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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1899, p. 2

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TIhe Caàlaiail Satesnian An Erght Page, Foty-Eight Coumn New5papar, ia publisiad EVERI?' WEDNESDAY MORNING, 1AT TUE OFFICE 96 STATESNA1N BLOCK, KINQ STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONT.. BY A« A. ]IES, Editor & Proprietor. Subscripionfii.50 par anoum, or $1.00 if paiS air icly in adysuce. AIDVEBTISING BATES Tranelent Advîrtislng. Ten Cents par Lina, firt iînsertiors; Five Cents par Liue eaci soi. saequent inserton. CONTRACT RATES. BIZE Or ADVERIItSEET one Columir ....... Eaif Colis..... Suarte'- Colamu... ghhColomal... Twonty-diveLine .- Tweutli Lines...... Fifiero Lines...... Tan Lines........ Pive Lines........ TIMES INSERTEn. 1 Mii Sanies 6the i ir. $2000 $40 $60O I1X0 is 00 26 40 60 8 00 16 26 40 5 00 10 16 26 4 51)9 112 'I 4 00' 6 8 13 3 50 5 I7 5ô 12 1 2 50 4 501 6 501 Il 125 3 50 6 10 The above are P-ontraet-rates, and apply only to reýguIar bakiness Changes of conitraci c dvertisemeots must be handed in not later thait one o'elock on Saturday -this rmie wiii lbe stricily enforced. Paragrapli advertisernents among news Items loe a line eaeh insertion. BirtbS. 25e; Marriages and Deaths, 50c. Dsplayed adi ertisements are measnred by a eale of solid nonpareit anrd so charged. Orders for discontinuing advertisements must be in writing, oiherwise the publisher will net be esonsible. No paper wll oe stopped util ail amearages arepard, exept at the option of the publisher. A poat office notice to discontinue is net sufflcient, Double regniar rates are charged duiog YR,ý 7-, April and May and Ocober, November a-,driëTieember for display advertising not con- tracteci for by thse year,, Business notices in local or news elumus firsjt Insertion 10 cents per Une Nonpameili 5 cents per lUne acd subsequent insertion. Notices of meet- ings of any km nd ai wbich an admission fee is ctiarged or a collection ia taken muai be paid for. Al communications shonld be addressçd, M. A. JAMES, Bowmauville, Ont. MARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. JAmRs, Issuer of Marriage Licanses. Ibeideuce t Centre sireet, A. E. MeLAUGHLIN, Bmstr Solieitor, and Couvayancar. Offie:- BlSalyBlock, King treet, Bowrnanville. Money to boan ai easonable raies. 48-lyr, $5 ý0 ^-% TO LEND V"on good mort- ge ecrity ai mederate rates of inieresi, E. McL Aue IILIa, 'oliitor,Bowmanvlle,0it. 16, -6mn. OR. J. C. MITCHELL, M EMBERO F COLTTEGE0F PHYSICIÂNS and Surgeons, Ontario,Corouem, cie, Residenace. Enuiskllleu. 74 Gentlemen's Clothes made to Order. D. BURKE simpsoN, B ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. . MORRIS' BLOCK~ up-gtairs, King Street, Bowmau ville. Solic7tor for the Ontario Bàuk. Prîvate moifeva ioaicd ai b-wst rates. RIOBERT YOUNG, V..S. O %FF1CE, IN WEST DURHAM. NEW1S "Biogk, where iimsýelf or hie assistant willl bc found ftom 8 a. m. to9 1. m. Nrght, calîs ai raside nce, dretly opposite Dmil1 Sed. Cals bv telegrapior telepbone cr111reeive prompt ai- teution. 171 - yr. G. HARNDEN,L.D.S. Graduate of tic Royal College o! Detal Soi 1 geons, Ontario OFFICE,--OPPOsite Express Office, VITALIZED AIR ONTARIO BANK continu es te do a General Bankiug Business at Bowmanville Ageîicy. 1DEPOSITS rcceivadi Savings Bank Depatmcnt and interest aliowed ai current ates. 'Notice o! wlthdmawal net necessary. Ail deposits payable on demand, EXCHTANGE Bouglst and soid andDrafts issueduonErp Ulnited Sates aud Canada aiseo 1oSiiver auJ United States Grceniacks'bosgât ansd suid -COLLECTIONS rrompîly made ai comm, ent rares opon ail parts o! Great uritain, the United States anS thse Do- gninlon of Canadia. Telegrapli Transfers Made for large or ml surane ou ail parts of Canada. Tiiissprrially advaiatageonsto par- sons living in Manitoba or ths North-West, it makes the funda avaiable ai once ait the place of pay ment. BOWM4NV1LLE, SEPT. 13, 1899. DISTRICT MEETING. The Financiai Meeting o! tic Bow- mauville IDistrict o! bbc 'Methodiet church, wae helA la tbc Simeoe street charcli, Osha-wa,Aug. ý8th. There was a fuit altendance of clenical anA lay' members. In the absence of Bey. Mn. Wilson, owing- to the iliness o! bis faîher, Bey. J. J. Bac was appointed chairman, a-ad Bey. J. J. LidAy acted as secretary. Af 1cm tie opcaing ser- vices, whicb were cosîlucteA, by Dr. Tiliey a-ad Bey. M. E Wilson, reports o! tic General Conference anA Saper- anuation FanAs were prescated anA adopted. Arrangements were ma-de for liolding mtssionary meetings in Bowmanvilc a-ad Osbawa oa Jan lIth, ia Tyrone Nov. l9tb and in -Hanipton Sept. 141h, wbiie Newcastle, Orono, Newtoaville, Enniskillea, South Dam lington a-ad Cartwright were lef t 10 m4kq Ibeir owa, The ncxt meeting1 Iwill be helA ta Tynoîse. Tic convention op ented ln the atter- noon by singing "*Sec bow great a flame aspires". Bey. Dr. Pctt said thie bymnnwas thse key-uote 10 bis addres In spea-king o! tic twenitieth-ceatur y fund, la bis opeuiag remarke, lbe salA there were none le! t 10 tell us of thse ciosiag o! the 181h century anA there was nothiag deflanilte ho mark the bcginning of the l9tb century. fie de- fusAd this funA as the most colossal scicîne that Methodism ever undcrtook. It is a centennial monument of our tha-aksgiving to GoA. This fanA wili beip la varions directions, first anA foncmoet wiahever cisc il fails 10 do wc are looking anA praving for a great spiritual qickoniag in tbc churci. Il wiii mean a migbby ia'gatbering before thc daWa of a acw century,aiso a stady of Metbodism as to ils bistory anA mission. Tis century is aeariag ite close anA our churcb bas been a sharer la ils ich biessinge. As John Wesey stood on tie Ibreshold of bbc grave he wa-s iaspired to aller tse text "Whah bath G od wroughb. " May oun action now inspire pur succeesors 10 utter bbc samne trull i 1 after years. It wiIl be a great event 10 cross bbc invisible line. fiow shall we cross lb ? Surely not emply-banded. Let our thaaksgiving be like that o! the ancleat Magi, they worsipped, they opened their treasares,. they presented unlo bîm gifts-golA, frankincense anA myrh. The Dr. salA that coatnibmutors wîhl be allowcd 10 designate bbc object for whicb tîseir subscription shah be used. The foilow- ing are stateA as tbe intenesîs froîn whicb thec cioice shail be ma-de, (a) Eda.cational institutions. (b) Missions, home or foreigu, (c) Spipern-nuation and sapcnamerary funAs. (d) L ocal cbach'debls. The tinie appointed for buis grand aliy bas been fixed oy bbc gcn-rra-l confemence as the second Sani- day ln Oclober. fie adylsed that bbc mohaey accompanies bbc subecription anA lta-t in Ibis general movement, a-l Sanda-y Scbools, Young People's Soc- icties, Ladies'Aide, take an active part la Ibis campaign. fie said hha-h litera-- turc would bc sent 10 tbc superintend. ent o! cach circuit or mission. Thse Guardian anad the Wesleyian wiii be sent free -for nealy hhree moulue to ca-ch Methodisl family. fie fulv ex- placd tic "Historie Boll" pa-per will be procured o! a durable cha-acter tom this purpose AnA also impeishable ink; the rol will be k6pt at lie Central Office la Toronto, a-ad a-Il aduls contrîbutiîîg $5 and upwa-rds, anA juniors under six- leen who subecibe $1 shall bave tbeir names enrolled a-nd a souvenir card wihh bbc number shahl be forwarded, anad a-I any falune ime a friend may tara 10 a-ny na-me inscribed on tiseol. The Dr. urgeA the nccessity of the strong lielping thc weak. fie gave as an illustration the foiiowing- incident: Lord Boseberry gave 100 guincas witb bbc request that bis own naine be piaccA on bbc roll a-ad the na-mes ot niaet, -aine poor childmen ou bis eslahe. fie con- cluded by asking tbc qaestion--"'Is there a chancis that lias more mcason týo be lbank!ul blian our own? fie spoke orotier Darticulame cal sifibe ba-uk. - A. J. MCCLELLAii, GEO, McGILL, The CANADIAN STATESMAN le reqaet- AccnotntManager cd 10 pablisi the fllowi ag: Ail men ____________________________who are nervone a-ad deoiliated or who are suffering frorn any of bbc varions Str, u" d n City. troubles rcsalting!mrom ovem work, cx- cees or youhhful errons, are awa-re liab most medical firmea advemtisin,-- to cure Nfewcastle, Bowmanviile, Osbawa and Ihese conditions canuot be relied upon. Whitby to TORONTO, Mr. Gra-ham, a resideat o! London, Oat,liing at 4?7î Richmond St.. wa-s for a long limie a sufferer from above troubles anA after trying la va-in ma-ny advertised nemeidies,_eciectniebeits, etc., became ams entirely discoura-ged a-nAbopelcîss. Fina-ily be confided lu <T T~nînIVa-nolA Clergyman' wbodirccted bim to EVERi IIIUII AM ND F JIIIi an eminent a-ad relia-bic physician, 'ffrougl., h ose skîilifai treatinent a ~i2ti SEPTEMBER 22nd, wviU eaa specdN7 anA perffect cre was obiained. ~<EW('ASIE -6,S uao iri. -sIîîi 10~ri -w lia-t soinia-ny OSHAWA -8.0 5j' trf'cnm, reuo 5imposed upon WHIT"Y-----------8.45 osuscrpÀra ct-k , M Grahîam Jecmî-i(vOToronto,'lrOS. - -o i .t ~ , bis fehiow- 5.00 - irriteS:1 z'e , 1aUli i Nt4di11(eand Usuai fana. Tickets good to mtera ou any of 'ass1Asthem 0i k cure bv in!orming a-ny- thse aboya days up to and includirîg Sept. 8, 1899. olle MIbo ill Write to iii titcn gîent tc adhu fne1-bàcre.not aten- Special attention gv t hehnln0fidencevwber ob cue.N.atn Eeigit. For Tickets anS Imformation app to lion ca-n be givea to biose, wriiag ont liABLI C&NN. THOSNIRHÂ1,t o eecnost but aîsy one wbo Ageuno avii. Manager, Toont oro.rius Rea% fle<aSe'WsmTronto, ca reaiiy [iee a cure is admised to a-.' pbonelrr..z947 18- m0, drese Mn. Graham as above. 14-tf. ortredby Wnzn are Mg almost driven Insane. En lrnstant Relief in' Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointrnent One cf the mcct istrssicg symnptoma-ý ima- gir able le the almost uinh .rablee n hig which is an accompaniniect cf Lecurrljc or whies. The cerves are irrrrîatcd hy the poisonous dis- charge; and thre resut is an irching which is on.y r'cdered more e> crucia'ing by rýubbrng ocr scratching. Lspecially rt night, ;Nhen tihe body is warrm, the patieCnt is iorictcd beyîocd the powers cf huma en cdurane. S por nr t roui cf ti'c que do . Nerx-cccess, iri abiWty and des- pDrdenoy arc m cato-'nl rsuit. 1 th,-se off ces ther arie on lie fie thon- c il-s o lciers froin grarefui w oorn who have founld ib Dr. Chases Oiornieu' a ouick and certain cure for ti' itchin g te vi i vocen arc sub1ect. 111r nrg tir xctat eri 'd many w ncrc Suifeïrshr ci cny cv 1't i 1ucof i jprts, or itchirg piles, s'h c - r Dýi Ar y curcd cy Dr. Clii 's Ointcrt. The'- O-st app licatincf this r't d6 co_)ry" cf Dr'. A. W. bCha' r iU>ciFrirC t rci'ef. At 'ldealersor Lirc.,ct -s _0 Co., A scorcher in St. Paul, Min., haviag run dowu and injuî'ed a pedestrian on the sidewalk, was gpntly expostulated with by the Pioneer Press, of that city. The innocent cyciist was mortallyoffend- ed, and forewith eatered action againAit the newspaper for $10,000 damages. The London News, referring to the in- cident, sas:-' 'A cyclist who is as sen- sitive as thiat shonld be sent to pedal the streets of the New Jerufsalem, where presnmably, he conld rua down spirits and rua tnrough them, without doiag any damage.' TRE FÂRMER. Hard-working son of toil,> Thy hard and horney band Is eînblew froîn the soil 0f Ileaven's kept command. Thv browu and swarthy face, 0f honesty andl pride, fias ail the nataral grace May fruits thy efforts bide. Thy broad perepiring brow Full well obeys in al The earth's Creator's vow At man's unhappy fali. Thy bread is truly earned By sweet-producting toil Old earth towards thee turaed fier weaithfor ail thv moul, When sp ring tirne's carliest bird And soft refreshing ramn Makes winter's knell be heard, Thou'rt scen upon the plain. The soil is quickly plowed, Tlie seed iln faith is sown, Which soon, though not alouid, Its liveliiîess makes knownl. Spread out on every hand, Earth's carpet none surnass, And soon ail sînîles the lan, With flowcrs grain and grass. There are few idie diays For him who wîth a will, Nor shriuks nor yet delays, The fertile soit to tili. Soon corne is hiaying tide, The busy mowcr and scythe Throug-h sccntcd grasses gilde 'Mid songsters' music blithe. Ia haras al stowed away And extra rick aad stac,, New -work-s thernselvesarray Fior harvest tîme's corne back. The reapinzsoon to thee Will prove you may coafide Ia hlm by whose decre Seed tirne and harvest bide, And now when barns are filled 1And enpty is the field,, The welcome thresher Qkilled Shows what's thsear the yield. Thy aeighbors' helping bauds Light work doth of it niake; Repays thee now thy lands ia bursting bias which quake. Again you plow the soil, -b or only he shall reap Who with unceasiug toil The fowl and sheep their part In graet1ig -drth combine. These ail with one cousent To meet thee at the gate, As-if their feelings peut Expres3ioas lonsg did wait. How happy is thy lotý No monarchi on his tbroae Nor mnoneyed-id5ng can boast More liberty his own. There, je a good dernand springing up for Canadlianic ikene and turkeys lu Britain, and the Doiuion~ govera- ment is to start chicken fattening sta- tions, wshere instructions will also 'be givea ln the proper methods of killin,, packing and shippfing of pouitry, says an Ottawa despatch. The popularitv of the Northwest as a place 'of settiemeat le showa by the great increase that le taking place lu the sales of iand la Manitoba and the west of the Province. fiere 18 a record of the sales for August compared with those for the same mont h last y car: Acres. Acres. 89, 1899. C. P. R............. ...16,560 27,890 Southwestern aialwav. . . 2,888 7,823 Canada Northivest Land Co................... 5,u00 9,120 Goverameat lands have met with au even. greater demand. It inideed the growiag time. *APiolleor'S Storyo WILIA,* HEMSTREET'S HEALTH RENEWEJ) AT SEVENTY. Hie Was Afflicted with Illes for a long Period, and Though fils Days of use- fuInese were Past-'He le Again as fiearty and Robust as he was twcaty years ago. Prom the Free Press, Acton, Ont. No man le better kaown to the poýopie of the couaties of Ilaltou and Welling- ton than William Hemstreet, a pioncer and mach esteemcd resident ,of Acton. Mr. ficrstrect la a native of thie country, haviag beeu bora la Tra- falgar township in 181v. In hie youag- er days Mr. fiemetreet conducted a tannin.- business. Ie subsequently en- gagcd in the droving and butchering busines.and corne twenty-fivc years ago, owing to hie superior knowledge of the value of live stock, he took ont a license as an auctioneer. Iu thie calling he becarne at once popular and hie was constantly on tise road, driving lun ail kinds of weather, holding auction sales several days a week. Aithongh possibly a strong, healthy constitution, the coatinual exposure and hard work of sellîag corne dave for six or eîght hours at a stretch;, he gradually lost bis strength and vigor, and about three years ago found himscIf. a coi]'apsed and worn ont man Iu conversation with a reporter of the Free Press he said:- -J feit that my days of usefuinese were over. My strength ha-A depayted, my voice was gone, I -was too wcak to do work of any kind and I was undeiably useibse to myseifor auyoae else. My- symptoms were peculiar aad baffled severai of the beet local phx'siciaas, who diffcred verv niuch in their diagnosis. 1 took their mediclues faithfully but no improvement resulted*. I diA not sufer much pain but was a*very .sick maa.i fiad no appetite, no streng-th, coulA not sleep, and both myseif and my friends concluded that my daye on cartis were nuînbercd and that mv worn-out systcm wor.ld ia a very s hort time lie, down lu eternai rest. 1 bad to give up, ail mv buFiness interests.- Whca Mr. Hem- street's condition was most iserjous hie attention was attracted by the publish- cd testimonial of Bey. Mr. Freemfan, a minister witlî whom he was persoualiy acquainted, reiating to bis reetoration to health after usi ng Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. Be was particuiariy impressed with this testimonial anA coacludcd that these pis muet possees singular nenit and healiag power or Bcv.Mr.Frecmap wfould not lenA bis name to their ap- probation. Mr. fiemetreet then decided to give thcmn a triale; he first got on,- box, then threc, tîsen bal! a dozea, anA took them regularly. No very marked effeets, he. says, wcre noticeable but with characteristic pensistence he pur - charred -a frîrthsrr aupply. By the time twclve or thirteen boxes had been takeuf lie feit that ncw blood was conreiu'g throngh hie Teins; that he possesedre- newed vigor and was able to pcrform Pille id' for me." Dr. Williarns', Pink Pille cure by goiîsg to the root of the isease. They reicw anA huilA up the blood, a-nA strcngtben the nerves, thus Aiving disease from the sytem. AvoiA imita- tions by iasisting that every box yon pur chase le enclosclin a awrapper bearinz the full trade markç, Dr. Wii- liams' Piak Pis for Paie People. THE COLOR OF THE FLAG. The lines of Frederick, George Scott, receiitly*prinited ln the Toronto Mail and Empire under the above title, have snggestcd 10 "Bale," of Toronto, the idea of writiag these clever verses on the came theme. What is the bine on the flag, boys? 'Tic Saint Andrewvs Scotticli cross; 'Twas, worn of old by warriore bold On manyatarget boss. Coronachs rang and cla-ymorcs clang .From Clyde to Frith of,.f orth, And with dauntless tread through tem- peste dread Thse Scatlish hoste marched forth. WV1sat lethie vitc ou the flag-, boys? No tinge of craven taint, But tise cross o! good St. Patrick, Old Irelaud's patron saiut. Prom Brain Boru anA bis hardy crew, AnA to day la the far Soudan, For tbc cross of whitec b follow and flght Is the faith of an Irîshman. What le the red on the flag, hoys? 'Tis Englandes mark o! migbt, Prom progress and praise siace bbc Crusade Aays 0f the gallant Bcd Cross knîght. Wlierevcr it waves no nation of slaves, 'Neatil the thrice-crosed bauners s way, For wibli marshalicd men we have helA and again Can hold-the wýorld at bay. Thea here's'10 the Acar olA flag, boys, Thnice nailed to the matt, For the White, the bine, an d bbc red cross, too, Iu a serried raak stand fast,; On land or on sea, whercver they be,ý Though the jaws of death gape widc, The three lu one-and the one in bbree- Forever-side by side. KENDAL. Mrs. Tom fiays has been removed t0 the Geacral Hiospital, Toronto. . ..?Mr. Chas. McGabey is suffering from a severe atback of the yellow jaundice .... MIrs. Wm. Paterson le vlsiiag fricuds ln Toronto ... . Mr. Bobt Hodgc,Bamnist- cr, Toronto, visited hie asother, Mrs, R. fiodge,receutly .... Sncak thieves enter- cd Mr. Sam. Alexandcr's and stole a aumber of jars o! presarves. ANTIOCI, OLAIRKE Messrs. R. Wood and John Buckleýy anA Misses Emma anA Allie Buckley atteuded the faim at Toronto .. ..Mr. B. Qugh lias solA hie beautiful thorough- brèd colt to Souch Bres., Clarke Union. ...Mr. David Stevens, Port Pcrry, visihed fricade ln Ibis viciaity Sanda y week. . .. Mr. Andrcw Sharpe lia beca makiag extensive repaîrs to lus resid. euce. . .. Mr. B. Wood bas startied fa-l ploaghinig. ORONO. Mr. James Liaton visited ia Lake- field.,... Mrs. (Bey.) Chas. Adams has retarned to Yarker. . .. Mis. E. Shar- man anA dauglilere are visitiug friende la Toronto . ... Mre. C. J. Thompsoa and famiiy and Mr. Salisbury arc visitiug la the city,. . . Prof. a-ad Mrs. Squair have returned !mom their trip to British Columnbia. . .. Mr. and Mme, W. I. Stevi- sou, Oshawa, were gue'rts o! Mr, A. T. Gambby ...The Misses Comstock, Peterboro, were recent gueste of Mr. fi. ,W. Beawiok .. Mis Eva- Higgius, To- ronto, visibed ber grandmother Mme. Armitage ... . farry Hooper enjoycd a visit f rom bis father and brother Charlie, Oshawa. . . Mr. anA Mme. Joe. Cobble- dick, Exeter, visited fricade here.. Miss Kate Butherford, and Master Sid have returised from visiting !nicads la Tilsoaburg. ... Mrs. D. T. Allia aand sons, Messrs. Hiarold anA Cccii, are visiliag ber sster, Mrs. fi. Cbisholm, Toronto -. ..* Mise Grant, Dundas, and Mise McKây, Bowmauville, weme guests of the Misses Colville .... Messrs. John Cuttie and Leu. Doncaster, o! tbc News'l officers of tbc W.F.M.S. are . Presideut, Mrs. (Bey.) Leggott ; let Vice. Pres., Mrs. idi. Brown; 2.nd Vice Pres., Mme. A. Powcrs. Rec.Sec, Mm-s. D. F. Walish; Cor. Sec, 'Miss L. A. Tourjee ; Treas., Mrs. Luxon; Orgaaist, Mrs. Miller. -~ij~n ~yfor J. M.BRIMîACOMBSE' DENTIST. Office.-Rear of Messrs.,lligin. botharn & Son's Drrg Store, (Down stairs), BOWMANVI LLE. Mrs, X -Now Johnny 1 want you to hurry home from schoolýK~is afternoon. Johnny-What for, 1 was wranting 10- Mrs. X.-I want you to corne right home for I want Vou to go to LUTTRELL'S for some buns and cakes for tea. Johnny- l'Il cornebhrme on the run, for I like going th'lere, for his buns and cakes are justl, fine. Aful stock otConfectionery is alwava kept on hand, Alex. Luttreli Clarke's Old Stand, Bowmaniviille, Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte S- tearn- boat Co., (Limited.) Str. "North Ki'ng." SOUTHI BOUND. WEEK DAYs, Lv. Port Hope, North Rin 2.30 p.m. Lv. Cobourg, do 1125 p.M'.. Ar. Charlotte, do 7.15 ý.M Ar. Rlochester, N.Y.C. 7.45 p m. NORTHl BOUND. Lv.Rochester,N.Y.C.and N.R.R.8.20 arn Lv.Charlotte, 8 50 a.rn Ar.Cobourg, Ont, 1.20 p.m Ar,Port Hope, Ont. 2.05 p.rn ,eVRight reserved to change time without notice J.II.JURY, H.II.GILDERS LEEVE, Agent, Bowmanville. Manager. /~ ___ U- BsGld Fill1. 50 5 ysGoldFill 1.00 Best Glasses.. 100 \11e garatee perfect satisfaction. -LCB3LE OPTICAL VO.9 93 S1-treet! Toronto. ý The Great Englsh R&emeýf. Sold and recommended by ] î druggists in Canada. Only eli. able medicinip discovered.Sx ýe:r-aekaes guaminteerl to cure aU frma o! exual Weakness, ail effects of abuse or exeess, mental Worry, Excessive use of Toe- bacco, opium or Stimulants. Mailed on re5ilpt !preoapackage $1, six, $5. CuewcUlpleMS. I cur11e e'aplslets f ree to any add ress. The W..a Ceuy, Windsor, Oak~ -Wood's Phus phudime cld ienu wuma ,- e h Stott & Jury, Higginbothamo & Soli; Or'opo y J. GinUiarn; Newcastle by Dr. Farnieombe. FAIL FAIR NOTES. Prize iists are bein.- mailed to m em . bers. Beest, prize list ever issued is the verdict. IIow would a ladies nail-driving contest do for a fair, iReduced rai] way rates.will be given to Bowmanville Fair, Milk test in a new feature that will create intense intcrest. Only Durham ladies canuex ibint the Ladies Departriieat.. Teachers, get your pupils to enter for the penmaaship prizes. En tries must be mnade with the Secre. tary-between Sept 5 and 12. Changes many are made in the ladioa departmeat and some. others. Member's ticket admits one to exhi-~ bition if ticket is reliniquis hed(. Ladies, make a big ëxhibit ina Domea tic Science class. Good prizes. Only,10 free entries may be mad-e it one department by a member. DonVt ask the Secretary this year t accept entries af ter dates advertised, Attractions i sis yarar di- e r tickets at $1 before Aug. '2-i. After that date $2 must be charge. 4 Managing Committ4 e .in'cludIes Presi,- dent W. E. Pollard, J. i. \Ves , F. Allen, J. P.,-Jos. Jeffery; -.Chairjan of Sports Conmittee-'Alf.« j.ý Bennett Competition is coafilaed to 'Wesýt Dur harn for Grains and Seeds, Laes, departmeat, work done b *y ghis, (decr ativo and constructive 'art ami in arts. 1

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