We '1iIold a vaster stock than lias been," and are as usual prepared to givebrgn in lothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. Gents' Clothing. Good Tweed Suits taOorder 8.00., Good Serge Suits ta~ order $8.OQ. We hiavea very large and well assorted stock, to select froin, in Serges, Worsteds and Tweeds, both Foreign and Domestic manufacture, We are Iound to SUIT you. Uroceries andHardware. ln oui' Groceryv and lHard ware Departments you wiIl find our stock weIl assort3d, bouglit in the be st markets atthe closest prices, and will be sold at the riglit price. Somne people want quantity others qu«lity, w -iiplease both. iiHighest price paid in cash for produce. Give us aeail. HAMPTON. Of Boots and Shoes ~St11coig ne o o e We have sold piles of Boots the last flve or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-class goods at very sinal nrices. My Spring stock is in-most of it-and we find our shelvez crowdet'.. Wewant more room and are bound to have it, if low prices have any- thing to do with it. Oui carry a good assortmnent of Ladies' Oxfordcéobred -and black ai $1.00. Men's Caif and Cordovan Blms, .seýWed and rivitted, from $1.40 to $2.50, w*orth $2.00 to $3.50. Chldren's Batton and Blms 25e,,, 5c, 75c, worth 50c, 75c, and $L.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond ln prices. We will tell you what the stock is in'each and every pair. The reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles nlow ini stock in every uine., The public is invited to inspect our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure., Trunks, Bags, Satehels;- Shawl Straps, fancý and plain; Dressing, the very best. that eau be boug'It. Cheâp trash dregsing is dear, it will muin the boots it is appli. ed to.. Repairing donie ln ail its bran ches in first-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no 'sale. Thankitig iny customero for past favors and hoping for a continuance of the tame. l3eaver Block.lBowmanviIle. Do You Mean Rt? Do you rýally wenb ta ho rid of yens' rheunasei o)r are you only growling frono habSit? TUe ebreight wey ta, ho rid osf rheurnabisn s hata take Dr. Halla Rheu- rnatic Cure.' Mn. Thomas Simmons, of CUeaTIey's1- Locks, Ont., Steamboat En- puer, auffere w t h Sciatit Rheurnabîsm bwo yeara. Four hobbies csf Dr. ILall's Jheurnetic Cure cured sirn completely. T is prepa ration is beken intenunlly. so cents a boulie, c-ýntaining ten days' treabment. For sale et ail drug stores. if thé Warking 1people &f bUis couibry want ta, know why bhoy bave Larnd trnes every few yoars, we eau tell thorn. It la flot averproduetian or uudereonsumptiGn, @,a tUas. phrases are cornrnnly employed. If they bad kept the $1l,000,000,000 tbey apeuti every year for strang drninl their packtes for the pat fis-e years cf bard tîrnes, thé recent lil lu manufactur4ng aend business abilie.y would find --any of them able ta bean lb Wlthou t î cl plnched for the noeossarles osf life. It la tise averconsumption osf whistey thet inakes tise nniderconsumpbion of focti anrd clathlag iu bUis, laund of liberty aid iquor. Thé annuel bill for bnead, meai, Cotton and waallen goads of ibis greet Ainerican people foots up r. toayl of as-oer Sl,5O,0O.0oBut ius annaal bill for wU5skey, and taxes thore3n, la $1,400,- 000,000. In othes' wands, lb nnneoessarlly dirlnks $l10,900,000 Worth moe than lb eecesai'ly -tats and weans. And bise pao- pie wha commit bUls folly every yens' are ansazed biset once iun afew yeans theY are hard uy, and Romse of them, Wasnt ta, hoist thse Q0oiunistte ned flag, and destroy es-erybody else's pnaperty because they have wwibe-d their c.wn ahane of thé national substance la s'y. julces ana other ~IMMBIR.aI MUstia . athos The veus reason of their existence was In différent forma cf superstition, of course, but tise s'ont idlea of ail was retire. mort frous Foclety, ia Ïeàrcb of sorne Ideal 11f, which ceodet7 could furnils,% and whlch tisey balliese-co;ud hé attaln- éd by dîfferanit forhma of self -abnegation. Poverty, chastity. obediencé, seclasion, perpauaual adoration, sbudy and rayew, tlaeâe ws', thse Ideals, but tise results aof jestusiés shawçld the frait of hunsan natsture. jPaverty gave way, ta au stching palm mid a diaregard to tUe uigisîs of others, se exosuplifieil by bhe ideus that thbe world owed iisem a living. SucU severe escebi- clam aiso led te all kinds of abusey, wbich t'en froin Éhe ravines of a natod monlt, Îuréev beanlng. a haty chain (as ln the case of Basil of Rulssie), te tise austérlty Df such ldots'o! Sirason. s Syrien monk, Who s!nt rears on thé sainmit et a col- nmali T eet rigJ. A CARD. : We, tUe undersigned, do hes-eby agnee to refund bbe maney on a twenty-flve cent bottie of 1Dr. Wills' EnzslisU Pilla, if after uing tbree fourtbs of contents ,of boutle thçy do not srelieve constipa- tion antïhe4dactie. We also guarantee four hobbies *11il prnanentl3f cure the iot obstinate case of constipation. Sat- isfaction or no pay wben .Vills' Pis are Sbatt & Jury, eusi miat,,Bowmanville. J. Iligginbothaml& 'Son,eh itB - m~anville. 4 A DYSPEPSIA CURE. Ever Reliable and Welcomed by h Mos Deicae Somah S dr.th on Sictn'StPinapple Tablets. Lot tUe worst dyspeptie eat a plue- apple a day for six montha, and, 50 zreatly would bis, bealth improve, ho would lotk and feel, lite a new persan. The reason is plain. The pineapple holda a. goneous stipplv af vegebable pepsîn, wbicb, nexit tUte jîtices of the stomach , is bbe groabest di-estive tnown. Very fois people can obtain bbc daily pinoapple but everyono can get Dr. Van Stan's Pineappsu Tabiets wbicb are main lv camposesi of bUis fruit juice. Tbey are, eaben as candy, are as as harmîcas as ripe fruit, andi always give satisfaction. Tbey cure ail digest- ive trouibles. Box of 60 tablets,35cents. Sold hs- J, Higginbotlbam, & Son-. ORONO. Miss Hawkins, Toronto, is viaiting Mr. Lewis Chapple. . ,.Mr. ýC.J.Tbomp son was home roceîsbly.. .. Mr. O. Aý Gamsbs- visitesi in Whîtby lest weet.. . .Miss Msâud Wilson, Oshawa is guest of Mr A. S. Tous-jee. . .. Mm. and Mms. Geo. Wmigg, Hope visiterl frien ds bore ...Mr. and Mrs. James Chapple' Tor- onto, weme home Sunday week .... Mrs. Ben Davis, and family bave returned ta Cannington. Miss Ebtie Ilatten -bas returnesi hami fram Toronto.. . .Miss MuKeen, Amherst, IN.S., iss-isiting lier brother et thUe Manse .... Mr. McLach- lin, of Trade'rs' Bank Newcastle, was lu, town reeently .,... The Furnaces lu the Methodist eburcit are hein-- repaireti ..MiaNeilie MePherson, Orillia, la visiting ber .eunts; tUe Misses MePher- son... . Misses Goodwin, Hope bownbip are visibing, Mrs. E.L>asey. ....M r, Harry Proctar, and Miss Maud Proctor, Taronto, are' visiting Mr. R. Stutt'a.... Mr. Wmn. Morgan, Owen Soundi, visibed bis daug4ater Mrs., Geo. Musgrove... Mrs. Freeman Hoskin and daugliter, Miss Flosaie, London, visitesi relatives bore . . .Misses Mabel and l3eabrice Clidden, Port Hope, were guests of Mm. Win. Armstmon.. . . Mm., P. Morgan's son wbo was injuresi et the faim, la much botter,... .Mr. andi Mrs. Edson Keat, Beile-ille have been sisiting bis parents ..Ms-. Robert Watson, af the moat establishsment of, R. Webbes-, New Yort, visitesi bis father. .... Mr. A. J. Staples bas rented Mr. H. Ge&.: Beer's new residence. . .. Mn. Jas. Riçkaby has lof t Camilia, for situation wibli Holiday & Ca., Brooklin ... . Mr. Wrn. Jamieson bas securesi a job as clos-k in a hardwsare store lu Dosemonto .... Miss Is-Linton gave a very charming floral parby Wednesdav es-ening week; in houas' af bier cousin. Miss NellieHsin London ...Mm. Bertram WiLbotýghbb Harris- ton, preacbed his farewell s-mrmon in tbc Chbnistiau ch.cboSunaiy bas-ing decidesi ta continue hi studies in Union Christian Callego, et Meronx, Indliana. 1 1 eeWHEor:i:2rGROW>OL.D.,, hnegrow od'da love, and fromn my eyes Th iltand brillhanoe of my hot yoorih dies, Adalthe fairness you are praising now,, Casts but ils wraith o'er lip and cheek and brow, Whie one by one our golden visions flie- 1 ask you-will you love me faitlsiully When we grow old? Wlv'n time shall turD these sunny locks to gray, Froin my trim forai ail beauty take away, Wheai grace and ease and elegance are gone And naught ia left love's fires to feed upon, You, whom 1 chose my king among ail men, StilI youir heart's quean shall 1 ba reigning than- When wa grow old i God keep you evar happy by my sida! Thougb age rnay stem this f esered passion tide, When e cm and weary down iife's vale wa stray. Be my heart's anchor as yoti are today; Be my truc love that shall the closer dling Through ail the changes coming years may hring; Our faith upheid-count this oor lasting gain That we so live that love undîmmed remain When we grow old! -Anale 0. Hopkins in a Ps Mail Magazine. A Story Showing That Intellectuai Z People Are but Ordinary : igLove. "Il couidn'b have heen worse. If Jeu- nie wns bore"ý- "Ton migbb mate the tirne pas for Mr. Wortbington, but witb Miss Ashbunton added-wby, if's boa tony, you know." "Dun't Naunie. It's boa serions for jesting." "Tes, I relizti it. You could 500 yonr way wiib aone superior persan. Two- that leaeltogoîber differeub-aud -Miss Ashbnrton la so"l- Miss Kress waved a hand as if she canid not do the aubjeet justice. "You might get Professor Skyatt aven." "To enteriain ber? She would nover fargive me. MucU sUe ceres for the pro- fessor's huga and beebles." -'l meaut to taikto Mr. Wortbinigîon."1 'Naanio [Kressl la that ail yau know? H e'd tusd -a way ta evade bUe prafssor if ho hed ta wait, to town."1 "It's- very fuuny-excruciating. Two Superior, people and ualt a saul ta, enter- tain eibor." ' Wbon yau have doue leugbing, por- bapa yon cen give me yonr attention, lb la very fnnny-for tbe boys. The cat doesii'-t thjinit so, bowever." "Icouldu't beip lb.,TUe combina- tion "- "lb la well Mr. Warthingt-on doos not hear yon. lH o wuid bell yau water and ail do not combine." ..H[l knows everytbiug in bUe eerth. Hie bas svriton how many boos?" **And she la presideni of bUe Associa- tion For bUe Amolioraîlon of Cats, socre- tary and.treesurer of baif a score of otb- or sociebies and ila mat leunelsing n uew on(-for the defeuse of the feetbered bribes-'or aarobbting. You heard bier aay she hasn't n marnent she cen cahl ber èGw 1. "But ber dress is beantiful, ber bon- net perfection." "Yon observeti ber.ginses-trust Miss Ashburton ta provide at leat one sur- prise e day in the mabter of dreas elone. Ail the w'omen wore green when she was et tise Graysons."1 'How does she do it?" "Don'b est me. Sorno are bora greet; oihers have greatness-I have an idea, Naunie. You will entertain Mr. Worth- inglon until"- "Tan gnose! He'd rether soe you sit- ting under the treo with blossoma falliug on your bair than listen toalal the estron- ornera in the world-than hear Professon Skyatt's dnoniug as-or bis nasty bugs or Professor Hyem's learned tait about eeibicity." "But it wiillho a mnistete ta permit hlm i ta romain witb me long. le wili nover fongivo vo'n for imposing upon bima the disaigneeable task of ontdrtaiuing me wben ho slsould roceive"- 'Fislesticks! I mean lb, my dear. Fiddlvsticks! Lt will nut ho very long. But 1I can't efford to offend Miss AsU- burton, and Mn. W7orthinsgton's approval must ho retained or mamana will nover fargive me. Now, if, you will oblige me, Nannie. ail I ast you to do is to ait near bise doar-ar stand noan lb ou the lawn. Bother, yon know wbat I meaul And wben yon' get dawu ta tUe elmm-well, keep hlm juat bon minutes or so. And by tUai urne I will have gfaîrs ardered so that"- Denise Murcbsan panaed. SUe saaedt flxedly et soaine abject on bUe iawn. 'Did yon sea ber corne down?" Miss Kress shoot ber bead solemnly. "Where did sUe get bbat los-ely moru- lng dreas?" "Did you es-or see anybbing as laveiy?"1 "SUe looked lite that 14 days ln suc- cession at the Graysoas-morang, noon and nigbt. Didn't I bell you ahe surprimed 1 us until we turnod green? But therel Be earefnl-tnrough the window. You çan aee hlm plaiuiy now.'ý ",For a acientific men1 ise ls-vroii, he paya a greac deal af attention ta dress." "I declarEý!" What it las Miss Murchson faiied te lanonce is loat ta bUe worid. At that precise moament Miss' Asbburtau gazedr ueward. possihly et the, beanties af bhe fleeting ciauds. At ail es-enta. Uer bonnet bancised a bush; ahe feît a gentle pull;R thon, realizing the nature of the tauch. panseti. SUe had ber bend np, reacbingi it backward, wben Mr. Wonibingion'sr voice feillan ber efir. TUe nibbon was de-v tacbed skiiifully. TUe boionsr on noted the greceful inclination as the gentlemeny advanced aud waiked beside ber.r "Il couldn't do blet-if mv life were et stake." said NMisa lKress. witb a aigU. t "Very fesv women couid. SUe enu teacb o ns ail, Nannie." e "If I hedn't soon ilb"- "Tait about plays! Weli, after bhat!o But wisat are thoy doing? 1 do belles-ep they are weltîng dnwn the long patb- i( saiegbt ta the olun!" i "Tiserel" ti "I se-l woold not'miss lb-for any- bbing. For two sncb superion people tbey iseeni ta get an very well sofa. "Do yon thinit she la inveighing agninst r tUe slenghier of birds et this Emîs? "'No more than ahisl rehearsiusg ber treatment cof bomeless cats."d "Posit' vely sUe bas givon hlm back nce b of bhe flowens he gathored for ber. Spe '1 bave sUe bargs ber beed." ti "Wben yon enter on a discussion 'Which may lead to vebement rement," seid Bismarckt, "you sbould suoke. Wiib re- zrd ta the mental condition lb does n9t 1 epens 0f aur intellectuel capeciiy, olit lb producos a stete of Ikindly repose. lhe oye isoccnpied, the baud la engaged, sep organ of sunellislagratified-ouo la J eppy. Iu this stabe one la very dispome8 East -0 IllkOiconces;sions. and aur business, 7hàt nf diplom atisis. conbinniaily cou-- abts la the manking af mutueal caucea- 13 .on."-Bisnark'aTable Tait," by C. rnod, Ont, rl»g-,*ankk, Alv eci"lil el,$ - 1 ta prfection. No flirt ever lived that "Dnsdo you tbink"*- "Weeare yonr eyes, N1annie ?" "B t tho neyer really hgd an oppor- t'anity to Sy ten words until lest nigt- and thon tbey woro very indifferent." "The grentest hatties have been plan- ned in a night." "But sucb suponior people"- "Yes, 1 admit I arn surprised. llowey- or, 1 shall nover say anytbing Miss'Ash- burton contemplates may not contain a dozen sur-prises aftr this mornin g."1 1"If bnPPiiy it should turn ont thet they are flot weariod witls the effort of pleas- inig eacb other"- "Thore are no signa of werinoss on the rustie seat, are there?" "WbýVy," Miss Kress langhied, "positive- ly hie ha flirting lier fan as gracefully asý any other man conld do lb. Denisol Why, that was juat like a-a-a"l- "Butterfly of fashion."1 "Deniise, could shie have planned it ail boforehand ?" "Nannie, waa lb Adam or Eve? Trust the man to posss somo brains. Whet surprises me--there! Positively she- is blnsbing, else wby is she looking down?" "Wohl, ho lookas posîtively silly. I nover sew a lover looking sillier, Denîise. la it possible she knew hoe was corning? That she planned ail] Uis?" "My doar, if you'l rend ber note you will sec that sbe did nut expect to ho bore this week-noi She could not have foreseen ho would ho berc--wby, you read yoursolf that lho bcd set ont for "Well, no one could imagine hoe kuew she wes coming." "lowý could ho? Ho was nover long enough in0one place to heer the news. Wby, hoe did not know pa and ma bad gono to the laites. Oh! I will acquit thera both of a prearrenged affair." , "Ileally,,seeing how fast they are com- ing on, 1 see no necessiby for prearraag- ing anything." "Nannie! I nover heard you speek so sharp before." "Weil, 1 tbought that sncb superior people were so much above the rest of ns. 1 arn sure I've hoard thet hlai devoted to science. The Hartfords and Caubwells told me hie was nevor induced to play or dance-just wedgod birnself in a corner and-looked suponior." 4"Huimph 1" "And you yourself told mne Miss Ash- burton eould find no timie for snch folly as dancing." "Did 1 ?", "Why, I've seen tbings she wrote, in prian mseif somiewhere, where sbe said- whet are yon looking ât?" 1 "Forcre mortel minutes she bas not fifted lber eyes." Deni se Murebson stared et the couple on the rustîc bencb. She bad forgobten bier frrend and guest. "Did yon ever s00 sncb fidgety hands? le can't keop tbem still two seconds." "Only ta thinit that ho is sbreight from the Nile and sUe bas just corne from Cal- ifornia-and there tboy are Ilie that." "I.don't think I need bothor my bead trying to plan for theun, Nennie. It's lifb- ed a ýworld of cere froma my shoulders. 1 was an bour trying ta get to sleep last night jmat on their accouint. 1 bcd an Idea -you know bow, we do get ideas-that tbey would be almost averse to nearea acquaintance. V've bad sncb bad fortune sometinmes. The one I waated to like eacb othler were just as lite as not so contrary. Sorne were juet the 'reverse. Tbey po sitively dislited oach other. And juat because tbey came whea pa and me? are awey I reelly bave been worried. Tbey hotu gave me sncb charges about bim. anly lest summer, and you heard mn balking to me about Miss Asbburton n montb ago. P1" "Denise"I They beld their hroatb. The couple o n tUe rustic beach were at leest 100 yards fromn them, but, judging f rom. their breathiess attitude, the spectators acteJ like people witbin wbispering distance. The greet scioatist was standing up stiffly; Miss Ashburton wes adjusting a bud in a buttonhole. They could sec him looklag down sidewise et ber, could ee lier avertiug lber face a tnifle. "Weil, if they were rebeersing for las- ers on the statge"- "Tbey couldn't do ltbebtter," Denise Mufrchson said shortly. Thon she laugh- ed merrily. "To thint I bave hed ail my Ba trorIble for aothing. As sure as you are standing thero, Neninie, thet la a case of love et sigbt." 'Biit"-Nennie pursed ber pretty rnouth-"yes, there's no0 doubt about it. But I thonght sucb superior people"- "Your granny's needie, Nannie! 1 bear tho wedding marcb already. If they are sot married inside 0f five montbs-before se goos to England egain-lIl give you a lozen pairs osf gloves. Seo, tbey are re- turning! Stand on this aide. Now, bel me they are not a pair of lovers bUis ninute-eand ail inside osf 15 bours!" "Weil, wben any one taîts ta me about superior people after tbis"- "Just tell them that whsn fate ordlains bt superior people are j at lite common Clay." As ift t confirrn bUis wise sinth overs looked Up nd, se %eing tofpett & JURY'S DRUQ STORE. A Woman's Shoe should be ikie herseif -danty and delicate -yet strong to endure. This is the King Quality ail over. It's as prettyaà a shoe eau be made and as strong also, and yet it doesn't look as though it was. made for -a mani. People who don't know it, guess the price sornewhere around $5, and yet it is only $3. Ask to see King Quality. TR~Pl 0 MR 1- Made by the J. D. KING CO., Limited, Tbrouto. B IlE[EPiRlSOP MARKET SOUJIIEBOWMRHViLE. H1aving esi.desi dconsiderable new machine-- rv 11W prepared ta do ALL CLASSES Of Bi C * ce and (GenealRpais' work. Brazing andi Tire Vulanig doute bore-no neosi ta send sncb work ta tLeceity. XVeels are buit ta arder. Sec THIE FISIILEIGil "SPECIAL"ý before buîsng. Anl Up-to date Bi-cycle Livery. VWheels elwavcsinA-1 repais-. -if. .AIRWOIK.-Ladies.ih - hair B OARS FOR SERVICE-" roa [ overIleau t Mas ishINý,o;PsXing te Berkshire fHo, that seosecnd et Tor- '&0'0 ina srose aa st and (]or of Ontario St Bowmar - Ie 4~ Onto uastogoas n ira tQuebec aa shown under ouo yoar. Aise tIse uubetn York- sbire "Oak LodeCommodo,-,- orkbies 'OJARIERS WANTED-Two yong Berkshiresasnd Tamworths for sale nnldsg rnenwantad who wiil room together. Term' tisesecond przo auoUSc-e omni [oerate. Apply tb Mas.Wm.McKouwAN,corlier Solnfrri ya motdTrwrh gario and Ârgyle abs.,1 Bowmav vie. T. J. COLE, Meple Gros-e, Bowmainvslle p. o. Castorla is for Infants and Chidren. Castoria is a harmiless substitute for Castor 011, Paregorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. lit contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. lIt is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of liothers. Castoria destroys 'Wormns and allays Feverisli. ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and. Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatuleney. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates -he Stomacli and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healtliy and natural sieep. Castorla is the Childreu's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. Castoria. castoria. "'Castorla is an excellentitnefodile for "Cestoria is sai woil adapted to children chidrers. Mothens havec repcatcdly told mue that 1 rccorncrd it as superior tai any pro- of its gond effect upon their children." asciption known to mc.>" Da. G. C. OSGooD, LOWell, Mass. H. A. AËcunei, M. D. Br ookl'yn, N. Y THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. Country people'as a mile feel the want of conve nient bathing- conveniences. One of the great advantages of life in the city is the pleasure and luxury of the bath- room with its hot and cold water. Then there are in every city special ilussian and Turkish Baths where those suifer- ing from Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, &C., &c., can secure the advantages of these welI known institutions which have hitherto been beyond the reach of those living in the couD try. Now however ail this is changed and the humblest home in the land can have the ad- vantaQ:e of one of the most perfect baths made. The Niagara Vapor Bath Co. manufacture a f ulli une from $2.00 up. See testimonial prices and samples at STOIT >WMANVILLY.