." B.reaking the Butes. Accepting ns truc the 'nucodotes that appear from tlm'e to time in tise Enropoan newsýpapere, Amerîce le a country where qucer thinge happen. New Yorklieouses are built 30 storios isigis, Boston mer- chants ride races on horseback towa State struet, hrts o.! infuriatet buffaloes invade Chicago pnrks, Sioux chieftaine break up sessions of Congrees with lm- provised scalp dances. Rere is a siory of New -York customs racently told by a Frenchs paper:, "In the Central Park there is a very large bears' don, wisich lies at a lower level than the grounti about lu. and le surrounted, by a ralling. "One day n stranger,, wisile loauing over flue rail, lost, hie balance and feli into thse pit. lie struck by tise sida of a large gr1-zzly bear, whîch at once seizeti tise mnn's log in ifs moisti andcom- pletely crushed lu, "When tis ea heulid bitten tise man's log ncarly lu two, corne bystaudere by tise nid of ropes and clubs succectddlu gttîng hlm ont of tise don,.lie lny lu, a finting condition. "At tisis point a policoman sfepped up. "'I pince yen under urreet,' lie said f0 tise. woundod man. " Arrosri' Wist for' gnsped tise vic- tin. "'For vlolatiig tise cules of tise park,' seid tise policeman. eDon'f pouneriscif igu ovor flore?' "Hie pointedtief0a sigu over tise railing to fiso benrs' ton, wich read: "'hI s positix-ely foriiden to f ced tise animaIs.' sci.ntific Bsead M.kint:. Tise following conversation, lu ,wilh e Fyoung lady ntiending a science scisool tells isow iseat islemate, le n strikîug commentary upon a correipoudence wisich lias rocently appearet in tisecolurnua ut Tise Sf. James' Gazette on tise subject o! Britishs cooks: "Bread!" siseexcînims. "Well, Isisould say I enu make breat. We tudied tisat lu our lirst pear., You sec, tise penet fer- ments, ansd tise gas tisus formed per- montes everywhore, and transforme tise plastic mnaterial into a clearly obvions atomia structure, aeut tien-" "But whisth ie plastic niaterial you spenit of?" "O, tisat le commonly called tise sponge ' 1 "But isow do pou maire tise spoyngo?" "Why, pou don't mak-e it this'e oir always attends to tisaLt. Tiseu we test tise epouge wlf h tise isermomnelsr anti iydro- meter and a, lot of otiser instruments, tise naines of wisicis 1 don't romember, and coivilso In doi g , . N. RIOKARD cordial- sinvites von 10oeial et bis store. No malter wlether pýou want e Wetch, a Clock, a. Ring, e Broacis, e Pair ofduiff Links or Cnt! Buttons, or, a goot Coller Button, a Chain for eltiser Lady or Gentleman, or some littie tiingto take home to a chud, lho is prepareti for pou, with tise Dccl Gootis, et tise very loweSt prices. .î Goodc ail now andi stylisis. For pour table, tii is thse very spot. -If you waut Knives, Forks anti Spoons, isîl fully, gueranteet, et the lowest prices you ever heerd of, ho sure you take ativant- age of our present stock. which was p urcisaseti for Cash before tle prices went up .You will neetuoeawake if pou woulti profit lv flis ativice for our stock will flot lest forever. Ant inî Sterling Silver Spoons we eau truly' capa that we wîll givo pou botter value thian any une in Canad'a. Tisese are fects anti T. 1,b,, Riekard stands by ai! ha ad-i vertises. T. N. RICRARD, Grocers' due bille taken as cash. "Grelat Haste Is Not Always Good Speed." JffTany peo pie trust to Iuck to pullt th em thrPough, a nd a re often disappointeci. Do not dilly-clatly in matters of iela th. With Lt you can accompîishi miracles. With- out ity-ou are l' no good. " Keep ,the liver, kidneys, bowels and blood healthy by the use of Hood's Sar- saparilla, the faultiess blood purifier. Rheumatisn-" I1 had acute rheuma- tism ini my 11mub and foot. 'I commenceg treatment with Hlood's Sarsaparilla and Iloode PIl and ini a short trne was eurefi." WrLLIAM HAsRXTT, Brantford, Ont. Scrofula- I I was troubled witb scrofala and impure bloofi. A ýcut on my arm would flot heal. Hood's Sarsaparilla was recommended. and after I bail taken three botties Iwas well." DANMUL Oanssot, 523 Treauley Street, Toronto, Ont. 19ood's pâie cure iver jus; the non-irritating an4 on1l'y cathartie te talte witli Hood'~ saprl DR.,L. POTTER. Office and residenceCllurch St. ,opposite Trinity Congregational church, Bowmanville. 25-6mn* MISS EVA LUTT1IELL Is prepared to give lessons on organ and piano et lier residence, King St. ,or at the homes of the pupils.7 . MISS ETHEL MORRIS,. ARTIST. Instructions givenin PAINTING In OU1, Water color and China. Sketching and painting from. nature. KILN ou promises, fir- i ng at usual:prieo.. 51.6m. COOLIE PU15S FOR SALE-Neariy 2 months old. Apply to JOHN FoGG, lot 29, con. 4, Darlingtou, Bowmanvllo, P. 0. ClAPE LOST-On July 21h, between Bowmanville and Taunton a black circuler cape,silk lined. Fînder please leveet STAcES- MAN office or Mes. D.J. MCDOIJGÀLL's, Taunton, and receive reward. 24-If. F? ARM FOR SALE-Being composed .!of parts of lots 20 andi 21 iu the eighth conces- sion of the Township of Darlington, containing '20 acres. Buildings are in good repair. For f urther perticulars applY to HECTon BEITH or JAMES BEITH, cOllector' customs, Bowmanville. If not sold will bo rented. 34-3wl T 0 THE DEAF.--A rich lady.cue of lier Deefnoss aued Noises in tho Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificiel Ear Drums, lias sent £1,000 to bis Institute, so thai deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums mey have them free. Apply to 780 Eighth Avenue, New York, U,S. A, 27-lyr, flOUSE IN OSHAWA FOR SALE. Comnfortablo Roughcast Dw8llÎng House, Drivinur ouse, Stable for three horses sud 3-5 acre of land Sur sale. Excellent large andi smal fruit. No better well in Oshiawa, cisterii. Apply ou ile premises or if byletter to JOHN JAMES, William St., Oshawa 26-if. FAMTO SELL OR PENT.- 150, acresbduIg south2west quarter anfi norili. wesbbaif of lot 22, con. 7, Clarke, on whieb aere good dwellîug bouse and commodjous fr-m- buildings in good repaIr. Large stone stables, and roor cellars, excellent orchard,,well fcuced, plenty of water. AIL luinirst class order. Haîf mlle from Kirby P. O. Inquire ou thse premises or to WILLIAM COONEY, ltirby. 22 if. ýTOilE, HOUSE AND 24J ACRES, ýIand lor sale or reut-BeiuH thse store and d,,elliuigat Ashton'sCorniers, ;, mile norts of ]Hempton,.witli stable sud driving sbed. Hard and soft water. Will lee reuted if not sold. Pos- session Oct. 1. For furtîserparticulars apply to M. A. JAMES, STATESMAN office or to A.J3 CouR- TIcE, Courtice. 2 32-tf. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS Oorrected by J.MeNurtry each Tuesday FLOUEA, ef 100 lbs ......... $1 70 to 82 Ik WHAFail, bush ... 0 0 o0S6 SpriYg . 00 il 0 65 Re. Ife .... 000"le0 65 fi QosE .... 0 00 e0 64 BARLEY, e bush, No. i1..0O40 t'0O40 le f f"2 .0262 0385 le fi ..2,5 il 030 le fiTwo rowed U 25 11 0 40 OATs, white fi...........O0 23 ?" O 23 RyE , 1Il...... 000"f,0 5j[ BUOKWBA tfi...... 060 le O,45 PEAs, Blackeye, e bush.. O0 69 fi O 7o il Canadien Beauties.. ,69 le O 75 ilMummey nil 0 00 ilQ055 fi Small,il 0 00' il0 50 il M1ue,le 0 17 f Cn 5 BUrTER, best table, e 1b.. O0 00 nt016 RoolsP.doz ...........O 0 ;o I03 POTAToE,usbush ..... ...O030 ilO 0 Hay per ton............ 5 ff0;i6 00) Dress Goods. The announcement in Iast week's papers th,,at we would clear the balance of our season's Dress G-oods at greatly saerifieed prices, bas brought the people from far and near. When these saw that the advertisment was backed up by an assortment of goods that was nicer thani they had anticipated and that the prices were redueed until it was really almost ridieulous, thenes in spread and tie prospect is the lot will soon be cleared out. We want to give ail an equal opportunity, for the more people we. can get interested in thisthe better adv'ertisement it is for the store. To make shopping easy we have divided the Dress goods into 3 lots as follows: Lot No. 1-10 pieces comprising plaids, plain ,all wool nun's veiliiag, faney-mixed unions, serges, etc., afl double f old goods, everythùag 15 cents per yard. Lot No. 2-Consiste of a variety of Fancy Dress Goods, nice designs and fine quality. Its almost like giving them away but you have y0ôur choice at 20 cents a yard. Lot No. 3-A large assortmnent including plain llenrie'tfas, Shot and Figured Mixtures, al wool Plaids and plain goods, thse greatest snap' we have ever offered, your ehoice at 2 5 cents per yard. We are also offering thebalance of our Muslins, Ging- hams, Piques, &c., at 8c and 10c a yard. A few other specials will be put on-sale with the above that will add to the attractiveness of the sale. Ladies' Vests 4c, 9e, ancd 12îýe each. Large size White Quîts, very fine and heavy slightly solled,'worth from $1.00 to $1.25, for 85e each. Ladies' and Children's Whitewear at faetory prices_. Cone, in and see these real bargain offers. You will be free to, buy or flot, we do not unduly urge customners to purehase -or make them feel uneomfortable if they are only wanting to look around.' îQ. 02-~ Furniture Dealer___ ÂN D ____uneral Director BOWIANVILLE ~ORONO. ~ CFýSH GROCERS. We have just opened Upa fine line of White Dishes, Cups and Sauîcers, Plates of ail sizes,and a lot of Pitehers Bowls, &e. ~ Cash for -Butter and Eggs. ' Telephone 57, BOWMANVILLE. BOWMANVI LLE. E~DOF SERS0xe A~E Yod

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