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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1899, p. 6

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Farmers You Wa...... ADvANTACES. It wilI double what the oid style mua- chine did. It is better made 'n aIl parts. It is a ihandsomer machine. The tube from can is exposed and eau bc instant ly cleaned if it should log. Thse ear may be instantiy emptied it you wan t to change materiai or dlean it. Thse for- mation of the eau allovis ail thse materi- ai te bc spi ayed eut when operated upward un trees or bushso It will save crops from bugs, worms and Fungi and fruit trees fromi the caterpillar andj other pests. Evans' Electrie Spray or mas' bclîad from Jos. lHenry, 1Oo n; Dai id IBell, Leskard ; A.' S Toolev, Mili, Courtice Abert Nidderv, Enfleld;, John Peth- ick, blaeksi-nith, Clarke Sîm'l Bopn- athan, Nicwciiýt1e, John }Iooey, near Cadmnus. PETER MrDOCW Counts'. NEW TAILOR S1HOP. fIsc inC1rsgnedmli- ishue bn e'rryiag oni tise tatloring b fnesii eoncton vith Mason's Dry lostr for annor bér n yearg lias commencedbus-ines. i ,r bimeel) ahisroonis Kscg St. west, wherehec h ýprepared Éo maire gents and boys suits in aii thea latost sty las, and aI loweE' irices. Füo i sawho w sh te order suis, eubi arr a li heof saniples ln ail tenewast patterns. Give hilm a iii J. T. 2ILLIN, Fashiouable Tallor. IIoyVL 1'MAIL qïEAMSHII', LIVERPIOOL AND LoN- DDNDERRY, MoNTAI, xcANI) QLEBEC SERVICE. Promn STEAMER MONTRFAL. Nuraid'an. Jl ih . Trîni jeky 24i, Parishan Aug. ird Laurentfan Aug.lOtis, Californian Aug. 17tli. Tainui Aug. 24th, 1'arisïan Aug. 318t, SS. Parisian, new enzined and entireiy refit- ted, salis from Livercool, July 20, and Ironi Motreai, Aîîgu2l Ird. Bavaiian, Io,(" Otons, tîl srew, cais lrom Liverpool Aug. 24 and from Montreal, September 7. Pissengers wi 'flic transeerredwlth thelr bag- gaga from tise rails ay station to, the whsarf frae of charge. RATES 0F PASSAGE. First cabn, ýffl and upwards. Return s100 anad npwards. Second Cabin 13, Steerage $22.50 and $23.50 FrcraNew York tb(liasgow-Stata of Sabras ka, is J tly Mongolian, -alt J uly For tickets andi every Information ap. ply to %lan Lîne Acent. Bowmnanville. ceook'e Cotton zRot cononw le I succegsfiliy nsed montisly by over 10,000 Ladies, Sale, effectnai. Ladies ask your drnggist for ceets Ctton 11,08 Coi- 9oend. Taise neolher,, as ail Mixtures, pis and imtations are dangerouz. Priffl, No. 1, $1 ilr box*, No. 2,10 dagrees stronger,$S per box. M4. 1 or 2 maled on racelpt of price and two B-eeui stampse Te Cook <orpayWledsor, Ont. la'Noo. 1 and 2 sold and reommuided by al responible Druggliste ln CaA". Nos. 1 and 2 S old in Towmsnvilla by Hmuons- B0T5{AM & SON, STOTT & JURY; Orono by J. GIL- FIlLAi; Newcastle by DR. FARS COMBE. //i- 'a. CURE -a?/Will Cure anyr4arus FOUR POINTS UN ITS FAVOR: F1RST-QLICKEST TO CURE SECOND-SAFES'r TO TAKE TIIIRD-MOST HrIGHLY EN'IORSED FO'JRTH-CH-EAPEST TL, BUY OaneIsotle centain en ous >"treatsentt IN BIG BOTTLES, 50 CENTS. 7ME DR. HALL MEDtGIqIE GO. CanadiausAgency, - Kisgsten5 Ont. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGOISTS i3 wc Ouige, UlpWrot. on 7 B - onyh1'ghC7 , oa!o si Wasisrgto's, Sept-. 10-In tisis dis- cour-e tisa opportun îles cf usefuinees for îousc ai-ercset lattis b>'Dr. Taimaga, andC mac>' sympathies are sciri-ted anC mener- les 'recuhled. Thse lexi les Solomon's Songe Ti, 8, "Therearue tisteecore quaees." Se Soloac b>' cree troke set forth t-ha imparial chai-acter et a truc Christian womian. Shu ls etcia slave. not ad bis- ling, net a 'ubrnise-tizate, but a quae. lu a formser sermon I ehowcd ren tisai iroi-naand court!-, attendante and imper- îaI wardrûbe stara ucitcasassas-y ta maSs a quoean, but il-et gracies of tisa heurt anC ile still gi-to coontial teu n>' stoianu. I sbwed yen autsoma languis tisai woaane position wsrhigier lu tisa -uorld ikama 's.acd ihuir, altisogis ,ýee iefiotteus boeau eniaC tac igisi cf suth-age, se aiways oid vote anC alstays worild voie b>'lbar inflnee, anC tisai iscr cheaf deaugisile o bctisase shcuid have giraerigisti>'te meienlutisa doiuion s stse bebas ahi-ead>' won. I began an tnuamcratiou of comaeof lher i igis, and eas I smaie sasubjeai. iii tisa fiuit place stoman bas tise spec- lin nCsuperlative igisi of ilesiug anC comforting tlis icS. 5,'fiat Laud, wsta straci, stiat bouse las net fait tiese 5it- inge oh disease? Toue et thoneunds of sck bcCs! What shall ste do sttIheîn? Sistil s..., wilh hie rougis baud and alune>' foot, go stnmbllng as-oued tise si-krnom tryin g le sotisatise Csraotad naïves and alleviate tise pains ef tise dis- tressaC patient? Tisa yoneg mn ut col- icto usa> si-off ut tisa idea et belng undan matearoal influeces, but ut i-ha irsi bluet of utrhoid lever on bis abseSk ho eays, wVisre !a imotl-es!" Waltar Scott strete par-vin ls atira and partlyI>'lecompli- ment: Oh, wvamani, in ur on itef tca, i-1cni-a-an, ce>'anCdisard te pieuse, Whou pain and anunissstrlng tise hros, Ad.mslnisiaring angel tison! I tîhirtisa Most paibeti passauge la ah tise Bible isetise description of île lad Whosa uct oui te tis a brvest field oh Sisunein and gai sunstruc, pressinsg his bande an hie temples anC czylng aut, 'Ois, my baud! ni>'banC!" And tisa> salC. "Curry hlm to bis noliser." AnC ition tisarematas-Cl, "Ile et on ber kSa nul rioon anC tisan d iad." A M!i» Ans-el. 11 leaunuwfnl tlting te ho 111 ata>' fom home Iu a eu-ange holal, once in ustiils mou camieg le Icilbois ai yen, holding tiseis- baud o-rer tIsait mentis fon fear tise>' wilUCa"tchte contagion. Boss ro t- ie>' tus-n yen lu baC! Hast bnCi>' tise>' telS! HOW yen long for lise ussttmieeied et home! I kurow oua sucis wiso sta a 'frein@»eu e iebrigisteet of baies furs- sveral Wsaois' business abealnca ta tise wSta. A Weegtamcaune ut scideigisitisat ieha stan aubis dCaaibed lut away freun houa.. Dy express iraln tisa si-ttc a-dd dugbtam's stsl stsatd, but tisa> Tenlteeo laie. Mi feareti not te duis, Sbiihaos'wuI. la n ny telie .until hie tamul>' uit tere, leir4ed le bribe tisa doctes' te muSe hbu liree Utile stiilo longer. Ha sali id,- mwliîng b. dia, but not alone. " RIdutth psssilfuttered, tisa eyes ciosedanad te heurt stepped- Tise express trains mg* la thse aidulgist, stife and dangisters s&xgTeaitasti, Ilie- he s emna of etiubmeand ,adtber onsa- ing easiwatd. Oh, là wa.s a sud, pitiful, oven-wilcicg spectacle! Wissex se ara scak, ste Tent te beo calost borne. Wisen t.he tinas omas fon is te di%, we staiste ieaithans. Tise rcon mna>' ha van>'hum- bis, anC tise hisos tsat looks laie ours mu> ayevan>' plain, but whis canas ton tisai? Levlag bande ta bulbe tise temples. La-ting s'ices teaepouis good cisear. Lou'- !eg lips to, maC tisee omasortlnapromises cf Jesus. le eur ci-ti wes»M sceaitishe cannen, mon fasbioned tise muzisetry', Men anled te, tise ists. 1'Forus-stia,. nierais " mna busled thiai baltaldon ona tisa sharp adges ef tise Ocam>', enylsg. "Charsge, obus-go!1" bautstoman seeapad thsa uni, wemau adîinistered tise oerIals, stoîane stte- cd b>'tise dyiug oîeb, ste'nan trete tise ast message te the home ecae, stoman wetpiut tisa soihur>' lcr-*acl attondet b>' iserseaf anC hour mons wtth a spade. We greaied tise ganerals bomea sttisbrase bands anC irinîpisJaehee and i wld hnzzas, but tisa sien>'le e.» ood te ha strilten unystirsaave la tise chrouichas oh bean-tn, et Mri. Ee'dy, stho oame Caste amoug th isa sha intheaswnmps ef tise Chi loainl>; et Anale Rase, lentisa caoper shop isospîiai; et Margae-t Break- inridga, wîuo came te mmn stisa Sd beau for teaestwitistheir wuads sudresed- soie o! thornsfsosai te thse grouud, andi whien sisa inua thoin o-rer tise.tisai baC an atm loId$save té a nd tillaC tise air wstuithiait1"hurrai '-.ot Mrs. Hotiga, stsecaune frora Chicago, wstuiblauisets andC siti plîles, une fil thiena soutoti: "Tistee chears for tisa Cbristian commis- sion! Qed blase tise stemen aMhome!" tisau silting dostu te taise thse lest mess- age: "Teil ni>' sîN e sat fret about me, but te meet me la iseaven; telber te truie up tisa boys stiom wse haaeloeatise stail; tell ber ste shall meai &gain ls tise good land; tell iser ie boue a eushse lie tise Chisitian stlta of a ChrMeian sld- Ia," anC oh Mrs. Sise&Ionu. ie stose face the convalescent smeiier loked and saiC, '"Yoergrapes auctcologna curati nie." AnC se ut' saise ibrosi-gi ahi eh eu- tar_ it-U Sp0-tonaa- herLo en__ Agule, stoniue hue a speclul rigisi te taise curaehftise poor. Tisera are isundreds ef tisousand o ehtsi ail oetaneisaland. Tisera la a k1ed of stoni that smsecuneet do for tisa poor, Bas-e comas a gmeup oh litIle harafoot ciildrec te tise door of tisa Dercas Social>', Tise>' eed tae'ha clotised and provided for. Wisicis of tiss directes ot hanksewoulC knost isst rme>' yards l' . would take te naSe tisai little girl a dresa? Whiofettise masculine bande could fit a isu ta10tfisa littia girls haad? Wisiaisof thWiswea men woul,-1 knost ios ta lie on tisai nest pair rf siroas? Mue eomatinies givas hb is aity ,in a rougis way, anCdh t alle liSe tisa fruit of a troc lu tiesans$, stiuti fruit comas down se heavil>'tisatIti breaks tise skiul of lise muanstie le tryîng te galber ut. But stoman glidas se cofti>' mitiste bouse et destitution anC fiCs ont ail tise serowe et tisa place and pute se quieci>' tis dona- titouounlise table thetal thesalund>'coma out ounlise front stops as she deparîs, expectlîsg tisai fria under bar sisawl siso will tisrust ont tîvo sings and go right up teward istuven, Item wheuee eh. seame te bava comae Cownu. The Lord's E,-rand. Cue yon tell me sts>'ý a Christian stomue, going Costi among tise iaunts Ioh inîquit>' ou a Christian ecru-ne, navet meate wiîh isindigumit-? Iooed lutise ohuipel of Helen Chlasars, lise daungiten of tise celehmatcd Dr. Cisalmars,le tise meet ahandcncd pari cf tisa it>' of Edin- bus-gis, and I said te ber as I loolred around epon tisfafistîi ut-eundirge of tisaI place, "Do yen come a iugiste ta iselC a servce?" "Ohis, e isch saiC' "Que Il be possiolo tisaI yen caver meet wstlian Imeuh wbilo parîerming ibis Chitstian erand?'" " ever, " .sie sahd, " ýnave.'" - Tisaiyoung womuac ho se u hem faihar b>' ber sicie, walkicg Cowu tisa sîreat, anmed police ut cacis corner, le no'. seastel deferded as tisai Christian stemane Who goas Ici-li on gospel ivoris ie tisaeisaunits et iniquit>', carrying tise Bible& and braad. Gad, stitis lie ted rigist atm of hie wruth omnipotent, stould lear le places an>' oua who sisenld ellet indignit>rto e br. Ha stould scila hlm wtliligisîninge and rown hlm sth floods anCdstallew limisitis eust-s qnakas. anC dame hhî sitis atereal in- dignation. Soie or-e eaid: 'lI dislik vas-y ach ta sesa tIChi-stian mamîan teacli - hng those baC beys in tisa mission eciseal. I ams afraid te have ber instrucitisaim." "Se," snid anoîber mac, "I ams afraid tee," SaiC tise fis-i, 1"Iai afruid lise-g still useo vile language beratise>' leave tise place." "Ah,e' mîd tisa otiser mn, "I ai nets afraid of htiWiat I ai aI raid oh la tisat if any oft tiose beys sold use a baC stord le bar presence thea otisar boye wouid leur< imste places and k111 himc n tisaspot' Tisai stomun le hast sbeitemod Wsti s l ierod b>' lie Lord Ged Alimigisl>, and von ceed nover heur goieg anystiero stisre Qed talle yen ta go. Iii seems as If lise Lord bad ordalned tocînu fer un especial work lu tise souici- tution ef chanîties. Bncked up b>' bus-els in wtiicstisane la noeffour, anC b>' itas le whiicis' tisea isno fine. and b>' ward- robes la wisicis userae ne abuses, n steman le irneistible. Paeiug on ber esrad, Gad saye ta hep', "You go inte tisaiSais or -store or sbep anC gai lise nions>." Sise goes lu and gesi. Tisa man leaiiard-flsted. but se gaisite. Sisa could net halp but get t Ilbla Cacreed rorm etennît>'se ehenld gatIL1h.Ne aeed oh yont tutning yens- bueS anC proteud- Iag yen on't iseer; yccu do eaeu. Tisera la ne nord et youn ca>ing yen are begged to dets. Tisera Je ne need oh yeur stuet- hesg yaur ine, andi Yen migisi as Wael subînut tmt as last. Yen baC better rigisi awatatka osteyour ciseabkies, asari tise nunbrofethtis chacS, fil np tise blank, sîgn yow -nama and isand ilte ber. Tisae5lene need oh wraetIng tima. Tisoge poor chilîdren on tise bacS streci bave been isungr-> long aengis. Tisai siok man muet ha-te soeafaring. Tisai oonsumptive muet ha-te seîeting taecasa his cougis. 1 meet ibis dlagata o! a re- lief socIal>' comlng ont of hetistore et sncb a hard-fIsted man. anC I se>', "DIC yen gai tisa mena>'?" "Oh course," aba sisys, "I got the moue>'; tisui'e whist I wetaInhafor. Tisa Lord old me te go lu anC gai lt, anC banever sands me on a hool's entend. " Ceinferters ef Distres. Agaîn, 1 ha-te te tell yen tisatitlis ea woma' epecifio rîgisiteacoifont undar tise strass oh dîne dîsustet. She le oalled tise seaket -tassai, but ahi profane aM sal as sared bleter>' atteste uhat wise'ethe criels comas sa e botter pneparad tkan ma temeai tise anergene>'. Hastetteu yen bave %Sen a stoman, stho seamed te ha a discIple oh frivelit>' anC Indolence, under oeestroke eh calamit>' ahaietute a iseroina. Oh, sta egrant mirétiso those business men miaSo stio ne-ver tell tisait business troubles te thiai ves! Tisaecernes soie great base te tisir stoeaor sons of htiait ompanians lu business pie>'tisai a sud trioS. anCdise>' cas-ny tise burdan ail aloea. Hole laeskeC in tisa bouseiseid ugain anC &gain, "Wheî le tise nutt?" But ha belle-tee lb a sert tCitsîu dut>' ta kaep ail htia trouble witbin bis ewn soul. Ohi. sir-, yeur fise Cul>' sas te tell yeur stifealal about ii Sise penhape nigist nethave dsentangled, bitten framnes! No moeasiîing until midnlght for tise comlng of etaggernug stepe! No more rougis hlows across tise temple! No more, sharp, uceen, bitter curles. Soie of yen will have ne test lu this storld. h t iU andC stugie andl suif eslng &Il tite stMy *> Yom iâ wlI h. te stand ai yerr do,».l etigbuok* tw weU with yosir o"u hain, rad w" c&m- Rev. Dr. Talmage Discourses on, the Rig-hts and Privileges of Wornen. Her Dominion in Home, and She Shouid Rightly Rule-- Director of the Spiritual Lîfe of the Household --comfortei' of the Sick., one and wear tise old cloak aisother wla- tesr, Shevies tise oeewhe snderstoed yonr affaira wiiisout blansing Yeu. fo You loolced upon wisat yen thonght 'was a tim, xeak womna' aras holding yen up, but wile yeu loeked ai thtia arm tiser. camne Into thse feeble muscles of ittise streegth of tise eternai Qed. No ciiding. No frettlng. Nd telling yen about tise beautiful hotts e ofiserfatiser froni wiioyau brongist ber 10, 20 or 30 years aga. Yen Raid: "Wall, ibis la tise isappiest day of my lics. 1 am glad I bave get trem ancIer ni> burden. My wife don't cars; I don't care'" At thse moment yen were e-isausted Ged sent a Deborais te meaitishe ist of Amalekites and soter îisem liskecisaf ever tise plain. There are sometimes womau wise ait reading sentimental novais, and whis wlsh tisit tisay had some ^grand field in wnicis to displa>' tieir Christ-lau posters. Wisst grand and glorlous thisngs tisey conld do if tisey only liaC au oppertunity. My sister, Yen need net waii for any snch timie. A arise stili ocm n e yux affaire Tisera will hae a Thermopylae yaotito-re coseiscld ;viera C-od'wîll tll yon ta stand. Tisera are scores and hun- droCs et housaisolfis to-day wises' as machs iravery and courage are demandad of ffcmen as was axhbitcd by Grace Darling ar Marie Autoinette or Joan of Are. Christia. 17Won,. Agua. ,I remark il le woman'e rigisi te bring te ustise kj"ngdom of iseaven. It le casier for a womau te ba a Chisitan tisan for a man. Wisy? _Yeu say ahisl weakar. No. lier iseartisl more responsive te tise pleadinge ef divine love. Sis a l in vast mujorit>'. Thse fuel tht-s'ise can ioe easily hecoma a Chirstiasn I prove by tise sttement tisa4 threa fourIse 0 thse nembers of cisurcises in ail hii u dom ara wemen. Se Ged appoin"ttisns to is tise chiaI agencies fer bringiug trise -wm id baok ta Gad. 1 may stand isera anC msy -tise Feu! le imînortul. lisera le a man wise sili dany h. 1I may stand isere and, say w. arc lest and undone stîtheut Chrli. Tisera le a man wiso will contra- diet il. I muy stand liera anC say tisa stîli be a judgment day aller awile. Yondar ileoinomaea wio will dispute I. But a Christian womnan ie a Christian isousehold, living la tise laitis anC tise consistenîcy oeh Cishs'a gospl-nobody ean tafutea ta. ise greateel sermnons are rot preaciscd en celciseaLad plat-forma; thay are preacied witis an audience ef twe or tismea and ia prîvate 111e. A cee- sistent, conspeated Christian service le au unanswerable demonîration of God's lrutis. A Eailor camae iiping dewn tise rat- lines onea nîgisias tiougiseometi ieda happeued, and tise sailore cried, "Wisat's tise alter?" Me said, "My mollîur's pra7er isaunts me lik-e a giosl." Homne influences, ceneecrated homne influences, aie tise mightiest et ail influences upon tiesaecul. Thoaeara ma vhe bave main- tainad tiseir integrity, not bacausa îisey werc aey bettQr nuturully tisan semae other peeple, but becaus tisera were huain ipfiuences praying for thiam al tise time. Tise> got a goed st-art, Tise> ware laurcised an tise world witi tiseî bacadicîlons eta Chrisîian moîber. Tisey may truck Siherian snows, they nia> plu nga lu African jungles, tisey May fiee te tiseoaurtise end-îisey canuet go se fat anC se fast but tisa prayers will keep up wIis uisem. Power fer Good. 1 I eeais te Womcn wisobave tise ate.rnl $aivation of thoir isnsoands,'in thiairgis handt. On tisemarriage day You took an catis belote men and angols tisai Yen weuid ha faihfal and Slnd until Ceati didffou pari, and I belleve enu arc goleg te kecp tisai eatis, but alier tisai patting ai tise grave will be an statuai. separe- tien? la tisora any uais thing as an Im- mottai murtlage, making tise festons tisaS grow on thse top efthtise 5pnlciar brîgisier tisan tise garlandes tIîci aitihe naarrlage bûnquet flooded tise air stiui aroma? Yes. 1 stànd ber@ as an embassa- der of thse mest isigis God te proclalm tise banne of an Immonbai union fet aIl tisosa Whio joie banCs in tise gracae o Christ. 0 stoman, le your husbaed, your father, yeur son, asta>' ronn Gad? Tise Lord de- mande tiseir redemption ai your bande. Tisr. are prayens for yen te off sr, there are exhortaions fur Yeu te gi-tetisera are examples for Yeu te set, and 1 eay aew as Paul sald te tise Corinthlan woman, "Wisat kuovrstethion but tison shalt save ihy kusbaisdt" A man wsas dylng, and haie ald te hiestife, I"Reboca, Yeu stould't let me bave famil>' prayere, you laugised about ail tisai and you got nma away mb to orldllness, and now I'm goiug te dia, and my fate, le sealed, anC yeu ara thse ause of my ruin 11 *O steman, wisai knoests thon but thon causi destre>' tii>'lumband2 Are tisr. net son. of Yeu stio have kiauhyI>influences ai home? Are tisra net soin stiso bave standered fàraaafroIte (3ed stis can remember tise Chistîilan 'influences latihsit early home? Do net despise tmos. influences, iny 'brother. If Yen die wstheut Christ, visat stili You do wstliyolxr motiser'a prayers, stiti Your stife'slImporinnities, 'stuisyenr slster's entreaties? Wisat stili you do sth'tise lettera tise>' sed te write te yen, stti tise meesory of thase Cayestise tise>' atieded yen sa kîrîdi> lu urnes oh slek- Ib le new ni>' uiy te Ictoi tise publie tisai Ibis udvssniaga sili sseoti>'La wsth drasta tramthema, as I areab o eh îaarnied. Tise>' sili, thatefore, do well to muSe thiai purchasas ut once ut tise eiC rate." Tise reuît se.tisaitisere a ssucis a run on tise shop tisai in tise coues et a hast diys ibis' shopiseeper baC u.e enough mener t. -sey tise expenses oehlits Weddlng an a vr-lvas siI. sketch. aga. But God isas a crowe for yen. 1 stant yen ta realize tiIs mcming tisai ie ie nost naklng it, anC, wisncvar yon waep a tea ha sets anoliser gem la tisai crewn, Nvisenesar yen havea a ong oh body or seul ha puis anothar gem lu tisat cnownr, until ut tan asile lu ail tise tiata tisora sillia nerunfor unothar eplen- dor, anC Qed stiilsu>' te hie angel, "The erewus:îe doue; let bar up, that se mu>' stear it." AnC as tise Lord et igisteous- ness pute tise erowne spon your br ow. angel swiil r>' te ungel, "Whso le sise?" and Christ still su>.'I I stifi tell yen stio sise le. SO.e is tise one tisai came up oui of greai tribulations and baC iser robaeswashedi and iade white la tise blood 0ftisa Lamb." CULTIVATION 0F THE CURRANT. A. inicias to Theis' Frepagatien by Joseph Meelsau. Tisa curruet is naturall>' a cool ceunr>' r fruit, aud tisoughis h an ha grown aimest anywhoeein ont country', it Coas tise hast where tbtr.s le but modarate hat- in suns- mer. To accommedala ht, imulciing le advisablo. Ha>' or long grustire goed inatai-lis ta tusa for tise purponý. Placed uîound tise plants, tisa roots au muais coaler tisan tisey would be otùisel-, anC iblis the plante sho-w their apprc' fitirce of. A constant igitsi sirting eof ,,Leayiil would un.swer aimnet as wei l Intact, muny fruit groers telyon ibis ýfutnod for tise bttement of iheir 1 it uses., Parisape tise greutesi drawb i k tn tise enlîlvation ofehtie entrant iit3 îbility te leaf bligisi. A fungus idai, it, whiicis, If nncbeckad, deflihares thlb l L<'hs b>' mid-summer. Irne, tho fruoit v,îll have beau gatisered hefore tdisuoQic but tise loss eh fellage a vaîtse it.-pkE e and tise>'do cet prodtîca fruit .n- 1-.y us tisa> would do otheuwvie. S-r si ig stitis Bordeaux mixturewUrii bdlni but ils use le net te ba ihcnç îî iof - fruit le ripenIng. Shoni I mie f si-4gr e on uhter fruit le gathered, -'.îr sould be doueanad tisen the icaveý wï1l b. ptasaryed. Tisera e i l.aI'c-saan vdi tise fellaga ln tise shape olofthe oui-i-nt worm, wilciusuail>' uppeaf s -an afst tise fruit le fermed. 'Ibis must ha elosely watcbad fer, as it wiil eut ah tise lu-%veî ftem tise husises le atout ta-o davs. Powdared isellebore still quulv d ftibs peel. Dustiti over tisa leuves, orsi sprinklinig tisa i tl water, tisaitisae poison wiil sticS, anC aimait as Ceean as tise worm euts il, down hi faIL9 te tisa ground, dlsposed tof for good. Tiea hast outrante I ever gi-est wre plunted in a rather Camp place of gi-oued, and aller 4 pn. it was frac froîn ennehmie.Tise huches grew spiendidi>' and store rurel>' troubled stitis leaîblight, stiile tise fruit was surprisingi>' large. 1 uns sure tisai snch a situation le te ba ppelerred for tise entrant. Thismet saaisactory Slnd te grow, wisether for home use or fer niai'- Set î te ersaillee, a variaîy veîy muais lime tise Cherry, but râhtsesweetet, Tise beiries anC hunchas arae -y lar-ge, anC whin e entable oilanC situation, ver>' fiua fruit le producod. Hay's Proliflo le aise gooà, isaving larger,7herries on a longý huanoanCdi wounieprohahly ho preferred b>' thoseNviso life te, see a long huecis. Tise oiC RaC DutaisanCdi tisibte variaI>' ara steli kuosteas tegular and sure heur- ers. Tisosa stio Casina o te popagute aur- tantessould niais eùtcuiiele Augusi Itoies tsaebeeots oethtie sanie seuson. Cnt tisai a foot ln languis and plant thorai ut once. Tisa> wili ha roolied b>' fal. Tise pcxi siprlng tise>' na>' haset ouintishem plants arcestantad, cutiing tisem down isalîsta>, te niaise thora bnsiy.-Jesepb Meebun, In Pructical Fumier. Livleg Dew.s Coneequences. Tise natu.ral aenscqueeeh sic, on tise ooesequonces oh au unnatuiral lIfe, une not oliltarated b>' God'w hergivanees. Tise storid lu wiies se lIse le plannad as an, Immense demenslration aof tise value eh -irtu. and tisa feu>' and danger eh vice. Tise results of sin, tise scars eh fis-e, lise oensequences of dîsiionesi>', isapunll>', lutempemunce, unindeeso, survive tise moment of forgiveness and ireed thiai brood hest long, whio shah se>'? But for- gis'anoss, wihis l a changed relation te Qed, hegine a cisanged relation te Hlie hast. W. niant afresis with Rlm, le-ted, regardad as thuiogi nething had isuppan- ed, and a nest set oh consequances begins. Tise new lits stiîcis Qed hengîves figiss thse oonsequne of eh ie *ld. Weeds are pulled np ai stop seedlng themeselves, oddeisîs palC anC wrengs nlgisiad. Moral degencration le arrested. Tise dem- enetration ef Go's lest le made on tise aidaetfobediaince tisteugis godà, nstend of baC conseaqiances. Tise ife sttis Qd stiicis fergiveness hegies tende te abelis tise eenîlts oh sn. Chisit cama te Casino>' tise stok-the coesequences-ofthtie devil. Evor>' seat frens pasi days, aven>' survival of hea ld, stîilheed isumllty; but ste belong te tise GoC of hope, anC figisi wiih film for ths tnlumpi o!fithe new andC mua. watlng for tisa promise, III stli restera te yon tise yeari which tise locusi bath eatee. ".-Suday Scbool Timues. The 1Eerb,,r Got aRis Money. A eueplloue-looking Individuel antared i .Algiers, Dac. 1.-Tise French steamer .Algerei s hefolindered near Boisa, a fortified scaport of Algecia, near thse moutis of thee River Scîbour. Eleven par. sons were drewned. Elopes and Marries a -,ezro. Milvv-ukee, Ws., Dac, 6.-Tise suburb of South Milwaukee le grcatiy axciteil over tise eloipesnt of-Mincie \Vortel, a prtty white girl, with Eldred Moore, a negro. Thse pair came ta thse city and were mnrriad isy tiseèIev. James Hliggîna, a colorad mn&eoer. Tise fathet of thse girl cauefd h re.A t tihe police station bbe girl deolwted thai under ne circum- stanuces weubse l e ave 1,cr isand. Sise le 18 yeare e a go, WitýI blonde hair and binse oyes. mlcréIeev tvd.ry dans. 1 uu4m Mee't.tng ut Oakyiie. Orâc'vlse, OnL', Deo,, 6.-A politic4i 4dln tise Town Hal be = =t&eiir ateo John 'B. Bl tr, thse IMeAbSui esdaie, Wae largely 1uthded. Jeisa W.ldt. ex-M.P., was thse fiirsi epaaka% and thec came Frank Denton «g 1oeqB. Usmon- B. J. Davis, Provincial oný~, eed ths e tiSûng. oriitizing the mo4n.,5 de at the Kernse eet- me by Mr.,wimney an &Mîr. Foy. Is often a warning tsaItis Ilver là torpid or inactive Mora serions troublas may 10110w. For a prompt afi,"ient cure of Haaceand i liver troubles, taise While tisey rouse tisa lîver, restore MuI, regular action of tise bowels. tisey do nol gripe or pain, do nol irritate or infiame tise internai organes, but have a positive toffilc affect. 2bc. at ail druggists or by mail of C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. WIiAPER TA I~TIJN1 *B. F. BYERS bas opeaed tise New Ceùr Ltvery naarly opposite tisa Standard Bfta Bowmanvilae, wbare ha bas a fine iot or Singl and Double Carrnages, Democrats, Wagos- etc., for bure. Good Horses and Ca refi Drivers. N To loaflng allowad. Talophona .No 28. CLI day and nigb lII romptly attendafi It is said that inoney niakest mare go but farmers say it is a l that Rur de' s Machine 011 i s. best they over used, and chcae* Also our band made harness, non better, few as good. AOHN S. RUNDL THE PHRENOLOGiCA JOURNAL and1 SCIENCE of HEALH Is in is Si tyfitr Writy- !Lr ý Ve-

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