On the first indica- tion of Diarrhoea or Dysente rya few doses of DR..FOWLER'S EXT. OF IWI'LD STRAW-1 I BBRRY will promptly ich'eck the advanceof jtheseý dangerous dis- eases. It bas been o-rer 40 years n use and bas n equal for ho cure et bowei cosuplaints of yeungor nid. Theme are many dangerous imitations* on the market, an itl woulti b. wise te set that thefullîname, De.. Fo'zeZers ExI. o!- WiZJ Stra-sberry, is onu every hot le yen boy, -C4ý,kTICEL.LI RO'MFSIE EDLEWORK The many women whe take pleasure anti often times finti profit in doiîîg faucev work, will be pleasedt t leamu that the Corticeili Silli Ce. bave issueti tht thirti or Juiy edition of theéir artistie anti instructive neediework magazine. It is a splendid number replete with Ilumerous designs in siik soîbroiders of maarvelieus beautv, anti centains handi- somo coiereti plates, fashien articles up-to date. anti cieverly, writtou, and photo-gravures showiug the lateat patternslun eedlework anti innumer- able other tiesigus se dear te the beart of cultureti womanbeod. The publishers aneunco a uew dopartinent for October under the cap- tien ef "Modern Lace Making". Senti 10e for a copy or become subseribers at 25 cents Per annuin. Adtiress, Corti- ,èelii SuR Ce., Lti., St. Johns, P. Q. REmEmBER--- We don't atiVertise for more effect, but fer business. WVe kue-wv that, if you are subject te crampq. that yen sbould bave a prompt efficient ~re medy ou baud . Nerviline-nervre- vain cure-bas a wonderful and immed- iato curative pewcer. Il rolieves lu eue mninute; il cures lu fl'.e. Piea8ant te ýaste aub the beat kuowu romoedy for NAVICATIION COMPANY. N IAWiRA TO THE SEA. IIMLOBAT Or QUINTE AND Mesm-R AL Li-,,E P THROtJGII THiE' BEAUTIFUI. SCEIMGuT0F TH-E BAY OF QUINTE AND THïolisAND lIANDS BY DATDýIGIIT. SFM-WEEKLX' SFReVIcE-SteaMerE eaire Ham- Mlou noon, Toronoîsi6.0o p. s., Mondays ai 'Tbunsdays, ealliimg ai Darlingien, (Pt'ofn Bow- ,mauville,) 9.10 psu Leax e Metreal anti Tomante anti Hamilton,;Montýiays anti Thursdays, calling ~at Dalingion, 6.00) psu. day tntinwing their de- partan toe. DAItY:-Steamers freinTomante 2,0 p.m. Conoctien ta mode et M'titreal witb steamers or Qnebec andth ie f tr tomeS. Saguenay, For tickets ant iniforma tien apply bo: J. Mc- CLIELLÂO, Bnwmanville, Ont., C. F. ,GILnso- !0LEE5VE, Gentral Matnager, G. A. BOOWNE, 'I'raffic Mansager. General offices, 228 St. Paul Street, Mnntreal, Que. Chflren ry fOr Ëick H Ieadeeandreav il the troubles inc!. dient to a bilions )oe f the system, euch as Dizzines, Lans a, ])reiness, Distress aler eçating. Pain in the iJ,& he iei osti remaxkabie auccesa ic benliwn ia cuiug mqually vanain nrLt2 iin, curing antipre- Venting ibis ano n r paînt,wçýhule they aise, correct a,,îdisor Zet achi'simnlate thse 3IVer(l ir,,;MC hbo '. en if ibey only .Aeliethey wouild hclUostUriceless te thooeWho auffe fror thisusstr --- etplaint- butfortu- matelytheirgoodýneîsodoc-,notendbere.antihosa Vlio once try thens v iii find these ittie pilivalm- hble in sonmany wvayet-sai they wiil net be wil- àiagt0dowthouttîhem. uatraiscbei !i,e lane cf snoir-livog l t erer~is whA.e V'emuake orgreat bot. 'Our pUis cure it whia cothers do not. Carter's Litlr ier Pnsarc -r ry emaland very easy to taLe. 'duo or ivo rpfl malte a dose. ?bhey are sttic Lly veeable ad o nont gripe or purge, but by iioer go i do action ploase ail Who use the.. luvsist 2 ,en ;ivo for $1. dold bydîgists eery ')r, 'rsent by Ma"i CARTER MEIDICNE Cl.,New Yr% mutIions e1ý o t r o hi cide h teething. If disturbed atii hi anti brokesrs of your rest by a iek cehild suffering anti cryýing witb the pain of catting teéth senti ai once- anti fet a bottie of Mrs. Winslows' SontingSrp fo hildren Teethiuig. It will relie-ce the poor hitllerer ai onice. Depend ilpeil it,mothiers, there isn inistake aboutit. hItcures Dtarrhoea regula tes the siomaýcbI and bnwels, 'cures Windý Cnliq, softens the,,,gais, reduces- inflammation, andi gives tound enrergy te the whole system. Mrs. Winslewo' Seething Syrup for blIr.ef teetbiugP is tlasu thte tasie andtus the pre- sÇriptinn ni opne of the oldest andi esifmi iiRysseian)s ant nurses ini the UnitediSae L'rie e 25 a bottIeý Soiti by ail drrgg-Iss tro-,gb. eut the worlti. ie sure antiask fti Ms W SLOW$" SOOthing SyruLti. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 20,1899u. Local and Otherwise. Steerage rate to Europe $20 50 by, B eaver Line-M. A. James, Agent. Mr. R. H. Lawder, Whitby's former postmaste, died inuToronto Sep 12th. aged 74. New subscriptions received at TDE STATESMAN ~Office six days a week be- twebu 7 a.rm. and 6p.m A man's wife shoulti aiways be the same, especiaiiv, to her husband, but if she.is weak -and nervous and uses Carter's Iron Pis, she canet be, for tbey make her "feel like aunew person," so they ail say, and their husbands say se toe Miss Mary H. Fife, B. A., Peterboro, bas been appointed *ôn the Coilegiate Institute staff at a salarý of $550. Sr'AIN'S GEEATEST NEED.-Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barceloila, Spain. spends bis winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe-kains in the back of bis héad. On using Electrie Bitters, Amn- erica's greatest Biood and Nerve Rem- edy, ail pain soon left hlm. lie say s this grand medicîne is what bis country needs. Ail Arnerica knows that it cures liver and kiçlney trouble, purifies the blood,tones up the stomacb,strengthens the nerves, puts vim, -vîgor and new life into everv imuscle, nerve and organ of the body. if weak, tired or aiiing s ou iieed it. Everv bottie guaranteýýd, iinIv I50 cents. Soid by Stotýtand, Jury-,'Drug- Charles Broatibent, Toronto Juniction 30 years of age, a fireman on the C. P. R. was kiiled Sunday niglîr, Sept. 10 at ?dyrtle. AN ENTRa±PîtnSiNGFinu.-There are few men more ivide awake and-enter- prising than Stott and Jury who spare no pains tu secure the best of ev'erthing -in their uine for thoir înany customers. Thev now have the agencv for Dr. King's New Discoverv!, whicbi sureiy cures Consumption, Couglis andi Colds. This lis the wonderful rernedy that is uow producing s0 inucli excitement all over the country, by its many startling cures. It absolieiy cures Asthma7,Brou- chitis, Nausea, and ail affections of the' Tbroat, Chestand Lungs. You can test it bef ore buying, by calling at the abovo Drug Stcre and get a triai Bottie F ree, or regular size for 50c. and $1.00. Guar. antéed to cure, or price refunded. Mr. L B Davidsou. Newcastle bhas been appointed clerk of the second division court for the coutes'of Dur- ham andi Northumberland, vice Samuel Wiimpot, deceased. MNY FRIENDS DESPAIR. La Grippe and Nervous Prostration Had Brought Captain Copp bear to Death-Soutb Amnerican Nervine was the Lite Saver. ' "I was ailing for near]y four years with nervous prostration. I tried many remedies and -vas treateti by physiciaus witbout ariy permanent benelit. A vear ago 1 took la grippe, which greatly ag- gravateti my trouble Mr friends des- paired of my recevery. 1 was induceti te try South American Nervine, and was rejoieed te fluti almost instant relief. I have useti four botties'anti feel myself compietely cured. ,I believe it's the best remedv known for the nerves iandi blood. " Wm.- M.Copp, iNewcastle, 1N.B. Selti by J. lligg'inbotham & Son,- Rev. G. R. Clare, Greeuwood1, who b ati driven' to Brooklin to attend a Êmeeting therc. bati bis horse and buggy taken andi driven away lu broad day- iigbt. The thief is suppoed te have TORONTO T.ESÏiMiOýNY., Catarrh's Vjctim for Years-An tTnselicited Story of a Wonderful Cure by Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Po wder. "'I amn se well pleased i ith Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder and the gooti results deriveti from, it that I hard iy knew how te, express myself. I or years I have been troubleti with catarrh in the bead andti troat. 1 tried differ. 'ent remedies, but founti ne relief until 1 began te use Dr. Agnew's Words cannot exp;ress my gratitude fer_ the geeti it bas doue me. I highiy recon-' menti it." Mrs. M. Greeuwoeb, 204, Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Soiti by J. Higginbotham & Sou. We receiveti, a book cf Vievs of: Western'Canada ,tbroughi the kintiuess of tfhe Superintendent ef Immigration, Ottawa. This book of views ought te be in every home as iii gives the reader a geetI idea of' the e 'xtent and capabili. ties of Canada.' DECEIVED TO DEATe.' Insidious t'; the Last Degree-Kidniey Troubles .Stealîhîly Wnrk liavoe-Snnth Aeia n'hich ho i'ogorto i me. Thet cthei's cacao up nS liceaS is n'oui aaidgazeS af me anS ex presseS their indiignation by mopetot ma-s.Il waa a mccl uncormtcrt- abteexomonoanS 1 wished agatir and agatin ttIùtbey woudtii om their 'atten- ,tion elsewbven-e. Tht couýennt storý,ties et a, Sozeiln agi'y Aïlin s la a joie t mua nof (stlsi i-ce mp amnlem- "ýAiter awbllfil te wntilien seemn- edt'o be making o. speech to thie otLer;, sutiden, nich niian lu a pmofouudly saga- ,ios toue, "te gi-rt hiffssoî a -more mua- trouly loti." Our beo saw julia Marlowe as Rosa- linS, anticamne, asay frein the opeýra bousIe quito el(igbted. - . Ou tht stet car a irionS 'asketl inl heow l iedeSthtperformmance. "ýIl n'as s-plendid," he answemed. Thoni héwisay aiddet. "What a pity if s lan thtma idn't write seme more playsl" -.Clevelandi Plain Dealer. Didn't Walk for 5 Monthse Doctors said Locomotor Ataxia, ON AN OLD 13ATTLEÇROUND. Valiey aSdfarsinti suset the weat, Purpie and golS anti green; ïOrchard anti vineyard, eong aud rest, Wbere tiseir titi Wonit wans have been, Over the gleanena iigbtiy sings The Ian hoe the fetiing asun, Over that grave of fer off things Anti nid wars lest anti won. And over the bibis wlsere long age Strangetiti aoniS werr, rsmet, How îweet tht purpie vinefards grew, low oeil tht fitide fenget! -Arthur J. Stringei in AinsIee's Magazine. XTLLIGGw..T A Lion Siorylhot Equals Semee Fjsh Stories. 5By Crittenden Marriott. "TPhis," said tht Af nican trovoier as hit- locReS arount hum, "is nef a lie, rbough ir may seeua se te any nuewant- ing mnt sufficiet inteligence f0 realize tbat tnmîth Sots net netS te ho reasona- hie. "Ih ispptned'a, gooti many yoars age, on rîiy very first trip te Africa anti at a fume wn nI nas considerably yootir thari 1 am new. 1 hadt atet nnrtb frein Johamsîsesbnrg wvlth an ox. wagon anti a party cf surveoers wbo Rsaew nimost as littie cf thetlo-ofetAf ica as I diS. "W'hen we a, treh-ked uoth fer about a meuib,, ne came te a pince wbicb wos cloanly isupassable aioug tht route that Lwe bat been pursuing. Ilewe-ver, we Sidn't mind that much, as wo baS lineS- edti 1 stop fer a day on twe b roat the qyti;, Se we ,eoutapanneti anti hut a gond uighi's rest, anti the next uiorfiug sont oui tvo- parties, one te the tact anti the other te the wtst, f0 search for a pos. "Thte nlyones te 'resuosun'itb tht wagonus were1 a big Englishman, six na- tive boys andtimyseit. \Ve lentoS arnunti camp nil day, tht beys ietping cloeo - gether anti jabberîng away a goti deal. Thtetntxt surning eveny ont ni t hemubaS Sisappeqred, anti meat of om ligbter camp fomniture, iudlnding om surplus fineansus, baS Sisappeantti with thesu. Wt hat just eue rifle, beienglng te tht Englishman, anti ont miserablo uitile piatol which baS] ceuse ouf et tht arR, belongiug te me. "Wbeu bie roalizeti the situation, tht Englishman snore ln a blond curtinig tashi.on andi starteti nul te o n dewuthe beys, faig bis ilit ih hum. Ie nover camre bnci, anti 1 nover heartiet hlm. agoin. "When evening Srew vno'an, I hegan te gel ueasy. lientI1 was, nione in a strango country, 70 miles frein a village, With non'eapon except a wnmthless pis- tel anti withbebosta roaoîing ail arnunti sut. We hearS Ilieuos noamly os'ery niigbt inn o v%,ek, but baS litpt thesu weii awny by a circle of brush fires. 0f course I might tmy 10 Reep these up that night, but iruow it wnnld ho x'ery Sifficult wbou I was ahl by usyseli. Moredvtr, when I went nul iu the attennoon te drive op the oxen le the wagons where I coulti bitcb thesu fer tht nighf tht brutes becasut frightnned anS finaliy broke away lit a wiid atampetie anti vanishati freint viow. "I iknew nelther of the oxpiening par- lies was, liiely te o babck tl i eîniog, anS se I determinietite sieep iu a trot anS beave tht grenSfroC ion 'any liensý thal liiedti t investigafe tht wagons anti their contents. Il n-as lions that I nm-as. cbiofly afraiS of, anti I baS rend some- wbere, pnobably iu a copy book at seheel, that those animais cooldn't dlinh trots. Tht bonis Sidn't saY anytlaiug about thoir Lendish intelligence, .but I was te finS that eut ion myseit. " Prttty -soon If ounti a convenient trot, one that baSno big limbs ntan tht ground andi thot Sud ha-ce two or tbree pnetty wel i p, te n-hich I could bang, swing my hamr-nock anti lot the vain wenlti go. A littie way aheve these the trnk hati been bieken shýort off, sô that it was not possible te netmoat bigher up. But as I was a geeti 30 teet aheve grenuSd as it was I thought myseif per- tectly sait. "~In clening tht sînaller branches nul of tht, way et my banssueci Inued a- smo!! saw n hich the natives baS tonget- feu. Whea 1 baS finisheti, I tnrtunaîely hung il onn twig close beside me insteati nf takiug il Son n te tht wagon agaîn. That bit ni canelessneas sa-ced my lite. "Wben night foul, I att my aupper and climbedti t myamry reafing place, ameketi a cigar anti trioS te go te sieep, but tht dincuinstances womo net dentucivo te sinneber, anS tht nemnautie beauty 0fttht spot untiontht soiftbooms- etthe treplo meen kept me'awake for houns. "Fiually 1 siept anS Sud net awaken Until nearly monuiug. The meen was low, but sii! threw a gecti ten! ef light on' tht grnS, anti shoesvt a uuber ni dos-k forma moving beueath me. My heart jusuppeti into iny montb anti staid thene, wbvo respontied by short manrs and vin- Sictive giances at suy unfortunafo soit. 0f course 1 cau't ho. certain as te what he was soyiug, but 1 teel sort ýhat: il wos esubaraasingiy persenai. When ho fin- isheti, tboy ail reared lu concert, anti fer a mLoment 1 hopeti that they were geiug awaywith memoly an expression nf their onutosupt. "But I wns soon undecoivei., Tht lions femmeS lu lino about 100 yards away. Thon tht final came toward me witb a Sert of beundiug gallnp just lilie au atb- lote pzoparing ton o higb joump. When ho was near eueugb, ho boundeti inte the air straîght fer sme, but the trot was tee tal, anti ho foll short andi wont rattling dnwn te tht grenS with a soami that soundeti resuarkably like o husuan curse. ont aftr anethor ail tht lions hati o try at the jusup, but ail f aileti te reach tbe limsubo f the treo. "FinallY the olti lion calieti another censultation, anti wbhenit broie np I sow ln bis oye that.aosuething was geing te bpn.About 30 foot away trora my fret s-as tht stoump of anothor anme 50 foot higb anti studdtd, frein top te bottosu n'ith tht romains et Senti branches. If it shouid fa11 o-cor tnwonti me, it svouid cor- tainly catch on by n pmjocting braach ef my trot anti would turnisb a nicely inclin- cd pinot up n'hich a n-bob tribe ofions coulti oasiiy.walli. I diS net realize this at fiast, but nevertheless, 'as the lions w;slktd n-cor anti tooli positions behînti if, I sîsuddtired with apprehension. "Tht big weundotione was tht liraitet net. Bnunding gracotully aleug the grounti, ho sprnng bigh in the air anti struck the Soati stusup somo 15 ftot abovo the gîon&i maliing it quiver anti creoli. Il diid net faîl, hon-sene, anti tht lien droppeti to the ground. I-lt was quickly tollowettiby anethor- nd anotbtr ancd an- otiz.r, each springiýng againat the t-tusup with nillbis might, until te my dazeti oyos tht air seemti fuilletftui4biing lions. "But the stump helti spitodidly, anti 1 was bogiuning f0 ttol sate mgnin and te taie anme infereti in the nprocotienteti show w-hpn the big une asgain calioti a conterence. Tht atun'p was belti frosu falIinig by a large mont that extondeti di- rectly away f rom my position, thus ex- ertiug its groatoat lýevera-ge agaiîîst tht efforts of the lins. Itlay in plain sigbt on tht surface ef the grounti, andi yen eau imagine bow my boart sauR ss'en I saw tht lions tom 'lu a double row along il anti preceedti t claw if uip. ilin I iow thteuSn was noar. Depris'tS cf that mont, thte tump would fall cf the first assouit, anti an instant lator tht lions xvouid he upon me. Aireatiy I coulti tati theîr jaws crunching luy bones. "Suddenly a blstchanct entered msy hoati. There n'as but one bmauch ou my trot that extendot'inl tht proper direc- tion f0 catch' tht stomp as ht feu. If 1 coulti cul that off, tht siump might miss sue anti go crashing te tht grounti. For- tunately 1, ba t baud tht 50w' of whicbi 1 apeko ea moment ugo. 1 seiztd h anti hegan te 50aw tbmougb tht 11Mb. Yen eau imagine how I worked, but tht wood was green andi tht sa.w sali, andi 1 matit slow progrss. Beitios, the lions beard the saw anti prebahly guesseti wlat I was Seing, fer fbey redoubleti their ef- forts. "At last -tht branch was huit sawed threugh, but tht root waý whelly goe, anti tht lionsbacketi nway aný fermaS up for tht spriug.' Tht big lion again took the IonS. Sisish! ho came througlî tht air, atî'iling tht stump at leasf 20 foot-aboe tht grounti. Il reeloti, croakati anS foîll lowly 'aIt irai. but witb gathor- Wg, spooti. Crash! it cameangaiust suy Iiinîb, anti tht uext stcondth ie w-bnie string nf lions was swamming op if. "But tir haste sas'ct my lite. A large lion wtighs quite a quarter 'et a ton, and wbontfour cf ltien wtre on tht trunli th'eir com1,intd n oight pmo'edti te mucb fer tht hait aawed branch. If gave way, anti stump anti bmancb anti lions woat tiewn lu a heap togethen, n-bue I cluag te tht nemainder ot tht trot, n'ith a groat gasb nerces my kne, nbort the big lion baS toucheS me betome ho fell. Se noar a tbing if wasi "Wthi, there ian't mncb sucre to eie. The lions looReS dieg-usitid, as they pmoh- abiy wore, andi they ail walked sedatoly away. Tbrot bout-s lofer tht oxpioî'ing parties came bock. "DiS tbey helieve my aceunt et tht nigbt? Oi course tbey diS. I-atin't I the trots, anti thtý san'ed 11mb, anti the gasb lu my inte te, pro-ce it?"-Philadel- plia Press. A Minai Reading Trick. "The mind reading trieR etofafding con- ceaieS articles is absurdly easy," deciareti a Nýew Orleans nospapor mon. "Il con ho Sotie by almeet anyhody of omtinary inîtelligence. The way, b go about if le this: Let -six or eigbl people seat thesu- selves about a rocm, Dot 10 close to- gethen, anti bave somebedy, selectedi as assistant, blintifolti yen with a bautiker- chiot anti leoti yen te anothýer apaîtinent. While you are absout anme suali article ls hititen anywhere thoy choose., "'on your roturu tait tht baud et the poeQun-bn diS tht bld ing, 1t11]os'erybody to thini about tht place cf concoalsunut anti atagrtilun n runitht m--u. Lt OOIINCF d 1 M MIS."CAGE BIDJS. A. Word That ', rapi i ver E l j Ass0cýýý0n&We noave just received , a copy of Brock's flook on l3irds whichris the most' "Y isslacemmonly asoned te be an coruplete andi np to-da .te Ijoactieul booki abbreintaion uf'us'ee'-'d iis on the food, tiseaes,breedingjud ilîg, nsay bc truc; bol -it was unt a corruption, wasbino.adclrfedn fcnre ner a form uncouisoiously introtioceti. v ith va, anti ci footiongofncaaries Jlohn hvelyn bas i+ifi namrecodeftihe date andi other cage birds that we have seen. anti ircnmstanes. In 1662 bc goets te The work la ev dently written by oe set the "fair andi tomons oniedisan calleti 'vo lbas a thoreu-lh knowledge-o f bis R'sxalan r, frein tht part she parfori-ntdl,, ujc adilpovinestgra anti Iearns tisat sho bn.s "hotutaklo f.isbjet, aonii rsoeinîrsîcara tht Enae of Oxto "l'q misse, os at that inm ig eal wes fcge bird. Ve were theyoa ocl ]w vie~T surprised te findl frein its liiges the y bean e c),1 lew Nvmai." a iuxacer cf x'arîties cf caparies bret in_ 166d ho spealzs ef tht "fosie unnd onde- Canada, there beiîîg tbirty-one classes ctnt woresvtuwbn béca-so ILm:i 'C i t oeebird show lu Toronte. The sometrmes wivves cf the Youg cagalonteianis.o anris AguiniEvelyn witnesseti a Ling nîtoudeticatro tn 'sigcfCnre c by "a misse, as thoy cali tilsos na~t companiéti bv illustrations'cf sanie, is dti atword unt c n go. the flrst timeithat tbis subject bas been Nover sî' or ncgo>aqranger treateti in any Canadian wvo-k andi reveluiion. It weuld havq hoon the dpad-, thet on Exhibitions anti Judging cannot liosi of insulta teo cil a y3unglaey fail tgbcho heipftl loth te the amateur "mis" a thi tsue Bu beo i a or~andi aise te the experienceti bird foncier. strong illustration cf tht mule tliai tormsThore arc 200 pages ýanti oxer 1~0iliua- really wanted wili gain n place ln the trations ln the beek, which is neatiy languiagoe, be tht objetiono s -1oht tboy printeti with gooti clear type and is pub- ma. ihet -t~r cdhtuu ds lisheti bv Nicbolsonî & Brock cf Toronto. tiuguishing titl foi' young girls, sa-ing i rice 2Ècý post froc. ihose roulis et life7here " maiemeoiselle"' -more ýcOmmonly "Deoisele"-was current. Elsewhomo, a marricti woman and ber tinugbtor nati *'msess' ini'51S1 We do ont recel nany allulsion te the M N O-IIA ioonvenionces whicib must hart fellowod, but tht tagerness witb which "miss" Nvas acceptoti, is tht bort pront that it . DU you ever notice, bow few people was foit. An attempt bati boen matie ap- are original lu thinga tbey say anti do? pqretty te uiatarai7e "mnadamn" as the I tub , 0i f a married weman. thus treeing -é or instance, one mon makes a fortune "mistress"' for the use of tht girls exclu- ont ef a simple tbing; immediateilibno- siveiy. But ià nover sucootisivîth the middtle class, anti ilý bad beconse nid- tinoda of others try it. This la busuan fashioneti in the tine et tht Stoanis;, nature. Whiie it is gratifx ing' to ho the nevertholess, saieofnius Oanurecolleot nid vîllagers speaking of the great lady et "first mou" to brin,, ont an idea, tbe the neig-berheotdin j the days Of tiber great mnass iniust ho contenit te foiiow, youtbs, nas "Madoin Se-anti-S." But there was 11111e beip thore, anti thtesum- their leaders. There la eue line that is barrssment must have grown continu- origýinal, however, andt that la the bus- ally as social interceurse becaine more c geneat miess of Bradley-Garretson Co.,Imited It is net extravagant te suppose that eoflBrantford, Ont., because tlney con- the customu ot desiguatlng a manus wite as bis "l'adyý' was an effort te escape lù. tinually hning eut publications, te suit Oue must turmu 50 pages cf Evlynls the times anti seaseus, thus their agents dairy te fluti the naine ot a married we- man, unless she hati a tille cf uebilit- are kept at it anti make big money. In nlways it is "b'is lady." Dut ln the upper tact, no er cu'to e oehnr c'irees,"miss*" won is way, slowly. We te cuaini oehur may venturo te say that it dees net cour able, beaitbtul, lucrative, or, chers half lu Lady Mary Stuart Wortley's cerme- as many opportunities foir promotion spondence, uer dots "madain," appleti is a life sebool. Many men anti 'torne te au Euglish weman. Little girls ant inC ad oayteiYt heru. th eir granumothers are," Mrs. " alike. in aaat-atsit etetuî is te be observeS, bowever, thýat pope fulness of bis dlaim, in fact, it le coneti- uses "maiss" fretly lu the saine ena. La6y cd en ail bauds, that euoe year's experi- Mary anti others oftlber rank may pmob- once with this tirmi is worth more te any 4%bly have learn3ti of the shaineful enigin et the word la youth anti eschewed ti on young man or woman, thon twoj or that accouni, while Pope would neyer three vears at Coilege, frein an e-duca- bear the stery unless by cha-nce. tionai point of t iew, anti fla nciaiiy, il Steele, lu The Guardian. addnessed ' is ail tîsat eau hoc desireti. girl et 15 as 1, Mrs.",ancd Lady Bute loft Il ou record that she, born iu 1718, mc-____ menîbeneci anme cil ladies wbo nlways oalieti ber 'Mme?'" in the nursery. Under ÀAgents:-Did yen. ever thiuk et baud- eucb eirenstance3 il le no woesden tha'. ling our latest worio "The Light et- "miss" ralumpheovoer Ifs ovil associa- ile tÀons. A xxerdas e ver sanbadly Waut- L 'e? If net, nowV is n goti me rdi fer thte, sti'c cf lite anti the te start 83.00 a day sure, some purp'ies cf (t'. lî;zed society. malte txviee that. Experience or lliÀde,, ne a loues, l'st. Botere thse police go off (.ury they ha-ce te fali in lite be a rte loutenant te ba teust.On u seh a ocasion o xery thin lieutenant wnabeu t2Ssmisitht uighiterce,'sý- n ho o.iot te cieve lu a so- Ioisracvoieo: "Brownt - osea t ntof n mou for a pu î m s sa. Iwas on IFonrd St ec: asnictt vŽaiPem pSted, thoogh yen SLi i i soc ne '" Whtnt stoere yeu standqing, ar aa ýtietnt rmi- asan, msputci.1;y."ao-sit, lamp oit. " "Tbe, ir,",saiti Erovnc 't.aaaccouais for it.'" St. Pals Cabedal, ten-,don, Is the masatlatsvnyinsustati building lu Great Dnitatin. Il la iuremd fn.G475,ll00 ina ton offices. 'Tis werth a bag cof gelti." T This 'appiies _wlth seeiul force te Iieed's Sot saparilla, Arnerica'a Greateat Medi- cino. -' 11 capital ununedessaary. B3RADLEY-exARxRETSON 0 .iite, BRANTI'ORD, ONT. For Infants "nd chiliîb n., n-îlhi- ~'niite To PATENT Good Ideas mnay ho secureti hy n j ad. Atdress, THE PATENT RECORD, Mîibur's Heart and Nerve Pî ls Cure a Disease hitherto regarded as Inclurable. Thse case ot Mr. G. 0. Archibald, et Hopewell Cape, N.B., (a cnt et whom appears beiow), is oeeoe the sostoreat and most intractable ihat bhas e-rer hotu reporteS trous tht tastemu provinces, anti bis cume by Miihurn's Heari oand Nerve Pilus tht more memarkahie frôn tht tact tisat ho was giron up as incurable by wortlay anti respecteti physicions. STht distase, Lecemotor Ataxia, nsith wbich Mr. Archihalti was aflictet isl ceasidereti the moat obstinat anti incur- able disease et tht nerveus syst&su Raewn. Wben once il startsit gradually but surely progresses, paralyziug tht lower extremities anti rendering is vic- tira beipleas anti hopelesa, enduriug tise îtsdescrihahle ageny et seeing himstît dit by incita, That Millumu's Heart anti Nerv.e Pilla cou cure ihorougbbly anti cnmpletely a Sisease ni sucli stvtrity eughîte oenceur- Rge those s'.hese Sisortiens are net se senlous te try this remedy. Tht tollowiug-is Mm. Archibald's latter: MEssas. T. MîLaDaN & Ct-9"1 ean assure yen that'imy case was a x'ery severe one, anti baS il net hotu for tht use of Millins Hearl anti Nenve Pilla I do net beliex'e I wenlt be olive to-day. I do net linow, oxocfly, what wos tht couse ot tht disease, but il gratiualiy affecteti ny legs, r ntil 1 was unable ta walk bartily aoy cor fix'e moutbs. I was uctier the came of Dr. Morse, of Meinosc, svbo soid I baS Locemotor Ataxia, anti"gave me up as incurable. IlDr. Solemon, a woii-iuown pisysician et Boston, tolti me thaf nnthing coulti be doue for me. Every onue whe came ta visif sue lbosght I nover coulti get betr. Il sw Milburu's Heart anti Nerve Pillsa atvertiseti anti thouglit I wouid try thesu onyway, os tbey gave mort pro- mise ofbheipingne tbau auytbiug 1 kuewof. ciIf yobaS sets naewkea I starteti taking those weuderful pis-net able te got orsi of my monin, anti saw ment 0W, workîn g hanS ex'ony day, you wouUaS't know me. ci 1an agent for P. Q. Viciey, et Augusta Maint, anti bava soid 3eo suh- scibers ia 8o Soya antiwon a ifty dollar prize. IlNothing tise iu the wold aaved me but those pilus, andi I do net thinli tbey have ancequalanyw'bere. "Tht seven boxes I teok bave restored me the fu use et my legs andt givan nme strength ondi outmgy andtiletton health thon I bave enjoyet inl a long tirnt." G. 0. ARcHmIAuie. Hopeweil Cape, N. B, Iu adidition te the statemout by Mr. Archihait, we bave the endorsai ion of twn wtIl-iuewn suarchants of Hopewtli Cape, N. B., viz.: Messr-s. J. E. Dcko anti F. J. Brewster, who conlil" te the genuinoneas anti accunacy ni the tacts as gis'en ab2. Milhurn's Heant and Nervc Pis are 5eC. a box, or 3 for $1.25, at ali drrig- giats, or sent by mail, T. M'ilbursa& Co., Torontoe, Oi*. 7777-7,