,IiE medcem ceealte troubles lac. dent to & ilicu s!'oc le sy steu, such asr Dizziuess. Nausea D wt.ristress ater eating. Pain in tbe Whd~ Le ile their most %,emarlitble aoccea&. h sh n on fl u&5 'BesSlache, yet CaprsLti ieu lis ae equally valualeuCoca ticringsape renting tbis mu a,, tu ai lauu 11,bile Ire, ais correct andisercr oSt!' tîuetimiilateýhe jer sud regulýeteon m aif they oaly .~cetby oul'lboaut st~ eles to thosawha Sufer frout Élis (lis trî nn; but fortti. mately theirgoo dii i a'oedere,audfthosa, Jwhooctryt--eil :lt. ttle pills vala. aible in ouay -,h j r lIil -ot ha wil. ~i~ta do vitbuthei tferalcthsu l ho bane of so na ipe tbhers i; where tthers do not. tlarter's Lito L!-ccr UYa m'u-r7 qutali and very easy to ta' . O' l e!t; is utako 9 dose. They are stricd 'g t* 1ac t not gripe or purge, but by V ir i w atIlon pý case ail who ne then. Invi ecattee; ave ' or $1. Sold i druggisla oieyWt 2 or sent ly maiL. hy GB.B.Bate w dotorsfald Ask ariy doctor nnd ho wiil tell you tanext to cancer, scrofuia is one oï the hardest diseasos to cure. Vet Burdock Blood Bitters applied externally to the parts affected and takon intetnaiiy curod Rov. 'Wm. Stout, of Kirkton, Ont., permanently, after many proniinent physicians failed ; Cured Mrs. W. Bonnet, of jCrewson's Corners, Ont., porman- entiy, when everyone thought she would die. Now Mr. H. H. Forest, Windsor Milis, P.Q., states his case as foliows IlAfter having uscd Burdock Blood Bit- tera for scrofula iu the blcod, 1 feel it my duty to malan known the resuits. I was tre-sîed by two skilled physiciaus, but they failed ta cure mhe. 1 had ruuning sares -on my hands and legs wbich I could get aothiug ta beal util i tried B. B. B. This eedy hcaled theut campietelv and per. manently, leaviug the skia and flesb sound and whoie." Always relleved proznptly by Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Stravvberry. Wheu you are seized with an attack of! Crampe or doubled up with Colic, you want a remiedy you ar-e sure wili give you Srliefand give it quickiy, too. .Vo-e dcii't want an untried somcething that mAhepyaU. l'ou want Dr. Fowier's Extract of W id Straw berry, which every onue kuows wiil positi- eiy cure Cramps and Colle quickly. Just a dose artwo aud you have case. But r.ow a word of proofto back up these t sscrtions, and we hve it from Mr. John Hawke, Coldwater, of Wild Stwbe i a wonderful cure for Diarrlboa, Crampe Und pains ln the stomiacb. I was a great -suffre until 1 gave it à triai, but now I tave perfect comfort." "I LIEU &NT1A RI0 NAVIGATION COMPANY. NIGARA TO TRE SEI. HIAMILTON, BAYT 0F QUsN AND MONTRE- SLiNE TBuROUGu T11E BEAUTIFUI, CE NERY 0F TME BAY 0F QUINTE AND TiHoUSAND ISLANDS Bv DAYLIGHT. SEXII-WEE5{LY Sa avicE-Steamers leave Ham- Elton noon, Toronto 6.00) P. M., Mondays sud Thursdays, calling at Darlingtou, (Port oS Bow- manville,) 9.30 put, Leave Montreal sud Toronto aud-Hamilton Mondays and Thursdatys, calliug at Iariinton, 6.00 pin. day followiug their de- parture but one. DAma':-Steamers from Toronto 2.30 p. Conuection is mode at Motreal wjth steamers for Quebec aud the ftr famed Sagueuay. For tiekets aud informa tior. appîy ta: J. go- CLELLA2, Towmanville, Ont, C. F. GILDER- BLEEVE, General Manager, G. A. BrtowNE, 'Traffie Manager. Cencrai offices, 228 St. Pa., Street, Mantreal, Que. i ~îz# ~ ~t~tum~nx j ~<w BOWMAN-VILL.E, SEPT. 13 ,el899. Local and Otherwise. Lieut. Southey was in Fort Hape last week. New lfe for aquarter. Miller's Cam- pound Iran Pille. Steeragýe rate ta Europ)e $20.50 by Beavor LIne-M. A. James, Agent. Mr. and Mrs. D. Pollard, Oshawa, visiteti relatives at Mariposa statian recentiy. W7itby Chrouicie is admorticing for four apprentices ta learu priuting, boys or girls. "Trust mot ta appearaucos," but put your faith lu Hoad'e Sursaparilla,whicb. nýevor dicappaints. il le the lest Imedi- dune isnoy eau bny. MsNI. and Mrs. Jas. Cook, Foi-t Ferry, ceiehrated their golden wedding auni- versary on August 30. My frieni, look bore! 3you knaw bow weak and iservous your wife is, anti you that Carter's Iran Fis wiil relieve ber wby ual ho fuir about it and buy bier a box ? New subecriptions received n'ý THE STATESIN Office six duys a week ho- twet>n 7 am. and 6 pmr. Vorcxic ERUPTîONs-Are grand, but Skmn Eruptions rab life of jay. Buclioi's Arnica Suive cures theffi; alita Oid,R',un- ning anti Foyer Soses, Ulcere. Bouls, Felans,' Carne, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scaids, Chappeti Hunde, Chul- Mlains. Best File cure on earth. Drives ont Feins and Aches. Or.ly -25 c. a box, Cure guarauteed. Sold by Stott anti Jury, Druggist. J osepb Woluer, an Eisgiisbma n about 50 years ai age, was committeti Satur- dcv week ly police magistrato Haines ta Cobourg goal as a lunetie.. Ho cuf- fers fromn delusions of a religious char- acter.» CURm, YOURSaa F orRiiptrMÂ'ISM.-. The application ai Nerviline--nerve- pain cure-which posusses sucli mar- valions power oves ail norme pain, bas proved a remarkble ituccees in rheum- aticm and nouralgia. Nervi line acts on the sterves. soothes them, drives pain ont and sa gîtes r-elief. Try it sud ho convînced. The firet Dominion Christian Endeav- or Canvention wiil bh bit in Moutreal, - rom Oct.5tb taOct. 9tb. Ibeimeetings willh beiti lui the elegant anti commoti- loue St James Methaliet church, St. Catherine street. FILE SFOu 15 YEARs.-Mr.Jas.Bowles, Counciiior, Embry' o, Ont. writes: "Far aver 15 vears I suffereti the snisery ai bleeding, pratrudiug piles. The many remedies I trieti alf fuied - I was cd- viset t try Dr. Chase's. Oinlment and muet sav that the firet applicattion gave relief, after the Ibird day the hieeding stopped anti twa boxes cureti me coin- pletely." Mr. F. W. Hodeon, Director of Far- mess' Institute for Ontario, is about ta louve the empioy aI the Ontari o -veru- ment ta tube charge af a live stock bureau ta ho ostablisheti ly the Domin- ion g-avernment at Ottawa. A GooD TEsT-If y ou have labacbce anti thero are brick dusttieposits founti lu the urine citer it stands- for 24 bous you eau ho sure the biducys arc de- rangeti. To effect a prompt andi posit- ive cure and prevent Bright's disease, suffering sud deatb, use Dr. A. W. Chase's Kitiney.Liver Pis, the world'à greateet kidney cure. McClnre's Magazine for September opens witb a pocm an the Dreyfus affis ly Edwin Markhami whicb proves that the miark reacheti by Ms. Markham lu "'The Man witb the Hoe" was nat be- yondh~is reacbing- again. It le truly a high anti noble strain wbicia lie strikes bore. " NnviùaBumN A CANDLE AT BOTUI ENDS. "-If yau do your ligbt will soan ho gane sud vout will be in the tiark. Don' think you eau go on drawing vi- tality irom the biaad for norves, stom- ach, brain aud muscles, witbaut doing sametbing ta replace it. Hood's Sassa- parilla gives nerve, mental anti digest- ive strength by euriching anti vitalizing the Iloati. Thus it belpe people wbo are overwarkeC aud tireti. Hooti'e Pis are non-irrita ting, milti, anti effective. Ms.ý Franklin Fyles, the dramatie editar of the New York Sun , will open an important series in the next issue ai The Ladies' Home Journal calleti "The Theatre ant iIts People," anti will tun tbrougli scven numbers ai the magazine iavishl.y lilustra-eti witb pictures matie bv týWelve diii osent artiste. THÉ LADIES' HoIfa JOURNAL, Philadoîphia Fr. EASE AND D3i,-EAsn.-A short lesson ou the meaning aof a familiar word. Disease is lte opposite af case. Webster defines tilsease as "Iack of case, uneasi- noe, trouble, vexation, disquiet." It le a condition due ta came derangement athe physical organism -.AvAt regulates tie to ansd bowels, cures Wiud Colle, sofiens the jms, redluesinflammation, aufi gives touneasudeuergy ita the whol-e systeut. Mu-s. Wlnsiows' Sootbingsyu for elsildu-en teeibing is pleassot tathe tasi sud is ihe pro- scription of cieeof the oldesi a.ndlbeat female p, hbsolssu nrses i, the' United States rie 25e a bottle. Sold by ail druggists Iliro- gh- out ti e %world. Be sûr-e sud ask for Mr8., Wis-, SLOWS' SOOthlng SýrlJP, AND TP4OSE TRQUBLED WITH,ý seataho!;oteHarDzie jhortness 01 Breath, Distress after Xerton Smnothering Feeling, Veterme or aln through the Breast. W1 H-'arth o#bid Conditino h nd, afiaiParalysl, ie, pes L ée,,,ervousness, Anemia, Gene- Las o? Ai;etlte, etc. Renenber Mllburnis Heart and Nerve P~ifis cura the worst cases after other rernecls faît. Laita-Livea Pilas cure Constipation. The Î -ssue of The Youith's Companion for the week of September 7th is a 'Storv Number." it contairis five complete, storles, 'the authors being amon - the most gifted of Arnerican wrfters aio short stories. The'number wili aiso contain the usual careful selections of misicellany and the regulh ar weekly health article. SMIILELESS W OIIE-N. Nervousness. Indigestion and General Debility have Drivets Away the Sunshine, but South Arneriean Nervine Brings hack the llearti Gladuess. Mrs. D. A. Grav. of Waterford, says: "For a number of years I wan a great sufferer from indigestion and geneýral debiit-y, and inany times was unable to attenid to my household duties. 1 was treated by nearly ail the doctors in the town and got no permanent relief. I rend of a cure by South American Ner- vine which seemod to exactiy fit my case. I procuredone bottoe and got great relief, and six botties cured mei absoiuteiy . It crtainiy lias not an equa1." Scribner's for September opens with an aecount by Frederic friand of what ho calîs "the finest canoen- country in the world. " Ho made a tive hundred mile journev from Mattawa to the head waters of the Ottawa and Gatineau ivers, through a region abounding in fish and moose. The illustrations are made froin the author's abundant photo- graphs. HE ART SIGNALEF. Qiijek as a Flash They Appear, l utý Just as quickly w iii They Varish iUnder Ihe Ileai- ing Spell of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Ileart. When the hxeath is short-when vou tire easiiy-when there ispalpitation- when there is smothering sensation- and dropsical tendency-all these mdi- cate heart woakness , and are the danger signais if you procrastinate Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart le sav- ing livos which in manY cases have been proclaimied by ominent phx sicians as beyond hope. It will relieve most acute cases in thirty minutes, and patience and the remedy wiil cure any case of heart tronbie in existence. 'We have received from Messrs. Imrie, Graham & Co., Toronto, a copy of. an Officiai Guide and Souvenir of Toronto The caver of this book is printod in colore and the book contains a historical, descriptive and pictorial aspect of the city by Alexander Fraser, iilustrated by a number of its finest buildings. A handy map Also accompanlies this coin- plete little book which every Canadian should have. Perfect T"'-ools Necessary rfor Perf ect Wor.. qllired for thie Buildinlg Up of Nerve, Tissue anld Flesli and for Cleans- lllg the Blood. Paiu&'s Celery Com.pouind the true Disease i8anish- er and Best Healt!i Giver. As weli made and perfect tools are nec- essary for the construction of the perfect working machine, so is a perfect medi cine necessar'y for the establishment o a healthiv anptito-, comploteigston The Educational departmeut bas been obligcd ta refuse the application af near- ly four huindred studefits wba wished ta attend the provincial Normai scbools at 'Tarauta su d Ottawa this year. There are alroady euaugh applications lu ta fMI the Normal echools for a year ta, came, even aiter allowance bas been made for the 100 students that can be aczomma- c'ated at the new London Normal Schoal which wili heo penod ln January next. BismSÎRK's IiON NERvE - Was the resuit af bis splendid healtb. Indomit.- able wili and tremendous euergy are not fouudi whero Stomach, Liver, Kidnei-s sud Bowele are out oai ordor. If yau waut these qualities and the success they brirtg, use Dr. Kîng's New Life Fille. They deveiop overv7 power af hriu nand bad-v Only 25C, et Statt and Juri.V'e drug store. Newspapers witb big circulation like ru1E STATES-MAN wben considered fromn an advertising etantipoint, have overy- tbiug iu their favor Tboy reacb the bouses witb a frequencv that commende itself as a sining v irtue ta the man who bas something ta seli. Moreover, sucb a favorite ncwspaper canuot ho supplauted in the bearte of its constitu- ente by any other sort ai publication, which insuros it a pormaneucy ai circul- ation that cannot hoe duplicated. lIEItARuABLE REscu - -Mss. Michael Curtain, Piainfield,lli., makes the state- mont, that she caught cold, which set- tleil on ber lungs; cIte was treated for a month by ber farnily phvsieian, but gî-ow woree. ,Ho told ber she was a hopeless victim of cousumptian and that no medicino could cure bier. Heu- dru-- gist suggesed Dr. Kinges Newv Discov- erv for Cansumption; she bought a baitti ani ta lier delight faund berseif benofitteti froîn the first dose . She contiuued its use andi ulter taking six botties, iound herseof couiandi weil; now doos lber atm housework, andi is as weli as she oves was, Free triai botties oi this Great Discoverv at Stott & Jur ' 's Drug Storf,. Unly 50 cents and si.0o every bottie gaaranteed. Fi vovaluahie cawqs dieul while ou ex- hibitionut Torouta Fair. A cornmittee consisting ai Dr. A. Smith, V. S , lon. John Dryden and John I. Hobson se- ported that the deah in eacli case hati been caused by too uch forcing and certaiiù manipulation ai the udtler witb a view ta improvo its appearance, coupi- ed witb tliseextreiio bout at the tiuie. The manipulation consisted inl injectin- milk into the utider and is said ta be a commeo>n practico at the Fair, 'The aonest furmer evidentiy knows a few tricks. SToux 0OP A SLAVE-TO be bounti baud andi foot for m easebY the chains. ai diseuse is the worsgt form aif slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich. telle how sucb a slave wes made free, Ho says:-"M'y wife bus been so boîplese for tivo, yeuse that she coulti fot turn over lu bcd alone. After uising two bottes of Electrie Bitters,she is wonder- fmliv improveti end able ta do ber own work." This bupreme remiedy for female diseases quickiy cures norvausuese, sleeplessenees, rueiaeholy. heudache, hack-ache, fainting aud dîzzv pls This miracle warking medicine le a godsond ta weuk, eicklm,,rundown peo- pie. Every bottie guaranteeti. Oniv, 50 cents. Sold hI' Stott and JuLry,DrLiggists. The Designer for October, publisheti by the Standard Faslïian Company, le a triumph'ai artistie and literary skili, tc fashion plates, bath ini black and white sud in color, are the personifica- tien ai style anti good tacto. There are articles on "Milliuery," "Bulbe and their culture," "Autumu Flue-m for the YoungerGoueration," '1? atted Etigings and Insertions," "Fossihilities ai n Bal ai Kuitting Cotton," "Pleasant Noake andi Corners," and "Points on Dress- maiking,." Standard Fashion Ca ., 32 West i4th St , New York, SUFFEREBS FROII RAY FEVER. lu au article ou Hay Foyer in the .Amerijan Ang fer, Jauuary, 1899, a correspondent %vrites :-"0f course thousands af remedies bave been offered anti trieti ; but the time and 'noney spent lu the trial lias generally been wasted, for a partial relief, if uny, could only beh obu-ined, and the causes yet remuineti. Therefore, lu place of reine- dies, surgical aperationa, and herole suif esinge, the only course for a subjeet of bay fever ta, pursue, if relief is tiesireti is ta fiee froin the infecteti atmosphere and'deleteriaus influences ta logions wlîere the air and surroudings are froc framn the sources af bis trouble." The Muskoka lakes, Mugnetawuu River reigu, Lake of Baya, and, Georgian hay districts are totaily exempt from the causes af the trouble, and immedi- ate relief aud a decided cure is aseumeti hy al who visit this beautiful locality. The main cousiderations lu choosing these regions, 'in preference ta other localities, are: 1. Relief and total immunity from bay foyer. One gentlematn in partieulas tolti Mr. Jury that whon leaving homoelhe was so bad that ho Md lta be carried on the train; but withiu 24 liours altos , reacli- ing Muskoka lie got perfect' relief anti hati no f urtbes attache nîthonghlieho hati been there clae June - Tbis saute gentleman bad taeldal over *the coutinent tryluig ta gel relief, anti bad triedeerkou remedy but cati Muekobka was Worth ail the ree't put together. î -ma Which make Plymouth Twine indis- pensable for the Government Farm Service -greatest strength, perfect evenness, extreme length, freedom from tangles, purity-are absolutely- necessary also to the Twine that xviii do perfect w'ork in every harvest field. The selection of Plymouith for Governmaent service xvas flot made haphazard, but, af ter the inost care- fui prbtctical test iad thoroughly le- monstrateci it to be the BEST. Ply- mouth has qualities peculiar to itselL, which cause it to work perfcctly wherc other brands fail. IT PAYS TO BUY TÉ]Wý B H S T THisUT-tADn MARIK l1 ON EVETIX TAG. SEE THÂT X'OU GET IU If your dealer does not iandie our Twine write Ply-~ mouthi Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto. A. flllavula lady, Wliam flotars Last by UD GnRIS KillOy No ofie who lias not suffered rrom kidney disease can imagine the terrible torture thase endùre wba are tbe victims of sorne disorder aof these, delicate filtera aof the body. Mu-s. Richard Rees, a weii-known andbhighly respected lady of Belleville, Ont., had ta bear the burden of kiduey complaint for aver 2o years and naw Doau's Kiduey Pilla have cured her wban ail else failed. Heu- hushand made tbe followIug atate- mentaf ber case: Fr2 Jr wf hba een a suiTerer frets pain in the back, sleepiessness and uervousness and general prostration. Nuthiuug seemed to heip ber. Doc tors and medicinas ail failed, until we got a ray of hop& wben we sawIý Doans Kidu y Pilla advertised as a positive cure. "She began to take them and tbey bielped leu- uight away, and she la now bettes in every respect. We eau bearîily recam-. miend Doans Kiduey ýPilla to al aufferers, for theyseemito strike tberigbt spot quickiy, anid their action is not oniy quick but it is permanent. "I canuot, say more in favor aof these woneeufui pilla flani that tbey saved rey wife tram lUngering torture, wbich she bad endured for 2o years pust, aind 1 aineuely trust'tijatail sufferers ivili çive Doa'ss Kidney Pilla a fair trial. LAXA- UIVER PILLS Cure cmtptebilusnnese sîek boad-,che anti dyspepsïa. Eveu-y pIl goar-îuueed peu-tct anti tD act wihout ariy gu-ip.. ing, wea --ii ng oasscaen,;ug effects, azjc .t ail drugýi.s" Ms. Wm. Mlorrii ageti 65,trac canght in the machiner', wJetvrbing ut Gil- mionrb 11e Worke, hilbv, anti crneh- edt tatealh. 1C. A. Stepliens' uew serial story ln tbr ýe parts,, ontitleti "Little Big-Heart " wiil beg-in lu the issue ai The Youlh's Companion forth ee weeb ai September i 121st. Mr.Henry Jalinston, Hastings, offereti ta contrilute $i.,500 tituasti the> e-ecion af a Counties' loiane fou-tLe unul caunties aif1Northumberland anti Dur- barna. Mr. D. McIGiiiiývruv, Whîulm, 5sileti iact week by the '-Buvarian" oai tPe Alcun Lir-e, for Europe 10 pursue is studios lu Germian anti Eiglisli Univer- sities. _________ A DOCTRuh'8 RuMAGE. Pre-cribed for lbis Pitlent Sonth Americtu Itheu.natie Cure, and she,>Iaiu's 0w-a W ords for S:il: 11tsavedmny biSa. Wm. Erekina, Manager for Dr. R. R. Hopkins, Grand Valley, wuites- "I hume a patient Who bas bean urieti y Sautb American Rbeuuîalic Cure. Ho bati boen tryiug oîeu-ything ou curth wilb- ouI tho slightesl relief, anti butitabou ta hie bcd. Thu-ce doses relieveti hlm, anti when ho hati taken two baIlles ho was able to drive out. Ho iutmedialely came ta me anti saidti Iis gre-et reuetiy bcd saveti bis lufe. Tbis remeti', relieves ins a iew heurs anti is curiîg tise worid. Soiti by J. Iîigg-inbotbam & Son, By-iaws were passeti by Cartwright Council ta raise $850 for sehool purpases, $380 for generai andt incidentaI purpos- os of the township, anti1$350.69 ta mccl the caunty assesemeul. 1If yau use inorvaus or tiyspep tic try Carter's Little Norme Pille. Dyspepela makes yau normons, anti nervousuiess makes you dyspeptie; cithes anc sentiers you miserable, anti theso littie pille cure bath. The Watchman-Wartier office, Linti sas,Jsatia scorchîing last weekbly tire, The fire brigade succeetietinl contraili ing tlirfie but the thtîntge by w ater to stock, presses anti cases wiii le about ONLY NATURAL CURE, For .al Disordors of the Digestive Functions is Dr. V - Stan's Pinie- Most me fdicai rin ukuow that the piue- apple contauns a quantity of vcJeta hie popsin .- lis produet le invaluale, beccuse il exerîs a wcuderfut power in the digestion af ail kinds ai food . Science bas îîow co)nsolida tcd Ibis grand essence int tablets, andtitt, wîthiui roacli af emarvah1e, is a seiltmuOlapana- cea for ail stomac!h ilis. Dr. Van Stan's Fineapple TabIots are tie mast important admance for the pro- vontion anti cure oa i ccess la the lmet thousanti t'ora A goati digestion is the bases of beallb, anti aIl nuy bave ht b%, the faithial use of theoa marveliaus ta blets. Box of ti0, tahiets 35 cents, Solti by JI. Higginbotbaîn & Son. Ms. M. Kassais, a petidias af smaii wares livlug ut \hhitby, lbas returneti ta Russia. STrr'r JOINTS 4 YEARS.-Mr. Arthur Byrus, Rocký Hill, Ont., wriles: "I was laid up with stiff joints fotr about four years anti couli gel no relief unlil 1 usedti lree baIlles ofliIagy-,îrd's X eilow Oul wlsicb cureti me." Miss Trebiicock, Brighton, visited ber friici sus Jolliffe, turingý the past n'eob.-.Colborne Enterprise. If you notice vous ciii griýnç.iiisg the teetb durinis sloep, picking- the nase, ealiuig ravonously lut not seoming ta gain flesh, you may bo sure wosîus are prosen, anti shouit ual dclayiv ling Dr, Low's Flousant Worm Syrup. FrOc9-5c. Two mon wilb a bu-owu lieus passeti lhrou.gb lowu Wednesdav giving con- sitierable amusement ta tise c'.ldren. A womau wha is weak,, uorvous anti sîcepiese anti wio bas colt Ibantis ànd feet, cannoaI bel ut ail like a vwelI persan. Carter's IranPFilecoulize thp circulation, rom ove uerx usncss, andi give strenglth anti rosI. At the bu -te meetinlgaiflise Ilîgh Court 1. 0. 1'., ut Kliîgeton, Rom Mu-. Fu-etielis af Gruf ton, wue elecue:à iilU Crganist. CuiRD oiu' Ecziiiî.-1 wus troublet for coterai' 1 cars witbBEczema anti trieti caves-aitioctaîs but ta no rup'.Then I was utivisedti t use Uni dock Blooti Bitters, anti tii sa ith the greateet suceece, as six botties eutirlu-yl curet me. Wm. G. Uglow, Port Ilope, Ont., Ta The Youlbes Companian ai Sep)t. 141h. Justin McCarthy wiii contribute hie recoliections of Bu-aut and, iZîer- c 1on.- CAGE BtlS We fume just lecci e a capy af Brochi'c hýock on Birda vt'ï(1 is tise mast complote anti up to-dato rpcseî'uibock au the foodi, diseuses,bosed iiet;. nidging, wasbiiig, anti 00105 iee_-megof canuries v11h valuable orrfl05utlt_:i Or parrots anti aîher cage birtis th' .' 3 have ceeu. The work ilevi emlintby , writien -by anc who bas a thoraugh ro,-oi2 of his sabject, anti w.l)prove mRrcami, cod. iug toa alowners ai cagýe ttd. ve r surprisedti tafinti Isota o es the nu-uber ai varieties of cïariLs-wbiet inl Canada, there beinZ -tsry-one classes ut anc "bird show in Totolo. The chapies an the tacin'i iofCanri-es ac- cempanieti bm ilu0r'i s a oe, te tbe first timo thtouthibl'_ - 'bjo t ts boen treateti in uaCany r ,arkanti îhqtonExhihii,)ueanu J(dI 'aunuot fiau te le helpfii otit ta th a au teur anti aiac te the cx:>,îe 1 ilIanîcier. 'Ubere are 2G0 pag.<es anti vv ' lim-l tralious lu the bockz,, vbhi latly ptînited wîii goati clear t i-pt u.' ýs ptub- litiioti lvNicholsonîs & tîc ffiu ru rrice 25e. post frse. F E W 1MIE O AL Dii ou et or notice how bfew people are original lu thing-S lisy say anti do ? For instance, aise man maltes a fortune ont ai a simple thing; immediaîely huit- tirets af othors try it. This ite humun nature. Wbiie it le grutifying 10 le Ibe "first manu" ta bring ont uan itica, the great mass muet le content ta foliow their leaders.* There îs eue lice thalles original, bowemer, anti thut le the bus- iness ai Bratiiey-Garretean Ca.,Lirnited, ai Brantforti, Ont"., because tbey con- tinaliy bsing out publicationîs, ta suit the times cund, seamans, thus Ibeis agents arc kept ut il ant ismuke big maney. In' fuel, no other occupation rs m-ore bonor- able, beulîblul , lucrative,,or allers hall as mauy opportuniies for promoction It le a 111e sebooal Mauy mon anti womon iu Canada ta day, tost*Ifv ta the trulb- mines a is isaim, in fael, !t le conceti- et en ail bauds, that ana yeaî's experi- once Wilh îîî:s f.rm le tvorl mare 10 cny young mn uor waitan, lb-tu two or lbrse vears.at Coile,,e, lt-cm au educa- tionai point of view, ant i fnanciuliy, il is ail that can lectieireti Agents:l-Di 5on oves 1mbfaianti- ling our latesI oi "The Light ai LUfe" ? if ual, a' ,e ad-time CO s'atrt, $3,00 tay sure; soma malte twice thut,. Experiece or capital ulcus-ais -. -BRAi)LEY-B ARRETSOY <CO. ' imiteti, BNTRDATNT RCOD