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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1899, p. 2

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'The Canadiafi Statesnian ~bt ~~îdi~rn ~tafr~rnrn An Elght Page, Forty-ightColumn Newspaper,1 BOWMANV ILLE, SEPT. 20, 1899. .1 is publîshed EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, AT THIE OFFICE 26 STATESMAN BLOCK, KING STREET,- BOWMANVILLE, ONT.. BY 1.A, JAIIES, Edîtor & Proprietor. Suiscription$1.50 per annuns, or $100 if paiS strictly le advance. ADVFRTISING RATES; Transient Advertisicg. Tee Cents per Lice, firet insertioni Five Cents per Line sari sub. sequent insertso.e CONTRACT RATES. B551B F AT)VERTII5EMENT One Celunsu........... Raif Columnc...... Quarter Cluinun. Eighith Clumn... Tweety-fivc Lice. Wwety Ltncs . Pitteen Lices. Ten Lices ............ Pive Lices ........... TIMES INSERTED. 1 Mli SMths 6Ihts 1 Yr. $20 00 $40 $60 100 13 00 26 40 60 8 00 16 26 40 5 00 10 16 26 4 50 9 12 18 4 00 6 8 13 3 50 5 7 5012 2 501 4501 65011 1 25 3 50 6 10 The above are ctraet rates, and apply only tu negular business adventisers. Changes of centraci advertisements must be lsne n net later that cce o'cleck on Saturday -thris rie will be strictly enfoeed. Paragrepli advertisements ameng cews items 10e a licoe arfi insertion. Birtbs, 25e ; Marriages and Deatiss, 50c. Displayed advertisements are measured' by a Beale of solid neepareil acd se chargeS. Orders fer discontlinuing advertisements must be iu writîiig, therwise the publisher wili net be responsible. No paper will ne stopped until ail arneerages i6re paiS, excepteSt the option of the publisisen. A post office neotire te discontinue j, net suffiient- Double regular raies are charged during MSnzb, April and May and Octeber, Nevember «;ii Tte'qember fer display advertising coI cen- tracted for by the year,, Business ntices lui local or news culums first insertien 10 cents per ice Noupareili 5 cents per lineecd subsequent insertion. Neticescf meet- ings of any km d et whieh an admisàicsf ceiss clsa'ged or a collection is taken must be paid for. Al communications Shoultibc aeddressed, M. A. JAMES, B3owmaaville, Ont. 'MARRIAGE LICENSES,-M.- A. JAMES, Issuer of Mlarriage Licenses. liesidecce: Centre Street. A. E. MeLAUGHIN, Burnlster, Solicitor and Conveyancen. Office:-. BrVakley 'Block, King street, Bownsanville. Moceyto boan ai neasonable rates. 48-lyr, d-O.OO-% OTO LN $50.00.0 011gooti mort- gage security t moderate 'rates of iterest, A. E .McLÂUosssN,llitor,Bowmanville,Ont. 16 -6m. DR. J. C. MfITCHELL,t M EMBER 0F COLTEGE 0F PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario,Cco'onen, etc, Residence, Fnniskillen. 74 R.PEATETAILORý Gentlemnen's Ciothes madie to Ordçr.2 D. BURKE SIMlPSON1, -TB ARR ISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORIS' JDBLOCK, cp-stairs, King'Street, eowman ville. Seliriter fer thc Otaronekack Private mohlevs leaned et lewest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. 'S. OFF1CE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS Bioche, where hbimself or bils assista nt wil be found froi a. ni. te 9 .i.ns. Nght rails et residence, directly opposite Drill Shed. Cli, by telegrapi or telepicuse ulîl receive promp t- tention. 171 - yr. C. EARNDEN, L.D.S. Graduate cf th e Royal Celege of Dental Su, geons, Ontarioe OFFICI.-Opisosite Express Office. VITAIZED AIR ONTAMRIO BANIK continues te do-a Generai Banklng, Business ai Bowmanville Agency. DEPOSITS received la Savings Bank Departscent andi teterest allowed et crrect rates. Notice of witidrawal ssci necessary. Ail depesits payable en demand. EXCHANGE loglît.and selS and Drafts lssued Uspon Europ U.1n«tsSttes sand Canada aiso e ld, Sîlv. eà Uniteti States Gýreenbacks'iugki; and solti COLLEUCTIONS Promptly made ae crnent rates upon ail parts o! Great Bitals lie United Stales and the Do- minion of Canada. Telegraph Transfers Made for large or smail sons, on ail parts of Canada. Thiis is specîally advantageoos te pen- sons living lu Macîteba or the No rti-West, li mnakes thefends avaiable at once ai the place, CLARKE FAIR. HORSES. Judges-Isaac Watson, Toronto, .jJrookshank, Cobourg, J. L. Powers. DRÂUGHT.-Brood pare end foal, Sam'l A Devitt. Chapman Bros., 2 year old gelding or filly, Geo 1Herrington, Hugli Grecnlees. 1 îear old gelding or fflly, Geo Davidson, Chapman Bros. Sucking colt, S A Devitt, Chapinan Bras. 1 year old entire colt, S A Devitt, Chapman 'Bros. GENERAL PuRPOSE.-Brood mare and foal, Chapman Bros, G E Davidson. 2 year old gelding or filly, Brooks and Largmaid,' Wm Crago. 1 vear old gelding or filv, Win Andrews,A, Tamn- blyn.* Sucking colt, G E Davidson, C Glass. CARRIAGE IIoRsEs.-Brood mare and foal, Englis h & Sons, A MeNeil. 2 year old gelding or filly, S. Henry,G. David- son. 1 year old gelding or filly,Eniglish & Sons, Jas Waddell. Sucking~ colt, Wmn. Harvey, HI J Souch. ROADSTER 1IlonsEs.-Brood mare and foal, Morrow Bras, A Tamblyn. 2 year oldgelding- or' fihly, Capt Brown, R Moon. 1 37ear old gelding or filly, A Rutherford,- R Brown. Sucking volt, A A Gamsby, D J Gibson. Span* ýad-- sters 15ý4 hands and under, Geo Blrown, PPollard. Span carniage over l5U hands, C Glass, D Galbraith. Single roadster 15-ý hands biais and under, Cowan Bros. Single carniage over 15à bauds,,A Stalker, JMeMlllan. Saddle horse, Wm. Stut Dr. McElrov. SHEEP. Judges-Robt Hanniah, Win Brent. LEICEsTERS.-Aged rami, Allun Bras, W C Blackburn. Shearling ram, AlUn, Bros, W C Blackburn. Ram lamb, W C Blackburn, Allun BI-os. Aged ewe, W C Blackburn, Allun Bros. Shearling, Allin Blras 1 aid 2. Ewe lamb, W C Blackburn, Allia Bras. COTSWOLD.-Agedram, Brooks and Langmaid. Shearling ram, Brooks & Langmaid 1 and 2. Ramn lamh, Brooks & Langmaid 1 and 2. Aged ewe, Brooks & Langmaid 1 and 2.. Sheari- iïng, Brooks & ]Langmaid 1 and 2. Ewe lamb, Brooks & Langmaid 1 and 2. SOUTLOOWN -Aged ram, Iloldsworth & Son 1 and 2 Ram lamb, L M Cour- tice, Holdsworth & Son. Aged ewe, L M Courtice. Holdsworth & Son. Sheari- ing, lloldsworth & Son. L M Courtice. Ewe lamb, Holdswortli & Son 1 and 2. SERopsHiiRE.DowNs.-Aged Ramn, A E Meadows, Levi Skinner. Shearling, A E Meado ,ws 1 and 2.' Ram lamb, A E Meadows, Levi Skinner.' Ewe A 'E Meadows .1 and 2. SÉearling, A E Meadows 1 and 92, Ewe lamb, A E Meadows 1 and 2. CATTLE, DuanÂuA.-Bui and three females, Rich Brown. 8 year old bull Colwell Bros. 2 year old bull,- R Brown, A1 Tamblyn. Year old buli, Aluin Bras. Bull calf, Thos Smale, Colwell Bros.i Milch cow, W C Blackburn, È Brown. 2.year old heifer,I1 W Jewell,R Brown. 1 vear old ýheifer, W C Blackburn, H. W Jewell. Calf, H W Jeweli, R. Brown. HOLSTEIN.-COW, H Renlwick, W S1 Gamsby. 2 year old heifer,H Renwiciz D J Gibson. i year old lielfer, D J Gibson 1 and 2. Caîf, D J Gibson. JESv.i ' l L B Davidson. Cow, L B Davidson 1 and 2. i yean old heif- er, H W Renwick. GRtADE,.-Milch cow. Allin Bros, W C Blackburn. 2 year old, lifer, W C Blackburn, H W Jewell. 1 year old heifer, W Ç~ Blackburn. Heifer eaîf, Allin Bros. SWINE. Judge, S Souch. BERKSHRnE-Boar, 8am Snowdeln, D J Gibson. Boar i year old and under, Sam Snowden. Sow,, one year old and under, J A Russell, Sam' Snowden. Boar under 6 mos and over, 3, D J Gilb- son1, J A Russell. TAmwoRTiT.-Boar, Colville Bros ,Sam Snowden. Boar, 1 year old and under Colville Bros, N T Selby. Sow i year old and unader,- D J Gibson 1 and 2.ý Brood Sow, N T Selby, T J Co. cf payent. onest Adice free to Mon. For otier nartirulars cail ailîlse bank. A. J. MCCLELLAN, GEO. McGILL, Th e CANADIAN STATUISMAN is request- Areontan5, Manager edtot publisi fie fellowi ng: Ail mon who are norvous anti teoiliatet or who StrCirte. are suffering frein aay of the varions Str. ûarCî rýy le rosulting from oven womk,ex cess or youthful errons, are awane that NeeatlBomavll,-ghw ad oust medical firnms advertisiag te cure Newestl, Eomanlli, Osawaandthose.conditions caunof be mlet upon. Whitby to TORON TO. Mn. Graham, a residont of Loation, On1t. ,liviug at Uz7ý Richmond St.. was for a long time a sufferer from abovo troubles anti after tying in. vain many ativentisoti nemedies, electrir beîfs, etc., hecame almost entirely discouragoti anti opele3s. Finaily Ihè confidet la ,nyVRy Upý A-, D FITIN an oIt Clergyman wvho directet i hm te 1J 1 MODA àI > fIV1an ominent anti reliable physician, Ulitl SPTEMER 2udwithroueg hûso~e skillful treatment a Ueti S1~TMBE lIS, îltIleve, spedyanti perfect cire was obtainet. -NE5.1 CASTLE - - - 6.310 a.sss. Ku ung te Ms semnrow that s0 many OSHAWA 9Ms. i t 'ln tpeset upon 1V411'ss - - h~ ~ u Tc f"oks MnGraham 11et~~'v s ;Iov5 oreituiûug.h~.,s~ '~~ ~c~ ~'ils fellow- 5.00O p.. it i ii-iLl.,.fLiCrxence anti Usua tae. lekes god so'to. - snyet . rmiug any- the vbceerdys C-t tsIffl Ir,-*" 3 1 - istrict con- spýeisat:ue, ' tA¶ c"'Neatten- Freii't "'î'"ekes a 'h5fr.~-istii, r05te . vnTiting eut BOïCbO ,dle'Mî I, ~ - "uisedtiteati. pbonXo.t4Ice- .0 e~i 5. il' Ifl.10itIolt. i4-tf. Bright's Disease trai ite adcvanced 1ae TeRn mon W'hy-Dangi3rPrv vtdb the Ti moly Use of Dr. A. V To unclerstsnd Br;ght's Disese s o krw that inoil advanced stasges t is past the rehi of hoinan aid. The relis of the kUieys undergy a wasting, change,,whieh l eaves thens dend seo r as perfor:inig tieir tunetions is cDicrr.e I. Test tisi.c of haing the lodcn.Žva d cdaL. T.. rk oftib pi ionS left in the svstern Nwhen th'e e rg. ns could no longer p4rforrn their d.nes as filters cf the blocS. It woco i be dfrcult te conceiveocf aniy.inLg nie edi eadful, an d set tlîis is the goal te which evervcase cf ceglected le Oey r'i.ease mnýieLllai . \\ 'hec th-- b. i aches, obro or:natirg îs diîfrit or" tee frequcnt, wvii there are de- pi o îh iý the urine aftur standingfur 24 heurs there ia no tlle te in precur ng 'Dr. i lases Ki iely Dsýer FPîde. Il is icI clainird ihut they ilii cssre Brigt S Dîs5cse in its last S'age. They arc an abse- Ile cure foi kiJney dks.s,and se long as thc kdlnevs are ne" erîirely 's asted assay hey w iii give oew streîîgtl acd vîgor and enaille tlîem to resiinse the r dulies cf fii:erîng the bood. Dr. Cha îe s Ku mes lYser Pis wo h step backache and heaacle in short crdcr by re- mcviîîg the cause, anSdoilPc itivchy pievent lrigh's Dis-aseo Oe iia ce, .a o. x. At ali dealers, or lidmanson, B.s&Co.,, Toronto. i year olti anti untier, Sam Suowden, J A Russell. Boar under 6 mos anti oves 3, J A Russell, J t Powers. Sowundes 6 mos anti oven 3, T S CnIle,S Saowden Brooti sow, S. Bragg, S, Suowden. AGRICULTURAL IMPLENMENTS Double cultivator or scuffler, Conîlt- liard & Scott., Stubble plougli, G. H. Linton, Barrm'ows, G H Linton.' Double carniage, MceLaugblin Cannîage Ce. Single carniage, R Foster, MeLaughlin Carniage Co. Farm Roller,G Hl Linton. Seeti sower, Conîthard & Scott. Pamp, E Hastings 1 anti 2. Cutter, McLaugh- Iin Carnage Colianti2. Twin plough, G H Liaton. Roat, wagon (special) Mc- Lauglia Canniage Co, R-Foster. FRUIT. Judge--E Prout. WIN'rER ArLEs.-Best col., Chaplin & Son, Mrs Fanncomb. Nortberîî Spy Cha plia & 'Son, Wmn Riekard. Ben Davis, Chaplin, & Son, 3ýYm Rickard- R I Gneenings, Wmn Ricliard, Chaplin & Son. Baltwins, Geo A Stevens, Wmn Rickarti. Golden Russets, A A Gamsby, R Fowlen. Ribston Pippin, N T Selby, Chaplin & Son. btarks, Wmn Rickart, Geo A Stevens. Spitzonburg, Chaplin & Son, Mrs Fanncomb. eeeks, Chaplin & Sois, Mrs Farncomb. Canada Rets, Mrs Farncosnb, Chaplin & Son. Falla- water, RFowle 'r, A A Gamsby. King of Tompkias, R Fowler, N T Solby. FALL APPLES.-Snows, Chaplin & Son, Mrs Farncomb. St. Lawrence, O Scott, Mrs. Farncomb. Bien Pippin, Mrs Fa ' ncomb, Chaplin & Son., Redi Crab, ,G Beer, S Cuttle. Wbiteý Crabs, Geo L Steyens, Geo fi Beer. PUEAEsI.-Best Col., Chaplin & Son, Mrs Farncomb. Bartlett, WmRi(ekant Chaplin &, Soni. Flemish Beauty, A Tambîsa, Mrs, Faracomb. Sheldon, A Tamýbxun, Ducbess t' Augoulene, Chaplin & Sons. Winter Nellis, Chap- lin & Son, Mrs Faarcmh. PLUS.---Yellow, A A Rolfe, W S Gamsb ,v.' Redi, A A Roi fe, W S Gamslby. Blue, Wv S Garnsby, Chaplin & Son. Green, Chaplin & Son, A A Rolfp. GRAPEs.-ROt1, W S Gamsby, Mrs Farncomb. Black, Mrs. Farncomb, W S Gamsbv. Green, W S Gamsby, Chaplin & Sons., Sr.ECIALS.-iled Ilusset, R Fowlen. Beliffower, R Fowler, 2nd. Variety uew apple8, Chaplin & Son. , ]Ro-xbury Russets, C F Awde. King Pippîn, Wmn Rickard. 1DAIRY PRODUCE. Cheese 50 lb. factory matie, J G Honey Fret Honey. 10 lbs. table butter, Jos Robinson, Chaplin & Son 25,1b. Crock Butter, jos Robinson. Two jars p ro- sonvet fruit, Mr s A A Gamsby, N[rs C G Armistnong. Jar pickles, W S Gamn- sby, W L Cobbledick. Jars jallyv, Mrs C G Armstrong, Gertie Davey. Home- matie breat. W L Cobbletick, Gertie Davey. Oaa doz buns, WL Cobbled ick, Mrs ATou-rjee. Houey lu comb, Geo Beer. Honoy extractet, Geo Beer. VEGETABLES. Late-potatoes, Sam Saunters, C Fe Awte. Early potatoes, Mrs Farucomb, A A Rolfe. Turnips, C F Awte, Sam Snowdten. Carrots, table, S Cuttia, W S Gamsby. Beots, table, Jas% Wattell, S Cuttie. White cabbage, W S Gamsby. Reti cabbage, W S Gamsby. Onlous, met,- Jos Robinson, W S Gamsby. Onions, potato, Mms.- Robertson, Jas Waddell. Celery, W S Gamsby. To- inatoos, W S Gamsby, Mrs. Farccomb. Ptimpkins, W C Blackburn, Jos Robin- son. Parsnips, W C Blackburn,. W S Gamsby. Squash, T J Colo. Van' ief y garden vegetables, W S Gamsby. Fieldi carnets, Mrs Farncomb, Chaplin & Son. Mangle wurtzels, Mns. Fan- cominb, R Fowlen.. Citrons, T J Cola, W C Blackburn. Radishes, Mrs., Farn- comb., Musk-melons, Jos' Robinson, W C Blackburn. Watem-melons, W C Blackburn, Allun Bros. Peppers, W S Gamsby, Geo Been. Largesunt fio)wers 0) Scott, C F Awde. , SPE CIAL -Hubbarti squashs, C F Awde - -POULTRY. ,Tud _e -M b Hru. GasueFo wls,Noles &Dilîing-, itephen, Oliver. Pelantl Fowi, Steplien Oliver i and 2. Houdan, NV R Knight, Stephen IWhite Leghorne, Alliai Bros, Nokes& Dillug'.Brow Legiorn, OScott. Rose comb bnon ,legomus, A Tamblyn 1 anti 2. Brahusa lighit,Nokes & Diling, WR Knight. Brahina, tank, Stephiea Oliver 2nd. Spanish Fowl, Stephen Oliver, Nokos & Dilling. Plymouth Rock. Allia Bros. 1 anti 2. Plymouth Roc k, Wvhite, T J Cole, Allixs Pros. Wy andottes. laced, Nokes & Dilling, O Scott. Wyaiidottes,, white, Stephon Oliver, D J Gibson. Silver Polant, Nokes & Dilling. Black Minorcas, Noies & Dilling, SteplieaOliver. Wpite Cochin, Stephen Oliver, J F Osborne Rot Caps, Stephen Oliver. Laagshang, J F Osbornte i and 2. Donkins, W, R Knigbt, Stephea Oliver. White Minorca J F Osborne 1 anq 2. Game Bantams, Nokos-& Dilling 1 anti 2. Buff Cochins, W R Kaighit, Nokes& Dilling. Part nid go Cochins, Nokes& Dilling', Stephen Oliver~. Turkeys, T J Colo, J F Osborne White Bremen Geese, J F Osborne, D J Gibson. Geese, W R Knigbt, T J Cole. Ducks Rouen, Allia Bros, A Tashblyn. Diucks, A'ylesbury, J F Os- bonne, A 1fansblyn. Ducks Pekin, D J Gibson, W R Kaight. Pigeoas, Nokes & Dilling 1 anti 2. Caaary, best singer, A A Gamsby.ý 1SPECIALS. -Andalusioas, W R Knight Black Leghorns, W R Knight. Blacki Javas, W R Kniglit, FLOWERS AND PLANTS. Judge.-James Phjlp. Geraniums, sinigle, W S Gamsby.- Gladiolus, Mns. Moon. Begonias, Mrs Moon, W S Gamsby. Follage Plants, W S Gamsby, Mms C G Armstrong. Flox Drummondii, W S Gamsby. Stocks, W S Gamsbv, 2nd unknown. Balsams, col., W S Gamsby. Astors, Alma Tamblyn.A A Gamsby. Petunias, W S Gamsby, A A Gamsby. Dahlias, W S Gamsbv. Plants, othor than grown in houses, A Tamblyn, A A Gamsbv Greenhousle Plants, W S Gamsby. A A Ganssby. Cut Flowers, W S Gamsbv, Mms Moon. Table Bouquet, W S Gams- by, A A Gamsby.. Haut Bouquet, W S Gamisby, A A Gamsbv. Floral Design, Mrs Moon, GamsbY.. '1 Ss'EcIALS -Salvia, Alma Tambl1n, Fig Tree, T A Best DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE. Quilt, cotton, Mns A A Gamsby, M Stewart. Quilt, woolea, Mrs E J Stevens W L Cobbledick. Quilt, log cabin, Mrs Tourjee, M Stewart., Quilt, drawn, Mrs E J S0teveus. Plain Quilting, Sam Bragg, A A Gamsby. Fancy Quilting, Mrs E J Stevens, Mrs J Robertson. Gentleman's Shirt anti Collar,W L Cob- bledlick. Machine Quilticg, Mary Little. FINE ART. Judes.-L A Gamsby, Miss Best, M iss Mccullougb. AmATEUR OIL PA1NTING ---Laniscape, E Morris, L Morris. Marine, Mrs Tour- jee, C Neads. Animais, E Morris, Mss Tounjee. Flowers, Mrs Tourj ee, L Morris. Fruit, E Morris, L Morris. Portrait, C Neats, E Morris. OilIpaint- iîsgs, Mrs Tourgece. Painting on velvet on satin, C. Neads, L Morris. Fancy jars, E Morris, L Morris. Paiating ou china L Morris, E Morris. AMýATEuR XV-ATER COLoRS-Lantiscape E Morris, L Morris. Marine,'E. Morris, L Morris. Original flowors, E Morris, L Morris. Original fruit, L Morris, E Morris. Animals or birds, E Morris,, C Neatis. Portrait, Mrs. n'm. Riekard, C Neats. AM.ATEUR D]4Awî G.-Crayon draw-. iug. copy, lantiscape, Roy Stevenson, Lizzie Waddoll Crayon drawiug, copy, figure, A A Gamsby, Roy Stevonson. Pencil drawing, copy, lantiscape, Roy Stevenson, Ms. Tourjee. Sepia or monochirome, landscapté, E Morris,!L MTorris. Peu anti ink sketc >h. Roy. Stevenson, C Ileads. Col. photos, Geo, Freelauti. Theo Good Work is 9uîklyand surely Some medicine, require waeks of uise before suff erers ca n realize any promis- iug results, anti the great majprity of patents are worthless, ant iài many cases pesîtîvely dangerous te use.1," When weak, broken town, sick anti tiseaseti mon anti womea have uset' Paine's Celevry Compoundi for a single cday their doubts vanish, hope fills the heant, anti they are -atdeti to the tons of thousautis that gratefully souint the praises of a meticine that truly possos- ses if e-giviug vintuos. SIfyour life la ia ponil from Auch stub- bora anti desperate diseases asrhoum- atism , neunalgia , liver 'complaint,ý Bigbt's disease, diabetes, nerveus pros- tration , on aliments esulting from impure- blood, anti have net yot tnieti the medicine that has cureti ethens, do net besitate another heur . Paine's Celery Compoud will assuredly do fer yen wlsat it bas done se well for vour fnientis anti neighbors. It will clea.nQe fie blot, drive eiut lingeenino nieunsat- isrn anti neuralg-ia , banisli kidnee troubleanti liven cemplalat, builti up fie exhausteti nervous svstemn,clear fie cemplexiongivo goot tuur-estin,iealtiy sleep ai-d perfecet vitaliiy. One boff le pnomptly begins, fie geetiwork. BlackWiIl Be a- Fashionable Atnicolorr Diamond Dye 1 3lac ks Are thé Richest, Fastest and Best. Black dresses. capes aud jackets will be muci wor rituis aufumu; fis will be 3a blessing te the woman who wishes f0, look well anti wio cannot aff ord te buy muci new clotlîing. Auy wemau can, by using the Diam ont Dye oFast Blacks, colon thoir olti clothos a black that will Lnet fadeor wash eut. Tiare are thlre pecial Diamond Dye. Fast Blacks-for wool, fer cetten anti mixeti goots, anti for silk anti featiors, anti if .tbe proer dya is usoti, any womaa eau get better results than fthe majority of expenienceti dyens can produce."' Unlike sonie of fie cheap imitations of Diamont Dyes, theso dyes cerne in almost osons cenceivable colon, se fiat fite weman wbo wishes any special colon can get it in fhe Diamenti Dves. Pnac- tical tests prove f bat fie fast Diamout Dyes are, the, enly dyestuffs fiat make celons which soap will nef wash ouf nom sunlight fade, SPECIALS.-Oil figure, C Neats. In- animate ebject, C Neatis, Original, C Neatis. Water colons, figure, C Neatis. Map dnawiug, Roy Stevenson. Arc!i- tecture anti Meebanical, Roy Stevenson Industrial des4gn, Roy Stevenson. Crayon, animal, Rey Stevenson. Motel andi ebject, Roy Stevenson. Crayon special, Lizzie Waddell, MANUFACTURES. Herse shees, draugit, liant rmade, Morrow Bros. Herse shoes, carniage, Merrew Bros, Flannel, cotton wamp, Miss Yong. Home-mate fianuel blanket, Jas. Waddell, A A Gamsby. 10 yds Woolen Carpet, Steplien Oliver Rag Carpet, Mrs A, Tounjee, Stepien Oliver. Rag ïWat, A A Gamsby, J A Jerome.' Woolen Coverlet, Mms. J, Robertson, Couaferpane, Mary B Little, Sam'l Bragg. Woolea Shoots, A Rolfe, A A Gamsby. Weolon Stock- ings, Mrs A Tounjee, AA Gamsby. Wgolen Sacks, Mrs J Robertson, W L Cobbletick. Mtoens, A A Gamsby. Mns J Robertson, Woolen- yarn, A A Gamsby, M Stewart. GRAIN AND SEED. Faîl wieat, A Tamblyn, T. J. Colo. Spning wheat, A A Rolfe. 6 roed barley, Goo Grey, A Reie. Black oyeti peas, John Buckley. White eyot peas, J Allun, Allia Bros. Oaf s, whsite, C P, Awde,A Tamblyn. Corn,yellow struug, Samn Snowden, W S Gamsby. Cern, white strunz, S Snowtea, W S Gamsby. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Judges,Misses M E Hall,J McCullagi anti B Staiker. Workot slipyers M E G Waddell. Kuittet 'Sýlippers, .Mns A Tounjee, B Allen. Sofa pillow plush or silk, E Morris, L Morris. Sofa pillew wonked, E Morris, J A Jerome.- Coucli mug, Loua, Reawick, Miss Young. Ladies' shopping bag, Mrs A Tourjee, A A Gamsby. Silk embneitiery, Loua Ranwick, Chaplin & Son. Berlin wool ivork, A A Gamsby, E Morris. Latiieb,' underclotbing, Miss Young, Maggîo Stewart. Girls' dresses, Mrs C G Arm. strong.. Toiet Set, ,3ilk or satin, Miss Young, Stephen Oliver. Toilet set croche t, Mrs C G Armstrong, W il Cobbledick- Toilet'mat, Lana Rau- wick, Miss Young. Crochet titiy, W L Cbbliedick, A A ,Gapssby, Fancy tidy, E Morris, ,A A Camsby. Crochet work cofton,E Morris,Mamy B Little. Crochet work woel, Mns C G Armstrong, May Litt le. Camp stool, Stepieni Oliver. Darniîîg on net, Miss Young, Louns Renwick. Oufline work, B Allen, Miss Ynung. Fancy knitfing, cefton,coamse, W L Cobbletick, Mary Little. Fancy, kuittîng, cotton, fine, Miss Young, Miss Allen. 'Fancy kuifting, wool, W L Cobbladick, Miss Young. Braiting, wool or silk, A A Gamsby. Braiding, cotton, Mrs C' G Armstrong, Miss ,Young, Collection. fancy work, -Miss Young,Mrs A Tourjea. Arrasene work, Lana Renwick, Miss Young. ac centre piece, Lana Reuwick, E Morris. .able scanf, E.-Morris, L Morris. pic 1 tune scarf, E Morris, A A Gamsby. P Whick holder, Miss Ysuug, lln0 Silk patcn werk, Mary Littfle, A A Gamsby. t SPEIALS.-Hantkarcief case,<BAllen Yetticg-, Mary Lit tle. Egg cosy, GM Long. Trimmeti basket, B Allen. r IJ1M.BRIMACOMJBE DENTIST. Office.-Rear of Messrs. Higgin. botham & Son's Drug Store, (Down ,stairs), BOWMANVI LLE. Mrs X,-Now Johnny 1i want you ýo liurry home from school this afternoon, Johnny-What for, I was wanting to- Mrs. X.-I wart you to corne right home for 1 want vou to go to LUTTRELL'S for sm buns and cakes for tea. Johnny- lil corne home on, the mun, for I like goin.- there, for his buns and cakes are just fine. A f ull stock of Confectionery is aI1 sta kept on band, Alex. Luttreli Clarke's Oh!- Stand, Bowma nville. Lake Ontario anti Bay of uneta- boat Co., (Limi ieli.) Ca8twR95 PORIHP[ttflS[ Str. "North King." SOUTH BOUND., \VEEiz DAYS., Ly. Port Hope, North Kin- 2.30 p.mni Lv.'Cobourg-, do 1 25 p.m. Ar. Charlotte, do 7.15 . m, Ar. Rochester, N.Y.C. 7.45,p' M. S 1. NOPITH BOIJND. Lv.Rochiester,N.Y'C.anud N.R.R.8.20 amn Lv.Charlotte, 8 50 a.m. Ar.Coboung, Ont. 1.20 p.m ArPort Hope, Ont. 2.05 p.m f&-Right reserved to change time without notice J.H.JURY, IHI.H.GILDE.RSLEEVE, Agent, Bowmanville.ý Manager. SBest Gold F11 1.50 5 yrsGoldFill 1.00 Best Glasses... 100 WIe gnaran tee perfect satisfaction. CU)ÏSE OPTICÂL GO., 93 Yonge Street. Toronto. T'he Gnt Rngliss Renway. _5 r Sld and reconspstfnded by anl druggists in Canada. Only reli. -able inedicine discovered. î kages guerateeif to cure ail forms of Seittal Weakness, ail effects of abuie or excess, mental WO6rry, Excessive use of To. baccon, Opium or stimulants. Malled on recelipt pf pe,one ankage $1, six, $5. One w«.p2ieas8 Wzuf cre ,aPhlets free to an y address TsWod Compay, e ndsor, Ont Wgod's Phosphodine sold in 11ownl,iville by Stott & Jury. Hîigglnlbethsm & Son;' Orono by J. Gilfillan;,Newcastle bvý Dr. Farnevumbe. SUFFEREBS TROu HAY FEVER. Iu an article 'on Hay Fever in the Amnerican'Angler,,January, 1899, a correspondent, writes 0f course thousands of remedies have been offered and tnied ; but the time and money spnti the- trial lias generally been watd or a partial relief, if any, côuld only,_ be obtaineti, and the causes yet remlained. Therefore,, in place of reine- dies, surgical operationis, andi heroîc> sufferings. the onily uuursýý fur a subject of liay feverto pursue, if relief is desireài is te fiee from the infected atmosphere and deleterlous influences to' regionis whene the air an&i surroilndings are free !rom. the sources of lis trouble." The Muskoka lks agnetawan River reigu, Lake of Bays, and Georgian bay districts are totally.eep front the causes of the trouble, and immedi- ate relief and a decided cure isý-assmed by ail whQ visit this beautiftsl locality. 'The main. consi.derations in choosing these regions, in- preference- to other Lcles, are: 1. Relief and total immunity froin h:ay. fever.,, w2. Easy accessîbility and moderate hotel rates. 3. Good postal service,. express ana ing Muskoka hie got perfect relief alIC Lad no furtlier attaclis aith1oughlieo lia4. beeu thore since J unê. Thiý sarneF geontleman had travell 'ed aiIl. tle continent trying te get relief* and ia ried ovory known remody but si iuskoka was Worthail' the- rest l-I togethier. 'FOR internai or vxtt)raal îrj u;enO 'ARD'S *YLLOW 0OI, canot bý x cilled as c pain re-lievlng anci soo-hiW retidy' for ail pain.

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