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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1899, p. 4

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~5 ~a 155~>-st ~ S Means Impoverishid and Exhausted Nerves - Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food Retores and Revitalizes the Nerve Cells. People who suifer from Nervoue Depression Iandi Exisaustion frequently look healthy andc Istrong. They alone know -tbe thousand dis-s Itressing symptoms which maake their lives j eiserable. frersleiaso n The lack of nervefoc eutinaswad sluggish action of the heart, impairefi diges- tion, headache, despondency, and a fear to venture, loss of energy, sleeplessness, incapa- city for mental labur or business. With thess symnpms there ie usually melancholy and fcar of death, which tends to incrcase nervousness, bot there is every reasoni t0 be hopefl f the right treatment is used. F Dr. Chases Nerve Food contains ail the nutri-i tion required to create new braie andi nerve tissue. Ih imparts su the nervous systemn that life-giving priociple which sende a tîrili of new strcngth and v4,or througl tise systens. Dr. A. W. Clases Nerve Foodi will cure by tle building-up process, whieh cnadDes the body to laugh at disease and weakness. Face cut'and fac-smile signature of Dr. A. W. Chase on every box cf theucn.50c- a box, at al dealers, or lianson, Bates & Co., Toronto. BOWMANV ILLE. SEPT. 13, 1899. BOW MANYILLE FAIR. Greatest sUccess, of the Mdland Ceunties last year! This year new at- tractions are sccured, the prize list fias been thoroughly revised, oxtended and illustratcd-and is a model. A real live Board of Directors have spared neither time nor effort to make this !ýear's West Durham Fali Fair a record breaker.1 Fine music, lHighland Dancers -two YeUng ladies who hasve dlanc'ed before the QUeen-anld other dlean amusement features wll make the day pleasant, Reduced rates from G. T. R. stations. Grand Concert Fair Nigîht lu Town Hlall. Jim Fax heads a -unique prograin.j Den't mi*ss Bownîanville Fair on Fridav Sept. 15. M. A. JAMES, Secre arv s) busy new taking enitries which înst be miade by Tuesday bef ore the show. FAIRS TO B1E HELD. Western, London, Sept. 7 te 16. Clarke, Orono, Sept. 12 tLo 13. West Durham, Bowman,,ilie, sept. 14-15, Lindsay Central Sept. 21, 22 and 23.à Canada Central, Otawl, Sept. 11-23,9 Cobourg Central Eýihibition Sept. 26 teo 127 Peterbtro Central, Sept. 26 te 28., Ontario and Durhan, Whitby Sept.1 -28-29. Cartwright Fais- Oct 3 te 4 East Riding of York and Markhamn Agiuturai and ilerticultural Seciet- es_ O1ct. 4, 5 a nd 6. East D urham and Cavan, Mýilbroo, Oct. 5 te 6. East Peterboro, Oct. 10 te il. \Voodbridg-e Fair Oct 17 and 18. - STOCK SALE. The undersigned hias receiveti instruc- tiens froni M. D. WILLIAMS te sel by auction at Bencett's Hotel,Bow;nan- ville, on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2ti, a dcho collection eft yeung stock cern-1 prîitng 60 Heifers rising 2 and 3 vears, 15 Steers rising 2 and 3' years.' This will be a rat-e orportunitv for farmers te fil up their dairy as the Heifers are of good milking strains tsnd got by Durham Bulls. Tnîtis :-Six ipOnths' Credit on ap- proved notes. Adscoant et .6 per cent per annusn will be allewed for cash. Every one will be sld te the highiest bld 1er and ne roserve whateî er. Sale at one 'ciock sharp. L. A. W. TOLE, auctieneer. TOWN 0F .BOWM.ANILLE. Bowmanvilie is beautifliy situated on au eminence, surrounded by picturegqne seenery, overlookin PrtBowmanviile Rarbor ou Lake Ontario, and une of the prettiest expanees of water le Canada. In sommer boats pi% daly iu fulview op and dowss andthetIcfin e buseof tbe Ontario & llichelieu,Line cali bush ways je somamer. Tbe pupulation of Bowmanvlle le be- twsen SOM0 and 400, Streets sud idewalks are vaut . A. JAMESIssuer of Marriaige License ai bis resid enc e Centre St., or at Tas STATES StAR office, Bowmauvllle. IE1ARM TO RENT.-No. 1 and No. 2 X1 Broken Front, Pickerini, cotaiuîug 225 acres at present occupieti by Ernesi Vanstone; p se'.ssion given 15h of Octoler, 1899, with p -vilege of ploing t aey urnme. Appiy to MRs. J. RCHARSOeN, Whiby- 37-2w. tAN ANCIENT 7EMPLL Duse. ,.rettet Pornapeli Durlng thse Courla of Receut ]Excavations. Thse excavations cf Pompeil lave boe oentlnued during tlé past year anti have resulitid chicfly lu tle discovery ef smail bouses conteiulng objecst fsecondary Interesi anti importance, In île neigîbor baof thîe Gat.etofVesuvius a portiond of tle etty wall belanging te îhe sarlegt penld set Pompeilen building was laid lare, anti ls interesting, as lt la apparent- [y more ancient tIensuaI other portions of the Wall as have beau diecovsrud. It appearg te lesutfOscan construction, le- iog luilt et large, blocks et rougi elene cetly joineti wiileui muriar, andi re- sembles somewîat île tp.caîe et l'Thc Flouse of tle Surgeon," which lo admit- tedly ot Oscan architecture, ibougi île stoe are larg3r anti net se smnoilhly faced. This section efthîe excaîvatione being exlausted, île greunti already appropri- aid bing iftiisîsdthîe direcor dater- mmced te excavais tle srnall corner usar tle " 2eat-,Gate," whicî was île only un- exostvated'spot la ilat part oethîe City. Experts lad long heen anxious to sec waa lay buriedti Sure, fer tiers w'es a portion of a very large anti bandsoume raI suarhle pillar, whioh lad long been ave greuni.d andi lad given n-se te sun- dry conjectures. On removiug tîl eiul e site aras ftn a te le ccopieti ly-tic fountiatieus ef a temple wlloi aras ln course ot ounstruction ai tle time oethîe destruction efthîe City in 79 A. D. This le partcularly jnisreeiing. because h aras suppusedti tît all e sacreti etifica- cf île City had been dlscesýereti long ago, ne Imîportant deily boing wrileout a representative temple; but, unforînnately, thure le nsthing lu île rudiments of île temple bsf ors us te indicate to whom il aa te le dedicaton it s completion. le is evident that, iuogl very erneil, I aras intentied lu rival le lis decorton any temple arîlel existed lu tle City, andti ibogl thàld scarcely nisen aboe île groonti levol. the manile architraves, carveti as usuel egg aud teotl melding, ares lying atound 15 ready te le put up; andtihîe Corinthlan caplials, corne flniseet anti otîeseoniy partly clxecuteti, une dis- playel lu tle eclosure, as Weil as îhe base ut a pillar upon. which île suason aras ai arurk authîe time outhîe catastro- phe wlicl overaelme th îe City. Tle 5001- mars on thls base are clearly percouti- le, anti loukIs 5if Ithe werkmaan la only j us left lie t,îsk. As te the laiisorne reti marble pillar ta whicb are lave ulIodei, it la resun- able to conjecture tuaàl lu as tls base for the statua ut the sgel, as lV le about four test long, andtihe iouly piece et coleresi marbie founti on tle site. The partly executeti capitale are extremelv lnîerestiug, as sloiig tle inetotbeeou île Roman antise arbu wae engegeti upon t1cm, wbile 1105e ilat areCoumploeeare very gooti spOimnsti dccii, considering tualtley lelozta an aga utftieclune. If Pompeisliaitolas neot boen protino- tilTs of sensation t11e year, a amail ex- cavation on priate grounîl only' a fsew yards ousside tle aralis bas mus E) can matie up for titis ly revuabing une aif île fi ecot anti Muai intere*tiug nuosalas of antiquity. Sorronndt by a iuosi exqi- Stte garland et flovrers, wahà a tilcal mack îhrown lu bsro andti tere te break tls pattern, le a piature reprsenting a group csf saven plilosopisers, anuto!wlom, i seateti with a papyrus lu lis baud, anti ils ellers are greuped round listssnlug ta lim. In tle baciseroue a"e saime ruinaI pil- lamaz, and i i the right bond uppor corner la a rupresantation utl the Areopagus of Aidions, wah lis reekia aIdbuilding%. Tle 1-nosaic la polychrome ans inludirin- estive cubes of vcry fine workrnansshlp, equal in menit teaSIri» 1 Disoonldes of Semas lotIe Naples Museum, alaare belibveti te le île unîT sgned momalca ef aotiqniiy.hIt s alutS Sirce teet squame, anti aras, ne loubt, itateudeti for thse contre ofthtI pavement et a s-ohmi. ht las probaîiy zicver beon usset anti aras a nsxw momalô, because lu aras net foueii on île grounti, but leanlng agaînst a Walal, sbewlngeg cuer that it lad bea ruoveti from soesethe place, or' tIsaSfM aras about te la put down for île firai trne, Its pentat conidition Icada eue te prefer tle latter conjecture. Thc Govern- ment las purcliaseti h frem Sig. D'Aa- quine, and ti wai lsbortly ise ekhîlatel to the public ln tle uoaaedepartmnent of tle Naples Museum. lu Is genenaliy admitte t îleSthe eas'll- est niosaits le hialy dates trousabout 80 BC., andti luere can o nodoubt ibsilu xuany cases thàey arere reproductions, or, ai ail eveuis, traditions e1tfanions pia- tanes, hlutthe case isefsein, tihe sketch of ils Areepagus,eeoes-niag île ldentlty of arihiltIare, eau le ne doubi lu the. mmnd of any euone okacars île spot even ln lis present etate, displays the (3reek oengin of île ans-k, andth îe accus depicieti muet lecIeihr merne oeicbraîod discussion on "Mars NUIi," eor, whai ha morQ unlikely, a cassal gmoup et ont ef tle Attic salools oft tioughi snob as migît le sau ihere assy day. At any rate, a sketch efth@I. rsepagns whiohlal recnognizaleataithe cundet île ninoteenth century isne mea treassure, and w. ar-e sucourageti te e pa lIaionu or otIer ef île archaceloii achesofAt Ailns rnay DisposiioIn le tle mini thai colns our comfents or tleir ceunterfelis. Your ldeal may eaahly beceme yur idel, unless your ideal la Christ Vice sither biles or Iraws is sarerd as soon as vintue shows ber face. Whoever kicks ove? a lieai finti s big brooti et otîsers lig anIser 15. "Toearr la Iumau." Tuat la sounti doctrine-..uer la 15it awlta liua un te. or brneti off moethly te keep it aver andthtIc airs frem spltting aethîe ati. Do not wasl île bair tocs otten unuies Il is very oly. lu tlat case wasîh t ten rte remeve tls excess of ohl. Dry baeu tîsît ls inclindti tecorne eut aold 1< 9 kepi dlean ly dally use oethîe b1mai applieti vlgerously te île scalp. It, sleuld ànet le wasleî ottener than once lnusix weeks.-N. Y. Tribune. 1 TWINS NMURDERED DV LAW.- Accordin.g to AfrîitanSupersittlon'£heir lîirth Proves W1teh1cra[t. Miss Siessor ef thc Unlted 1Presbyterian Mission ai Olti Calabar was a passeuger on the lder-Dempster Llner Oroni, wbich lef Liverpooul reoontly, and lied withliber four black cliltiren whese cases reveal a paluf ni part of West African history, Miss Slesser bas new werked fer 22 years lu Olti Çaabar. The children arc agod, rospectlvoly, 2,.3, 5 anti 16 years, and eacul e ufettwins appeinteti ai one trne te die, lu acerdauce wtl a super- stitionas custom prevailing in thu Niger Coast Prieterate. Iu île course of an liitervie~w Miss Siesser sai ilhat aB twiss bru were, aoccrding te the native laws, te be put immediately te death, anti it le ouly tluse whu lave boen reecueti by tle mis- sionaric'a anti piaeoîl eyssud île rean of tle native power wlo have se far escapoti. The uhiltiren in île Oren were fouir et tIsse. Altogether, Miss Siessor las hersel.t sevedth îe lives of 51 twlns. Wheu the twoins are bora ýtley are ni once taIen frein île ruotler, anti, if ne une interferes, tley are tekeei by île test anti leatianti have ileir lacks bruken aurose a native worn's kuee, lu île saeoway as one woulti break a stick. The lbies are tlen placed ln an earthen- ware receptacle anti taken te île buel, wlore they are beveureti ly the files, in- secte or animale. Sometimus thele tile victims are put lu ibs recepteuice elive. anti are tlilon eaten alive in tle saine way. Tise mther becumes an entesîs. If see dues net ai once tale ber own life, see bas te fies te île bush, If she ventures near île 'tewn or village, sic muet ses îletshse doe net romnain in the peil wleu any other native is cemiug. Her prýesetice. aucording te ilhe supersiliien, woulti defilu île plae for otbers. SIe muet net drink from îhe sanie eping, muet net tendh anythlng even belongiug te bier own îrelatives, andti ilerel ttle cause for wontier that sIe takes away her lite, wlicb bas- lecome a living deail. Mies Siesser le accompanied on île Oron by Miss MoIlntosh, andi togeilur they are going te establiel a borne for tIsse native The natii'es' supersti- tion lt that tle birl et twiu s e ere- suit t; fwitcÈcraft anti tevltry. Forinelv île mether, as weli as île children, was put te deuil. Tls intervention ef île wiîte missionaries aud traders saed lber life. Mise lesser sali: "It la reajlvy im- possible te at once put an cuà7l tel horrible native customs. There coulti le ne better governors tIen nus lave et pros- eut. Sir Halpal Mour anti Sir Claude Macdenald. bave lelped us ail tIi-y Cen. We dois 't want ilern te kiile natives te make thons ablishel fle leking pinîntirs- We hope by savîug île cilidren ,aid bringing thons up like theruhlidrea te slow tle natives tlat they are wreng lu ileir belief t. h le ieir rligious bellot ilat imakes tbem liiilteir uhiltren." A Joke au Ripli... T1h eroisoeehotel ia Rotiingblean, tle White Herse by name, and t i l kepi by au nid fellow namel \VelIfars. Rudyarb Kipling trequently passeet bis eveuinge witl Welfare, andt tgeiber they ernoked anti lemuereti pulilucs. Now, Welfare was a streng Radiioal, anti Mr. Kipling. as ls well knowvn,.ql an advanced Im- s rialiitOne dan imagino, ilereture, ai iesowere spiriieti meetJngs Lun a while Mir. Welfare fell il. Mr. Kiplng called jmet as usual, andtile woultisst by the bellie anti talk. As betore, they boiteI polithus andt nlkel coosswlse ýanti fiuug iheir lances. Now, it was îleý prac- tils eltthe" doter teoeal quite latu andi take lis patients temiperature, anhol alwayo wonderud te fluti hin, lunwvhat ghould. bave leen île quieteet heur oftihe day, leatel anti purturbeti. This weui on fer several lay-île doter wonderlng, Mr. Kipling arguing, andi Mr. Wlfare lgnltng-.untll île malis oi eut the oecret of the nlghtly discussion. Then thse srgeon came te îhe wrlteî"rs bouse. "Mr. Kipling," sald ha, "yau. muai omli ne more ai île White IHoes, "Why net?" saId Kipling. 11Becaus," sali the docbcsr, " yots are kîlling îhe lantilord. On Monday when yen bal gone bis temperainre increased seven tdegreosTuestiay Ih increaseti sight, anti lest night wbsn I ouled tihbad gene up nine. At ibis rate you'll buru the bousqe dow." THE tDAHLIA. Tlhe trent Xmprevemnt la lis Culturo Since It 8 Disa.vory by Ic5smb1dt. More ilan 100 ycers ago Baron Hum- boldt iscsovere th îe dahlia, a arnali, single flower, ln Mexico. Coulti some propletio vision have revealedto itlm île dahlia eftot-day lu uùs dazzllng hues andi varieti ferma le mlght,perlaps, have been preuder et that discovory tlan et ail hi$ otîer scientiflo acîlevements. It as sent by hlm te île Betaulcal Garbons, Madidi, wîerc it recelvedth îe name ut dahllainl ouer of île botanlet. Professer Ândrew Dahl. Tle sanie year ht was lutroduceti laie Englanti, where il was cultivateti under glass. For a few years le was lest te cultivation, thon re-iutre- of lligh and Publiec Text Books. School1 W.,T. Allen., Notices ef Iirtiis, Marriagea and Deaths 50 cents; when enarriage ilcenses are obtalncd or funerai notices printed at this office. Insertion free. BORN. MeeNrjor-In East WhItby, Ssutiay, Sept 10, the wife of Mr. Freti.Mout2oy, of a tiangbt-, or. HEARIE -I n Bowmanviile, Sept.9, Mrs. John Rearle, a son. THosNturoe. -ýAt %Vbîtby, Sept. 7, t o Mr. anti Mrs. E. J. Thoruton, atiangîter. VANSTOXE -At Tomunto, Ang. 21, to Mr. andi Mms. Lucious N. Vanstene, a son. Msxasss-In Oshawc, Aog. 27, the wife of Mr. A. Miners, of a son. HRNEîSee-Ius Clamke, Sept. 1, the wlfe of Mr. Thus. Ramness, of a sosl. MARRIED. I-AN;z3tARR.-At Lindsay , Sept. 651, by Rev. J. W. Macmllan, Miss Janet Kerm, lOps, aud Mr. Roît. Arnoldi Haussa, Cartwright. SMIîTn-HALI.. At "Millvale" hy lisv. Canon Parucumbe, Sept. 2; James Smith, Toronto, and Emma, third danghter of Daniel Hail, Eeg., Oonu. GRA NT.-MCLEAN.-At Whttby, Sept7, at the residesîce of bis 1-on. J ufge Melu tyre, unec of the- bride, by Bey. Dr. l'sleTavisb, Torunto, as- sisteti by Rev. J. WV. MeMillan, B. A., '.Lindlsay, snd Rev. John Abraham, M. A, Wlrtby, Rev. Rugis R. Grant, B. A., Trenton, N. S., cnd Miss Flionne MeLean of Whitly. PowRsar. Rouces. On Se pt. 6t1, 492 Spadina avenue, Toronito, by Rev. J. W. Ras. Xater C rewdtson Puiseh ssi Minuie. youngest daugît- er of the laie Louis Roui-k, Whitby. WîLSOl-ROBR.-At Columbus, Aug. 29tb, by Rev. J. B. McLaren, Mr. Frederick L. Wilson, and Miss Eva May R.,bbe,bOeil of East Whitby. LssisssîvWHIr.-In Oshawa, A ug. i1, by Res - J Holuges. B A., M. Charles Lamîbert snd Miss Alice-, fouot dangîhter of Mrý Wiltun White, ail of Oshawa. Cuax RuaLIS.-As thsemesidenceof the brlde's parsurs, 5Sef us th, Ont., ou Toeeday Sept. 12. rsy Rev. Neil Shaw, BA., Mr.Frasscis Ashton Cule, P. M..Hampton, andi Miss Mlaria HAIS, second tiaugtr of Ibos. His, Eeg., Huron Couty. À.LiN. Te Damingtoss, Tbursday, Sept. 7t1, Wsliam C. Ailis,, aged 41 years. Nsusa.-In Torouto, Sert. 5,JoeepbNeill, ageti 72 years, 7 mos. Tîtered et Buwmcnviile. McBcE.-In Toronto, Aug, 29, Thumas Me- Bride, ageti 88 years. PUr SLeW.-On Sept. 3,Martbc Fliemming,wife of Dr. Pursluw, fommeriy Reati Master of Port Hope igl Sebool. WIIsTE.-le Bowmanvitle, Sept. 10, Alberta Tiiiey White, isnfant daugbuer uf Mr. William White, aged 1 year. PERr{SR.=lu Bon-masevitie , on Wetiueetiey, Sept. e. Mary Smsle, beluvet i wfe of John Lee Perklu, ageti 75 yeare., PiPsE in Cobourg, Sept.8,Norman, yoosîgeet son of Mr. andi lre. John Piper, aged 3 monthe FîesasmEIG.-Te Buwmsuvile, Sept. 12, Ber- nies Mabel Maie, infasnt daugîter of linger anti Gergina Fieleigl, aged 8 monthe, 10 tisys. LAWata. in Busauquet townsbip, county uf Lambtou, Sept. 12, Alexandier Lawrie, ageti 71 y sans. Funeral fruns Bowmauviile station Thursday et .30 p.m. to eemetery. NEW AiJCTIONEETI. JAMES BSHOP, llcescsd autiuaeer, will eoue- ducsalsces te West Durhams thls seasunl atlowest rates. Apply for, teranse, dates. etc., ai JoHN Ru,çnnaEs Rarnees SIup, Ring Si. E., Bowman- ville. ; -1ENERAL SERVANT WANTED -t a oncs-Apply to lias. J. Hl. REID, Ontario Street. (-iOOD GENERAL, SERVANT -- qLX Wanted as- unces. Appy to MES. W. W, TAssaIBLN, Concession St., I3owmiauvilie. 17-tf. JIE [FER ASTRAY.-Ceme on lot 19, eon.S, Darlingion, on or about Angil. Owu- er mnay bave lierby proving poperty anti pay- 11Cinepese. JOSEPHn BELL, Tyruce. 36 tf. LT OUSEKEEPE P,. WANTED. -Ho- lîsabie persun to take fu charge ot bouse. Muet unsderstaud cars of dairy. AppiF as usîe tu Tuos. DARdH, Bowmassville. 36-1w* rp O RENT--The, Enuiekilien Appie iL Evaporatur can be renleti for the seaeon on easy terses. APPly su J. W. VîavsxE, Erniskil- lei]. 26-1w. S TRAY SHnIEP-Caîne ou lot 14,con. ,Darliigton, une Ews. Ownsr ean bave ,samne by provi ng property asstipayiug sapdnsse. I. L, BizowN, Hampton. 35-3w. FOR SALE-A briglt bay herse, 6 F ý 8oILI. Rave 4 otbers, willeleisither. Ap y tu Jouie Gaeo , Scrap rou Dealer, 32 Ontamio St,, Bowmauvills. ~HEEP ASTRAY.-Came on loi 2, k)con. 1, Dalington, shoot Ang. lst, uns sws anti Iambe. Owner can bave samne by.proving pruperte anti payiug expenses. T Y. BRAQG, Buwmanviile. 37-3w. B> ELT LOST.-On FridesV evening in g"oing to.or at ur etring from Town Rail, aret ribbon bels, wiih suamnel coat uf arme bukie. Fintier pisase returo to MRs. D. B. SSMe-SON. LASFARM TO RENT OR acres, lot 18, con. 7, Darlington, on easy termis, for 5 or 10 years.., gooti sud. guoti buildings over -1005 fruit learieg, treese; tenant tolBye on iarm. Appiy et once . ALBEaR MANNA , Travelier, Bel evilie. 37 tf. F. WAUQH3,La . D S. BowmANviLLEm. Dental Office in the, loems aben, à. 0. WIIJAMS 3 SON8 EUrflllre siore SWill ho at Orenn from 9 a. m. te 2 p m., and at Newcastle frein 2.30 un- tii 7 p. m., on the second and feurth Mondays et each Menth. Geld plates, Crown and Bridge werk case. We are-ready for you w'ith our, Fal and Winter stock. Our stock is complete with ail uines and kinds of fine andl coarse boots and shoes. We are' constantly receiving new lines, with althe latest and freshest ideas of the shoe world. We ha"ve stili a few bargains in LI2NES WE ARE CLE-ARING OUT. SMen's Two Buckle ilarvesti 3oots, standard screw, and pegged soles, reduced to 85c. Children's Kid Oxford Tie Shoes, sizes, 7 to 10, redue- ed, to 50c. Women's Cloth Slippers, McKay sewn sales, rqeduced to 15C. A few pairs of Women's Button Boots in sizes 6, 41, and 7, were $ 1.35, redueed to clear at $1.00, There are stili a few pairs lef t of that wonderful bargain in J. D. King-'s Oxford Shees advertised lasi week for, $1.00. Don't let this chanýce slip, it will net oeccur again. SUGAS-w e are offer ing at special pvrices in bar- rel lots. B.âring- us yw-our produce. We -pay the' same price É-.-tfor J0 hn11McMurtryl West Endoue BOWMAN VILLE. Our nevï goods are arriving every day and you will- fiud our stock 'ýS' very complete and our values are better than ever. We invite every person to corne in and mrake this their head-quarters FAIID'AY. New Dress Goods arriving every day,Plaids,Plain Cloths andOhrcks are going to be asked for this season. We are showing tieiin great variety. We cali spaýial at- tention to our I{osiery stock. Cas,,h- mere Hose lias advanced 20 per cent. but we purchase' our old numbers in very large quantities at the old prices. We will not ad- va..nce t1he price this seaso.n. Look o)ut ýýnext w eek for our Ilothing Ad. Some nice nobby suits for fail and winter wear. e awas ad the best value in Flannelettes, a bigger ýchoiîce) than ever this faîll A-o otal Is on-e of the, comforts of 1i ~ S A very necessary conitort, ah, indispensible comfort. An aching- foot makes an aching beart and head, and general trouble, follows as a natural consequence. Our shoes- are bouglit with an eye to an easy and comfortable fit, first of all. 'Then follows qualityand price, the two latter items are given an equal amount of intelligence with the fitting part. The resuit is our shoes combine Fit, Quality and Price, in such a way that satisfaction is assured in every Sb ool, Openedw BIG- 20 lias a full stock of Sehool necessities, Scribblers and Blank Books from one cent upwards and the finest line of Exercise books in town, also a complete stock

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