PLInlain ialk by Ouir 0Optici an.....0. 1 Thd hume bas corne-when the person requiring Spectacles has learned that if pays te gdf careful, attention frein a reliable Optician. Yen cannet be induced by a soft.'t-Plk te put a pair of ill-fitting boots on your feet, but, a peddler will cerne along and <shove a pair et glasses on your eyes and telt yciu thaf t ou are fitted. He says tlicy are worth $10, but Le wiil seli thein te yon for $5.00.. Yen offer him $1,00 and get the glasses. Yen hhink -yen are cute and have diven a good barge in. In T a few ctays the glasses f ail te give satisfaction.'The Ada cannot bc found. Yen bring the glasses in te sec 1"ijust liow inueh tliey arc wortli anyhew" and find that we seli better glasses for 50 cents a pair. ~-<Now look ah this thing f airly. Te have spent yeans of shudy unS hundreds of dollars in fitting ourselves for our duties as opticians anS we are able ho giyc yen an absolute guarantcc with cvery pair et spectacles we seil. Deeps if pay yen ho rmn isks with people yen. knoW nofhing about. If Our glasses are net nîglh corne back anS, get your meney. W-1 would nather take hhelg bacli ah 10 times the pnice yen paid u s than have yen wear thenu anS nef be pleased. -Our reputahien is behind every pair of spectacles we selI.1 WE M1AKE NO CHARGE F0OR TESTING EYESIGHT. J.H.H.Juay" MORLEY CAWIîRR. &rY. ~ iGet youn ianterns,caidles.ctc. ef Jas. _____________________________- il Sugan barnels cempicte for $1,00 ah ,BOW Aý,-ý,TLIÉ, EPT 20 1899.The Mason Ce s. BOWMNVILE, EPT 20,189. -Send voun work te Jas.Conrd,Watcb- maker anS Jewclhn. Sec thic fufs ah M. Ma-r's. Miss Allie Welch, Roch ester, N. Y,, Ahi wenk gu,üiraniteed by Jas. GoarS. is spending vacation ah home. Miss Nhi Saunders, Toronto, is Pumpkini pie social next Tuesday ev- borne. coeing ah Mn. P. Trebilceekes. Ma-s. lPB-ock, Danfonfli, visitcd Spring and Stuffed 'Matti-esses very taicnds he1re hlast week. cbdap before rnoving, at L. Morris'. BlaksockFa- Thursdny anS Fni- Bring your Furs te M Mayer anS day, Oc(t. 3rd and 4th. have tiem mnade inte the atest sty le. Ma-. W. F. Allen lias gene, te Lake Miss Mina and Bertie Hancocli, Court- Sm o on,,a business trip ice, - isited Mn. 'fies. l4ich >ohs, aecetly. Mas. C'. VW. Hicks, lias refua-ned ta-om Ma-s, anS Miss Hartford, Detroit, sisitiug fiieiids su Toronto. Midli., are guests et Mrs, J. K.Galbraith. Chudre n witli sallow skin nequire Mn. and Ma-s. C. W. Blow, Oshawa, Mile's Compnjound la-en Pis. wcnc guests et Mr. W. H. Osbor-ne, Fair Ail hunes of Fua-nitune wili be solS at da.y. cost for uext tha-ec wccks ah L. Morris'. Millinea-y opening at flic Corner Store Dr W. A. White, New Yorký Citv, en Xednsday, Sept. 27 anS followlug was guesf ah Lamne Villa oven Sundt7aS. Says. Ta-liiv Ladies' Aid wili heiS a social Woa-k is progrcssing nicely ýon tie -f Mas. Faeeand's ou FriSay eveninZ new sebool reom o!flie Paesbytcaian Sept. 22. dîna-ci. Don'f fai te attend thec pumpkin pic Now is flic time te bring in your Fua-s social ah %l..Trebilcock h on Tuestiay for altering anS rcpairing. M. Mayer, etening nexf. Fumrier, A fine range of new wrap sliawls anS Save youn money by bu ýing Furnii- traveling Irags ah Coucli, Joinsfon & tua-e now ah L. Morris' befone movîug Crydenman:s. acnoss flic sta-cet.1 11 Mn. Steplien Lowe, iJxhaidge, feIl Mn. anS Ma-s. E. P. Osbor-ne' have a- enut of uis buggy anS was caugit in tic urneS home af ber fia-ce wecks' eufing gear anS k illet. af Lake Scugog Misses J/6sie anS Emeine Williams Ma-s. W. F. Jobuston, Toronto, is vis- have netha-nîed aftea- a peasant visif witi. iting lien silfer. Ma-s. W. W. Tamblyn, ta-lends in Torexto. Concession street. Ma-. W. Sandea-coek, RixersiSe, Cal , Miss E. Sauter-, Toronto, is visiting is in towu visting elS faiends, gucst cf Mas. Ern. 'Osborne, Chuaci'>t., anS biis anut, Ma-s A. Buekîca-. oflica relatives in town- 1Ma-. E. MunSy, Edifor The Reformer, If yen wanh a pleniant eveninz attend îjnd Miss Muudy, Oshawa, attendeS the pnmpkin pie social ah Ma-,P. Ta-chu- Bowmanville Fair-, Frîdny. cock's uexf Tuesday evening. Mn. W. L. Allen, Cobourg, anS Miss Mn. Thos. Spa-y, jr., formerhy wifi Ma-. Moore, Peterbono, wea-e recent gncsfs John McKay of hie Caledonian Mîhhs, is of Mn. W. F. Alleci, J. P., Beeci Ave. Siitg bus for Mn. J. B. Martvnn Mn. W. T. Gneenawav, forema n cf Ladies wilh please note flic aneunce- fthc Guide office, Port Hope, anS Mns. ment in anothea- columu et Faîl Milhîn- {lreenaway, a-c visiting fiends in towu. cia-y Openings ah flic Centrai Miiincry Tua STATIDSMAN wiih be sent ho any Parlons, Jxna fide uew subseniben toteicetof Ma-s. Gee. Pearce, Seuth Vicw Villa, fie century fer,81.00, or ticbalance cf anS Ma-s. A. B. Wery anSdaughtea- 1899 for 25e., Conatice, are visiting Ma-s. J. Hoicomb, Tic Mefiodisf Sunday Scbool wili Descroufeo. holS f hein annivea-saa-y on Sunday Sept. Ladies anS Misses Coafs in flic very ýU. Specal sermons bv flic pasfor,Rev. lafesf styles boti German anS Canadian J J ae. Special coliectioflls in aid of juif reccived ah Couci, Joihnsfen & ;cheel funds. Cayerman's. Maiuspfings ti Elgin andS Walham The Gem Wia-u Fence h tise bestf Watches fi Oct. 1sf for 40e ah T. N. Farmnfence knowu. Before puthing up Hlekards;springs useSda-eflic vea-y beit fence calan Peter Murdoch (Express and fully gu4aranhed a a d T -N. Rickard's Offce) anS get priées, gua1tantee menus somefhing. Mesrs. J. L. Thompsou, Wn. and lifsick headache is miscry. whaf a-e John Davidien. Port Hope, anS Mn. W. Caater's Little Livea Pis- if fhey will J. Thom pson, Cobouag, were gucîts et posilitvlyena-e if ? People wîo have Mn. W. B. Coachi, Fair day. ,useSthem speak fra-akly etffliir worth.. We will pay flic higlicaf pnice fer baud Thcyare.sinaitl anS easy te fake. pieked pears ,anS. apples delivered ah A puxliin i~ ocia wil h heS eanrehouse lu bara-chs or baskets. unden fthduPices e lcLadies' Aid et Tie Masen Ce., Brwmaîuville. tic XIet hodist chua-cliah the residence ef The Local Union et Christ ian Eudeav Mn. P. Trcbilcock on Tuesday evening on wiil meef in Sf. Pauls Chundli, next- Sept.,26 aht 7.30 ps.. Admissien 15e, Monday a' 8 p. m. Snbject "Gidaou,'s Publiécocrdialiy invited. Baud." Collection. Ahi welcome. 1 was lu ah T. N. Rickaa-d's Optical M.A.Jarnes, Bowmanviiie, is Goveru- Rooms fbec chIer day and was indced ment Issuer of Maniage Licenses for surprized ho sec flic numben of people the Counhy et Durham, dnniug business' whe were being fitted by lin, for ex- houa-s ah office, athbis residence Centre- -oedingly defective vision. Bowmanvilhe it., ah niglit. shonid be deliglifed ho have se success- Coucli, Jolinston &, Cryderman a-e fui Ran Opticiani. showing a fine stock et newtweeds, Watches are up wnoîesale; Riekard serges, wcnsteds au~d evecotfings. îs prcprcd fotouenall h smmcanS 'If Now h fie time te leave youn ca-dca-for yen but 1look sharp now, yen eau. punch- a wintcr suit or evencont., ase a wafdliffrom ihlm for icîs money 11ev. John Biicy, M. A., Tenante, tian any ethenr place lu Canada. 11e was a gucîf ah St. Pnnl's Manie, cù g ave yen bis wvord at the beginning of Thursdny lait anS officiated a he icntu 'flic yan thnt li, wculS give ycnfihee cala of thie hae Alex. Lawrie, as flic bo1va 'ne tbis yea t fhe cm gave pasten was unabie te attend. ou anSdlic wihl. But a stock d6es nef The Chihdncn'i Day service appointeS 0,ntua-et en. Ju f c in our ig bonh'the General Assembiy fer tie' lait not et nend f ye. - Sunday in September wilI be helS lu A meeting et Darham "Old Beys," Sf. Pnul's on Sunday cvcuing next ah I hl,îdng iu Winnipeg sud flic neighbon- fiheur cf flic neguilar service. .wlii be beld at tflic ofce Sf \Vin- People wlio have <weajk ugi orn.are -tt & Co, 871 Main St., on Monday. subjeet te coughs coldi or sore flinoaf, lSf 8h iluth., ah 8 p. .,Tic meeting ;hould fake a few beffles cf Dr. Weodis -t caleS lu view oet fhe prescuce l ic Ne oaway Fine Syrnp. widliwould lieni of e Mr.TYeilowlees, secndfary et a a nS strengfhen ticir mungi wcndea-fulhy. linjoa- association in, Toronto, an-1 it is uSneS te anaange for n social even- 11ev. J. H. Turubuli, M. ,A., conduet- iiduaing hie stny witî reminiseunces c lcanîes> evie tfi Mh0e days gene b;y from tflise prescut. Cenfa-evihle Preibyfenianu hurci, on Fr)-e Press. Sept, lti. On Oct. 1sf h li ai been a-c- hIclat Alxanea-quested te pa-cacli ath fe ae-erening et Tic remains eofth4l leadrtic Balyduif cin-cli. Lawrie, Thedford, Ont., werebroqtght TiiyLde'i ilhl h is ho~rc on Thunsdax- atternoon and inter- o Tsriity Lcadis Ad thei hchdeflcefi- rau i n Bowmnnvilie ccmetery. 11ev.ofnsieetodsahheeiecee ,, Bavhey et Queen's Colege, King Mas. R. Freeland, Beecli, Avenue, on $ct(n, conducted flic service'at heflc Fidav cvening, Sept. 22., GoS pro- Srave, ýn fie absence cf .Rey. J. il gramu, choice refaeshinents anS a good. Turinîl Relatives paeseut were Mr. tirne assured te ai wlo attend. AS- ilti _'î James Lawaie, Dantrth, Mn. msin1e vrcewiee ititn Lawrie. Malvern, Ma-. James and When yen leave your wafch wifi T. a-r. John Lawrie, Oshawa, Ma-s R. -N. Riekard te bhe repoaireS, yen are safe, Bigît, Mvat( ir, r. W J. Haycnaft, forhli nderstandi bis business, gives froklilu.MMn William Lawnrie,Countiee, I its w*, mhohe attention and guanantees mnegr. James anSlAleýx. Lawnic, miss ils wea-k And a guanante h ne use Lwric, Mn. anS Mrs. Jolin N. Lawnire 1 nuessg-iven by oncwio lias thh"abliiihy" and Miss E. E. llaycaath. Bowmanvil. te Se lis work tlioroughiv. F _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ca-y lieuses of Toronto, assisting in Se- sîgniug and modeliing f or their oenings will ensune even betten satistaction flan i~n flicpash. Evcry lady who rends thi-s wili please c onsider if a peitsoniaI invitation te cal on aboya days anS bring tlicir tniends with them. HÂDDY &,CO Miiliners. Furnitare sale Fniday, see -notice. Every eue made heartily weicome at Nicholls'. Clarke Fair prize list wii be found on an inside page, Mn. F. G. Humber is in Cobourg this week on the jury. Miss Annie Ewant, millinen, lias ne- tunned te Waterloo. M. A. Jamles is Goverument issuer of Marriage Licenses, Get youir sehool supplies ah Jas. Goard, Stationer and Jewciier. Miss Hattie Anderson, Toronto, is guest of Mrs. J.H Jnry. Mr. Hcrdmnan, Teoronto, was recent gucst of Mrs. W. H. HIanson. Mn. Byron S. 'Vanstone is atteniding Business College in Toronto. Miss Mcidiaaid invites the ladies t, secu the latcst styles in liats at hier store. Ma-s. Wm. llenley, Toronto, was gucst of Ma-s. Jelin Reid last wcck. Great reduction in pnîces of ah huies of chairs at L. Morris' before înoving. Cash paid for good souud pears aind apples, etc. at Murdocli's, Express Office. Mn. Il. C. Hoar, Betiesda, is at Cobourg on the Grand Jury f us week. Ma-s. E. E. Stoner and Master Earl Stoner are visiting relatives at Ankona, Ont.- Miss Evelyn Rog-ers, Whitby, visiied fricînds in town on Thursday and Fnl- day. WVatclîes, dlocks, je-welcry, spctacles, rings, et c., repaired by Jas.Goard Jw- chien. Ladies are invited tosec tlic new Pal! stock or àrdiiiiiîery at flic Corner Mn. Victor C. Barber, representing Miller & Richard, Toa-onto, was in fown last wcek. Attend Mn. Jno. L. PerhÀi's sale of Furniture and linuseihd alfectsFriday. Sec bis. Mn. anS Mrs, Frank Scott, Brooklin, were guests of iler sister, Ma-s. L. Lyle, hast week. Tiose who appreciate artistie tinint- ing should senS theji- orders te -THE STATESMAN. Ma-s. Dingman's Fali Miliinery Open- ing MondaY Sept. 25 and remaining days et that week. Miss Carnie Wight lias accepted a situation în a millineny establishment lu Campbcllford. Mn. anS Mrs. Hi Wiiiiamson, Les An geles, Cal., wene gucsts of Mn. C. L. Munson rcceufly. Mn and Mrs. Alex. BeyS anS son, Toronto, wcrc guesf s of Mn, W. G. Glover, last weck. Ma-a.. Dingman is sclling the latest hat-Reugli Rider. Be up-to-dtint and buy this pretty and styiish bat. The latest songs. 10c. Send for cat- alogue. Instrumental and vocal music aiwavs in stock-Jas. Goard. Ma-. S. J!' Sharp, Westenni Manager, Eider Dempsfer,& Ce., S.S. Line, Mont- a-cal, gave us a caîl on Friday. Mn, John Burns, Wiitby, Sccretanv Senti Ontario Agnicuitua-al 'Society, at- tended Bowrnanville Fair on FriSay. Ladies' Costume Clotis in several qualities anS in ail colons jush epened eut at Candi, Joinston & Cryderman's. Miss Fanny anS Aggie Heepen a-e. tnnned home te Smith's Falîs, Monday, aften a two mentis' visit with relatives here. 1 The Misses Clenuens, Centre St., have returned frem a six weeks' vîsit with friends in Durhiam and Northumberland ceunties. 3 Dr. Mns. and Miss Keys, Cleveland, Ohio, have netua-ned home aften a pleas- Sant visit witli Mn. J. Rcid and Ma-s, J. D. Hoan. Miss Minnie Mitchell, Boston, Mass., wliolias been spending holidavs witi relatives iii Oshawa visited friends hene hast week, 'flic iargest and beFt selected stock in bats, caps, furs andi gent's furnisil- ings at M. May ca-s anS priccs a slow aE Ltic howcst. A lovchy* assea-tment of new black dress geeds fromt the cheap est up te the tfini-st goods imnpoa-fed, just received at Ceucli, Jobuston & <Cryderman's. Mn John R. Smith, Lake Streamn, Kent Ce., N. B., savs: 'From persona] Uexpenience I willingly testify te tie .good effects ofLaxa. Liven Plls for sick b eadache anS constipation." Reader, if yent know of any eue in 1Canada who intends cnossing the Atlan- btic, necommnend tim te inquire of M.A. James fer rates. 1e dees thc steamship business of thus district and nepresents the best lines. A Record Breaker. Last week we advertised a speciai nun opotgraphls for Mn. Geo. Freeland, ti ritic photographer, for Fair Day MARRIED. SUORT-ORTWEIN.- At Hensall, Sept. 6, by Rev. G. Jewit, assisted by 1ev. G. H. Long, Mr. Albert H. Short and Mtiss Rebecca M.' eid- est dauglîcer of M1r. J. W. Oriwein. PÂAK ifoGrnat.-I Oshawa, Sept. 14,by 11ev. _c roer Newmarket, Fred J1. Park, and EditbLillýIt youngest daugîster ut Mr. B. J.ý RogerE, ail of Oshawa. Dixoy ,ýBUENS. lu Belleville,Scpt.6, by 11ev. C, E. MeIn' yre, Mr. W. Crawford flixon, drug- gist. New York City, and IMiss Mary Burns, youugcsýit daughter of Mr. J. T. Pous, Instruet- or of Prfnîing Beaf and Duozb Itistituta, Belle- D IEM STAPLETON.-In Cedar Dale, Sept ,, Richard Stapleton, aged 75 y cars. STAcEv.-In Bowmanville, Sept. 13, Thomnas Erocîst, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Staeey agcd 24 day s. HzANNA.-in Bownaiiviie,on Tnesclay,Sept. 12, Lillie Berthae lannah, daughte of Mcas Waltcr Lambef r, aged 18 years. NEW AIICTIONEER. JAMES BISILOP, liicnscd auctioneer, will con- duct sales iii West Dochaîn this seasoî at lowest rates. Appiy for ternis, dates, etc., at JoHN RuaNDL's Hacness Sbop, Kiug St. E., Bowman- ville. il -OUSE TO RENT,-On Wellington IlSt., f.ur bedrooms. Stable attaebed te dweiling,. Cheup rert. Apply at once f0 Tros, VEALE, Liberty St., Bowmauvtlle, 188 tf, F OR SALE-A bight bay herse, 6 .2ycars old. Have 4 others, wil seli cither. Apply lu JonN GRsG. SeiapI> on Dealer, 32 Ontario St,, Bowmsnviill. W ANTED- f wo servant, girls te goto W innîpeg. Hi g h mages wili bc paît] to satisfa.etory servants. For further parfîcul- ars apply ai SToT- AN~D JuRy's Drng store, Bowmseîvilie. 18 if QSH II ASTRAY.-Camce on lot 2, k-con. 1, Darlington, about Aug. Ist, 0ne ewe and labc. Owncr eau have same by proving rortsad payiug cxpciîses., T C. BRAGGI ilowmanville. ,17-8w. ORGANIST WANTED - - Wanted 0inmediately an organist for st. Pauli Pres- hyterian. churccl, Boa manville . Applicaufs wilI kindfy connu Bniicatc St once wifh A. E. MCLiL miLIN, Chormastcr, Btwmanvllc.38-Ti, 1 OYWANTED.-Smartb boy 15 years .1.>oldor over bo learn printfng. Ona who bas psssed the Entrînce f0 Higb Sehool prefecred. Must ha goocf writer and speller and able te keep secrets. Country boys need siot appwy. M. A. JAMES, SIAI-ESMAN, Office. 38 if. F -iARM FOR SALE.-Part of the Xwesl half of lot 17, con 4, ina towu shîp of Darlington, cunfaining about Il acres, well sitoatc' ounfile Kingston Road, about 00e mile fcom the town of Bowmanville. Appiy f0 J. B. Lattex & Co , 710 Queen St. East, Toronto. 38-tff. T-llSTCLSSFARM TO RENT OR -0 O shaes.-A frstclasii rt about 80 acres, lot 18, cou. 7, Darlingcou, on. easy terra. foi 5 ur 10 y carsa good soil, good buildîngi.over liel fruit bearing trocs; tenant to live on farm. Appiy ai once . ALBsERT HANNA , Traveller, Bellevflle. 137tf. F ARM FOR SALE OR RENT.-81 12acres being S. W, corner lot 17, con. 1, Dar- lington, mile weît of Bowmanville on Kingsfon road. Plowing possession immedîately , full possesii.>u Aprli 1, 19(0. For further pactieul. ici appîy to JORN WOR DEN Or CORNELIUS OS- Bolt Na, Executors, l3owmauville. 38-tf, F. WAUGH, L. D S.; D. D S. BOWMÂNVIILLE. Dental Office in the: Room8 abojk Ae Will be at'Onono frein 9 a. m. te 2 p m., and at Newcastle from 2.30 un- tii 7 p, m., on the second and, founth NIondays of ecd Month. Gold plates, rown and Bridge wenk and'Painless extraction'are speciaities Notice to Creditors, In the matteu- of the Estate of S-48AH TRIMBLE late o 'te Township of Darlington in thte Cnîltigof Ditriiqpî, -eidow, de. Notice is Lereby given, pursuant to TîseRevis- id Statures of Ontario, 1897. Chap, 129 fibat ai] creditors and othars havine- daims against t ha asiate of the'said Sarab Trîmbli, wýho diati on or about flic litS day of Jun e, 1899, are re- qnired n r efore the FIFTEENTH DAY of OTOýdBt R,'1899, to send hy post, prepadre livcred to D. B. Simpioi, Eîq. of til toru oe Bowmauville , solicitor -for Me.ssrs. Williami Weccy and John Reynolds both of townîhtp 0f Darlington afocasaid, larmars, the execotoci of the lasi will and testament of tlic sad dectased, iheir cehristian and surnaiDes ,ad dresses and descrip)ýtis, tflicful particuoars of thpir claims, the statement of chir uccoonts, and the nature of the iecucities,iîf any, haldby tbam. And fucîher take notice that af ter îaid flic lait menti on cd date, thea sud executors wili pcoceed to distibt,,ttuicasses lsi te dceased amoug parties eiicted thAeto. bîviiit, regard only t» flic laims of a hicli they $hall then have notice, anS filaI the suiS axacufors will not bha habla foc the saiS asabs or alîy pari thereof to soy pacson or parsons of whoîe elims notice shalluet saa'-e been gi ven as requirad at fila fime of sucil dis- bîtiont. Dalid (Ih'e 5fb SIy of sentember 1359. 36-3wD. B. Sampîci, S-ýUicitar for tbeexecutors of the wil 0f the mii ecasd Mrs. Rich. BIght Myrtie, was guest of hier sister, Miss fiaycraft'this week. Mrs. W. J. HFacraft, Brooklin, was guest Fair day of Mrs, J. B. Martvni. Mr. Dan. Galbraith sold his prize carriage team to Mr.Isaac Watson., To- ronto, for a price that made him smile. .Mr'. W. E. Jewell sold the nigh mare of his firet prize heavy draught team to Mr. IsaaeWatson,Toronto, at a satis- factory price and a tempting offer for lier mate. ATJCTION SALE. FRIDAY SEPT. 22-Mr, Jno. Lee Fer. kim, Brown St., Bowmanville, (South Ward) will seli the whole of his boeuse- hold effects, furniture, garden tools, stoves, etc., on the premises. Terms cash. Sec bilis. Sale at 1.30 p. ni. sharp. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. TEIURSDAY dci. 12-At Coulters Iotel, Pontypool, at5 p. m. there will be sold uart of lot 10. con. 7, Manvers, 100 acres. See bils. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. Noticies of Births, 31arrlaes andDeaths 50O cents; when marrisa , Iscenses are obtained or funea oie printed at tRis cilice. insertion free. BORN. IIAY -In Starkvîlie, Sept. 6, the wife of Mr. A. Jl. Ray, of a soli. GoyxE-In East ýVhtby, (Darlington Town Li ne) Sept. 8, the wife of Win. Goynïe, of a son. RHEEso.-lu East Whitby, Sept. 9, the wife of Herbert ifeeson, of a son. H-utÇKi-G.-In East Wliitby,, (Harmnony) Sept. 14, tie whîe of Wrn. Hunking, of a son. BARaEIT. -Il Cedar Dale, Sept. 12, the wife of J.Brrt f a daugh.ter. IOLLIDAY.- At Brooklin, Ont., Sept. 16, f0 M.and Mrs. W. A. Holliday, a son. ou# We Invite You o» ~To 1Inspeet Our a** Display of The largest and rnost select assortrnent ever shown in Bowrnanville, ail new. 0 No old Coats in stock. 0, A choice display of high-class materîals, ~ better values foi quality cannot ho proc-ured. X 8 ~ill MSN S c *BOWMAN.,zvLL,. Next door to Standard Banki. IYARBLE S BO0WfM AN V1L L E. Mntfatre~r Of endDaldetrini Fine - hIbest of Material. Caîl and getlrny prices. I amn sure mry work will pleaso you. You know a good thing whon you soc it, cail, and tako a look. A large ,quantity of WALL PAPER bought very choap. You will got the bonefit. Pretty patternls for ail rooms, from 5c per roll. The best and most taking designs lu Sehool1 Supplies of ail kinds. Suaps in, Scrib- blers, Exorcise Books, Etc. atNew and full liue of Stationery. Se my Queeu box 1t 5c. Fine Floral at 15c. Note paper, per quire, 5c. Envelopes, 5c per package. Better quaiity at 10e aud 15c, Complote stock of Fancy Goods, B3ooks, Novoltios, &c. BOWMANVILLE. 'When tie human foot a flrst întroduced to shoîzs it wa- exacLyVas.8nature Lad made it stot- ,mnetrical-handsomie. -,-een revoliutiorized froin it w-as te th-, foot of to-day by sixteen centuries of distorting tightness and freakish styles. Siater S7oes" arecad to fît feet as thcy are to-day, coînfo- -rtfîrst, but good appeara"nce n e ogotteîî. Trwelve s aes1btwithal ~I'/r~1f sizes leathers Pand ,colons, \V~1/t,~1JGoodyear welted, narne sud price starnped on the soies, 3-$3.50 and $5.00. JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. Ibis Store's * Opu1arxity .0 e Neyer in one day have so many people responded to the invitation sent them. Last week we asked al Svisiting the f air toQ make our store their home and judging from the number' of people who favored us with their presence we feel that cur request was Sgranted. Ail day our China Departinent was throng- ed and g'reatly admired by ail. This is a new de- partmexnt and like ail other branches of our ever gain- i ng trade, we mean to have it up te date. New goods 7e£ are arriving daiiy, the prices will surprise you. See our fancy Toilet Sets at $1.50.adaifrmpoue we pay cash for same. The Popular Grocers. Telephone No. 65.