lainn, Talk by Tlie tine lias corne.when the person requiring Spectacles lias learned that it pays to get careful attention frorn a reliable oV ,tician. You cannot be induced by a sof t talk to put a pair of ill-fitting boots on your feet, but a peddler will corne along and shove a pair of glasses on your eyes and tell yùu that y ou are fltted. 11e says they are worth $10, but lie will seil thern to yGu for 85.00. You offer him $1.00 and get the glasses. You tliink you are cute and have driven a good bargain. In a f ew days tlie glasses fail to'give satisfaction. The peddlar cannot be found. You, bring the glasses in to see 1'just how mucli they are wortli anyhowv" and find tliat we seli better glasses for 50 cents a pair. Now look at this tliing fairly. We liave spent years of study and liundreds of dollars in fitting ourselves for, our duties as opticians and we are able to give you an absolute guarantee with ,every pair of spectacles we seli. Dot-s it pay you to mun risks with people you know nothing about. If our glasses are flot riglit corne back and get your rnoney. W3 -would rather take them back at 10 tirnes the price you paid us than have you wear them and tiot be pleased. Our reputation is behind every pair of spectacles we seil. WE MAKE NO CHARGE FOR TESTING EYESIGIIT. J.ll.HJURY MORLZY CAWEER. GRAND [RUNK RAILWAY. BowMANvîu..n STATION., GOINn EAST. GGme WEET. £y press3.....m. 1 *Expresê:.. 5 23 a.m *Expres.... 10 17 a. mn. 1Local. 818 - passenger.... 3 32 P.m. 1 Passenger .. 1 35 p. Local.... 651 p. in. Express.. . 7 39 il ra.. 103 ' t S"COTT & JURY, 1'owflAgenitS BOWMN VILESEPT, 13 ,01899. Visitors teo r Fair will miss one of the best sights if they fail to sec the fine displaiy of new Eall gods showing at Couc1Î, Johaston & Cryderman's. Sec the furs at M. Maver 's. Fair day Friday at Nichoils'; Fair prices Friday at Nichoîls'. Fair Snaps Fridav at Nicholis'. Fair bargains Friday at Nicholis'. All work guaranteed by Jas. Goard. Miss Allie lioskin has been visting ln Toronto. iNIr. Benuet v!s!e, i~tý'd at Mr. John Perkins. Mrs. W. Buat, Kemble, is visiting Mrs. Thos. Knîght. Miss Eva Braund, Port Hope, is visit- iug at Mr. Jas. Elliotu's. A new G. T. R. station will be erect- ed at Don costinig $3000. Ail lines of Furniture wiil be sold at cost for next, three weeks at L. Morris'. Miss lMcClelan has returned home from visitirný lier sister Mrs. B.Brittain, Ingersoli. Mr. W. H. Whalley recently editor of the Dundas Star lias purchased the Arthur, Enterprise. R Cru ikslank and daughter,St. J4M .B., are guets of ber father Mtr. W. F. Allen, Beech Ave. Al erders for trips to the lake in Me- Murtry's band waggon should be left at his old office and will receive prompt .attention, '1The largest and best selected stock in liats, caps, furs and gent's fuarnish- ings at M. Mayer's and prices as low as the lowest.' Mrs. R. R. lloskin has returned from a pleasant visit with lier uncle Mr. R. H1. Gibbs. Lindsay, and relatives at Blackstock. THE STATESMAN wiIl be sent to auy bona fide new subscriber to tlie en]I of the century for $100, or the balance of 1899 for 25c. Mr. D. Gilbert, Montreal, Que., was .guest of Mr. W. R. R. Cawker over bunday.f Ris many friends ln town were pleased to sec hlm. -J . C. Weeksbas a drop latter box lu the door of bis sliop, Market Square, or a card dropped lu the post office will receive prompt attention. Mainspiugsi Elgin and Waltham Watches tili Olet. lst for 40c at T. N. Rickards;spriiflýs used are the very best ,and fully -uaraiàted and T. N.Rickard's guarantee means something., Over 1000 samples of wall paper to select fromn-modern lovely patterns- irom 5c to 55e per roll. Paper-hanging donc at 10 cents when paper is ordered fromi me. J. C. Weeks. Ontario st. W. H. Ponton*'appeal for a new trial of his, $50,0,d0 suit against the Do- mtilnion Bank for allegcd false'arrest lu conecetiou with the robery of the bauk's brandi at Napance, has beeu dismissed with cests. E ditor Jami-es did net go te England' as soeme infierreud trointic notice in this pel1ast w-ek, ba t retnrned .from tiiec after a pleasant salI down tlie 4,Lawrece River. ie wilI give some $àticulars of the trip ncxt week. 1was iu at T. N. Rickard's Optical %ms tic other day and was indeed nuprizcd to sec the number of people wo were being fitted by hlm, for ýex- «di ngly defective vision., Bowmanville shoid be deligbted te have se success- t an Optician. A very large congregation listened te ev. J. J. Rae's sermon Sunday it on thi "Hurnan Body-Its Uses adAbuses." As usual he lothed his gujeet with mach interesi. Ris theme (r next Sunday nîglitis thc " Soul-I t's Prlia and Possibilities" The Sanday foiowing is S. S, annivcrsary. Hiarriston Pork Packing Company lias completed erection cf eue of the 1arg,e and bcst-equipped pork packing e8P. ;zai, nhents lu Canada. The build- iptýý 4Yfeet long .bv 82 feet wide, four itore'ys high, or 50 feet from the base-: ment, with a capaity for killing 12000 hogs par week. Mr. William Walker, &U old Toronto beyl-,, who lias liad 20 years' experiencismnallger. When kwli West ur!tam farriers ýo~ ready to organize?1 Gel youn lanters, caad les, etc. of Jas. Goard.1 Mn. Garuet Tnewin visited Oshawa necently. , MVr. Alex. Beithis1 home fromn St. Marys afor boiidays. Miss Carnie, M/arîvu bas licou visîting friends in Oshawa:. Calsud sce G. P. Freeiand ou Faitr Day. Pliotos 25e doz. Miss Granst, Dudas, is gucst cf Miss McKay, Caledenia Milis. Mns. sud Miss Spny, Belleville, bave been guests cf Mn. Jos. O. LaBelie. Sprnug and Staffed Maîtresses very cap befone moving, at L. Morris'. Brng yoan Fans te M Mayer sud have them made intolie latesl style. Mn. John Sinclair bas gone to Syra- case, N. Y., wbene lie bas a situation, Miliiery opening allihe Corner Store ou Wcduesdav, Sept. 27 aud folicwing days. . Now is tie lime te brng in your Fans for aiterîng sud ncpairing. M. Mayer, Furrier. A fine range cf uew wrap shawls sud traveling Irugs aI Couci, Jeinston & C'rydenmaii's. Mns. E. Palmen. Grimsbv, sud Mrs Wiudalt, Gamebridge, are gucats cf Mrs. Tics. Tod. Save yoar money iy huviug Furni- tare new at L. Morris' liefore mcving acnoss tic street. .Mns, J. N. Lawrie visited ber brother Rerj. Neil MêPherson, M. A, B. D., at Hamilton lasI week. Mn Wm. Bimacombe, Coteau Jane lieu, Que., is visitiug bis fatien, Mn. George Briînacombe. Mn. W. O. LaBeile, cf Kingan & Co., hardware merebanîs, Peterbone, 18 sppndîug bis holidays aI home. Mr. sud Mrs. Levi Willismson, Les Angeles, Cai.,visited Mn. C. L. Munsea sud cther friends bere lasI week. Mn. W. H. Lecuard, an employee of THE STATEsmAN office tiirty Cears ago, was la cewu Moaday sud gave us a eaul. Ladies sud Misses Ceats lu tic veny lahest stles liti German sud Canadian jasl received ah Couci, Johushon & Crydenman's. Thie Mayor sud Coancil cf Tienold met thc directons of thc Durham Rubben Company ln Toronto Satunday witi a view cf gcttiug tie Company te remeve te liaI towu.* T. J. McMrlry's baud wagon wiii make daily trips le tic lake un Iii fnth- er notice. Tic noute wilili e along Chanci St. statiug fnom tbe Public Sehool aI 2 o'ciock. Ceacih, Jehuston & Cryderman are siowing a fine mtock cf new .tweedS, serges, worsteds sud oeccalings.1 Now is thielime te leave your ender fer a wiuher suit on ovencoal. Miss E. E. Haycnafl wbo îi'companied tie Canadian Press Association te tic Pacifie Coasst retarned isst wcek aftce- a mest enjoyable trip. Sic could uelflud lime wbile travelling te continue tic senies cf articles for Tan STÀTESMAN, bat as socu as tic Bowmanville. Fair is over sic wîll tell car readens scmcliing about wiat sud whom sic saw sud give seme impressions received by tic way. Tic Globe says: Miss Annie Framer1 bas just lef t tic cily te resame ber1 dalles in lie Orcad Instilute,Worccstcr, Mass., wiere sic has charge cfthie de- parhmeut of. practical cookcny. Tic Oread is oeeof the besl eqaîpped cf lhc New England scicols cf domestie sci- ence . Miss Fraser's articles on ceokiug la the magazine numbers cf Tic West- minster are widely ltnewn. Wsàtcies arc up wnoesalc ; Riekard1 15 prepared ton Sou ail tic same sud if1 yoa but look sharp new, yoa eau punch-1 ase a wahch from hlm for less moey1 than auy ocher place lu Canada. Hec gave yen bis word at the' begiuniug cf lic vear tiat lie wcuid give yoa tic best value Ibis yean that lie ever gave yoa, sud ho wfil. Bat a stock dees net lasI forever. JasI sec liaI your neighlior dees net gel abcsd cf yen. A very liandsome weali of hules sud asters set t by tic Victoria Hockey Club, Winnipeg, Man., was" rcceived ou Tbursday,Scpt. 7, by Mn. T. E. Higgin- b oliam te be placcd on the 'grave ô! his brotber,Mr. Fred. T. Higgiaiolbam wio wss a member cf liaI club sud w-hese grave bas been yearly deccnated ou tic snniverisary cfis death withh k inuIly nemembrances fnom ils cemnades in ibitis western cîty. Tice ffleers, sud teaciens of tic Me3tiodist Sunday Scol, by invitation, hid thein neitalar Board meeting allihe Summer residence of their Supeinten- dent, Dr. W. E. Tille,', Port Bowman- business had liccu trnsactcd a short time was spent lu social converse. Mrs. TilIey and Miss Tiliey scrved chice re- frsm ntssd-everyoue spant a very pleasnt e ng. Everyone made icartily welcome at Niciolîs'.t Piotegrapis 25o dez. a t Fncland's studio ou Fair Day. M. A. James is Government issuer of Mariage Licenses. -Gel your scioci supplies at JasGoard, Stationen sud Jewcler. Wiea in town Fair Day bay a Sew- ing Machine fnom Rickand. 'Miss Brant, Wbitbv, is ýguest cf lier sisten, Mns. Thos. E. Osborne. Don't forget tic concert Fair Niglit. it wiil be tic best cf tic season. i Miss Medland invites the ladies te sec the latest styles la bats at ber store. 1 Mn. and Mûrs. C. M. Rcwe, Rochester, N. Y., isvisiting at Mrs, T. F. James. Mns. R. W. Hamiltoni, Miilbnook, is yisiting ber fatisen, Mn. Rici. Osborne. Great rcductioa lu pnicos cf al linos cf chairs at L. Morris' bef ore'meoviug. Miss Atuanda E. Bond, Oshawa, was gaest cf Mns. T. F. James even Suaday. Hear Caaada's favorite comie singer, Mn. Jas. Fax, ou Fair nigit la Town Hait. Misses Susie Beilman sud VMay James are atteadinig th i Medel Scbool, Te rente. Ladies are iîivsted te sec tic new Eaul stock ort Millineny St tic Corner Store. Mn. aud Ms-s. R. IL. Hamlev snd daughter Loua are x isitiug relatives la Lonudon. Mn. Elmur Bel Iman, uiugg ist,Colliu- wood, visited bis fatien Mn. E. Belnan iast week. These wbo, appreciate artistie pint- ing sboald send their orders to Tu STATESMAN. Mrs, Aif. Ellitott, Brooklun, bas biou visiting Mns. S. Penfouud sud ocher fiends bore. "As a bumonisl Mn. Jas, Fax is more tise doyven." -Toroate Mail.- Town Hall Fair Nigit. Mn. Fred. E Hansca, Rochester, N. Y., visited bis mother, Mrs, W. H. ilansen last weck. Mn. and Mns. D, V. Hicks, Dresden, have beeri guests cf Mn. S. F. 1Hil1sud cther relatives la ttwu. Mrs. Diagman 18 selliiug tic latest bat-Rougi Rider. Be up-to-este sud buy Ibis prctty sud stylislî bat, Tic latest scngs. lOc. Sead for cat- alogue. Instrumental sud vocal musie alwavs iu stock-Jas. Goard. Ladies' Costume Clotis lu severai qualities sud in al colons just opened cat at Couci, Johusten & Crydermau's. Now is the lime for arranging -for your papcning, kalsomiaing, painting. etc. J C. Weeks eau serve yoa salis- factonily. Mn. T. J. McMurtny wili rua bis baud waggon te tic lake evcny Fniday, te meet Garden City. Leave onders athbis old office ou Thursday. If. Ail work-painting, kalsoaîiniug, paperng-guaranteed wben donc by J. C. W'eeks. Gel orders in eanly lie- fore the great rush begins. A lovely assortmeut cf aew black dness goods frcm the cheapest up te tic finost goods imaporled, just received at Ccach, Johuston & ('nydenman's. Preseat STATESMAN subseniliens whose suliscription for 1899 is paid can bave this journal sent te any fiend te the century for eniy $1.00, Onder te day. Carpenhers, masons sudochier trades- mca bave liad a big summer's work and are stitl veny busy. Great improve- ment in tiade is evident ah eveny hown. M.A.James, Bowmanviile, is Govera- mont Issuen cf Marriage Liceases for thie County of Durhamu, daning business heurs at office, at ils nesidence Centre- st., ah nigit. Tic Methedist Sanday Sebool wiii hold thein auaiverssry on Sanday Sept. 2U. 1peciai sermons bv tic paster,Rev. J J R e. Special collections lu aid cf scicol funds. Ne-w songs, ncw costumes, funnier than ever. If x-cu would enijey an ev- daing cf pare innocent funan sd laugi antit voun sies sctie hean Fax lu To'wn Hall Fair night. "Mn. Jas. Fax is certainly tic best hamonist vocalist ou lbis, side cf lie Atlantie. "- Tic Moosomin Journal. Don't fail te hear bim ou Fair nigltin l Town Hall, Bowmauviilc. John Livingstonec, Lishowel, Ont. died Sept. 8. aged 89 years. fie is tic last surviven cfthie famnily sud was two y cars eider tiabis famoas brother, Dr. Livingstone. tic Afnican explorer. Miss Niciol, Georgetown, bas been cug-aged as bead millinen at the Cerner Store sud lic ladies cf Bowmauville and vicinity eau depend on getting tic iatest styles la fait sud wiuten millin- ery. Frieuds lu, town sud vîcinitv have recoivcd invitations to tic weddiug cf Dr, J. W. Bimacombe sud Miss Marie H. Hýal, Marion, Ind , wbich will take Disfi urin urn'ls Itchinig, Burning, and .Scaly Eruptions ci the 5kin and Scalp with Loss of Hair^ CUREDBV CUTICURA. The treatment is simple, direct, agrecable, ami economical1, and is adaîpted te the y onng- est infant as well as aduIte of ev ccv cge. Bathe the affecied parts width HoT WATER and CUntICUR SOxP te cleance the skin of cruats and scaleo, and seRais the tlmzkened cuticle. Dry, wthout Lard rnhhing, and apph, Cu"icunA Ointme-ut freclvt la itch-ng, srritatiop, and l nfamton, anda oohe ad lieanC ýýiasl tIetO r dERA RaSeaa ENI! Tt')coLmaC eiO iebleod. 'This îreatmnent affo(rdýs irs !talt reliee, permaits rest and sleep, and points te a spl, erma- nent,andeconomical cure whvbe il otlier resm- .de and even ite best physiciana fait. Seldev3rvwaere. Price, THE SET. S$125;0or. CrbCUuA BO, ,250 ; OrTMEYTS.Z .:IteSOLVEcar(hal eu , 't POITee R tie aKD dHRM. doap., Sole Props., Boutonl. I "ow to dum , Hwm%,' 54-pqebook, fa. Mr. John McGili, Toronte, was lu tewn Taesday. Mn. John MeGill, Ontario Bank, Te- rente, is lu towu. Send your work te Jas.Geand,Wat'ch. eaaker and Jcxvcller. Mr. Arthur MeDougaîl, Toronto, spent Sanday at home. "Mr. Jas. Fax is the prince cf public entertainens. "-Toronto Globe. Cash paid for good souad pears and apples, etc. at Murdocbi's, Express Office. Miss Anna Regan, Rochester, N. Y., is guest cf lber cousins, the Misses Tabb. Watches, cdocks, jeweleny, spectacles, ri ngs, etc., repaired by Jas.Goard,JeW- elier. , Misses Mabel and Maad Scott bave neturned fromn a pleasant visit la Fleet- wood. Trini' v'Ladies' Aid will hold a social nt Mrs, Freeland's on Friday eveuink- Se-pt. 22. Couch, Jehnston & Cryderman expect a big crowd onFair Day. Eall goeds now open. Mr. Geo. MeGi, local manager cf the Ontarie Bank, bas retuned from bis hotidays:, Mr.Dingmn's Eall Millinery Open- ing Monday Sept. 2,5 and rernainiug d~. sof that week, ,,r. and Mrs, Win. Aloxander, Mont- reat, Queblec, wore guests etf Mns. P. BIeakl-'v over Sunday. After October 1 the letter rate for ail Caniada will be 2 cents, thc 1 cent city rate hein; abolisbed. Fair da v Nichoîts' will be at home te callers; corne anti visit as, we know thc vtsit w11 initerest Vou, Mr. W. E. Vaustone,- dreyer, wbo caused sorne anxiety by bis absence, bas returned to Pickering. NIrs. Geo. L; Rowe left Tbesday monning for Wi 1po 1 an., teo jota bier busbaud who is ini business lu tbat citv. Don't fail te read the new advt, cf Cawkcnr & Tait. Tliev are Irulv up-to- date provisioners. Tbhey are doing a rushing trade. Master Ernest Smithn, South Ward, hald bis ove badly iniured wbile ptaying on Mondav. by anothen boy thirowing a chunk cf day.* Tie Gem Wire Fence is thc best Fanm fonce know'u. Before putting up fonce cait ou Peter Murdoch (Express Office) and get prices. Mns.Rebert Warder,Hlotel Del Monte, Preston Springs, Miss Robins, Oshawa, and Mrs. A . C . Etiiott, Brooklin, we re guests at Mrs. S Penfouad's rccently. Reader, if.vea know cf anv oeeil Canada who intends cressing the Atlan- tic, recemmeud them te inquire cf M.A, James for rates. Hle dees tne steamisbip business cf this district and represents thc bcst Iibses. When you leave ycur watch whilb T. N. Riekard to e e paired, yoa are safe, for hae uuderstands bis business, gives it bi«s wboie attention and guarautees bis wlork And a guarantee is ne use uless given by eue wbe bas the' abiiity" te do ais werk thereaghlv. The Gairduor cildrea wio îvsll take part iu the concert fair aigit have a world wide reputatien. Tbey bave been presen,:ted witb mcd ais by the dozon aud by special request bave danced befono the, Que.1hoir equals bave neyer appearend la Bowmauvillc .h tis a chnethat sheuld flot be misscd. Ili order te introduce himself and his bigb class artistie work te the publie, George P. Fneeland will make photo- graplis on Friday (Fair Day) and -Sate vra at 25 cents per doz. Doa't fail te cali wbcn yen are la, town ou Fair Day. Tuis special offen will ouiy bo goed for Friday and Saturday next. Studio, next door te STÂTESMAŽt office. Thc maay friends cf Mn. Wm. White, batcher for J. B. Martyn, sympathize with bim lu the double affliction which bas ncccntlv come te bis home. lu May last bie lest'bis -%tfe and on Thunsdayý bis youagest daugiten cf 12 mentis pulied the teapot cf bot tea over on bier- self and was se badlv scalded that she dicd on Sanday. The fanerai teck place ou Tuesdav afterncon te the coim- eteny. Mn. L. Morris bas bouglit tic Rced Block, King St. E., 2 stores, 3 storevys, aud is fitting thcm up lu flue style. 11e wilt occapy tic langer shop with funni- turc and andcntaking supplies and lease the cther te Mn. J. S. Ilundtc, dealer iu hartiess, etc. Mn. Morris is lacky lu gcttiug these 'splendid stores aud is showing good taste along with hýs enterpnise la fitting tbemn witb plate glass fronts and othcnwisc im- pncving tic promises. Sec bis advt. One cf the gncatcst events of lihe autumun season la the aunounced en- largemeut cf tiat tnuty great newspap- er tic Family Heraid aud Weekly Star cf Moutreal. Tic enlargement makes tic Familv Herald a paper equal te a bock cf 881 pages cacli week, making 52 sncb books iu tic car. The Family And further take notice that after gai d the lest mecltiOlled daÉte, the sald exectitorq will procceri te dis' ribute the assets et the deceased ameng parties entitled thereto, having regard only te thse daims cf which thiey shall then have notice, and chat the said exediters will net be hiable for the said assets or any part thereof te any person or persens et whese claimns notice shallinetiia'-e been given as required at thec time ef sncb dis- butien. Dated the 5tl day cf Seietember 1899g. 86-3w» - D, B. SIMesZE ' Sicitor for the executors cf thec will of the Said deceased. CAWKR &TAITI WELCOMI' And to make our store your home wbile you stay. A Sstroil through our premises will interest you, not only, in magnitude but the prices and quality, tliat's what Swill interest those desiring to purcliase. Our stock is Slarge and we want you to inspect. We will deem it a pleasure to show our goods wliether you purchase or Snot. S Bring us your Butter, Eggs, and ail f arm produce, we pay cash for same. The Popular Grocers. lelephone No. 65. 'AL We Invite You To Inspect Our Display of The largest and most select assortment ever sboxvn in Bowrnanville, ail newT, No old Coats in stock. A Choîce display of liigh-cIass matý l, better values for quality canroýt be procured. C O WMILE Next door to Standard Bank. B0W M A N V1L L E. fflt1facturetr ofandciDZeei in nen In best Gtrades o~ flaterrial. Cail and getlrny prices. I amn sure rny work will please you, You know a good thing-when you see it, cali, and take a look. A large quantity of WALL PAPER bought very çheap. You wili get the benefit. Pretty patterns for al rooms, from 5e per roll. The best and rnost taking designs in School Supplies of ail kinds. Snaps in Scrib.. blers, Exercise B3ooks, Etc. New and f ull lino of Stationery. See rny Queen box at 15C. Fine Floral at 15c. Note paper, per quire, 5c. Envelopes, 5e per package. Better quality at 10c and 15e. Complote stock of Fancy G-oods, books, Novelties, &e. T. il Be WMAN VILLE. Trhe "'Siater Shoe" Ni closcly watched duir- ~ irg the process of manufacture. Every -whoc nudergees a careful exain.tien after teav- ing the hands ofefcd operator. Tic siightest flaw la the leather or worrk- j 1~ ~. manship-a stiteli nissed-a slip of the kuife, only discernible te anepert corademus the /-Y shoe that started toward-te1"-1 tr'- goa te the erdinary, nameles-s, nw arrantd amy ff otwe sold te whoever y ill buy thcmin. ýMie "Siater Shoe-" is made in tw elve < sliapes, all leathers, colors, vvidth s, îek and styles. Every pair Goodyea r Welt- ed, name and price stamped on the se les. $3.50 AND $.0 JOHN HELLYAR, Sole, Local Agent. Nýýýý S T tý.;) " !ý Ï^ 4 & J U R Y a 1